.4 T i $ - V 1; '.".'.';J." Vol. I. '.RALEIGH, DECEMBER 22, 1803. . -No. ' . - 1 - - p--jPcBUMiEt xvrat Tkchsdat, bt Jons , llr SBrMM, AT THI VFI KHXHO OF FaTETTE- xiut-'jTr.FtT, kai Casso'i CQJiva-ricK 'ir.lTt. DolLASS PER AKSCM, 'rTABLB HALT IJAHl-T I ADVAHCEv JXOt f APS. 10 CEXTS. .undchuble princi-I never falling precursor of the intention of Heaven n itxt irance, and 1 to destroy I J Be people 01 iser-uigiono, met the eleven monOis deprivation :, uie wean, to te coin- . ' , I ' ' . ' . ' v . : . . w Lctusayply these correct anC pie to the edict of Ureal JirUJ tK rnnw nimt ah-fTw!nnmAnt nf l!iat .cran "h 1 " . r . ' I . .-.i . j 1 r . .....i-r--.. Amwipn li.iTiTni'nt f Ihi- ili ifrf trance nx.naeU SUU iongrr 10 mxiiiuun it, iur w uuuruiiru I pro)--At ui from trading with Greldi Brit an. '- Tb period to bold their inalienable ngb't, at tbe te orders of Great Britain prohibit us from trading with nure of the wili of Britain or of IfOieaKc f , A peo- sernencrto tbe edicta of each we prohLitcnnr ci- ia all theic hopea, in aU their recoOcctiona of ti c ! uzena from trjuSng with elUier. . We do more, aa pu. in all their projects of the future ;-a peop-t if.,f-,.,nr,;4 ...Kmi.tm unM ki.TTil S ,tinriinnh. vhosa Erat love wua tlie cceah, the choice c4 their . . -B--T i ,.,. ., . .;.. r.u.i- i wedeacendio w uct of aopcrcropidion in aeniiity J cuuaooou, uic .rwuuuu . w,. .v.ir. r-r). HKf , . iw o.ilv rfnjn I most Drecioui inheritance of their lathers, In the i tkom.Uwt canicular trade, which their respective! rniasi ot uicir us M,v "" "' :-t it .f ... .r Conjrreiss. edicls prescribe, but lest the ingenuity of oar mer chants uhouid enhle them to evade their ojration, to make suumisijion doubly nine, the American gt- rernment ' MrtaaUT re-ensct the- edicts of the oclu. I srereatt and abandon all the trade, which notith standinztha practical effects of their edicts, rcmuia to uv The simo conclusion wiU result if we con-1 sider our enabir?r in relation to the objects of thu r ranee by her euicU would exquisite perception of. ccmn,.erci4 prosperuy, tc be comtnanded to abandon it, not for time liniUcd, but for a time unlimited ; not until they cacti be ptej pared to defend themseltca there,, (for that la not fcretenoodj out unui uieir nm recede iromii ; not until thctr neceasigea to uire, au uniu ionein nn tions Dermic U 1 am lost in astonishment, Mr. Chir tnan; I have not w ords to express ine mtcniess ao- surdity df thi attempt. ; I have n; tongue to express the awift and headlong destruction, which a buncS fcovsc or itEPREsnxrTyrz& l MoKDAT KOT. S3. ' r. v f . beui'rerent pouicr. i and cutunir off her subpiieas . A3 theononent of rMeyejunceinMich a&yscem mustbring iipoa thi? Europe, In the band of 'Bonapart U made aubser I natioo.-,-.f ; -41-s; Vy ' ? v'; 'i'i: .ntn.h;. wn.u: -taw, mK...,a, iaw of thft U. Ilut Wen from New-England, rrprescntAUves u Sutes in Us operation, is an union with this tonti- this,floor,' c40ully, with myself ! the ;cons.atuuon: .1 nental coalition against British commerce, the guardians of her. interests, w lTer Jrtmi me 7n these very moment most -auspicious- to its success.-- Cm opiiuoMy honorable colleage (Mr,BJcon) took . . . . . i .: , i . a ..,k,:. a w wi.. i occasion in secret session, w wui uwuwiuusi " ' j - , . "T1 i . of the French emoeror I If 'wi consider the orders lt aU that discontent and distress, which I hud at- - The first F.eso uuon i reported by the Committee giTSKuit temptM, in. an humble way to describe. V 116 told n Foreign Relri-bemg !LltLl u, hKd travelled in Massachusetts, t tl.e pec! thefoUowmgwordsiv, KesolTCd,- ttoymteauat, cannot, vM.out r-, -T":r .' 0 not Drodttcca suca tragical effects.; v Really, sir, utacrfut.of wnt ngMr-tonor' ana .imleitenacncM'r? . .i . VTT Vf. '. r:"77 :;JZ L.Ui,AI. nJIftaima haa travelled ll ths Wi 1 1 Oil IWUVU CtU UI A99lUitf IIV1 VIU.1H ' a v y ' .... wa,,r Boston ;- from inn to inn V from .county court' to uiifiiiu k aav Aia vsa kaavai tivvuakutuvu vviviuih hmi'kivw - . . , Second, tosecure to herself that commerce of which ! and doubUess tc coUccted au.utim W tte a.V ttc tfiii Britain end France. . "T .s ..v. . I fm..titorkhriArft to Hudabrt t irom 'Berkshire to Mr ovrt M ihntiu i Jt. rlvr,.,'J cite discontent in the people of the conunent, by de "'VfA- -.J of abstract kpislution ;, it was so often the resort of P"vin5 01 VKat ctu,s weakness or the refuge of ignorance, so Often the w". -" -r - --"!"""rw' ""7" Snfnr.nuH.rn. which an acute intclUtfence nei , i..r. r u ...niii sne aepnvea neutrals, 'sjuremoareo co-opcrawai""": 'r" 7 ' ' . . y .w.w . - uu.. lu 'j UA.k. n;, .u5-itKr..WrV1, ft.,rr. ver UIs to retauj on sucti occasion. . lie xouno tea, , ieiuue the pcopie, xnat u was wiui great reiuctunce l ,v c , . . " VT , r "r " T L J i tint he expressed his opinions on ahy such propotJ-1 r""''' it. K,.Ur. hd cheese cheocr. Refletdbri f -.nn i Anrf t he waa willW to admit tW if in vr,. I uepmeaoi uw Mvatages-fH commerce uuoi k wouiu 7; r7," 7 "r lu -iu... - "...:." " 7. . " . 7 Ihi.nAa.ihU fiirth nritiohnfiw tn flr.t ! nrf Kv r-l enoOiea. mm to wnvo m.iwuiutt cwia ,c?se this mode ot legislation, couia oe. properly re-1 llJZ:: I this w the evil and the eood of the einbareo cm sorted to,Uns might be such a case, -Uut in what rrriT-AZ coe arUKr. , Bw my honorabld eolleagtte I houW Her in support ot toe resolution alluded Z " Z ' w, ' r T 77 LtratW on the seaboard I ' Has be witnessed the o, be. hould take ground altogether different from S.. atofour cities? Ifas be seen our iMdk rottfaie at . i 4i ul -r . i . ?. . . t - i mvprpiim ia m rnrrri rnnicwmiiT id iucic iuciib r . - wiat conuonca ui uie rcpon. 01 me commuiee intro-i . - 7-1 . ii il t I tMir hntve x our wh-Arvc deserted, our stores tc aucing this resoluaTbe ; to the reoort Mr. Ouincev considered as ldathsomel wo , - . u.w. k,linf. nhn flrf sdisagVabletothenavtotbV tioQovrr mr Icrr torr, rt: Wcr-tte live Hiu-rea nsoi ? it ; ci L-rrj-. ed wub luiWi. b..vs, crecVs, nre;Cinctm Imschs. - . wilh e'e;y vuiir ty tf jnvit:''')' n t Uv e with err ry species of Loia.y t6 violate such laws asthte -our ' people are not scattered over an imtnrnf? E'lrttc, . at a solemn distince from each other, in Iorvliy re , tirement, in tlie nudstof extended plmtations and intc .-rning wsters. ,They are collected tm Uie mar ' . ' kta of the oceas, by the sides of nrers, t the beads of beys, lookingir.to the wateror on the surLce of ' , ' ' try. Among a phople thus siiiiited, thus educated, r thus numerous, laws prohibiting them from tlie ; ex- -, , ercise of their natural rights will have a binding ef- ' 1 . - feet not .one moment longer than the pubnc seno- , : - - men? supports them.' Gentlemen talk of twelve re- ; ' ' ". venue Cutters additional to enforce tLc embargo laws! ', Multiply the number by twelve, nraluply it by en, . ' hundred,' join iJI your ships of war, all your gun; ' bouts, "hd all Vour militlai in despite of them all, 5 . : ; suchliws astlicse are of no avail when they become ,-;". oaious to tlie'puWc sentiment.' Continue these laws ' . any consicf! time longer, and it is very doubuui : . ' if you will have 0:Tcersto execute, juries to convict.! r s ' or purchasers to tad for your confisciaifins.. Case4 ' '. ' ' , -, have begun to occur. . Ass. your revenue ofijeers,, ; and tliey Ul tell you that already at public sales la . ' a 1 your cities, under these laws, the owner has bought . his property, at less tixai tour per cent upon .their , -"f'l ; real value. Tublie opinion begins to look with such ; v . a jealous and hateful eye upU these laws, that even ..." 1 seu-inierest wm noi co-operaic ro eiuurcc uteir, pc- : ' ; ; . But where IsotirJove of order?. .Where our re ; ' 8pect for the laws?;- Let legisltort beware lestbj' V- the ve ry naure of thei r laws, thej avcaken that sen;.' timentof respect for themi so important to be hu 4 ' k anirftn'. and ' sn'fliflurult to be",reinbited when it bus. - "once' been driven from Ct nundj' Regulate not the C;: '.vl i mitTfUtta tiM iim' ' TI :VSSiw nrtf tr.uvn f vi4iim . ' "z t . ' - m the report Mr. Qujncey considered a Wathsome -2er discussion, however, he fcertelnlt did not attrl- " rWa. m.m w "5- - - tn mat.tnd to fulfil faernostnre. - ' . I ba A avn .raM- tniilAfl WA tliiir f-, A It! :t t- ta L a. Kittle. I'WVVH VVM'MMvw - r Aute tho character which he attached to the report rl-Z 1 i .-7 a i -iH 1 a T c'ouanromises? Has he conversed m ith' tlie mer itself.. It wa, i rule of the House, he said, thaty A iruaire 01 ueurirci inc umu wjich uur inuusi-cr uit-i : .. .. . . - Resolution reported by a comrrattee was to be taken , . altogether independent of the reasoning of the com aiutte on which the resolution was predicated.;"-Eve- , Tj gentleman in the Hous then had a right to sup- on the resolution pn his own ground,- and abandon s ltogetler tliat;. which the organ of tlie House had presented to him. He thought that tb'e' principle . ..... a 4 . 4 1 J ents to his considerationthe embargo laws ; Is' h eapttal arrested m wsis, loraaen or your ws Xa Koy t'avUcrd? - The-kini- wilt refiect Upon marwi,. -xt-. u i- i-.'. ,ot a,.lctac3siflnfe auxusengagemenw, iweessuMea . .. .. . . r l l! " . -n. il ' LI Jtn hfliwnn the nrecanMM merer of ffiMaeo iftSlttt- atnioa Jtott icucni. i? anejuii? wiiisiu . cre i r ;r: . r you colonies he xould expect no toore.- Hi. sub- jects as memtabiy eetthat commerce' whica you a- , . . ... ,. .... ;;. . L onwhkh this resolution should be adorned was. that it was a solemn pledge to the nation, pot i deemed in any other way than by a total . ,nent the administrution. and the tkais fof tliat indulgence : which preserves him from stoppintr payment, the nrst step towards baiiKruptcy Has he conversed with oUrrdechioilcsT Ifashc' sech t to berS channe -which remains after all the others are ob- bim trcteattt of employnien or liged to bundon tructed. In whatever point of View you consider k it in labors .VK I abandon. . in JTllnn to thoi edicts artri educated tit them f ' That hiechatiic,' who the day oy tne tendency i your laws, ics; vnen mey cannot. yield them the aencdesx of .tjiltj .probation, the n-, , , ; terpflsinir and the necessitous faio apiincipal check r- r i I nave rauen unaer my cwTiooscryaun, wiu 01 n;vu I ten thbusand suffering indivitKiula (on the. seaboard of r.TOiana are uvuig iiaic3sc9 uuii, ncrc i u- i i . . - . i sruir Tinimi". iiuii i lit iiyt uuMiicaa uiaii btic msasAX iiouuat ucstrncapn, wiuoeoone way, e aea tneatren -"Viy;-.,: ' ,u:. Am, atreduced prices that employment width the rich, tion of the committee to the terms of the resoluuon, unceminty ih which four lawshaveln- -JcK; contained two thingsan assertion and a j!.2. volved their tawtal cannot afford. I could hciEhten ...V'Th.'twiium W that thrt iVta nf C,rt l-Wewui no longer SUUmillO UMf4Kgiauuqc "uiiuu ,..r-. . v . . w . ijj.,,,-' r . T"" ' .-' ; 1 . t W. -1 jttU bm T wlUh f will tuk' it. att the har-1 "'" piviurc T- couiu anew yv.u i.uwum..6i in Itr tJnMid France-are contrarv to our nfrtai. honor I tion. u ttue.as t reush, 1. WW laxe t. as toe. nar-1 . , v-, n: (n4..,-iU.rfit and indeDendence..', t he pledee is, that will not I u"r. Ccraerning the asseruon, contimed in this resoI v"'"r' V "-i ' r who fear.I have so long been in the habit of looking .." IIZ:. '.Tu thine the orders and decrees; of foreign powers as the .MrChainn-iUtner measure of the nfehts of our oWns ciuzena J and "fTT'sy . - - "V fasnnmarthtieI khaH take mine.5 This embargo . baccustomed, . oi proiuuiane commerce aiiogemer, mignt eppre i y. ,- 7 . r -,-r-r . v . 1 . . r . - 1 Train Tm , hetid that there was some luming danger in sucn en 1 T. 1Th.w mnv h flcfiiiivn fhw r;in hp. nAthino-1 uuiciw J , l,n,U.s fo5(K Rmi) Ttrifuin nr Frimr I " Un -v,m. tf1ivl that thos. -dicta Were consistent with I wiui-wotiuw i u.c c. , , American lia-hts, " Urt the contrary, Dotn tnese na i I ltarorbfrt tenod ot time Joneer. rr; w ncn 1 Bpeasc 01 'rrC your inibilitr to enforce thb'W, letnc gelulerneh I enter on the subject of the embargo, 1 ''"r 'jr ll.IUttl.A rl ' I L t.ttW i IVVUUIU W WWWl iM..vw w. ...w... f ' " . upon their fears of violating them' removed. . . It is not enough for men in place to exclaim, a the aort)Xl , leu part 'society. vWdrds cannot iter the nature, Vi ; of things. ' You cannot identtFy the violator of bucU laws as these, In otir part of the country, for u) .1. , ?4 great length of time, .with tlie common smuggler. ' ; y ' nor bring the former flown to the level ot the latter . . ; The reason is obviousl' " vYou,bring the duties Ahe .; ciiireh owes to' society, intp competition : not onlt T'j:; with the strongest hite'rests, but which is more, will ; 1 v -.',.. j -.--Li?...r Ti'i ' : me mqsi s.icrra .private, oougauuiis. h. r ncn yuu - . . present to tlie chbice of a ciuzen bankruptcy, a total T1; -: loss of the accumulated wealth of bis whole life, or A violation of a positive law, restricdvc of the.exerciae ot the 'ixiost common rights, it presents to Wra .ftiv ,1" mct critical alternative, f will not sat how sublime V :- casuist , may decide; .'Bnt it is easy, to- foretel that 3 & nature . will plead too strong in the bosom to .makei ,? t obedience long possible. J state po imaginary caseV j Thousands in Jiew-England see" in the contiau.jice 1 of this ehibargo and in obedience to it irremedbbl : p ruin to themselys'flrid faijyues. V But where is our . pjitriotism? Sir, yob call jupon patriotisnh for sacri ;' fices,' to wliich its unequal j and U requires Us opeJ.y ration in a way, in!, vhith that passion s cannot tepg' subsist'.: Patriotism is ; a great comfort to. men .IP;-';.?.' 'mekteriorfto the farmer 'and., the planter, whq aro. ; 4 denied a market by your las, whese local situatiott ,v ' ' ' '.; ' is suca inm iney enn nctuicr ecu ujcir.iyuucc, uyi ;: . r , . scarcely give it away, untt whp are made to bclievp . . ' . that their 'privations will ultimately redound to tit ' iy'A benefit of the tountry. C But on the sea-board, wherei ? ?; ;" f V ' - . .. 'ii . . . .,.., c.. c. .v....; 1 1 t-.;!'i -.' 1 ." men teei not oniy uieir annual prow ihiiuiw vnm.. ? . iw . apftal perisluhW' where they know the utter bieffi- ; cacyof y6uya(ws to Socrce foreign nations and then :?';V'v;.' utter futility as a mean' of sviiig our own property; '-t '",' to'suph'laws in such a sttuauon, pauiotispi is to MtlilS the least, a very. aiacUve asustanU ..ou carmot laf , j ? : a muiion the rack nd crack las'rousclcs, by a sloW yfi;' yfs ' torment; "and call patriotism! to sooth the sufferer, -j- 'l : -v .;'y .V. J9ut.tnere is anpxner oosicie in a i wu wia? ; t ; . , tual continuance ot this law I he doubtj wmch hangs ii.,;: V. tions ground those edicts, on the principle of impc .. rious necessity, wnicn uumus w iujvuv umicj ui the very instant 6f executing the act of oppression. No gentleman need have any aiffldulty .in screwing v his courage up to ' this assertion.;'' i "Neither - of the belligexeDts. will contradict itl r Mr. jTurreau and u .u .:. A it.vmt I impossible to foresee inwhatatts, that oppression" Atmetime I departed tromM.ssacrsuiere TF.nea was an impression. wmcn "f1" " from very different ca&es V was. tnat at tne commencement pr' wjsswh n 1 - k .7 .. 7 w , . riw-v it2 j ...u ... .uj w...... .irru. -tnl.' i I a ne eenueman irom onnvaroinia t iir. maconj enu wouiu oc pui w W ,wrA..vlTM LJI '-aWWtn'.Wth-oftrlolle ww not so much that it would be;termiiuteo, as 1 .vrr'T " ' ( i-Tr J "T-I j. tnat tt.wae inenat an eno.;-.. son. uie.provu)tuiff eeii-. t, iriu. i.fc..j. 1 Vv-'Vh;.-.:- Mrr &ewUI both of them wu.wu "--,rr f onM 1 AnnnivmrfAhfttRfrttrtftfsf. I- entertain f'.hh;'w1iett7''hmft'that in this in- sflaice his zeal is bot'ardig'tolwreae I hEit h hntiw. itrhert v.ti r.ontroiil to Its autlio- 7- .-. --1 . . ... . i i ;. r' if .is.n.j 1 legislature i none r?,t.-, uon, anoonwiwHiK wiawuw.H, wtiC7wwi.vv , . . t ...... 4. ,M aui-Hi h i-nni j i . ' , ' . 1 trfal Karl hm ffiren tothis mcashre. w. .-v ..,, vr77.rv - i nnt' hereafter 'orjeraY -that ' the "riefctlle ihoulithot riMfviiai: , Miiii w mil a .1 ?i ii 11 iiifjva 1 v - - ,m- . - . . . , u could not possibly be endured Jfthat tt would soon , Vithrespcatothepledgej .JK- be absolutely tosupportable. V And this opmioas ISSnSjfS 1 had fesobcU, - was not conlined to is l R.oriou8one. itopeiis neW prospects, it pro- q j.;,,; ftr n-.rtva-ktha vm ?U8e . coaaS l"c "T7 ;r l" (We who were friends of is a solemn assurance to the nation, .tnai wm no ' loniret submit to these edicts. : ' '"It-retneainl for us.1 merefore. to consider what -j", -of another. maclunery' begin am commanded . . . . .. . : ... t '.j .. 1 morei Ft 1 DB lit.. r-j.i nrhi. dence ot my sc xiecre) or that'tliinir. whichsuch order,4dccree or edict prphi' - Lus. This, ther), j submissioni ' Jt Is' tb.'do, as we ' ars bidden. 1" It is totake tlie w Ul of another, as the our rio-Hts. : It is to vield to his power j ,u to gd where he directs, or to refrain from gomg where b. forbids 'tifl."V- ?-' ?Vv ,lS:J:rfl'l.'--'.j' '? '', If this be submission, then, the pledge pot to siib- mit implies the reverse of all this., -; declaration, that we will 'not that 1 -such order, decree or edict commands, my senses, to contradict what I have seen 1 . . , " n H.- r . ' St .1 a. and beard and leiul pear mat an uus tuscomeui " " , a ' - - a.! IS L. ;. was mere party clamour; eiccuoneermg aruueej vibrate' to the'pole,' I'do suppose Mr Chairman- . , . ,.ir ' ..." ( .'7 .t,'i i.t. .L' 9ir, 1 mean nq oisrespect to tne auxBoriiy 91 n, house, ; a Know tne nign notions swne gcuuemeu entertain' on this subject do' Supbbse -$ir;'I . ; , . - -1 -j .... ,.t, j . 1 nope a anau not ouciiu a-A uuua. inn, 'ciuuit w mited. period longer ; some say1 for six months j ms.J;1 year rome two years, ( , a no g- floof8 to th. W. Uavr b6die- continue te 01a on its i Kature is Thi3 b honor t This is independence ...taiupg the nature ti'ier, cs the measure . ? ThatV C,: :tTl ' .'T.Lm sdves to go upon the ocewagam until the orders y AAlLhU UntVof in f.4m the ccean of thb ondnot the-willof Coreti allthe-ftel- if- '!. V ltai. J nJ J.U UUUU UlKlinq uiih .'V ,! 1 ,-r--- over its constitutionaOty." J know! 1 shall be tola that ; '. the sancuwi. of the jddiiJary lias' been added to 'this vyg-p W act of the legislature. : Sir, Jjonpr thut tribunal; y reVere 'the Individual whosVopjuion declared ,io this instance the constitutionality of the law, -.But 1L i one thing to venerate our courts of justice 1 it is one "V-' '-; ?.-',.' tiling 10 oecxa vii ww uu. wi r m, vu...i . i. , , while itt has all these sancUons tt ts another, on jnj.t;.?.i. floor, inLthe bteh court of the people's privileres, to advocate its repeal on the ground that tt is an mvaswai''.y'-,;; on'oftheir'rlghts, .The embargo laws have unqbev''ii uonaoie sancuon-. ey are laws ui uus lauu. i cij,: i ,, Who shall'deny to a ripresentatlve of this people the f $f: right n their own favorite tribunal from, biin'ginjvf tfy your Iaw"to. the test of; the prpleV tuonf'fr'4'pi Kvti.-; : Is there" kf principle' more, wise, or more gene- ; ' 1 ' . 1 : : . ' 7l.i . Vally received am6ng 6jatesmenhah that a, iaw, irt ; proportion to 'its pressure upo thetpeopie, snouia have Its basis In uiiquestionable uthqi ity, -s well as i necessity,.' ' Alegislature may", spor with, the rights v bf an individual.".' It may. violate the-constltutloit to the ruin of whole classes of .im i). But once let i ' j begin, by' Jts laws to crush the hopes oC '.the great I'v-.v roass of the citizens t. let itbrfog u very eye in the land,', ftfi to the" scrutiny of 'its ; lays, & U authority fit wotfiij. bepernjancnt must possess no flaw in its foundation- Av..:., , JV.f Ask',iifl'wfiat page of 'tlie constitution you Ciiv.h7;'';: thepowerpf laying an emhargo? - Directly given, it-- js no wberel'';'Yoa have it then, by contiucuon, f.J. by precedent .Jksy construcuqn oi tne power. to ie . ; gulate.' 1 Iky' out of tlie 'quebtion.the common placet,:. argument, that reKtilatioh cnuot tnean anniliiiati t. v, r on 1 j and th'atwliut is anniliilated cannpt be: regulitvv' etL : I ask' this o.iicsdori, 'can a power be ever ,obT'' . tainedby construcuon, vvbich bad ne.vcr.be - i-L it-2 Aijl-1 .Vi. .i.l.v.1ftf 'ttrA . K ta e'ier-v - ,: 1 k .We V.VlntAWi-f. Aart 'rjlif tnna. tf that 1 1. -. - 1 a 1- . tvnn i mil uie namreoi our iuui wiu ui ouriwram .t-wtt. . , ... '.. k . r.. '-y'-:'? p '74 .:':.::;''i; i. .''.,'".; 4, -5 V f-v. v-.'., . M ! ' -': Vv':r;'-;?! !3';i()ir,'' 7

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