t . 4 v. -; V ' . ' . ' - ? v i ; : i .PIP : Tr-! :IU'- . a Vol;.i. - m :?3 RALEIGH; JUNE 29,' 1809 7 Pi t: i Ji HlJDt. .(C. ro L? k Co. JT T yitlTTIVflltTltlT. Cass . COIWER-THC Thkee Doli 11 rB ASXCMj r&VABLX HUI JTXAttr i ABTAVCXw JDFR TISEMEJVTS. Advertisement.". , - s - t 'AT from Ihi'SuWilSer ik l&h,U of May Kit, NJ,- fcUow fumed JACK, bt per- , tupt he mar hw rorta p by , -CT; tSe nm of EZEK1EL .TV A.TK1KS. f.- ciyfat or ntne inches kigh, Itu tout of hi fureectb. &nd it i'BUch mtfted Vtth the mH-poxi u is err KniiDie.fmooin im diu- A centKoot rcwaM will be vim ,x tat Ukuijr up the tiul gra, and Kuriiij jtm in guui io - w uib nuKngcr mar tv mm again. ' ' ' ' DANI ible in txr nil an. ' Jton Coun'y, near Sails.? - t bory, 'Jriiie 18, 18. ,J DANIEL WOOD. Advertisement; , , ' I Sukacriber hanr qualified as Adm'n'itrator of ' 1 the EaUte, Wiethe Will anneied, tf Ale-cabbb Voaa.at late of Iredell couuty, deceased, hereijr apvea - notke to all person t having' claims, or demand against . . the sa'ul B itate that thej exniirit such claims or accounts . t troperly authenticStei within th time prescribed bj law y for presenting demands against the Estate of deceased persona, or they wjll be barred of a recovery, - . . f i It is the desre of the Heirs '.and Leiralees of the latt ' Alexander Worke, wvj'ft accords with my oti wlsh: v ;v Notice f " - yy: i SuVsenber at U last Term of Wake County ft. Court of PVti and Quarter Srsatoiia, qmdiCed as AOnkiaistratAr of the estate of Patrkk Conway, 4eof ased, laU a resident of ihe City of UaWjh. Notice t there fere giren to thcie indebted to the said deceased, that uir lest the make immediate payment, itecessity W Jl pom pel the Administrator te have recourse to measure as npleasant to himself aa they Will be diagreeaUe to others.; t wv. , v Those tiering claims against the laij deceased will present them properly authenticated within the time i mited by law, otherwise this notice will be ptesd in bar of their recovery. - JAME4 HC5DKSOX, Adm'r. i 23, 1809. J Public Auction. On Saturday tt JtrH dug next, at the Srstv-lTw . Ititely scctiitf d by Patrick Ctttmoy, dec. iff Ra1eg 'IITILL commence the sxle, at FubUc Auction, of the Personal Estate of said deceased, and as the whole, or nearly so, consists in s well chosen assortment of UK Y GOOD3, and some valuable KKOCEKIES, it is useless to attempt to enumerate the different articles, and onlv ob serve that the sale iniv be Well worth the attention of those who wish to purchase valuable articles at a reddc ed price. The sale will continue from ('ay to day until the whole is sold (Sundays excepted.) A credit tukil the first'diy of May next will he allowed tor all sums over Four Dollars, tne porcnasers pviny lionds with approved security before tne delivery of .he property. JAMEd IlEXDEUSOS, Adm'r. May 22, 1809. , . State of North-Cauolima. - Edgcombt Junty. Court of Pleas and Quarter Session May Term, 1809. Evans and llines, , '. T . . . Cf?ITAT101l. J that A speedy settlement and distribution o'f the Estate U Th i Heirs of Abraham Combs, dec. S : ' Z rfSZT, J: pieasen to maxe Tx cge . t0 th.t the personal Py their'respecuve.debteat soon as po.s.ble: I rfd d . k insttfficient to discharw -4Z?5?Ztt toSK -a. debu, endon nvaion it appearing that the Uir. of deceased coun on condemned for the rmimeut of his debts. ' . It it further Ordered, That e eopy of thisiorder be, pub lished in the JIaleigh Sjtab torjUtrce weexs successively Eftraet fi"n the Mnuitt, . . '' E. HALL, CTk. talk MAlllMil A eAMn.H4 AV iVA.k J.Vfe. AV. . 1 ' 7.. ji'Trri raV"!?! - 'r.",:ul".uul "r? " u'1 therefore Order, that unless the heirs of. said T 7;r,.V?uniJr nouKm do nooear at the next Court, to beheld for the said ' TJ .Vf . tvof Edtrcombc eethe CourUlouse in Tarborout . s'iV.4V iy.wllm'r the fourth Mondav in August next, to shew cause, r: , ; "i t ; - P Alex. AVpi'he, dtccfieed. &aX Qf said deceased wiU be 8aiisiury,MayS3;i809.'-v - " " ' 'VlrTeAS 'I9' vlffe Susajmah Bressle bath deserted ; . 1 v : my bed and board without having anr " cause, ' "tuooewife, by which conductshe hasausc4 me v ri ence all the horrours of e miserable life 1 am, therciSire, v . oonrpeueu m tins puouc manner to camion all persons from k- , poarding, "tradt&g with, or Jredhintfher on my account, as , s am uqiernuneu noi to pay any oxtjta wcjcq she may con Granville CotmryiJr.Cr June 14th, 1809.'? 34-3 w.od. T" March 23, 1809. To TBS riOllt or THE UITXB STATES,. inted and bound For sale ai the Star Office ' Jeweller; & SilveF-Smith, from Europe, f. Next door1 to-Mr Kobert Cannon'a Store, and nearly op- 1 -vtvtuia tne l-upuctnat ne naa commence" busmess , X Sot htmxtf in Raleigh, where he solicits patronage. v. sUaving acquired thorough knowledge of his' business, tinder the first masters in Europe, and havintr conside rable , e perience in some of.'th pocipal Work-shops in Ame-1 Xeatly pri 1 r :ca, he is confident in being able to give autisfaction to t , .tuosewno may employ-mm.;, for specimens ot ms skilr '" hr XtUpt to the djicidl,JtiM, and eon,W6rk ,which has . , U.ca done for two or three years oast !ri Mr. Jehu Scott's :- sliop in this city, which has been done by C. D. .As the advertiser Jmatet of the business he pfofesset, i he deemi it Unnecessary to enumerate thekinds of woik f . wiutu ue wiu muccu.e. aii uoisjana suver, uioic ano .-beafet. fufnittre, Ladies ibrnameuu, engraving, hah- bu ; Notice ' v. TS herebr riven id all the Creditors of the late JOHN 1 GALBRAITH, of Oranpe county, that the Subscribers at the last Orange County Court took the AAninjstratwn upon the Estate of the deceased ; It is therefore request ed that they will brinir forward their Claims, properly au 1 henticated, within the time Kmited by Law, otherwise this Notice will be pleail in bar of their recovery. Those indebted to said Estate must make .remedial payment, as nn Indntm-nce can he mven.' . MAT. CUNXlNGHAM,. " ,, ROBERT. DIXON,. , , A.Wmr'i WALTER CALDKAtTH. i. '"' "313.-' ' WASrJfNOTOVa UNITED STATES. 1 worxoid letters, and every thing appertaining to his einess will be neatly and ejqiiditiousl executed, and '' tatoMbU't:nAMs i' ''' f BaMrh, Am 1,' 180 9. J ,xv N- B- Cash giyenfor old Gold and Silver, plfpQhtwety to commence drawing t '0 t- On Monday thf 9th of , October next. WEVTT- "jTHOUiLVM) IXJLtARS , t Jtfay be gained lor the'small sum of two and an hjdf dol-1 m v mh ?-;xy TUETUIRD CLASS , Uc that body I bxve never een to their de-' bate that the pinoruy have been abhcu by it ; , for notwuhsiaiuling the ipeech, they htve carj ried the terror of their eloquence to UW tlYroncj lUelf, and they have, carried t bjf ncaLS of the 4awer to the apeech from tllo throne. On (hat ' occasion m is tbattbe righuul toe minnnty art unrestrained; it is then that they apeak to ttu throne in the language fit rtcracn or tht U juse'of Commons. clectecLby the people, tbo 1 im gularly, constitute the tlcniocrafc and con- acquenily Ircc part of tne c.ngksh constitution. ( you were to exclude them from the right oi xprcssina; their, opinion on public measure thty would say .nh great justice that an -nd- nt and constitutional right wax withheld Ircin them.. They would protest against any mea sures calculated to deprive them of the- right ol speaking wiih freedom of the measures of tht ministry and king. . J he course which has been here pursued, in theory though pleasant to tht eye, has in practice bt en a course which has foi tified the Executive magistrate, and built around him a wall which prevented npproach, through which die measures of his administration could not le reviewtd by ?;iy members of this House j because forsooth, ih'. House might be dispostd to preba a flattering reply, upon him- but, in point ot fact that this minority, si strong -ungo vernable animal might be muzzled. Your Pre sident was not unwilling to ium the delighted ear to tne nnuresscs oi citizens assemotea in meetings, j and at no tinie has he frowned with severity at that courtly adulation or the L.egtsla- urea who have sung his own language in his own cars, lie has thanked them lor their pa triotism, and republicanism too, in addressing' 1 1 n . - r.i 1 ' - : mm in tnis wav .,uai 11 tne r.xecuuve magis trate was, under the good old practice, fluttered by these addresses in . answer to his speeches, i; was here to be canvassed whether he was t nu tted to that incense to he offered up'hy the majo. rty ; and I rpuch doubt when -the praise o th majority was mixed up M'ith the dispraised ol the minority, if the bilter did not prevail ovt t the sweet. The practice 6f communicatihjr In message was one I will not say gone into for the purpose of precluding debate, but the t ficcilia- been t.at 11 we ever did examine the measures of administration, we were obliged tp examine hem piece-rneal. We Could nct.tasce1 them tlf in one view to make that impression, which is so proper for keeping in check the Executive branch of the Rovtrninent. There micht have been an apology made for the late President o( the United StaiesTiwhicH, if my late infuftttntion be correct, could hardly . be nwi'de for the .prer sent. I understand that in tlrcat-liritain the king can speak but cannot write. How I think it very , well there that the ting should have at least something to do iri public concerns, and in asmuch as hejcannot writer let rum spe-tk (for the kWptEngland was never remarkable for Sre'at natural gUi$) vyliat others' have written for mm. And if we nave had a President of the United States who would write but could not speak, it whs very well to reverse the' usual cr der ot proceeding under jthis government.-sjj Whenever, sir, we have-a' President who trcTu first write his speech ftnd then deliver It to the House, 1 should like to s5e It, because it would shew our superiority as a nation rt point of ta lents. ' I wish to put down' monarchy, sir 1 am a republican, s.f, and wish to shew the men who win live the slaves of monarchy that they have nothing to boast of. ' It is therefore with CONGRESS. Jetver ttLehign .Lottery "'.' The fcapiud nnies .in-ntJ. s7 .;,,'r:' :"i-,,;:'- z: . . : 2 of " y K10.0t)6 -.v -3 of ?"'., :-r'.kfi9 tnn IK. . .200;&e. JfOtTSE OF NEPBE&BXTJTirXS, Thursday, June 1. . -j'? Mr. Oardenler's Speech op Mis' Randolph's Motion for p. proving the kte conduct of the President of the. United States isa very long one. ve nave room oniy to ( his Introductory Remarks : "! - tban twa half blanks to a prize, the lowest I . M Gardenier said, that having been one fo d 'm l'ihs who- had looked up to the elevation ol Tli.'iadebhia:' where itlie brW will he paid bv Ihomas the Dresent Chief Macistrate as one of the most r Allibtine, tbe.T?sttiy, 30Mays after the conclusion calamitous events tcrtlhis country that could tak " 01 uie drawmgi subject to a deduction (,t 15 percent 1 l & t maki that atonement which ' This if one of richest Lotteries published here for Pce he rosft, to inaKw tnat atonement wnicn v many years, nd the moderate price of the tickets places was rahis power for that error. Yes, sir, (said I ' '....the grand prize ;wiUih theadpfv individual who Mr. Gi) this tree from which I honestly ex- V ehuseste tecvn anveuWr. whirh he may do for so rected B0 much lad fruit is bearing fruit 61 mll ft aum ill 'rrw--stw( Mtmti iH hnlf fitrm T Is. nJMrt 11 . vorrovtr,i such ai must intertst evry weU-wiahcl- to the gladness and; rejoicing tot; our country r- tpieniai improvement oi tne si axe am ! not only willing but -take pleasure in making ivrueiiTmnoaia.xnainciosnir tnecasn.v:iuoeouivat.i airwni 1 h hn imnnrrnt art nt tn x jema l0t . 9 prizes 01 lotteries o t5c.ty,naoi ew- r. .;f M , f . vj. c one. WK ch xorx. as weu as bank notes of Uieciilereiit states, rcceiv-1 e- " " . 1 b. i .'n Pymrnt.- The price of the tickets will advance witS whtiiticicettr.,VA'-7..'a'd - Quarter . do.-: ? ,; ir 1 63 1-S cents. 1 r a. i ""'J ' iau. tAXLAj it, junior.' ')lT''Jt No. 8SK South Secohdstycet, Philadelphia. rK.H, Tiic carl. est information will b g-iven to ilifctant 'ftivrhasers.'of the "state of their tickets: 'Those of tlie Se j A coml Bsptwt Church, Vmvwsalist 'Church, Tennepack Acucoroy, and meyarci untenrs, also tor sale as aoove. . - V while it calU for the confidence of the nation demands no less the expression of it by this Houst. Being pf the old school, sir, Iarg not of course very much frightened at the speech w-not from the thrones thank God we have i none, arid I hope we ihall long tc without "any 1 but by the, idea of the terrburs which are cii ried in he .countenance oy theExetfutive ja- tristrate. , If he would favour lis tyuTi hii tre TJf, r.moH, Tikk, dardnt, (SoldstWoufl CcUt, Hi!r 1 Haven, Heitter, Ilojiand, llublard,"R.' Jacen, Jenlirrf, KAtr&rWkrr,' LinbceFr Ltrmistea, M'Bnuie Mat . UicWs, MTKire, MJtex, Milner,. Montpnrvevy,- Motley, .Mumtiird, NK-holson, IVerson, pukie, P. I Portsr. fVr 1er, (juimy, RoM,.8at.Say, fcheCVr, gunley, btodmiin, "' Su;pensfin, Sjurpw, Tat-tpu,TallnaiJrt,Thpaon"raa - ' cv, llianVjVaa tykc,ai stensaekar,Whea.i.efi: WbiUiun, " " Wu..-6Z , ;-, .;.f f v' l j.-'- ""I KAYES. Messrs. t, '.''Aleiim, WV Alston, : Ajerson; Bard. Basset. Bnyd, R. Rrow.ii E l.-welt, P-ttler,C1hoBt, Clay, Cobb, Cochran, Crtlrfurov De-dtar Eir , Piadfey;. Vnnklin, Gannett, ihaort Coodwj-n, Hrlw," fowsrd, Hufiy, J. G. Jackson, Johnson, .lories, Ktiwn, Kennedy' ' l ylc, Macon. Mirkm,-. M"Kee,- S'. ft. MOorc, T. Moore ' Morrow, Nelson, Newton, 2 Porter, Randorph, Rea, idf Pea. Ithea, of Ten. Rirhanis, ROane, Root, Sammone, -Sawyer, Seaver, 8haw, Rmiiie, Gz-PHuthJ. South, 8. S pit to. . Southard, Sti.,ttn ipe,.Taj'k)r;WC" Wina.Withertpoonl. ,f ).;. j. - v- A- The votes being ofBrmative tl, tvt jtatlve CI, the Bpee ker voted in the negativethe oVs thel being eial the ' question, a, LosT'iThTs is eoucluiy L;Citon of Use subject ibrtlVjsiov .V4". - -N.-v'- 'i.rt ,4 these views of the subject that I coidd have been very well satisfied to have seen revived the goodUpld way of the Executive rnagistrate ol tne people meeting tne ttepresentatives 01 tne people lace to lace. I should like to receive a communication from the Executive, into which he could throw something of his own soul. On the othef hand when a message is sent, what practical good result from the change? I pre sume to say none at all. The ohlt' principle on which it could be excused is that the President could not read it to so august a bodv as this. If this were the case, it might be excused, but on pat principle alone. . ' Wcandstlay June, 14. MIRANPA's EXPEliiTION . ' On motion of Mr. MXim, tlve hoie resume the consideration tpf.the.pT.'nni8hed bus'iness of ye5tt,rijay being the fo!loing reshition : HcaoUetd Thjtf the President of tht U.S. be re quested to adopt the'moat immediate and efficacious IT, '' J, i 'S t ! , , ' Friday, Jim 18, Mr. HandoTph after quoting , the Taw e'stablfehln the office of Secretary, of the. Trcwwryjo shef ' that it authorised the' vaattdtk .he wa:abouO make, moved. s, iv,.' . That during the discussion of .the hill entitled! ' An act snpplementv'y to uir act for the support of. public credit and the redemption of the .wimple of th public debt, tho Secretary of the Treasnry . be re 'juired to pvo information to this House touching the same iu rjerson." .. .- . ' -t y .. j" The House agreed to consider Iheouonjby' Yeas and Nays, 62 to 59. . '." .t..:Tl!.3'-is. i This motion wt opposed by Mesr". Findlrf jstii' Smiiie on the ground that it had bet lorisettledi . by pracUce thate corresponcence with; the Head . of Department should be m wrUinp; as a morefe' ' ' ( Txinsihle mode. If further infarmution Jvae wisnVsl:-." it could be obtidned in wriung. , If the Secretary e v s the Treasury were -t6 come to thiHo"usa to takei a Yl V part in i deliberations, and was to bo ahswere'd irvflr . T-y. any thin he might say by the members of the) f !. f House, it would he better at once to make htm a ' - member of the House as in monut-chical govern . ments. . : ;v-j , . F he resolution was niprioTted'by-''. Messrs, Dani ' . snd Ruik'oIoJv : by the former on "tho rrourtrl that a. a. the House ouht to kn'ow more on thhtibjefctthar was officially known, and that theyshouia tykve th same mformirtion which . appeared to be 'posiesse4. oy particular mernBers en the subject ot the epenw ttons of the commissioners of the .sinking f(indviwl ot the treasury department. Findleyand Srtulie,H wss that the constitution sag denied the tktwc the heads of department members of the House but not the power now proposed to be eerciscd V Nv and frdra whoni could the House -with jrreateJ 1 ' proprietydcrive uiformauoh aS to 'the present and tf past state of the funds of the commissioners of thcV sinking fund, and as tb Whati were deemed" to' bfci their resources, than .from the Secretary of thn Treasury? And in whtit manner could this infer-. , mation be more conveniently received thuft by oral tesumbny i It was not, proposed to enlurge orde- crease his sphere of actionj ' Indeed, if heljhad . scat on the floor, the House, would derive ho-slight benefit ftom his totelligeoafc' ?' As to the mbde qlf receiving his opinion, "thetSeeretar could, give , more information , orally in one hour than Ty , ting in five-. The Secretory was Certainly not ' man who need be ashamed to shew his face on tlvft floor : it was an honour to him to be called on, and appearing here in person would be ten to him a saving xt ume and labour. t s ot tne .sinking mnq.rKi ' - t.. In trplv to'Mjssitft"; , sJd by Mr. PvandoIpV A leniedthe pewer totn-ko ' "i ja.-- . . f 4 Mr. Randolph's motion wasiTiegatired by yea and nays as follow ; '.V-'e- J ,; Y Ai Stessrs. Baylies; . Blsisdell, v Brorkenfidei . , Campbell; Chmberhn, - Chsppion', Cliittinden, Xlnv, Cobb, Dana, Davenpoit, fely, limott, Gold.borouplj, i Hale, Hubbard, R. Jackson, KaickeJ-brxker, Ltwm, ti. vermore, Livingstor(Lyon, MatthcsK M'Brydel M'Keea Moseley, Nicbilscm, Pearson. Pie kman,loter,'Randi)ha - v, . Sammons, 8. Smith, Stwleyj Stephenson, fewtnpei Toll madge, Upham, Tan Dyke, Van RciisSelaerWl. Nays Messrs. I J. Alston; W., Alston; Anderson. Bacon, Bard, Bassett, Bibb, B.ojcl, J. Bsown,' R. Brown , Biurwell, Butler, CalhounCochran, Cox, Crawford, Cnt, , Cutts, llawi Desha, Ejipes, FunUy, Pwk, tfrmJuin, Gannett, Gardner, GIiIkoiI, iotlWyn, Hcister, HlfnAv 4 i Holland,- HoWftrd, flufty," J. Grjafkson, Jenkins, John , son, Jones, Kenan, Kennedy, Love, Lj-ie, Maeon, Mai-ion, ' t M'Kim; Miller, Milnor, N. 'H. MooreT; MoorerMorrow, , Mitmford, Newton, Nicholas, Pitkin, J; Porter, juincy, Rea, of Pen. Uhea, of Ten. J Uchardst Kinei .Root, Ross, A SKgo, Sawyer, Sav, 'Seaver, 6!u, Sheffcy, fSmuie,G. ' K Smith, .1. Smith; Southard Stanford,' Tnegart, Tsylor. Tliompson, Traey, Tmu?, VanHorh, Wcalch y, VhcatoA, t Whuchill, Winn, Witbcrspoon H2. ; & " ' FIVAKCE9. 'fi"l ' " ? Mr. Dans The"ved,in substorice that the Secret ry of the Trqasury. he directed to lay befbTeThei House such lnlbrmadons jjSay be in the Treasury ; 3 Department torching the exercise Or eoastructionvV. of the authority given tohe tommissiftnersefthe) ' . means In his power, to obtain the liberation of the T " r ; Zl "Z 7 J,H i .u a V-i " prisoners, V- to. M factim, that ''VZ 5WCa Ae1 Bwik of , , r 'V ' a . . InF-tho I It-itorl tl :ttoa if.iif-t.n1a. juntr lnn or Iotri tni they were tnvuluntdrtiu drawn Mt the unlaw ul en-1 , . i V V? "i 1 .u 17r .V - itrfmiickihcy vert ergegeg iuid U.at ' , Inc mlXtt 2 V ' . ' ... . 7 7 . " . I iirmri,r inKl?n. na.lif. .An.Tfril. rill. rAlArinitlt vF dollars be nppicrlatedlor tlMtt puriiose. Mr. Dpham moved to strike oilt UiaTwords in Italic Motion loBt. Ayes 3 J," ""'1 ' ' Jl ' - The stlbiect was debated till five : o'clock-Hi- Mears.1RoS4 Unhami Xiteraiorc, Fi-iici-Knicker tb.'ckeriIoland,.Coo'Uehd fckrson, supporting thej renon, sna iMesHra, iayior, .naiiaoipu, nnea Mia ifdeOn cpposihg it. suppdrt of piihfio- credit, afl3forvtiic redemption of the wholft of the public debfc -WW " . - m r. liana t motion was aooptcu oy yeaj una nays 65 to 46.' - ' V: ' '" V' Mr: TJatoa proposed the followir' enndmeht; t iyitnid'fd, ThM ik motiet shall be nrron-Cflln'vrra''1 r . . ... 1: i ... ;..'. :: i. . '-. . . . .i rue tnis acx until at ieastc .;niinsprevK?r. public 'IfiodcaDf tmch -WAP,. -. ., . '. .

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