f - i'r v'-C "'' . V 1 I -. v' -.' -f i ' 0 4;' IIALEIGIKFEBRUAW 23 , 1809. 7. Vol. .-No. 17 PcrJsHEi avtar Thvkdat bt Joar t llf -.DS-HBOI., AT THt VfPtR SJI0 0 FaTKTTK- viLLF-STttKT, KEA CaBSo's COAHEB PjUCE T;;i:-, Dollars rit Ixmu. haK.lt is. adtakc i. Si von PAfEa IQ Cakts. , Agents for tlu .Stari . f, . v , j v . lom n.air. ;.v... . : Jlreufirt ecuntyr f -"-' "v Tr.'M.irsf.. : ' Z'Aii-a, -''5, i- ' s Thomas Crown. .'. i?wflfowiV, V ':" f, f,'.'-viorg 3wrin.T.l' Eurkcy v ; f-. Vf c "V' George VltU."? '"v Calamity Cuwed courr-Aovref ; ' lltd-IIuute. CutvellS P-rown'i Store, . ,.-. f ' ClovrrGurdeiii -.rfp. ?.--' ' CAonwn, . ,-'' Cumberland. "j n: Cramtllet jr Villi J.UT.'.- - JOhtt lL-llroim.. Dumukes Warden. " R. i reetean.f-f-;:-v Henderson Stanlii Duncan M'ReirV Daniel Redmond ' Stephen Sft&&f ' - Brwik.Pv;-'. evyf , Joseph Da.VlN-'- TjAir, . -ti 1 'William' BUrt, Vo'nuton. John Stevens. iri't JLenoir, ' . i;..f.r... i JlToOret " f, Cf.V.. i s ir-l.. James Indn. i Cbiistopher Houston V- Johiv Washington,, '.."J ' . esse F jrne4, ' , D-niel'Oalian'P. 1 J. M'K; A!eandcJ,f- ' John fjcM'?'' " Mr. VHSJtort&fi.T, ' PJcHsant Jlendersba (Icorjje Greenai 'Nathaniel Sh6&&' Matthew KinkTkr.C if JniuriK "Win;.-"' - f $ ,t-.- "4 '.Jit , t. - . ;. JSdmird, (Jirx.) H. Kennon i Z4- :-'5 A Pf yUTdrrwpenU havens' cuwed tbe proptKtf of,Mr. Handolph's re. . v ; election several Df vour rr." ji-.lii J' fV: will cousiaer it a furtherance of tjie subject, if 1 " . w " . f-' W JAB -7 tf AAA 1.1 Ff W -, WfM. nifl . a , ; c0tf( speech: WFofim, Relations, which tistf be".' clajed;than its merit ileservesr ..' !-w-;yourJ-eaaers. aa not annrov nf i V hta sentiraents;;theyil( not faU-w bi enter- !; Uto Uns Houmy olMerraiori.are ot : intended.for; enon3 s without tbeae Hs-li JJSi of euderaeii Iwho may xbance io bear: WrVm&W Federal OoWrnment y Rmff i'ProtttrefttiotovAr.iw.-irii sir ,rb 0r?fwitb .fbreigtf 4tates-frOM iommtrcelfwa moe iintnediatelv tbc're,, ,-.gulacion of eoniltitcehich gave birth' tbis I - -iiA 't T i ""V" eyejr pursue jtna L'il5S 'hy-itj)m!ori,na been propcHvf-caUed vide Tor the general Welfare and pubUc safePT nether ther taa dirire it fron'tHrect t'axa t of ibj$ purpose the constitution was adopted, lion and ttc.i-to ay nothing of the lums I cannot belp casting Lack my mind Icr the necessary for, the aurportr.f the atare toitiru. timewhen the adoption of that constitutiDn tions.-, If the eperaUooof our embar-o abroad was agitated in the contention of Virginia. " I was such at it had been at home, it mibt fU at thw time tremble at the recollection of the have been boasted of as a meaure of cocrcwo; predictionaniade m that body, v hen Irhink I He would have been the Jast man to haye.de. T 7 e;5JWmc near, at hand, ' It was nied ts;efficacj be to hae wished iu repeal, then foretold by th, greatest atatesmanif not if be could tee it bringing auch distress on G. the greateUaiAeman, the greatest cratpr lhat Britain; as' that , the Court of , king. Bench America ever knew. Patrick Henry, tbat if should be compcUed to suspend ha proeced the time should ever ; corae when the State ing., wh'.Ut her every source of revenue was1 and Federid Governments should have to be at the same time ut off.' J3ut -when he saw supported by .revenue ileHved from direct Ux- its actual opcralion'upoa us, and its Cperatioa ation, the. existence r of the ne ;or the ether on out enemiea; rm France and Great Britain must be destroyed, y An , attempt to feci the at least, ueaUooable, if not altogether imagU r-ublie- pnlse on this aiibject mere attempt nary, he could not consent to continue it at ai : experiment to coeet a beggirjy revenue of tuch;an; exence of privation, as the people one or two miUions; haa already . pnt down a aaust iocur in conse'quence-of iu-1" - v ' former administrati6nV7."ye are tow C alled It had unfortunately happened that durinK Upon to resolve that we will have no.'eohnect the whole course of thediscusslon there bad Hon of imbort or exoort with the rent of mm. Swn r : . .v ' preparcq to vioiare tne siowi of foreign powers. 'Theylitt ttv, waot pubhe faithwto issue, contintntar money agfin a histofy of the disease, but the remedy W be Xo pay .the'expeneei Wir government tyVl indicated, ; Not . word had been uttered thi t know the Ctse b ofovided Tor t? tVie rratmin. mnt n"k.r .Via : '' - , . s . t - . " w . oi intercourse tionj bitt what .are- jfonstitutioni tliemstlvei with the belligerenU, wodld have any effectual in the mrgMy concussion of partiea f Are Ve operation oft them-His friend" from' North prepared for, this state, of things f I have the Carolina (Mjr Macon) had.jndeed, told them honour -lo belong tttan.hnjiortant committee that (f we ventured to aea, if we meant to have raued'on the ouestinn' wKnt whi .Kill An wtu r r..: . . our surplus revenue i vtxh hsurplus revenue prepared to contend with the British Wy of a natioii which neither Kuy rio k!1 rf I tK nationr whose revenaej derived iVnm rfntU.lth. wilt Vnij -.it .cii. prtfdnaageaad imposts mid which is Without import ana .wnnout,export.-M bave.no h?si- lead f; Suppose the belligerenta to interrunt aen cannot, by all the taxei which cat (Paueezecl out hf JiA0 "'iMVlrl lrntln r ;-5-lt. j . , s ' tit h1"" v,n,"iF ywMutun upsc a xintisu neet ?VP.?. ;.W ; e general government by direct lying in Hampton Roads,8c the communication taxation. V What .db-:-yoa infet from tins, sir I between Norfolk- and Baitiroore enjoyed -y o J 7 . V 6 " ? v ipiM&jjr.uj'.auucrautCf BUUUIU WC paSS a JaW 10 atnruae or a state in the lutenour i Afik your prevent Deagle's jacket from dearing out for 8'V,wwr-5r - ' secretary ot tnet uainmoref by iwayof remedy-, for the mis. Treasurv out of what th1a"'iroTrnm'rit-'(msw.: I i-Wif ihtUr. ;M.).nr.....: : vji t . He Will tell VOti cttt of Hut o-VjZofn.. Ital'r.nni. Vi.lrt ma. conMrnof thia, with bur throats to save bur lives; Mr'. K wwv? wawlwurtelrei -I could not Undemand T0 TvhatJexteftt- did 7 rvJt u vc goYcrnmemoi i uic argument gor r uily to this 1 thatmpro the United States emnlovs Itself in ma?fV.f I ivsrtinn . .: . j i.i . i " it "V . r-v-. "v6v.vmv jwwen prcssca up- mere local and lnteriour;regulati,oivin laying on x; we -must recede and so promptly and ouandcuttnig .wnaRand building bridges, rapldly.too as never come in ebntact'wuh tnu covernmenta f the star nr itnim'.'Ji' TimL frit , rLT .1' i : . - " " r . , .... . vti an aaminoie i T w Mst ,,; .,j ne i-p'D ior avoiaing war jne oy which1 the ff pplewlir avem'' hb Since the cbverhment of. the1 t7niA Sfar. Kd. Irn'it .kf 'K ... i. i objecisl7rhis f. mv leiri kad 2-V ?W.t7.w cae it was iiaole lo partial attack; we ahbuld ".' tit l what Iran nnr nrfs'niii iv.t r.r 1 iinniKili !i v j ..&k-, :. ',. , j :r ? t cionj One Jhich to d urop in the plainest With his friend froni Geora (Mti Trour j- . Prv . 7 - -vo saaw. 1 ". v r. io Aneei at tne footstool ot Imnwdlatelyonihepi3r.-cfti:VEmh.ui:'' 50 resolution the suit of monopoly su'keV ; broad , the great cnitafcu hid i ashed V "f-le8 - "A - purchased up every auk S ' which nature and Lablt Kiv ... t- A 1 a individual states, that it firstoperatiohon our. the throne;, the Gallic or British aoverewn' courts rived . . ' .j - o-''",v"v"";""s,fu,;J'viii ju i svinviij,ireim jrom ueorgia. sn it an- i v-T T-vrvv.rr-ifc.'?-, mb r;--rr B nmDcjo our own prono ana man. from tn virtual Tnti.M;.r Ai. i AitiAne, t....'..t . i? . . r trom the pa mem of their lust and bwfut'fhh f would withdraw kitf r. - wished, td- aee in i r i ... " ' ;r :? ; r. ' - .6'. uieiraUiie- wmcn was compeWed to reaortrtd 'urh tnmf 1 nuitv. in nourtri,v.r.cr s,.-... ;.,r;i r Us support, might well be said in theew-: tnjwhich commerce i was placed previous" to i f it1 ! , " ',v i : " o - v uiu wucrcu 10 raise tne lmoralia6on iroot 6t common honestv. .Th1 nmm I States er. that vr fAAfJi .k:' i.. a z : system of coercion whicll was to hrin Wir R.: f said no Amfcricft Wir.i .i.,'-.. t c , -nation thtt ait.rs bow, thafbvMheireye: , ci i yedtrom commerce alone could the YTO'yejnti6nt be eiwbled toiperf jctts Mnediately necessaryiol obstruct tlie riturai course ot tue great stream bruatUef grading What klftd' Of Wnoi nr'niiM 'kLl.I'fl:iTSfL ! It IVOt k2iLv i T - .4i"w Pw5-ycn itad Cu::cSriiea on that floor asUis most ilei and injurious thatinnM ki. j i . -. " ,- 7fc. 1 " wcigcri:nis i , vr sources lour teamemeu PM to !Waw,Wseipperaao et4y,-abom whom so much had been said', ea.to be Uiua . destructive t onrselri.: ' t 1 eXiidsed to tba verv A-. '-jiiL.t.: . T7 Would, if nerslsted in. WWKl emlrimT,af fcAJT ""B w i ;. 7" rV't rxenequer ,ai I -v- . ,.ju wen sata Stnce.tt(tt bell creretita 0' twaa not t)dHible to derive tromnv would not consent to (mvfrhAi-tfAte .t4i:A source but comrterceT reveniift;AH.i.rfot-s lus ofthe embarirrt. 'iir JuiiHjZ l?"? the ate b merce be mustreabrt ,what.woB,l between pronertv-of the exahrtsted, for tkerihe' child -- .. -. ... : . . J r "v vr must be' ttiyitfcd between the two claimants. W u. i .they had bought S' every thin? that thCy. could lav theTrCds : upon : Kuttinp. tb v. kv. ,r:3nu r. t;i,. i -' " ,""'iJ'"i me petty re , ; ; Aa1 Wt01' co" "c thev to L rein. bursedr At the cost of the publicof ihl treat consuming body.: If 7: , red to the old channel, the los.fif any w0u?j fall UBOR. thn.ik two .1.1 u"'k. V . vo uear upon ths men of rreat capital i lihhA,, ri. vLi 1 , be difficult to . shew that. int,rK i'v... ..i. " sJt .Wxport their purchases at a proStI 11 'V1?1 rc ontInued. it mi rfn& the people down to a state d the most abfect ndvertv tmA, t..u&.- . . .... ulct6 Li.- Lv' i r . " .was sysent Asiatkiybutwa, neve2. "ri'u American spirit. u luo viiincae. nut trn best policy eventually for tended "to. the cJurMV .. . L.i.tutai states. .k!-k!k r ?pt ffl,ftke tota: nge, ot Trf.c "; gradual -6. ' hadM ;wT r c- "c Prre.ot th t : emoargo on Ourselves! was .ftnrr,...:- .t..';- '-r." -, in bis ji(miwm.-'v tf- l:j - .- T i , t .titVw r a' - " .?raparett pur siu ?. to thatoft; besieged oVn,!ahd asked, i t I were neari v out ; tf sMWilA-r il iZr6: rTT not hold out another week ? S MrVRandolohi vr h V acepcea weompari. Under uch: c r cumstances un..'fi'vA.;-:i . .4 Heldhe would not hrUkii -.a.1 a. ; - : ! Patriot ai.fl f-l!-. .t,i: a-;i . w . ' rabstauthenuc inteUii.c: v,f t..r.n... of states the most iealouS la auppdrt of adrnt 4 ; mstratioB,ahd in the Drbnoikl.'X" the public spirit would K.Mm. i' Jl ?.-j !,' .': ?.os! b overrun by an "themyVas ' 'rW ' When tt is understood ouUf the House ihAfe the ;embargo is to be continiied. duce tM 0rfrprJM- friend from CaroiiS WW J!; opaa Wdsf rndies. had aeS xlr!" BaW.ormarJe , ff.flou..or a hogshead of Tbte' Jt i coriponditonattheXf Ped aodxperience.v, las matter of lotHetv-TiW ?RU if thil--- tneaoipg.. ri,--i-. t?..; . 'kv-- ,.Purmgthe;Wh6isee onete-yjuld. hav :-W..V.4y.kii.A-kl.vi-:'ytv.Ji.ti. -iv f 7 -.,..": f "-isjiw geowemen "to carry. Si back tlieir mind to n.- ti. v,k it" jL-7rTVh-. I e-Ps 9rbnruyS .etalpeaci W rrhVommittirig the y4nj.: M-ould- apply-, rf. -goyernment' ,forred.;' L" r,cedraelves tomaintardeyerM i PB tabUd c .PSaand when for ooiihi we knew vbiil:.v v t feWftrlUavyAwo .!v- " ? ell ,tb ttifWr hC th lr' !V;';.-:'v;''v :,i.r4; '...';..) ;- Vr'; ;;'. .-:V;v;.; ';.'--''-.:;.'i-.'.' f'r A 'It

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