1 dL ' -LL i- aJli 1 ' ' vis Vol. 1.;.. . . , .: : : : . JULEIGII-ylUQUST 3, 1809;:: No.'40. t J" PllL!!Hil Hilt Jl DAt; BY TmO- XAS JIkKDERSO. JU. TOE'RttF Co. A THE V Tfl D Of FAf ETTEVILlE-STAfcET, WEAB I Casio's corvee I'aicx Three Dollars rim XM'M, PAYABLE H Lf YEARLT t APTAUCE, SHiliLE PAW 10 CeXTS. '- . . " ' '50 Do! lars Re wa r d. ADVEll TJSEMEXTS. The Grand Lodge ; . I OF NORTH-CAROLINA TENNESSEE T) X-AWAT from the SubarrUxr -AS. on the 2W dav of J.iW, 18'A a W J ILL convene in their LodfT rV - i I: A a' I lioom in dils City, cm the fc fnirg of Tuesday the 30th day, ' of iCovtiftber next j' At whicii time snd place - the Cfiiutri, - AlemLers, and BepreecntaUvcs , are required to attend. . By order ot Uie most wor shipful Major-t;cnerid " . ' : v Baxjami Smith, V ; 1 - Grand Master, THOMAS L WILLIAMS, - - .-..v .V &and Secretary. JUleiCh,' July 13th, A.' L. 5809.7'' , ,", 5.rr vv;--.-,va. d. io9 ...y.v' - Caswell Academy. . v vT'HrJ KttikdnHil ExaHiinltion of the SttidorjU of the t"lX Caswell Acaden.y ti teid w tLe 28tn fttid 29th ttlt. .' mi the re: sk wm hiiiblv kUsfitoty t the Truileei nd , "V s'tant. U'e Classci in the Greek ant) Uain language partiri: A iy approved.- On the lt SnsU 15 Students '.''dttTcred Or':oiM to compctiUon..:. -lte first and equ ; lioiioui- Were awarded to Honmliia M. Samlct Hid Jol , , Louia GfaTea. The &M delivered a Valedictory JVddrt :': to tl.e Truaiees. Irectt)tar ktad AUdieAce. hem about L. UU otae for thf lTnAeraitvf thw Slate. tro.u the ' i' tii-ofir'iencv of Uie StudenU in their studiea niatitfcAed al .; . tl.w Exhibition, an t h(5 Krict -morality and decorum ob- ; icned bv them, the iwnt flatteiinx prrtyeea are foript-V ,, or the cont'inAd anV'mca8ing prosperity of this lnntiiu- ;, ion- i;.exercisea will recommence on uic uui mauuii.. standing Much warnings be found' EttempiJng to proceed to aiiy such port. , . Aod it is (urther ordered, tnat after the 9th day of Tune next, no yessel of the said United He Mn, named tUVY, 38 or 29 States shall hive cleared oit or be destined to lov ipoken and rather a dowi.4ik pUce not subject to the rektrictions of the said ooe with him iome good huroe. order; of the twenty-'sixlh of April Jast. after "ri. i. !T , "R'l notice of such provisional iRreement as afore- I am amrehen.ie h. haa attemnted "hall be1 molested or inurrurted in her . . - . . . . I . . .-. " El 10 u tate or uiuo, wbere he baa once bent. Any j voyage Dy tae conatnanders ol his majesty A wi" ivf.r decnbed .Negro or 8hfP9 or ori vateers. orovided h vessel shall ccurw aim ju m mat i ret rum aiull hate the above I ' . , j " . t ''V,- wiuAam brantly. pcep"Eiver, Chatitm county, 5: v . - a ' ' ' i . lain juiy, - - t : , SK fliil ! MS1BMII s. i Good Tar Jiiver xLand ' , . , ' f ;,JFOR SALE have so cleared oat previous to actual notice of this order at such place of clearance, or in klefault of prtKjf of actual notice, previous to the like periods of time, after the date of this order, at are Jixedior constructive, notice of his, majesty- ordecf the eleventh of November, one thousand eig'jt hundred and seven, by the orders ' of the' ttfenty-fifth of November one thousandVfght hundred and seven, and of. the. eighth of 5lay, one ' thousand -eight hundred and eight, at certain places and latitudes there in mentioned, unless such vessel h. ve been ' informed of this order on hr, voyage, and warned by "aoyi of his,inajestyrs ships or privateers not to proceed tony port of Hol land, and ahall, notwithstanding such warning, attempt to proceed to any AtKh port;-; ' , ' And his maiestv ii-.eas'ed further to' or d? r, and it is.herordered, that the said se veral orders . ihe seventeenth of January and eleventh of November one thouaaod - (right hundred and seven,' as altered by the said or der of the twenty-sixth of April last, shall al u be 'siisDended. so far as it is necessary ' for the protectjon of Vessels, of the said 'United States which shall' clear out to any ports not declared to be under the restriction of block ade from any port of Holland between" the 9ib Jay of Tune and the first day of .' July next i provided always that nothing that is contained 39th May incluaive. hr veal I inl the'. uresenf order shall extend or be cbn- Uf.t in 43 dava from Bristol. , ( " ,:?.. Ulmii1 r -rt"nrl tn nmtf r anv VMcrlt nr l)if ir ' Mr. Erskinejs recalled from. Amencand cargoes that may be liable to condemnation or FWOM the Subscriber, Iivtns;neat the .Old Nation Ford, on the Ca btwba, about ihc first of May last, a SORREL K)ltSE,iuVen hand hig-h,! ana tive ycurs old, wiut his right hind foot white, and a hire blaze ir. J !2 lis face, When he left tnc he trad k 1 ninaU bell tied on wmh 4 crupper or- a laddie. Hia brvtuls are not at present recollected Aov person who Will give me information Where I ma find una shall be generously rewarded. , ' j'' ' , .SAMUEL HENRY. JoJylst, 1809. i ' , . . t -1 U NEW'S " lie conies . -The noisy herald of busy world." , FOREIGN . Highly J mportant. - From London papers to the : 181 rpr.fi Subscriber 'offers for Sale I TrMf 1.1 Vlnf .Kmit S1K1 I : Acres, lying on the ortli side o 1 nr.'j acit son v tne gentleman appointed to sue- detention' for inV other caue than the viola. I place the bridges, -and nothto. i-tiu f r. t"'" iceea mm was to sail lor xianiDton noaas.in a i.:., .i .v.- r.....: . . i . "w Ami thv are tm arswi p ' th dl. ' The Improvemems on l u... .u. c-t. ' - , a I v-- r :rr Jl' -v," ri - """- - jj:.!.," W.aknd aretokrihl' cood. there I j0v,,uvufc uw t " ary and the 11th ot. Wovemhe, 07V as al being .v - convenient' Dwelling House. Kitchen, And other neccv ory out Housts AtbO A young Orchard, For TiriM P- i ply to the 'Subscriber1, pear th Premises. , J ' c - - ALFRED L. BATTLE. t Edsnr,'Juir.i4;i809J t ' . , . t 7 From the London Gazette of May 2?." i.-v, tered by th? said order of the twenty-sixth of " At the Couftatvthe Queen's Palace the April .JasUv '-- f:rit X-i It-LJ 24th of May, 1809,' present the king's most p ProvidedalsoithatnothtAgm thU order con cxcellent majestf(mttociV.; ' tatned shall extend, or be construed to extend, ' Whereas his maiestv was pleased, bv his or- mnmlt mv u.-r.trh tK-.Il 4" William Browder, BORN in Dinwiddle county, Virginia,, aged twenty -hmwin. six feet hicrh. of dark complexion, black Ider in council of the26lh of April lasti to de iciare certain ports and places of the countnei which have been lately styled the kingdom of j vt Antf the right honourable the lors com Hollandi to be Subject to the restrictions incU j missionefsof his majesty treasury, his tnajes- " l.i.-v . : -. ' J.i V .t I.. . ' . .. . '. . -.v igiarc certain ports anu piaccs oi tnc countries his majesty's ships ol war. - wuosocver, - xnereiore, auu " BROW DEtt, And lodged hint in snyJ ail, or delivered hlra j e es, and black hair, by occupation Farmer, and. eii i dent to a strict and rigorous blockade, as con-1 ty's principal secretaries of state, ; tb lords known In the countv of Guilford. Uasdeserted piy Comp- ;nll(.J f-rtl :. m:.. f. f .k. I JJ" . r t i.' 'it . . Z" c w. .-t.. uAnt f th .uitd States' J. ' V". j-v " 'c I commissioners oi tne aumtraiiy, ana tne iu yx ZZ. - :r " " " f ; 11th of November, ISOfi' and whereas advl. of the high court of admiralty and the judges Whosoever, theretore, snail iiAveapprenenaeaBaiaigcs nave oecn receiyeti ot a certain provisions I ol the courts ot vice admiralty, are to trive the vVH.vhvvu., v;, iii.jnii tu-i necessary oirccuons. ncrcin as to tnem may voy extraordinary and minister plenipotenjia- J resnectivehapperuin. X ry . in imcricu, tiui uic gyvcrnmcnt oi tne United States, whereby it is understood that his majesty's orders in council, of the TtVi of January and of the 11th of November, 1807, shall be withdrawn so far as respects the Uci- tea states, on tne lucn oi June next., if to Any UecruiUng' OHicer, sUau, by giVinp;.aue,tnoxice , thereof, receive Tea DoUars reward. , , r'H:'- v?,t . -;-v, SOUTH NKKS,Ci.ptsin J; y' &9f-itJ'm ;;sr;';:rr3rd2e U. S. Infantry. STEPH, COTTRELL. Cantonment j near Washington,! N.V. Jan: 4, low. ; J . jtr-v,.-- ' IMPORTANT ' NEWSf the left, St, AiHaire Irltlie centre, ami EouJct on i) right Thecentreof the enernf could not wit!. vr,J 4 u ; in a moment ail w"s overthrown. ' ' The DuLe of Istru mie sevenj fine rharrrs. It seemed all over with the Auij Army, hn al 7 in the momin; an Aid de Cmpof the r.ir;xn,nr came to inform hiralhid the rising of the Danube had drilled a rret number of trees tul boonis, v which in con&e lueno of the events At Viei.ru, had been cut down, mix) Lad on the UmW, urul Ut tiny had broken iDrn the bridges wlucb commuiuoicd from the right bunk, with the little island arid vuti -the blond In-dcr-LoK-m. " " ' ' ' ' ": AU.the reserve cc which were advancing y, ere upon the right bank, as also part of our heavy ruv.il- ry, and all :Anerstact corps., in. consequence of I bis shofaing Occident the Lmperor resoivea to stwj . the troops from advancing. He ordered the Duko , of Montebelio to stop on 4 e field of battle, end take his posiuon yrith the kk wing agunst a curtua -which the Dukeoi Rivoli covered, end bis rights wing at Lftslinj.' The . cannon, infantry, And car tridges which belonged to our parks, could not be brought over. The enemy vas in the greatest di- ' order just at the moment when he learnt our bridges , had been broken down.. , IJe slackening ot our ore, aira the concentrating of ourmy, left him no doubt -respecting the unforeseen accident that had hppcn ed. jUl his cannon and artillery eqciAge were a ", gain brought in line, and from nine a. u. till seven. ; f . M. ho made the greatest efibrts, supported by 20O cannon, overthrow the French army -tut all Jiis efforts turned only to his discomfiture. Tnree times . he uttacked the villages, and three times he .hile'd them with hb dead. Th4 enemy resumed tf-.e o ' sition which they had left before the attack br,;..n,"" and we remaned masters of the field of baric Their losr ha .been great Prisoners wh have been taken suy, that they lost 23 Gcncr.Js tnl 60 superior Officers. 'Marshal Webber and 1500 pi i- , SoBers. are in 0ur Tiands.'tjur ,loGs has suso be tn -very considerable 1100 killed and SOOO wounded. 1 tie Duke of Montebelio (Lasnes) Was woundeu by a cannon bairin the tligh bn tle 22d, in the even- ing.-; Gon. Hill-drc is also woitifded. Gen. Dupos-': pel was killed. ''. Th waters of the Datube did not permit the bridges to be rebuilt during the nights and the Emperot: ordered tbearmy to p. ss the i'ttts arm fror left bank, und to take & poiiioii on the" 3IUI1Q- UCrMKKlU 1C IJIJOUrilliT lO 1C- , wm be 'unacrtakca - fin addiuon to these particulars, a great part olf, the Bulletin consists of a sentimetiul dcscrlpiiori of - the Interview, between Lanses and BonAp.ute at a time when ih Marshal s wound was tltought to be ., , mortal, In whichi';bf couriej the Duke of Montebel- f . io manifested" all possiiile liei-oism.vi. evinced the. gretesl readiness to die for his Emperor j "and that ' ': the Emperor was melted into tears, 4; ' iJf -1-' The Bulletin has, however, other passages from - - which some inferences may be thown, as to tlie ex-, . tent of the loss sustained by the French. Bon parta " it is said, boasts that the, retreat Was well conducted, "' though 200 pieces of cannon were playing upon ' -V them. which they could not answer, during which forty thousand rounds of shot Were fired amongst ' . them. I Bonuparte, promises to repair his loss, un 1 declares his intention not to renew the attack ti:l his -force is concentrated, and better prepared. lie ul 16ws the Austrian army to hare been, well furnished ; " iad equipped on the occasion. J t. On Mjonday the 9thof October next. By the arrival last nieht of the schooner Eagle, in 4 days from Halifax, we have received a portion of the interesting intelligence brought to that place by :iNtEmiiMPR0VEMEJrr ' . "nVEKTif THOtJSASD. .1XIXARS May be gained for the small K jxthZ tuibd class : or thk ., -: v ; It And whereas: although the said provisional I the June packet, from England. London dates to agreement not such as waa, authorised b I une 10.. Our columns will be found replete with KlA MalAAfll'a IMArflt!AnA' AM tti'WM' I CiCtrlCtS - . ' ' v' ''iy.. J'-1 , A iestv can abbrove.il may already have hanneni On the 8 1st and 22nd of May the Austrians ob- ...moftwo W an half doL- nr mannthai n Lri rU&.r rame great Tictory over tne rrencH) about 3 or 41171."""" J WV 7 1,7 V VTi T I U miles.to the eastward of (beyond) View WV A?M aaid United Statea txay bejed by a re- ,atteT had rctre4ted to an uiUneartha n .iicb m uic iu provisional arrangement to I of the JJanube, about 8 miles m circumference, engage in trade with and to the said ports and connected with the south side of the Danube by a places ot Holland, cohtrary to, and n violation Ismail island and badges. The battle was on the of the restrictions imposed by the said orders (north side of the Danubeo'onarr.iuy2l oi tne in oi janua.ry ana oi tne utn oi o- T fh Vl..ue.tin nf fh' Frr, Apm - vember IBOrj as,.teredby the orderof the I , - ' M TH iotn oi. April iasit - ms maiestv. in oraer to i ', .. .c- r -r .u. t.:..u . .i .a l.,tr KlunV in . nril th lowest I - . VL 1 ''.S- J i.t': ., ..' - .-A "CBviS!ftJ-' " ' .v "' f?"!" ,r .-"THt. "-.IiV -7 - r y ," J P'vcui., uy im.uuvqnicHi.ca iuu may ensue iq'' ''5fflri8tjtes,thatontheiiightof the !' i ; i'-T ' tl . ; from the circumstances above' recited, is tilea.1' ...-rA K.VViC nBnnk.. w,,i,..i.iM. wi,.- the' nrize wui bfpaid bv Thomas I sed, by and with the advice of his nnvv counli . ierthier, Mjia and Lasnes the took Aliibonetis. tlieTwaauier, 30 days slier the conciuaion j pii, to order, and it is hereby ordered, that the tuition on the. Slat, ohtha left bank," the right i iV urawjigl subject -to A deducifon ot .W per cent VJsjj everal orders shall be susnended sa far wing Was at the vUlaee of EfsJmK. and. the left at wtvnYVwir ;&vva WV ,''a. ff' V V'rftVM Ai The capialt Pritt: are, Yiit.'- . 2 of 3 ? fc lo,UU) ",svr ;3 of' -..fciooo ; Less than two and of M'lucli is S fcoUiu Todraw5UU numbers SOD 200, tc ' A'. I. 1 .- ttauy yeai. Avd the moderate price : of the ikkeU places j as is necessary' for the protection of vessels of Uie i.nd piiAs wittuu tne rcacn oi every uHuimuM wu i mc. j imcu QtaicH, so -sailing unaer inc laim chuac to become i adventurer, which he may-do torso 1 0flne provisional agreement, viz. TThat VUIUU aft Um JsJI MW-v wti-w w r-y w. " I - . . i L ..H .:ul.AAt.a4li I the United States which atiall have cleared out llllfi-nul iiiint-nvt;nienLOftilg State . ; --i ' iUei it post paidr and inclosing the cash, will be duly At ended to, and onzes of lotteries ot Uiia city'and Of icw. , York, as well as bank notes of the.diherent states, rec4v. e in payment.- i ne price m uie uict wu. w . be approach of die draWing,.r '; Hxf "::&: 4 Vv hole tickecs, . 2 50 -;t rr-;' U4f- do. t'- -1 25- '. .y-"';i'5 .V.v Quarter, do.- ' " ,62 UcentS..-;' ;,VM , GEO. TAYLOJt, junior. ? ) . ' r4' No! 85, South BecomUireet, I'liiladeiphiA. 'I ' 1 K B. The eiestViWof.Pation will V given to distant BUiviiksers. ol die Stale iif their tickets. . Those of-th 8c. : eond 'Hupust Ciiuixh-, Universalist Church, ' remit pack i At -. uv, and Vineyard Lotteries, also for sale as above. . ' . iij. 4e piic6 of Ticket will be raised to three dollars ontlie WUi.ofJidynexi. '-U V$v,'-. (- 'Mav 1.1809. ..:i-:V..-;t.30--3m.:?',;vV- ' -, -V-'F - .--'..' ' . " TICKETS in the above LotTat for, sale AUhf tar OhVe. .'P4-ce J. ;'? - 7," X i f : -j iV -a ; i Us ? ' -NX jv ASiiisof onv i i''.v.vfV . ' ' ' . v'aa -To Titt Pboi-i. br.tai tJmiKn State, :Neatly printed and bound, F.or Sale ' At Um Sar Office, i between the 19th of April last and the 20th of July -ensuing, for any or the ports of Holland aforesaid, from any port of the United States, shall be! molested or interrupted f in 'her Voy age by the commanders of his majesty's skips or pwatrt..t;:nu" I , And it is further ordered, that no vessels of the United States, which shall have cleared from any port of America previous to the,20th of July next; for any other permitted port's nd snail, uuring ner: vovage, nave cnangea, per destination, in consequence of information of the said provisional - agreement, andthall be proceeding to any of the -: porta of Holland j shall be molested or interrupted by the com manders of any of his majesty's 6hpV or pri Yateers, unless such yessel shall have.b2en In formVd of this order bi her voyAge;" and. shall have been - wained nbt to proceed to any of the ports of Jlollaad aforesaid,' and shall, notwith- 9 ft jEleyeotK; Bulletin, ; . 5 I.This Bulletin is dated EbfrsdorfT, 24th May. r relates entirely to the operations in the Tyro!. ' 'l i o al' I Dukc of Dantzic is stated to have entered 1;. mi! the totli. " :' " i .1 i ulk , S VVCilUt AJU11CU1I. laTKBOir, JunelC. The Twelfth bulletin Xi important only Tor ena- - ' - bling us to state, that on the 26th Bonaparte himself ; ' was at EbersdorfF, about two miles bebw Vienna, - ' on the southern bank of the Danube ; but his army, -.. we suppose; remaiaed In the We ot lun-dcr ;l.i)batt' ;v, for' nothing is said ft the contrary. He is measur- 1 ing the height of the Danube with an immense clu.iit ' f.. winch the Austrians took from the Tuiks, afu r tao r 4 siege of Vierma V? He speaksofthe arrival of troop v; izV:: and of every thing except of operations against tho. ';t Austrians. , ' 'tf-t -tt-i''v5 :jv :a I "f ' "; The 'Danube,' Ke says Witt "continue to ria till 1 , f " the 15th of June: V iff ; I ; .'-lt -VjS, . June e rour n ine- aiternoon, on tne 2 1 st, uie enemy snew-M. ntrli a v oilv! rnnnln tk- . r,i,tW ""- - iv w twvui uu vanceim-jYehch Bulletin; -.This is dated Vienna. "May 1 6, rM4Vt InrA ha viva Vain nMoth I , ' " ' TiJj. V. . . . J 6 Sir "i; . , . V- "''JL fctrana consists ot mere abuse of the Austrian Uovem- 4 . UXiZ?1 "y11 wj? DRSl wtacKea at raaM ment, without one word of hews. ' r pcren, oy oeiieiraroe. lie manoeuvred with' MoB-l v: nani, i. . i,r k r,.,i , t.., j tor and Legrand s divisions, and rendered all their wels. . The French hnd'advaficed into Hungary as- M. .... . . rf attacks abortive. " The Duke of Montebelio defend ed Essling. ' The Duke of Istria covered the flank with cavalry. The acdon'was severe.' The enemy having 200 cannon and 90,000 men, bebg the re mains of tlieir arrfiies. .'' ' . , ' . ; tl ucu. japaguo uiyiucu xiu corps into squares, but he Wftskillet by a musket ball at the head of his ti oops, and uerteral I ouler was also killed. , Gen. Nansouty.arrivcd in the evening on the field of bat tle, and disunguisbed himself highly . ' At eicht in the evening the battle ended, and we remained mas ters of the field During tbe,mghW,Qudwot,s corps; Hitlaire's division, and two brigades ofJcavaJryr crossed from the. right bank M the left. " On the 2 1st, at four P. M. the Duke of Rivoli was engaged with the,enemy, who made; several successive at. tatfis 6n the village j "but Rivoli at first completely defeated them. The enemy occupying a large spate between the ric-ht and left wintr. we took the reso lution of penetrating "their centreThe Duke, of iMontebello .headed the charge., OudimOt wa?ou far as Regelshun the Austrians are near Prcsburg." K' ' V';- V'c;5.''-;; V t'June lOi '. j; r . J " ' The accounts from the continent respecting Colr ': Schill continue to be most favourable. Itis said that ; . ' . he is' advancing" with a regular equipt army of j' 10,0db men to besiec-e Cassel. lie has issuedvT:-v:i!'.V a j Proclamation,'1 dedaring Jerome Bonaparte "m'lr out-law.i;. tvti&gZ '-: .y - :', i' s, He has beateh the MecHeifibnr! troops in several ' actions..'' The Duke of Erunswick Ocls, one of the:- members of the Hhetush Confedci-acy, huS'takdil the- '.-t : field; agabst the Frech.1 ;;:.:-,-, i. ':;.;. ;w.;i,?TUVi iSl'KuisMa' and'-AustHa J v A declaration has beeh'published ainuhst Austria . by the Court of Petersburg, but as it tlocs not p.:;-r the length bfannouhclng the comnicficeir.cnt,' of acV. i - tual -ho!su!itiea,.it is not likcly 'to bo' attended wifli", any other result thafi a' puspenidon of friendly inter ' course betwep tb n;4ons ; '?--s': .it- . f v.. ' i. i;j-., if;' ..v-t-' x t .-';- . .V. '- '- it. aA

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