i. 4 . -J .. ITvI r- " .1 y ' , , "Upiiniituoni, tlx-Lgl.tef Itrsvra rvttore, r w I vs. j - . ''Jy-yl t 't'Y' "4 Cir tM to ail FTrrmcn ni. no morr." ... -.1 - - f Vol. l.v . RALEIGHDE CEMBER5im. : v. ; V. :- - .'No.' ? -v - .: a . "... J. P'I'V-isLISHlD IVtlt Tn VBSD AT, BT JoVES k lin'cLKso; at l ut crrxa END OF FaTETTO- tlLLS-bTEltT, BEA. CASSo's COB.SEB .FUCE THl DOLtASS TEE AVKtM, TAT ABLE MALI 'TIABLt IS ADVAXCE.SlGLE FA TEH 10 CENTS. ' Agents for lhe Star 1 w4A-Yo.-Jy, ! . i Thomas MTJunpscr,. -jonn uiair.-. , 'Mr. Marsh.-:"-1 ' -. Thomas Brown. , George Swain. ,. . George Waltsav ..v ; . , Arthur DW v , Samuel Gerotk. S -.- John Pi-ik1oiu - ,'v - .Urynn leko. ' . Jolo) Graves .. . -r . John M'Adcn. ' , - fitnbanughy CbaihaM PUmukes Ic Warden. tfaver-Gardenf '), freeman. CAowow, i- ' i . Henderson Stanlin. , PwuonJft. '-; -, Jiurkty . ,:-; ' j (aiarrttt, . i,-i Carteret, .;. : i r ' CmvcH (ourt-hourtr, rr. ft . Cumber land f , dgrcombet "frankHttf. :. : r"' ' IrediUy ' '- ' . 'i-' Martin, .:' ' Qtccklcnburgi Duncan M'Rea Duniel Redmond. ' .Joel Kmg.i i : .Steplien Sneed, , ' Lewis LeMty.' - William Sneed.' - k''' BronTU ,'Jotr''r.-",:i Ktv-Hccn(rvsr 'PertliL Jtutherprtfy. , uuir v Joseph Davis, . . -r Jumet Dick ' i S r l'' : WiiiumBurt.It . f yrancis Tate. . . Jolm Stevens, jr, . . Duiunt ilatehf jr. . , .i w Jamca Erwin. i'. . - ' Chilstopker Houskbu ' . John. Wellington, ? ; Abrahun Croom. t - . y " Jesse IvJonei. ' -';-(A. Fre, ij ' Daniel Gallant; .v ' , 1. M'lL Alexander i 4 William Marin, f ; John Lord.-! i - jv Stephen Ferrand., si r . -James, Webb, ' ,, v "Pleasant Henderson 'i ? ' -John'Willkms, , k;7 Gedrge Greened s "Jesse IIrper. ' i i John Clarke. j.1 'i 'ft Mm, i' Alex. Grtharil. , ' JUrce i Campbell Thomas Searcy, i '. -John Lenox.. 'ihhAi LGilbrt;',, Alexander Rowland. , C Moore:' -. ' '. y f "Kathaniel Snoben r' ' 'uv'r vr-'t-, Josenh WillLuns, -irV - sr'i" '..-i;; Hampton Bjrnttb.v.-Vv- '. .iTWi ',.V"f " 1 H' Ruffin. tfrAw.iV:"-i; David Clark. K. i: s V L ..Hiy-Te, .x 4 v Mkholson Washlngi&i. y Union p... cJ John Carson, Andrew Flinru JohnFWUsort, ,PKO!OSALS roa cabtio ": fSfails bf-the Ignited States 1mgion,B,wjyooo.0 bcmo nextMondby iqT, Leave Kowbcrn every ZC'v-'t"i-!lizi'J I Moycltiy at 2At and arrive at; . . ... hr i., irAuuvoB. iuitir riwnA nr ofJunu- f -6 - - ; - y Tt, rroro Edcnton, Le' mills, uid Plymouth, to Leave EJeiiton eyeryTuewlay f . 1 uul an-ivc at Washinsrton ' ' ReturnirT. Leave Wasliinirton on Sunday i-: "live at Piynimith byj.fti.v' Leave Plyriioutliat41-2jp.rii; - aa mtjvcK taenHHi on Monoy iy,p.ta. 78. ii-om VVkiih . 4 week. " .!''."VW v"-. . ' l um vtw1aWV iwV1n it?a.m. srtil arrive ' f ttWwihintonby46.. tve Washington vA7 p.m. and si farrit at -Woodstock oa Thursday by,2.p.m. ; t yf . 79. .From Newborn, "by Trenton, Xohk West "Landing, and Richmond, 'Wilmington once a -ek. t:i ' ' " , Ley yewbern everyTueaday at 5 r. and arriva V 'WilniTnelon omTlindav.bv 10 0, w. f Leave Wilmington , ' foery Tluiralavat 2. , and arrive atNewbern on Saturv ( : dsybyrAm.' , " . ""b JWm Wewbfcfrt W Beaufort 0c In two week. j -,i .Leave JS'ewberrt ererr otlwr Friday at 6 and arrive - . at JieufortonStttm-day by 1Q j, Leave Btvfort the Same day at 2 and rrVe at Kewberh on Sunday by6. ' ' 81. From'arrtnton.bHariaom'aBr'ulife, Joneaville. , - Halite, Scotland No? k Uogttni. WilUmtn,I)aily,B, Ply- J t jnoutli, sndWa Mlt!0 Scuppernongonce a week. , jA Tirborough on Saturday by 1 p. lnr Tarborongh at ) Ak aivl arrive at Warmitwn oa Imdr by 8. a. , ' 81. front Haiaax by Tale Stort, UibcM. Tarboroogn. Given ville and Wuiluapton to Kewbem, twice erk. , t ' Lrare Ualifat every Wednesday and Sunday at 6 a. a, and arrive at 2.bcm o Saturday and We'dnesday at Ula' 'rt,.'"vVi - - . Jirturmnr. Leave Kewbern everv Wedneadar and Sa tord. it i A and arriv at lULIax on Saturday and i Tueadcy by o p. m. . " 1 ' - : i 'Hi From Scotland Keck, by Norfieet'a ferry, Grand berry Crta ttoada, and CLukyvillQ to Windaor, once a veek. v : ' : .'" ' '' ' ' Leave Scotland Neck, ercTTThuriday, at 6 a. m. ikI ar rive at v indaur by 4 . a . Leave WuKlaor every rrkliy t 6 m.'m and arrive ai Scdand Meek by 6 a. a, : . 83. arom Ralcirnby Cnapn luU to tuuiUorouKn, one a week. ; ... -.- . - " .". Live lUleirh everr Pndav at 8 a m. andarriva at ITJla- ... borottrh oft Saturday by Ban... Leave ILUaborouirii eve rt Wednesday at 9 p. at frA arrive at Raleigh on Thurr oay py 9m. r. ' "' , -. . 87. ri-em iraUboroura, by Alormt Tiruh, mwi v. u. Leealxirtr, CarweU C 11. Lenox qartfe, 'Boatwkk' and f)MtVmn4tiini a afla mew nam anj aa waV ' Leave Hillaborougb every Saturday at 10 av in. am re at Catwelt C tt. on Sundav noon, and arrive at Germanton the next Tuetday by 8 p. m. , Iave German tea evert Wadneoday at 64. mi and arrive at HUlabo rough the next i 8aturdry by 8 ..,..... , . , .. 83. -' From AvervsMroufrh by Uaywood, Pktaburgh and Jonet'a ferry to Hillsborough, once a week. o ' -v - Leave Avtirysboroogh every Tnuraday at o & m. and ar rive at HilWborough on Saturday by ,8 a. si Leave Hills boromch every Saturday at 10 a. in. and arrive at Avefys bormteh on Sondat bv 6 b. m. '. ' ; j' FtUe,ncea wefcv,;-.. . . f .'... ., , , ,r- Leave lialeizh. everr Pridav it 4 a. m. and arrive at Ox ford by 6 p. . ' I-e-e Oxford every Saturday at 4 a. m. and' arrive at Kaleiph bt 3 x 'ii n 1 V - - 90., From Italeiirkv, It PaulV frrrr,;WatWa Cross Ooada, Kichardaoba, Woodardi, Uowsons, or Toasnot, to Tarbotoupb.oncemtwo Wevks. '-; . v; 1 lve IUiei)rh every Jrfclay at 6 o. m. arrive atTarbc rpugb on Saturday by 6.,m. Leave Tarborough every other Sunday at 6, a. ra juid arrive atBileigh, on Monday bye.m. : . ; ;. - ' r ' 91.sFromrdl!mBboro by Bullock' ttrwe. Brown's itore, WiUiamsville, Sterlingville and Red Uoo, to Cat- wmiu. u. v n.. m i.i a. . u . ... r. .... . .... .... ..... . . - Leare WiUIamaboro'" every 8aturda t tt 4 m. arrive at iwftl r. T: on SiinAiv bv noon.' Leave Cttveu e. h. everr 3unday by.2K i. and arrive at WiUiamslwrooa Friday by . 92. rVbmWmeWtc,WWdlIama1)O)0xrotd, rr.li- boro', AUemuncc, Martinville, New Garden, 8uemv and Lexuvgtoni to 9mmitf once a weekv i r;r. ' v& , Leave Wamnton evert Friday at 2 a. at. and arrive at f lilhllroro' on Satnrdiiv bv 8 a. m.. Leave Uillaboro' at 9 a. l m. and arrive at saiem on sunaay oy 3 p. m. ueave paj TiX.tp.rn. ana amve at Bauaoury on aioncuy dv ii o. t -,croirj'. . Leave Salisbury every Monday at. md arrive at Bulera On Tuesday by 8 . , Leave 8 Jem I t 9 a. . and arrive at llUl.boro on Wednesday by 3 ave UUlsborT at m. and arrive at Warrenton on Thitrsday by J p. at. .' .'in'i:i L'fiVsV tff. 1 ! 93i . From gUlem, 1by Bethania, ITtmtsvUle, Rocltford, Mid Witkei,' to Mol ganton, and 'tbence by Island Fordi Statcsyille, lloustonvaie and HunUvillc to' Salem "once a . Leave Salem every Tuesday at 10. av a, and arrive tt Moriraiiton the next Thursday W $ b.m. Leave Morgantoit every Friday at 8 a. m. and arrive at Salem the next Mon day by 8 a.m. . '. 94 : From Salisbury, by Concord, Akxandria, Char otte, Quntersville, Lincolntdn and Morgahton, to Aahville, to return by MorgarrtonLincolnton, Catawba Spring and Aidant Mome, to Salisbury once a week. k 5 , ., ; , . ' Leave Salisbury evert Monday at 2 P- m. and arrive at Chartoue on Tuesday by 8 1. m. and at Athville on Thnrs- uay by o p. m.: jueave a snviiie every rnaay at o a. m ano arrive at Salisbury on Monday by 10 a. m. t . , . . f , , 95. : From Ash Ville, ty the Warm Springs, Newport T. and Scvien 'He to Knoxviile T. once a week. 1 ' ;: Lea've Aahville every' Friday sj-6 4 " and arrive at Knoxviile on Mqnday by '10 a v; .Leave Knoxviile every Monday in yp.ru. ana arrive at Asnvuie uie neox i nursuaj e-r From Morgantoni by Rutberfordton and Gowen's tore, to Greenvilk e. h- S.C once a wtek. . t ; ..-; r ' Leave Moreranton every Friday at a a. m. and arrive at Greenville e. h. on 8undat by 6 1. m; ' " . - . SHetttming Leave Greenville h every Monday at 6 a. m. and arrive at Morganton on Wednesday by 6 . et . 97.; .'From Charlotte, by Beggar's lorry, and'liU'S Iron works, to York . S. once a week. bWsataedayby ll.a Leave Swaatboro' every Tues-1 vasnot certain that U !K.'"'ht nolle we m?ajl lltewrawruy! ure to take, off the embargo but he was cer.' . .t!. t fjOfES: ' ''"t , J Uia that tome .other measure ahouU be takem L-The Port Master General mat exnedlt tht inailah1" 0"Sn of'!CJ that. And h- ad aher tie times of arrivd nd -oVparUire at any time I U."lcl hoped uialrentleaitn WOUiJhate told thenx durmgileontlouawortheeontracta,he measure ahould have been taken before exnsTtMmayUwewKmedtbewby.'. i , the rcmoted the embarso, Not so, he we- dosing the anada at all offices waere prtiuar ume is I Ufce Qff the embarjro i and Were that im ed id. .3. Korevervju wuunwsurukT. i ininnuiuii mracnw cieepted) as arriviwg aftrr the rime prescribed in aateoo. met, tn contractor auau loricu tutc uuiiu i ami u utc Uy continues until departure of any depending mail a hereby the tnaiif oemned for tnca aepcmnng man lose a trip, an additional forfeiture of Ive dollars shall be incurred. , Aaa whenever a a: wip civwa, irum , ever circumsunce, the amount to be paid to the extractor for a regular trip is to be dolurUnl ft om bit pay- : ' ' . Newspapers- as wcu m miers are o oe inn in tuc 1 !' eontract. - ' .' . ' ; . . ..- f' 6. - Persons making proposals are desired t9 tate their prices by the year. Those who contract will reteivt ihnr m nuutcrtv. Id A months of Autrosi. Novfmbcr, February and May, in one month afver the expiration 7. No eer than a tree white per son shalt be employ-' cd to cAnrev the ma'd. v6' 'Va ts. il-,? i-"i.-' - & ? Where the proposer intends to convey the mail in the body of a stage earrirge, ' he desired te state H in - V . Pi Matte GenJk OJtM. Woihrr City, Get '31, l808.i UNITED STATES: v f 98.. a From Raleigh, by SmuMeld, Waynesboro , Green c. h. and Kineston, to kewbern, once a week. , Leave Ilaleijrh every Friday, at 9 a. m. and arrive at ew. 5 fty at 2 A m. and arrive at 'Raleigh the ijext Thursday . 99.". ..Prom Charlotte,' by Lancaster, Cairo, and Prevl dence, U) Camden, once e week.; f; - - Leave Charlotte, evert Wednesday at e- a. . and. arrive at Camden on Thursday by 5 p. 'm. Leave Camden on Fri day at 6 j. tn. andarriye'at Charlotte on Saturday by 6 p. m. r Leave Wancnton every Tuesday at 4 a. m; arrive at " Hansom's Bridee by noorw Leave Ransom's Bridge at 1 t Hfi ?e-at Ualifax by 6 f. m. ' Leave Halifax a 7 ''. arrive si Scotland Neck v . f . Leave ibero at 100. From Favetteville. by Elixabethtown to Wuming- ton. and (hence by South Washinrton. and Sampson c. h. to Fayettevilleonceaweefc 'h r 1 s;.f? ? fVf. V Leavt payettevilie every Monday at e. m. ana arrive at Wilmington on Thursday by 'JO o. m.. ; Leave Wilming ton every Thursday at 2 p, m. and arrive at Fayetteville on Sunday V tp-.'nu-; .; " - t-'' ; -" ? :. " 'A 1U.' rrom Fayettetme, by Anaersvuie to Wilmington, ,ce"aweck v.-k Mi-A- . y :A.' ' i Jeave Fayetteville every .Saturday at 6 a. m. snd arrive; and the property of America subject to depre dations, bv both, the belligerents, they would bo forcdoseu. from. taking any measure at all for its defence ;,- For this Teasbn this resolution should properly have: gone origniaJly, to the committee oa the resolua oftheccutiemaa ffom V"gtnu (Mr. Giles), f t C ri .'. Mr. S. said as he was not ryeparea for a long.- ' naili snd if av Tier on tcaVinz mrpols, desires to ear-1 discussion, ha should take but short view.-n ' : ry newspaper, other than those oonrrredjn tl.e mail, for He woulJ DOl back to SC hitH nation lad'. " , his owa emolument.ne murtaUtembiepropoaaJsforwhatl . , , , ' ti . . .' .' mwuTearry Kh the emolument; and ferThat- sum been, the first .offender.J . It Vas sufficient fof ; y withOttt tnar etaoiument. ,t ' .-v. -4 w.. v "i'l.;, mnj tfw uuui were icnurrs nic whj nui, . AV' Should anyserson making prososila .desire an at tlia- pologUt of &iy nation, but, he iruted, d v v Satl fervent defender cftb rights honour, and ed, and he difiereace tbey wui mate mtns terms la tae i f crrs ot uis wn couotrys ) vy ir.c mutes vi. ranee every .vestkejl hound to orlrom, Crest 13r.ita!n,.was. declared goc4j prixe. : Andtiit ; further j if spoken alone by ny JJritjsh vessel, . :i they; wer condvmncd , la the Frtnch prijo court?;, When it vessel arrived in th.t pors of ' Vv France Ir. j S said,..bribery ,sind corruption were, made -use of in order to effect her con-'5 s demnatipruV'-. livery sa'U6r oa board was sepa. '-.' - " I! i ' L. j ' ..i.. l.ji ' j; .v.- o hm Pnrf MuiwrMiml waervesto bimteB tnr 1 vaawwsw w niwi umiuvuvviiumy .... rieht of deciarmg antTontract at an rfad whehr on J course of the ..voyage ) they- Were told, yon y. 1 I iMiureBairpuis whivh .w.v v. - 7;- i wiu nave om rura 01 me .vesset snu cargo js . , 10. The contracts tor tne aoove routs are to do in 0-1 .k-v--.- ;e -;j, . ration on the first day of April ncxand are to conU- U K portio pf .theVltermcmey if you m)l - . nue in force for two tears. irr m --n i-r'. i say. that your .TesseJ has touched at a Jintisis L jf--v vwwj: i.BAfti.18,.) v- 1 nor r -iaa ftetn visited bv a uritistt cruizer. - Of course, then, by the decrees of France sili American property that. '.floats I. subject, toj condemnation by thd French, if it had come hi ..;'! contact with British handsV.-!.' Were, gentlcmea f .' willing to submit to this, to raise the embargo? Vi'" and BUbject ipur tradf to this depredation I Yes ; i : said the; gentleman frqrn Connectirttt,' ;Jio.;;':; was iUinff; hovyever? that; oir ships should arm and defend themsedveai : Mr S. said that ' ..' he had hoped the honourable gentleman would V hate cone, fuliher and said not only, that h wduld ia this case, permit our i,yfssel defend jthermelvesj hut Lto t maVe good pr'tta v 1 ( 7 of .any .vessel , which, should impede hi trade :S;vi admitted by the laws of nations.' Uut the gc.n .. demaii had ttopped short of this ;vr.H flilg?'&J, .. By the orders iL;council, .now made law:' .. fsaid Mr, SO all neutrals-eeiiri&, this ia 5 rf , t v tj:f . 'Caft&teRS'fc' i'''k'! mereVord v4 captitndumi it isfWrH Iknowa , iMyBirJM f -f4swt Ithjtr is "no Neutral (Commerce bdvArtieric&ti- " or.couhtriesin jdliance with her; ftre; maJe -v'i ''Monda rNoveml)lr2L,v J Ugood. prize in theMBrittshoUrt hf j' t; ' ! DEbATii J'. bound to any papttf the entfan( kf Europe fit, .i-,.jVi;.,l.i-.i-i-,-ii K-rj'-.iT-'Af? iany;posses8ion8.inAuraeykor.yvsiajnc',arc?:,.vi..-:, On Mr. Hillhouse's Resolution to repeal the Embargo, r I .v'i c...kJ ; tvl i -tf:i.X li.itntmtiM from finer 21.1 ' :., ...ttl.L ' i. jlji- f : . .i. 1 :i J t t Mr. Smith (Md.) said he was not prepared j to. trade, since. we roust acknowledge purstlvt , " to go as largely into this subject as i t merited, indebted to her for any she permits-s-we a!? . " ' having .neither: documents, hor , papers before, graciously permittedto go td Sweden, to whicH ;. hlin. . He iwould therefore only take a short country our , whole exports amount to 50vl?f view of it in hi way and endeavour? to rebut J dollars Jlv .jhj$ Ktty trade is generously ptrf$?f; a : part of the argument ol the gentleman irm I muted us as a boorandthis toon;niU be strutc Massachusetts, and perhaps to notice some "of I off the list of permission tiie' moment any uiU'V 1 necticuu He perfectly agreed with the latter 1 debt's. I am aware, sir. thit genUetaen:wi4 genucman uiu uns suojcci ougnt to De laxen ituis tnav require .cxpiananorts jaswm givc u tw.;?! ;j uri with coolness, and with temper, and he could 1 them....; Great Britain says you shall noli trades , : . : have wished that theentlemantfrom Connec- toany of the countries I hate interdicted, tilt f '( tiait vbuld have' been candid enough to pursue yOu hate rny leave ) pay me iiduty attd then -that course which he had laid down for others, you" may go to any port t pay .a .tribute-and 0 it ad. He done it( . ANo.r an the course ot the j then you snail have my license to trade to any-, . t ; discussion, the gentleman had charged it upon J por ts you choose; ; WThat irthii tribute t$ioZ Ah-Vrj, avintt th Vlnriim-nt hrfnrA mi.,l mv riat.,'l--lV.i . disposition to break down commerce for the an error of ft fraction, but in the principle i ara.T " riurnftiraivir"' eBtnldisViiriw ninnufacture ri'n ta I corrcjiOi"th article nt flniir'he tell n:'.-'' ' '' rums 4 It this was; the dwposition or those you may brino; . flour tCrreat-3ritam from A. ' who had advocated theembargo, Mrt S. aaid J mericaf land ; it, "and if you re-export it, pay ne wasnoi one to go wun xnem, ano periectiy i into our treasury two qouars on ev ery oarrci. corresponded with the gentleman in paylag that I For? everjr barrel; flour which we send to ! ':''!'" if ?.' -Wf-Cr . ' ;" -S.. '' ".. 11a. 5 . . ' , 1 . . r .... d. - PI,. nwm n. i.M fcnin. o I n. ML r It. i jit-iurni., ijca ffF'iniMv -r- I tt Camden . mc at Dcouana, iev. vi. ; I Friday atpa. . , Leave Scotland neckft v -yh. , '5 W and. amve at Rah-1 ' -, , ! . lux on Moiuli y bv 8 A'f ' Leavejlaliux at i-a a. ai i j i ' nve at Rinson , VBridee by noon.' Leave Ransom's Bridge 1 rf,nAn. at .Wilmington oi Sunday by 9 p. m. " Leave Wilmington every Wednesday at C a. m. and arrive at Fayetteville on lhursdiiy by 7 p. s -. , .u. k-.i , v!. '. r .4 inr iC,w.m L, ..-..44..!H.:'l.f bim1 U'.11 VXTlnmAaMtrtll 4 V. wd-.T w5e,?,5.,, d,yibJr I and CNraw ch. te Camdeh,8.' a ones a week 'j ;. sv. ,.. ; ;t . ,-Vv 3'. tt, 1 ; .;Ltte. FayeUeville evert Tuesdetat Sa.m. and arrive on Tuursday by 0 p. m. uttvc vatfttien every m. and arrive at ayattevuie o Bunoayoy p 'rom Favetteville by Modre c. h. Carthatre and r.I h. tn Hul'iahiirw nrtd thfiro Kv TinHailvillp. atlAss. and arrive-at .Warreaton hy? 1.. -f I Htmderson, WadesboroV Snringville, ' Sneedaboro'' anil - 82. . From Ualifax . fcjr Woruiampton y ti, iruweunh. i nirfunooi c. h. to Fayetteville, once a wock v; i MurfreesboroV- .Winloii, , Colerain,1 Fitcli jMmt - Leave, Fayetteville every Fridpy at 8 ana. and arrive at Windsorto Edehton 'once 'i. Weeki.f4rf..-;-v-.v. SalUbury the i next Monday by 10 a. m. Leave Salisbury at ' Leave Halifax every Wednesday at a, and amve at 3 rrive at Richmond h. on Wednesday feyl p. i Muifretsboro' by 4 .m.. Leave Murfreesboro byfAas, wd jvetteville on Thursday bt i . T'A - 3- and arrive at fedenton on Prway by. 10 . s. .c',-.'. fvH ? I 4 104, Prom Wilkes e.h. to Ashe ch. once In two weeks liciunmin- Leave JSdentoa every Induy atva. . art 1 v'LeavSAVTlkeV'iBh. every other Tlnweday at Q's ar t Mui freesboro on Sunday by t ik and At Hahlax I - , . U same day bt T a, in. Leave Ashe e. h. 1 y R. .':nv-.,v.-v-rlri :' '.'il't ' ' I everr .-other Friday at . a.airiTk WUkes,: K.lhe c , ii-om warrenton Dynaimi'i" """a.. o- I same day py 7 . a ,ty i-..V yti; ;i ;vr 'vt;4 wrc to, Warrenton, once a Weekv W v?; .-"-v I Leave iSftwbctn evetyTuesday st 4 . arrive such a - plaav would . be extremely iniurious : that possibly -it could not be enforced in the . voucu -otaics unutiiat, u itcooiu, incrcuania. would conceive) themselves highly aggrieved by ici But the gentleman's idea had ho foun dations Mr. S. said he had before seen it M Newspapers, but had considered it a, mere electioneering trick; that nothing like common atmse or 'reason was meant by it, and nobody believfcd it. The gentleman surely -did not throw; out this suggestion by way of harmon'u zing ) tor nothing cQuld be more calculated to create heat;jM t.3:-0;;;T'St!!'s; i f The gentleman .last bpV throughout ,his ari gument had gone upon the giound that it is the emoargo wnicn, has prevented all bur torn werce j that, If the embargo were removed, we might pursue it in the same manner; as if the commerce; of the whole world was open to us. If the gentle man could have shewn this,; he would have' gone, with him; heart and hand;; but it did not appear to him that; were the em. bargo takeri off to-mbrrow, any commerce of .. . , j, ., :. ... r. ' , . Spain, JVirtugal or ItalyVwhete' the gentleman , from Massachusetts has coif ectly told us jnuch;- pl it is consumed, little of it being used in G. Britain or Fram ranee, you; m ust v pay two dollars) freight and insurance ;.And thit besides your tribute is to be paid foirf permission to trade. Are gentlemen: willing to submit to ! this 4s fQn the article of -wheat exported? you must? pay in Great Britain a duty of I btlieye, two: shillings sterling a buuhel,' before it can bere exported; On the important article, of cdttc-ni;;; they have: charged a duty ;.on:3;Cxpbnatbivf; of nine pence sterling per lb. equal to the whole valvie'.ot the article itself in Georgia or South Ai'V'1' -Carolina. ;This is " in addition, to the usual&v f importidutf' ofi twol pcncer intthe poundV;.; Thus if we wish to go to the continent, we may ; V ? got'; on; condition- .ofpaying & tribute 'et7' 'tvii to" the value pf the cottony in addition to risk "f ;X '' or insurance- 'It is generally Understood that Q , trofthird of the cc?wcn, eaported by us, may '-- t ;C, be consumed in Englaftd when all her maou'.'. ' lactures are in good work; .4Xjq the.Vre.main nee tyNanC.H. anumues . mk.'fei-v v, be p'utitt.ed.'A'Mrf-8vaidi;iit5 J m $htr,d th people) ,: the! Southern country: ;rtfdarev.jmdam -:i;3ti m-:v'' - v k ' , . - v M a JWarreBtoa; itery

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