, u .... lit triK- i. - ,-;f Hi , t . , , i , . - . ... x.i tt . 1 '. ! :i t' - "7 tie o' aft. to iso-j if tli'' tr ' hin o r -i T. ' if a ft r . ;, tSt a.i l t .e or t frvt in 1J I ;t- .i ' 7 n L nn. s-. a H lit -i'.c, W-7 or thr r .-y IT- -cj rre W ' ..-irfiiVcwit mcU UL rJi or carna,r. , -r w . ( r n-vi tf, b ' ; r j'.-,u,S If ( il 1'V of .ir. -- -1 in the wy ef the fxi wnM tj 0 o . '. toil tu.it.tmccuf tnclt or aiil! 1 Ln.i.-d. or ait f d V iport'J " . rtrniU, the mh pcr-Jttrs, bieaaml forte. 4il U .nCUT4 a-t rn,f Of. Jtwnr r.m ,rMi oiira f urw " larv'-V. inportai oc, or ail- " importation VQ the loltod States. -. - o W r f-rifr W. TJj vrry Riiirrtof, rivio:Ti.r, .irevr or other ofiktr cfihe cmioni,fhU Ci' Ike potrcif nd rthonty t Uie ftwdt, wrt 1 mx ndiie imp6rtrd enntrsry. to , te extent nd . , ,.f m, r o kwo the Mmt i t riiodv H '.- iwd or rt, voerfrr my lj;por rcel, dwdUn 1' 'i r , With he or ttirj ftow tf Uw p reltWt to ioaIwareir?4tiwrchr.iii! tjtttudutr,nJ if nj , r nicreuKiiv"' o , . . i tilit tct, tucl penon or prrton thtlUon conv.:l:Cii Ihctrof, j rdV w merchtndiie. to cccel:d or puttlM- MBei' tiirf tt kfurthelX&td, Tbt the ftionc ' aitiw sluJl be nuuleto 0! Ofcth or 'rtnatioo Uktn. by S t'ae wci- or pcrtont liividg- tle cbrire or "command ol ny !iip or vrct ambij' l ny port of Uie Umted SUtet ! 4.1e u-nUiet tlif rrof UtT tht twentieth oCMf, ji ,: m rf ,rthrrrQrftfariii t)uU tl.ere r not, to Uitbctt - -of mv knowledge ' nd belief , "on bord f wer tht denami. ' a t-vO mny jrooLi, wirei or mer- f , thjuiiiije, the inporUtion of which mta thei LVited Statea, Ar the t-rritoriet thereof if orohibited bv 1W l And 1 do u ' Urther gwew (or m,)tht if 1 h)l hereafttr dttcovor -crknowofm uch'goodt, ware or. 'merchandise, on ' fcoard the uiil vewel, or luth Bhall hvi been imported L. c l pre 1.4 . rrrr ,V t,. tr. W.U-iifvlllhHlaVtt i'.'iit I T uiik ttKiU i jr tie t t, :.-, -tor Utirtr tlikw. Wi'.h t' tnier, fie Uxi 0 B;t 1'i.fuM, U tUt Cm'.td KiA't, Jl ft i'.M rfuiiUt uc ,f vhe d trg, th-l ibt wcl at proca u it foreign purtor Ucc, wvj U mrj4 Tiii it iia be uwfjl ml mSiirm Ur c of Ui Uottcd Statra, U ffi oona n a uixmuh "i1' buodrtd and ti'y doiUr, CjT each tu of tatd Willi comLt-oa tiut tucb cm1 khU tuA Uunrj tht line liauU ed to Vh eondiUMeflha bond, pracrcd to utjr tureig port or pUce, or fU anicWva bourd of n otbsi c eLorbatnouwetI lit MT lore it traai i - ,8. 16. Murtier tntJ, Tbat.Mf nj tup or rcMc tUalV during Ute ro'auutunce vt to much f U4 act Uymft eiwaarvo on ail aUipt ana reateu in tfit poru and harbour of the vnited Staiei, and of the ccri U tiipleakcCilary thereto, UWnot rrpealca by Ml act. fio pvrt from any port of tho United SuiU-J wititout k ckar ancc or prrmUj O bavin giea bond in tht roatinec pro ridtfd br law, such thip it aocl, together wih bcl- car- g baU lx w.iully foi fciit: u tht owner or owner, L-vnL fVeichter or f-ewni nmatcr or commander of tweb P . w-i. m e t i imp or cei iivui; kwuj - turn eq-ud to the value of the hip Ct "cl, and of Um carro put oa board Uitf aania, ,, . ' 11 T!.r ! a.' jr.h C-rt- iu V i t: " t t Sie. ir.' JnJbtU urtr nwfrl That a! .Tjenaltlet nd furfchuret nin j under, or m .tyred by fituc vfULt act, nut bo tucd for, protrcuted, Wd Tttorered, witli coU of'auit, by action of debt, in the name of the ViuUd SLatva of America, or or mmr unvl wruunnuiuiii in aii court haviiiff iomp Wot juritdxtioii U try the tame and ha!l b diatrioutca aiMt accoantea tor rilcd hr the ct,hUUi1d 1 An act to lection oidotiei on import and tonnafe cond day of March,' o tliouaand aevd nintjiiiu ( urA aiich fjetiiiliiea and fii4i examined. 'iniuiraied or ru-utted, in ilk manner, and un 0 r.Igt'wh?4 aa lu wt ftrewrf m, J " Al wilii hu-U Ccio'xr we'rf jirrt k1 . . There can an old gobl.nr; to jnia and o (try, , , That al.uTu'd at the ft-tiv crcaaaaub.) .J' . '' AH hlvrfn x n ehaittrmg -iih cold bt afperf'i, VttUal tht tcira ranted thai Imnj on U bear'd I ' ; . , "Pra Wia need the ttaiae vf our (r'W-t fn inoolrt, v . Wt ail er"ied-T winter, ao atir upth 6r., . rDicn thur spoke tut tpixit, ndb brt rhUlewaoctuJ That our ale ast n'd to frieaa, vre a Wr rUU&4l , I am be. Ore mariai whoat eorair.r Tlrradi' r w Crcitk up your tarouaaia and baatra to bed v ' rV. t T)o hut he.fthe atormt bowl, tl a attend iaiuy train, Ilow'abarp dr.rra the bail,aa I btwf ild btaU the raiqi A'td tee huw the anow fklla. aad beatken that fkh , ' .' M VTbiib the coidbiUng wind breath? along th north iky. ' 0cr ftator in tTiomph I Bow behold iryCour u N. Such timra aa tbeK aurclt Were not reauc for ioorti , , ".Then be aad aa theaeaaon vhdj with yoalatay, -" Aid le no joy bo aei? trom Nov ember to May." ' '' t .' Sot a ancient monarch we a'.I cried at pntey-f ?Tott thall join in oar gfre, or well break your old aeoTiee' Mead itva ftrc, our phebea, let Uugh'er ro round, v; W.I I.- .4 k..--...., .k.ll L. ..r-M ' 'The1 louder bti atonni bow die louder our mirth f - lit alkali he all our jok-ca, while wc tit round Uit hearth, 1 , ; J 1 ai VVt'.y-.Ji - i e ls-'. L-.ur. f f .1 ht Vrtinw r recru'.v.J ; l. e ' -t X, e fuc Cutr-.-t?r (llcvii. I'-ri.l.'i) I :..ce tFjtvti'.x !tervt Much y r .'. & ..ueb'icA under ike fartnararr-sn w;. rirwv-;1 ; co-. i trt: ui i wc t'.uulH rxXlLey toruirve to r crJ. aiUsuvtioiu Ey aclicdule to tJ.e: rrridertd ty the,ajiMistnt Post M'.tr Ocnend, ttie.tit.tfii fn fj- . t'are,I to depart l. J arriti from Peictsjirg l ' Y FatcttcVille us follow, 0 J. ; :I.'ar Petens'Htrg, every Monday, WciLiMuiiy aM' FriJartr one in the uftcn.cxin ; anive at R? , IrijK T Wedhead.7, l-'rkl y and Mond-y ln4f six evca ui the rooniinr Jeave Raleigh utnt 4y " ateiijhtjmd arrive tx Payeuevilie .by, ten in thei evemnffjr leic F-yctc'iHe every TuatlayTb'iri r. Uf aatl SufAjrd at t vro In the momiug,' fnd itrrire" s ' at naletga. nie daya, iry Kpr in the atiemoon t ; IraTC Jlaleigh the iumt dly $ by fivo P. M." and art rve t retefourg.'On lharailay; Satumrf an , Tuebdu by eleven to the morning; V.-, : VC' " ' . W arf authoiiaed to state, eaya tRc CfJeheW Ua- " '. V ' or the rnnullitturc vl Suft ictter-that Combuny is about to be raised in- this town, and tht article of,aasociatibn (beiiir a lUniied partner&lJp tr tai rf nZi Vhl Wl' ' Tui bllold fiaty 'bee .ball took bngU at tho blaae. p-ktiu. acnemo ..jto ency no. ieu . regulate the col-1 , ..'. .. m. i ' . I the shop pr,13rv 8awyr uid Norcom. .. . - J passed the M I By. def,. Ko yrew wem;; btft atiU he. kept ober, t, ,W. Sndarnd-'. th:, . tw H:.4i,;h laralV in. " 11 huMrcd and I t'ntil we had qttaJTd our twUUt rag of October, , . . J -.t- ! ' j ru.'r. :' tltureTnuvxbe Then relL Mara uj&mti well done!.:'Mlell,to t,caminO$otUn' m - 1 -. m . r a a wa wa.a.d a la. . a:... ..a.ia.a t - A in vhe ante, I will Inimcduitely, adwidionC delay, make pftv.rt thoiotfft tJi iMllector ot me port 01 uua uu . : a 1 , . " - -. 0 , . Sao: 10. Jnd h 2 f-rt htt aed;,That tse loiiowmt due tricfc addi'ionbemade, afterthe. twentieth of May, to", the oalli or amrniaon taken ny jroporocni, wnwm at the time of cittern. g gooda imported uito .... a . r ! UI alaA Ma-kb.w Kf f if is.mXi,.t tha. a Kf m kiioiaWedfre ftJld belief, amongtthe taid good, warea and raercUandi2e; ' imported or. consifrned aa aforeaaia, anv gooua, area w . mjrchanfliz: tlu Jmnortation Of which, into hev United ; - Sutes, or the territories thereof, it prohibited by law j and 1 1 da further twear tof sfrirm J that if t ahall bei-eaftef dia- ,' eoirr any such (rood, wares OrWmerchandiie, amongtt r be Sid goods, warea and merchandiiei,i imported or con ' signed aa aforesaid, I will immejdiately, and itluut delay I: -vcoort the tame to the eoCector of this distrkjU f? , Sso,.lL And bi a further enacted, "that if either Great "1 . xintain or rratice tTau rtTOKiuaiiHi"T'uui, ' laws or edid, as vlate the lawful commerce and neutral mrhra of the itniU'il Stateai ai renerallv ackaowledffed by the laws of nations, of which relation, tlia president of . i nie yniieaotateaiiaiigiTepuiMicno'J p"'""'' ' the operfttion of thi act, and also of the act laying an n aro on all ships and yetselt In tlie ports and harbours ' of the United States, and the several acta ripplomentary thereto; shall, so far t( relates to Uie nation making aucli revocation, forthwith cease and determine i. Provided, tha all penalties and forfeitures which shall have keen prev. 1 ously lncdrred by virtue of , thisor of any other act, the operation ot wfttch shall so cease ana, aeierxnuic, im t recovered, and HUtritinivd In Vife manner as if the same -'"Jhad continued ii fitl fai-ce and virtu r. and. vesaela bound r thereafter to any forclifft "port or place with 'which com-. v mercial inteKoiirae ahalL bv virtue of this secrion.be a train - 1 praTnitted shaft give bond to the XJnited States, with afv ' proved sectaity, in. double the value of the vessel and ear. .J fn,, that they thai) not proceed to any foreign jiort, nor xraae wun any country, outer tnan omcnv .mw ww ' J)u my season Uocefbrw m d 4e season for Fun.'l ' . ,: lerthe like eonditione, reirulations and restrictions, as I ' . .U. . flr:A:t.'J.,-2"i I m nncacrihed. authorised and directed bv1 the act inti-l . LrTERART.'lXT EIXICEVC1V -! -ulcd An act to provide for miiigkting or remitting hf 1 , . Metrrit. ' Rumtcl end Cutiert.if Sot ton, have u itaet tnerein menuwito, uiw uiiru uj w,..,jvii, v . thnirtitid seven htukdred SJodnintfT-aevea, and miuk je"ipctual by an act passed the eleventh d.y of f ebriui-; , , jnc,houkand eioht Aondred. V-.-.'-i'"-'--' J Mr. I- after a few pnmart remarks, oacred the following rcsoludon, which was ref :red to sr- mrk to be trilled Tui PoiiricJf.TMiscors' Iff u to be fmbEfhfd in meejfly numbern, qr, "about I tht whole two yi lect corrtauttee wi4i leave, U report by i l or otlier- ; -; ' ;' Mi. BLACKBOURN a LtTTER; wise. V"' 1 ' - '! ' 'i" From U Jiyn:lici lnilijtncet.v ? Jienheii, VThot' 'tbV laws of W "sevcrai Stkles ' -' .ryviitetSettl ' . - w. . J . . " .' U -A aw ' Tl. . .1a4 knot ! l'(uO . bSvta shall be recarded ! aa the rules of proccediog on .V I SOS. RY, Sti-The period has. at last arriveU,' ort courts of the U.IhIcl l huye Jang tuiey my eager Fv.vr . i'fc -rt tho luwa of the Uuited States 1 The Cbtrokee natioa has at length determined to therwiae twvide.V,''-t.v-'V.'. ' 1 hecqme men and citizens, v Toward this my cxer: judgments' and exectmon p the Sutes shall other ted States and the Osage nation, at Prune de Feu by which lhc)suge4relniuiU their c:urns to'ait ; iauoeBsB - tract of country, ' cs . compensation fof .t'- 7.. . the robberies and outrages tbjr have committed at ;!-! f difTerent times ooour traders, &cA&orr C Unless tome provision be made, thp Sttc of Ten X , . neaaeo tvili not lie rpnr.-mtvl In th Summer m placd until October next. - K ' flitlf) Hie ship Nancv. and Six tMrterSVaailed front IlamiMo Roads Joe Jfew Orleana, on Sunday last, having on boar adeuchmeni of troop of ihu United Sutea.- . , : '" riyi-f&rfiii piper 8A m:J "A duel as fbUjrlita fftw wteks dncenear Louisul! (Ken.) by" Mr. Ijiennr Clay and Mr;Inmphrey lan shall.: ' The, first nro was -withotit' effctt." except 'l,'n',. l.Atx 1 aSMnAiiHtFkMtM . 'lttarJlrt 1 aSno tka rir L rZ that Mr. Clay's ball, passed through the clodiintf "of days ago in full coundU they adopted a tmmriotu T,ZZRlZi t ' which emt..mpiep , r"t. nnJn ..liH. .M;a .1 -.t.AMa.M.aaa -A4 . 4 F'Wi - atwi, V1V aV&t. U9 HUIU Ul1 VWT .Tf H ' - ageneralU,ero .....J.M.i........,.,. " i lc comet The noiy herald pf a busy world." , a-1 ami M. ar - criminal accusation must be established by testi mony ) ed no' itoore executions must be made by tlie avenger of blood the infliction of punishment u made a govemmcntd, transaction. . bmall com- pamss in eacn uistrict arc to nave no power 01 our iheiitrs to apprehend supposed cHmuial hnd to iu$; pUtol vris fired,- btit without eflect t We: artj Ivippy to sutc, that, we have been informed, 'that na? serioiris cooseUeincejS are "expectetl tojresUlt from jars tiuy s wounu ftafit r. v. in the caucus on Washbgum , Fedcrali 1 Moiiday evehitlj last,; buys the" ' Cali8tor Febnuay;9.wf are ini; Martmiqae hat W.: as H 'wt wported, .fallen; . The PrcmsU uava succeeded id supplying it wiCl ea(cuive su court.' . :. Extract of a Letter, from a gentlerfian at Havana, to his cor; respfsincnt m wuaiiesion, uatcjanuai-y aa, received bi us 1 ouu ii j. , -la..Sk.." - ' ...... A J...'J wi execute Vccoruiriff- to the decree of the. coimdl TO ' -8ree .f, Phis could pot be done jiskh us'by an hxUviclual, volunteer tK, ana pass a w to rase l ?,ooo wgut . thermgnoway;:propcr.rto . , one,mrw .i 1 therefore be done by a. company check oh another W l arri tniltf aWfeW M Infnrm irmi that fw.t-. I ninn.l tn,nmiaA Kll tv lun thiia Tjermittedi. V I " 1 v J j'c . 4 . ' . .1 ' act iavin an embark m all sWn andTesselsin the ports V.wn ca. V1" e me ay u uit--Hne news trom 4 and harbours of the United States, snd of the several acts I Jpain IS Ot,a Tbey have actually made some laws and entered them on record t0 stind as written laws of the ria don ; and you, would; hare ocen astonished it the r:!queiyiixh wluch they 'performed this btisiness j fmm fcOnnrlrtrt'rfMfriclI THejuAAVrit Mierr rtiasini ahri Very disagreeable nature. Buonaparte ttpassing accordipg iq the ndVs pt parjiament-- iyuiv4t.uo jfaoov-.i w.nusi; veil .rouona oi"aoiiurl iy, 7 .1, way bf(loao, td dtdntaiii ihe $tatKiing army, and lent 'S '4' othe purposes., vltAifi,,, : iiijjfas .-Xj-ii-L ; '..'m- ' x. iL i liAll'j".!- i ti-';'e ' -BY; THE LASt MAIU Vlftnl AS) Dv r to aminos faVlVl v ,.Sif.AI A I S Cj ft S-l. a. awl'.W.J-'i', upplemfer,ury thewto, as forbids the departure bf vessejs lis-tttthe head of his armies, which appear to be vh J One3 lawk that no rourxlerer shall be punkhed until if f he tMa KknVtnmffl'f'l owneaoyc,unsoitne uniteu wiiousm au oirecuons ; ne nas seperateiy pew s- he has been, provfed cuitW. before fiie council--Ax-AtitsfrTlt tin iUi. .rt I w(.J!'..i . 1 'iL.j .is j Li fi'j ; wtrii "wucuu HU ,u.8.i ,,r.u.u,j- r --, . tanos, iiiaxe, ana tne marquis Komann, an ot.wnoro J 'if. 'MeoUier than Great Bnumc Prance, or their co c- M,lrtthFn. I . wes ordependicies,orplaces In die actual potsess.on of J'SW'ffW , -I o Vth-r' V .n th. &h.h reoealed after the fourth gliah "lave not yet come Into action under sit aon auty per cent, on presetit ciuuesj on all 7;;s . " , -goods are and niercbarkliie idiportcd in Rl 'v ' w : ' S' dav bf MhJPrvuideiL That all rjenalties snd forfeittires ,v which shall have been previously incurred by virtue of so much of the Said acta aa is reneakd bv thia'act, or wliich ' have been or may hereafter be Incurred by virtAie of the infraction of so much of the "aid acts as ia not reoealed bv this act,; shall be recovered and distributed in like manner as if the said acts had eon ' . tinuedin full fiirco and virWe..rH'-fV ' -f'A,'.';'-: ' w. Sae. l ndftfftoTha tiriuance of to much of the act laying an embargo . on all - ships and vessels States, and of the ' 'is ttd rcrraoA hv - foreign port I with, which- commercial hU waurrse shall, ' byvirtue of this act, be Sfrein permitted, shall .be allowed ' to depart for stch port unless the owne? or owners, eon slgnee or factor of such ship 6r vessel, shall, Vitb tha mw- tcr, have given bpnd with ohe- or more sureties tp the XJ. f Bute, in a sum double the value of the vessel and cargOi vt that the vessel shall not lenre the port iithoutaclcarance, t . - hor thai!, when leaving the port, proceed to any pastor . place hj Great Britain or f ranee, or in the colomea or de1 pendencies' of either, Htr m the actual possession of either, -' pops be directly qr indirectly engaged during the voyage i in an v frade TTith such port, ' nor t halj put any article on board nf an other VeaSel. and thatshe shall return to the , llnited Stnte ("reasonabla time being allowed for penrfornv l Insr the oTtre within ihe time expressed bv the bondj sSot unless every other recmisjtt and provision hf th se. tond section of the acti-intitutled "An acttptntorce ana ' mbarro on' .-all aV.M and .rsels in the: ports and lisr r kniiMnrh TTn!ft Atatpa. nnd th several arts supple , t r f r :. m-ntarT rnto.-.-aiiau Eire wm .tuiiinnci, lind the party fw parties to. tha aboveentioiied bond shall ?"V.UUn a reasonatie. tim Mies tne pate oj wkhk, it. u John Moore, liaird and IIope--rIow'- all this has happened I cannot conceive, for our numbers ought to be four times as great as the' Frencli, but, they had not Concentrated their forces, Wid Lyisman (who is the devil himself) has taken advantage of H;anrJ- in his usual way, has beat them in detail,, one after another. ; One of his Bulletins Jays, 'that he is with. to sight 6f Madiid, and I should pot'; be lurprised ci for, striking out the first section of th' Dcsradred, 54 onlv nsinir irt favour of it. VV ! 3 vaspresscd 111 tliesiud bo!)dpTou,:'ceto tte,coii,ecior otyic. 1 district ftom whieb'the vesx,l shiiH", have been, cleared. i'.rtifltevfth limlini of tleatni1n the same manner . a V,r.iv.;rt.i 1.1 m- Vip t)is liuidin? Cff iroods exported with the brWileee ofrfawbaek bond Bball be put in Suit ; and hi every suc'i riuit; judgment. prricf shall be pt-oducedof sucUwlanding.W ef WW at it BtK'itilindtitk fiirthr tnacled. That So much of the 'et kvins-an-embdBfco ton-'alishJas and TesselS in the' port and harbours of the United Statesand'of the; scverid acts ' iipplemcntay thereto, escompcls yt-sscls licensed for the t o.ting trade, or boats; eitlfet-not ma?ted,0r w'A decked, f ocive )odai)d to load nndet the InpccUoh of a rcvyriu 'Officer, or rcmler them lmW,t (letuiition, inoti3rn ae .'rount of the nature of their cbtto fsuch proviaioua except- od relaie'to districts adjacent to the. territories,' colo V i' ifs or provincrs of a foreign nition, or to vessels c long4 r f , ' i i . . I. f ..Pi ' J il 1. 1.... ' f lv repealed-fromftnd after tha-foittthda. of Sfarchncxti V JswdfeA ibwfThatallpesHiead h ' I JsaUliivebeeiinitcvM'aslvineurredbv6nrcf thesaidacts, Js on account of afiy infractton of o much of the Ssud actt, as A. ).. s rre repeaii- Dy mm act, nau oe rwcovtra .ana uiih i- .' baud In like manner si if the same 'had continued in fall : J J V ' . Sac. 15. JlnAht it turtHtr eiwotecL That dttrircr the Conl .''v.: - ',-,1 '.,. . L.j": mnuance ot so miirn 01 wc ac iutui "i iiioairf;v irii becpi proved cuiity . Another that nil Indians Who have stock to a certain number specified, shall p;.y two dollars antuuiy to iuppott their u-ittonat government l that every wjute l , Some man in tlie nation,' o ..every desenptign, sliau psy bill. w one dollar per, annum for the fame purpose, ; and J jThe motii wm wnose names .arc memionea as mgu a? tye. i biU was 1 Thatlllndisshuli W obliged topa for cros rMri D IV WUliams inoved ,to strike out Xh iiBflr at feme in the nation, as the whites do 1 thut I r,Wi.rlU r un Vltii.t .. t.2 1 fl .. . t - all fenieatb'b$;taVeafdc'tfM taitft purpose, some as high as fif.y doiUr, some tldrty, some twenty. Sec. : Laws are (ilsewi8ehaidtedo establish their .com panies us mentioned above, and give them their pro per power.' The htw's, are in the1 following stylei OS i fifty, per Cent- pn a$ -former IccJpJ lmportea Jitrnt those countries1: . - v. -.t.'-v f"'- I The comraiitee'rose wimouVcorjMrig to n enuciea oy mo general couiicu, w uie uen i sldi on this Question.'; t ty r V I suspect their next step; rill' be ;th; TrWfidoolng ;$;'Mt; oaci''tpi& the trreatir nart"olihe their lands, tnd : enteriiu into regdla habits ot UDDort of i his resolution Slativi'to 4h VmTrvi j?? 'h.C" itidry.' , Thus farife tlieCherokeeiadtanced ; 1 .nt.-il F1.miavii'; tw-.k'w?t".'ii. ' ict "I believe than any other ration of jindiansin I Vf her Sea; rkined tr onritif'Ttt n' vThese advtaiwges they cannot lose i and f riileaV rcsolihiorL whlr.hti afi'foHftwar tixfiiVS'?- out htisb; furtl America.' ds soon as tjiey are ci vili'zea their w ay .will be open iormo estaqusnineni oi regular reunions socu may the Lord ooe hasten it vThis U tbe most tical and . eventful period I hnve ever seen I a J?orf?That the several Jawsjating ah embark . f I go oh all feiupetand vessels in the ports and harboUrr'sr i ? , T clIf:'thet.lf..Siitea be reneaied riri, th fottrth AnVtX., a I t it is' a I March ficK"jr'r hm! tn.!Ritmti imi C Si-: ? ' :'Lf. ,' r : ... : : j . .1 - . : l : 1. . . ' . ..... - ..'..", .5 ... yi aiiJuciy w my iuuu i miu a unw wiuwi vaus-i tfr thitt4ehendi!rte--hud thai hrrmLAhn he all the-cnergy ui the mhids of the Indilais.t 1 1 k;,: 'fa tifaUH-'Jirnmmaiihfeitl k'UZt: , niy fvierid that I necVi, mottJ'gface! . and more thfa nkthn, aid their 'drhtiidHcteei nitimftiW h ot bodv and minn for .thii irrcat husinessw li.-.j',. a M. rV. ' . .i-';.K:.!':.:' readers ugainst giving full credit to the reports which -X..1-,.: ri-- m: .ui. .'r.i:. . were ro cuxuiiuun viic iiiauai.ivua duivc m uie , jjh- tribtic cause to Spaing he account which were published in the lndon papers to the lth Dec. no says, were cuuicu uvm wiv ntllul um.uno merciore must oe recciveu wuu grcas, auuwuuvc. He adds, the . success, of thFrench is alwiiyji vex agi'eratcd and very often is totally' unfounded.' It Is mtnin tne recouecuon oi every person, tnui at uie moment when Dupont was surrendering his , army to thiMrictonous patnots, the t rench oflicwl papers 1 tjme were iill wttr "accounts tt bis jsuccesses, a 1 forth gainst. tlie bpuiuah tnuurgtnte as Uiey arrogantly cal-1 feel, ed them.'-' j-x'.rUvi!?"&-t-. : f V v I strene Trtr put own parts, however, we tear there is too Mwiey wilUlso be: neejfled iThe support of this at'.if inanMure ftittxt b the .isoid hation. or & ,f ' . mucn reason to oeueve uiese accouuw m tut success i mission may seem to De at a crcat expense, nut let 4 .sth Adtmnlnnl wither riAM V 1 ' ,sc ' ' " y-vV ; of the French to be correct, ;;t.-' ;.V it be recollected thatthe obict rs create and I'Mw Iv-f Mft;d ivi ritifV- Tri.i.OJ - The same paper contalnsa statement, of the pa- it -will pot be lost for - want fa little of thai treasure 'iW,m2 vririAwS rJ, ;.;ivLi f-TiX triotiC forces inSnain i Gem Castinos's armv is I which God haa art' klmridintiv .ritnwMd 'An hU netM I lit-' .i-.itL'. i, ifv:: ' :?s a . 5 Lli - ' . p , ; 1 cdrhposed of 1 8)00 men j Uen. Falalox 75,900 and the Maquis de la Romana, 90,000 and an army of reaerve ot 140,000 men. v Extract of a litter from Buenos Ayres, of the 30th of Au , .-. , guit, iouo. . s . A French brie arrived here a few davs since front JWonneYin France, wWch place she left on the. f sfof JuneT The he'ws she bimgs (though hot pai tiCMlarly known) lias altered vth countenances of politicians; their, oppiaion respect? stranger is - . . ' .. t i - . . ... - - ...''. i. . so iar ncutraiisea, nut u is no . loncer a. crane, to speak Ehglih and if a. 'crime, it r h equally o to'j speak ,1 rench. ' Nothing but ' gopd management" iictcssary .to secure u iicc u.au uctwecu uiaiuutv trv- 'and En'glano? '?The public conversation k very Juud agaiijk'lapoiaoh Boni)afte.sj? - To-morrow will be a eteat davVitK usi !Tb6 unfortunate, Fertunar)4 the hh "having'; ten" seme daysytefore jthe arrival of ther - prig fret france cle ciarcd, Kmg, ia" to receive the oathof Edety from lik suhjectii herof'f Vf?" X'lM''"- Tlie' Envoy of Bonaparte, an crew of the brig, are tinder arrest. All J. present perfectly fjuiebut il ls, considered possible, thougii nor,' prpbabletnat 57 rr V ,; ,7, , : TT--r ' - wwu tuo ucsuoii waa or xeaaana .says, o-:v-j?s.. ple.-:.vJ,wouW cheerfol fonew'4 " i --' is too Inconsiderable to adu niJrrienuiroto fhb nm- &-;ftMeasra. Bayard, Cftman, tloodrichi mfy'P- chine, ''I have one of my, sdhoois at asacramerit UovH, ptaVker, PJokV-rthprvTiitcX, i i- I'-f,'.' this day Oh that it may be' a day of power Amongst .Jv,rfy1lessri ; Aiidei i, t5jiit, Brawffd, Fran0iv ,ff j ,f them, Excuse haste, ' excuse blemishesf pray for twuwa, vie wowwmi, iwAcbcU, lihi.Mf. 'q'; me' I tanrn.eall yoa' caiuTeU ye' female o4: .JftSreW ... r. , V v si: f Md Btirtthof I.vT.Simthi.of Ten. 8umter, ,ThurstonJ;vv ' elk!Stopray forme, and m little IndLntf. viouJsin Tri'.rizT UxespelofXhrisWGIUONCKBOURN ;,IrHillhKe 'iiaMm- l-Tflf ihi 'rKirifcrtAas Af'MrfChirAriAf'weWr' in debted, jfor , 'lkf.1e.l'abW' to give pttr, readers Mr.' Baton's import&lutjopi', thun we Could; baveN' ddnef iMd Jwe waited, for the newspaper wpoitiof 'Coiigre' fcfidi but1' ibrT fjii fcjur of jjie mail We shpuld1 have been enabled by his, further favoursi to have cbtiun?.' ed the eanld adVjntages last Weekj to'pubtfshing Mr Giles twej resolutions V.;-? 'VjT;1; 1 ' The' quota of' Militia hfee'emhanies) required irnoved to Jfibstpori con at d ration ol the rr.iiutinn Imt. '. p agreeing to i n)nginai resoiunqn tne sen ' : divlded-Yas ,3l-i-Nvs. 9i-iftll thiAinemliera.vovV::'j. ing iu;the affirmative whq yotedia thfj negative, bninf.'t, Mn Dayard'sj ane'ndhftqnK. and c iter? L except'?? " ii(:f i vimr, ; wno on tne resoiuuon, voieo m tnp . , , native 5rv ,Vi';-; v fej ;: tV VA . O'rdcred (hatlegsrS.: GuVs,'' Srp1ttTtfl'l;-'' ' vr.wvn,Tq oe a fwmiit.ee to oting! a-ouij'i'-.v T- I T.T. . ... . . t. M-U : 1 . .L. "O ' ' v an .lunes vuuihv, uu inc i lii jiiaiuiit, oy uie .ct. . t '. T.JPk Irvinff Mr. Ant hanv Hatch fom&AnAGizrl!i lAfev . ,w,t HtriWv! ( ' fW yittaVta l-(t?aev a tiiwf- rti.'af 4Yfc1t'A, r--..;' id t

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