H4LEIG1I, MARCH r '609. , V A ' , JVf.tl 'i'li I B - i AT, I5 V Jo fcS liiLUi. UAD'T I A V I TTfc- H C A sju loi'M 11 .4 H 1 C IE H ASMM, It1.Hl. 111!' . . S';it.i.'. Vtvr k 10 Cr:;n. I ;f a cor.vent! ;nbct' . ccn t sir : v ".I t'iC sc. ,) STA T!.;. J .' ' .- jectui Great-Britain . Oil the 5tVof Ma we read the extract of a letter it h cretary after noticing th- expiration f-l!.t commercial part cf the tre.-.iyof 17rJ(, and r.yukbc'some observations on tkc stkc of com. ;r.- rcc between the two counirics, proceeds in these words u These observations are rnadt not with a view to any ntVociation. Whatever, leading at the present moment to a treaty b.i those -oq' any other cctriraenhl points,", tit as a reason for not presto;; hica die particu larly ddicate ituation of C Britain at that cHtical moment is assign? d." From this letter understand the Elecutise fjrbRd?ur? mi nister from negotiating any treaty -unlit fari thev. traders, and it is not discoverable that an , f.r.J ajTuuUure foetid each ether, 1 tr i'.';-ped io harmony together.'"- T! -si stood hi sjdendij til. Lcr, turn undi d by a Land of ! roiher, t'nitedby ruitual cot. Icnce slJ af fection, ths pride and glory of An.tr! i, cx ctung the rdmiratioa and cemn.ai.il.c- . c re- ect cl in world.' under tat rrote ct.r.,T u- c of that trsatr commerce unlur.cd her I.::, n to our in every quarter of the globef and brought r shores the rich reward rf industry and a;:r - r.r-iner, '. ;t it v aJo;:t a a article 1 V t el on the iY;-c. I, ! '. i . u.T.ceri in D.'-t tsr's Cw- v. without .exctplluniti the i, ilst of fhejr ivcfr.i ucr.t i 1 1 or -J i M .ii", was well loucJY.l, 'II ley tuiIcC, t.i-il uT j t .. : i. fit htn it. 1: cu.nstancel the T.linqun'jmer.t cf it thc::: tntrrprizci .. Agriculture flourished vie 5 a measure which the govttsrer.t cou;J i-- j happier aspect to our 'country - by progress -in dopt, witfiottt tak'mjon hsIf a tyt on ' -,:!t J.tiprovemeht, 'I T.e'n, indeed, t!ir husbandman whic!)' no. ministry: rcuUle w'u'n. t u.cct hii'ttd whit tor his jrolden harvect; f;r each however rressm ti e emcrrthey xr ijht! . .Congress . TVhruarv 1. . - h ef the Debate cn raining the T.mhar& '. -.-rLinj Lt'trr Marque ana ;i. Vas Dvke was in favour e resolution now unaer conaiue lucceedinff harvelt tnsurta to mm a ro.uen 1 i ae rcsuit,s.ir, u tTtav.ji , wn....u. reward (or bis hSour. trxlividurd, wealth in- meat was made, bv which our ccmmi-noi. era treased.aoithjnationil treasure was tready say. Mve place t!ie btlsiaessalmtst, if in. t alls- . - - . .1 ... 1 ' I . .k " j i r . .v.. 1 1- ommunicatioa was made upon the sub-l ai'gmentca.. is tlie pirrure wnitn nave urawn 1 gvtcr, on as wa juuui. w t ';j"j "t " U6UI the euiof r.Iardt; 1 80J s under I date we Cnd Ue extract of a letter' from Secrefiry ccntaiiiintr these'wordsi. wT"he hicli too highly coloured! I believe not ; consult done by treaty, had the 'nrjett v huh wt cr 1 tht; 'he history of those Urnesrrtdyou w iUbeton- fcredthetS been adopted. This Uiformal zr ' ; ex- ' inr ed that all those advantjgea were enjoyed ranement on the subject of jmpicasriunt bA. v -s . 1 pe icnce oi every a ay ancwa more nu mort n.itj',J iu""j v. v.., ' 0 - : v Itheobliration on both aides tonter aeriousli I UTw lesa M-ident. that those b'essings havei ed ; by our commissioners 3 1st December, on he meana if guarding the harmony ofth. I ien gradually dtsappcarinjeVer a'mce the day 1 18oi5, aod t)-ansroitted to the President v. n. x ' 1 1 iww tounirics, etc. uv tins eiicr sin injuni-i v4 f- . ;f j -. ;,-. M - ;t -- ! - rrlt'ionia laid on Mr. Monme to tthter aeriouah 1 Mart tlie contrast whlcK the history bf this I In that IttteroGr corhmissjoners t; un speax M'niiorm the aubfect f 'nerocialioii -and we finl' .tV preseu; and judge whether very .serious of the informal arrangement foi the protectica fiefiriaL v j jkfooroe d accordingly eogaje aeriousl -onsefiurnceshave. not followed from the rer Jot oureamert, and declare their opinion th: of that FcrtMy inUiat importanttruCM 13y adverth.to to renew that treaty. jAVhat iiour pre- "nTihouh tht Eiitish g.vm-mentdidii6tLtl ranou, Hettir from him of date April Udv.-ll k we I nt situation f v You Deitow cvmmerce pai- itseu anioerxj to reiinuisn loruiatiy u , .! related t.) the repeal of the embargo.' discover thpj; at' theVfirst interview between sicd, agrKulture drooping'cVistreSa add ruin ty us claim o search our-merchant vessels4oi?.r , ;.e same-reasons which weigh in favour of Lord Uawkcsbury and himself, hl Wdship talking over the landnd civil discord raising Uitish seamen? its practice would, r.-verthe-. -1 immediate rej- al, r lljnduce me to ive j went so far as to express A kish' that th her fiery head, niore terrific thaa all the hosts lessee essectplly, if; not wmgtculy, ab:-j. r:v'v. a forthe earliest tlay that is bropo principles of our treaty of 179'mi?hthv: adopt- Europe. '.The foundations; of the temple doned' ;.'i,r-j '.YV;y---.. . :!. . " ''l- fk" i'j- !r ) V J ed in proposed convenUotiWhere'they ap. of peageare sapped-the building: totters on 1 1, Theses sir, are'thtfbstrvationi of our ov, I nust r. rr claim the indulgenc bf the! plied,'.but Mr. Mohroen'tfave htm" to ui-jme brink of destruction, and from the present J ministers, from whicti it is plainly to be infer- - - ,tt t; u 1 examine tuc aecona orancn 1 aerstann ne ttouid nnti ccordintr to nis in' 1 prospects .smiu mint uic iiaimu juiwujh,.. 1 rrt inat no taiL-nts. no e?;triion 01 aiDiomatiiJ t n t f the resol u : i, proposing to issue letters of j structiyids accede to the Idea.";- In nertislnff I ye can save the onstttuuon from being bui I Y$L no ipcenuity "of argument vrhatever. cpuli rnrric, a ' reprisal against Britain 1 . and the ')8ett document;' MrytMonroe'.lettervoHed under its tuiosylf V' - .. JUdUc the British 'government to submit to un '.'ra.Ke,-r -' s irst day of Tune nexr, bestf 7th'bf vAufinut tn the hameVyearrve are ex-1 ItU truehatin a certaSd eVVnt tnfe refusalto J abandonment of their claim'' The treaty thus -y revchi their orders and decrees, This pressty' Informed tltat Lord Hnrrowby'unequi-' eeoeW-the' trenr;jotAr94 wouW'nothavbetn ioocltlded,' and thus explained by our fcom roposition involves a question still mere deep- Tcalty bflfered to renew the , tjeaty of 1794. njuriou to the nitto-thatis, f,the eieu- "njiaalonerftTia receivedby'the Prcs'tdent, exa- ir-rrestin-f to th"5 nation than tliat which I What sayi hat letter? u He asked how fat" it t'ive had succeeded b making a more, benefi- Iniried atid rejected, because the claim of inv , 2 j -t noticed j, a question oi no less mag I would be a Jretable to o$r gbvernmrnt t ti- jqa t 'rude than that. of peace or .WiT.s If ac-Jimlate that the treatyH 1794 should rtmain in nope ' j J ..v 1 Ll.. : -. '.-;( .11, ; I.t a war 13 resoiveu on a simuiu uccijii nui.11 jiorce nuui xwo. iyeara snouka expire auerane tc politic to bec-in seriously that active em- j conclusion of the present' war i '- I :.c rreparacion w,a:cu oucui w pfctcu 1 . v. hen , we rrc re "ly for ihe a nation and thti wotld that war .is Jet every fannln the count : has to deoVnd unori. . vVhati .lition ? - Yithout an army t, without ships jltishi commisi6ners id J August, lt06, repeat I tainlaCTyWho.Mr Jonroe'and Mr.-.,Pinl"oej jtothe explanatory letter otour commissioners canty supply of ordnance and muitiry 1 the okef which had been previously made, for J intorm. yon n etcry tctter, protess , tne, . m,ost 1 we discover why ; that change was made, be- . ial bargain--4iut u' Z tbisunfortunately, lii j pressmen ,.1 not" formally relinquished, an 1 ope and expectation failed.1 grant you, J because in other particulars it doe's not con..) afternhe jsirllv'it no preceding administration ever en- J us 0 fa eanguine expectations. SirVjin th-5 ' ioldJiiM Enjoyed su promising k seasrm for favourable I observations which accompany its return tti ui a ores our cities and towns on the sea-board4in the letter of Iftessrs. Monroe and pinittey j friendly disposition, and ari,sinCeMy desirous jrauSc the Birtttsb' gov,eiinaent Witt nbpuser.t - Azi and -unprotected, and the national trea dated September U, A that year they state to tetueau matters in iu:rence voetween tne to- granV. W in'; the new ireaty as I?,youralyl , iiiry- all but empty .Will itbewrisevtll it be i .in 6eseir6rd4l!' fn -the coarse 'of tbtf ftio two countries apbh.fnir and jqst .principles, terms of trading to their India possessions as " t ru'jjnti in -this ituatioii&U ;hrtlE,day . of feretfc. Lord Auckland rene'wed;: a proposal Tit opportUiutyl" repeat was the most auspi- we enjoyed underthe" treaty of UViy whiclt It'cbraaryi lo'gi.e 'famafabtic4vt& !'yiatr ad-. whicl$hhadgtancH at ib ourjfirst -Intertie? ' !Jibiis-.prospec the mbst'flattering tHatwe hd aarepeatedly bffefcdtdrenew.lIH - Vt i rsaries, Che iwb gi eatestpowcfs tpon earthi that the treaty of 179-1 should be made the ba- eyer enjoyed for iucK i a purpbseij . Let us tracC ;t fui an'd'tkfacw , ' it ybii hiean'to gotowar 'ith.thetoti'tbe sis ofthe present negaiaion.;itlhis watcre- from the name authejittc'ieueth history, jecurig the' treaty of J 794, our idminiatratiort ' f H . t day cf Tune next T Yti will place, every iectedtX am therefore authorised to assum thr pnigresriind the iisile of the business. have not been able to "make. as rood a bareaia ' "4' .'..'..-gat hazard without the possibility of reap, ihe fac4 that during ther negociaiion, apex-l. dt Is well known to every .matt in the natiop in ,very 3mpdrtant pbint the India irad;, i ; auy bene&t j for I cannot believe that such plicit efler waa repeatedly made by the Jritish 1 that ever sincp the acknowledgment of buHn. even tinder -circumstances most propitiously f reat will aid ne&ociation bv alArmini? the envernmentto renew ihe treat v of 1794. and l dependence. our fjWrnment has, at every op- rnwrrinflthe?r attemnt. f. Does. the l?.xecutiva - - (-, - , o - Q , - " . ' " " -' . . , - . v . - , . l 1 1 ; O ' - 4- i T7: - jsrentSj. or uiu uicy ; wui oc intuaca 1 uiiii wucr ws as oucn rrjecicu By7ourie;u- 1 1 vu1"1- upu(. i uinmiu. v iinajge our ministers wiu a want pi ?&iu, ei ! 1 d a more favourable ear tl bur just rempn-ltive; and w of their im ances, unaer tne jnsucscSi 01 suctt a mea-iiner in rejecting uit, wunout oeing sure 01 i.""r snuiino3n.jj uuui vwnuunii, "iportfini trust t mo, sirj reaet -ms ucciarauom . ; . . ; , . .ii--" , v 7 . - .?-.-:; ' f .' I njaviHgauoiucr at icait sis gict,,yery pcriuus 1 fYwav vi. j4ij vovki 1 in, tfje letter ivn When the subject of war is presented fori mistake has bo bteen coromito hicfe tbeSecretary , addressed ' e 1 them nil 1-eturmnP' the treatv.' I ht President .. - .: if. ".r ... ...1 - 1 ... i tiv i !.. . . ii 'A.. ..'..i.:.i,. d.v:.ki;.4jt...uA.t .1.;. r ml j.i. j-- . , ctu'aeration, it cannot ue improper to cnure i me msurmountapie ooiectiona io. vxn wcaty i r irh, .u im KUYtiuuituv.viiui ;v t nas seen in your exertions to accompnsn tne 1 ule more particularly into thstate ojt our J whiclt vtodacedthi;..tt!ylCqK ut-.'jrefjr j from th Merchant vessels r of ) other nations J giai objects dTyour instructions ample proofs 1 . l . : . .1. . .... v. .. . . . . ti )..!.. I. .. .1 . . n .. . . ... it.iri.n . j. rm n nnn n4f.rr.q nrtn ti j-rv nit I . T. . . v . t.: - I. ... t- i. i: .igu relations, tuaa uaa yet iu.cn uuuc tuc i 5 uciwccu uic nu tuuuu j- i m vV. i oi uiai ateai tuu- uaniyiiisui ii wmui ne touu a - . i us i cussion which haa taken place."?-X ItlWVth tontintMitd'drinff thb war irtj''urbpef 1 aiwaya.;bee-'t?nacIoosly.insited 'bpo.'by.G.MedV-and-.fcela :'deep .regTet that Vottr success ' iX ir.. ' :. .. i ! e ' ....'ILl. I . i 1. -it. 1 Il.t.ntVi . '.11 ....i.tl n. ,V..-.lt.u. - . lf I r -i .X.-"- . : i.--.t." ,., i i I hi- m-m With a sincere desire of ascertainmk truth,! It is true, the claim of the British government I hnve bestowed some attention upon the do. J to take British seamen "and deserters from our e . nents which the President was pleased to j merchant VesselS is ' not abandoned b jr that I y before us during the last session, and jvhich J treaty! but the renewal e are to presume, contain a corrected au(u$ from pressing that -u atic history of those-transactions.,, I have J for we shall see in the I r ' pxamined them with la jaundiced eye. porlthe documents that tlie 11 attemDt. in any point, to miaffnify or ex-1 were willinc to proceed uate the' facts that have presented them-1 a plan which should have i ves to my mind, as worthy. bf the" attention j factory; regulations effectually to the committee, in connection with the sub-r rican utamen, Had' our experience.; i cfif rtiirfnrfirm relations. Th tnntivM f I nrteration of that ; treatv alarmed tisf. rr''.o"" ... . -T r-r tt " 7.:- . " - - r.. . ,1 nL... . .. -.. '. .Ji.. .... ..... u hLjli. r : fr. -mis' w : Lxecwive: makeqpart u is tne puoiic acr, ana me consequences now-1 euuy it r - ou we. fc,tjcu uw.ur uu i im.wm. ,vw.. ... ..... j,-iv:srt ..) i-3 from'stichftctf'to'.wbifhaa iatateameawiel prtaiit a'dvahtages from H--Tand'burr country j v (inlrl flir.rtimi-.vi3v -Af- JfA u I flhnrtrthed ' bevond all examnleiXet. exueri I rttfulationbr; itrranffer V As infallibility if not an .attribute of our ha- ence the only true test of merit, aiiswer. li Uimp t -e. f shall certainlv not surpass thelim tsbf we lotik back to the yeara; i7.9J-45 we shall ais- principle oi mat government aoanapnuig auo- . .- ... ' i .5 . .i. .. r . . .1 . ! , I .1- . ..t.i... it...' lVu..t..J I n.ihp(ho n trht nl nF mtv wn K.rhwn .!tmn I ftreservatitrfi. sit Ia true.. that fliirino- tne ore. uf .-.mi- inKint w;nn. mf t K.T; -. u,W 1 . 1 If - . . . - - "V ' r T4 w U 1 Ul UUVO.MUIIVt UU , HVUHT -. TF ttl. : , , , seniaaministrauoniiniqeycari.au,ur..ing,iWbiChther were supported,' And yet m the - " . at it did pot prevent j our tnen mjwater, at i.qnoon, aucceeaeq; so ui; i game letter .we find again expr 5sed the fixed, " , j I J I bjt by; negocirtion 4k relmqishment ,f thei practice jdetermi .. . ; -1 fUrther.xaminatioii.Nc J ott.ute.iig:aeasDUt coui(B;ot;opao: an. -ex-Iat)ynftangeme'ntformal mbrmai.yhich, .y British commissioners tebsidn of it to the narrow seas, and of course I data not comprize a provision against impress; . 't ) , with. th diicussiotrbf I the project.cj arrangerheAt;r'htl. ';-Med 1 mejitk-froni American vtssela on the.hi-h l f for its object atisrJThif fact la tated in the . . Vt' secure Ame-1 tary ot awe ot tne tmra"oi r eDruary, xmis. point a therrm j j - bf the, --Uy recurring to the instructions sento wr. l ment. r ' , ' ' " -1 ' Was IVfonroe fof opening ;a nefeiciation with the - r2:iif,Iiltl:U .Ixi"-" I auner tne treaty ot t oyo- re- v f 1 l hi rrtaf crr.titiitinnal rnunrill be made the subject of ,ftbj gra ultimatum biaaly insisted upon by out? netft. Jor the protection I J SVAfiVUMtt.1 UV tVAAV4 VVl 1." V.'M Vi f 1W MJIIAJIlit( - r j ! i preseetative tiutv.- wiien i state that it is i cover mat our country was tnen mrcaienrui kcuv .v j ij,v v ihi.v(iik.i i , only, po8sjWc, butvery probable that ouf j with war fthe treaty ir as fo I or dtserters from-bur mefchatet 'vessels & jh- c I inini s;ration may have committed some ; er-1 standing all this noise anu jciamour against .it 1 sisiea on as inc. greattiumaium -or .tune, fiy v'rov: anfi it i,artiM-a 'intA thft .nr n. I whirh flsuallrtj thp fldniifiisirat'ion.Ahe wisdom 1 hoh oittty. treat vt i ivatrree, ih', that' if. this raents, perhaps we may discover that, a paribf bf the Senate and ihe' Intelligent andrmness poini could have be fen obtained, t$ VouTd have far embarrassments are- the; consequence of of Washington Vssecured"to the people by Its bCen a very bplliant victory intbi field of ne , such errors, fn adverting to the facts to which adoption many years of UuparaleUed prsperi- gbciatfoK'at which the;hat)6b:wbuld have re 1 refer, ! shall, "o, avoid, any mistake of Ian- ty and haprjness. joicedf d with whih; no man would .have 'i '-fu'age or sentiment, read few. extracts from of thattreaty Were' laid ;by. the father bf .his Wen more gratified than myselft But such a xae documents th.emserifet.YA. : i ' , ; ' country, the rtounuations Ot tne tempie , 01 I vivwwt. w-t w uv eapcpteu' . vr uivw It will fU-'-rri1torVl K'v V47V.rtm.wtl ! tuc treaty oi witnureat uritain soiat as jana wnse magni ' it relates to commerce, expired on the 1st day the sound pillars ' cf Or.tor. 1 fifi.t: hv wh'irYL thi ' hnmmwridl I tranre ' were1 keen . intercourse of the two countries was left tn the nlentv i and within TOU beheld the Genius of I close, to ypu the reason which is ffankly-avo'w- . ' ' .... I . .!Jt I. ...I .i. .1 ...U.... ki. ilia Hrlt'uh i-kinf on1 mliii-h i tlolp.l ' y. r i i .re ..'.atioos which theparties seoaratelyjhiEht Liberty in majestic dignity and resistless pow.; ed by the BritisVcabincj, jand which is statedi il-hik Hi to establish. On the fifth of tanuary lev guarding that choicest gift of Heaven to aim the letter -ot Messrs JUonroe and rmCicney. ; -succeeding, we find a letter addressed by the free people, the constitution? yefunViolated joi, iNQvemoer iiitsw, m inese wortsi,;- axiotS . Secretary of State to Mr. Monroe. r,,.r tl, ibv the ruffian hand bf military force. In this our meeting the next daV the Bi itishwmmis- that .ir.btcr at LonJjn, accoatpanicdr hysihe fclan fait' temple the aru b'4 -:cietcsi' corar.icrce sbne'ri itated explicitly but ia ft Very c6nciU- 1: ;VY'.V-iY-;:Y:-Y'rv,.V,-, !-V'-"I : ' '-"'- 'v.4 v--:t-'?.Y.Y -wcv.--:-' -;Yl-v. ..vY,;'- :,-.yv";--y.! .- Yy V'Y' 'Y, -..: yy,:-.. " Y-: Y" Y,'' V. ; v .".."! ' " L '- ' .'-' ; ':K,'Y' ; .Y -,'"-'.'.-: Ma dob an eyer .make a treaty1 with th,t nation. Tho - object rwltich' Wq have iaVij'W is the security and , protection of burowri clains-idds it is tlie duty or , . our government rnpst sti cWibusiy to in sist upon, and . : :f : , :n i. 1 . .. r.,' . ii ill. -w-iuumii mil iiu. cuiiu 4b, uu ftptccu ii.ar oaitijf bc maSo to the spiiijt nri feeJinpj of the nation to. " defend it,"'- But jf Hint object CV1 b oblaaied by ho nourable negoCkdort I ni . much .deceived it Uie s people AviU consent t.atake thcif ' peace vand hap; i- ( ncs n a contest fo' pivteBrluih. beu'mch ar.J Lri- , usti, neacrterSjVWuo may be criployeu on board our ' merchant vessels on die hih seaa.ylJitJ jjlrj the security apd protection of our owfi teamen aban- v v y tloncd by-ouj "minir,-- r in the hue r'-gochiiioa I If " !K We credit them they never lost t,Vh,t of! tliat'-objeet,' 1 it is true there uppcars to st--.thiiioa' In the tieaty " ' ' npbn tlifit point becitUbC! th! y ei-e bourtd by, their ' ir si .ructions not to trc-.it hfni.ii;y but on tlie princi- " ' f pie pt.tmYm.n!Hiriiari(ijini)ent by the Jltiuth : f KovernmeiitL . Dut the cxpKjit.tortf lelt;rvf our" - inihbtera.andthe s-Sbsequcnt lctle'rf. Mr. IMonn. . -Y : Oth r ebraar' 1808, yives us ivuson tv bcuova ; the arrnecmcnt was at least wortitft' csneil- ntent, espccjuiUy s .that point as ft cu ,3 our c U V A.- H

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