Vol. I. RALEIGH, JANUARY 5, 1809." No. 10, ' a 3 a V V : if ,1 r t LI. -fi BttSHSO XViaf ThUHSOAY, T JoAjtt ;Dttjt at tux vrrra una o Faixttt-t-bratxT, kxak Casso's coasxa Paicx LS pOLLAKS rr.K AKKVM, F A T A KLK HALF ;LV IX APTAKCB 6IRU1.K tXrLM. 10 CASTS. f" 1 t r- a'KUl'OoALii , Mails of the United States . W t' t i 4-pji, icvut lA ttjcSeetiih dug tfJaim- , IS NORTH CU;OtJXA.' 77. Frn E kitlms, It Lee's Inula, and PljiiWIlh, fjj ' .'ntton, one wotk. " v. Lre K.lntun e ry Tuesday '. errivw at My. mvu.h by 7. .. !'c nvnulb a Wednesday at ,B.anJutve at asl.mgton by 6. p. as. . ' j;.hirvi. lrav W lirrco on Sunday at 4 a. as. aN xiva u riyiiKMi' bv 4 . . m. la-ave fty nunuk at 4 1-3 A. . n J arrive at Rinftitrai on Monday by4. ft. as. , 73. i'rum Wiuloiijluti, by U Woodstock c a vrctk. . : v I rave WooJttDci every Wednesday at 7 . ss. and arrive at WasVmeton by 4 ft. at. Leave Washington at J p. as. and arrive at Woodstock cm Tlnirsday, by 2. A. u ' . 79. Frma N'ewbern, by Trtuiun, North West Landing, and llkhmoiul. to Wiiwu!rto once a week. ' I.cave Ni-wber every Tuesday at 5 si as. arj arrive at Vilmin(fon on Thursday by 10 a. at. , Leave Wilmington vtry Thursday U.2pm. and arnva atNewbavn on&aUir- HX From NcwWra to Beaufort once In two Wecka." . Leave Kew')tra nwrv other Fiidy nt 6 a. m. ami amre at Bcui'orton S-iturUj by 10.iw. Leave Bettfort the iinn iny at 2 p. m. and JTive t Newbcrn on Sunday by 6 v m. 1. bl. From Yarfitoi,b Kanaom'a Dnifrt, Jotevii;e, iraLIUx, Scotlund Ntck, Hojtoti, WiiUtiroston.lJ.iily'i, ny arHMUl, and Ltw'a MdU, to Scuppernonr one a week. Leave Warrentnw ercry Tueaday at 4 avat. arrive at r.-iionra JJndga br noon. Usava Uanaoiu aurioe at 1 f. mv. and aiTive at lijiti by 6 av Leave lleal&X at 7 . m. arrive at Scotland Neck ' ' Leave tbere at and rriv atHcunwrncmron Friday br 11 ' - J? Leave S:njpcraoiig every Friday at 1 p at arrive at Scotland Neck OA " ' : : at t t ' " UveScotltidneckat . and arrive at Ilalk fas oh Monday bv 8 ft. at. 'Leave Halifax at 8 1-2 . . ar tive at Kanacm'i Ui tJjre by noon. Leave RaiUKtiu'a Bidge at 1 b. m. and arrive at Wai'reatoa bv 7 ft, i. &2J From lMifiiX hy Nortliatuuton C II. Princeton, JLirfiecsboro. Winton, Colcraiit. Pitca Lufidinf aud A&, nukar. to E.lenton once a week. .i. . Ltave UuliidZ every Wednesday at 4 . .at, and arrive at 1 irirrret&bon' by 4 p. M, Leave Murn-eesooro' by i m. Will amve atEUenton on mduy by lU a. m. , , . . ' Hcturmnr. Leave Edeiiton every FridT at 2. m. ar rive at Mui-i'reeabtf.V on Sunday by 7 . m. and at tlaliiitx 8j. From Warrcnton by Ranmm'a Bridg and Jonf ibo- rouh to Tarborousrli, tiitnce iy au vt iu ana biiicn .atort: tn Warrciiioii. once a we?k. ' lm ' I J- Dvn Warrcntruk. ttvtrv Fridnv at 8 . ml and anrim &t Xarborotin on satunuy uy t k w. . Leave rarroronga at Lr 11 A. . unil arrive at Warrcnton on Morula v bv ft. ft. tk.-. a 84. from Hulifax by Tte Store, Enfold, Tarborwugfc, f Greenville and Washington to Ncwbern, twice a week. , ' Leave Kulifux evert Wednesday and SpmUv at 6 a.m. and arrive at Newborn on 8aturday aad Wadneaday U JieturiuttT. Leave Newbera every Wednesday and 8a tar Jay at 2 ft. as. and arrivi at Halifax on Saturday and TTutsday by 6 ft. as. - . - 3 i 8 J From Scotland Neck, by Noi fleet's ferry, Craird- '"i'ittrrv Cross Roods, and Uurkavllk to Windsor, once a U- Veil. I .rV(j at Windsor y 4. Leave Windsor every Friday ,v at 6 o, m and arrive at Scotland Neck by 6 ft. a , - . U. . From Eulcigh by Chapel bill to Hillsborough, once ; Leave Ealetgh everv Friday at 8 . antj at rive at Hilla '' fcowutrh on Saturday bv 8. m. Leave IMlsboroucrh eve- f'Jhr Wednesday at Sf. m, and arrive at lUkign on 'i"hurs-';4ayby5.a. W. From fiiiis;orougn ny nioum i man, iiism v. ii. Uesburg, CaaweU C, II. Lenox Caatle, Soatwick'a and kcviingtiam to Gcrmanton, once a week. , -' " Leave H'dlsborounh every Saturday at JO a. . arrive at lswcll C. II. on Sunday uoon, and arrive at Gcrmanton Hj .; t Rcil uesauy ny jhm. . ucruiauiou everj y eduesdiiy at 0 . aa ana arnva at iijusuoroujjn uie hcai Baturdny by 8 a. m. - . . , - . . " 8'J. From Avenshorouh by ITay wood, PitUburgh and Join's ferry to Hillsborough, once a week. , . v. . - ideate Averysooroupn every nuruy m. wu r- dl ve at IliHsboronirh an Baturdsy by a. a Usave HUls- borough every Saturday at 1U . m. and avrivt at Acrys- ftanmuu oa Sunday by ft. IV' 1 t O- - - j i ... ' . aw d I,, r 89. From Ita c Lh. ly NuUU'a. louxioraor flierin. .7. ,til!i,oncea week. 'i . Leave Saleii -li. every Friday At 4 a- a, and arrive at Ox- f i.ra Ly 6 ft. m. Leave Oxford every Saturday at 4 tr. m. a ,t 'fc and arrive at Raleigh by 6 p.m. ' s A y " ' t r BlCi"' 90. From Kalcigh, by I'wd'a ferry, Watson'a Crosd ft Trbirouti, once in two wet aa. - roiiin on Saur.lay hy BhM. litave 1 armirvii;i wry 4 ' I rhcrBunday at 6. s. w. and arrWft atfialeih.on Monday , f p. i ...., w , ; ".- J Jt', ' 9L' ; FromNraiiamsbom' by Bullock'a atore, JDrowVa toivWilliamaville, Stti-lingviUc and Med House, U Caa- ,1 I- - I A lChrlotte on Tuesday by 8 A. ss and at AabvXa TTxirs-1 lvt) 6 p.m. Lease AJwUrvry Frdj- at 6savand ime at SaSjltirr m Almvlsy by la, u. at. Vi. t ro!B AuTiii;, by U.; aria siiraiea, .wtort T- and ikviervtUa to Knosviile T. once a wctt . . Leave Aivilla every. Friday at 4a. k and arrive at KnoivUk oa Monday by 10 s). as. , Iave KnoxviUu every Hontlay at2 ft as- audanivd at AstvdleUiencjrtThursdjiv by 6 p. IK V ' Vi. From MorgantAft, by Tutharfordtoa ajui CowcqS tore, to GrreayiUc s. k. 8. C. once a wrekt ; - 'a . ": x Leave Morgaiiton every Friday at 6 u. as. and arrjva 4 Grcrnvilie e. h. biundalr by 6 p. at, ' - r 4 Uttunnr. Leava Grtamilie e. h every Mondar at 4 4,-m. and arrive at Morgantoa en Wedqcadsy: by 6 ft. as. . 1 vr. . From uiartptte. Dy oeggar lrry, and ALU a iroa Works, to York cklC once a week. . -' " . , Lve Charlotte every VcIiedsy at 9 . as. and arrive a4Tork.k.bylft.s:- r't"': ',-, -. "-t-lo. Jkwinft Leave TorkcV very Tuesday at a. as. and arrive at Cliarlotte bv 6 ft. as. 98. . From Ualeigh, by SmittuVlct, WayneBboro, Ciato I. n. ana Kingston u wcwoent, onccawecfc s -v-V' Leava RaW igk am-ry Fidfty at 9 . ss. and arrivt at New hern the next Monday by 1Q a. as. Leave Newbern every , . I . A ' 1 . . . 1 . .1 . . . 1 iwkiijh 4 p. m. vu tit m sMuciga we sent nuraxuv by 4ft. as. . . .-' ,v-'i ..f-:. '.;,;-' 99. From Charlotte, Vy Lancaster Cairo, and Provi- aencq, to Candcn, once a week. , Leave CUurlotte every Wednesday at . . and arrive at Camden on Thursday by S ft. as.' Leave Camden on Fv. d ay at 6 m. as. and. arrive at Qiarlotte on Saturday by 6p, m. iiMj - rrom raycttcvuic, by EbaoeUttown to tViinunt ton, and tltence by South Washington, and Sampson c. h to FayetieviUd once a week. -- - : Lvave FayetteviHo eveiy Storday. at 4 si, av and arrive At WumuHrutn on rnursilay by.IDav, .Leave Wilimng ton every Thursday st 2 p. m, and arrive at FsvetuvUla o 8undiy by 6 ft. m. ..'''."-, ;' --' 101. ! From Fayettyillcty Andoravillt to Wilmington, ! ..Leave Fayetteville eveiy Saturday at 6 s aa and arrivt At Wilmington oi Sunday by 9 Leave Wilnungnh every y, eonesoay at a a. as. ana arrive at rayeuevuie or. Thui'sdayby 7.,aaU-. ,..-'::1? 4 102. From Fayettevine, by LaorclllilL WnnfiUville, ana v-ncraw jf. n. 10 tamiuin, i. u. once a wetc, . i ' , Leave Fayetteville every Tuesday at' 5 a. m. and arrive at Camden on Thursday by B AC ej Leave Camden- everv Friday at 6 as, and arrive At Fay etta villa ou Sunday by b ft. as. x 1 - j 1 i 't. f ' , , , 103 f From. Fayettevttle by Moore e, b. Carthage, am; Randolph C? h, to.biUiahury, and, Uu-nce by TindkHsville , ttenocraon, svaaesuoro , , pringvule, Bcieedslxiro" anc Richmonu . b. to FayettevHIh;, ore a wotk. " " lirave Fayetteville every FVidr.y at 8 n as. and arrive at Salisbury the neat Monday . by lokev Leave Salisbury af jjk s amve. at KichmoiKV c h. on Wt;dn4;uay ty4 p. as. and at Fayetteville on Thuradsy by 5 A. as.. ' ' ; , ., .v 1 ! ' 101- From Wilkes' 0. h, to Aoh! e. h- once in tw o week Leave Wilkes' c h. evel y otiier Thursday at 6 a. m. ar rive at Ashe e. h. fame day by 7 A- Leave Ashe c. h every either Friday at 6 a. aw arrivar at Wilkea C h. tfct aame day ty 7 . aa j-.v v j -.' , y . t . ; . . . Fvm Newberit to Swanahoro" once A eek.t', Leave Ni.bew every Tuesday at 4 o. t. arrive at Swans b oro same day by 1 1 , m. Leave S wanshoro1 every Ttit-s. day at 1 p nf. arnye at Ncwbemoiit cne uay by? p. tp ' ' t.1 The Post Maater General may; expedite the mails and alter the times of arrival and departure si any time during tltecntiouMice of the cvntructs, he atjpukiting what tie conceives to tie an adequate compenaatioa for any extra expense that may be occasioned thereby. r. , 2- Fifteen minutes ahnll be allowed for opening and. Itisaini tKat aiTa at- (1 if? 'oats aurmost tt hnvl IHills i ims 4 s specihed. . ' ' " ' : .'',--" 3. For every 30 taluntesderav. (uhsvoWhilile accident excepted) in arriving sAcr the tkne pn-acribed id any con tract, the contractor shall forfeit one dollar : and if the de ny eonUnucauntU tha departur of any depending mail whereby the maila destined ftr. auch, depending . mm.' lose a trio, an additional forfeiture of five dollars shall be incurred. . And whenever a lost trip ensues, from what. ever circumstance, the amount to be pawl to tne contracuM- tor a regular trip la to be dedacted awn oie psy. .. ,.!'.., 4. . Newsnavera. as well as letters, are to pe Aent in the mail 1 and if any per on making proposals, desires to -csr-ry newspapers, other than thH? conveyed in the mail, for his own emolument, he must state in his proposals for what sum he will carry with the emolument, and tor, wnat sum without tuat emolument. ' - ' a t M. Should-an v aeraon maklnir prososata desire, an at taration of the, times of an ival and ck parture above ape. cified, he nju" tte in his proposals the alteration desir ed, and,he Aillerencethty wilj. tpiAc mute terms 01 tnt contrict.- . - , - ,. fl. . Persona mutirur Dmnosali are desired ta. State their nricea bvtlia vear. Those who eontrect WiU receive their nsv ouartoriv. ia the fiHintha of AtMruat, November, February and Way, m one monm Wier me- expiration w eacuquanrr. . : ",.- . 7 J$- ottver tnaa a Irec wmte person siiaii cuifMigf 8. Where Uie nronoser intends W cnviry , nw anau in t1usbol,vf aatage carriige, he is dtaire4,tq-W it in lua proposals. v . ' w . " , , 9. The Poat Master General resarvei to himself the right of declaring ny contract at an end whenever one CiliirH lisnnna uliich amniuitato thelossof A trip. ' 10 : Tlia contracts for the above routs are to he m e- peration on the ilrst day of April ext, and are M cantt. aua to torca tor two yean.' Or t SECRETARY or Tax TllEA$VTRY. la obedience to the directions of the art intilulled Aa Act to tutabli.h Uie Treasury Departmcm," the 8ecn tarv of the Treasury submits the following " '' The nett revenue atising from duuea oa merchan dise and "tonrwi; which accrued dui-ing that year I8O0, amounted to - " . g 16,613,430. And that w bich accrued durlhe Ute year 1807, amounted ax v. ill appear by Jb ttatement, A) to v UflS9,9U The aartie revenue after deducUng that portion welch arose from duty on . " V , alt, and from the addition! duticx con' " ." f. wituting the Medhetranean fund,' uhi rnounieq during the year 1806, to ' ; 14,848,784 And durlnjc te jeir 1 807, to , ; 1 4,375,851 Ildt !, b asceruined tht tl:e nett revenue wlJch accrued during 'the three first quarters oftheVcar anA J1; . . .1 m a, . in i 1 fa . ; a iu ciaiKK exceea eiutiiuuionx 01 aoiiars ana U daily decreasing, ' .The sU'.ement (Bl exlubtts in detail the rftevcral species of merchandize; and other' soulxes from which tbid? roveaue yna" collected during the- year n. it appean oy the. statement Vtatthe aaies joi puouc, uncH iwve, uuiing tec year enmng on tne 4 ? 1 u a. a. unea a week. ..... t V Leave Williamsboro every Saturdny id 4 a. m, arrive at uw. 11 . 1. m Kiinrin l.v mnn. Leave Caswell e. h. every i ' uiiday by 2 p. w ami an ive at Williamsboro en Friday by ' K In, rnm Warreuton, by Williams W, Qxford, Hills- 1 . .. t. ... . .7 -it. vr..... f'.....,.-. L!. l.-m unit vwo' xiRiMance, auintnviue, 4w vuwi i lvinirtuii: tn Mut'-.ldu- iinr a Week. ' ' .'. ' Leave Wurrentnn every Friday at 2 and arrive at tUUsboro OX Saturday by b a. m. sifi.awnw s sl anil .rrlvo at .!i nn 8midi.v bv 3 ft. to. I aye Salem '.I t4.m. and arrive at Sidisbury on Wondny hy 11 a. .; .ftiatiflhiipv etcr AioiMli'-T ut lfr V find niri tsi fiul'Tn nn ViU' sd.v by 8aa Leave balero v at9..andanivf at llillsboro'on Wednesday by 3 p.m Usra HiUsborti' at i ft. a, and arrive at Warrenton on "ill'uradHy by 5 ft. ni. " ' ? , . - " , 91 F;-om Salem, by ncthania, HurrtsviUe, Rockford, ! u-;iir. a fn-ir.Httn. ami thence by Island or, SutesvUle, KoostonviUe and HunUvlUe to 8ultm once a , ' - t,fl Rulm trv Tucadsv at 10 . a and arrive at Is . v .k- ,. 'l i.r.,lnv rv 3 ft. n. Leave Horganton verJ Fridavat U o. as. and arrive at Baltm the next Moo- 'ti y 5"' ..r.t.'.. ! r.nn(w.T. Aiexandria, Charlotte , vm- 4 It'UlhtMliouiu is ' i .it 4 tucumiile, Lincolnton and Morgntort, to Aahvdle, , to avium iy ivitii giiiitif jwi-.vmi w , 1A..H4 vr..iKsivtf nniA a wet?! id. ' I.tlv K.'S.tS.ir -.wiiarV Mondav ftt 2 a. tAna ni l .GIDEON GRANGER. ,r; - Strayed J : - " U Pmm the suhsnriljer on Mondav the 27th of November list a small BAY410RSE, Roach main and wab tail, one ........ . i 7i ' . . 4.. l.M .I..I.I... JMtlK V white una toot, ana wanqcu on nia ;n u"umt f if. 1 O'ill u-ivn u hitnHuiMi' reward toaiiv Dersoil who will deliver to ma the above described llurse,or g5 me infor mationaotbIgctMmagum.' '"'.'-'.' ' '"Salisbury, Deo.. 20 1808. l;, ,i ",N. B. The Hoise strayed from Raleigh,' '-, Miuryand Ionian drj-rt- - - . wiemAjirjcJucii: firtiuca- . ,tiona and the expenses of '.. -i tharvewanny, . 3:353 41 Naval dcpirtrrtciH4nc!uuI:i ' .'.' ' tiie' appropriation of ' ' S 77,04.474 tocot'er . T .. ' . . " J.:-' " ,. the deficit of tlia prccci . vj..--. - c-a5nyearr ' ' " 5,257,064 4t - PubUo debt, principal and , ' intrest(ih greater rmrt f , i I of the payments for the. . - - -year 1 80S Ullngaaal ," ' ready auted in' the last j --. , ' quarter) hate amounted 1 ' - 4 4 ' " . 4 -onlyto ' S,688,98i V -'- j'- tv O - 'a u'jov 13,635,275 4 Leavio a balance fai tho-" .-: '' treasury tin 30tb cpt. 4 -a V 30th of September, 1 8,08, amounted to about 300,000 1'. January, 18 10, may, af- trcs; -ana tne: pnymenta oy purenxsers. to near 350XX dollars, i The proceeds.oi'the sales in the Mississippi territory , bebWafter deducting tlie aur- yeying and other incidental expences, appropriated in the first, place," to the payment of X sum of 1,250, 000 dollara to the state of Georgia, are distinctly stated.. ,' ' ; It apneara bv Uie statement fDI that the ty menls on account of tbeprmcip&ioithe public debt, have, ourhvg the same period, amounted to only 2,335,000 dollars. But the payments from the trea sury for, the annual reimbursement of the 6 per cent , and deferred . stocks, and for the final reim bursement of the 8 percent." stock (will exclusively of a sum. of 730,000 dollars already in the hands ol the treasurer as fapent for the commissioners of the sinking fund) amount during the 'last (quarter of this year,toa,37X,000 dollars: making the total of pub, u. debt reimbursed from the 1st of April,' 1801, to the 1st of Junuuty, 1809,' about thirty-three millions six hundred - tlwustnd dollurs, eXtlwi''Jvr-J'M,' than' si tnilhons ptda-iftg; that atma period, In Qen&rmicp 'with the provisions of the treatyand con teBtlon'vkh Gfeut-fititairu' had of the Louisiana conventaw)..-v : r " ",; ' ' - " .The public debt wilu on the first ot January, J 809, mount to 56,47,63 dollars, -TOnstuiK of the fol lowing items i 01i six per cent stock, i,"' f ;, itumiiiiU aiiiuuill, . " , , , ; , 1808, of '4 Vt "f . t , - . v The cash in the hands of f - collectors and receiver ' andtheoutstandlig re-' :" "- venue bonds, which avill ' , almost altoectJier " fall due prior to the first of - tr' IM48J7 3 ' i mm 11 . j 8 26,481,991 99 4U. 13,840,00$' Deferred1 stock, s horninal amount v IlTir,47 9 unredeetned," 1 1,9 1,5 New six per cent, iock . exchanged at par " , -4 ,-; old 'six and defer'.',; Vw, red, -v' " '; - .. , v New six do. do. arisinp ' . from conversion of ' '' "l 3 pereiult stock at ' ''" . 45 new six for 10Q " l4 . 3 per cent.' stock, ''.' " ' 1796, six per cent stock V Louuiana do. , ; -" - j . . ,1 - ;,lot4 sutper cent.. ; stock, . :rh 4 Three per cent, stpek, : ' ,' . (inre deenedl, 9,386,657 08 .-$9143, 50 Ner deducting the dpbefla1'' - iuicgjnwiuiuu)Uiuuiv , ' expenses ol collection " be estimated to have a ' - moutiCfcd, on the 30th, - of Sepeftber 1808, to' V ' 16,500, 1 Making, together vithth '-'HJ- $ balance u the treasury ' -on that day of' :KV An aggregate of 4 y a ' ., A V " Although the expenses of ' , 1 thepresent quarter cannot at ' present be preciacly ascer' ';' .' Uincd, they will not, includ ing'the reimbursement of "' 5,374,000 dollars, on account of the principal of the public ' ".S debt, exceea- '!" ' 1 . -' Jtayins; -hA 1st dayoC-VV: J;- j nr muy, a sunk 7 tt',24 " ' I. 4 i,S9,770 70 40,000 s-.! ;150000;.L i t .V,t -' 40,489,618 85 6,158,044. 42 of sixteen millions Of dollars m cash or bondpi.ya ' ble during the year 1809, and applicable to the cx penseaof that yeaf. It is presumed that Uie re eeipta arising from Importations and payments for l&nds subsequent to the 30th September, 1 808, LI . not he greater than the deductions on account of bad debts and of the extension of credit on certain aril .The expenses of the year i 809, would, accordin to the appropriations' already made; and to the usual annual estimates, amount to thirteen millions of dol- .' lars, consistirtf the following items t I.' Civil Kst an(iinisri-.nunf.rin& ' V -f -r '..''-- --expenscsi ; " " ' - -' II. Fordwi btercourse,' III. Grants by congress and . J other miscellaneous unfcire- seeh demands,- ' ; ; . IV. "Military and Indian de partments, ".'f" '; V. Naval'dcpartment,'' ' VI.' Annua) appropriation for thepubiiQdettj- v- ; ;, -4 00,00(l i00,00' i t Boylah ; ALMANACK, the year 1809 . 4' - The interest on the rhoie debt and the annual reirabursemeot on the six per cent and 'deferred stocks will, for the snsuicc year, .amount tp 4,I36, O0Q dollars, leaving, , in order to complete th annu tu appropriayon jed 8jppO,0Q)0 of dollars, a num of 3,7 7 4y000 dollars, applicable to he reimbursement of the new exchanged six per cent, stock., The Whole of that !c of the other new six per cent, arising- from the conversion bf three per cent stock, amount ing together to 7,85,3,000 dblls. would thus be t elm bursed, within two years.'' - And after the first daf of January, 181 1, the whole annual amount payable on account of interest and annual reimbursement, could not, during the seven ensiling years, exceed .2,75.6,-' OQO dollars.', But under existing circumstances, is pelieved that the reimbursement of that new six per cent stock will be nominal, and must be effected by incurring a new debt to an equal amounti ' ' "" 1 , , The actual - receipts in the treasury during the year1 ending on Uie 30th Sept.: 180$, nx they princi pally arose from the revenue accrued during the preceding year (and the: payments on account of a . .1 .. . 1. f ' l ...It. ... ' . nrawDacfci.ua in g ocen aimmisnea oy cne emoargo;, have been greater than those of any1 preceding year, mountwj to . ' . ; , W' ; . 8 1.7)953,4 19, 90 And the specie in the treasury on . ,;4t,j- , the 1st ol, octobc,rf 1807, a- v . , mounted to . . FOR 8ALE AT THIS CFTICB. sujpehiouh ix coumr court. , j?"BtANKS;: Vtor sale at this ovyiV' - t ,8,5:29,573. 08 V ' Making together, 16,48j,992.98 : The disbursements during the same period, have amounted to S. 12,655,275 46 consisting of the following items, - -t,- v Civil department & mis-. ; ' ' ' " ' cellaneous expenses, S 1,258967 18 Foreign ..intercourse and . payinept of American J '. claims assutued by the l'i ',' ' , , Louisiana 1 convcnunn, 406,499 3? 2.738.UI) I 1,C14,000 g 13,000,'000 Leavbtr asui-bluaof onlythree millions of tioi - lartt for defraying all the expenses for fortification j , 'miliCury stores, increase of t!.e army and navy, or. oincrwise mciaent to a state oi actual var or ot pi e paraUons for frar1. -V' '"' ' ' : :'; : v. ine annual appropriation on account ot the puouo , debt, ambuntirig to eight nullions,"Wi the interest for the vear 1809.' beiiiff less than three niil.kms of . dollais an authority' to borrow fiv'e 'millions would V only create anew debt equal to the ptanapd of id delit reimbursed durm'that year,' and'sppcars suf--' ' ficient to' provide for. any deficieucy arising from tlio; "' CAiiwinaiiiary expenses wiucu iiuty.uc uii tunu r risodby congress.1 J ' : . ; " w , ; It thus appears, that; notwithstanding the general warfare of, the", belligerent' powers against neutral natiohs, and the Consequent suspension of commcn o which took place in Uie' latter end of U.e year 1 807, ' . ahd notwkhsteridint? the increased rate' of exrentU . Turc naturally arisiho from that state of things ; tho uruuiary revenue wiu mvc vcza suiiicium 10 ueiiciy all the expens6s of the years 1808 and 1 809, uiclud iru;for 1808 a reimbursement of debt, exceeding tix , millions of dollars, and without making any adil.. ion '" , to that debt in 1809 ' The measures necwary tor , be adopted in order to make a timely roision for " the service of the ensuing yearsi djend on tlio?" course wnicn the unitca &uteu will pursue in rcia-a . tion to'foreign pggressions. And that bctogyct ui- ascertained, it bcf 'ifs necessary td examine th several 'olterr);itivt-i ' : i the choice" Conrcas.' " Either the navi. 'fthe ocean will be sb&n oned by Uie United . ;oritwi'.lle rasv.r.cd.' The first supposition i ' t of a continuant o Jho , embargo of thei vesstla the UiiledSutcsVandad-.;' inits of two 'alternatives. ' ',' ' - l; Either ji pwibion gencrt,!'y fciilJuLiy eyportt- ' tions, may continue to uls .irtof tf.e t; lit , which case, impoi-Utiuns, w U tl.er c;' ' i -tcr1 tcted or not, must, for wvu tf tl.e t-f py tnent, be ialsot discuntinucdi .,-'''' " ' 2. Or exportatio! i corre:-;or Lvytrt. lit rt may be permitted iu foreign Vv': tl. . . ' , tne seconosuppo:i'j.sjit;; tk5 two, analoujyiv' - 'l -hi A . 1

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