1 V Vol'..-1.1 ; ' ; V. JiALEIGII, MARCH 30,1809. -: 7 'S'. r fNo.a. : '; ; -; 0 k iUDEKto, at tb orr d oir Fattt- tllU'SnUT. MA CAi0 COfc-PICE Taaxs DAllah ? Anyc, fatam. Aif TtllLT I AOACE SlWOLt Pi 10 CMT. ADVERTISEMENTS .".. JahnstM County. j( 5 ... -i 8mwu . ..-.-' "V . "' s"- jybniiry Term, 1 8 sr tXAtnnk Wttv-.e ... Psdtion tor awuian . ! . . r . of Lands. TJieHeiniofJohmpmithDec'd.i ' -" ... IT PPrinir to Um Court that Allen, on of tb Defendant in their ewe, ii n jnhbtUnt f nother Kutc, CW ert, 1 here fort, that Publication 1 made for the -' jaceof6rrekaMcceanvelyitbSTkn of Hikigh, that tije aaid William Allen appear at the nit. Court to be ' M far ui1 rVamt. an the fourth MondV ill Mat MZt, ' and hew eauae, if an he haa, wherefore the prayer of tkti petition (ball not be rranted. . v T - v 't-uIrislvPotatoes.;; , JUST received; to acll for a frienU IlftT Bnabeb 0 IB1SII POTATOES, Northern growth,and of an excel hint quality, by .,. ; ' ' ,' - yt-- JOHN & ROBERT STUART. jz-iUleiBl.MarcliilKio,' c , .'; e.-. ' VMM ' t"HE Subtcririir has a F13! &Y.on Rbanoalce River 2 ' 'JL ,mik belo Norfleet's Ferry, in Scotland Neck. Ha. s ':iifi eottntv, where ht will barter Rah for TobiceO, Cot. V ten, Tlour, or Brandy, he . '. - . " - .v 'ViV i .;;? JAME3 SMITH, u. rebroary, 20,1809. : it' k v'v: - fpalniachrisu Seeds. : v f ASH. and a liberal price, will be riven for any Qtiantirf f VA of Palmatkriiti $iedi;it delivered durinpthepUntinp ietiioiv Enquire at the 6Ur Office, or at the Btoreof Mr. R. Smith; Pariah corner. v'-1 w : v:v. ' ;, t :Af ;' v.; f ,S. v 3a K. March, 14. ItW. v ' Ul iubcriber harinar under tpecial actofconnets. A obtained a patent for hia improvements in the art of manuf jctunng Hour, .datea January 22, loon, whicli now neds no recommendation, ho naaaiao a patent torniatm Arovcmenta on Steam Engines, which render, them tiift " pie, cheap and durably a more auiuble for a great variety Z,1. of purposes inthvt country." And for hia improvement v. called the Screw .Mill for brenkiftg plaister and other v hai d substances, proved in a variety of forma to be Very ; v useful. And also for, his Luminous Boref with jalk or ".sinirlasa doors, rivinr lieht like an open fine with se- vrrl other useful improvements ' He is now disposed to sell one half of hi exclusive, rights, vy . Counties or dis . tricts. to mill wrjghta or engineers, (ift preference) cap- Die ot erecting , ana arranging inpoc jmprovemeins, so at to nut them failv and completely: in operation. To such be will sell on terms that will prove advantageous, both . -to them and the millers for it is evident, that those im 1 prove men ts will b obtained both of Setter construction : and cheaper, .including u small sun for leave to us them. vis. for usine the- imnroveinents in manufacturine flour, full and complete Tn . a sinirle mill, R 100; and foi the Screw- Mill, for breaking plaister, R 20 by applying to those well skilled tn constructinir them, who may keep them made ready for setting up, than they could other- . Wise be oUtamed a no patent, existca. ; .- ' smt " , Security-for De rfVrmna of. contracts, WlU be requu d.- Screw Mills mu le of east iron of best construction, i aie kept at Wars woras, rrnuaacipuia, iot saiowneit 8team Bngines are aUo made of. any power that may be ' ' ordered.- warranted lnswet the purpose. - Those wlio use his improvements without licence, may , ' ' ' depend on being" called on, through, "the medium of the t..:.,. MHMa. vV ... . . . ; VIULSU BUMi yvuiw - . t ' ' Any printers of newspapers who assist Mt diMemmating these useuu improvementa, snau ok uie nrsi, m any pnn nnl ekir or town in the United States, to (rive this ad ' vertisement a place, to the amount of ftve dollars, shall be ' ' entitled to one. copy of; the second edition of the Youn " Will, wrijrbt anil Miller's uide, price ft 4, and one cope . Ot the Ymng Steam lingmeers uuioe, price, j ia m c . chanM for one of tne papers, dj applying 10 uie suoscn - ber. t i. &.- -:4 X ; - OLIVER E VANS. ' ' Phnadephia,M; SOSOa-'W ,!1; V r- POLITICAL; ' . ;elebrattovs of.thR FOUUIH OF MAHCIL r YTRfcNTON.N. M tn 'Celebration of the happy result of the tale Pre . - aitkntkl Election in tli lcvatlon of James Madi- son to the Preaidential Chalfr "i'uimber of4Repub- - ticans of Trentoh and vicimtYiinta some gentle . "'men fjom the country .who happened to be in town ."mfctontheevfctuns of the 4lh cl Mivrch, and par 'i took together of anltcelknt Uret frovided for ' the occasion A fter the cloth yuA reroovea, tnc ." followlnfl: toasts were tJrahk "aV i . 12; Ttmoihu Pickering-be tool of Bntabif the ; . idol of Federjuism-Majr Jie meet hi reward , - 1 i. Jotiuh Quincy and the JZtte&fftmtv-l-T.o use ' Qnincy's own words J Their invitations stimtiluted ''and encpurt.ffed afcKresalan.' They .marked out the plan for our eneoiieDivide and eonquerf' In ' ; y sert you influence amid theoarties of .the state comtpt the tfvarkious, filerhten'tb weak, Tilifi ', f virtue turn taletrta tb ridicule weaken the oblimt e tions of morality, destroy the influence of religion, , maKe r .en wormy to oe siavca ana wy wui sue ior : fetters, , .How minutely the opponents of the .will . of the people have adhered to these principles, fa our day, is too obvious to " remark.'. , Mar 'their Counsels, like AtiithopelV, result in their ovti con (. fusion, and theur conduct, in their .own defeat and cUs grace. :. c 3 w "j: ... .. fvv?r: T. he tuurfiatton qf Britain-- External JUx May th splrh of T6 protect us from the) leaffnaof domesde trmiton with foreign tyrants. C i j. i lit aiMnutraVbcn they contend for" free and equal government, they will have our best wianea wmie they light, under the banners of Hi-U tain for m perfidious Lmg, corrupt nobility und de praved derjr, we cannot bid them OtxUpcod.'; , . st me. vies raxsiotaT- , May tho inflaratrutorv, (esuitical saiI Ucoiinical Speeches and Writings of the sanctified roan Tim. operate upon the wise and good part of the Feds as they did upon Quincy Adams, . , MILFORD, (Dx.) ; A respectable cumber of the citizens of this place. conceiving, that the th day of March, -ought to be wnrrwi uiio a luutieo, necau&e on tnnt ax Thn. mu Jefferson, the authour of so many sufferings to the American people, acquired the rank of a private uuzcd onvcnea, ior tne purpoM ot bearing an pen testimony, against the deadly policy which has characterized his administration, from it commence ment, to the present day ; when the following toasts accompanied by appropriate firing, were given and cheered by the loud nuzza's of an incensed k much abused DeoDle. ... . Farmer Giies A gisgrace to tne happr and use ful fraternity. He has the honour of giving birth to we most oppressive, unjust and arbitrary Uw that e ver was imposed upon a free Deoole. Gen. Samuel Smith He supports the Embargo, because the Embargo supports him. .. The Patriots of Spain Magnanimous 8c brave, raay ther, like America, achieve their independence or sacruice tneir nest olood in its defence. The memortofWASBivaTOM. It will he fully cherished to the latest j.ges of the world, by eve ry true friend to this counu v. . .1 r..i. .4" .. . . iiumuy rttKcniig . -1 ne cruia ot persecuuon. v i COL. PICKKRING. A splendid Entertainment, in honour of the Mi pority in Congress, was inyen in New-York, on i uesaay tne 4tn, at tne I onune t-oHee-Uouse. Cornelius Ray, Esq. preuded: and Richard V rick, Ksq. and Gen. Stevens, officiated as Vice-Pre sidents. The room wus elegantly decorated with Portraits and Emblematical Paintings t among the former, the portraits ot WasitiNOTOHand Hamiltoh held the most conspicuous st .ions. In the centre of the room Was a pillar, with the figures '76 inscrib ed on each of the four sides ; bearing a Gold Eatrle on tne top ; ana supported by tne Uemi of America, T. A.4 Ar. curope, asu ano vinca. As it was understood that the Hon. Mr. Picker me, the Hon. Mr. Uillhouse. and other E., Members were on their passage from Ambov to mis city, tne uinner was delayed until 6 clock. About hail an hour after the company were seated at the tables, their disunguished guests were an nounced at the door, and were conducted to the head of the room, amidst the music of the bnd and the animated cheers of the assembly. Soon after the arrival of the Guests, a, curtain, which had been, extended on the front of the room, was withdrawn, exhibiung to the surprize and ad miration oiine company a large and elegant emble matiear Painting, ("executed by Mr. Holland,! of wiuch uic HMiowiug are tne outlines i in the centre, the figure of Commerce on the ngntnandthfl federal Ship WASHINGTON taking in a cargo in the fore ground two boj s, one beating A Comu copae, the other receiving from i the fruits of the earth in the back Kround, a beau tiful and distinct landscape, representing Agricui ture on toe top of the whole piece, the American Eagle hovenng over the figure of Commerce, bear ing m his mouth a scroll with the following appro pnate inscription x ( "lam not the advocate of Wrong doers, to what ever country they may belongwhether Emperors or Kings, or the Administrators pt a Kepublic; Justice is my aim Truth is my guide ; and wherever she points the way, I shall not fear to go." The bove is a quotation from one of Mi:. Pick ering's able speeches in the National Senate, against the tmbargq system, wherein he proves with the spiru or ay-pauiot ana uie wisaom oi a ooion, uie deleterious, French influence which had poisoned our public, coufcils and laid prostrate tho honbur and prosperity of our degraded country . 0 . . Among the members of Congress' present, Were Mr. Dana and Mr. Davenport, of Connecticut, Mr. Livermore, of Massachusetts, and Mr. Gardenief ury, avarice and lust of dominion, have again grasp .. ed at the sovereircnty of our nation f and, support! iy ed hiternully by a deprave i - Pointed faction, had well nt: LnA Mr. T Jvlncrwon. oftbla atat. . , The' greatest harmony and, hilarity prevailed throughout tfcc ' entrtainmenV':ifvTh dinnr was excellent,-and erved fa the best style, Themilsic Was Unusually good j a number of appropriate songs were sung 'an4 after the regular toasts Were drank, tne ioiiowmg, among oioer v oiunieers, were givcu - lines to property, but no . distinction of interest or limits to sfiection and principle between New England Mid New-york .l ., " . . : , . By MttHillhouse ' The permanent UNtow of these States...) ' The Union of American on Amerlcaiifpiinci pies. table gentlemen of our country Were presentthey occupied the whole of the first Boor of the building. Thqnvis ritzurnons, Esq. presided in the long room. Com. Truxtou In the second room It Geo. Larimer, Esq. io the third. ' ; ; V -." .' ; i he company were hottoured with tb presence of Mr. Dona, Mr, Livermore, Mr: Gardcnicr, Mr. Milnor, and Mr. Jeuknit, the only members of Con gress who were in the cityJudge Griinihs from New Jersey -t Bishop VVbitl and several of the Rev. Clergy, with other citizens of "distiiKtioo. At, one end ot the long room was placed an .elegant Por trait a CtKUAV IVASUIJYXirOJV Over Com modore Tru turn's chair, was suspended a painting of a fine American Eaglejon an akure ground (.rasp ing tn one' talou the r lag ot Uie u. Sk, and lu the o ther a Thunderbolt i number of Stars correspon. ding to the number of btates,' and spread ever the- grouno mono, " muuona ior aeieoce, ooi s cent for Tribute, the true federal doctrine. . , V ' , . 2. The ntrmory of General Wiiiimto En vy dared not look or breathe upon him but thiouh the' mask of hypocricy. ". ' A. 1 he Heroes of the Revolution May our gra titude be as immortal as their services. . 5, Ch. Jurace Marshal Too great hot to be en vied by the mean ) and too honest not to be bated by the wicked. VA - n 8. Our Sisters. Massachusetts, Conneticut, and Delaware Vlw hold to the Union on the basu of the Coiutv ution, ahd repel those vioL tions of it, which would terminate in a seperation. 9. The President of the Unued Sutes May he wiscl use the experience of his predecessor, and uener estimate tne vinue oi suiceniy, ana me cnar acter of the Atrial lcn people. 10. Art icu.tuie. Commerce and Manufactures Bound tosjetner by inseparable interests, -may they reject the deiuaioiu mat would w jsalously among toem. IS. The Spanish Patriot, s May their glorious euorts to shake otl a cruel and withless tyrant, be successful, and t.uroie learn trom them, that a brave people, united, is invincible. Our. National Glory Escaped from the feeble protection of a visionary projector, may those who now are its guardians havethe s wisdom to value it aite Sutesmen, and the courage to defend it like Men. CoL" Pickering Honour for his services, affec- uon tor ids worth, r Remarks on tha forccoin? bv Col. Duano. In the Aurora. It is said that a petition is about to be oresehted to Congress by some of the cheap dinner clergy, to institute a religious festival in honour of Judas Isca- not. - "fr it a temple should be erected to Judas Iscanot. the reverend clergy nti-rht propose to have the efli ies or Arnold, and Burr, and Pickermg, hung up on the horns of the altar. ;a As the) reverend tlergy have lent themselves to countenihcea wietch who on so many occasions hat endeavoured to disgrace andbetray nU country -re we to conciuoe tnat mere are any ot them who, receive a modicum out ol the missionary funds fo converung tne heathen. AniongJthe elegant and; musical compositions sung at the uinner for a traitbr-one was by major Jackson. It is asked why the Rev. clergy should dlsnlav l 1 . r. v M " ... . sucn nosuary to i nonws Jcllerson f Was it be cause his admuustrauon gave the he to their f lse prophecies, of the downfal of reiiition, and Uie destiuctiort of tlie churches f .Was it be cwise he endeavoured to preserve peace, which their faith (if they have. unv,j teaches them to culti- vaie : was it love or trutn ot meekness t cha my of Forocitrunce, -nd love of our r.ei,rhlours- rhomas Pome's vriungs against the CbristLn sva tem, never inflicted so deep a wound, as the dim ucc vi men waning incmseives ministers ot tue gos- 1 have been asked, for a list of the company that dined to commemorate the slume f the country, as there are wagersidd that a majoriry of thehames :n l. - r , i . f mi J wm dc ipunu on recoro. i ne names we cannot give in full, find a partial list would hot be impartial, and as to th record, we know not what that means or refers to; OUr corresptindents should explain as they; gosat least 5 shillings in the pound. J It is not true that Jemmy' Sloan Sung the Priest of the Parish" at the Pickaroon dinner. Dr. Caldwell drank a volunteer at the Pickaroon dinner" the health of the board of health, and Df Pascalis." Therc must be something in this more than 'meets' ihe eye. ' ' By At?, Gardener, after Mr. Pickering retired, . TiMOTt PicxKkiHo Arctck on which the storm may beat" . -f ' v k.-tpLfffi.f.-- ah Bu Robert It Rou Livintrstoi i - i A ' .The Spirit of Seventy-Six 4t appeats jbefbrf us in manly characters before it ceastit to exist, ma; it ftnpear fa Vxfv.r Oft the loth'a splehdid dfaner'was clven at the Mansion House Hotel ltv Philadeiphia, ui honour of Col Pickering, and the minority in the late -.Con- M,.tW.fc.w,.,.,,.Ma..w.n.. 'Jit comes . The hoisy herald of a busy World." FO REIGN ''...A bloody battle f wa Jately fougbt fet Cape; NichoU Mole, between the rival chiefs of Su Domingo, Christophe and Pction, which ter- mmr.tetl in lavout Uhe latter , i ;; - French Bulletins Co the 19ti, inclusive, (da2 ted-13th .jot jPecember) have been received The last contains noaccount of Operations ex. cept , tne arorrenacT tr itos.is with 2009 pri oners,' : The ei ghteenh is filled with hraip'i of the French generals," and abuse of the : Spit nish Juhtii ipne member is called a pitiful locHelle,' with eotrie furniture for General . Moreau. Dackaves of drv Modi, to tbVrantairi ' ' ' and passengers vessel tfc V.E, Protres Hav' - 05 cstapeu irora xvocdciic (in tne nignt vi iao - . , !4tK of IanuafVbetWerti.lHr forts &nd .4 "iv, 1 French Squadron of 4 ships of the' line and 4 ' ' rigates, wiui troops do do am, reaay ior seas -.. s' fc ' fanuanr 16, was boarded br" the British Iritd C Co neti Mef took out all the BataVtao' crw ' '- except the captaio and cook including a pas ' j scngers, ana . put on oova anoruceranao . .- ", .r. ' T -' next aayon oresc, trie rest 01 me passenrers r -;-(-of the Bitavisn, with the captain, cook and ' jt;, i steward, (8 m number) retQoif the brig; ; OA :y th'e6th of Feb; in latitude- 31; long; 57,' th ' t Bataviaa was again taken hy the British letter1' of maid ue ship,' trllm, Captain GeorgV Keea -'- er, from Barbadoes bound to LivrrpooV hv but on board 4 more mem' to ms'isI the' other prize crew in carrying the brirj ihtd Bera ,..' ' muda; but on the, 8th instant, ill latitude 34a'' v :,';.V; t JO, longitude 3i ;hc,aptain, cook Imd tew- i '? ard retook the Btatrtao hgalni'SndbiVUghther 1 1 ..s safe into port !!! ; Left only ourAmefican' f V -1- vessfclundrr eliarei;'' ... . i. The British officer of the Comet frignte ina read a ' London paper of the Slh'of January " C lv : is n which it'was stat;d,hVt Sir' Arthur WcUC; lesly'a eipediiSn 16 Spain. was abandoned." rhat an etPedition 'of 13 sail of the line ani'dP - ?' 1 4 frigates were fitting out : it. PortsmbUth; for5 Buenos Ayres Tliat Ferrol had oeen takert ; (. v,1 w th2 French the beemnintf 'f .''TuuarvW' f hat the British troops at Corunna yere about'r " to spike' the guns and abandon' the placet-ev.'. inai ,wie uriiisri army was retiring towaraa Vigowhere were 50. transports and 4 frigsteif-;J to conver them hdme-anrL'that th Rnanill; '.''.-- coast was lined with French troops W-KM-v'Vv4'--i- On the , 14th of Janriaiy, the datf the Bata-.1 aii saucu, mere were at aucnor in rvocneiiet- harbour, 4 ships of the line and 2 frifpueswfrbv troops on boardi". ready for sea,'destined for- .Vlartiniqufe iut tl.ev were blockaded bv A1' force nearly as formidable They were.TioW-'. V ever, pletermifted to sup out the first onpdrth "i f ; tiis,y - - t . " ,r r-.'j- ' - r . -I:-- fc---.5"'. We learn from captain Lindsav..whbtams home passenger In the Batavian (and w hava f"v;i? heard it before) that the Crews of alt Ameri a can vessels aeiainea in r ranee, ai t imnriKniwi-:'? - :-r.. .'.v, , and are released otihi on 'cnditioo ofthellA'i tering on board French shibsif war.- WerC; ';: have seen a letter framll'ioaqit i;iilcman f 'i'7V'f:-i this city, who went out chit f mate t-t the 'ihW'.'-v- ' I Ifolhnd Trader, captain Sinclair He tatefe that he was etill. in prison at Rochcfort, andW ? I jwtd nothing to subsist on bjit "bread andT.wa . : ter! - ' r': -f'J,?. ';'f rhe ship Two MarVsj Captain HUeviWhich; , 0 ! vessel has been sequestered in Nantforlg ' muths, in ' consequence 'of her having beets ooaraea ty a British cruiser, waf cohdemned together with her cargo, on the Slst Deccm-a ber, by tht council of prizes at Parrii yt 4 '-' l' 1 he last Bulletins of the French Army wm fbun.l in Ah emptv boat. ethe coast near Tied. . ver --Tl,ev ar-BUiint)selfto have bi-n l ',a'v ' irift.for the rmrbsc'qf itntiouncingintnkirbxiT I try the cause oFaYejoiclAgwhieh took pdaCe on tne French coast on Moudav ast J Tf.U'.?f 'node of cominunicatioAs notinprecedentedi" The Bulletins received jjre priuted bv them' pelves, in a series. In the shape of pamphlet, Si not contained in a Moriiteur, as some accounts 3tate. I he 14th Bulletin begins in pag4 83 ' of the Pamphlet- - TKe 16th Buileun is print ed in very wide lines I a dilrYrenc; -r,- whichf we see no reason, except it btng the la te,st. - v. i ' A reyoluiloh in Constantinople took nlaco ron th 1 4th, 1 5 th and 1 6th Ngv, when the gran i ; v ncicr, accnijr in.u nis enemies were toopowv erfid, se t)re to his magaiineof gunwderi' and blew himself up. It was suppted the Sul tan was likewise killed. A , r;at part of Con. , staftUnople, and th ships of the PoVte; Hwero . ' wrapt in flamesA massacre at Algiers . curredon the fth Nov. when th DvV Ach met'Pacha, was pursued bv the .-soidieryartel' killed on the roof of a Jew's house in Alfriers-1 r Ehe cause assigned was, jthe 'partiality 6f th i..'-v,V."- :-v'4 1 ' Dejr- for tht MoorsV -' jf-jf -i 'he Paris prints are fdttof imperial decreeis ' i isstied ajj Madrid t One -of which .announces 4 ' ' general pardon to -all Spaniards who shall with-'- i intone month have laid dawn thd arms et'x cepting by name a few distinguished .persona. whse lives and property are forfeited t an6-. thjrxdimiases the members of the ; Council of Clstite as fcowards" and as un worthy of ' be i ng; magistrates of a brave and : generous nation y ahqthet'ab'oliihes the tribunal of the inquisiti on i another reduces the numbr of convents N if. t , elistino; 1 Spam' .tq-pne- third, and-pe:irmita.tli''-i ; regular ecclcsiastics,-who wish to live ifseCar I tar clercy, t leave their 'xohvents,aif wfc V'i'Mf. 3 . shall receive a pension i another' abflis!i, n all 1 jaai ngnts 1 anotner auppresses rue ; oarria. "f, ,; mi jnty oi out nauon 1 ano suppamitol, picketing, and the minority in the late .Con-l fc.1 u-v ) wyuwr . wijci, on-?,; fa.:? i m . I - ;. "" . 7 . "V rr", " " V . r 5 C 1 depraved, ambitions and disrp vres, of rj s-Uiout 250 ef the most respeoi On th 15th instant arrived at New York I cri ocWeen the $ eveeai prpvtnces : ?y K: .

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