irlL it:- ' , . " : i. i I X JL jL1: . i Vol. I. : RALEIGH, JANUARY 12, i 809'.', . o. 11.' 1 . : Vc'iUKl lairs by the mcrj owner, eomiirnee, or factors (Siuca 4if Ttwi:l or boat, wui by tho nutter rht-reot, in urn M ffrnl H k0:J . iYir l V ' cspec:al'y in pU'f s here Civ oneuts are. re.aniri.5t- Pvbluiiko klht 1 hv ki r,' bt Joxfcs j cd -irul an txU iiivi'vn is u be given to that fystrrn feJUSDMSJ, ii.rrir....i a r , . , w ....i .uj.kujc .t il .1 rh n--J '.hn a-la, Imr the tin !. MH.t-STft.EiT, una Card's co?sF.a-l'icx we rtomcstic prrxlucw ou suspicion of thc?!cing mit( rt u, 'bond. Urut ,,,.m any J-- THktZ Dollaii TKH ABNCMt FAt h ir j intended lor exportation, winch came in irlth the) tmtortbet'nHcd8uwiiitlMut)iii'npMvniiiklroUiiw . .11 r k iDVixcf.. siKOM nun 10 ciT. I eiiUArvo laws, and Has attended their execution. I ed chvi-anec. nor unul the mM.rr rr conin.arijer HI1 In all this w, I see nouiirr? that is to conciliate 1 4vwa to me cmicctcr or surveyor 01 we pvn 01 .., . r j ' a, v., I utxinihcung opinions . SV , - ' .r. I that will irmforati, trus mill ir. rniirw-llH. atvl NviUiJ ... .-ii ,. r .i. . i t .. 0 - 4 iDiffQr puinKHnii,HinHuiniui viriHumaciffn t Beaufort county , ,, ' Mladen,' 1,1 'Buncombe, - ' ; Burke,' ' " Carterttt . V - , C'a' court-hounCf' ,. P'tUiborovh, Chatlianif Clovet-GardtTt) do, . ' CAovian, Cumberland, Jtdgecombe, ( ' J''rffnkHn , : .ijrmnvule, , t ' OuSIori, JMax-, John Clulr. J, or M. Pickett. ,' :,v J Mr. Mars.h. ' . v V "lliomas liroTvo, . (lvinje Swain. c -- Ovorge Walton.'', Samuel Gerock. " ; John Brandon.- ' ;, Biyan Helen -r , ! John Graves 4 " ' Jolio M'Aden. , ' ' Dismukes hi Warden. ' ' F.' Freeman. ' " v. . Henderson Stfinlin. Duncan MUca. " Daiiel RedmonJ j ' ' .v Joel King. . '.- " , ' .Stephen SnccAf , , IewisLeMay. - V ,VtUiun Snced. - . . i... Itrown. -L ' Joseph Davis, f ."' - - James Dick. ' " 1 ' William. Eurt. adnumstralion, vitliout ere-1 tnp whole w uxs c- wi JmiM m jort oi ue aefinite obiect or vuse,l Un,,r1 uu wuhm " bT. unJ v". w 10 Itatc the donnant "spirit and resources of the union 1 o iue it seems Uat Uie senting to public view any are pressine forward our I tncable dLliculacs. ' And 1 cannot but retard this I bill as holding a prominent place, anvonj tlie mc& sures leading on to that unfortunate issue. -- ' This bill boars marks of distrusts entertained by the covemment o ue people or acontadcniblc por tion of them, and ;of the Kiate", suthorities It pla- . t r.. j ..... tea uiu buwuii viiuio uiiucr jiuutvi hihi vvauuoum restraints, as well as its general regulation under the contrtnil of the president j It intrenches on the pruccrU i itny xhf jiot t UtnihttenuuMaiQ her clear nrr, or bqt any rticl on bourd of any other vemel, or b cn.l'iyil 'many foreign trade ami thkl on every vypeor llie amount of the bond prescribed in this clauw, is tkrre- hurdred dollars fur each ton of U.e vessel; and ,t Is not less otjctional)le on account nf its mag- nmil'.', than in (he case I have just animadverted on, whtgwir compared with the, relative abilities of the two tassctt coasters on whom the ropecuve pro viuonsopcratc, pr Hie objects m view ; and it is more tricvous to' the districts of Uie country depvndunt on the trade ind inomatcly concerned in its pronpe 1 he , nsvigation., of the ocean, we deny, and r.v. ...j.l- 1 '"J llllllllULliU inJUlJ VI MIC Ul.C., IIH1U1C UlWIWUnCI , . j . .' .1 . I ; of the people In their ordinary business v-And, ""7 '7, 7? i i ... n .. :m t .u- . oi- : ..s . f I nlatcs, is impeded r und I fear we are gomcon, Irom thraccnTeVdn Bllfl rivrrMM. rtnt in airl. luit in nlr (rthMritril . . . . ... . ... P. .. " V - or the Frciidcnt by this bill. To )vr that 4M U . rnrrr lUnM.Ion f .WT - ioy wuse, C imwm ro I rhurarfnnnrih. n,1 nnnvkinn. f K K5IT 1 rB "M.W Wiy lp, etCl Ufpoumn eyeiy U ' , , : 1 Tate. . i Doriant set dons.T ' ' ? that "ed for foreign exporuuon, and in Johnston, . John Stevensjjr.; " fW(1,. ; , J . ; - , every case which may be comprehended within tlie Jbnt A": ."-'V. Durant Hatch; jr.' i ii" . scope of aiygcceral instruct isbued by command Iredell, .i'.iV-; J.meslmin.' J' V ' JJ len nUruced by way.of of nutthere i, a proviso V to rst- , I Ch.Lmph Houston., endment, I pr-a theiti .without remark, leaingit v uniftrmly employed in the nagation of . i " JJeckknburg, f r'.l , :., r . Onslow, Orange, JRandoIih," JikAmond,, . 1 JLockinghann y . ... .fr t. . - Robeson r v Surrey ' Abraham Croom. Jesse F. Jones. . , A. Frew,, '. ' -', -.Daniel Gallant, - . J. M'K.. AUsxandcr. " William Martini '-' . . John Lord.". - .' Stephen Ferrand.' ? -.Me. Lockhart , .' ' ricastint Henderson; John Williams. ' . " f George Greene. '. ' ' 1 Jesse Harper. '-' . V - John Clarke. t ; ' -fAlex. Graham.".."' - Jamea Campbell, ? ' ' Tlionias Searcy ' John Lenox. 1 '" i- A M. Gilbert, v f .;' Alexander Rowland; C.Moore;' " JJathaniel Shbber. t Joseph- Williams," jr; Hampton Bvnum. v' i'. , , ,Ruffin.- , : David Clark; 'V V-' Nicholson Washington: , I ". n-; . . . - c '.I , f ' . "."..I nlllr.r!ll iwrmiMnn r r-rt. t -Tt"s. "!-,, . i b . l:i . t i. r i i 1 r-.-J- ' r " . . v, ..... ... ... , ... T , mm s ociore ouservr.o to vou, sir BHD-1 7 :..t.' i. i." j l.rt. th rslin- tm,l, f.mfc-r nn,? li.vMirt. i-. . "iu "niiHim Winy uc Ifnrueu in u. rtraints, ami places it tmkr the controul of the Pre. United State, may ,rive It it ertacted fSee. 3.) - h .halt not he lawful to Wit oal .w "c" u. , l Y" u S board aT ahSn. venael or boat, of any . dcscnnUon whate. 9" yiwatea, to taae on ooara sucn anicies as may ver, jmy fipcoie or goxlrf writs or iitarchttnclize, eitticr of j uc muihucu m.ducu ciiciiu livmiuuii ui yvy the nme is herebyjwoliibitcd, unlc a permi particular j r. By Uicse general instructions, thtf 'President may ly sutin the articlcj thus to be ladtn, sliali have been W9tribe the kind and quantity of exports ftem, im E;m..r"TLur ir ports into tl individual sutes, and liom and to the revenue, oflicer eapecialjy authorinilby the collector. t f P'UUcuUr distnct -Within a State.-' Jle may SUspen,d rrant such penhita,' nor unk-as the ladjiiar shall be made 1 them in part or m tliq Whole. . " ttwicr me- inspection oi uie propw l-evrmicomcere, nor I , ; a ne- ppwer 01 issuing general instructions now aniesa uie owneroT owner, eongit e pr xattor ot uca I proposed to be jrivcn to tlie Tresident by law, he e nip, vi, or bou snau, w.w tlie nwstcr, havmjr Rfvea J ercjcd in the recess pf Congress, and in my opinion Imniu wu wire or n:urc.urcuci tu uie uiuea oiaiea, m a I ,tA,.,. fx. - j '. r ..-' ..." .. .. aura six time tto value of Urn ve.sel w,d cargo, that the lt ?e wrnor. of Massachusetts Was a loreipn port or I puriauon oi nour iiuo uiat buiic , tuiu uuocr genera ofajiv other, ve- mstructiriiis from" the; President,-, "ftithout; pcrsbni elai.dcd either in 1 Riisnichjh'of hia owh. thorrlllcctor at CliarlAsoh' S ' Warren; , ' ' - ;Wiiket. , a Win. P. Waueh.- 1 Wain & Jl.(S. CJ .John Carson. . . ' "Jeffrey's CritkfS. C.J? " David Bigham; l tamden, f-S. C.J - t "Andrew Flinn. ! ' " . ; Chtrato (S.:Cl ) ; ' ' ." v John F, Wilson;-' " " Jkji9xvilif,CTenn.) ' " s'' Robert Houston;"';'"' vrssclJhall not leave ibe port without a clearance, nor 1 authOrised-to give'cJertifiwtesor Hrcticcs for the in) iiiiui, wiien icaunir Uie pon,procee.d to place,' nor ahalt put any avticlo on hoard acl t and that the ulx"i cariro shall be I l ie P.e.ret which called forth the -hide- ime uniieti aiatea as.snau neueaiirneu mine clearance l .j- :L ri . Aiwi it shall le lawful for die collectors af the Custom to 1 Vsu-lKl exerxaae ui juuiluu( power ui u wixhu -fie bwimi,ion to nut anv carm on board inv aur.h ahin. 1 C0U11 10 Uiat State ,tO COntrOUl the freSlGtllt S 115- I vessel or boat whenever; in their opinion, there is an in. j strucUuis.'- ,! nnr aehsible the administration and Hs iciiuun w vmuuc: uu? iuBmr(jv or wueiujver uiey biuui i irienua n?ivc an, ariupn) tosr. in exectiung xne cm,' nave receivca iwtrucuons w uiat ewce iy uirectwit oi f hnrm ' , m; ami-airl t a mnilii. ln.ww.nt tna rresiaem oi tut i.njutt sutesJ- itqvkk.i, .1 Hat no. j ttA n... .e nA lft k rrnrk A sha 1 tfe bound to obev 8 ror snau uicy oe any action, suit, orludcment on account of tentiori of 'vefisel, for huvlntr'taKcb thinar contained in tlii nwtiim -sliall l conatnte'd to ex. tend to any ahin. ve-dscl or Iw-Vimifofmlv enmloved in the i navigation only t bnyw, aouml, rivers and lakes, within die iurisdictiorl of the Lnited States, which shall have ob-t I . Jl - . 1 . : . - ... I. I.j !. i -.aiiiL-uagciienu pcrnnssioii.areeuuiy iu uie iruvuiioiia in UltJ HL I.LIU1I tl mitt HV.V. . 1 - i 1 his third section regulates all that branch of the cumulating Tigoraus penaldes, and an' extension tof the exeeuuve poweri v Thc jiowcr to regulate cbm- morce is vested in Congress J and by grunting v. to the I'rtsment do wenottranstci'tohim one ot the most important and delicate of the legulativi pow ers i - What state, would have adopted the contttiLu- ' V 'i '3 UNITED STATPS." cwBOng trade coiJmed titmeTs.bav ff h haibccn foreseen th,atthhi)qwerwoOld 1 f .'.' ' . ": ' i:V - ; bs granted to any' man, however distinguished, by The sum , required m to bond is six times the office?' "".-' -,: i 0 ' , value of the vessel andrargb, and, as in said by those -1 tn i !t. wi n' vu m , a All a.uu uimuu iirii.u waiua a.v u uls iiuiiuvii. I 6, - well Informed, in' most cases, will amount tO' fifteen or twenty thousand dollars.' ; ' It is apprehended that I many coasters will' not be able to obi ain sureties for qiar sunv-K. inuny oi me owners qi coasting vessels clauses m the bill,'' .not immediately connected, .wilh eitlier of the, points 1 hate discussed, j. ' .' ' f y a clU!ie, jn uie atii section, it la provided,, s ihuoiv a bond fortiotrelancjin g;ooj!t,'Wareiui4mer- - i' ; i .. - : .4 .. . - - 1 M7 , ' ' I Payment h ' 'iS'T of larger F; .rf'-'.fl' 't.-,r,J 1 'V.' J , ''t?.' t citizen I 'n P,atl f admitted In evidence in any such suit-t'. - t I i 1 he doctrine here assumed, that capture,' distress Congress. are men of moderate property, belonging' tt the I chandizc, and failing t produce a certificate thcrwf, nutitue ciass m aowciy ui point oi wcaiui, niimpt-ntia anil 'nhl: Inast tnrritnriniis o wiivjiii buuuui uim.1 mivviw viimiuc3 ant tvuwuu.un i -- . 4 . .. .. , , - asftoi business, hrstallcct and diipress. ; i 1. '-v. vr "7 r : " i 6 J ' Should' tlie excessive amount of the bonds drive I" iT"i'v- J" this dcicrinliim of coasters but of their retruler em- muu ve.a wnv.jn uie punisnmem.o, gwit, .- ... n .1' 1 t a? . . ana tnrow it into tne nun as .capitals, we shall have an to those growinc out of the 'embargo The coasting trade-is nearly ruined idready by the cesti-ucuon bleinterests, commercud people are interwoven wn each other . I toirctner witn its cusirracciiu and ruinmiB t-miHnrnipii. Additional evil j CC8' :7iTn'8 created by tho Bill, is that of a to- deprecate. I rl?" Vca!u'S TJO , vport ill UlU WlllLCU klUllCS, IU,lMUIIUU Uy, . )OII.Ig 'VOIlUB I mr in law. trt fl Fnrpitm" ' nnrf - Xaxi ril1- ki.ii ' ottlie lofein .ti-ade, IJoth these valuUH ' Z r. j .V . 17 ( like theotTietgreatinterestsofafree and ?rV'7Z'T"l?. m 'tx f 1,om rcacn; . - !. . ..... I ii i iir i it .M 1 1 1 if.f I . f ,i in . 1 1 iki r. I .111 ru.. thv. nivmnpA ri 1. -'.. A . J 211 rtL..:..... . 1 .V : ...... T. r ' . iOf Mr- F-cndiich on tlio third reading 6f the Hill Waging " ' further provisions fw enforcing Uie embargo. - . , , mt. I'rcsideht, the um maKing -runner prpviawus forf enforcing . the' embargo, requires all pnp HUcn lion.' We are not on ordinary business.,;-' An em- ' , lwrgo for, an indefinite period, over h great country 1 ; products, and earrymg on in its own vessels an ex ....- tensive and protlti.ble commerce, is. a phenomenon in", tlie civilized world. , - We re about eiuerlng oil '. -the second year of this novel measure,' and ven hi , - defiance of the lessons which experience tenches, ' 1 '.that, without' producing any benehxial results, It is ' embroilinur the choicebt Interests of the nation, i On foreign powers it has made noimpression-aodits ' ' ruinous effects on our own country, we see in , the " Vaste of privt to property and public revenue, in the discontents of our citizons in the perplexed state .'.of tlie public councils and the increasing difficulties ,r that arc; fast gathering around tha' government. : The fiiends of the embar sayi that it has been e - - vaded tndiolated, buthat wnen Meetly enforced, it will compel foreign hations to respect, our rights, . , Under, these impressions the system is to be, 'main tained. To enforce K, the powers of the'govcrn- - ment are r' 4 andj Vhile, Ve are shut out fronr a commercial in- lercoureo wilii iue i csi cargo pn ,boar4 of any ship,, vessel or boat specified in this section, whenever in their opinion there is en crime, vAnd will' Congress dcclaro an bffonceby of the world, the government :7t . party; atcused .the right oughttdaffdrdby evtry facility; hi ' conragement to a commercial intercourse between i . . . , . r. r - - , ' ,' thestatM '.-ii' s.'--; " ' "-.f -1 - I is the trial by jury, for ages revered as the palladium Tho Collectors .may refuse Demission 'to put a ".T ZS7" ? a ' for what Cause is ' (his iMinciple to be inti-oduced ? Mjuiia tuiu juries 1 iVIKl tuticiorc is U that pie established usages and rules of trial are to be abandoned ?-The Secretory' cf the Treasury ('tis said) may remit '6hd .mitigate . forfeitures and penalties j and he will give reliefa-So innocence J n to su, as a favour for reuef, from penalties, and torieitures awaracd to guuv Irom a secretary ol llie treasury, Vhen It' is entitled to,' on acquital.ina court of justice.' V '. ; i-'.-, v ,, ,' It in1 made lawful by the hh'seetlon of the bill for Vol lectors to withhold alieefttffor reg'wtcr for vessel, hen sold, unless bond Wwll ha given by the owner previous intention to violate, the embargo or, whenever they shall hayc lecievec1 imtructions to thai effect by h rection ofthc President of the United States. " a . . ; Hereby the collectors are deputed to; be viceroys over commerde in the spheres tthey occupy under the supremacy or tne rresiue nt. as we saau meet wiui tui miwitigvu? piuviaivu 111 ti miuaciiuui yaia- graph, I at present f-ave 1'uither remarks on the dangerous policy of vesting the President with such enormous powers, t. 't-'i 'j'.- : 'iK ,TUe! fifth aoctioa treats, of th trade" mifinnly. "carried 6n in rivers, hays, sounds and hikes.' ' It is there euactcd, Ihat the collectors of the Customs be, and they are here by authorised to grant, under stlch general Lnstruct.ioTiS as the President of the United states may, give to that ell'eci, a (general permission to ships, vessels, or boats, whose ein ployment nas-.uniformly been cOnCned to the na,vir''lton of iays, sounds; riveM orlaktS, wKhin the jitriBdiction of the United fitatcs'when it Can be done wiuiout danger $f the embargo beinir violated, to take on- board ai any time such articles of domestic or foreign growth as may be de signated in such generul'permission tit permissions, bond to the sale, tliat such bij or vessel shall ,lKt ,oiaritvene the cmbariro acts.' ' ' 1 r '7,..V-. . ' This provision infringes an essentialrrgntlirprp pettyA and is as oppressive as if is unjust. : Owners of vessels,already,de'privedof thrir use by all embar-; go, are, to be pre vented, from diyposing . of them hi payment of their ,flcbtsptt for other purposes,; un less on condition ot becoming- bound toe the good behaviour ot all tuture owners ol the; venel, in res pect to the embargo acts, r,n long as they sl...!l con ThecrctionsI hap rtns" Iere. rrinci;vrr af- feet merchants and st a-fa... mn'n thf '.r Inisi.jcss . at starts, custom-liouscs a'x?ut .m)uics, s!..p and vessels. I But other st-rurts t-ke v"ler rae, ana . , mtrench en tlie ordinary, concerns af grost bot'y of the peopli:, by the powers - they give fir ma-e.' . - 4 sonuble end 'arbitrary, searclies for, and seizures of their property. i -' , i .,:.... . tiilWetonmiihecimomatlinniplMva the t'. f.f.r t.y - the iVih scctim, are empowered tn tVe imocusttvy, :pe. r : cie, or aur articles of dnmtiitic jrowtJ or miumf lu"ej : -, under these circumstances vhta dipfwitctl inunu4" .v, places in unusual-rjuantitics 4n placva licrb there is ? ... ichw u uuai w y . v .... r j- w..-. ........ . . - scU,sUiifis, or Other cariraes or in any msanrr apparent., ; ly on their way towards the Ui ritoriea of foreran, nat Kna, , or a place whence such articles arc intended to be export. ed Ami, B'iten taken into custouy,- uity aje noi in-nini. : tl u be removed witlkAut bonds, bcui given fbf tu-ir L , being rv-taiuled In som place, whence in theopjii j .-of ' 0e collector u.'re b no dangw ,of such articles being exported. '... ,. . ; . ' - : WnlifMit wsirmnf f intwVrt on nrool. li'Ottl Si.sri-4 , . rbn only,maythisimlounded fcence be exercised! ; ' Our houses, heretofore wir xastles, and the sccuri ' .bodes of our faniiiiea, may be tlu-own open pJth.-. visits ot collectors to searcn Jor. ana suzc our mo- v ney and goods., whenever instigated, by fcuicicar, ; prejudice, resentment ol party spirit r.,.; rJSo place Is to he protected j tn reop.e may ,vc, ' ry.r!iere be exposed, at home,on the way Sc tLroad, " . Specie and goods thus seized .without warraht, and on suspicion onlv. are not to be removed uhlebsand , until bond With sureities shaU be given Mr ' , . or dch venn? the same in some place ot the umteq . State v. hence in the opinion cf the collector, there ' shall not be any danger of such articles being ex-- ported. 1,-1 hes provision stnte a: the vnai princi pals or a fKe government i and arc they not contraiy , , . '.. . ... , -' ..C n.o 4n .Via '....I. mine tin nnn Jin bi-hi.iks v iiii;iniuit.iivi wv . ConsLiiution f .'. Are not the searches and seizures, ,... . - - ... - - a as. . ii ' : without warrant, on the mere suspicion or a coucctp-s , m unreasomiile ssarches and seiiurcs And is not ' a man thereby tp be deprived of prop'itty wiihoni due .t . . Such Is the unprecedented natuiVand enormotw" s. j extent of the powers given to collectors by this bill, and by w.hat means, end in what planner, are they , s tnho fvpn-ided f Rv the llthscctlon h is enacted, l- , That the powers given to the collectors, either by t this or any other act respecting the embargo, to de- tain any Vessel or, to tskp. into . their . cu&tody K any articles for the purpose ot prcvenung vioioians -of thembargdrshill bt exercised in conformity ; wan sucn uistrucupna as tiic rresiucm may give, . and such general rule as he may . prescribe for that t -, Durnosemadc in bursuanceofthe powers tfo'-esaid: . which instructions and general rules ,he .collector acvde-. 'I articlcsiiuo their ' etistoily hi tonfoimUy llli such instructions and gc- . ncral rules.-x s-i ' it v ' . ir.. ... - : ,i , i.. ,T :' . " ra nd st-mw nf AiitV1fiHr1'riflrf;vmade bind .'. jng on collectors i ; and,for acta done in pursuance' ' 1 ofthoaemstruxupnsthcyanstobci.i&ponbiblc.,! ' 4 V : TJIiese instructions, according to the, terms of the," '' hill. ar Ui hrenmn the. KnnieiTin .law ot the land.- ; ', ' TTA nKlliV.r.!. r . .f it. a t Tti-l Kt..ra unt 'i of the states. ' It may be said, that U render them ' authoritative,' the Instructions must be in pursuance-' '" f thhtiriWri' iritrl' .l-( i th bill ' to- the ? col? :t lectors, ana that They are mere exeeuuve airecuon i , r. . ...... i iv. . . . i..:.,... . ir - l. given ior. uie -purpose i proaucmg a uuuuiniuiitt -;- systctnatic course or proceedings among c,ouectors. v, . If Indeed this, be tbeiv objett and, intendment, why - - is tn clause inserted f -5mc,e the estaniisiimcnt ot the"! reasury department, it has been the practice , i . IV aUIA UlllUti (UtvVI 9 UUL Vas IHIWU1 UV vi.n jiy f x to 'htch'all tfonsidisrations are madtt to bend, oilers t the first instance of ari uttciipt io give to them the y K forte of law8 And a critical attcnuon to the set'ioa l it... 1. i l. l. A I.I declared, that, to have Uie tffect of fcs, tlie Prcsi- dent; snstfUi-Oohs must be in ptlrsuanc ol thepow- crs granted by the bill, to, the collectors, it is to be- rcmcmbcredthat collcctoraarc toiact in particular '. -Inn heir dir'reiiirin. umr : th President's kl- . i. structioiisi which arc, to be c-enerid ; and neither tlie ", one tr the otlier afe defined br limited by tsny pre- - ' clso rulci Bolh are arhitraiy thin the" spheres of theic inersd a.uthoriiies. yi 1 And the President's hv- stnicUons arc!UHolute on the' collectors aiwUafr. .- u . , v . . '. .. , -. ....... --"I-.. . . ... .... . .... a ... '. wmptea to do aiiaue absolute cotanccoui'i lor tneui, "i. flrtiiiti.' wThnii j K ioclir-rl fmm limn tb tlfle,. ... as suppam'.ntUx laws to enforce tho cmhai-gd. i No , direction is given by the hill for their being publish ; e "."'while thev necessarily will and must have import l..i '.- . ki. .t..t... 1 Hn -.i ..i,.an. , . ItwoiildstilLbe some' consolation if thid unpleasant - enquiry might stop here ; btitVe ' Unust enter on irloi-e painful duty; '' I hare before asked, by what means arc these unpreodenteu powers to be cxecM-v ted f . hey are to be executed by military tbrce not ; j to be! omployed ,V aid ot tho civil authority out ux ;-. tho first instance, in the pluce, and to the exclusion of the civil authority, , " Si ' t ' Uv the JJiU at ctiou it i made lawful fovth frcsidc nt " . I . i. . , . ? .i. . 5 . - . ... ..... t. it . a i.l ..'. ' ni ine u nuites,or tttivu other p-rsoi. as lie miiuu jihi c - , nowcM-etLto eulov such oart nf ti lul ornav! liirce' ofthf U, Stderf. or uf themil.tia thereof as nuv be i lulled ni'e.s,sarv l(ivtiie jiiimosei in confnrniitv with tho provisU ' ..,:.( j. ....... ... , ... 'ouk i this and other at-ta rcstMrcting th hinbargo ot pi-e ; venlins,-megal departure or.mysuip or vessel, pr ot oeia.ti. , ng, taking pni.scSsuimooi' icrpingin custody any ship , ' or vessel, or of detaining, or of talti"? mto CUstodymnl. .gnardlnjr any artWIes ofdomestie jji-i)wtli,pi'oibicc,oi- man liaoWrv, 'd also for tho ;m i)ose of 'pi-eiuit'ing aiivl Supa " pretsinjTiny armed. -or rjototis assemblage of pt-rnons re,f' aiMtihg-ciistuniboiisi officers it) theexerciMeoflheirduties, r or in airy inanr)eropr)!iiiiKt!ieexecvitiim of tho las ly- irig inbargo,or otherw t lolatiii,, or Sin'wUn and a' ' ; bcttimrviolutitmsof the same " ' . .'.'. V - w.: 3. ..... ". .." . " . ii, ... The military, may be c;. ;uoyed - by stlc.i pcrsort . as the President m.ty have empowered. lie may. debignate, at place? in the States. persons ttf to be put a arrrfy ihrpuzho'ut our counuy J itli on or njiore sureties -heing previously given to Uw P?ct to embargo MtsRs long as they 81....1 con-1 cull out such part of the land or naval ftd ceS of tha V. , 'Tr