1 1 1 4 i i O " RALEIGH, ; FEBRUARYS, 1 309. No. 'Vol. k IIeudxhso, ir ma vrria ana of Fatana tillk"StrteT' aiuta Casso's ceaiii Paica Thrms 1)ou.ars iia hvm. rataiaa m aif Tf ALT IV AOf lCv StJJOtt PifRE 10 CxMTS. -rNHXD STATES.. Ur. Gardenicr's motion w as utgauved, by Yea and Nays, to'l&. also negatived; Mr.Talmade'i motion and Thursday arree d'oa as the day on which the bill should be read a third time. . I1 . 3 v ' TPtSDAT, Jan. 24.' r"-'- . .-'- rOHTiFicxnnss. . - ;-'' :7- ' The Ilouie resolved itself Into a committee of the whole'on the bill for appropriating fur thervsams for fortification!, &c. ' . .; : ' ' Mr. Blount rooYed to fill the blank for the sum with 450,000 dollars, and read the follow ing estimate of the turns necessary for com pleting the fortifications ia each suie for the ensuing year. i :"'?' VlC Sub'CCl limiting r u . . ihetuneto uie ol i.!.u AM March lEOr' be ir.l ta tnetr airuna...c.,:s ia i.te t;.l w i ol the navy. . , - After, some debate the LIU was crdcred-to lie o the table an J ' ' , ed. I Ut Gen. Viacom m rr y, to The House' resolved itself into a committee to continue until the last if the s-. 1 -of the whole tin, the bUroiiginally received 3rd. That r) aprntnrct b TI from the Senate, for arr.'og manning and fit- made, and that Gen. i.inco'.a.u. - t nil of Senteirtrr.lE07.rUe to the Tr the U. S. , ',.' ' ' 4 ; J tinghis inf.rmiues and l-. -w.'y to 7 ' : Oa the motion of Mr, Dawson, thehill was J duties of his oEicetaoda3isa i . mnn lii in M mnfnrm tn the nrnnrmitirm I relieved ffOTrt his Ofuce, Et f-at.'t For th Micnl worV.s -at tnd) V! v ..J i ' Congress. SENATE. v. v . '' K J;ri'ury24. Thi ; Mil mai:!!? irnronnauora to com- VVtethe fortifications commenced for the;, se curity of the sea-nort towns and harbours of the U. S. and to delrtY tne exptnees oi ccf-p- t 'enir,and extending to the Tirer.MUia?ppi. k -"thS'and cf CarcnJclet, was passed. Ibe :;1:'::.-iui ?p;-rt-ruucs 44S0O0ctc'.,ars. y&f' ' y ''VvV--A nessarre was received from' the Presi- jv tlcnu transmittip't the information requested respecting the execution of the act of Feb. 21, 1805, appropriating two millions for foreign .'. t intercourse. , . . .' : -' ' .. ; y.-' The Senate took into consideration the re. ?i T'uort of the conferees of the Senate, oa the disa ' 1 Agreement of the' two Houses,' in relation to the j . oui autnorismrr tne arpomiuicm u s.iiwt- ment of an additional number of navy ofScers 'seamen and marines and agreed to the Bame HOUSE OF RErRE5NTATl Vi5. c v ,4 IK Friday; Jan. SObfv EXTRA SESSION.5 Tlie House were erjraced the whole of this a . lydav ia warmly debating the bill to alter the time viof'the next meeting of Congress. :?e Messrs;" J. Jackson BnG, I'-lc 'Campbell, Rhea, and ? Gardenier,' supported the bljr, and Messrs. ..Quincy,D.'lt..yUliamt. 'fjltfwid Macon opposed iu r; Ir, was passed : at ,! "','". bear seven o'clock, by Yeas and Naya as fol- lows- . :':S-vi.-AiAS-Mesr L. J. Alston. W. Alston. Bacon JJibb, Ble, -.Kavd. Bovle Biown. Butler. Clalxjurn, Champion, CJoptoo, t V . -r which he assured him he should r.ct I e d-tiio - tei i rVa. . rch v4 - ".'t I ;.:.: .r.i tv -t! t; t - South-Carolina v -j " 30,003 Jforth-CaroUaa ' ';5 18,000' Virjfim ",-, 23,000 V 14 1 ' . - 'I ' i nil Delaware.-' ?;: , ; 18,009 : r - f N - rennsyiTanui . ,uou , ;y, New-York v 163,000 r?. V . .. Connecticut' " , '24,000 :-. - i ltbKte.Ilaa4 ' ' ' ' " - 8,000.-tv lIsnMLnsetts Including MkinH , k 25,000 "? s. . , . ' i NewaiiiaapalA,.! ; 4,000 ; 4 t''' -' 't:'c!.iiartftf,' iir: -: - The tnotloa'jrM 5reect tof' wiwouta, divU ion. u:r " ''. -;. ' ' ivi'-.''' or the conferees frpmthc Senate (lor fitting out end ol taatyear., -loat laimsue 1 .f- faur of ibe frigates, tic) the committee rose & ed any answer. K v ." . . -V. . reported, the bill M amended.-, ' v-';: 4 th. That he ! beencrrttnutl t..rcu.".ia-i The aramendmen'ts were agreed to by the other year, without any reason s.ncd lr il&use. V v k: ''- i"' -; ; r w ' ' suctj continuance-, ia Jl ntuation totally unal4 , M... n- ft.XVhnamii'iiTiftvVtl fu to oerform ny of hi"Iutet so much o; that of Eostau iiis. mend the, bill by addira clause', making it! he has not been in, Uptown discretionary with the Prrsident to send out! June last. .' these ytpu . - -"ru: u: . '.vi'-"4 rt "iii.'iMifintM'fiH 1 n-Trfact I haveTtio dut. will l.e tU3.d cut A Will J ; UIVf . vVMtuwu " I I . . . JMr. macon, ana reply Dy mr. x-yon, oraerea penccuy . to' WehcToiscd for third feadiag Ayes nation. ' V 1 . -'''" -' , , . Tti''--'' :";'-,v.-t-,' ':,4th.That thw oCce hsbetn thus Urt iA -i v f-'.' ' J t-i" '-- 4" v:.5;"' effect,-vacant for more titan two years, fur th i ;.;'.:'Jatiaary 27. ; -5 fi " " ' purpose of gratifying a favorite of ' the execu- s Mri" Bacow submitted the foHowinff Reso- tlve Henrv Dearborn, secretary at war,by thaj him, it has Lten ia, lution j-Kesoiv ep, that , provision ought to J appointment, smd that, for be made bv law. from and after the - r cay ithis maotver reserved. ." r " Mr.Yan Dyke moved to insert at the" end of a next, for authorising the cbmmarsders ' I need nol'we'any arjurnentto shew that of the lection whfch' provides for completing and crews of merchant vessels f the United these facts, if they be j roved, constitute to saf the works alreadv commenced, the words and States, owned wholly by a citizen or citiztns the least ahizh misdemeanor, into' which this inereox oppose uu.' ucicuu aamsv "j 1 nouse ougui search, 'restraint or seixure which shall be aul course there frnnft nrwiit m(-K Vessel. or iiriOti anv other! mrA'imi' 11 fcV. W..Mk'Wa , . , J .Al'Vlav, - - Q Thi- hl.-inlr in the aeebnd section was lled I veael owned as aforesaid, bv the commander I nn it bv the constitution. with 25,000 dollars." ' . .Vi ,:::c.-VIor.':-creV,of any, armed vessel sailing under I amanstantly impelled to this duty, - by a, itie comnuttee rose and reported. the, bill 1 French or iirmsn co'0"", or actirg or pre-i paragrapn in a paper, me iauonai lnitu -cu s amended, which was ordered to be engross-1 tending to act by or under the authority of thtjer of this day which I how hold in my hand ed for-a third readjng.i ?; I French or. British goyerDBents i and to repel J In this paper major gen. Lenjamin Lincoln, Mr; Nicholas said, that there never period in any country which more require union ana exertion oi an its citizens 10 cate it from iu difficulties, than the situation : I by lore any assaut or uuttumy " una wu uc i one oi me unci gwnn v h.iu.umuu- ! ntft'rle or committed on the part cf such French 1 hero the hahine victim of war his body., all .: e I or .British vessel pursuing such attempt,? and j seamed and scarred, with .wounds t'jtton ia .-!Xtri- ft-".v,1i; an ranturc th aamr i and to retake I th ramr nf hi eountrvi-on tlie brink of th .ftv,o -r-r- - -.;tv ,:v. - i -rr v v .... , :.v...i i lanVJvessel owned a'iaforeaaid,'htch',iha 1 mvehis laurels toeveryet tarnished -and y ; of this country required - at the present , time, havt been captured by any vessel sailing un. though the aged root is descending into Ui ; ft l"he two most powerful natlonsfthe . world der Frenchor Britishieolours,or;ar.iing or tomb, yet theif lejives upturn to the. eye si v ' (said he) are in a state :of waragainst this eoun- pWendib'j to act; by or under authority from youthful green, and shed all around a celestial try. V Their affcrressions against us have been .l pnch r British frovernments. : . 4. irncn-ance-iThis hero, the companion, the be ''. v A. continued for twelve montha j whilst we have! ' v lorcd friend of Washington, is stigmatised aa;. used every Honourable means m our power to I ,r -w WEDhesday, January 25, ' J JtederaUst; whom the torbeUrance otaa- avoid war. U t have '.repeatedly " declared jmy I Mr Quincy j-ose in his place and made the j ministration has long retained '; in office, id'. determination never touDmnto tne wrongs fallowine observational received. that when the embargo failed we 1 Mr. SrtAKEX. , - ft...i .;u.. -:.t. .rl - .. . 1 . . . , i . I . .. ' . 'L,, a j r v must resort w urc, vwuu l.iuuusiu. vi i , i rue to periorm a jreat ouiy. : ui one i exoress rov maiirnauon. ,;ahu . w wuni. therefore move tha tvt'. our citizens .jatjf wF naye top rcasun i jniperiousiy aemanoea, as i apprt nena oy mv i cned to a duty, wnicn i naa to believe that the m of facts' which ! nrenaratioas to nerforniiT nnlhinn'.li. cm .Ttrlrat ti frnm'ntir fl'lfilirlll. I I ....ft.ftn.: '.' fXtr tV Onrt ii'inn'n( I !! I : t ties. Mv attention has been particularly call- ,t,- i.t article rf the constitution.? this house l'vWAi.irn 'TKst thePresi Pisk. Giii-diier.Gholilson. Goldsborouch,Giodwyt,Grter; " HATria. Helms. Holme. Howard. Iisler. J.G.Jackson, Jen ifj kill, Johnson, Jonea," Kenan, Key, Kirpatriok Lambert, r.iVlwia. Lo.ve. Riarion, .Masters, - M Crcery, MUnor, Montgomery, J, Montffoniery, N. tt. Moore JcV: 5.fofrow( . J.'Morrww- .Vloatle'. Mumford. Nelson.J 'Ktwbold, New 1:.'l.-TftT:i J.I.. o;.t: di.. o.. 17.. rp ' T'! r:i; ,. um, ift.nJi., . v w, ftifftft , . i V' 'j i. Tl . . ....(.. . T .,. t.nn ft. a Ml.. him.ll Mllllilf". ft. . llirith.' Sautliard. Storer. Tatnrart Tavlor. Vari Allen, : ti,i ti.;....;!t iv;'K.1i. a WiliumJ Winrt -80. ".m- eVNays-r-MtWri Basen,Blaciacil!, fjtount.ui.iucnucn, 4: LyonfMaewn, Qtuner, Randolph, RoVan, Sloan, 8Unford, Btedman. Bttirt-es. i aumo. ininr, vvwan tMvM' Uiidt.Van DjkeVhurton, il. H. WiUiwns 2 " h' " ' Mondat, Jan. 23. :f - -' ' , JfAVAl, ESTABLISHMENT. ' .Mf.Iacon, from the committee Appointed i hi- tni House to confer with a committee 6f . 'y .UlUCT ajrilillC.'t'lI MIC ,UU VI ftiftv. ftura.....a .?v.ito,th'biil tor emniovintr seamen, etc. .repon- tl'KitdJvthat the conferees had not been able to: a- cree upon any thing: and consequently that tliihe lud ni proposition to report from that cottt- t'vcr Jvlr.-Jylorrow reportea a oiu -xoncerninz claims' to lands , in the Mississippi, territory I ?i i n's auty, aiway paimui, musi iicuuiiu, i responaences roucning mc uu. i tgm yt--- CM, wy i it occasion caus ior Jfvna every ncmocrwuo ifte resignation oi ,,nia - oiuce, uy r ucuaiuu, ; bercive J Wi reason ta believe that a hieh crime or mis-1 f .irimln. Kri.1ate collector of the port of Bos .?' "A dentofdieUV ed to the, necessity" of a measurt of the fort; 1 j have w the'tolepowe of impeachment. I be requested to lay before this house all cori :v' ' am hiiuuv wuivviic iiviu uie viiyvomuu ww rely wnollv unon the embariro as a t measure,' and declare that as long as it conti- J demeanor has been committed,is bound to state ! ton and Charlcstown. nues io )rerattoii kahould M;;made.ttittt. a that opinion to the house, and totnove such , Resolved, That a cottirittee be i otnt- vtyr. to t'tate'ojf yar.'. It he country tftaitM' anxtiiqulry as the nature of the tupposed'birence edto enquire into the causes, which prevent in a lituatlbn demands -'l'':1 ,'' iV.f ".'vv !, ? edthe acceptance of the Resignation ofBenja period twben; every, man wpuld be' satisfied xt Qt the dutiesof the executive magistrate mift i Lincoln, late collector of the ports ot inane emDargooum loueraiaeu, wcuaui0j this nation, mat in relation to tne uuinjj oi iposton and tihariestown, in tne years uwu be compelled to iconunucf It six5,' eight, or te& Jmiportantpubiic'olEcts is'-the '-'ihbst 'critical, ifior.and into the reasons which have occasi- nil lonccr mi c van i'icui.c. ,v 4i.uui most iikciv in no BDUsea. una aue one i nnrri a rmstrsanement oi me annoiuuntiHui iBitt, sin'in our preparations, mere lie- which thia house buirht most Scrupulously to I .ucceasori and that thev tencrt the result, ol fence should hot be jthe sole b - . " " the injurcci party ixx the contest Thi state ayenties " of corrupt influettceiXif-Apd of all sne 1 The House areod to consider tha resolution W ''S.S son said the present antmpt had excite -'i shment more than any thing which had-rj -f.t. -,;il .J-rt4,i n,trr.-l . . i.L-.r: vt.i. - .ii. -r Jia. 1 orcuiTtdilunnirUie session, i lecouw scarcely ere- k? i iuc tuuuin iu uvi,uiwnviiuv k' u r an 191 ncrccnuon oi mc uruut ui mc uiaui a ...... - . , i . . - ft . I .1. ... "w . , ' -. I 1 . . - .".. VlV .k f t1' ana tneretorc for extensive vations which"! whole Re, U. States bUKht not to delay beyond the H; yxr;t;nt,i rnhrerninir Whichit is the boundett du- I appointed a person to fill the olace of coUcctCrt-,'- day of v to;wpeal the embargo laws, tod to W- fef .h5a hbiist tcr enauire. and either to re Mr. G. said that the latecollectorhad only resigned, - . AtrtnH that l7 kttn 'At , t n a i ,j ' . . . ' . - . J kt, ihaoA lnl l-inm iharstrWMl w'.- fWTirr- LZ lZ-Z movee erbund; of suspicion:! or establish u"w lv' ,uu r:"n: .riSt .. . . - mi . . i na vacancy to oe nucu. iug wiuiii vuii.ii uau rf ''IP 1 I i suicu uy moil gvwiu"1 t v '-'Mihese bills were severally twice read and v r wi ft. ' ' . VOT .TrSTTF K1 TROOPS. On tao'tion ofJilr Nelson 'the Hoiise re- 4t , sajved itself jnto a committee pt the wnoie, 4Mr? Basset id the chair, bjti the bill for raising ' 'C':' - lj:j!' :i.l"L!t'::.i fV' f,U rf rwi ..... iii,J-,i:":;v y;;,-f;::l-, '-i::i' Si fiiilThe bUnks havi& been filled up without -v, the bill ; . :..-:' .-v ... - ; : VAfter ' a fewob3ervatiohs lagamst the bill 'I, from; Mr. "Miinor. it was brdered ito be en ;;V- tossed for a third reading, by Yeas and Nays f'":V--:v -'Ort Uie question on what day it should: be i ,. fearl a tirfl f.mJ Mr. Nelson moved tomor- t: '.: V.ro w, M i-i Dcshatlli ursda'yi : Air; Tallmaclge 2 rw Monday next'.' anct Mr Gartlcnief the 22d of jreoruarv, v v it oi tnings. imposes upon usjncrneccKyvrvjcics perhaps tttatistne mostaangerous, wnicn i yeas ana naj nn r,rnrtA 'ir tirhnrilf' tht Will1 i flCCaUse if .rtnn.W hint, ffic'iul srntinnl) ' Mr. GllOl wtf'ieelr'mlreBi fbi inmrvl "thi m'ere defence t .Li. A rf-W inflii,'ni.?Ktr.Wnc'AitlvWe' I his astoni I dithis hnanntr. when a member rose ana moYcu w., f - nerene greater BSuy iwhtch they hold, but by assurance ot fur- enquiry with a view to impeachment oa preparation, v. After thesepbser-lef iucratlve advancemetot,.m "case -of ftontir -k r.kt. ti.i-.Whjft was the charce KWaa YjU ':, ,Mr,N? offered the following resolution, fidelity to him who holds the distribu-1 $. .,rl.a-iv which would authorise the course nurS-4"' ; ' lie inbved to reft?tio a committee of theh',on 0f oCcesUnder this aspect sir, I do sncd ? Was it alledsred that tlte duliesof Cc41ecivS:'" 'ifiiJ'-t 'ii "M i&- not hesitate to declare mv opinion that a hich 1 tor had not been Jaithtully performed it NothmgofX olveiL As the opinion of this House .that the I m;.At.mtaHnt has hi?en com mitted a gainst this ! this had been urced. V ".But the President had pot .;. vv- .!v - nins seas uitiuusl suiv humi w :ibiuuu ua"K' i force Edicts, orders' or detes, viokmg lhe lawful the tact betore the wpria. mis utnarge, commerce and neutral rights of the'United 'States, which I expect to substantiate-- -That the tAfceVfe wirettophipf. expressive ofa'wisfito see a whole: systemi Charlestown, .being plate of, great trust and r.'J? V, .v - k .' Y . lmnnrtanA. nnr! aUn nf amnla emolument, has and the obiect bt. the preparation torwat pre- "m rry - - -. . ciselyJ4eni'dciprtW . ;v.v wvr r , Pvv. , . j-. , manner vacant, and ever since left in the con an nhdotibtcd right , tp resign whenever he thought?; ? : tit, and pad not resigned,-; vv ny uien u,i riuic.u, Ibus proportion? - If the cilleptor had resigned, tho t -President would Jiave been .Compelled to fill tht; I office i but; this was not the fact . He thcretord tion,the resolution was made the or'derof the day for Mqnciaynextio preference to td-dayi EXECUTION' AND iBVASIONa OF -THE SMBARUU I " "v ,v 1" r ' v ' ' tnim Uie irouoie or specuyuig uiw p.u uviu. . v ;;,.X;; i;- LAWS.:;,f'-v-'";- '"";; 51 then And -now' secretary of vrv')f ;:i case-The. gentleman waiitcd en enqiihvtod. Uiei'v;.'iA v A communication waircceived from the be- ist. :f, That ; w, t rotobr,':-1 S0C,' uenja- reason, why the msidcnt c'.l not wish to accept or i' creury of the Treasury ih'pursuahce pf a re? mVn l.incolni esq, ccllector? of, that port did' the refgitwnoJr. Iinco.iV'?IIolr solution offered by Mr. Elliot; ehclosmg a list write'the presidchtof ht , United States', 6ta- mitteeftf this nsebrccfcedipisewiulry rThejr,; of knowiievaslbhsof the embargo lawsv anti tinghis infirmities and advndced years, and nst either tttfthaSideM.afc copies of rieuer. whlchpasse lt g5SSSS to ie execution of them, between-the Secre- thean,.;:;- Stem-entto thte respect tmrst thrtWbt ttti ' " taryof the Treasury and Collector sV ijtffi';.:.- 2d.;That hsid receive ad answer ;irot -f e md con;6cturo . ? 6nd however the geKtle' i! w : Thursday. Tanuarv 26. A - i' ' the President in December followinffi express- ainn. ,nrt inttumti. b a wtfii,ii-V.'. -!"'" f NAVAL ESTABUSIIMENTi";-! i hoped the resolution would receive an 'lmmwiiatryi''' ; - .rejection. U -yfr .Y; i"-?4 ,.' ..Mr.jptirwell said, he rtOoVrfhe.atlrjpl'iie fcf " - ; -i hiscoHeaErU6 t.the resolutions lust submitted H ;hurn'biiiV' of kt-enm but of Oue parallel to ltln the, hjatovy of ira ? Vurpose : W,k6.pyS pclM:hment3,- Jmtf that would be, found ,h GuVV V i , for lienry Dearbornv tfavel3 1 . t1)0 reCOifection of genUemeh wbulu ujt9 cumbetit. after the executive had full Inform. hcol eag teeuUons jut sube Ha tiyA ol the lact, ior;tne the said office in reserve ing a high sense pf his teyoluttbnary iervices ma newspaper, his ideuV thus excited could o' , . a i'i j .J;' ft,K!tV . tne .itouseiooK up message mi aaa requesting a lime longer ii me to iooit ou. inave an muuence wi,mo. jutigraeni mi un9 wnr7.-,.'';''- . A debate . bse on-.thia subject, Vlin !;,. :nfrt-mt.ff-lu,' lloiisa f,f their adherence ,,ft,VU r t '4!H' il' . aatrl ' olftc'er I Wtrft nat imtlnf thtf same hritauW '.i 'i'S X;! . A.i' V? - f...t .1 J.ft.1, t-K t v . - : I MWVVJ - - - - - - " - - - t i Jl e y miv v;iHiuvs ; ,t j a y T . 7 , i ;-. c i ,i A a -. -t . W j -- v'l'rouacieu. till dark oca ' i.'.-.A-.jv-i- r-v.j .. ? .4-..- --...-.A I ...'.-i- .v,--.v-vi.- tV',...--.j-ir''. --iiuv" c-'c ftts k- ; A x . ' 'YV-;'V; 'V"""--' " " r''1'' "A1 '';;:' " . " : V-'-j- ' Y' vl- . V-5. -:..Y':-v:-V :;i;? :f ':V'-YK'-U,'";-; 'J','"'t Ai-i;"1

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