.... UK-- t i -' . -t ; : . 1 - r''. -.t "?"r; : Vol. W ; r; ig4ZiGlfr,.7ryao4809 V K."f 1 r ' ' - i I ' . I A f 111 III Ii 1. . Alt - yA IUxdxiso, rot tx.Lr b&vir tbk P?I" WO or l'Af STTSVILLK-STftkir, BSAB Cau cor.a.r-JKK.TH,Dou.AA fkb JJiKUM, PAlftBLK HALf TBJLB.LT ! ADTAHCB ."SjKOLB PiriB 10 ClSTt.-. r ' ' . v ;r..- AhVER T1SEMEXTS. -.!. : :;'Thc "Grand Lodge1 ; OF KOIITII-CAROUNA k TENNESSEE r,I7lLi.convMi in Oicir Lodge ; .Koutn ia titia CSty, on the lav of November nrxti t''hicb 1im ititd place ihe- Officers, Members, and Representative! j rm mil mi ia aiirnn i v By order of the most wor pai.'shipful Major-General -, 5 k. a - ' BxKjAMm Smith,' . v ' r. Grnd Master, ' - ... - -'-TI1DMA3 L. VTI1JAMS, t .; . urana aecrctarr. . ........ . aleigli, July 13lh, A. L. r 4 a. d, lata. iy- . V - v. Caswell Academy, c - V semiomual Csamiaition of the Students of the , .V A Cas veil. Academy was held on tlie 23th and 29th nit j. and the result vat highly satlifactoi Jr to tlie Trustees and '. Visitants : The Classes in the Greek and Latinlanguajfes " vere purtifcuUrly approved. On the 1st inst J5 Students ' V'dehired Oration iii competition, v The first and eaual X : honours ere awarded to Romulus M. Sanders, ami Joim 't Louis. Craves. ' The first delivered a Valedictory Address Vtothe Trustee, Preceptor and Audience, being about to V He this pince for the University of this State. From the , v p ifieiocv uf the. Student in their 'Studies manifested at . .'tll Exhibition, xnd the strict morality and deeorum ob- txsrrea by tnem, tlie most tlattertnff p-esages are formed 3 t o( vie.enttnuea ana increasing prospentyofuug litstitu y : not lis jcsercisea wui reoonunence on the 15th instant. 1 . r 'Moo"d tar l liiver Land 'FOR sale. ; - .'rpiIE'Subscriber offers for Bale X tTractofJUANDof aljoutSOCl Acres, lying on the North side ot Tar River, and three miles below the falls.' The Improvements on ttuslaml art tolcruMy good, there , wvmyiH lWCUIII T!-. House', Kitchen, and other nct-eii- Ary otft Houes-Ao a young Orchard. - For Terms t ' i.. i. . c..i. L- .1. r ', ? .' V ' ' ALFRED L, BATTLE. Edt-crombe, July 14, 1809. - . . . , .'A '' "" Miaiiiiisj : I i' s,..i i iawaBaMsssl.Btsss ls .William Jilrowde'r, TJORW in Dinwiddle count v, Vinrinia.' and twenty i . JUllu-ee years.'ai feet hiirh. of dark couirjloiion. Mark - ' yes, and black hair, by occupation; a Farme:,1 and welj x known in the county of Guilford, hus deserted my C6mpa ,N ay of Infantry in the 3rd BeriroentTuf the United Sutes c Wliosoever. derefore,s1uiill have, apprehended said PEOWUEK,- and lodged him in any Jail, or delivered him .V t--njf Kbcmiting Officer, shall, by giving due notice icy tuBTcvi, receive jien Awtuars rewartx. ' , ' v i v " 'i WUN NICKS, Captain ', ' v , '. - ' ; , 3rd Eeg. U. 8. liifautry. : Cantonment, near WMnington,? . i. - V N.O. Jan, 4, 180$. J - . ' jA tBF" ' ''.9 2 f -hi 'ft s ' sPken- I ' "-took with ' 'r 1 A Pun clotiiei ' . Z-Hr- nerhaDS has 50 JDollai-s Reward. ; r . T) Atf-AWA Y from ihe Subscribes . XV on the 24th dav of Julv. 1808. a v Negro Man, named DAW, 28 or 29 Za years of Age, about five feet rime or . , 'ten iqrhesiiiL'h. of black cornnlexion. wui rather a down look. aim some eood home- spua clothes. ' Ha can write, and perhaps has procured a fret) nass . - . . . v i i ins appneiiensive lie bus attempted rto get to the State of Ohio, where he has once' been. An v hi.... Il..a .1 .v.. . , . jt.Bvn vum. wui uuivcr oie uickaoove xiescrioea rlegroor Es cttre him in Jail so that I get him. shall have th above r r- i . . .T - iVILLlAM K I AN I I -Y ' Beep River, Chatham county, . ';. .N.O.l8Ajuiv,-18Ja', J " 1 'ids . . : 1 Sf ' ' ' I Aft' V JL. Strayed TTHOM tlie Subscriber, li vine near X the Old Nation Ford, 6n tb Ca tavrna,' aliout the fjrst of May last, a SOKREL H01lSE,nfteeit hands hieh. " And five years old,' with-hir rijrht uuiu-.iuut winicana a larre niase in "ii fuce. When he left me he had a - sntall bell tied on with a r.nmner of it: i .. -n . : -. -, r ..... in-iuKis are not at Drcsent. rcrniiprtcd ov zr r. : " B"c im iiuummuou wiiere s nray . " . nnil Litn .Tu.M t.ii j..t - , r "saddle r Julf 1st," 1809. SAMUEL IIENUY. - ' (!nfnrn!tfpH v , HPO the Jait of Rockingham county, : . Franklin 'Academy. ON Monday and Tuesday the 19th and SOth instant, the Student1 of thai Irvnkliir Aeadv wer. ru. ninied in tbo presenu' of the Trustees and others, on the Cji jfUsh Grammar, the irc-k, Ltia and Frens h ' LaA. tm .its, Geography and belles Utters and on Wednesday acuverea LHatogue ana select UttUons befur a crowded and respectable audience,. t t-; ; .. The Examination, a usual, was highly satisfactory, L the Students, discovered great progress in their pursuits They were particularly accural and rradv in the Rules of Grammar, which shews the industry and attention of Mr. Maynew, to bnacipal, to tlii esaentiai ana funda mental pan towards eouiplet and lasting knowtede ot the languages.. On the whole of the performances the Trustees have . great pleasur in congraruljtuig (he Pa rents and Guardian of the Student, and the patrons ot the Institution on its flourishing stale. ' ' ' 'GKEEN HILLkjrv Sec'ry. Louirfurg, Jtfne 24, J 809,- - : rMasonic, i Datib Loet, No. 39, Sute of Northsrolina, Betjie .'-'. ' .,'County. t.jf. , - RESOLVED, That WIIXJAM HODGES be, and is hereby FOUEVER EXPK.LXED frora Uiis Lodre. for coiKtuct disgracing bun a a Man and a a Mason. - . Extract tram the Minute. t . -- Teste, LEMUEL. MURDAUGH, See'ry. ' One - Dollar .Reward'V''' TltlLX.- be given to any person who shall apprehend YY and deliver lathe Subscriber, JOHN PUIUPS, an apprentice boy, who absconded from my service a few dnys since.. :' ..!' ' . A '.-v....... . JOHN B ROWER. Randolph coimty,7 . -, r junca, low. t i , s , s List of Letters Remaining in the Ptrst-Oflicc at ituleigh, quarter ending . , Uie ist.ol July, Jbm . , . A Henry R. Acliiston, Wm. A.iclnson. : John Brannon, Sleven IJi-own, Hubert Rrown, Thos. Bmbce, Jeremiah Brown. Absoium BcnruL y ' C r. Conway; Mark cook, Henry Cook, Blount Cooper, spenee uoteuurn. ' I) An'.bony M. Dickson, Hardy Deari. f ' James Eiston, John Ezell. " ' - E lmuud D. Ford, Mary Fowler, James Faircloth, Wime jrennei. - .,.. . O Silas Green, . Fauslun Gardner,, Samuel tiuyirie, Dennh Graddjr. 'f'' v '.. ..'.(- H Preasant Harden, David HilUaxd. David Hintori,AVm. Holut, tieoriro Harrison, Surah Hoilowy, li. Hubbard. 4.7I.T . II ... a. aw .. m . S i . . fviuunu ia iui-n, moios itorton, yvuue iiouanov Aimrcw Hartifiiild, Sarau Harrison, , , . ....,., Nath. Jones, C T. Richard Joftes, Jarre Jelks, Ed, mond Jeter, WillieJones, U-muel Jackson. . 1 K John Kelly, Richard Kcimey, Charles Kennon. ' L. Mis Ann Lane. ' M Morgan Murrey, John M'Kennv,' John Murphey 2j ...... r iii. .xi i.. . i. - it s ... ? . voray msrun, Alien muuiy, joiin jnarsnau. ' , JV Gorge Nance. - , -- v O Richard Olive. ... i? Hinton Push, Thomas Pair, Francis Perry. Misi Eli zabeth Puily, Charles Parish 2 : Thomas Price S i Miles' forvil, James Pehny.' - . . -' B Jolm Rex, Peter Randolph, Joel Reddings, Myllie Rollirt . - - t iS Joel Simmons, - Richard Smith, senr. John Sanders, Repps Scogin, Elick Smith, Tiller Ship, John A.' Smith 2 1 James Somerville, Harrison Smith, Hannah Sims. ' ' T Wm. Turner, Robert Tai-wick.- ' ' . IF Wnv Wynne; Alfred Wood, James Woodward 3, James Wat,son, Henry Wells, Wm. 'Wright, Blunner Wil- FIOzia:Vinson, Elisha Vinson. WM. SHAW, P.M. f C 1 . !ow, wI, 'y !"'A I STRONG, and J '.'r J" his ftther 1 1 ,.' ti'4 truly of the narti ' ( stys he Iacs s V"- "J i"e atu uiu a negro f el low, who suvs his name ia JOH V Alrl. that he is a free Man ' Was enmnciouted bv A fS- narneof Ledd, near Richmond lived With Xli. ILitfora. who fomuly k pt the Eagle Tavern 'in that Qs1 ' 1,11 tuat so lived several years wivii ?,r omoae, wiio now kccds toe C t,. hi. mr i JLMCllV oi ustier V - r'i A. JJW u ubnii ytar of age;"5 feet B inches high, Is - vrf,t,.c)tp;CM4iwilhtje small-poT, and when apprehend aVwud heJVAi on hi way to Tennessee, where his wife i , tesdevt 'Alrt owner is requested - to prove hit property, ' - t; V v'-5v auu lajbeuun AWhv. . V . f ' - FROM THE MONTHLY MAGAZINE V -. Aa Accoontof the Sufferings of the Crew of two Schoortcr. ' pail of the Squadron of irenend Miramla, which were - A taken by two Spanikh GtutrdaOstaA, in Juse 1804 Written by one ot ue Bunerer no ntaxie lus escape The world know little of the extraordinary crpedition p General BiirtmOA to tnc Spanish- aiain, an ix out h ,wdl bcecmembered that he arrived in the Gulf of Mex ico with an armed Brig and two Schooner, and that in I rencotmtrc tiih two GwdaXtam,teclivw"r wrte 'both takWn. Wc ere now etmhleio la before our rce ;. ders the particulate of the treatment their crew met ' Willi from the Spaniards. ' The trials tend also tA throw ! tome' light on the Expedition iuelf ; ' t i r Towarili the end of janej'the I'tcuttnant vernour of Caraccas, accompanied by foiif as Bittant officc"rB or.judge, togcihtr'-wjth'an io terpreter for taeh officer, arrived at Porto Ca velloj for the purpose of tattng the ezamioa tiotl of the prisoners' ? Thejr assembled in the uard house,' whhtif rfe-lls of Castle S& (P5 Positively to. commence drawing t - 4 On Monday the 9thi of October next. iUTfiRNALtMPROyEMEN-r. ; " "TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS T May be7 gained for the small sum of two and an half dol - lars!! : LY THE THIRD CLASS OF.THA . River Lehigh Lottery , The capital prizes are,' viz. - Sof ' g 10,000 ' 3of ' giooo, - -2 .... 5,000 .. 6 .... 5Q0 . 2 ' 2,500. ' 15 . . 200, &c. Less than two and an half blanks to a prize, tlie lowest of which is 6 dollars. ' "' ': . ''' To draw 500 numbers each day, at tlie state-house in Philadelphia where ihe prizes nill be paid by Thomas Allibone, Esq. the Treasurer, 30 day l after the conclusion of the drawirtg; subject to a deduction of 15 percent. - This is one. of the richest Lotteries published here for many years, and the moderate price of the tickets places the grand prizes within the reach of every individual who chusesto become an adventurer, winch he may do for so small a sum as ilxty-tvn and an hnlf imtt. v'The object, moreover, is such a must interest evtry-well-wisher to the internal-improvement of the state. . a . 4-1 Letters post paid, and inclosing the cash, will be duty at ended to, and prizes of lotteries of this city and of New -Yorkf as well' as bank notes of tlie diflerent states, . recei v. ed in payment The price of the ticket will advance frith he approach of the drawing. V ' , Whote'tickeU, 1 jg2 50 Half . do. 1 2 ., r-'.'J Quarter do. 62 1-2 cents. " GEO. TAYLOR, junior. '. ' No. 85, South Second-street, Philadelphia. N, B. The earliest, information will be given to distant purchasers, of the state of their tickets. , Those of tlie Se cond. Baptist Church, Universalist Chnrch, PennepAck Academy, and Vineyard Lotteries, also for sale as above. (fTtic price of Tickets will be raised to three dollars on tlie. 15th of July next. - . T,.May 1, 1809. 303m.v ,'t ' '.k X'mi' j ii "1 " :i ' ' a ' " " n. ;, 1 1 Philip, in a large room fitted up for that pur pose. ' Id this1 roohi Were placed five separate benches with desks T 'atone of which was seat ed the lieutenant ffovernour, wjth an intcrpre . . .1 ...1 :r: .. '1--L Lf.L .L.J..,J..- terf at me oincr iuur, cacu ui iucoiucrjuugc, with an interpreter also,- - ,;' , -, ,lt. The ordinary appearance of the place-; tort- ther with the undignified looks of the judges, could scarcely induce the prisonera 10 believe 1 that this was the tribunal before-which' they were to be tried for their lives. Nor were they a little" surprised, when they ascertained, by the course of "the proceedirigs, thatthey were to be compelled to give evidence under oatK, against themselves,' and against each o therj and'up'on thistestinbny a!onf they were to be convicted. Y " '".".. ' " ' : ' ' N 1 lie juuges Dcinj rcauy 10 prutceu, causeu five of the prisoners to be brought ip in the first' place". They were informed of the char ge's exhibited against hem, vizi piracy, rebel.; lion, and murdering one of his Catholic, ma jesty's subjects; ' They wtre then aslted. fo de scribe the manner in which oaths are adminis tered in their "own country Vvhich: haying dbne thiy wre requested 'to tay their hands upon ihe Bible and -administer tlie oaths to theynfelves, agreeable to themanner it which they had been Accustomed id sweair. r,' ; The five prisoners were thus distribdted, on6 to each judge;' seated at ls respective desk, all being in one room, and some little dis tance from each other ' . V '. In the middle of the floor, lay a number of arms and instruments of war; -such as guns, ri fles, axes, pistols, pikes; swords, .ntl shovels j also' Miranda's colours, Uniform clnthe8and a number of his proclamations ; alj which' were taken from on board of the schooners. - The fudges commenced the h examination by their interpreters, who put thf questions in bnglish, and gave the answers to the judges. They continued to examine them for the space 6f four or five hours,1 when they were returned " .wastWgVon' , ; FAREWELL ADDRESS TO THl PEOrLB 0 tHS UKITAB StAS'tt, the SurOtftW. ... JOHN ULLIARD.Jiuo ' I " ,' lA'Jvne, 1809V ''(. -t 7 , i "Vir-i f' NeAtljf ptiate4 and bound For Safe at to tnq prison, aim nyp oiucrs uruugut up in their btaces.' In this manner (he examination ueo tor the space ot two weeks oetorej it space Did you not come to the Main foua , purMe of assisting MirandaJn fighting sgainst V. this -government,' and iff ; revolu.tiont-iing the , 'j 4 ' ." i courtory f- if. It was represented, by . randa;. that no fighting would benecet&ary1 to eH'cct -. iheobject, whatever it was, he had in vlenv Y ' What was- the real object of Miranda ii) " comyiff to-ihe MainJ 'J. I do not know;, but' understood it ws t6 Uetter the cohdtuon of thq 'v '- Spanish "people.. .... V ,''.: .rv .,T"' ;.:.;Do you know the m'mes of any person,';;. J herei wbo were expected would join Miranda . ', j ;,r A'l do not..-.;. ). 'AY ''V. Sy, Were there any p,ri vat eBighal? rnade to ' ' vou irom inenore oy ar.y pe;tns rcsium oere r A i saw none. -i ' Was the Leinde r Iioarded on her yovacs) by nay Knglish vessel i. Ai Yes the Cleopatra. ; a vtr.. u,.i. -,v,4.-.., u.' A. tween the commander and Miranda f Yts but' what the purport cit;ws I do not (now! -, Did Miranda go on board of. 4ier: .and.' -.w'. - t L s . i -T.r 9iay -cvcra iiour.i. a. (icuiu ie r Dioj;pc,' . 4 one night on board, ' J -K r -- lr .Waa the Leander armed,' and load4.f with rros atid warlike'stort'S JA.t Yesi ',,;'" ?v;. Pi How many stind if arms hJld she br board? ;A. About twelve hundred., . . V c Did. you uot erect av printing '.press, ?t, if ' ,,t Jacmel, and print a- number of proclamations, I -and is not" this one of them? .showing him. on of the proclamations, in the Spanish lahiruagen A. Yea I and this may bo One of' them $ but i . ''J did not know the ptirport of it, as I am igno rant of the Spanish language! .''- ? " . ? "' Lio you mow wnai tnac ra -roeansrr ,'. v, ,. pointing to the wordSflIai!rid.Ji,. It means, . Y, I presume tho'Capital of old Spain. 1.' , , -. MJt J ":V i.- Is that all you iflOf o! it, here r 4.' Yeii ; -..S. Do voti know hose articles f fnoibtini? to the warlike instruments lying upbn th? floor;! v'- f ni l iKive1 seen tne like Deiore f Drnaua-tno, : . : ::.,'....! same.;. '".j Did-not those persons who aeni bti ' t j shore, go there for the purpose of distributing ' : ? , - f1t TMSrlatviatfnn' 4.' TiTiiii- 1 Vlp rnt Fni ' ' v ' ." 1 knowv , edtrfwea?.- ' ' " tf Jt' Did you understand that Miranda fitted! t Out his trpedition, by the consent of yout gr- ' vern merit? A. No.' Hetcpt his t)biccfc,)Huf"r operations cor!eated from the ptiblicke IwaJr' a private uhdertaking of his owoi' :.': Were not tfie principal persons whoem'S t - barked in Miranda's expedition; bankrupts and- I j broken mef chahts ? JL I was noVcqUainte(l " . with their circumstances; there might baomci1 of -this description'. " ' -'.' ' 1-;:i';V,? r .. Ar" hllMiaL -f Kilt. m...llA.. Wil..' Hll. H. -1 3f . .. V ' answered ; but being of a trifling nature, com 1 paratively speaking, are noi here inserted'": - , After they had finished examining the pfii '!,''' proceed ended. J The following 'were the general questions and answers', put. to one bf the prisoners, who has since regained his liberty, How. old afe,you A About 24 years. ; Wherewasyou' born, and where do your parents reside ?. A f vras born Jo the State of . Why did you leave few-York ? A. f6 seek my fortune. , V - , v , " . VVho engaged yo" ,td go' "on board of the Leander? A. Coloael Armstrdiig. ' . , v ' ' Where was you engaged to go?, jl.'to Jacmel, and from thyrJ to other plr.ces, not dis closed to. me at the time of lae engagement' Did you know that you was coming here? No. 1 Porto Cayello was not, mentioned.' v; Did Miranda" 'also engage you to go on board of the Leander ? A. ,t did . not know tVre was such a person until the Leander had lefthe port . of N6v-York.:, v' v . In what capacity did you enter pti board of the Leandfir ? A As a printer 1 . - ? ' V . How came you to change that; capacity . ar .accept of a military CommVs&ioh, . jinder Miranda? A. From 'motives of personal con venience. , , , y . " Was you not alieutetiant irta rifle fegU ment, under Miranda, As mentioned in this pa per ? showing him a lis) of officers commissi oned by Miranda, and which was found in the possessioti of one of the oflicers. . Yes J, but did not know then tnnt' I far coming 'to ..this place 1 ', 'v 1 -i '-':v'; - J " "J..At what place did yofi stop on your voy a'ge? ; .'At St. Dominga and the island of Aruba. ' '.-; " 1 , . '' . Did you fiat go on shore, t Aruba in uniform,'' ia company with other officers and did you not manoeuvre there ,for the purpose of making at! attack upon the Main ? ( 4 We rhaDceuvrcd there', for the purpose of making an aiiac upon some piace wmty xiranua nau soner,;Kc wis then told byhis' juget thatlF-iv he woutd relite every thins: .he kntrwTelatiBr to the expedition; the nsrmtsof those who were CDncerrted in itt arid thbse that 'mi.tt, expected -tv-'.'., would joinr Mtrandaj his lhains'sJiould be' tai'..-f-ken off, uhdhe'set at riberty,afr,5eBthome America, To which he answered that h'e had Ji"1 i d isclosed au he knew of consequence, or partU . cularly Teoollected. : :r y 'fT-y "'" The following were questions tut to another-" prisoner, "who1 has also 'effected "his' "t-eturd hnm'" '' ' :. " ' '"- Vi''ki .S. What byteriah. persuasion rdigtoVaf e yo,u! bf I the frei 1 ;V 4. No.' 4 did not know hi mi until rVas fi clay ' , . . Where was you - engaged $0' g r -. was engaged to; g0,iu Uit first-place'tc Ale" - andria, where t was to land; FroW thencb' '"f' was to marchio .Washington,VMiere 1 wa't ' ;:' - Ml WUUIUUCU 1T1W1I A UUlSE.UUllit flllU llUlii ; v - ' and in company with 'other persoiS,! Waste . . Ji Was Mirandafs expedition sanction'tB by , your Kovernnient i 4. 1 . do not Know; - I-drn .' . .. - 1 .. v- l... L ''.i-. ! not Know.tnere was sucnan exueuuion as 11 ai- . , v ; teifwafds proted'to be. 1 -'"'.t.'-i ' , V V 5.' Do you know thS rtames'hf any Spanii " ards here; whoniJIir;,;idi feUed iipoirouilfcg ' ' :.. ' him? Arldo not: - ",v ''-V'. - sV . ;?Was ybU not decupled ia , Jacmel; Jri :v putting Hahdlci to pites ? -SL Yes I wasbLIi -edto do itia '? Vf t W- j h ' '.J. Did voU not hrlncrLlnOS'e axes-fffoibtino' to sorhe o'd the floor fof the p'uTpose of cbiUng -' offotir" head8;.and those shovels to bury Hi t. A. I never krlfrpf wha( tfiitf was. td tt fna'iiwof themi'vf v .i' Do'notydjithidVyodeiefvhiigiogf " 1 A No; What-1 did1 1 was bbl':a todtyicoiv ,; : ; I VJ not know. x r V - ' lN 1 ' -vr 0 yi JO uuiu joia ougiHraiucf; it -t fc?S W'i'W V,, V'"

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