. I I.' - ! ! ; : ' -I ,1 i - 1 t. . ... . i r. tr.f r y .,'-1 ; Tt ' f f x f J.'. , :i 1.'. . i ce 1 . tl l - k v ,c ( f 1 r,; e, it I . " ', ;. t .... L' , If '. .1 ! .'.J Ik .." fl: '. kl i't I i?m vM.ia.' Ai. i itv, uvl .. t I m.u k.itoi i;i' oo a: v , to Co liiioui'i .-:iJ in.' " rli. I. i- . Swt .if, I. ,..t '.j : tlini-uHe ta tl.e romr. -i-: und to t:.e L :4 r 1 bt. ',f 1 m-t, fct;yUu.e, i'.r.i!f u.-t rr vr ti.iivj prvjutluaJ . t!kvr;.nj L.T'.ard.' . 4 I ' 1 1 - i r i i. n ft C; l.iitt. t -n, i. a . ':. -:"rj J'.... w-v, 17:4. brf.-rt M iti'.t.'iiRkSf, jtjj cr. '; ' An In ii-rj , e traveller .would" not f.:I to notice ,lJ. .ocuni:; t'.t-,u' surrounded jai oil slles by frmd exlA. i.ica of tl.e v (Tits of nature and the p.TMuctters of Luunn art. .Indeed it would at .: ! Ic:.vc tie eve cf the least inters M'cd in a ftoH m-.jM-L:- Jnisctre. VlirtLerGriiot (he migh ty V,:-.)n,y has btiiicd the pure sanctity of Lis Pttest- pow whether or ne the reut l'nnee 6f 13e-c-v in I is cu! inct lvir tas paid due regard to Cii K sworn allegiance, kt the. history cf tti late . ye: r$ tk '.cmvie. In this free country wc ere all at LI ; :y to ir.:k j ot.r .comments j and I suppose that k rtoy American ould be wiihn ,to give Lis opiui . on to Use Eio!up, if ever at'ji dating another exile 1e Should thsw hij Lee in these United States, ry f - i '- - , , . - v cjvis. , Letter, writteiby the Tier. Gideow EtWlt- Hr k, puL ashed in your lust nuniher, excited in me a vu! to make t jmt remarks concerning the cha racter and career of that jreat and pood man. His rxcAj'Mis tocvi;ietlie Savages tf tbe Westkcor rcct the vices of I'm country arc ahnckt idiouta pa- i sllfd. Actuated by an ilmost enthubtatic ardoVir tor the rtul mtrrvsis of mankinft-he perseveres term ed a lo-titude1 vhich, tids defiance to misfor tune .tnd looks with pity upon the rape of infuri rte persecutors.-" Endowed with strong and av I ii niUid he ts never found indulging himself in in Joikus' ease r Sporting with1 trllles." ' Some scheme worthy, the cliai-acter of a Christiap and I'ui'osopher aiwa.ys '.engages .. his attention.'. - Ilis chum t elocjuence is very coniflderablc. , lie pos- i.lcscs a most oniUimt ana towring, though some v liut excentric fancy. lie has the haDDw but rare facility of engaging you In his sub ject, and when he tint cats his Pcirasus you are carried to the .heaven vith the rapidity of lightning. Had he studied ora tory more carelalsy in his youth.nerore he had fixed notce disagreeable hiib?ts of action, there ar per & none of his countrymen io whom criticism her self would hare assigned the superiority. v He, - mies two quauues requisite to tne tormauon of every great character Kin understanding capable of laying and C sres'utig the most intricate and important Diana. and when laid, an unremitting diligence to ekecute. In schemes of general bevolence paltbl interest forms no chains to confine hum. Having been long ma very intimately acquainted with himj I can w it jness how often, ta urge the Woeress of his Indian Schools he has quitjed the bosOTQ bf a numerous, jnd family, arid abandoned the sweets of domestic l.fe, 6 . broitting lumself to dilTiculties and dangers M..i.!t. r i . . . . h iuoji.icw cou!utuuon,couia nav survivta. 'j Ana i.ls exertions at last, in so hopeless a cause have proven successful t God grant how soon we may see our red brethren not only civilized but christian- izea. i ne man wnc tnut uevotes bimselt to the interests of his fellow men. rrtnmlir irvi nuiM V I iIia lhaferj4le crown of laurels wkh which the " chicvcmentJainhidoiia,' tnonarcha .urn ui nfton I . ! t '1 ... t i s Tx - I i u .ii r r .: i l -s - . v C 4 ..tl " -:.Uei,l l tm, 1 ti e u'.ncr ll.rv o wJ c:... J a T-r&t tumult a : z the rcf, " and (,'rta"Jy dt nrr i I the rund oi r.wf the rc li.f.cu part cf the i.icctJ'n. Such intf m ; 1 on rii!ot, be too et rt'.f rrpoLfVtcJ and puuLcd. 1 he" 5 slid Lt tTgun'Km the.tjrd Sept. and con ti J to t! e 2 C : U Lk 1 i d ve, in the towr. p sfl low rlU Monnn uth co. llihtpieachcr cre p-CM-nt ami a trany at Cue prr' jd as 3000 persons m rr cf whom Vrre converted during the exercises. To the account of tJs meeting Is subjoined this,nark -Thus endctl oir !th and lart t cnmp-TOCeliii,'; for this year, in tfr: Jersey dUtrict and wpon a very moderate ccisideratiun we have no doubt but fire hundred souls at the Irsst' Kve been converted at tlie five meetings, A wt now happy irt the Lord. O that meu would pruise the Lord, t'r h"a "good nesa and for Ida wonderful wotks to' the childrca bf . -. '. . It ? i v. : .. 1 ; i ... 1 :..z c- v ' ' . - ; t:.u- ...v f f -1.. ;fr-.t'.tt i , i.r !; c rtcrt.:' i (I l.'.i f;ii. Hct.e, 1 e s. , I t iV : if C.e wc;' !, ar-d Lorn tl.is SfUKX i.- - t: e t a:.vl i. s; t r..,:M tl c' ;' - Y, X t',e yoc-j jrun la Li r...'.e acq" :r.tt.d wi an tdX cc.cr'.poO tf the Cj.tvV', a:.d W hve inw;;;;i- ti ii'i-au-d rit:lthT i.'. 'rc cf-hichti.e d too1 grnd w hole U cur ; vrd. Is to Lrp, r tenptt d vertste inipoj-L-jtcrwlien he y rs liir.sclf pi in a torrref cf lh-weri!, aad iuo'i'i ungon a little bwo Tinned infj r. -.'.! L 1 iaccd J cnj''cd the con;em:..J m cf i.s t ban, . : . . . ro rom'i.ui.t u r ore co- f cn, v lio rrcu.i)d to be k r '. female conversation b vcrv i:. . . - v . cipally rums upon weather, vn, company, and otiier chitchat. men. 4.; 9- (He nupermor cmduetioii triaob Mmetimet Ww w tnc dily tH-wSpaprrSttike flow-crt in the desert, kM pemittod the 'editor to rmmag nfork imket. Mxrroontct, in hi a 11 1 fc.. . . 4 n . 1 WW . U t l)rtryjbrlus eari--Piuir4 would Ull hii.v rumagt my ttif te, mtd Marmontcl saya that he telduta f jwd lit tearch protitlent. - We can py our fair friend's Wrk baA- made do not a Utile honour to hertauie and that ourrea. wr mnyuwuuweao wepuuuaaoneotuicnj outenan ui EngUh jounnttof a retndtadate. - '-!'.-.;:.;;,.J The rose hai iu Ihorns ; and ttt vilet though fclf, -; ' . ; '- tn ll. J.l I" ' t M IW.H I.. ..aiJUl( IMI.I. Ut.AUlJ' lniUH IU j'IUVI ' And when bright b the sky, soft Ctrl gentle ineaic - - ... . & . tn .... , r nqw orv wnexpeciu aaiorrn wui ante iv. - , j , Tt who wMdd thrcngh fear, pass enuottqrd the r6ift S -r w -I r. . . T . Or shrink frotn the aif.wlule the mild xephjr blows r-1' ijtil a cloud yet unseen, scatter tempest and deatf I The thorn of tha re when 'tis rauiered with tmi&i Aad the tVant acaroe ahuddera the teinpeatto bear, , v '' Hemcm'brinir the verdnra itsouri an tie pmimi. . . The poiion concfcal'd in the sweet vi'leti leaves '"t v laes barmtmt till fortea into action by art ; " J aad the sorrows of life which mild fatienee reeivev uave toil bait tficir power to torture the nearC ' c M jom on lovaly rote i mqdeit viohn bWtiH ? .- , - j Unhurt by tike tempeat, undrench'd by the rainj 'A ; Yet a caitker alaa ! my thy beauty eoniuate 't " int u..h.. tiitt .!(i...t.:ni:n.i.. m. .. .iu. i,..'.t:'.-'' V ftut thy tbora Is torot while we think on thy sweets J And the heart arlur.h rrsiirii'il t.n clm'i tn.a. , i r "rr. -o;--"---- v .---vf Atuitaa ou blessing recciv u ana repreacs we aigtt. -SENSlBIUTY.WCi7ru;? : Not that affected stuff which irrnm a4hi sifht of a Snider Or faints at th novnSoa f dying fly, ed yet can spurn a bcrgar from the rewarded.. fv t $ s ca oy iu travelling preacners, and a very aaseniulage of peophinot less, eq Sunday, , - uppot.ecUtlian cicht or ien tliousand. t -i. 1 , A Short account of five Cajnti-M'eetinirs held in the New-Jersey district in the year of our Lord 1 S08, under the supeiintendance of Joseph Totten, ', A presiding elder:. Jntl twill make with, them co- j venant offieaeet 'and cause the Ml bent to eeate I the tandyend they thall dweilifcly in the vil. dernee. and deth in the wood;",. Ezek-ixxivl 23: J - A Ncv Pamphlets-Presuming that' our readers t K if the. Methodist persuasion, as well as many others v tvi a be thereby pleased, we select a few particulars. 4 jTJi mcse meetings trom uus pamphlet "The first, hegan at PileBGrove Salem countv,the and of June. iind continued till the 4th bclutdve. It was attencV r numerous it was Mora'than two hnnHrfft amilu & K1if to ..-u . : if- . V" ""v. Mm ca9C4 WCIC AUOUC . partakers of the saltation of the Lord.' The vi- gilence of thetnagistratcsj and the attention anddV ; r cent behaviour of manbf the inhabitants ?of Salem .j county,", is spoken of with gratitude The second v9 held from theS8th June to the 1st Jnlvin Mani f field, Sussex county, and attended , by t travelling , . preachers i At one period, from ISOO to tOOO peo , j nere pl-escmv: Much good was believed to have a- 1 risen ixmsa thlsr faceting.? .One' emgiilar circtim : M stance is related- as foilbws i m W . 1 men who. was powerfully wrought upon, and un - tier stlch de'cfj conviction of minrt. tkn . : w r v"-i w-wv va sav jjui t tiuws she seemed to be almbetcfcprivtd of her reaion, S and stroveviolently tu rush through the crowd to et away -jjuitsnc sijoRjeii toth grbund, and lay nlmobt like a dead person till about 1 1 o'ekvk tW next day, which wai Friday the 4st of July,: and the' lost; day of the -meeting. Several people sai she was dead, and otheili said filie was dying. Jtowcvef, winos uruincr joscpn a oucn was preaclung a ser tnon from Matthew Vuls Id, ir, het strength and epecch returned) aild she spoke and praised the Lord un a iouo. voice igp wnai ne naa uone lor her soul j hich caused one De'wt to etive un hi fal y. f Tiles and to embrace ths Christian rtholon. nhd nn doubt greatly satisfied the tvunds of many with rcs- a . pccno tne power alia worn vi , the Lprd. Well t ,' mightthc Prophet say t . t is the Lord's doing l? ondU is' marvelous in our cVcs.The Brd was - Iieldon Stagcn-Island the 26th, 27th 28th and 29th i; July. Ten preachers attended, te from 400 to 4000 J persons were present at clilltrciitilfht. Thenar- rt or remark 1 1 wa? sooti, d.cMcrid tliat a irood- " .:i 2 .. . ). . .. . . y jiunitf.r acitmuitncj iu voti mat nittung, and many more were', powerfully., convicted who have teen since Converted, and a mimhbr n.ore Kov ti . I 'ved tn Uie Ii4 tlinti-li tJicic wed i 'and io lesi . . ccfcuuiuons i but the ir.unuur .tr... man hie.the common iinidci.tsoi s - . the ten tliouvimi tLinsci'a c.b.j t , LshiionJc society, are urpcrt 1 1 :.d i 1 pe geniicman who can atreeJ.y i ruutute' acuons end 'eviuir&ccnt more enviable than tl.c M.J.ch:r w i d i.i books and ak-ebra. The former h .w - rent nioiiej, with which he may Ivy' , and playtlungs for his bey and r n -.i ; t! , mines oi goia ui Dnen places, vijcii i. , or cares ft'.h ' -, : -"': . . : 1 ' ' ' - I. -' s r .There fro few Co;.ilM'riS atwh t n with sublunary hopcHaid fcaia, fj-rta v necesswryto lie at intervals disenct p.l rti faay place ourselves in hjs pretciice v ! o fects in their causes, and acti. na !: t1 . th-.twe mtji s Chiliingworth cxptcy.-. s i . tilings as u there were i.o oJ cr Un , s j . but lod and .ourselves ; or, to u; e 1 -more awfuL Hay iomtnune viih cur ct ; ; 1 s I j V tliA avrvT-.!!T faiifWrrBy- WW l T .1 a i -.f T'f His soul, naturally presumputVuviv humiliated, w hich coniJers hinW If as occupying so small, on a grain of sand, whick W itself but an imperceptible .k. i :. -r . u. i s Thti studv of p)e-rnhy has a stroncrv.r tendenev "diculouv 1 nl.es compose the 1. . to'proddcea justness of thinking Hon b generally ?fmun L'fe. "Utile things n , tmatriacd. '. . . ; ;:-.r Imeti. . uohtituns and sutesn mt-.... . Th ftntlilr nation wpr Hmnm of :iTiI In Earoi.'. forthi ot'ahtitics of food and ilrink which they consaraecU The Ancient Germans, and their Salon descendants' la England, Were remarkablefor their hearty mtals. G'Utto ay and drunkehness were, so common", that those vicci were hot thought . d'ugractful I end TaCiTus renresnta'thff former canahle of being is' easily overcame byitrong drink as by trrnf.i Intemperance was-general A'id habttoal, that nobody. Was thought to be fit for serious business after dinner.1. And tinder this persuasion it 'was enacted in the laws,, of the Lombards,.that jcdca shouldl hear and de termine czaitt JastinanJ not after ' dinner. Muratori, in his Italian anticmitiej, plainly af firms, tnat tnis regulation was framed tor the purpose, of avoiding .the unsound decrees con sequent upon intoxication. And Dr Gilbert oiuarx yery;pauenuy ana jneniousiy ousenres in hit l&Urical dissertation concerning thfan- tiouiiu of the British. Constitution, n. 2.tR. that l j - - - - -. . ; from this propensity of the older Britons to indulort excessively in eatintrand drinkino-.ha. w tt lj o piuvccucu resixifcuuii upon jurors uiu ju ryrnen to refrain from pteat and drink end to oc evrn neia m cutioayMtxui inernaaasrceu I v 1 : rr- ' . ' . , . v .. . s - i lie descendants ol Uiosenauoflstwho form the trreater oart of the hhnnlatiAn" nf tb f T. States, mar fee) a gratification in knowing die origin oi wis. restraint upon juries. ZvfBu Js tnitruction to the iVmcAir o ctesr i Curse'aray ne,' are all the pVtach'cra that .-If.. . -. I'M... ... aim ai suDiimity, ouncuity and elegance, And nccrlectinir the Care of. the aotlla rvf th rinnr . o ,V - ''. seek their own praise and honour, and to please one of tO persona of conseqUenceV VTien man coiVte into i ntilnrt fnr ihi. f r ti.n. "t. is much perplexed at the number of heads that are before hiihi y;Vhen I stand in the pulpit uvunuat uu. miagioe muse mat are oe fore me td be all blocks Whcn.l preach, I sink myself aeeply own r I ', regard ' neither uoctors nor masters,-ot winch there are it the cbuirch above forty JJut 1 have an ete tc - o t , - -r - - -;&t . i mc ,i-4ijuui! young peopie. cnuaren and te5at',lf, ,.8.W.ei?1 temntl, of which thcrr lkre more thatf two ueua naa too much (rood sense-, mnrM.i,.....r t ..j..t.' .u-i greatnesi "tif start, to play off uch frightful dis- tfrtnt rt fAiib-a or.,1 ...y.!. t.tf..l -J.Lril.. tr mind, through an equally pitiful affectation. No i he has the sensibility of heart natu.rat lv tender and eiauisitelv rienevolrnt.'; nr soft melting eye bespeaks a soul that ia Vnited w u arouna ner, na reaay, irih , a sisters Reeling, to cwngle their joyaand sorrows: If she confers a favour, it With an air. of satis faction that more ihan doubles its wbrtW And if obliged to dcuy, if appears to gi ve her such (Vnatiiia Jiaa.aav avY.... -lA.I a a. .' ' w vMviyw vwMWl, i,injruu tUnUQl DUTiOVC tflC DOOT trirL and feci vmtmlf r1.Ktrt-i tu I , 9 . . f .' vv.wi - V V-JaClJ vce have seen het at a singly word from her as much spirit as some others wmilrt A please a young Joyer-or, when we have seen ocr, ocauiuui as an angeiv kneeling by her gou ty father with ' all the ttndernt f i iww vaaj bride, helpihg him on with his shoe4-r, when we nave seen ner. in nign spirits, an4 the finest chat, all at once turn serious and wihnt hearingthe breath of slander we have felt that if thtre be any . one grace which mpre lovely had an Other makes a young woman look like w , , , -w- w w. ava v twnu w v thousand - 1 nreach tb therh and&dTiHr mi discourse io those whb haVisneed f it.:.A I'lvow.ivi luuiuH ivivmu hiiu l UTiurician mat is, ne must dc apie to tcacn nish. : When he preaches unon must first distinguish' it. then rli and shew what it is ; he must nroduce'senten. ces irora yie scripture ta prove ana strengthen it r fourthly, he must exnlain It bv fifthly,, he must admonisji and rouse the indo. kuivuiu(.uiicvi utc uiauucuicui, ana reprove ati ange!, it is a sensibility like TJeliafe Jhis sweet fevmnarhv tirtth stt. j t" rr -L," vv fsui ta na pains of othersf this i lively expression of joy at tee. t wituuiui, is ocau- y Je,f"itIt eaumake ahcmely wonian hand SOiQ and ahandshrhe wnmnin on ...J. :t i. : beauty in hand and beauty in reversion i it ioi ourc u wm icnucmess m tne future wife, which kindles thebverS flame to ranture i it insures the dutifulness ra. the dauo-hter which iausesthe parent, with weeping joy,- t6 bless his God for such a child and it insures that compisibn. in the mistress and in tHe motner, which sweetens everv dut of ilnn.r!i; and renders pur families the, nurseries of, all loose genu virtues mat ad9i andblcsi man kind, ?.p!?ii ''fe'bjr.fei sjfencei 'the utility bf which It so well known, lht it Krht tn lie" ses Id"- society, as the alphabet Itself ' Indeed, after thin, it is "diOkuk to boint out any branch of knoi .uc cq iiBoiiuai, ana irequent use as gcora phy, lihout it succour trs can neilier reed las the authors bf false doctrine cl Ll.oied -e. r . i r . ' C eO. 1 t ry bale t.i' "TCti t. a r . Ltc i ;-..n c' !i ctl.t- f,xcJ w.d I . li-tte been cc:. t a i. -ndm'r Notice. . UUVWj. Tfllf SubsefiSier administertd oil the F " Boddie, dee. at It Ibnii.rv IV nil i f tveblirt. ' All llu' IVfumal V.r.i.. . . . . onaiatinfr of Uousc hold and Kiu ht n r .f nil v - y . ... i .am., vvtn. Mim.cmtm mxv.. i ul n 11!. uleenfhe 16th unv-nt ltr.U .. .. .i . from day to day tilt all 1 sold. S;i jnrM;! c jTivcn lor . all sums ftbovr Tly 61.i:!ir , chasers giving Bond with approved aeriin y. tauim jiu uc rtntea at ue aanie ti,ir, and a i Kegroer cunsiaiir.g of men, wonita ar.J chll hired. '. - ,' - ; .' ...". ( (! All 'Persons kavin. claims. a'gaiiist said f ,i; ' . quested to bring- them forward, prcperlv fci, within the time limited by lw otlunrise t' - barred by the Act of Awejnbly in that c.is.: i provided. x Thoae iadebied, are ca4i st!y ic settle theJr account, : aa the situation cf ti e 1 not admit of indulgence.' - ttMA(X rX:: Johnson ra ; We county, Feb. 2 1S09. , - r. A School EOTL the instntotion of younj njen in the I s Greek Lanjfuages, English firamnmr, Gcucn Will b opened on the first of March next, in tu -i . ty, abou mVenmilea above Sal:bui-r, undfr t;. diate direction of the Rev. JOSEPH f. lUl.I' A 1 : The price of Tuition wdl bp Twe lve Dullai. ana thg, Iforty Dollars a year." Boarding may be 1: a . teel bo'ises in th neighbourlwod, hm! wleraluv t ent." The utmost, cape will betakCi to pttsini v rala of young men who may he aent to this p'.ur.. Struction.; v? ( February : drand: Ofiiccrs Of the 6rand Lodge f Mrfh-CaroiinaciiJ 7 ;::4SiV7eee, br;.;l809. ' ' . H- ' PTt Yin . . . w t . . 1 "l-AJi IliOnw U(JIi 'v' ZLf WiUisms, Attomykt I. i"- " s" puty CiiiindMitsUr. LsS C IheliightVorihirf' ' '. -3T7; , Iee Davidbon, a nit n.l.t r Legislature of this Stale, t Senior Warden. , - 1 senior ivai'Ucn. : , '-The flight .Worshipful Andrew CaUUcll, a men.? uio Lies-wiaiure or una aute, tirand Junior vVanii n. ' s : . w-wr i r a . . flow the bnst thlnmi trtntm Mit f tliw - - ,i . - - - - o Q " x ivvr fc v?;.i it. n'n: !. . j .. .... . , c-ven uie u.ioic is maae out oi nags ! apd yet people will not save their Uags ! Authors, i-nnters, Arts, sciences anci WccordSj all de pend on Rags for their support, and ycf Rags are! thrown awar. V Great Dermic that wnL ly Tfcf, aave Hags. a) Why ? because though little thiritr thatlias tr'reai ffect. ' pie, '.whb.; are; really poor; that tsoplrwho art i6ter' and proudy saveiiag8Why because" every tiMte Mps f A ftvt pounds of trrv. chQch-enXiiit; tbiddliner'-nronU u hn 'til' hbove want and below. afUuence; will not save w-a ' :- Ji n 1 ' v - ' . itagsx- nen let tnem put the business into j the handslof , the little vfolks i ? ThlLlr an, Maids, ,Tell Molly and Betty to keen a ltacJ ir .1 .1 . . .. O Dag in nanay piace -give tnem all the pence that their Riigswill prod.cei Their Winds are hot "above 4 the business-thty will not think ot if-tney will buy a cap or hat with a years collection of Rags i and the Rags . will u.w m. ,''. w ttw uT'wacxacre ts a Oluie and a can clear eain ! - $.TWnfv thnueanrt inilies.ln Connecticut will save twenty thou sand bibles and caps agreat kavingthis. for one yeaf and cnestatei j ?,,5 . -'i'-:-vrr: 5YP;.STeU-roUyticV Betty thitthepa- iv.-u..v. wi uituii ! get away ineir ain clothvaftet their Rags are become unfit, for dish-cTpilw and housccloths; they are. ju$t ; as gooiifoV paper-malcers as KKttJeurahUX :' V - U ,---; , -k. y?, Uafchael. In return- to Adani'a nrtiiirlok ' - V.V. IIIW UI? courses of the stars and the revolutions of heaven, counsels him to withdraw . hit" mind from hjle spe culations, and empby his, faculties upon nwutc and I- .1 he Kiptit Worshipful Wm. Boylan, Gn.l l r-i .;.The Rirht' WorshiDfuI Thomaa 1. Williun.a. "1 Secretary,.. i:r - ,' - ;r;... s - - ; ; , 1 Dr. Calvin Jones; Adjutant General of the Militi of i State. Crand Senior Deacon, Cob Jesse A. Pearson amemberof thii'le'Hf.h.' ' this suite. Grand Junior Deacon. -IVThf Bey. D. Haliingv D. 0. Grand Chaplain; W: The Honorable Samuel Iwrie, (iie of the Jud res f ' Supreme Court of thia State, Grand Pursuivant, M'be Hoo. Joshua G, Wright, one of the Judges of t Supreme Court ofthia State, Grand Marshall. , -;.',; .ft&ftaM y arrfn ' tt - - -eT"OMAS li;VlLUAMS,'f. sec' Raleigh; January lOA, ?: -Y 4 t ; , . ' V : A Caution 9 -1 5 -V: tlEBEAS toy son David. l..at fall, and a rtwaa cuintrary to my wishes, I di-ma--.1. ot eaptain Kir.ka.lpshscliartfe, under the penult v oft.: Uw. in case hi! iri'Hitnl.v u ,...V..,. : him a discharge; which Is now in my possesion, f em ii v..-. ..., .Kufcjrc lnuuceuu jojn tue army aaiii, 1 hirwarned Lieuterttttilan.iUon,anthe 2'J;h January. from enli.itinir linn i Imt m. r. .1... 1.. ... dS ajro, where t had been necessarily ab.ent,'! un,l r- "v"" '". " gme wub Vh.e recruiu tn Wnslnnl n. Now 1 ,)rwarn alt " -i - uui tii. i7is suit, iT- iuiiin:.i j ofiicev,s om takjng.htm under their authority, wr foi iir ; i..m m we taie, ana aU capUins from takini- Mm ua rwmtvl tniM tr...U ... t 4. . . n. ... ..... board theiu VeaeM. ' ;; Raleigh, February i; 1803, v , pAVli) i:t j 1 1. Boarders., t Hi . .. ... .1 1 . . ' (xtatd -.wjtk l excellent and eonvenW I'oom. ar.-t evwy wquisite pttention shall be pmd ta Uiem. - airs, w s fanuly is small and select, having only i; ..elerkjis lioanW - "'liilLI .'.' ' ,'.1'.,''.. ; 'Kalei(rh.'.'Janiarv 55. 1" t. - usual pno -diracied. , Ornahicnted with an Elerant Cut, ' 'ASaaif v.. !nl. Jl 1 . prinud to order at this at tls atiy plase sua ty - j cjm'sucs 1 ohched . .' . - -