- - ; . .....-'. .' , . ., ,.a , j. ,.. RALEIGH, DEEMBER 29, 1808; " : ' ' . Kaj' K7rcBlJsuti mat TfitttsDiTt r Jokes Sl lIl'MHOK. AT THE CrrLS fcXD Of FaTXTTX' Tiur-Srar.T, xx.t Casio's coaxes JPaicx TliRSE DOL1ARS FEE ATASLK HAL TH.tlT I ADVAXCrU SIKOt rAPXft 10 CEXtS. Captibns of the ' Laws, ,-.vv. PASSED AT KAi-JJKJH DECEMBER, 1808 I. AN ACT for the removal of me elections and Battalion Musters from Suoiton Harold, In the county of Be-ufurtto the house of Jesse. Uobcson'. ' m Hickory Point,' 'fa the county aforesaid. . f. ' , 2. To remove the courts of Brunswick county, Trent iKtviwu viij iu ipuuuisviiic. ; . 3. For the relief rf the uihabiUnts in captain Jo. "Rowan county Regiment of niilUia.. .'. ; 4. To enwr.cipute. Joseph Blackwell, in the coun try of Brunswick. " V .; .... ...; 5. To alter the time df 'holding' the Conrta of Tltas and Quarter Sessions lor the county pi Stokes , 6. To repeal an act passed at Raleigh in the year "ofour Lerd 1794, to prevent the further importati- 'on and bringing of slaves and indebted servants of color into this Stute.-, . f r : i'-.-i' . 7. For the removal cf all obstructions to the free 'passsgejsJf . fish tip the Six Runs as high as William Kerby s bridg--(';.r ;T.. : l;J.; f. , 8. To authorise "William W. Jones to erect and keep up a Gate on the road passing through his . Inspect plantation in lirunsw lck county. , i, .-,r ; : 9, To authorise Thomas Nidiolson to cut a canaJ 4 and make a read thereon. . ;' .." - ,;;-. 10. For altering the name of a Twn'on Broad river m Rutherford county from that f Burr to that 1 1 ; To amend an act entitled an act to tirevent the 1 '"'.telling of spirituous Liquors- and othec articles at jLnurcn or.Meeung House yards bn my of divm'e ' .'worship passed in the ycar;i800. f, liytl-f-l-'. . .. io authorise nd enabl the securities f .Acnnetl jI'lver, shenfl. of CumberiiiniTMnAy.fbr - pit : years 1804 and 805. Jto collect 'the 'arrears of I ! axes due from the inhabitants of said 'county . for luScvearsaforesaid.r;'- rv.xt , , - v, : ., . iI3, :To provide fo building s kew Jail in the ,;JTown of Concord in the coUn- of Cabarrus. ei4 To authorise the County Courts of Craven) RutherforoV. Iredell and Granville o cause1 the ;' jfab the Register of said counties to be tWtos- ttribed. iy-i i;-ft';";v'- t-: ? Sv. 'i ft To authorise the Wa'l- V'".'" """ . ; itounty pf Montgomery to erect a House for 1M ju . .'. commodation of the poor of siid county. '' . . ,15. maiuug ituu&r compenssioon to the Jurors ' irho iy hereafter fcttend thfe Superior 'find Xbunty : 1 f Courts of Halifui county;:-' 'f'Pi .,17-To amend enact passed at the last Session' of i s the General Assembly entitled ah act to allow inte ; rest on Judgments recovered in actions brought oh F ' contract,' d to mitigate the sevfcrityof executions. !l-'l9,.To liiuit Penal actions. ' . ' ' V' . ''"'n; i 19. To amend an act passed in ) 804, "entitled an : 1 act to revise and continue in force the acts and clau- 9 ses of acts heretofore passed, declaring fertaui ca " tries lapsed notwithstanding the purchase money ;? inayjhave been paid in case' they are ot turveyed andi, returned into the Secretary office ? Withui a p j.'.-' limited timew'.,1' MIX 'tfy v S ..1i;so, ,To " esabSsh fcjtf ipariw: Bectioi hvhe 'r. ' county ol CasweIL-;;S:w'' ;il "',.''' ' ''," ; s S I. An act supplementary to the 4th Section of an ' acteimtled an act to improve the navigation , of the ' Catawba River passed at Rafcigh 180 !. . ; ; 22. Relative to the ClUb Foot and KtafoV Cfeek i Canal.'tvJw.iP'J""' irS'rf "Mvr?f,.,' . 53. To rais k Revenue for the oavnient of the ; ' etvil list and contingent charges cXGoveniment for :') Ihe year 1 80? WyV JtrZ . . ?24-To alter thetimeof holdteg the coiiaty courts ': in Richmond ptrntfJ-Wj lv Hf 33 To pcal part of an act made in tlie year 180& tnrectina the moae ot uecnon in tne county l Guilford and for 'Xrther purposes.? :L- -p 'f i ' ; Vi 56vTomc6rporate the Town of J3eaufort in Ithe ; county t. arteret, ana to aireci uic muc oi appuuu incr Commissioners for said Town.' ' c '-'y ') r v 27 Tq amend an actpassedift Hb Jlf granting : Philip Hoodenpile and Job Barnett if Turiipikf i.in . 'Vti county ot Buncombe. V'fiNyv '' slCi .28. For the better" regulationof the townof Green i 1 .;Tille.-ih.Pitt'eountv.W'a j '; 77, 39. Authorising; the formuiosthe Cavalry; of. ; wasnington&na lyrreucounnea, wiw wio wiupxr H r 3o. Td seem from injury the hndge across "VScuppernong rivef, 3n Tyrrell,ppo&ite Columbia, i U 31. Toamend the'several acts; relative jto 0e i fa Raidgh. ?-rs:;cfM:: I " r'.J3. To restrain Justices of the Peace from, hold ; ; ing appointments inconsistent vr'ilh the nature and ;..v''dutieoftfeirappoin -V? 34. Td amend the twit of 1807, to aut,honse Ben i ; iamin Jones, Thomas Harvey Enoch Sawyer, and t , Frederick B. Sawyer, to cut navigable cftn and s V. make a rodd thereon through the Great, Dismal V Swampi" from the ' Dismal Swamp taual,; near, the ; T :' head of the woods in Camden county,, to the -JVhite ; T : Oak Spring Mash in Gates, and to demand tod re- livfr f ewe-toll theieon. ;3f.tt,VvviV.i' ; V; 3siiTo kmehdtho lathse'cdonof the actof 1.806, fortliS more uniform and convenient adnunistraUon :7, f justice within' this state.' i75' f J i 87. To give concurrent jud : snd" Superior Courts. ' ; " ': ,;' , J9. To prevemsnytxrr OTDervj from work "gjeenes, skLtvrrin with nets, or of setting nets ut x ar river, on aunuay and 5tinduy.nif hts, una on Thursday and Thursday nights in tftrjr week from the ) 5th January to the Jith of March, in each and everyyear. . .-'l'4.-. . ; 40. To appoint commissioners of navigation for yjoi lppsau luict, ana the several sounds in said district, in the county of Carteret' , " ' ' ; 41. To establish a separate election at the house of Mary Gregory in the county of Chowan, and to alter the time of holding the -elections at the court uouse o sua county. . . .?. ; : 42. For the better regulation of elections cMont- gomery county. . j ' ' : . 43. .To estabhsh' wi" Academy on Richland swamp, in Kobe son county. ' .' " .v ',' r 44. To alter thetimt of Iwldini- of pleas and quartrr sessions la the county of Tyr rell. : v - . f...V'-?v"".'?.' .. - ' 4B. To authorise the commissioners of thar ty of Guilford to make use of stich materials of their ow gaol, a they may deem eipedient in building a x 45. To establish a separate Battahon Miitp' In uie county uf . KCbeSoii. . "- . x: " ' 47. -To amend the 3d section of an Lr("tM(l m the year UB06, : entitled an'-act to' establuh the moue of elections la future, in the county of John- 48K '-Granting: to the Inhabitants of Stokes ty tne prtvUegeof separate elections. . . . w uTwvcxuncs uurcum oi uie WTO 01 iuienton. trom his wife Mary.' ; - ;v ' -v i 1 i0. Erecting the' west but of Buncombe Into ' separate and disanct couaty i and also a rrf of finm. it ana a pan ot ciaocn counties into irtumtn and distinct county : 51. ;. To empower the County Court of Brans- wits io Dunn a nouse lor tne recepuon and employ ment of the poor ihereo&' and for other purposes. ' V53. r .To compel sheriffs and other oflkers to ve suffiaent notice of the time of sale of personal pro petty, hfj ;Mi;: y.-j f oaincna tne w section ot an act otj 804, fixing the time for pavinar the purchase money into the Treasury on entries of land. : ' ; x 54.. Dirccthig Surveyors "to make 'eertain surreys and returns in the time therein required.:' !j.--r , , , 55. To enable women in certain cases to 'maintain i actions of slander.'' ?i A ,,i'': T .N '- ,i ! i6. To, establish three separate elections in Cn. ven County, and to TcguLte the time, and mode of holding the elections. : ; . .t ; : , ' . ! that purpose, to raise by way of louery, a sum of mo. ney to enable him to carry on the manufactory ot Srtltr: '"v ti'i C.''Ai'-jr-r. v.-' 58. To repeal the 2d section of the act f 1806, enutled aq act to alter me plate of holding one of the. leparate elections in Currituck, and to estubusn two other elections..,; ,,-ri ?ti$ a-J 59. Alterine the time of sutttn of the County Court bf Pasuuotank.'lvt iiRKHi:(vMv&S3"'! 60. Repeali.ie an actof 1807,: alrtrmitthe time of holding County Curt8 therein niepuoneo, so tar as reepecwourrycoujiy,,i'j,;,i?;;r"j 61. Uranun two separate flections, ana lutenng le other election in Buncombe. 1 Xi a j 62. Encouraging the destruction of wolves in oj, CAiapilsmng sepuraic: cicvuuib ui uwtu 64. Aumorwine the Pubhc Treasurer to employ ah agent or agents to collect arrears dde the state. I; 65. Establishing six separate elections, and alter in every other ekctiott.in OiM;.'&&"-tt4- 65. To empower the County Murt ot yreii to lay a Ux for the purpose.of building abridge across Utae';iAiUgator Creek 'M&i 4 7.:,To authorise the waMens ot tne poor oi ueau fort -county, to lay a tax to defray the expences of the poor of saidcountyi'(; 's'i--' 68.1 To prevehtthe'drawiiig fa seene across the moudi of Conabv'a Creek, in Washington county. . 69, Directing the manner in which jurora to the Superiour . Court, in . Sampson county are to, prove 'tl fL.i ...... ..;.' fi,,-i '' .. -t i Vv;.I'r't inmr ulkch 111 iulutci. . 70 ;-To restore.to Philip Holcombe of Buncombe rruintv t hft nrivilpp-es of a citizen. : 1 ' 71. To regulate the seene fisheries fa Blount's Creek in .Beautort county. f:.vr..-, , .-, . 72", Establishiner three separate elections In Cra ven county,, and to regulate the other elections in said countv. , , ' ' ' : .)r I I ' " ;rv? v73.. Establishing. separate election ro Cnbarrtis and for other purposes." iXTy.-'-ln-i 71 Incorporating the town of Wiluamsbbrough in' Oranrille.f rht&i 'C-' ; J5i' Fixing the pay ofthe Council of State. '5 v, 76.. To alter the place f holding one of Ae sepa rate elections ui'Mficklenbtirg county. - ' 7 f: To i atify and confirm conventional articles of ; '. . ' .... j c i.t. r. agWement-oetween. XNiortn v-aroiuM auu oouui Jr,To compel certain persons in. tne county oi Duplin to work on the river.V ; i: . S : . i ' J- , 79., Authorising the bounty t ouns oi Ancow, Rutherfor4 and Buncombe, in wrtainasesto ad journ, trom the court r.ouse to omer pwce. , . : . ' . . ! 1 t n id ' in.M Milt . - MU. ADDOintiniT VWUimsaiUireiB IW I vu wm iaui- ilish the boundary line between Wake and Frank- .- ftt .' .Tn amend an act. entitled an act to regu late the; rjrjKfc Yeopihi, a tars respects fisheries. 5 82.: For altering the places of IhWdmgtf wo ofthe separate elections and a 'battalion Truster m th county of Randolph.,'"y's's',f'i'; :K. , 63. ,T repeal an act passed in the year .1795', en titled ' an act for appointing a tdwn in the county of Bath now , the. county ot ueauion, ana tor securing ... .... .1 : "- c. -ni D.J..I. . 14 To establish a separate election fa the county oi rerquimans. . . , .. i. To tlixect when pod where elections shall in future be held fa the county of New 1 Lamer. - 86. To authorise Elisha Andres of Bladen coun ty, to effect and keep up two gates on his own land, on the road leading trom Cape i eat nver' to South nycr..'-,-. ... -z; - 87. To alter the time of holding elections to vote for electors of Preaident and Vice -Pre sklent of the United States, fa Chatham county. , 88. To authorise John Blanks of New Hanover to build V bridge over Smith's Creek, at the place vbere uie last oruige stooa. . ; , . t 89. Amending tiie fonuer act respecting the k parate election ml Nixonton, Pasquotank county. ' 0. To provide for childien born after the mak' ing of their pwrents'wilL . - 9J Compelling each county within this state to support the guarding of its pnon and the removing its prisoners to any other county lor sale-keeping. . 92.'. To remove the separate election heretofore held at Jesse Scofheld's fa Pitt, to the louse' of Palmer Cttuubo,' .'-. :;i.; :; ;.V'K- 93,. To suspend executions" for a time therein mentioned. - " '.vvf' " 'v' rV'-:- Vi.4,Authorisihe Silaa Haley," sen. to erect a irate on the road leading from RockfaghamfaRidimond' county, to his terry en Pee Dee nver. ;' ," ; .:. , ' ; PS.- To empower the County Court of PasViuotank to lay a tax on the inhabitano of said county for the purpose of building; "a house for the' reception and employment of the poor thereof, and for other pur- 96. , To amend an act granting separate elections in the county or WiMes, passed in 1806.; s , f ..5 ' -97. To alter the time 'of holding the "County Courts ofthe county of Carteret and lor- other pur poses.,- . ? ::.: .:-' ' .:: ? -7- ":-;r;l - 98. To authorise the Trusteea ofthe ESzabetb- towh Acaderav fa Bladen countr. to rent out the r ishery on the T own Commons, and, lor other pur . 99. To alter the place of holding a separate elec tion in the county of Duplin and for other purposes. ! ' .100. To autlrise Willie pennell of Wake, to keep gates across the public road. T.. ',: ;t'':X 101. To restore to credit John Stark of Gran- .102. Appointoe Commissionert for the town of I03.L T6 amend the several laws now fa force re latave to the militia; PiWl 104. Authorisine certain persons fa the countr of Rutherford to keep a gateorgau'w i.V ". -tr- eievuonSIn the county of IN ash ' v " . 'l : - f 106. T6 amend ah act passed last session t (the General Assembly, entitled ' ait act to regulate the moae oi elections m tne couwy u jiu,, .v . - 107 To establish a public landing on Bogue batiks in Carteret county,,; v i-Jii 4? ls'ji ' : L. 108. .To emancipate. Charlotte ureen ana - JLeon 109. Respecting Sherrifis. f, ntifSsfs 1 mentioned. '7-i'V.v'-ij' 11 1 ; To alter the names and legitimate the persons tnereln "mehUoned.S,,:? &jzkW 112. T6 repeal an act passed at the last'- Assem bly, to repeal the act ofJ803, empowering the4 coni- missioners oi tne iown pi iuuiauuivugu io inu .w flie;town commons .(.'.hi' voiicir,;-." 1 f3.'-Allowing' fumiermefor regulating grants, proving and registering deeds, mesne, conveyances, powers ot aaorneyDMisoisaie anaaeeusoj euu r i 14, 'To aitef ihe timi? of hoiding the: separate e- lections fa the county of Fntnklin, .'v :ty jtV- 1 IS.: To authorise the Sheriffs in this, state to col lect the Ux for defraying the expence of the public i ....... . . t . i t . u .i i reasurer oi rupuc iiuuames tor tncsamcvf : v-.. f 116. To amend an act passed in thp year 17$J, directing the mceln w hich Sheriffa shall be tailed to a settlement by the. County TrusteesiT M toitti.v ' ' , 1 1 7.X To authorise jthe county 6urt of Wilkes, to laf a tax for. the purpose prbuildhig;jauV.Vti i io, for esiaeusiuiig an acauemyuiuie county oi BeauforU-'rj: ;;Vt5ik'!Sf-r'''toi W'W' 1)94;'.repe.tlMfec pf the act lor th more umforra, and convenient administration of ius tice, and to direct thtjf manner m which: the Judges haU recciyV meir jsalari CompelUng the. VMM ot the several county courts, to account for fines and forfeitures collected and paid into their olhces. w..3uw,c wr wner oincer nas levtea or shall have lejoA-. Luxutiun, or has arrested or imprfsoned,"or Bhalt ; VY -', have teen arrested and imprisoned, before the 3 1st T; 5 i?; ' v day of Dec. instant, any person by virtue of a Writ bf v i :' ".: V' ra. M which has di nhall 'have issued for ayebtv;, 'I fV or damages, it shall be the (luty of such sheriff Smb. f-Jj'-. stable cr ether otucer,bn bond witli sulaaent scctt ' rity being given (as prescribed hi the. third section ; of this Ao,)to deliver the property thus levied on to ';;5c f v v: v the debtor on demand, and release the peron arrested. or imprisoned from custody ; Provided that nothing.- herein contained, shall apply to or auect debts which . may be contracted with -either of the Banks .esta blished fa this 'state, after the first, day bfjanuary,;v; ; f d bt Ufurthtrtnacteiy Tnat noting '.eta; ft! jfvS ? ft' .v : : tsfiend execution for a imp therein mentioned. p enacte'd by the Genh-al Jisiembfy if ihe State 'Be qfMr(hCarclina,andi( ihavfy enacted by thuau thbfity bf the oiejthat when.any judgment shall be obtained for any debt or damages in any court haying jurisdiction thereof against any debtor or debtors, at any ' dme: after the' Sls ;dy of ;Deceber instant and' before ! the'; 3 1 st " day; of tDecemer, 1 809, it. snau dc tne autv ot sucn court oeiore . wnom eacn judgment shall be cfetalriedj to stay 'Execution and all further proceedings thereon until the first Term r regular Session of such . court after the 31si day of December, 1 8Q9,'on such debtofor debtors first giving two sufficient frtfeholders(such as shall be ap- proved by the. court wecurlties lor the stay ot execu' tion i an acknowledgement of such sccuriie's. fa bpen court, and entered oh ' the ' records of the same shall Wcsidered Jtpart '.hereof 'i' And, if sucji iudRnenr$hali iibt Se paiH'WitK'six'per; cent, inter est thereon, before ; the first ' .time r session of the court after .the 3 1st day of Decemberl 809, it shall then be the duty ot said court, on mouon made, lm mediately to award execution fa a summary way a MninoktkV trttrtnal bWl shall remain unpdd. Ictihfp i,s t i L.JL andeosts.- ,r? ; - : - . ; . , II. tnd 6 U father rietee That When ar.y itidr ' ' ' mcntsliall be obtained before any k fth ipeai. af un any deUor Or debtors, on ot after the 3 1 iVtlay ' of December instant it shall be the dutr of such jui- : ce Ofthe peace UforeVhora such judgment shall be obtoined,tosuy execution and all further proceed -; fags thereon until the 31st day bf December, 1 809, J on sucl i debtor oi -debtors first tririn security in two -freeholders (such a shaU be proved by iAd jtis- "" tice) for the suyof execution And if such hiw , ment, with six per cent interest thrrcon, he not paid ' ' ' -and satisfied before the 3 Istduy of December, taoo: ' 5 . then it shallbe th duty ofthe jusuce brtl.e peace' ' on application, to award execution Imtcntrr aiTdnst ' ' the principal and his securities for the full unount ' of such judgment, or so . much thereof as jhall re-i main unaausfied, together with lawful interest there- u on tod costs. . Provided nothing herein contained shall be so constructed as to twvnt nn'f..ra ' -J raclendunu from elaiming und obtaining the atay '" of execution as heretofore, practised. ' ' -.. s : . UL'-Jnd teiftHrther enacted, Thn t shfi bet ' the duty f every sheriff, constable or other omcerV-"' to, whom any execution has beep or shall be direct- ? ' ed, in consequence of any judgment already obtained or which may be obtained before the 3 1st day of i December instant, to star all further ntr-i.Hin j thereon, on the person or persons atruinstw-howii k execution has or shall have issued, first with two sufficient freeholders security, fa the Sull sum specified fa the execution, narahln m t,Jm t- or them for whose debt r damages such execution afbreidha3 or shall have issued ; whjch bond, to gether .with the execution, the sheriff. 4.otifu n. oiher officer shall - - WWVVi juaf. of the peace to thora the tone shall be returnable r i- , na me coun or justice ofthe peace,onstich return. . -," .U -being made, should they think such securities fully 3 ? ! sufficient, shall stajF all further proceedings on such. V? 4:' '-. execution until the expiration of the times respec 7 ' 'it. ?:" , nuucum tne nrst ana second sections of tin Act, and at the expiration of such Htnp W- 'f.nir be the dutyof such court or justice, respectiver)Vt award execution fa a summarrwavsivn'inctthn -,;- cipal and his tecurities, for the full amount of such, bond, Or to muth thereof as shall remain unpaid, tew. Kvuicr if an mc lawiui interest tnereon,and the con- V stable rotherofficer," shall receive from the princi-' V V pal givmg such bond, the sum of twri BhiiHnir. t; : ui value.- v - ; -' nexi. ; fa ttontafaod shallbe deemed to apply to Judgments or xuxecuuonswnicn are or may oeootamea orissu : edf fa the name of the -state cr" at the instance of -the t Treasurer, or1 to alter the mode ;hy ' whkh -wch i Judgments and Executions are car -ried' fatb"; effect, or (to exonerate.'; clerks, ihe-1 rifts, county treasurers, or treasurers' of public buil ?; dings and constables, from payfag or "satisfying on i executions, or, otherwise all such sums Ot money ? as they have received and collected by virtue of their 1 office j "and if exedution issues against any of them, - their property 'shall be -sold to the highest bidder, to .1. satisfy sucn execution anyuung hereutcontauiedt. - - r & ; the contiry'ftotwhhstBnduTig-.' t.- A'';' iVhidnd frtterenue&fjik)6s herein :&yB&:Y:: contained, shall be so construed as to prevent clerks shentTs, county treasurers, treasurers of pucUcbuil dings, from' collecting iuch'mbhies R may be duo them lor the use ot tne puunc. xatyi f nee, aa, i.bobv ; V T . -dents will do Well td attend at the ctanmcneeinciu A ". w , of the aeftiioa. that thev mtfv ta fMmlirtlr cloMul. i This institution c ijnues undn the ! tuperintentfen'c -?f I of (the' tteV.'yt. 1; turner, asistod hrMr. JafcBogk. f" . Mr. Bowen hw charge of tha Female Debarttnentt a rtl-v heretofore t and Mr. A. Greville has the cafe of the Ara-ri 'it ':s;ii'r". TheFemalw Studerinstructed in a teperat House, a .new on having lately been, erected for the pur- -' ' yC? ': in uie iwue aepanment are taognt tne umgusges v , . - Sciences generally. :In the f emate department, istaglutlBvi- 's Astronomy ana Histary, to such at Oemra 4 vita all Juno.;' . ytf ' . of.Needlework, PmtinR;tJhWin Embroidery, &c. "1 y ;; t Particular' attention will.beswl to -the morJl eiStu-' l. ; 1 : E dents sent to this- Academy and Vora the' drcwrtstance,' the ackoavledfred talents of Uie ieacbers j. She alubrit v f i die places -and the moderate pflie oflJoard- and Tuition, t the Titutert hbp Uie eelchrity of this Aca.d.cmy; will con- rj tiiiuetowtreAie, ' i V ''.,' v. -.isW . V .v . . . -,V. ' ; f Continucf to liMtntct-yd wg Idief odtitcT' Raho;Port - ,5?- ' and in, Sinpng', aflertl em mt approved English taste i alnd t;'-c-..; s vj hopetftota the expuncuee which has tnnli)&i?-0?xr-y' teaching the past year, to be favoiued witlt increasedp 'I '.; twnaj!..;"'.-' " ,,..''Vi.;-.r.;-;:C:''-';,-::; . tty tf desired, ts, ft 'histrnet a few PupHs in tivnely' v$r ' Indian w Diwwiiig. f L.i', W'.V.'.1'-; ,-St-;KS'.ti't v ' ' mm. .if! , y;v ;,".; ;,;.wra.'.v-,y i:-;H ;vt': '" , , 38. To esubk county, ":f'.V.!,;)W'

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