i ) i iiii. b i A a r r- t - . .. Tl.c L I t!.e 2V - f s. '. aj.. . I IC ( V, f 1 at n.IliJrl- Si.licU vt.uu ati'-rticn rf the chris tian p utile, ta a the it statement of the origin and cVj.n fif their in-wuMon, n 1 tf the cc?j A.Vrc .;. cu vhich ihcv hote fwr t!-c ritnja- cc; t pou-. r.r.JtI 1. '. e r 1. 1 . It h:s teen ren-uled-that every pood ac- . ,' , tcn tr c. rt is va..,Lle, not only from its in ... hercnt true 'cr.ee an J immediate, e(Tcctsvbul , ' ' f. because Ii i.Uy draw .rter if a tram of Lento Vi"; . . clal cooiqucuces cf endless extent. -. ,V hope - thatthij retnari will receive tome confirmati6o ; y :t from the ex'nteace cf this Society. -Its errjfi V " it unucVionally to be attributed to the' ex ' - ample offered, and the efforts madefy ,The " . . Eritiih and Fortign Bible'3otiety," Institut , - t ti ia London about- five yeari since. .'-.The . - pln of that society, iow that it w delineated and carried Into effect,,- is teen to be to iroppr. a. ' tant, to practkaUe, aiid productive of to roach . . f;ocd, that ye hardly know how to account for :, .'-; the Uct, that ir was not "sooner devised and -; - '-executed.; Centuries have:elapaed thice' the revival of. letters eJld the art f printing" have rendered it an ; enterprise less difficult than . in ny wHich have been .achieved, to Tarnish - LiUcvin all thci lanuagea. and to distribute . ' them jutoaU .the parts tfprotestant. christen, v ' dom;" Yet,;.djfing that; period, 'Ulions'of those who have borne the christian name, have -,r 1 &. tome- such assdebtion at has . lately beeti . . formed in I3ritain.h? Thev example' there act " has alrcadjr-been fonoired'itt' several countries '.'-4 f Kuropeudw ttust will hood be imitated ii various parts of hese ;Unhcd StftesFroni the time that it was known to vua tity; it at traded th?. marked, attentioo of several persons, I ' is liccustornc.a ,tp tafce, au. interest in whatevef is ('. ; calculated ti extend ih;- mffUence 6f revealed .". truth. .- ft was immediately seen that the, nt cesiiry forjuch an inStituubn1 was'.the same here as in uropoe,and , that tKere -was A? very fcason to -befifye,?that if suitable exertions itere , made.' jt could not fail oi encourage mejit,' The principal difficulty was to. concert the .most prpmlsinplan -for1 rendering the contemplated charity extensively usefuL nI'wo rA jWmsi ,w;erft dclibemel corisiderccbrf One ,H vras to endeavour to form a large association, t. on3jsungjDr, memoera seiectea iroro ail tne siues in jae n.rocrican cmon.io raise a com. . Tnon fuod aadj'to )'diuributLBbiei;in;:cverjr v jbart bfut ipount.- i Tbe dtber was to esta - blish a societjron 4 smaller 'cale in Philadel- - yina, uic aucuuuiu u p.mtn suuuta oe princi vi. pallvjdirected to tneV;tatet) which the dtv ' belongs, and to those portion 6f the atatea 6f feraey ana lJeUware which, are contiguous to Pennsylvania. The latter system, ; a mature jeonsideration'-ippeafedy in every'Tiew to claim the preference i and it has accordinttly wmcu otiitcs sccmru tiaaie la almost insune- ' " ' I? possible ti foyra it in, such a manner as, not . t to occasion .orae , dLssatisiacuon even' at ;the " y oiWetT jCIi wputd. be iS.ctiit, 'and expensive ' (or tfca. member ttteitMi tbtneitiogsv-lt , ' -lrould riotb.eay to agree on aplace at which tl:ey should statedly convene, nor to rUstribute I Bib'ea'yiA ufixctenfWetnroaghM vide'a ' v ' -V w "I xegioii as "the. plan Vould requii eV ' J It was be- " Bcred. m a vrord. hat stich an- institution , irovM never be'Vonductci Vur, nor be t viiitety ,io xonunue tor a jenirta or time. An ' institution wi ill ,'mbre,. eonfied View would be , , -1; asj to manage,an4 within its proposed sphere; : 1- tt0re $caent rn its bperatioMit could more - - . ' 'exactly ascertain where the. iLinnli! tK Word o? Lift,VeVe neeand could furniah J w i ""or"Lcr .P"vl jWirainxyv .out ' V the mot powerful jnducementbU, to:the nee given, was iBe ccmnaent hope .that UK -rv tl 'l.V t hit - , f . Ishmrrt. t r' t to .1 c "1 s rts-i . c are r:.'y frrn their Ar ' ,.;rr n : " T 1.0:?4 aoJ i.l 1.61' .tu.i, S t. ' r I i . "fi"1 "7. fwV"o .w'ul-fr,r,f Bna unnimjtv4 ' narrower compass; would ultimaulv . Induce a- ": ; ; .than if funeral ftp ' , 'for Ae country Ja r . V.v-, ocieuesr should, bel instituted as -there in . , ?? . would not.be ;jqbr JUrgejnd; ' tmna that;they wpuld contribute essentially. I 1 11 . ' " . '' ' , f' v ' Tlii MMtioneonsisUdiBtinilwJclctcMj Mth elvrrvtftell uml.IaVtnan. rtotiilit v jitirl n.h. in , j r, v'h Javepikle; r!"-"' todH0Urs'tTieUve been 'tl .expend ' JiiKlish,. the French,, th Spanish, tlie; Welch, im4, the , . , ' , lhc lunguajrai. Tkty have nooiragt uA editioa t le h 'pwntod at Bwlin, ft the.BoUmian lngge, eil. " , ' , tiqnoJfUveN!W,Teami?ntin AlmguL' fceMi , 1 ,s Ticy are ptteparine to print ialho Calmuc dialect jk1 te I ' -1 the of tW Mohauka fhiefe tetter': natta' has' . ' v e tt-uyppljodly umwi wtpelof 'jonn.'. incrnvecniagco,i)yiivaiauiiatonsweJu:rtioni r" maLuii? hi Iril fbr trttnltiV th Scriikurei Instil ' i n j vriH khyoafijrila.t twmrf. : - And taev.bimi iw to ' ,y Vkaauch ieatforthairkitihffof,theBi)!u '.'i, been proportiontte endeavoura for 4ittibuUn4r conks of . .1 Bcoll and and Ireland, to iheir army aAd navy to french, t Spanviit and German prisoncrA but to nU tJbe uatiooa in , rho language they have caused it to be printed, and to tite untjtn ocpenueuciea in 4ulercnt part Of the world Mow immensu may wc reaamiably siqipoie i tha ood i from the objeetwilh ft arCour-TD exiLmnto haa riven binh to Similar SocicUea in the tlniW. Kin)4t:-, .an4 to" 1 ther ,eoI)rit!j: tndeaTOriia"(icrB;anj pciynarlr, Piaaab 11 ;t . v ' k wiucb mi ocfii produce. . r L', ' r't'! The Society jentiodiifittilueioha-eriaei . ' ' war et) the Continent i et they pursue their y , .ian tinreinrtti these cat. t',ij id Urf towucf c 'it'.rs ii om L.rh.as from ace;:V;t the ctrcunjattrt re iens, imliuatcly knn. Ucauie constantly travcricd tar. rands ( f Lms'mcss "and con.merc,caobefasifv aiiv! c:rJctuy' furnished wiib the'freauiLe ujp-lv of the Sacnd VKjme, We shall veo t JT then to eny,(confiJit)gthtthe tuggeslion wMberrceiyed with liie fraternal spirit with wlikh we are conscious it is offered) that we hone the time b not distant, when we shall see institutk ns similar to our owo la tle town of Iio on. and m the citiss; of JSew-Iiaven, New-York, Baliimore, Richmond, Cbarh:&t5n and Savannah, and in the to wn of Lexington in the state of Kentucky; ;V' v.v---V To these tilaces it ia our inteotion t5at thja address shall be immediately Jbrw'arded and let itbedUtincdy understood, that it is with th? most earnest desira that our chrbtian brethren there may be sharers with us in the good work in which we have engaged t that we cordially invite them to. co-operaie in it v nd that we wiU esteem it a favour to 'maintain a friendly correspodenco with them, and to uaittf'ouf counsels ind oitr, endeaVchiri (with: theirs. Nor let itlbie aupposed! that in; apecifyingl the citiei and. towns which, hate been named w have ny intention to intimate that there, may not be other places equally suitable for thcesta. oiisnments m quesuon. , v. vuis locir own citizens will judge, and we.; will at all limes be ready cordially. :to greet as.iter iasti ttition every , Bible v Sotiety, ' ia whateyer place, or paitr 6f ow rouno-yy it ahall -apfi pear.h.; 1 ', .-' r Thtdeigri p'f c5ur Society has been parti ally explained Jnjatati'ng ita? origm. , c far ther remark -more- -particularly, tlraOt is fundamental article-' of our, -' constitution that all the: copies ,f thc;'Bible which wc dis tribute shall be aeperated, from 'all note and commentaries whatsoever, and, x except, the contents. - of the chapters, r shall contain no thing but the , aacred 'text.i It .is therefore manifestly a desitrn in which' all dchominAons 6f chrlstians."without exceDtion.- mav-utiite. i ucyjau proiess . aepve..- trteir crccasaoa senUmenu. frorne 'racved writingt;, Tb.ey all profess td, believe that.those writings, ton laiuuiciuunumoi Hie, wnitu, 01 toursc, tney are equally bound to open to those who may be perish'mgunder maladies Whlicli iloihuJg else i It,taJhe design of the Society rno?ecver to endeavour,; witliitt Jtt rescribed.bounds, jto dis tribute the Bible, in the native aneech of all who shall be disposed to reAd4t jk so. that, if yuaaiyic, u may .-jioi -remain - a acaiea ooox tg any who desif eto understand iu contents.: The English and German languages are the most generally 'used in Pennsylvania and its neighi bouhine states, andarranfiremehta havo aL. ready been made to obtain a large humheV of uiuis iu ctu vi tnese longues. ril IS Known liie wise, that Bibles in Welch and in French uc h utuauu, auu jic wiu pc our enuca yp'ur that they' shall not long be demanded ia It is also the : intention of the Sacietv to of. fer the .Bibles which they disperse, as the aa ered treasure which they contaia' ia Offered, ' without money & tvitfiotit pflce., ',No world, ly gairi'either dirta"r tonsequetuial, is 16 actrue to t&'iBdiVidusjolr th Society from aJJh of (itV transactions 'Everv rnember a pi esenii'oonlypayl his pntrbvtioi- but rendera; eyeryserye ; h'cormwUbclwt prospect ,or , expectation of ? pecuniary emolu ment and whenever it shall L eto me neeeMnik' to indemnify any individdal. for the:time and labour he may deVotff to? the ieryiceluf ikutiM' stitjittbnVpr to ke any asures calculated It yas .the' discriminatWiir eharacteri uf ihi goset.at anrstvpUDiication, ?rlw we have i it in ., expectatop to send me; inspired arid uthentiov-nacAxbttt goypeUr, To'otri.mt to 'thetn inhoarrH pages, the ofi'er of n the pearl , cgreifprK 6f which': howevei', they inay.liave1 afighdv ut msuij oi uiem win never oe atie to rcadf if a Bible be not given them To enable them to fee for themsel ve,the provision made by the. Father of mercies, to sustain thenv under the:; privations and auiFering ' f time, bjrS the hdjhanpiaeg1otufnity--? .,Trunene poor generally, wm thus .claim the peculiar notice of the Society, a nHI more 3pAiaf.rtardjmay;,bejahow miller from confinement or from crime; as well rverty W it with out erooHon, tnarwc nopenie,;time it at hind "7 y. c ' sun rignteoasnesr reflected from the Ilolr Scripture, will nene-' trite vand ' cheer the fcrlobm of the ;tatep.ti1kctth9ylranta.:.';;.the; y'stehv'-if P14! present xitinV ih jthw tateJ contemplates th refofmatic c crifninajsaa a part of the design f thtir;puaishmcnt. An how is reformation to bo produced or exp'ect ed; without; the influcnew pf t insiiq-ed irtnR I But" beside. : criminals there are places of i?ch!iRiltViU& fburd cjtDd'u.-ht inomVa K' a nuntbet f branch socictitu, it sevpi of a auto or. region ol, jouMry, akould bo ftrmcd and connected prmemai one, wncremt lundaruay be UiiiBalud if::.,' cijr vh:i the rftcfa Bl!.vr:i ' !y ; -f.t a Jew wc tf-r, r: -i. i rr-i rah!e ar.J pucctii": "t- ioa of our co 1 i,T t rison and J u n Lv: Z. r I s-i aic4 ne unto r.-.e. To ac ma comraodi.:e the yu and jr.: ira c U;j tic tcription, IJibles printed wiUi a lufgc type aati oo good paper. wiU be procured for tlicil1 Spe cial uo The Society "do not propose howe ver to natives so rigorouily in the gift of mauoo. "The. aotdiefg and, laitori ;bf; our , country would, we arc persuaded, pf ten prize the gift f a Bible, and and in it the best support and solace of their hazardous tnd laborious occu pations. To thern thereore W propose, so far.ai oui rdeani may prrmit, to presebi this IMr1iatf A ttfiaa Af v-. a -.v-'. 1 ' 1 " -. a , vi vac. vi UIUIVU.,7, - ,i V, On the -lirontieA of our tftun.fVfM! book A of strrrtr kmrt ' . w W US , VT UVI - I Grious knowledge and inatmctianv in inv f.irhi r V . . F J f vtvvwunuuwuvu, -. ki c ? vanity impmrvea,! w was a m wsj auc ucua. a ia w iiiaiai ai a iruiirr i aiu n 11... v . i. t . - . v - - i uurAicuou m urriuirc. nut lnrc mm a irr dtiiprecipu. eed Of eternal truthand Irfe. entitled to the compliment of hiW. anJ 1 1 . ... r . -si. ' - I.'.t . v. j: .- j. . Here he lounges out half Jbisi daa. Athr u ivumiuj ,iU uuwk wjiis unsocial rntai ' and when hisf palate Ts pleased, he his r.o c - Under the' Awpices of aeve minauons, the civdiZirrg and christiamzmg ofl If?, hduse-keecer : o . hi, l.iJr. v.- K- Ti.-.. 1 T. m I 7 . . T T. . --..uti, w,v ctkbc going lorwaro, wim speak to vithout reserve j but any other of il me fairest prosper.1. x( success. .It.will be (.! -.-.-j:.:i--.u'-. .:!Jr , i wits, urn fa(MiriA sKir rr.'..k iV. i .; . . TrLf T1 i r 7.,.T ' . y " - r " ae, h iu terror., -; ""if OUr- ab,y; ? e- -1 i A'cbOee bo-use is UU 1m sanctcr Mviipvureo, wmui wiu oououess do in de mand in the Droprets of this Nor Will the poof African,' hot cmly erf Penn sylv'ahia, buk of some other states, fail to' share inurtpecial.regard;.c:';; . " "iuhu, wifcwr iw iorrjee au toe ca ses which may occur to drmanrf th attint;n. of the. Society. An' lhv ArU' K. t disunctly considered and he netal rule bfl proceeding- will. U-tha.ivwhereverthe Bible! S' i V.aatODbumoMENT vuKisa w asw uubkhcui aiiu mnnnr- nr win nri . l i r rva w- . n&aTin nnn .ut'i.i i l otherwise be obtained, there to bestow it freely: nled the face of the sky. . The dreb roared fOludedtn wrneiet.X .W4 ' mai billows lathed the optfed bead.. - - TT 7 in j .iy-jljwiasacas pale and emaciated ; Olt the tlhenommd e'JiuiViirr w..-..A rt niS hair nun? lmnlft Anrtlr'' vAU- ' t ' " .www, wHimm 4vn,y--IT. -pin)l a uc remains Zi?7 r . 4r v?.-i "P ueparxea iviargery Daajust been com. TH AT modlnealian of the Ur rfri,nM tMJirtrA tn a:,. 'n:....:ji..'. i c . wluchyiaibleobjemonwioccas. .v-. r(.r . SSKra!ff?2 had aatbathir.. the sod ok. nearances. itmavh wArrt tK ri,;t ".5..v-.V 19 P.iiber. Id melancholy transport . . ' '- 1 Ti;B 4iAcuri.':L . A Bachelor if'a tori cf t. '.',-:,;-.! which n: ture neveriuUnJru to rf! . wat formed out of the.'WwV and t- , mat 1 1 1 As -wer e It Tt a ft e r th e r r r t w . 4 , ver.' lnlutlilyfcfr hisr.,; th f.ntrf , .; all mixrd uia the coiasiinn cf tl. tures iutndvd for foual enjovr.ter. reraains for the Bachelor, is ljrj'.y ti rub rocndtlte crusty mou!d Into, vl.;, throwu. To avoid watX. scne rn. - he may nt be qi.ite insipid. rust b a ... . . 'o -- o ' the Holy Scriptures, ax never to o2r them to an individual able to purcliaseforhim'rlf There are 'tniay families in which a Bible Is hot to be found, 'the heads of nhich miKhupro- ) t " - y -v-..-..mv., ue uwj nil oe q'liw inaipio, tcu1 fi rr th KrtoV tha rrire at whtrh it ia 4r.li1 nr1l...s:. - r " ...!..- : . 1 iu 1.1 axau-vi inure viuau.c jrrTci..c- yet, partly, through poverty, and principally ,XcUmeNaturetosea through indifference, this possession, so- no ortoelsur--akindof ttndcrstuV-J.n 1' s vry w t cijr,-uiujft auu u jnwpirafiuiy M0rno other use,a tprinkhng ol uj imparuaK jouui,- never mites m pari their property. ; Families thus circumstanced, the society will consider and relieve... t I hey will even inquire after them,io'hopt that they maw An Anltv Aiinnliy 1ha m Vsq aVanfl r wvw v ffupi vaav vsai9 4 ieV sfMa i. pear, but may also. remind the careless of ae'. I'ccieu uiiiy. aoa mus prompt tnea 'to reior- '"'t' 1 a . j ' J r. . . . . turns to acia, xrora tne sonr ctspostioB c: vesselio which ills contained ; Ik the uh .1? c position if Cpnciuded with an iinmodrt ? tton of odditjes. .'Thus formed and f-'. ;.' Bachelor Is popped i'hto the word.mcre . wiuiour a possiouity or r etna; . naprv 1 - ( s - - Ow If-" of essentlailycgntribQting us the Lat'f .nt;. Others. 47' V'-,:-v :' - - ?" ' His ozrty business is to leei himself ; He cets up to He down and lies down V , tipv - Np tchder passiOr.a enliven. hiva hours! No spreeable- reverie Ar'rir.., drooish shimbers. v If he ever snrala tv',,' guage of VensibifirW he speaks it on the f icot 01 some liiTourne aisn or ca tae cr t quora Villi which bis ctJlars abound; -Ca i ' subjetts, he feels th4 raptures of a lover, 'The pace f the Bachelor is sobefh x V naraiy meaat to get oaf oi a storm, thor oasamn ra br tne life of a Bafhelorwhat becomes of K after death, "I will leave the reader to dctci mine-.-v'- j't''' --'.- my incpos, nomine city ot new-York toHoboken, 4 v9 rom me I-.Koar IoudervVt . . uiwMi vu iiw, orertT fi i-r-pour uown ve rains, a de me routrn ana DictinvaniiA iwmnn 1; k.-. 1 in.. 1. j t "-''..-. .. wti,.?. 'Cift-r eL ?;! -.rr -.-bi yc xicments, in; concert wita Oat place, atvd lylebjocka.wait tbe spot Where two my, oe,1 paused with unutterable an. gendemen, who a,fewrs ago. were highly die- iraishViMM Jk'Sr. r 1 .migaiahed' amcit thei wt$aUZ f'feMfrWnV rpcx,, ana- ti asleep.... 1 1 e gale strenetheted i thea; . . . a v : wvvlUVW 4VS i 4 Vi'lj the.aeaf boiled wlthfary'j hoarse thunderrura.' bled apd keeri lightniog darted from the Jiea-' ' j ; f " ,,"f r"" vna, n va s Bjtisu . s( WJ hi tytAtipstt a. bote ungulahed among meir ;iaiow-dtitena, decided h iuou- wBanmroi nonour t lie aciuamunce I had both' with Itiirr ijnH -Hnmitfrtn.' -. -mfil-f rwf" ,h ni:ttyr,1 " ' " -" 'u i 0 . vuuvivu, W1UW.GU uc u survey me jjiyuud iney haa chosett for their final contest-"Ij :bad desire also to examme the monument erected Uon of the latteandof the eyen Which deprived him of his fife. We reached the, bank where the iiata had beeft : marked out ; and capt. Dar, the hrnn.Hw.f id. t:.nM ' .1 ' 1 ' Positions Of the hflBlft that ht rtwo-K tk their respective suuutians When fliey fired ; and the siwi wHtjre toe aurrivor kk ros antagonist senseless from the-wounds he had infilled; v ; i This field of Wood is y - ' WviV4. W1UI free and atonesj; and lying between the futtini? bori 3er of the river on trie side.' atrf th wlL. u. pending precipice on roeloAwS--'vr . Jtrom tno pjoww tMs superb eaiinence ofbasall &rock,itU is a grpnd prospect if the riverV the bayard their shores. .The fromotimWof tlobokep and the penitentiary house at Grtjeowkb are plain in view lhe Jhorts-of Newiforknd Jerseyaro 4. rectiy . befor, yod. : Fort ColUtobot, the best con structed antaost fdrmldahh . . .. . 1 - " v wr uiU ftauon, presents a noble epetlo, ' The otjicr'fsl inds srith tlielr rising forties artf butteries coo ductihe eye forward to the narrow, between Long and Stateii Islands, hetb'the- 'kint currents of the North and East Mverscororounicafc wlUitlie oeeani and'the constant artiyearunra of ahm hmi they pass this great thbroashfore, aflbt ds taicesin amusement to th behold- , , a It Was in this strait that j-jr enlivened and diversified with loaning. For as we wivvu hwu uio wvkb 01 icrwcK towarq the Nar rows, "visible? obi CCtS mdnrwii(nt - - " " . m i omit 1 changes, and, aeerriedUo be oddly distorted. The vessel would soinetimeaexhihi "nrMn. i;.,.Va- . ... . UUUC WIJ- pe? aaits andrlgghi while ber hull was inMdble. 1 a, tic.ii! wouiio&saru ausiJcncledjq ; the uir, and a miStV bodr uiternosed hirtw ur surface of the water. Then again swls would Leate oennbie to which thev K-loho 'ru-- .u 1 1 opposite slioref seemed to project fub over therivcr, I . w i' m wiiiietuon uir a . w. . ..) tuicioituua 11x1111 incKa Tn tiritm ' -- - . ir '"v fom he impending croua,omnissiobed by, jvjunot 4s"i amative pf Orleans'His'trl-iii -; t0 hscure ito;be tracisapdbdbre th revplutidnvlietWaea : private" acldier in the French guards; At the siege cf Toulon, ear-VsJ.-'.?1 ?? became fcmbersoohliy- knoivn .r t.wu h ere eornmanuerLa detach. Irillorl flA.l yv"t,5- -IJJ, '- . ; . .CT ing down.aceMpofnotri ofihe pass., hint!: iaatatttlyV a trsfi v-nf ,1..4 -uj writei,-Tun6t,the-9:rifthe t'aiiks? ppss.-ssing' theae..4ficAtoii,'5Waarlecu d jo fin thi- placepf theaidtamp WliohadiAHv-n. CiTt to-", tore searce.ly.hadArHteV.EeV line,' Whicfi B. natarte dictjAd. Arh- n"T-rrtM u-iri.. .. :-,.,. V- i " ! ' ; T vin vail, lUiti, lui 17 up he:; grprp 6ihem; SiUd thu'r eye. ' withdusf. lbw fprtohaterVcMervtd Ju- "j I V-v vuipoure 7 4 AvmitcO f CmC Sand IOfmv l-ianri- n1 . frfrfwiUi which this rcwark wa made'attracr- I v. .-uwarwj a. attention jledetiabded of olmearThia bish perpn.v; c' has risen tin. , dermis master to thi'i mm! . f ,.i,.;: 6rtfe-'ent' "At thi ' J "?T " -r "wvenera pi rortucai, co- , IoeTe0fcratbf .the Hussars; General ofihv t-tair;Gpvernbr ofri.: and fluktf Ahrsn. tes.onelf the ftnV .'...,: .li.li-!- .. .:... . ... ' wu aiiLicui r x 1 ri 1'nrriirrnnK ll??f,&U1neIU"wg theIaiid. as- Si01 riPb!iTiaf fcK fall short cf tr.Cpol.jiteThng a yvar. , 'Jut t is in ibt-vU gour of his fitte. of A fr.,r .m,.,C--.r'.,.;i-: 1 Ki is wee seamed yiUi scarsac1 II-van iorms Were fremient ioid "fcw of h I?: 4 . Ttnd Bwilacrbtid.