1 "i ! .1: 'A ij ' ..'. ' v' ! fS Vol. I. . RALEIGH, JANUARY ' 19, 1 809.. . No.. 1 o .ft """1'CBLmiea CVI.aT 'TllCKSDAY, BY JoXM T TH vrri rxn o Fitters-Yd-jTl.tT, Casio's coanea-raica ... isArar t adyac A t Ml tif 1-ATABi.k. HA.Lt f t 1 ; j X i , i - Congress"' J ' . . . , i ; - W.H0USE OF RLPRESNTATIVS, i i I 0 Bemluti'TH to rahe, erri end tmnL ftfig 7ou i Mr Ems said there was no man who rc- I j ! fcreiud more than jhirtiself that jitvfc period v- heb the safety honour, and independence ief 1 ' , thii country were assailed bv extersdl danger i I - , , when, ender the cressure of a tneasure resort ; y ed to nder circdnwtanceij of the hiost urgent necessity; the citizens "of this' country had ma iiifested i feeling (calculated to exctte tensa ' tions here,andeIsewherc-thatBiich a period should, be ie;ied tby gentlemen riot to exert ' 1 " their talents in iteerinff the .-.'national bark ' through the.billoTi s hy which It was ;surround v ed, but ia 'endeavouring to thwart ever inea . , York (said Wh ,E.) has told us that he will , iound the tocsin of alarm to the beonler ' Alt , what thf i proicct pfihe iceniiemin himself? i Why, he Ias told von on aformer day, opentv, honestly and fairly, tat he is forwar wUh lf.ocfe iivilhng to pocket all the injuries we have, received irons Great Britain; ' l4n"''!'mthFrancei Invaln would ; ih gentleman sound.the tocsin.of alarm, if ; pTpjec i ne people ot tne united -- I?tat5s Tould & with bim;; It is not the h ; sentiment of any -portion of our citizens, . . .." .,;cept of the old tones of our tevolutlonv . He j it oiild 'not be ibllowed byvthe American peo l; i'f io 'akinS o his bosom nation which has! f !' p&ion -whjch .Jhas; plageyAUftcoiniDerci T$ilf ,noraLprinciple, Re would not be follow t A?red- bf the tederalista--rl , cannot believe that 4 HVifo i Ithos e mho walked sn Drocession Afir tK Kil Li the murdered Fizict, - could v stamp ori t iv;themselvesithe character of base hTtfecriW; b j jV taking tb iheir bosom the natioii whi ch comt f i"Emittcd outragewhile the blood ot fierce H J'1 ye 'unatoned for, 'AU CAr injuries re ii : jnatni unredressed not the smallest opology ;; ..hasbeei) made, but the ftelinirs of the iioimtrv '. fiot only disregarded,. but insulted by hew acis violencp and.lnjusticeh The gentle maiiV stituiiotully adopt the old tnaxlii, so IwiU it, and enforce their system. ' u. :- ' Mr. E. hem read an extract frora a t?cerh. deiivered in 1 803, enumerating the many in spits and outrages offered our Government under the 1 former administrations, to prove that it never has been the policy of this nation ignuy ia rmuaric in war. , . - . Sj far as we have progressed in our present situation, so far as the course, pursued was cal culated to preserve " neaeeJ it u rnnr which justice. nd; humaity dictated, and which has been approved by the nation ' Uut is thrre never to be an end to thJ sufferance of a nation ? Is there no time when we shall act? The idea of a permanent embarro-i when on this part cf the-subject I shalli perhaps, be told as another gentleman was yesterday, that mj oDservations resemble more the slang of an ale house than the debate of a delihratiw body this idea, I observe; is to be found on- 17 in xn ; 8peeencs;ot those who Opposed th measure.! Such an idea -cannot he inferred frottt the conduct of memher of tills I fan.' or from any thing'else which! hu occurred. It proceeds only from, men who fromjthe, first moment the measure was laid or your, tabled endeavoured to paint ir in the most odious. oo lours. I mnlediatelv, after the measure rar adopted last winter, what takes place, sir I A mvk, oiMingnisnea by Vie favour of the people; a roan advanced in years, the very man whqin 1 v.. ij uin iTir, vuaiqs, and had almost tluiid "nWlntn. tf' War w?t! France by;thU' act; 4;Vhat Idp'es he do? !ln 1808 he displays the same spirit pf hostility to faace, which he manifested fo J88 writeaa letter' m . Which he attributes the cmhanro to french. influence to the jnandatcs of 'Bona . ' ,f"J . 1 ro Jlwc ne honour ot the.natioij Js sub V; fission tc England and War Vu: France I 'EI-'W'W ,?on6den' ft h not tlje: se ntj.' iir, inent of the American "Deonlei tli irrntfman ' ?f:?-.v.VZ-.J.9tf- aen occasion to intro TA 7i fluce.the name Pt;-Washogton The.eo;ti. H ')j?",nts -.which:-that gentleman- has! expressed ; w ci c ucver uose 01 vv asnington. lie never - Would hav ;ien Willing to put chains op h -vwuoirjincn, xo xfttsent to' a t shackled om Oierce j .tq allow .foreign hations to" say to his . ; "ntry, s Ar.you shall go and fio farther. ns la, not the spirit of Washington; It ia , W -the pit yhich; pVcucediOur revolution ; ; ppositipn to tyrants and a iroanjy assertion ,';'t !our rights at every hazard, gav us our rank I j an mticpenuent nation. ' ihef same tpirt ivs.;.w" ptrvaaesvour? coahtryi: and I trust; will ver remain.. t ne ver, howcvefKas be en the 5;-; poucy pt this goyenihpjnt to rush, rnsbiy mtc. 4,AJltX'f. ot country under iorm j kr admini&tratinns demonstrates this fact--and as Lubder.theadpir.istration'ofiW well a under every ptlitti:ihavvha'wUh i "'i ' PatienCftvclecradinir Jaiultand iniurvv As'to . ;' v;, the geat regard of former'admraistratior for " 51 personal rights oi the citizen; onWhjthjhe '' . -'.'''fri'nllman f1tr0f ' f ' bkolt nnt itn anA lliat .ppar ci the subject, "In laying aa embargo 1 ;vvvetv m the time, ol Wash ineton. a short reso i ' . tuuon was passed 1a which the cower Was vesU '' ed and'theeeept i. .This-was t,Hough( at that time, 'yery cohstitu K tipnal and proper no doubt, bv the federalists (We, however, can frame no tonstitutional law the opinion alrcaiy enteruiaed in D. Britain that we are a dividcdcd p-ople, that We arej aiTiaea in op.n.on on wnat tne Erenuemao Rartei ;Mr. Gardehier requested thi gentle, man from ? Virginia tui name Wmi.1 'Mr; Kppesi ,h General Iickefing.M' It'appeare,a tov be doubted whetherM Zwi was in or der;- : Smilie saldfVIiat if thi.-tU P':N.VdrVwai permitted to criminate own government, a. reply ought certainly to be to be understood by thespeaker and the Hcuse, that I ) hold myself responsible - to fany man who Is injured by my observations: ci tiri cumstance shall deter the from expressing the" uuuiinpcM.Hin lu uuf anitirs. ii isiimc inat the nation shb,Uld see he .strange union of sen timeiit kietwe'eri. gentlemen ;ia, oppositios ahd . 'vern'ment wVcK has injured. U Jhost. I ani responsible for my-assertrons 2 2! have a right toi discharge my duty in that Wav tuklch fkcae aw in tnai way lwta. l itn say this'letterpfdceeded itom th who in 1799 was wiUing, was antious, toinVolve the United States in a warl&:Frahie There was a party to this country in faypur of, it $, and if correctly infpThejdfct,h fiuoUseUctisthejheaUof.t party 1 namv f . the, Essex ijahto. P VThts:was th? hrst stroke',atthe- tmbargd "atfd - what took Enlace f afterwards r'I rettret that Is gentleriiaiv iron. Massachusetts '(Mr. 'l;iyer-; more is noi m nis piace. wnose speech. as ue- liveTed ttfhfs constituaht,Was ienthere; soinC weeks before our last adjoaniinejht, said tomivc beeri delivered to "the inhabitant 4 of hia district. in waich he declared tha; eputheVtt members of influence , in tat republican .Dartv here had opuly ideclared i;torhin ahe commerce 1 The c-entlemanlias had the rah. dor to declare that heilid riot tiiakf o his cpn stituents such a Statement t but, 7 Sir Jt was circuiiiru its hib. spcccji immeuiaieiy pcvujus io ne cicciion, ana annopgQ.. me gentleman never; jtiade sUck a Massachusetts believed that Jte : had :Pot om made xhe speech, but that it . wits a deliberate expression of his setttlriienti iTht se thints justify tlsa statement of the 'gentleman from aiassacnuueus wr. ptory imat misrepresent tations had been spread amongst' the Jeople; Thie federal printer aye;bhited Ihfilvia currency to these ! misrepresematitin t.iThev have even made speeches for the mertifl Of Congress they, liave made them Recuse the maiority ot vortgress of heme under French influericeir 'H A Sentiment of this sort has been given in a speech of the gendeniafi front USX; (Mr. Gsirdenier) though ;it i denied. - , ; " Mti Gardenief said he never had xprtasl VVA O S BUS Y''M'VM f . -a,.. . VtWU r V 111 vll.l hnd seei pnpted, nad tot conveyed that idea, He nfcver iiftended to elp(Tsdcin''id!es forhoweyt.dinVryd; tleraen, he never, had the ' slightest sospicidn that .gentlemen were go verhtd by-idishonfcft molivea'rj, lie should bold up their coarse 4 perninious ;tcr the nation, ahd never would cease to do so, thus performing a Const uution at right,1 i-aiida duty frohi Which he wauld rieVijr shrink) ' v4'fA;-. v'-.' r : 'r'T'-'ft-'.is W-tf j3 itnevtr has tn;en jttiy nahit (continued M Eppes) to attribute o- ge 1 never nave aouc so ; out the course fron New'. York, htmi'elf has taSed Ji self, evident proposltionthat the beHigereht de. cre cannot bo submitted to without a surren der of our rights, iodepeodence, aod honour. Are we to be surprised that the people of Alls. sacKusetts of of any other part of the United States era agitated when they find men so en lightened as their representatives in Congress telling them that this is to be a permanent sys tem i Do gentle men really believe that it is our intention to abide" by the embargo until our injuries tie redressed, be that svun pr late ? Do pity believe that the embargo is all that is to be opposed to insult, iciury -and blow$ f Do they fieheve'that we. alt destitute of sense i I for one, unequivocally deny that I ever-had such an idear any person with whom l'ever coaversed onlhe; subject, except tlie gentlemen who opposed it, to whont if was idnyenient to represent it as a. permaricflt'm.easure. ' Abd whatever "gentlemen maysay bh other subjects, ineywui eta me tne jusuce to say that at theiast session t told ihtim wyjopihtoa that theperjod would arrive wlien' the embargo would oe jrei moved i'-and that, wlicn It was, there was i no other course than war, open add direct, or atib mission. v I defy gentlemen any where to find the tni6argV considereds a permanent mea: sure, but in; their oivtn. speeches aod the prints of&elrparty;;: ttx 51c cirumspnccs wmcn proaucca tne em bargu ire well known t.Ltit thelmisfortune' is that gentlemen, will not state the question fair. lyi but cover it under a heap of luinber, calcu lated to conceal from the people the real cues- iwmAjti'ine ursuon uc jairiy put, .anu there is not a' man in A merica(al ways" except ing old tofi)wjbo'would hot say' tlhat they will resist.1 "VYhat U the real state of Our affairs ana s,wm pai stop ere to cliscuss who, began first, i lf w? mean to, assert and ttainuin our rights, it is totally, immaterial to us who com menced, though on this ! subject I !might refer genuemeo to tne letttrr; 01 air. lianirnOntf in t798i in which he takes the ground now main- tai0ed;:arid riiserts the right of Great Britain trt blockade the Whole of France.', TThe stale; nnentof 'ciur situation is'sim'nly thfsGreat .rttaa!CyoV:''Franc or hejc depe,n. encicswiipout a licence tromner, your proper- iT,yu uaute: to.Bcizure ana conuemnation. France1 lava if von have viaitnl - nritin v. hem yi sited ty is r Bri ton; your vessel shall jbe liable to seizure and cobfiscation. : Now take thedepehdencies :an'd allies of prance. hnd En gland, and what, Remains "f Your commerceils as completely : blockaded by these decrees !as. the, port of; Boston,. was , in the yevolutionaty, warrtnd when gentlemen come forward ph( teU youtha'feybur iships ire 'roiting in yo,ur ports, and the country suffering, and attribute this to the embargo, is it fair r Is It manly ? LlJ-ti-'-.IT; j.-' -i-.iI.'l.-r.l -s'l. - .i is 11 nm are assertion maieriaiiy. varient from our present situation I ' I call upon 'any man. itucimmi, jjuiu, w w , wjiai denomination ne, nnay be, to answer Whether these decreed have not destroyed our commerce and yet the des iraciionsjmpuiea tO;theempargoiuvt. the time the emharo-o wan laid.mir rnn omnimt: ed fd one hundred ahd. eight millions annually. ji aunt; au me conntriea wiui wnom weenuid tracte, throwing Great Britain Out of the ques tion. With whbrii I contend thkt hrt Wan can be Willing to trade under; existing circamstan. ces, arid our whole co taraerce does not amount to syeri 'trillions atd ahalf-a commerce ja'ot equal to pne half , pf the, eiports, from Massa chusetts alone f fihd igiye Mastachusetts her relative thare otohe fifth of these seven milli- ons of. commerce, and fhia ! is all she caif have to tuppott Her seamen, t6 enrich her merchants' whom the embargo w said to have destroyed, Thisil the leal situation of the cbtyry; .Do the pedhlc bf t!easterp;phip of It know it! Vol siiylt is kept frdm thern t'ttieyconaot find the speeches pi thierBepresentauyesino su there it is allembargo the favourite hobby i -ilaving.thus attetdpted.to shew that U was hot my intention When the vmbargo Was laid U coiisider it as ft peane.nt measure I will proceca to state, some circumstances Whic nare renaerea tnisf measure' less operative than it Would, otherwise have Been.. v: Th? ,' bargo had two objects- to nether in 'our cani tal. and to withhold sunolies from our enemies. The first object has been tompletely ataweft ed, and there is nota period.at whichit r'ould be more necessary to adhere to, it than a! the present moment. C Tyithholf auplie from otrf enernis is now more importaut than evert Tlrts nation; must be put in a eta'te to tnet war, -i;It isin ai6 .for frentlettieri, .to,. attempt to elude the bppl64The decreesA of. tr.glah4 and Frante must be, withdrawn jif we; must ficht i it cannot be avoided, i We have, declar. ed we will not submit,' and theie is no species5 or eHecttuii resistance but war. very pljce en tlie r!ol vt-oSe tr.uc.k'.-Lt'rr-i ' hilons dorotfoili.Ut. Vtizu hit a il-ht ' to interdict our traJ wriJ hrrslf.tct rcac to ' . interdict it with hif entmy.. Greet liritalsi has. a right to exclude us frotn hr rorts, tut ' - ' none to.com pel Q to to theVer i . dher -course 1 1 ca'u tht United Sutts tik but ; -way, or lubmlssioU' to thes detfrei J , Let ' . -gentlemen . examine ' the yarloCt.- rrr;-3a!s " ' -' brought forwardt:.-It is Immaterial uhether , . ' , we pass law that we .will reduce .our trad v. '.; la the places left by the decrees, of sutTc r 1H r. be redufed. by. fh decrees the.hiselves.,:-lni ' either c'aie we iubmit-we allow foreign ;i'atU v '. ' tions to fix the amount. of)oufS!nmerct4o3vv.l'.' destroy the frttit ofour industry and ler.slatn-' - " -, .' Now, Sir, I ottOt .believe' lUt 'there it A . dative A toerican in. any. port of ibe United '..-', States who U disposed ,to submit j and I re- v . - " jbice that inthis' House tHere is -ho riivjsloti - ' . of ecntimectAlGehtlemea, have .pubiScly del -. -1. J . .L "?H '...1 . yi u vnc .vjit.. mrj. Tveibi i yyv c nave trieov , paper long enough - It is time, either to xeri Vy rights .and again, become tfi colonies of Qreas- .".'Vf: BriouaiYX.m'inVtrfor $haf'..:i t shive ,lio other! I;; i interest than', that Sit land. By.- 4hi- produce of :i";ri.v.'. which I live I frould fcooher , let it tfo irt thei getteral.wreck of my cotuitiry.t those rights which aye so important to tlie. iu-; tioiti andhich pur iatheri purchased Withi - their Jbest Wood . am not for disgracing our.$ fv ' - ancestors, who fled ;from 'oppressiah abroad i ' '' lamriot for pnoving oursetyes a base drgene rate offspringWej possess a country ofOOO '; ; miles, extent, a nonliJatTriri ht ! rriiltlm, 4 souls, sixhundred, thousand then, fitto bear; j .una. - a wuii 11119,, we cannot creserve our , indep'endencei we deserve to be kicked Oufc bfte.teritpry neck' heels, by those poW-' era wfiomi wc have .suffered to trample out ou U 'j. r. maritime iichts. ?,.! ':-i?-,''vX'ii5xV--iH-; ;,Inhe cburieofin the , atranB-eXuaion of'ienti went be t ween. n- vtSzi tie men in. the opposition ah4 theBril&h min istryionthe, subject of the embargo 'rtllf&K. r ;va tajs. sjipiect, i . win rcaa an extract oi si y--- ministeHal pamphleti? i V $-vV ' ' Irovidetice has ordalntL.tfiaf Wit inks fcvfe'v well as individuals,, should, In a certain decree i'Ai ?S; De oepepaeni pn eacn otner antt,the inhabit ; tt4.f..c)tttt..r;ait be, debarred from their rH ' acqi3tpmedc6nimerfi v?'', '1 odt being deprived :of rnaity., advantage's randtt''" ! fnjoyments..,Societyjbeing ihiii constituted, --i'Sf; j the, government fhat attack tbe ;tomfort ,ndt; r?; iA hapnsaofthe people, by prohibiting this tnf'rfjrX ' ' teVcoursCi alienates their a9eptiohsf and consel - ? v I quently beds its authorityyy ayery precariv$f; ; ous tenU ,vjen the iate emperor Paul enl J v ) tered ihto tleaqfederacyj agaiiist Great. BrW ft j tain, Eli subjects Were at once reduced xft sei :'M4? ' I vera and general distress. Their hemp, theirs ; j fiai, iheirrtallow Aeir'ft?h"eSt their irOtf, their " 1. f timber, all their great staple commodities, for Svi' ue saic oi wnicn t.ney, ciepenaaionA.,Brrt,s ..vtiv ( ; purchasers, ;Ver; left ; dead ; Weight t Oponi -. r - ; their .handsi Zftbe'produceof, the .latidbeii -W:'" to hia InMi . Thil tim rtfthlai k(intr;nniH is derived from the rent of, their states, and t?J kboVjOf .their .VassalSf, found the nj'selve",! avoiv,ed tnUie4calamrty of their inferiors; nd were jied by , common iaterestf s t& , attem ."'t-r-i. it i- .-r;"'' -x"vr:T lu waita uiii event is .ascrineawerej wanting; promises to be touud m ;the yftlted State ot .Amerfca i where thc cultivators of the; soil aredepfrtredjofwef merchants of their .commercial gains j by ;thei1fp preseritembariiThis'forccdsute of thVi'i tT&s-P-H&i canhqt bif'pt long cbntinjiarice. Already;havel? li the y ermontes set thC; Constituted authorities ,T V atdeance;,and persist in carrving;.on; their Vr-. ,!.!. .k- ir Jtl. .;..v"-- plain ,while the Npthern States manifest strong . - V1. . . siwptoin'iodisc,ontto .' V PefP tpighijaapoto tativesfrom the State of Vermont. .fof reading. a'dause epeakinff particularly .of . that, States r- but I nsshVe,;ihe gendemen that it is ot; tay yM wish to brine; the attention 'of the House toif i circumstances which have passed therei.v1 ' ..!-.'' "C-'' LiJLt . J ' L J "' i '. -Li . ....r,..- tict iiicui wui inaL aeep regret wun wnicn jl ikii . nfrj-r.' .t-;-i- they mav fecLl should .not manifest their feeW irigs in .that form', prescribed by .die Coflstitu-;va j noil and the laws,r We are toldby this panyij: ; I phlet cttrue Brilisli brigihdiat 'th U State v;Tr'-'!. cannot stand tbur measure, and what are ; we? ; Z told on tlxis poor I J n You cidnot stand ' it jy. t:-V' you arcpmmitthi; suicide on yourselves, ; ;: )

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