. 1 4 . , 4 ... V - ' t , f Vol. I.J 1ULEIGII, APJtIL 6, 1809. 1 l' :'-r IC" fUlLUMCB KVEKT a BUaiOAY, IT .OKKsl fc Hkhdshsom. at rai crrst end or FaTktte ILte-STUtT HEAR CiWl. COH PIC TBlEt .DolUtl n UVMCM, FATABLE HAXPl "tEAELT I AJVAC SlKOLlI PAPER 10 CMTf. vlD VERTISEMEMTS. To the Mill.Wrights ' IXYHZ UNITED STATES'. v "f vrrea witti grave u J nc pavement is made of i . '1 .1 t arg square tionea uki very acauy, ana wnen THE luWribrf having under . Ul et ofcorfT 1 ucw ,or,V' " mosl "cnl . - 0rc obtained a patent for la inipfmen.iu iathear rf I another circumstance in their roads htehly iMnubeturmg nour. utea jnury zj,i8, which n w I worthy of imitation : they are very penerallv rovetnenu on Stam brines which rriirra them m- hned W'th nge.ndOineUmei .With double pie, cheap and duraWe, more auiuhl fee a great varitty I rows Ot trees, wlmlt produce a very DaudaOme uf purposes in this eountr-. And for hit improvement I effect, and contribute to the pleasure of the failed tne screw- Mill. lor tirrnkincr nliualrr iul mlirr I 11 ti - , . r. e-- a-:-!- At. A-mrtment win h rv trA ,h.iri vt St f - tveucr. i uc government 01 r raoce, tnere . . A-i.Kii .... liuefuL And aU foe hia imiMM st. w.th iik I fore, is entitled ta irreat credit for the noble ' 1 4 kimik, u an wK-u T iui ic-1 uiuuci hi wiiii ii uicir iuuiig roacis c urioses H...H1 n 11. .n k;,iu r pi. !,. . u . .1: 1 ... I . . . . . .. IT I riUlDUmj rUJtU-S.lUa SJIU M UJIU. v. 1 n . v TV I a VV 1 1 V 1 iiiiuiw IIIV III. I1C la UUW UIIUVKU 1 U I . fAna,M. I l.ii. .w . 1 1 1 r 7 f a 1 . . . , . .. 1 ia .1 1 "1 . ,. . I vuovi uvu u. ijit t , c UtUa ailtaUC t . 1 . I. 4 1 . . . a.Aa..M..ta Ifli ) .1 itBlf II t hl I a1l nM tit.!, ' hf tl I Vr-llIU 1 1'. MMll I. u mm ,1... V. riS.r.-t ; t ' : I trieU. to miU writrbu or ciwiaeen. (in weiemire) estM. I P.lCtUfe, Which a love of truth pbliecs me to We or erecting and arrang in thoae nuiruvtnutnu, to aa I ffive you. in r rajce ihere are very lew canals. . . .1 .11 I . I - ; . . , l 1 ... . . . J ' Pui vueni i.u.7 i....p.rir i opcrauim.' o ni whllc at tnc iame tim- . ie mternid commerce .IV Will KU VJfl KIHH UMV Willi BWC BAlTajlUIVdlUa, IJVIUI I 1 , a . .-.i.' j.i :u r-t. ' . .i IIS immrtlft. AH Inn rnmmrrr itrom.rl nn ia mm ana uk which ' iut mi cviuLnu uiai unite ini- i . r .Vu w.. proTcmenu will be obtained both of better cnuucuon I by teams j and o iwgotted are the French ana coeaper, inriuaing' uc iidiui turn tor. leave to iuk- I neasants in favour of their mriii. via. iw uauiK use iiiiurvTt;iii.-iHa hi minuiMlui liiir Hour, full and complete in a tingle mill, fy lOJ; and for die Screw Mill, fur breaking phuiter, K 3 by apply inn to those well skilled in con&trurting' them, who may kerp Vnetn made ready lor setting up, than luey could ouier wise be obtained if no patent existed, Security for performance of contracts, will, be requir. ed. Screw Mills made of cast iron of best construction. are kept at Mars Works, ' Philadelphia, for salt where Steam Kngines are also made of, any power th.it may be jruered,, warranted to answer toe purpose, GOOD WHITING." PAPER , x-or saleattLe8Ur0fT.ee.' ay Whoever has taki n, cither wit h or wihtoot leave, a number oi uie turopcan jtiagasuie tromuus uioce, ia re- junf1ed to return it. ,. , . t A J0T5 '. HAND for 14 Pounds,, Virginia money, on J., tiuntm ireen, ot.rranc.iin coaniy, aaiea Apru 01 ly laU-payable, I believe, the 1st ot September last. VThis Is to notify to the said Simon Green, not to pay th. ' said Note to any one but -myself or order, as f have no. irauea or Binrncui it w bitv pron wumncr. ; ; : r. RICHARD D, COOKE. V Cranvllle county Marclij 29, ' .. , ' , isja.s-VBSaSSBSSBBJsW ancient usuasres. that they continue to make use of the narrow wheels which were in use two tenturies since. Hie weight of one of their loads is usually from" three to five tons. When, therefore, vou consider that during the. winter season, they are subjected to perpetual rains, which, falling upon a clayey soil, render their roads extreme ly soft, you will not be astonished that their I i A -List of ; Letters Those who use his-iniprovemenu without licence, mav I pavement is extremely liable to be damaged, depend on heing called on, through the medium of the n ordPr to -give you some faint idea of the I ITliTPfl KTlltS.fl aSai(TSl. I a a a Any printer, of newspapers who assist in disseminating iuiiiiHg pumoer oi ioaaed teams. Which are tlveui uarfiil imnrnrvemhtK. nhu.ll K the fii-Kl. in inv nriii. I DCrUetuallv on the rund in Fraiw I uill nit Jtemmmng in tht Pt0ffice fit RiLtKR, quarter cipie city or tow9 in the United States, to gix-e this ad- to you one fact to which I Daid particular at- . A 'tnfUHf .3 11 J)J. itjarxfu 1 1 8UV. " vertisement a plate to tne anwunt ot live dollurs, aliall tx ' ... . . 9 - . . .r ' . . I - i . r .. . ... - .. I tCntlOtl 1 rai'HllirifV nil thf rnar tn t )i-laonu . i.ji.. n icnmietttoone copyot tne second edition ot tne lounc i , . Sil k -amim Buttler, James Buflalow, Chriatopher ' m ""'u .Pe p, anaone copj uu.uei.UA. a was so, ,,. taUrXkel BurgeaC Jasdb Brooks, 4 Burwell Brown, h! Young Steam En-tneer'a Guide pr.ee, g 1 25 in e- pressed with the number of teams which were . Vm. BiiffaloVirU Bailie. hwa. B.avers, Jacob f W of PP" -T applnnir the "iWn- con,tantv DassinL, th.1t I determine,! ,,, rnnn, ;.'?;.V.d-.Aj, jCs.. Wiasd.liWA.- Jtiim 1809. them for a given distance. I fjund that iu - f a, j. Jiixra vuua, 4.aua, vuiinuiwci. uuiiowum . . .1 ! . . . . Curtis IgtaoT.Uusluiig, John unw(,Mi. ancy cooi, l j - -.-i. , rr i ....-......., t iwu tiuuurcu Wm. Cooeland. Collin Ctuubelt. 3. . I " UKlttlN AL. L.L 1 1 i.K. , 1 teams, and as tht-te was 'noihint neruliar in . ."ri 1 n..l I .; Iu!. t.nr li,'nn.. H.n. ' ! I'.l r .1 . . . " i T - t Trr ' , .?.v 1 Fn an American Traveller in Europe, to Ids frond mJ ln1 P url " roatf, but on the contrary, lhe ,-' Juet rackkr.: . ;.' v.- - this country. .. . appeared pretty t quiljy dispersed, through tGj. Miss J. Guffey. Silas Green. John Green, John i- W. t-uion, lieorge luUispie. , 4f"0" Stephen' Haywooii, llenry llunter, Isham Hold trur, liiac Hunter, wm, tunton, wm. tiatuburton, An. adcrson Harmon; John Harrison, David Horton, 2.' ' f ."J. .'Xetnuel Jackson, Charles Iveyi Nathan Ivey. r WUUani Kcrney, James, Kunbrough,, Charles ...7 ... ,.y IdmniMi. V :t.'.i . . t' X .tlung wluch concerns us,to have a succinct, but . .. . . . : " 1 ' I r. ; .1. r . . .i i , (..jaw wan utngicv, ss.'-.-..; , s iiaitniui picture oi inc. various oujects wnicn r nj.- vavi Edward Morris, f MeTit, Coleman .v lev., ,; '? .'; .vj., jimanon Jiuttj vvaus Jieiuams, John icks. Purifv, Thomas Pair, Thomas Price. John Fecbieu, vm. Persons, tiinton Pugh,f, Thomas Proc t, . r. a . . n . i.i l I .1 : . ,-, . iohdkaux ocpiemoer a, mu. mc waoieuisiance, itwm follow, that thtrc MY DEAR M0THEHL were at a given moment, no less than four thou Havingresolved toma.eihetourofthe8outhsanJ md !,'x hundred teams employed on' tht of France, I know it would be pleasant to those Inends.who feel. a lively interest m even ' OT'john fry-Mm a Marun, joun Maneans, jomw nmeyf arrr, t oUr attention, of the impression which , Miss Nancy Morris, Josiah Jlootiyi Win. I . , ' , . r. r Milkr, Robert Montgomtiy, Allen Mob- lney masc upon us, nnu oi tne train oi renec ' i",--.v '. - itions to which thev mav cive birth. Itiswith this view alone, that I shall endeavour to con- a a tnoute to the occasional-amusement ot my transatlantic! friends. Fancy, then, our little- party seated in a largo . English cqach, with a 'f$J Jesse' Smith, B itt Smith, .John Stuart; the She TiiT of Wake", 2j Wbu aug-gv Uim Sims. Zchaiih fT). Solomon 1V;rril. Moses TodiL Jolin Till v. Hobt Tarwick.' Willie Tippi, Paukk TemtL v ' Ctrj i ChTles . Wood, Solomon, "Willowby, Branch WaUwll.Corbell. Woodward, Ihutwtll Wpn, Thomas L. WilluunsJ William White, 9. - ' rCVJ. Elias Vinson. WILUAM SHAW, P. M. i V ' ;3ahk oL N ewbern, V-W-RALEldlI-OFriCE.".- --: ' 'TMIR Pi-esldent and Directors having established n 'i-iOMk of Diswjimt in the City of Rdeigu," under the Agency of the Subscriber, notice is hereby given that the ! business' of it will be transacted under the following Rules : i,' Billsr Bottds and Koies made negociable at uie B-iik - oft Newlern'and payable at its Office in Raleigh, at ov within, sixty day s, in whU Lwo solvent individuals sliaii be bound, will be' discounted At the rate of S per cent, per annum. :..,' , ' ,''"'""' 2. Three ctaj-s of grace will be alloweA and interest, ta- SkeafhoiefiMr..;. ''. 3. All Daner td be offered fdr Discount will be expected trr be-left 'WHhth-Agnt.o Wednesday before ly o'cldck, A. . andtiwr Discount Will be decured and paymen. ndtt3o'clockivP.M. SHERWOOD HAYWOOD, 'March 530,, 18Q9v Jl. Agent. -it 1 State of Xorth Cai-oUna.7 Court of Pieaa &. Quaiter . n . aonnston tounty., . ; 3a.om, ''3.V I i ; , V""5" " :Fcnrfrcrm,1809.- , ib;, iT .'-.af.iflVr . Petition for division ' Ttirte' Chart Uiat William Allen, one of the , . 'l:-f 1 -DefeiM. ht'thelriase, ia an inhabitant of another ' rStabrTAv&re therefore, that PubLcitionbe made for the - space oF6 weeks successively in the Sta of Raleigh, tli at 'vt''-'v the said William Alien appear at the ext; Court to be V, , held Jbtisakt County, on the' fourth Monday in May next, i od sho cause, if any. he has, wherefore the prayer ot this petition shall not be granted. '.. . w a i vrifM2 n f r X Irish Potatoes. , TU8T reeeire(l, to sell for ti fiiend, Fifty Bushels of 11USH POTATOES, Noithern growtn, and oi an eixti Vr lnt quality, I y j v ' JOHN & ROBERT STtURT. 'Raleigh, March 14, 1899. round paunch and rosy gills mistook for a fri ar, starting Iram the city ot ram with tw postboys and six horses, rattling over a badly ro.kl between Paris and Orleans, a distance ol about seventy miles. You will not be surpri sea alter this, to hear me say that we .rattled i i . - ... iv cr uiui pavement, lor it would he impossi- uie to Keen such a road m order. Another circumstance vety unpleasant to a travelh-r is, the straiinesi and uniformity of tneroaiis in r ranee. 1 know that it has be come exceedingly fa hionable in our countr to have our new roads as straight as oossible but w.. skill loose in pleasure all that wei4,gain m oisinnce. INothing can equal the dull, tiresome unifor mityot a l-reftch road , we were exceedinrrh impressed with it, because we h:ttl just quitted There are none of those verdant lawns, an si' . railing meadows tr which we are accustomed, and which covered with herd and flocks, fornm the nnest scenery in the world. I have oftfh) passed one hundred ? miles in France, witltou n ; seeing single domestic animal out tne nurse ;t rhat this species of scenery should be jree, able to us, is not the effect of prejudiie, fr w. can 'cite in favour of our -opiniona jdl". ths.-, , poets and painters of every age, and f every :, , nation. -. . - ','. , The flower enamelled mead, , , tfce verdant lawn, the shady bower, the lowing terdsact n,H (: almost exclusively appropriated ti.dcacriptiva , ' poetry , and where., vould have bf n the repo -, , tation of Claude. or Pouuin, if thej , bad confix ned their landscapes to the rhe.erle ,tiiesptn v -'- wheat fields of Francef -Let othfs,then, dear mother, blazen, the beautiea ,of ,(Frend t scenery ; my. pen, devoted to- truth, shall pive . ' J yuthe picture as it is, and T. will assure you.- . . that with the few exceptions 1 sbalLnoucc, lhaivy " landscape scenery of France, ia inferior to that 'J- 'i oi any country a nave aet-n t. j An I do not intend to fullpw the examplaot; ( many travellers jirho'fatiguejis with the muU ' i5i" ' iipntiiv ui rimng iiiurjcms, wu,n ver mpo. liiupn of jx landlord, every inlenjl;iu)fhos' lrunkrri pcttUion and vliere,es.hod every, . ; etty e mbaf rassrae,nt wrought, up to a jcntaw rophe worthy of a r4ace in , Vome interestine U .. modern novel i suau give y t'U a short, gene ral idea ot those particulars, to iwich, jtrayeUr irA. -7'4't I"! mg in f ranee tl.Hcrs lr .iwhat we find jn our, w '.-' wu country. . Information, it aopeais to me. .'-i-- ' ought to be the object, which a traveller ihould ,i ; ; ! pursue, ana wnicn ne snouia commuoicate to i t his friends." . We read travels to learn the man ? ''-"rtj;-' V itcra, tusiuiusuiaKCs, tnaracters ana pecuwa i' -" ritiea of other coun trie; but there is a' sort of-, i ,i i ' ' '. ' . r . . -. . , .. , luuauv aescriptioo oi.orainary event,, wmc0 we meet with ii the eommVn books oJiravtia which is the irujst tiresome, and indeed.sivtt-11- i ncr, that i can conce-ive oi. .auth a- traveiipp r- ins nis aescripiiQO, ipjr exampte.witri pnra like the following..4; The mprnxnezfA'- serene and unclouded ; the sun which. , justi r , - I 1 . 1....1. .. . . vciurtui iicuijC, art Seems only to heve conic in aid of nature, and the beauty of the scene ! 'V makes vou iorget, or disregard, the few fee of additional road which this natural arrange paved road at the rate of seven or eight miles tne charming roads of Great Britain, whet an hour ; riding on from morning till night faste ani Prfiti g'md sense and fancv appear without alio-htiiicr. or even stonninp-. eicent ta W have an equal share in" the arrantrtment. ' O O" " . ri :ojj r" I , , - o. exchange horses, and you will have o;ne idea J iieannenng through the vallus, or w inding of the manner in which we travelled: When over the hills, clothed on either side with u you are about to accompany your friends in imagination through so long a tour, it is natu ral that you should be solicitous to know th manner in which they moved, and I already " a . ancy a number of questions which the short I ment obliges you to pass. . picture 1 have tust criven, would necessarily nis siaiement aireauy explains to vou in sueeest. and I think it proper therefore to era-1 part the reason why travtlltrs in France s tify the curiosity I may have excited. , Why I generally prefer to ride on from morning ti travel in an hmlian coach r In I ranee there "igni wunout angntmc:. i ne scenery in ee are but two modes of travelliog ; in the di- nral is so unif mn, that you Very soon get iigence or public stagy, more slow, inconve- thoroughly latigued with seeing it, and every o aicnt and disagreeable than any thing ther object is absorbed in the single wish ol'ar which vou' can , possibly imagine i , or en riving at the great city which is the termina piste, that is to say, with posthprses, iur- t'on oi your journey, in addition to this,here nished by a postmaster appointed by the go- are iew or no inns on tn.- roaa. except in men vernmcnt, and whose whole conduct, fees and largo towns, where a traveller can find any de every thinjy annertainine to the subject, is renru- ct-,,t accommodation. Between Paris and Or latc'ti by a law ; which, together with thedis- leans, for example, there is but one singl tances between-the posthouses, is published in p'ace where you can lodge; and betwee a book, under the authority of the givetnment, Tours and Bordeaux, a distance of nearl and with which vou furniah yourself at the three huudred miles, there are not more than commencement of the tour. The system isjthree places where you can stop with any "de admirable, and exceedingly convenient, for gree ot pleasure. .--- Palmachristi Seeds. GASH, and a liberal price, will be given for any quantity of Palmachi-istiSueclt, if delivered during the planting f j; aeason-Enquire at the Star Office, or at the Stoi-e of Air. - ! R. Smith, Parish's coi ner. : ;;- . i K- . ., . , Raieifrh, March 14. 1809. mm Seine, Fish ery. THE .Subscribor has a FlSi.E'dY on Roanoake River 2 miles below Nurfitrt'i Keri-v in ferotUn,! Vlr. Its. lifax county, where he j'ul barttf Ush for Tobactd, Cot ;',, tn Flour, or Brandy, ttc, ' -"5 "' tt; :-if . -' - JAMES ' SMlTiC un. brww3,.2 , ; ', , ,:t - straneers.'ahd I know but of two faults in it which require a remedy. The first is, your being obligedlo pay for six horseswhen four would suffice, I know of n'P case where four borses would not be sufficient, and in no part of Europe, except France, do they demand more. The second fault is, that the postmas ters arc not obliged to furnish any kind of car riage. The consequence is, that a single gen tleman i$ obliged to purchase or hire 1 is carri age for th whole journey, and if it breaks; he 'all. 'l a ' - . is compelled to wait tin it is repairea ; lor it would be as impossible to, procure a carriage. on the road, as it would be to make one. Are all the public roads paved in France, and are they badly paved ?, A very large proportion of all the public roads are paved at a verv great expense. In the original formatiotv of these roads, they cost forty eighty thousand )i vres fox each league, or trte' engljsh niiles, that is to say, more than three thousand dqllarn per mile, which is five times as much as the turnpiVe roads cost irvvFaiglani : They are laid out in the same maiiuer as the road over Boston Neck i a pavement in the centre occu pying' about one third, and the two), wdel' c6'-1 :'- i,' til? appeared awiveitht-horizon, shohemajesticaU , ',,.,' ly bright,; the tunestijrs o ,fl ' by the beauty wf the day,- mtlodieus! v i ; warb J ; . , ledforth their joy ; the herdsmaVv had Just brought out his lowing herds when wre .stept ' . ',''' nto the coach, &c etc. v Now, as these xirj f '.-';, umstances are such as ocur pretty :.gnerall ; m all countries, and as we can bnd much . beU -. v -i; 4 4 ter description of them in evt rvj .poet, frora s s v irgn aown ,iot 1 nomsqn, a tn?nK, in cnarity to r our friends, we are bound toomit theroi, A v , "f ' 4 In France, as.I have remarked ,jfhe .-Itrayel ling by post is regulated by, law, and the or.hf, . persons with whom yott have heceVsarily, nnyJ connection in your journies, are the pptUIigns ;.Vt tne postmasters, tne innKeep,r8,.tanc tiie ser ,,f - y vants at hotels. I shall crive . vou some re : . , ' T neral idea of these ae vera! descriptiops 0 Ptrv -? : : sons. . Thepostillionsmaybeconsldere of infer tour ofttcers,' Ihty , are under ihe' re 9' ' gulatipn and protection of the;,laWl; theV usil- - " illy continue in the ollice' for U'ife, ; and, . fter . . .' servmg a certain number ; of yea'r,, t"fy-arft. r . ' entitled to a uehsiou fromgoyernnit-nu Xh uniform is n)?lun cat 'V are obligetl W iy e ar;tv;tJafgsilvtV bridge J ''wpo.iv S '. - ., their arms wUhftfielm'perialVeagle'.upbn Another peculiarity' hi iheir dress ia.acvpair ofTi ; m$4 enormous jack hootsso huge, tlitt.U 'witlv '' ;'.-t'",' the utmost dtffit ulty they can mo.unty'and it, ii impossible to waTk ( in thtrru. . I have 'often . ;. ;' -s been astfiniihtd that the Flench thould" Iper.i -'i "'-!-' severe in adhering to.an am Hi t usagf.so pain,,,, ; ..v ful , inconvenient and itangero uas'ihis-ia iX " "r . have Conjectund .that the inntiyc fcr adoptipr .'vv"'--' The surface of the country in France is vast lv less varied, and less beautiful than in th V T f . - , 1 ..- 1 iew .MiguiUd or middle states. 1 here is not that variety in their cultivation, which renders our scenery so 'leasing. Particular portions of the country arc devoted to wheat and others to vineyards. In the wheat country you will ride fifty miles" without seeing any thing but whe?t fields , and in the wine country you-, perceive nothing but vineyards. The vine yards are very f ir from being an ornamental species of culture. When the crop is harvest ed, the wheat country appears lke a vast and dreary desert, and as there are neither fences, wall$ or hedges, and a very great scarcity of trees, the eye wanders In vain in. search of ob jects, whereon to repose itself. ' I kno w of no natural views to which I can compare this par,t, and it is much the lartrestoart ottheir scene ry, but to the ocean where no land istcf oe seen ( but ! think the ocean supenouy to it in the gran deur of the' ftjeas, which it inspires, in the li ve jitiess which, its Motion affords, nd in th-g beau tiful Colour and varied form'of its "waves. If : '. I-..-:. . Vt . "... j.,.' .'., 1 iii'..- !..;. vnu cicepi ainunuy, atiu toe or; two ot, taeurnvers ihcm, was to protect the legot th ; .poti I.n 'i K?" v ,t::X from the pole, or from the weight of the hors?,; v,V' in case he should fall upon it, whit h it i won't!-1 1 -I ji most effectually do ; but so ultdotheyi ; ' find it to mount and dismount, and !b danrtr- -iS' ous would these enormous macluni? bej iri L .. 1 : Vi ." . ... r - case me norscs were to srart, mat 1 imnii 111 uaiance inucn against inem.: j. f.p'jt. ' .-; The. Ffeiuh postiliibnis, wlien we' consider i- the nature of their oecupatiori,' and their du-f! : 5 cation may be considere?-;a dt-f ent, civil classi" ;H iy of men I but I found none of that.esttreme pbt .'.'vjri liteness of behaviour which many ' jraveMf r$: ; have described j op the Contrary', every "iti an; f '' ger must acknowledge that there- is anion;;-. -1 I them a very general, and indeed" pi most, unjij fc' 4 A vrrsal clispoHition to impositioii and ettoriioti f , v "jt'; We havtfTode three hundred "pinilfsu without, ;''- finding single postillion .iatUded'. I - wiih the' . 'v' ".'"'; surrt which we gave' :.him, , though h was douhlf i the timount"allow'edbylaw,or whjcha FrnchV v p man would have paid,' , Wif haye been l eiiaUv' f'-$n U unfortunate irt tefrtird to anbiher ciuaiiiyi4 ' tnerto universally utscrioeu uie r renco nav '; f .. . nr. iL-'' -,'U'.:i.:-!'iiL'j'. -.-'-; iioiT, tneir lempertmce y c n.iv , crTiHijrf , y , mel wuVtftany :druhken; and .if we,wrc're, compare im"eirefiettc'. lianas 01 ope 1 on tins .auuicit, . t'K",,"u,".,1 ! "v " v ., ! i.ui'ai. '; ' Nf 1 ......1 .1 !..: :.. ........ ,-.( iu.. .i:r;-7---r:"-..-:'l , you ace very utuegri3s. iaecj8jqi4.-wvuiu v,c i4wu-yt:;y,.'we i ' ?,'X'.' .'.''. i-v :i .':'jnf i-4'-K-1- i,,v:'rlr:: --51jT.v :'-'.v7tj rn."''.-:;s, j

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