n c r I -.1 !! i;i a per' ' V.' t : t: 1 Bt r i : a if c I 1 1 a ! r r c Atvrric.m j r tf t t :; at to c.'.r cr.J , '"v a t ' lu ' ' ' t "Ijrjpn f be a favorite be!hf with the rec-rle, an- .:y wa, i-m.-ncd, a cha-e itf Lt J.-to t!e vcar 1700, then fos. Tt,f-n pre, .fir from a.Ojtcred by the famoti of thatd.iv, lheide.-. . ;:. I:l.cctt33.aalln ;iIiOPntRur3Jb y liiC n.tri.j cftpghux!. t- tvl.cths .Present JIft QjJncy ecteredinto a comparative state 'r; C,'r Vn- read.,y. acquiesces in ..f the exports from and imports to 0. t than 8D' . U ', i'ii T'r.i'i:' ; f ci c!tiun ; u :.u ' Jt he- i V, ..Ill : - I .forrr.s, us that as we had not c nvrr.tion. the wliok u:ect i i- ibe rt-st:r.ed vhcfv Itliurc ' may -perrait. It t.'.rrvfre -it remains uncertain -whether a 1 1 re favourable treaty will ever be obtained. 1- i,-,ir suppose either the treaty of 17C4, had 1et-: renrwed.cr the late negochv.loft had been ronJuctfd to ;.,uicahle issue,' and we had i.!i ptT,f.tre)i and energy resisted the Ber h i decree; which cdiutged the law. of natrons r i .1 trampled upon a solemn treaty, is it pro I i !e that onrcdunlrv. would at this time have I ren reduced to the dilemma stated in, the,fe HnlVwi frct-4 America at two di.Tefent periods, viz. the Cine years preceding the year 175, and the' i,n years succeeding it, w ith a iew t thew that tle' average importa into Great Britain, fropi a'l th world, during the uac years' peace with tVis country, amounted to but about onc-th;rteenkh rcore th.W the. averije in:ports daring thetuni period oi xver i and the exports ditnrnisp.ed, nearly in the same pro porUon. From" his statements on thij head anil 1t rfiMnnr'nnn1 nt ttf -f rstv aim. ation of the' two countries,' I.Jr. Ci'iSscy drew the mtefencc that this srposeu means . of co r r ,m , i y?u"?.mm,ltee. OJ 'U0?,:,0S T- trciog the" European powers did not efcist inous tmuartro, cr wr!n" war viin two now- t j i v i ' .rr,.l;.b c;. -:6 LTi He deemed it peculiarly unfortunate that a I Ful nations. Sir. in mv oninion. we diouhl T.ot have been engaged in war, with 'cither the mode of resisting that decree was plain , nd easy, by authorising your merchantmen to 'arm aadresijt any unlawful - attacks lupoo , TOUT commerce"'. - This nlan would have rre. ventell -var,i .protected our lawful trade with- . nui ;uiuai rajsiiig our- goveraineni, or jcovn pelling it to take part with citlier of .the, belli rrom this Reviewnf thl)ifnrv rf nnr ihr fetation since 1 B03, it apptarj to jne,that we i sve cpnmiitrea verrours ot no small tmpor - k - and I ranee- or to adopt the plan", of , ra'arque and reprisal, Lshall be asked if I mean to sub- - init to their, unjust ; orders and ;'de'cneel V .1 answer. OOi I hope' the "Jdea of, submission hasy never been entertained in this lIuse. K I trust, sir, that the term ' submission" is not - found in the vocabulary of an American etates If toe embartr6 is raised on theAth f UTarrb 5 U. full force wjU by; taSat time be fel? by the belli gerentsnd they irtay probably then be in- niit lu.uw uajuoin-c,aaq ourirauo ue per- ,n area to resume its natural enannels.' v : : 'AiliU t- Wi: "VI C r.T,","v".' pS5fr. of foreign eamen. XAremotalUtheembar: mnfl.-lf nri in till nirnrf f nf npir'inn in . - - .v. - - long existed; 'as"' It had preVented the United States from making preparation j which they otherwise miht naye made, lis hoped the iuea woma ,now cease, in relation "to eur present situ'atione itt'eomnierided'a plain re- natfiffe . - NVhat fiii slie first dictate for retne dyiflg iany complaint J'The removal of r'I obstructiens'on her pperaV'ons.' t Jlrj jfjuiney therefore recommended : the(fnioyaf of the embdrg4, tie repeal of the non-trnfortaticn actand die abandonment of the ronlinte course system'. ,f He . wished' peace, if possible ; if !iJJ-'.Jj.i.i. .1. . I ti.. J ..,-. -. .'. war, union in tnai warj - lor tlua reason- lie wished negotiation fa be opened unshackled with thosi Impediments Tto It which no w exist ed. As Ion ir as thev reriiilnp!. rTn."no.nr.1 iri the. portion, of the cquntryi whence he rame, '.'iUM.r -.-Jii "-.( .-.i:-...-!.-. A. . . - nuuiu iiui uccm aa uosucccssiui attempt at neirociatiori to be cause for. war f if ihtvWi- rempyed; and ftaVaraeVit attempt 'at'hegocia Ition was made unimtded.i!h thki r.t ' tions, and should obt meet vith success,) they would join he artiry in- a war rThey would not Britaitf,to :arch; Aniei'ican vessels for British seamenj iorjt was a general cpiuion with thena that if American earaen? were'ehcotirajied If I .. vk5 c f t'..c er. i :-e.-! Trlti'i !..tid ut lrctn y '. t n.iiher -t! t r i e t' f ' . 1 T,J.e . .. 1 , .. T to t d t ir: ? cortamint; our e fii.it r. lo c rr waters. 1 ! !5 v- tnarmeil s.wrs vjtc;n which re'jiiirtd no evei t'iou of j iuiut-ii-a to cany into i :acf, whivh could eicitc no ?auvouties between the North and f,uui In relation to the r.dn-jatercfjrse. he believed that it could not he enforced, and used a -sri- ety ot arguments to her that it rould net !f it could be enforced. hA believed it would bA prodi.iously partiaL If the embargo lr?s to. be taken off and war not to be substituted, !f the nation was to submit, he whhed to da it protUy. If the emtsry We it raised as to a siude spot, it was raised entirely to all effec tual purposes'. . . Then let your vessels go, (said he) without JeYor hindrance let them go and be burnt! tour mefr.Vinli will in ftl llint the !embarra was a s'!ir?'l'TTnfl nvfr Ihm m. . r . . ' was nejrativtcu ' . auuucome lvick to jar protection, like the f:; Son fArlherrrV,fre,, was r- nrmllTJI 'inn'. mnrt .unit. I,!-- Iro.n V, 1 ' prodiaTiI ;"son!i and unite like brethren in the common cause.. Mr. WiUiams said his plan W1 tO interdict th& rrifMnr nf nnrnnrtt tn belligcreilt vesselsi armed cr unarmed, and ay tax oi ot per cent on their manutaxtures. Great Dritain must then cither go to; war. or treat with us. If she .was inclined to rgo to war in pruJcrence to revoking her orders ta council; let her da -o.'.-Hut b " lnrlin-d to believe that she would treat. ' '-If she seized our vessels however, the effect would he jie. vitahlc.s 'Division amongst ua would be done c r, a: At Tl-llr i tt mff to' w ,. ' !t t" - I .1 ;. mercial ititrn r . , t. - 2r !) Ji ( r: : :; n vet under ew.iiderstbn. t tb.'.rth section tS the LiU and i it a provision for l.n ir a C ci r f CO per Crt. on u'. r-r, . r ! : imported lrCr.i L. i,rit. Jr. Icve called I - ? tion, so as . to t section. 7 - -The cuev.loo'w (I tit the!4t!i -ccti" i I, Williams's n mc Tlvro 3 to 47. Mr vas negatived. it f.. a . n it t "-l; T t' V.-.X.: : in ilcr t i ..hr.. i t ; v.). v. s. mc when the commitue r-sc a-. 1 1 to sit again." ' , -The House -was Vn r rcd i day' in committee of the whole en Ltercourse bill.' - A mouon to am so as to keep pn the -em'jargo a!:i negatived,- Ayes, ,3,?. -A 'motion bill so as whuly to repeal the - em netratived S7' to 53 ' Tlie cotnn through the bill, which' was Tfp House , at neaf 5 o'clockWhtn aivay--aU,would tinir heart and hand in warth'djourBd without considering t! Mr. V. replied to A toumbe'r!,' of- the bbsorva I th fhrnmiff. . .. x . .. I hone ! we shall net close the door of miwr tion at this moment, but leave "the '.knecd injr President fttlibertV to Use such 'mtani an iht wisdom and pa,triotism rpay snggest Jo pew cure the rights and honour his.ountry. 7The cbjectjs at leat iohh tlitixperiinenu I-'rom eWryVieyAthefefofeVlhict-Xtan' take of the Subject,' niy mind kfullyiconyincccl that we ought not at this time to adop the 'scebnd 'branch of the resolution i jrv t Hi? On motion of M. Nicholas: th Tt solved itself into a committee of the whole, lc Basset in the chair, oh, the Mil (hr-inter il dictihg Commercial '.Intervours between the ': United. States an4'(?rea&Pniaitianci.lrranced arid ;-jfor othtr' puYpsesV, "v- iu BUttc.pm ine nret d-o without adontinf? khv nther thMm- 1t?l the event -of negociation had bien tried', )Mrt. Oulnr laid Wftnld. Hrt nniiK .iti.iiti.t'.ti. with the belli trerentsl which mip-ht-iinrl barrass netrociauon j and MtthnrHti. vnnU an ' opportunity td the' tountry'tciaiiceVtainythat ivv Huia4upcruioiToi west orjer vvv.vv. . uui mumitiw j ana 'give an opportunity to the next Congress to' ihap'elts measures according to their actual effect." If commerce uici not suttcr, the- knowled of this fact Would supercede the' other measure, and peace : would follow' of course j it .on the contrary;; a general' sweep was ' made'of all the VroDertv aflni't U nnite alt ipatties m a wa.V, Mr; Quinty ton- s?fBd5 the stafe oJihe-cinntrv :Wi the spirit which rides the whirlwind and di- tions of Mu :Qunr.eyi-particularly inrela tijdn. I? his position, tliat all ebstructloua ought to he 'remof.-ed with a view to negociation He asked : whatsecurity had the United States if ithey did all thisif they submitted to euch abject ,humiliation,ythat threat Britain should treat? Was it to be expected that she would treat more liberally with .us wiien we solicited as slaves, than she would whikt we raagnani nously; eonteedetl for onr rights i ' The gen tleman from JMassachuietts; said hci whxn re peating hist creeds had forgotten a part, via. ".Unfurl the lannct? of the Mepliblic craimt uic imperial tianaara r -1 his woukl com plete, a pr)iect he had : lately seen nronbsed ffom the, East and, as to its application coin, ctding-with the wishes over the watery would be; just such ; project ai Mr tanning mighl dictate i- Revoke your proclamation retnove th scmbargoy and unfurl : the sKepublican batmera apainit' th imrnl 4t9nJ.4 iJLL Mr Williams m Concluded B sbeerh of an KAir antJ Kaltyn length with giving notice that ii should move to amend the bill, when the pre sent motion! was decided, by striking out all that part of it relating td non-intercourse' tmH ui our aroours to anr vesftei tirnt- iiritr,.n pr;Franccf and j Imposing an additional duty jrww imiAii .tu. xi uiii i iiiiKfr I'riiinrr lm... ncn iu y imams concluded, the. com- "7 " wmuwj ivc iu 41 again 1 t Thursdsv, Fc)). 16. ' KON-IXTEItCOUHS E." i r u f .i r e ' v ".Ff,vv"H-u -Tiues ine whirlwind and-di- , jetton of, th; bid with a yww to try the print refhe storm'fto feuide the nation td a hap ftiple ot the non-mtercourse system. vIn sun 'p3r'lriult.t'"r 5, -.- , '.port, of .tlii motion, he elleired theiimn'ossi. Me. Kienol'jiilR AvUt!:":r.i, -1, 'port of tliis: motiofl, he allegM the ump'ossi. ' Inlity ot carrying the System, into effect for . l 'c.onceiyed, that the embargo had been inef. j, i fecial from the Impossibility bf parrying R , in.complete effect,; and the proposed pyfitem a . 4 roiild' be, at least as 'difficult tt$ enfprcetle - "uuf'Auc luipossipie jo, carry a ri non-intercdu.rse .system into effect,' as loug as F"; . y tsscls .were perniitted,to go "toea lie had 4 ;fM.ni. t this lill,' amongst iC whlclr were these i that nhlriiK i i , mWtn 'l?art6nlyhe fjehn T5 wT "v " 6 w . V4,UC ,w,v provisjon.ior i - "'.v. ui us pl cBeni giiaoe. it nris to he ri - - cfoubted whether Bnvvni'i-iKnir .u t r , . btatei.-would understand the'duty enjoined otf ; liiro By -.trtj that a time only twb days previous ,1 I. to the meetiAtrnf fh m.vJ ttn.L.- ?i j l r , ; upon as the day.on which the non-importation t ' thpuld iritot operations arid thus the bill ap- - pearecHd' ta'anif8t d1kthaVmM ; ' vh certainly, would be roorlTompeteni i(n'ao I th.c PrsenJ VODSres decide on Hi poprie. " ty at that time; that a hon-intercourse between these countries would but compel our citizens . " '.- to p.avja double,freicrht to and from --i A V ?QS ilhout producing anyj other effect than ..yu..flvw vni?,.V.UIUj Wll gOQUSitrOm than- countries, although their importation ;wer$: Interdicted by law, would be introditred nevertheless ; that the extent 6f thc terr'itirv if " - ' - 1 1 1 - - ,. , fW- ----- -.v. , AVWlt 7 and ' sea-coast v of the, U ni ted v 1-'V Crf.t jtnat all jtfforts to interdict theimporta- v would be introduced tfbntrary to law, thus de s privfog ,the;; United States' of the revenue ' hich :;jvbd!i' he derived,: from them' if'-thcir .iropora.wn'' were permitted by law. ' .. Kalhef " ihtaftaccpt this system Mr.' Mi thought it ' would b btttef 'that this country should ,re i Wain yet longer under the pressure" tof the em ( irgo; which he had no douht, must be re. 1 "ilcd early in the' next session!' ". MrL jCicholasrepIied t6 the ohservationi'of mr.auingy on ine SUDier.I ht th. lool tion to the embargo laws in Massachusetts. He 84u inlaws, of tne nation were to be resis ted in the manner in which h 1amn. a o., tt-;Ke;kar it':.itepTa iri bne part of the iwini)i)r,n ucciuio me auty ot this JUegis latureto meet it vSf' Wne tin VAu.:tt. their, dutv tq shrik from' ikifHe could hot , "T ,,,wt r louncen states shpuld submit to 6ne.:'As men vtM iK'k.?itu powers by he constitution, Congress could riot transfer th to any town-Jri relation, to negotiating with measures of cbereion in existence, Mr. Nicho las asked when did; the violations of our rights tcfmmence? VSolongago that the precis tnne vuHiu uui w.iuca. ; wjien dia' our coercive measuj-es commence f.In 1806 Mr.'N;'nff-: ticed the negociators during whose ministry a- tmued. ;4Mfv KingV Mr: MonrocV andMr. Pinckney all honourable men, had successive ly represented the United States iri Great'Bri: tain,,.A.nd coujd any tlirig be gathered from any thmg they had v ever; written or: aid; to induce a beliefthatthis' government had not acted wiph sincerity t vHiere .iwas the ;most conclusive evidence J: to . fthei, contrary Mr, N.aid he would ask flpthihg of Great Britain or france that would tehd to sacrifice their ho nour aoo. heis.hed whn.' ginUemen"1 dwelt 4o' much on th wwn-rl sf f.;-:.- i.:.rr iTle House Strain resolved ii'pf !nA raittee of the wholeonthhiirfdr interdictirig pommercial Intercourse ?fV':,'''i' ' Mr." Milhor's nintlni'''nvkttX. first aection, being under consideration ' v ' -Mr Nicholas spoke against the motion for aboui half an hour.' ' Ife replied td mariy ob. jcvuuua wuiiu naa .oeen maae, to the cm. e oDservei noweven tha this state of things could not continue lont4nnd tKar w, hesitations td Bay- that this nation must Soon flfpi'fnin ithfr i m.mtn;. U l vr s -i" rignis,or to aoanaon eommerce ssItogether;- Ilft COUld not fonnt U vriuW.'n.', as if was now shackled hy thcjf belligerentl no abandon it1 altPcrether;. c He- yet was a manly and honourable spirit in tha nation : yg h i f h wtii ii 4 ' . t ' k : i ' -vi r . , . .' .m; lUVdSKinS , oi our rights r'and.thts bill would prevent our citizens; frdm staining the character of the na tion by'carrvWNjn a comniri-rV whJ, only be carried on wiJi diegrace, uritif another puvuiu imvc ucen maue lor ptace,i i'lT he Cues tion was tnVn rintttrll-Snn. k... ".Ki ,-. ' ,., i v"...inMiij vm, iuc first sccttori of the billaridheEraJtived. av'cs $L rT'bft ITnn.f. nrnrr.rl.,1 !J .Ui 'J." t'ji 1 .tates vas; sjio much on the regard of foreign nations for their ridtional character, that h. , ... wtw vmi(ti.iti-vM ourown countrv f ..... u. Miwiiu jam ne! oeen ueci dedly. in avouD of issuing , letters of. mardue and reprisal at once i .' hehelid If have cut off all that funtroua miatter now ilt.; . . . . . -j ... - - . .,w..& vujujr. jvnki'? lor xne pcopie 01 incw ngiana were vns patriotic as ftny, and when the choice "wai between their own and. a lureign country, they would cling 'to the irown. Tt was the hot bed politicians who stirred them I i' h.w.4.u ' 3 1 As thy vessel coining! in after the tinje; fixed an Avtrttrln b iiKt . x,t..iji;! -' 7 ('i " ."7 - .' '.'! vuiiucm;r,u nn: nc thought it would be fa tbe,h6hour of the Uori'i?!,i'.-r X" 'vJ,fj''v. ?-;:V''?t:.'r.l! 'i r j- j tV " uayjwouta he a GTeed itov ,'Tfe was not for KvW VA V Lntii,A any Jonger notice of ouregaltions than? phe5 gave of 'the' orders in, council'.' vit. from tlW 1 1th f -November to tho 12tU of January. He therefore named the 20th day-qf ApiiLt '.'The Question on' the first clay' of June was negatived, 59 to-41v 'y '''CH The-20th cfc May; Was ?greVdtc,"80 to 24. The fourth bection having been read (pro hibiting the importation of French or British' goods) : .... .; - ;( ', ' i Jr. D. i?. IFiliamx moved to strike-Tt out ana insert in lieu of it a provision fo :l ; -iThe.noky !ldut a Huj world'- By the British bri? Matilda. in 18 days tromSt J ;hr.s, -AritWa, the :, lviercanuje Anvcraer has received Leu , to the 13th of rJeccmbci'4ncIt?ive ten than our former dites) and Uic; -Antigua J the 24U bf January, tofltininj? rtewsfaom ' oj iub iuiu ui jLoennuer, intm wuch vc e the following, extracts, , ," C f , r ye learn verbally by a passen ger in tl .e h: dlda firo'in t Antiguai'tl'mt onthe 2oih cJui (lisnatch Wa eCfcivefS' from arlmirul r i . - - , . wuaaiA VA. Ill . 1 ting that Sh John Moore with' an irniy ot men, naa auacKca tne Jt raich army m the i , of Midi id and coinpltlcly touted them, v. ; .: sIanjUtc.-oniUDthv vsides. The English I t killed; 4-. -4i 'M- ' -IV Itia: further stated, that aFrerxh 50 gun s' .: 500 troops and 1700 barrels of Flohr, was c, after a severe linp-afrement. t-ciin' ?ntn t". by the British' frigates Jason andjCkcpaifa. The London papers have contradiv-iorv poui ionapane ; one day he is said to be uic next at luacnu, ,., . TJbev alsb -' statef that. PiilaTnT. in : mi i note of Nov. 2l reports' that Generals C . and St Manjue, had on tiie( Unentered C:; n teti, the Frenci. having precipitately left it U 7 tho. nrornmivtJ ' ' . : 'u ; v wixiio iuu jwec. pays, mat a cabinet c- -was held the preceduii till 7 in the: evening, after which Mr. Ilmit- i t messengei' was ordered to pfoceted with di.-; fof Spuin ilt is said svihject was the sl.i. of the Bridstarriiy m It is said 1 tic tish forcc-i? to be, concentrated In Portugal. Ti twwiave .oeeo pworea. totormna and , r othing but uncertainty annxiety prevaV with Tegard fa Spain i Att account., had boen r ceivedofthedeteutof pastanos, and die intern' retreat of the nnrish 1orrp fmrn Kir&n ' iit:.tt I- lamanca. i'rThd papers'Say the reinaia of o;r uiv uib iTsoiuaon ws Deen taken ;ot 'jC-mW..' : troops from England with all possible exj andofrtttemptm?,' if anv oni-iortiiriiMr.-siiniiV, to aid the eau of the Spaniards upon:: such - ltP7l5iSSi ca oi any . Several ship were ordered' tctspam' to protect transports in hringyig all the trocpir -A S The accounts fivm Sweden were ; ainfavpur Since the ru'ptar; of thearmistice the Russians 1 Dlwhed hostilities WltllnrK in AiwrtfhfilmiiKT y periorrtyiof tbrce thatfialljtlie'galUhv eftoru It i lyedes have been 4 fruitless.' ' ' 1 ovine ministerial icnanges Were 'spoke ol iing,juiaJ-oraivjuisr itJiumitisaddedii idlrdMblviJlcha ntrff Will WMr.rr m..i Shaw the riiesscnger, left landonthe 10th Dec. ai ;sn4tcheforv,Paris;'?'s;.f. y tVV. ' . Austria asi)u pontinvied her .military prcparauoi MtWJV uuiiiics V f 10 tllClHIOill.T . ' Petersburg, that after the first of Jan.' 1 809, r, j t! 8w bevsuifof edto crite the Russian poita, or.', r lmnosinn' ktTlie American ,hij. Margaret J and karcii, 1: beertphdemncd at qonenhagen land soi3 for the U neht'6f the captors!. - ' 7-:-' f ,: --.- ' ? ' j,C"'' Irt-UV-V ' f- ' t-'-L0,SD0W, Dec 10. , , cers irom llollana ute tnut liormpar.u 1ia ordered a relaxation to tike place in the rcgula tioiis enjoined by his Milun'" -decree respecting neu trals.' f IJviihft A&m .M..U,t 5-li,it Hnieinrais winch had touched at British port, or subjiutted to be searched by a British cruizerfshot!i ' bs con Tiscatcd on afierwaf(i entering a French p or condemned ai legal prizes', if taken by J i enr anned vessel." Jt is now ordered that neutrals sh'l be admitted into French ' ports, tboueh they . Imv ..... I t i . . ' ' . . . bceh searched bv a liritisti have not touched at V r ,h poit. . .' - "L . r