ME STAR. - . - - . . ."" . - ' ' i ' . . . & - HA m mi rirt J to be ccmtemnhied I v Oie ame od merit lb tn f the ?m!tran from S01..H Carvt ." J. Thr ever uvi k'iOte Kitonptniu n tr trr- wn rnmmlH!rf In Chief O! the Ami. XC. for w LlJi a2 'voices Owr wA DO acproprudon by Utr.rt Vro ther proper fobrnifto Kro.!- A u vt- the emjft k i 0.1 G en. Wi.k'u.i'.t accounts U Lhe f jilowjn , uljoined to a aUleuyrnt of i 2000 alio e J ujort xtf 4 rations . v. , ' , ; " ' , Namhtiwandiils die exprrw pro vision ofthe law, and the idlowance of extra niUuuo otf.erofr.cera at the lun; posts, the Vjoto account was admitted by the secretary of war and. functioned by bis signature; but was disallowed by the accountant of Use war de partment as beinjre yfsJLnuthe lew of Matth 'Mi, 1803. . Vberrt9fflithe6o-Jdcciw. referred to the comptroller ofthe treasury and he decided that the account might b passed to thrt credit ol yea. diseriminiuag duty wc..d affect npt the bilk-'-'- $fent but .our oWn ciU7.Ci it ould Tall :l V'-bnliy upoa'thf"coctaTr,ertr pur importf. Sooner lhatj trade thn he voulj make m ben "fire fall cur produce, as'the gentleman hini---.' stlhad fctfttfe proposed in an eloquent tcech J, A It 6uM also be a direct subwmsion to trade :V f -.'wider the 'rn'-'Vi Jn council f It YonTd not' be ctemetj.. -Juii.u.n)rc.e must at some time o re lumcJ. Ifwe were to have war, we tnuat have . - . kome commerre. "Let gentlemen point cut a i. ' system by TKah commerce could' more ho- v ; upurably be pursued in the present conruUi 1 Tikbwon, because it hadbeenadniHusdbythc aec- . t trUc cl toe worki, coultj under we pro-1 rttary of warwith the approbauon orthe lVsidentor -v. rosed law i for. as it had been obsetved in thei the U. State, and sanctioned by the opinion 'of the . ; ' " course of the dtbate,' it was easier to find fault attorney generuk : By wfctchlupptfut . .jwilb a svstem than to invent one. , " iprooauooi me preiuaemoi mc u.ouicsuru- ' Mr, U; It. Vi''i4m rose t5 rescue himself 4 7 d opinn of the attorney general, Is carujdef " --.f : if- i jI ed as asuflident autbonty Ibr the ' allowance of ac- v. ,-v.....v. "- Countiandllppnent6fmoney,in direct oppoa ; 4,een tremelv'rhapPy. lien the gentleman K tQ . of thc Ut TO erroP ' :- rose iq .near mm avow nia inicouun 01 cslu- 1 to corrected. - ngthe bill from some of the imputations cast Then follow s anal Wimce of, 9473 doUars for ij I for really it.wa somewhat necessar)-, as extrm serkea, personal expenses, fcc wiO tlds re : . noireaspos; uaayet uecn oucrta in lavour o mark 1 , , ' .- v' . , .,?t , ,s , ; v"Jiiey bilb Jlvt he d?nitL' that' the, gentlemau fcOfficeis of the U. S. receiving salaries, or month Hi tid succeeded in his efforts.- -vThs resolution W PJ' have been occasionally employed on other bu v Cv f(i An.inter.iirke avbtcli bad been tfdonted at ne fcr a short time, and on account of extraordi th? commi-ttcemtnt of tTje se ssion had been in. nwTtTOU,?Ie k ??: nding such employment, lendea to go m a.d of the embargo t d,dnotl allowance, fixed by SrpruLje ; Jtonteanpl'ite, a repeal of the; embargo, as this I r . JLLi . - TK. nt i. 1 hKw. th firU ViU didand there was, jht re fore, no. inccn instance in which such an oflwr hus been employed . aistency in Voting for that resolution St against every day in the rer, for two or threo years & sue l .this bill As to the additional, duty being a I cession, and has b-n permitted to receive, in .uddi- v. - , ; nurtnenv ! tne law passed as it now stooa anu uon 10 nis em ire salary or mommy py, a per tuein ' 'v'l Vas executed, it deprived, die people of the ar. Jlow'aice. exceeding bis salary or monthly pay, and MicWaltog'hjsri ifnot execttted, the premium the whole oThis eapenset The scdiry of Judge V t ' to the smuggler Would amount, in some cases, tlaworthr l.Jl entpicyed on a fcmgn mimuop, had - S00percL itf of 50 or 55 per cent. T'-' hw:a,Ticf . t ' !i ? -.j was reiunded, & he received only his compensation Mud etujuesupnabitcouUot be executed ,; asa forelsn.oinisUr-dinU.c case ..f Mr. Jay, ' , - lor - nolw itiistvinainer .tne existence' 01 actual h-... e.xnenRd ... -r n ,i;L Thra rn 1m, no , - lor - now 1 uistanqiner ,me existence' 01 aciuai h:.. xnt.n.P j n .i,L Thra rn J" warctftee'Greatiititain and France, and all Jpropi-it:ty iuch allowance, and a remedy oughyo in the revenu'acincers fin4 military force pf both, I be provided. , " ' . ' , K" Tirit?s)i morVt.linil alu'avtt' heen BUnnhtri I ' Thsr wr. alfi allnwrrl tn Opn Vi!lt!nin ftnrl . ' -with' French clrtt au'd Spanish wool. The Gov. Claiborne for table expenses, at New -Orleans, U- deman'rrbm'Vtrniahad endeavoured to fi 'months and 17days,6610do!lar8. This amount 'r.nr1lli-liim.nnd hi Trinrl f r. I nvlorl with i"cu uj uirtcuou 01 UK ri cmucuu .pcsiucs inconslstQticy becau5e,he cbuld pot defend the v!ilUfor it could not be defended. ? , , 1 1 Mr. ViliiamsVtrtouon was then negatived, x si to 50.; -a :-vn;. :fi v. IMacon. movedvto atrike out ail tnatl parsimony, as regards a poor soldier, or person jiavuig this, g 1 196 is clurured as secret service money i he following w uic concluainirobservuUon of the committee 1 ; '' u There may be, and often is, not only the appear ance, put the exercise of the most iigldecouomy, nay partot 'the -bill t Xyl he CjiieJtiwt was then .taken pn - Mr, Ma Q peon's motion byYea's and Nays as, follows. V;. YBAS-iMewr,.' ftaird, Bassett, B-bt, BJacVledge, ; " r j WownU Boyle, Cahtnn, "Clay, IVane, . J)cah a, fnuikhit, llwaiuL tloiuie, Howard,' .ir JacKan, jauntn, btnan, ii -0: : Macon, motqiv a, jvioiujif'merj-, jNcwopm, rorwr, ea, 1 us an KJigi j t h! v;--tren2 nea, I ipn.; tay, .Mtt.Jie.auuiioiu, iavnw,. roup, 1 j,,.:, 3 lQ t ' t v.,y :.- rv rclaiug to the repeal vi the J little influence, w hile there is s lavish expenditure of puuuc money on tavoui ites. " An official report tthe Senate of the U.S. states. that there is on the , 6les of the War- OAkc-a re ceipted accctirrtof Ilcnry A.S. Deui-fco!fi,emgoyec! 1 i,-.., t?.....v., r5..i it 1 j . ...... , Uf uu 1 ucwiu jruiuiMji, vTctixiuiy iiV U1. neer to construct a rort at PorusuKMrcni JJoveniber 19, 1809204 days at 3 d6I- S 612,00. An allowance of 3 per cent -omnussion on the money expended, bem 39, 726 dollars j7 cts; 768,33. Total, 1380 33. 1 his allowance-was at the rate of more than 200 dollars per month, when the pty of a Brigadier Geo. is only 104 per month, exclusive of rations and forage. The person employed had no claim to ex pciience. . , -. ', . , . ", v. ;' LIsFot' ACTS. Passed at the iicc'ond Scaslon oflhc tenth CongTC$. BUke. Oflyd. Brows. Butler, Chwr.tMon.CUittendetuCook, ' EjjpeVFimllty KjSlt, tiai-'tenier, Gardrier, (iatiiet, hol ; uaa, looGWVTj,3rcei?,1ar)-i,'Hcistcr, Helnii, Hose, Hum- :bcrt,-JLe(ij livmnw, IJovJ, Love, Lyop, Maiw, - a . . .A - j: l t . . tr ' .a . . .1 arJe-c'cJ : -i fr rm tie cLim of Lihi-td r .el i!ar.rt-L .. , '.. ' ' - 22, An .a tS rt licfef fJ Cotton. .23. Antct f friht rebefc. certain ALbama tJ WyatxioU Indians.-- , i '.? ' , 24An art M Inicrd'rt the'er snnnrdal iuttrcoin sc between ti.e United Suits tu:d Great ritatl ajtd France, sal their dcpem!tu.t i - aud fof mber purpo i ea. r ' . j ; - ;.,.". ,25. A act rAakJnt fntv br the farther ac Piamodadcn ofthebou 14 6f be president of tho. United Sutes., Vf - '. r- . , J&. An act farther to amend '.he judicial system of the United Slices. . ; - r-f . 27- An act to extend tlie tirrte Jbr maling pay ment forxbe pubHc Jalnds of the United Sutca. . " ' ,2i. An act making a farmer approprution to wards completing flje. two wjjgs of the capitol at the ci!y of Washiutnn, and far other purpo-s. , 1 2 ft An art to cxtcud V Amos Whine more and , WiUium Wl Jtiemorc, jun. -Jie patent r:ght'ioa machlue for manufactunn cotton hnd woolen cards. t'X An au for tho relief of Jacob llamiu. ;4lv An act supitlemcntal to tKe act, intituled an act tr estiiljILdiini; trading- houses with the Irdiau tribfts,"' . . , ,.31. An act concerning in v. lid pensioners. ; 33. Aa act to authorise t!.e making a turnpike road from Mason's causeway to Alexandria. . 34. Ah act Cirtherto amend the several acta far tlie establishment and regulation of the treaatum war and itavy departments. x 35. An act maluns appropnuuons for the suptwrt of thc military establishment, and of the Navr of thc. Unifed States for the year 1809. . . ", 36. An act snppletnenui-y to an act to amend the charter of George Town. - 7 An act authorizing the further aufrmentaiion of the murine corps. . . ' ' .. mkM :- - ABSTRACT Of the fon4ntcrcour4c Imw, passed Afsrch I 18(W. From the passing cf the act all tuhlie vessels of "ranee and England are inhibited from entering our waters persons having any intercourse w ith such vessels, to be punished by fine and Imprison ment ; and after tlie 20th of Ma) all private vessels of those nations are prohibited from entering our poets, and ho goods, wares or merchundire sniav be imported from those nations or their dependencies, or of their growth or producdon, under the penalty of forfeiture, together with treble their value. The President is authpriscd, in case eidiet Fiance or Bri tain revoked modify thciedicts, so as not to affect neutral commerce, to declare the same by procla- mauon, ana commerce wiui that nation shall theie upon beieatorcd. f The FmbargolaWs are repealed after March 15, except so tr as relates to Britain and France and. their deftendmcie: The intercourse between ports and ports of the Ujuted States rest6r- ecl the partial non-exportation law of April 18, 1BU6, is repealed alter the 20th ol Mav. ITie du- ratioa of the law is limited to the end of the next session of Congress. . borne doubts exist as .to tho countries which wjyU bo r lanca conaclclred indeptnc!ent, and St. Domingo aim itaiy not. ? , ., It would seem frouv the debates that few or none )f the members of Congress were satisfied with this aw, but such a variety ofopihions were entertained. that it was found impossible to agree to ary other. Each conceded sometlkiaj to meet at tho point which produced it. , 4 S J S S T J -r s S srr . - .tytyjpi?, arcTivw.urrfvsu'aj llilttjr, i;owar, lCit!aeii lawyer, Sesiver, v.'? Sort;r. Sttirifes,'Sw:Uft, Yaii-efart, ''IIiaalf!,'Thoirpoh, An act to authorize the tnoisportation of a ccr- . .:"i-T.'iliriis, T Allen, Van Cix-tiandti Van Dyki-, Van Horn. ".--Van RciiO-wlatir, WiUwir, .M..AViUiain, N- W'i!au. BJ. iwLi l',.i: r -v- T:t 1; t'Tir? fU t-M -n v tain messisge ofthe President of the " U. S. & docu. S of this Ud would be mems accofampvinR the ,mm. , , l Iu.r lu"01 T 2. An act autl orlsing the President of thc United v..w.,v - " ' 7'7, " States to employ an aduiacnal numbec. of revenue ? . . J.t ' 1 L1.- ' .,j u I 3. An act authorising the payment ot certain ,fjl,:Z:T.fZlJZ 1. - pensions by the secretary of war at the scat of Go . TlZZZrJZ-SlxZZ H:Z57: vermnent 4.Anactfortht..relicfof Andrew JoLeph ViU i..?-:r"?7"i-::"iTr.rj:-:.",j iam yesoei anu cargp pejore a clearance cuuui ue uuu.ui-.V-'ediimd.jQie':liMact for enforcinK the embargo re' ' iS! $ - onlred secmit'ir to" the amount ''of six times the value rS'X '?-a T vviiovi iuivi ijv lyaxwiii as viv tiwiv viiii, twueS the value. , 1 his, instead ofrelicving our ciu )' xens, ,was in Ctct adding new difficulties - He con- ..." :;Bnentmeisurclcouidnotha carried into efieci, Hf" mf t"85 ', Wi lB1,nLl that, if nnr v,.u,U wr nn d .s ,nthe city of W ashington, to liave the same :;(l.i.:, ,,i,..,i,ik.nm,.(j , l8uixlivWed,unaadniKtcdto pblncr to 'France or England. The manufactures of ,''.- .1 G.vBfitani would in some way r other be introducr ' '- ed into this country : and the only ellect of this hvs tenl would be, to advance the price of them, and to 'fiitoinishr the revenue 5". An act to revive and combine in force for a farther time the lirst section of the ai t, intituled " An act farther to protect the commerce and sea men ot the United States against the Barbary pow ers." p6rAn act for thc relief of Augushn Serry. No one sins le benefit could be produced by this bin. -: 4-'. ,Mr Dawson tlso ! spoke aguinst the bill. He tkou.rht.jt a miserable substilute for the embargo. ., Mr Kandojph also siiokc againtst tlie bill. He contended, that it did not repeal, the-embargo, Mr. r 11. spoke about art boor after which the cucsUon -1 was taken by a ytia and noes, und'the bill passed, ayes 81 noes 43 a4pllows.:r- - . iv ' AVfeJ. Messrs; Xf. Alaton,' T',T. Alston, Alexander, Ha- . eon, Ulske,' jr. liu'ljwrj Boj V Uiowa,-Jkj le, fiui-wt-U, litit- Icr, Cit'pvpptry Catt, Ui tfia, u.nuv-, J Jurcll, tppes, Ir md lcyFh;lr, t-'ruukUn. Orecn, (.amctu .lolsun jun. fioodwyn, ,' Hujt'ib, Hster, Heta, Ilollund, 'Uolnicn, llowutd, Hum phrey, llsky, Johnf-on, Joncn, Kt-han, Kty, L:iuihert, IjbW 8, .jun. l.loydi,I.yotv, I)Vi?, Marion, Masteia, M'CrecTy, J, : loiJtsrotnei'v,'I, MdorcjN".lt"Mrtotx-, John MAiiow. Mum- fordj -Ktlwm, IS'ewtin, ,".( liokfr, lt.,)tca,(Peiui.) Ithea, )Ten.5JJlictuUtl?f,M.ttiti:ird, Uiker. Kuwill, Sny Kttfef, J -; Sbaw,.Sloait. Huu'h,Sniilie, j;. CSmith, 8. Smth,J. bniitli, 'Southard, 8to)r,Swarti Thompwar, yUn'AUcn, Van Cort- laltdt,"Vai Jlei-nrVerplaiiekWlitu-tui, AYillx!ur, W'il- ..'Jiapt, JW.sWUSOItfHl. ... ' ... '),. . - NAVS. Alessra.lliu-fL Hasaett. fiihb.'Illai-klnlmt. Rlnnnt. I Calliun, J. Cuipttll, Chtmiplon, CliiUewlcii, Cltty, Daw. j time th . Ann. l.ina. rUvtnnort. nm'. Elliot'. lv. ti'unluniet- iianliirr. I V in llotrc, U. 5i Jackson, liellv,- Kii-knau-ick. Macon. 'Milne: tosely, ffewbold, foiter, iiincy,li)di)lphBown, film-. record. 8. An act to enforce and make more etlcctual an act, entitled An act laying an embargo. on all . ships anu. vessel in the ports and harbours ot the United states, Mid the several acts supplementary therc to. 9. An act supplementary to an act, entitled An act for extending the terms of credit on revenue bonds in certain cases and for other purjioses."' 10. An act tor the relict ol LUmund Ikrmont. 1 1. An act to alter the time for the next nieetinjr .r f w is.: An act for die employment of an additiona naval force. 13-' An act.for dividing the Indian Tenitoiy into two seperate govetTinents, 1 4. An act mailing apin-opnaUons to corrfhlete the foitihcafiona commenced for the security of the seaport towns and harbours ot the U. States, and to und todeiinylhe expenses of deepening and extend to the river Mississippi, the canal of Carcndolet, AJUJuiiac supplementary to thc act. entitled " An act to amend tho act entitled " An act establish ing circmt courts and abridging thc jurisdiction of the dktrict courts bf Kentucky, Tennessee and O hio. " 15. An act to revive and continue for a farther e authority of the cominissionts bf Kaskts- iT, . An uctvto lnrorpoi-ate a company for be considered dependencies of England and ice. Sprdnj. Portugal and Holland, it is s$fi, 1 i- at the I.tat'. t idtrn in ocr Co in j , v'.ncd f tf i number i. r -to o'jui J Senate yoovrifd t 1 . RepmsctiU'jv. , C -. -pro tempore in t-'ie tl nvent 0w Hu, 1 1 fate PttfUdent f fthc U. Jbreiirn toi.'iivjsra and su'. f,HtWTlUi-'t 112 . 5. re noc' , :" - - i, : r ' tt It em ' ; t' e (., . i ' 4 tea t in -! . tn ii e C! . J oext ' c c' . '".-, -i ' e I', iuu-.-r,,, 'M jJv-j-ri;::-.- i , '.n !'.,-, a.fc; . ''.vrviLlkc:..,. Supreme Court in bont. If.', the. riybt of 'Jtc lre-vi'.--t t : of the ifjuscjof Rcprr v.; rixu xthc places asrai.ed for t Mr.e1Ijr'jn arrittS ahotit-12 o'.lxk.' As. -time before that , hour, Mr, M.. ''.ivtir lis r j house, escorted by the troovs of cjvaJ-.y of tic ? and Gcorgw Toa-n," conimarded'by Cfr.. l)rr:-'. and at twelve entered sS liepresemauve 1 1. i;! tended trtlie Secretary of lite Treasury, the S t ry of the Kavy, the 'Attorney Gcneril anil Mr XJoles, Secretary o the bite President, ra.cT L duccd by a committee oTtbe' Sciute ; )n 1 ; . Mdledge. left , the ctntrul chtic an4 conducted :t Madison "o it, seating Myself on the. right. - i;f. Madison then rose "and delivered the speech tfirnj -m'cr laiU'V. -;;.' ; .r;. i'-. - The bath of office wa then ' administered tp h by Chief Justice Marshall on-ichj apdv - President retired, two rounds of"tninuj ' -n fired. ' On leaving the capitpl he fotiijl' n. tcer militia toropwnies of tfie3 tSstrfclJ i . ber and in complete -uniform, unde " ' of Col.; M'Kloney, draw n uji, whs review, when hentered hu eSrri-1 ' ted home in the same way he eirii , A large concourse of L"dieS.i I.'clirson arnon, i waited Upn himamgn ( lil)erally distributed. . i ter calling on tbePreai;! sen to take a lust farewej.. . In the Evening tbeTe" . ball, at Long's Hotel, the ti' ever known xoi WashingHn:' pt esent President of the C l!, isters were present by inviting, supposed to have exceeded foiV.. Thus terminated a day memo tint event, and whlcli ve trust ger of much godlTTn stoi"c 'Mutkitl OT the Inaugural Adres wSl! criuque, we may be, permitted i of stile it is chaste andieryoua) ain ciple worthy of the man solwmbuf t to preside over tlie ioTursof a' A lened people; . ; ' '."r- .. Mr. Madison was dnesged; irt a fI Amencan biaiiufacture.'iiade oi'tiV nos raised ilk this country: hii coa $T iictory of Cob Ilumphreyst-ind ' small clothes fibm tliat of Cbancello. clothes being; e undcrstdJfeve? iy those" gtsTrtfcmen fr.".&5,-T - . , ' He cotnea The noiy herald .of a bny world." . DOMESTIC. !-.. iL-. I xt. i "L . ' , . i - . . -i i ii r inn run u 111 rnn l-itv ri . v JiKniTicrrriTi. arei, wor, Ttifflr.Troun. 1 . : . rr"v, -"-?-" open- ' 19- An act makinl- abbi'opriatii ns for the support of governmentjtltlriBg tlie year, of 1 809. " ,.iy. An actextending tne rignt oi sunrage in tne Upham,'Vaa D kc, Vtfn RenssaU jr, hitehUL '.''.'--..v .: -. ' rf.nate'; . ': '....:" rV ' riiOTUi.l'Y I JwVii - ' f". .,' v-1 , 4 I WIU4WU .tUlLUl Vi UIIU IUI UUJW lUOV : ?i U !Mr HiUhouse fitora the cocamittee appoin&tl toe"n- j " Q Ap act freeing firm postage" .all ' letters'and, Sr; c juiro. wnener tn secretary oi vvarnaaauowea,unil i""",vci-B v 'ikjh.: jchciwu, v, .. .'i prrntr accounts and charges "bf Gefi.', Wilkinson,! -f.-'Atv-ctrfdr:'the disposal of certain tracts of j miKle a Kenort mat on ditierent Items, th aum ml iau in uie ivu8sis8inniteTni,uiy,i.iauiiw,uiiuci -ap V , ntJ,Juoiiursna i ucea auoed ! ' "f ' V ' - ' r; ''- ' - "' '.'' 5t - - '-'H " i ' Governour Snyder, of Pennsylvania, informed the Legislature on thq 27th ii It. that he Was talcing measures to call out the militia, to prevent the exe cution of a writ of Mandamus which has issued from tho Supreme Louitotthe united States, in tho case of Gideon Olmstcad vs. Elizabeth Sergeant and Est her Waters, Lxccutrixes ol Mr. Kutenhou&e, The case is stated to bo this ; Gideon Olmstead commanded ail American vessel during the Revo lutionary War, and was captured and put on board .mother Vessel to be sent to the British naval stauon 1 and bead quart'i!'Ht New York. On thc passage uunsteaci, wun. tne assistance oi two men and a boy, rose Upon the crew, consisting oftvelve or fourteen men, took the vessel and brought her into the Delaware ; the Vessel was condemned, and die proceeds of the. sale, by a subsequent law of Penn sylvania, has been paid into die treasury of the state. The Secretary of War hi.s required of die Gover nors of the several " states to appoint officers in die vicinity of the ports to call out the militia whenever the Collectors should deem it necessary, to enforce the embargo laws. Governor. Trumbull, of Con necticut, replied to the requisition That there was no legal obligation on him to carry into effect the Secretary's order, and that considering the en forcing law to be both oppressive and unconstitu tional, he should not "overstep the bounds of his du ty to assist in carrying it into eflect." Thc republicans of Massachusetts have agreed to support Levi Lincoln, as Governor, and Joseph u. v arnum, as juietiienant uovernor, at the ertsuiug election. : ' . On Saturday, James Madison, in obedience tthe voice of his countryV assumed Ahe duties of Presi dent of the. U, States T he day, from its commence ment to lis close, was marked by the liveliest de- monstrauons oi joy. ; u appeared as n the Rcople, actuated ny a generar and .spontaneous impulse,' de- termineu to manuest, in tne strongest manner, the Interest excited by this great event, and their con viction of the close Connection between it and their happiness. I or many days be tore citizens tram the adjacent, and eyen remote states had been pourinV Into the city, until its. capacity of accomiuodiiru. was strained to tho ta:sMH." . ' 1 ' tt i iic uuwii ut uuy uiiituuiiccti ur Jcaerai aa. iutfe fi-om theNay Yard aud Fort VYftrburtoh t and at an early horn4 the1 voiunteer corps' of militia began te assemble Such tbt interest! be present Side of the Jji.v Extract of a letter f. -.r v. xour puniK has. excited ;tbev in this quarter." 1; tog the reality i have desired jne for seme, of thet, seed las nsea8onV(? General .Blount. iur. j eiierson ) WW ; proper season tori 6, ost I belieye.Gjcsite As the Binni rrflvrs tant article in Ktiyifi;, any information 'iT3i)i' will be acceptab,Iew .vith n copyAof nicatioaon':tis$. proper, yvu may; Mfi&t soon a3 voQi sVipf put the seed i almost any soil a small lurrcsxrimadd. CONCERNING THE. roAVimauti at the distance of tiiVj plant it as you'ouid! .urn cover lvaoout ooe; side roots, and thpsebl advances in growUrfoiij to it. The leafve0i.ini' sign of the seeds;lt which bears the;:bdji bundles, placibg'thiM bgainst a fence, rfrM?Ii. I he upper pods 04. ' the pods are.opetj-tlOt ovet a sheet Or kighVip, stick the seed are Mijifc. bundles are then-iefM pods to ,operi,( all the c6urse of eic-ht or r.rThs;;5coai makes-sij. Ueldv wfhdut injuring"! Of 'the seed yields thi' parcled and ground.iigj cocoa, makes '.cxceljtfe! groes parch the' aceh tar :.a mm . if ' r. mnt i wholiomo'jb iv j they f.that:sil,r j,. ih, kraiits, reported b the land coir. Wiuonors s l te assc-mblc. - ; -.- "'" ''''-v-i