1 t'T ! V J - A ttarcr.t btnywri fa tmJ l.iiui ti- -lrl t.: IIswYtaftx.jo; r JR-Lir ScCo. rtnhw nd lo porft nrt how fUc n, r a nci ihioki at Ke iuivmldrt. ' BnrtpoM b Mops m iso. 4. - le tmfiiry Ur w,. fw hr read ardent h bi cximiiK-J on Number 12 ami 3. VI anawcr iiuiie -firmuiiv, ami thai It: hsui read Cicero, I'at m U rcquirrd in No. 4i but nat JCeiwphca, riUimrtkk, or .llurrty Urinir Wt him look at the tiro of the war when No. 5 wiu w-gin. it la teen be on iIm lt of miry after wanU. Should the time of enquiry be in Aufiirt, Cirrx-mh-1 let the remainder of the j tmr be employed at the .auciujr iw.u w prcicrrea mrccung Aerx)lion, AriLfc. rootlet aJ Miirrajr'a Ofuromar, and in uch rtvr as may be nccfkaary ftr jod examination on the pretiuua num- urn. . " Hut if liter thoulj not be time before the rnminr Janu- V i.iso'i coiiKnPKicR ISiueb Dollars rt 'iffl)f, VAYlULIl HXir.tCABUT 1 XDTAKCK. Sivolk PaVek. I9Crt.1' ' 3 L--' k - - ;; NOTICE - - liS AV EUXBsDAV tW 4th Jay y '"s. Vwf Outit-nieiti, wilt be exposed v J 1 toKiUic,SuV, Jori-udy Cione(on ""JL i" thpretiiw.-K)Lot intliecn . y,r of RhWili, iirrreahly ti aderreeol ' -iV Xs tteCourtof touitritfcwneTerin. .i.""r"l&i9 til uit tltere peutuii, where- iuJ.i i-.-J-e kud Uatid Oteen Were coniUuiiauta, - and C-tlv.n Wueuion. Adm r. &c. ot Uaiuel N ti;tin, d:tr. V liiiir Whealoa' and Jolin IO d Wheuton. heirt of the faid 0 'DanicHV liev.ton, were defendant. ThiLot4itutedin tini most jublk part of lh chy,"n yayetteville Strett, 9 .T.ttutl oppowl &r. Cnarie fumtn t aver a. f , m. SCOTT nniTIi'S'JERirS 'nd other ttevenne OiBceri of the ? X v biu'te a&rrsud, by a'pitscttul and faithful discbre t oTihe diAie requirttt of vhcia by Lw, in reynnl to the ' coUeelion aiid havtnent- inui tlxeTreanury of ths Tiuu a Vaudothcjl'ubii dot for the current vear, will dothtnt- v adrc credit, and foreclose the pofcstlnli'.y pf penaliy or '' foriliufru'S Should anv, uiifortwnaielv, ful in Una Very e ; veH1a jKtiitt. Uey WiU'beir, wind that the Public Trek f'i urei' h& no oplion with inspect to the course' to be pur wxd, hit Guty-btfjni tmpera'jvet and tnut tnerctpre all . aok-h will be proceeded against, aet ordins? to Law. and in ' he Supertiwr Court for the county of VV'tdtc, which wiU v tuppeu til Uciobci next.' . v ' - ' 'JOJIN nAYWOOt), . . . ' ' Public -Treaanrer. Marshal's Sale .T Y Virtne of an KircAiuon .iwrninsr from U Circuit - 3jourt of"the United XOktt, ftil he exposed, to HJttt, ; tuithe Inf-Tiert' biuacr tor Casii, r tne juweianjr iwuie oi ' Welti WhitfteM. 6n the 17th of October neit,' in th CoHiity of Nh; Fsur Nerroea, Md the foilr.winir Tracts t)f(lAiid,.vi.;lW Acre un L?iter' Branch, adjoining the land of Ehjjh K.Vftl-125 &. aAjptnin the atiniefiuii -- do. on Pes' Uascet Creefa adioimnir Ue, lund ot Jobti Vlck- lt( do. im4Usitera branch, adjoinirr the la.nt! o , x Joseph Ydliuiu300 do. on the tatne branth;' atljo'm r i v. Jo6t;t)!t Siricklen-2l3 do oiowinaraid blncWkn and Ou- 'it nuil Valker SOO dojon Comj.aJ! Creek, adjoining Levi ' Uaderwood UOb Co. -on the ame crcein, aUiovmnguiq ianda of Daniel Wtlker- . The aUCve property will hv old for ue purpose ot tatistying a Judgment obtained ly - waton & bboiiCKer Stott, t. DeUIari V, li it field, a t.te- - etiti'ii of Beirjumm V,"hitfield.i said Conn, he-Id at lUicigh . on tHe lAJi ot May last. -, ' f " . -. i ; I BEV, DANIEL, Marshal for v , ,', ,' thfrN. L'aiolina District. August lt, 18C9, -. ;, - - ,- , UNIVERSITY. ' 'The fbllowbyiiieaUlouKeof the book i-ead Vy thecla- cv x ecs oiiiieymvcriMy, 't, ' ( ' 1. Tht Academy. . gg RaddimanV Rudiment. T, , . . . Corderius, 40 colloquies, i v; .JEsOp, 40 fable. , I . Select e Vett ri. :.: it Selects! eProfitfis.::- . ': . i . Grainmattcul exercise or Mairs1 irttroduction. ; -i Caesar's Commentaries, i ov 4 book. . V SJlust and Prosody. . " Virgil, to the 7th neid". , , '. VettenhaU'i Treek Grammar, translated. Creek Testament, 5 chapters in Jolin. Murra,s Gramauir. tlte larjre text ;' Reading fcpelhnf, Writing and Arithmalic to the rhle t iurce. ' i . a - JVV ILTko College. July 1. T PEES H MAN CLASS. - Horace's Ode,' 5 books. . Mairs Introduction , Prosody i. ., ' - 1 Greek Grammar. jJohn'i Gdepel; fi-om the 5th chapter ' nWanuary . 'y FRESHMAN tLAS's, hidf a year adrAnced. i IIoraceFth remainder. - Lucian, 28 pr 30 dialorue. , Mairs Introvlaction, the Ancient History. . Creek Grammar and Prosody. 'M.!?: July I. l f-; 8OPH0M0RECLAS3. Cicero, 4 or 5 Oratioiisj Dllworth' Arithmatic,hrong!i6ut. jvMurray' Grammar; with remark. : jXenophon, the rat book I. , ' JV V.'Jtmuaiyl. Cicero', 4 of 5 Oration more. 1 Homer's Lliad,'one or two books, e ?i v ieojraphy, and uae of Uie Clobcs. v ' v- , Jvv ri Jufy i. r v . .JUNIOR CLASS. - 8!mpun' Altrebra to the Problems. uiemcntsor Geometry to Uie iiytn art,cl,.or totlie ary w prt.-ar these studies i then kt him be t-tigaged in preparing wcUvq numbers- 1 aud S. so a to be examined in Jar.uwf to enter Ko. 3 for he cannot be admitted into a class, in whote past tudie he i not competent to be ex amines ii itowcTer, ne DeunwiUingto go backs then by studying diintly in the academy, till the ensuing July, tc uij nm tuj (tcJ4jc ua.im oui on ra a aiso, ana be ready at that time to enter the Junior Clas on full stand ing. It is co...ary to tba laws lot wit person to enter otuerwise than on hill standing ; unless his parent or guar dian giv ekni ess direction to the contrary! It is evident mat any student not ontuU Standine1. lose all the tin in hkh his clas is employed on uch studies as he does not prosecute, and lor a partial education, h would be. better to M in some academy, where lus whole time may be Ukcn up in hi studies. i ; ' The Academy at Chapel-Hill, is now conducted b one of the younj; gentlemen who graduated on the 29th June I ni(f n tie has heretfflore aciert a student o thfc L'niver- s.tr, tiiere is reason to bliev fhat his aualification are wed enooph known to prevent the necessr of recoiumen-dw'ion.- Tlic price of boai.l I f.oin SO to 3i dollars from the first of July till the middle of November, every thing Found ;nd the price of Tuition is Seven Dols. lor any shorter time the price are proportional. The hut quar. ter wdl begin on the 15th of August. The advantages of neaunincss, retrcmcnv and systrSA at Chapci-IliU, are s-nown to tnc public. 1 tie conduct of the Academy a well as of the College, is under the superintendence ofth Prtsiilent and taculty, who atteudascften as tossiblto give efficacy to the busine: l"he Fjculiy re not inter- esxeainxnts Acicicmy: nut it HM ascertained by expe rience, that tliose wIkj are intended for complete cduci. tionjaiebcUerprepai-etl for the establishment by iu plan .4' ..l:.... t i... - t. , 'ji iiwitv, uiini ny any wuer. Chiipel-IJUU, July 27th, 1809, Committed npo the-Jail of Ralejgh, on tlie "Jlst of ..m. . jtu7 a Negro man whonavs hi name is COVL, otherwise MOSES, "about 5 feet 8 inches hijrli, and 25 years of age. Says he belong to John Massey, of1 Chester, field, S. CaWlina. Tlie owner is desired to claim his property, pay charges, and 'take him away, . . wm. SCOTT, Jailor. Auguit J, 18)9. . OF.NOBITII-CAROUNA JtNNESSfcE WYsaw d.aisi i'rm aVVtV fctooro in lhi City, on tlie vrnine of 1'ucnUy lite 30th 4av of HcKrmbrr hrxt . 'at which - time mkI pbee ' the O beers, . Alcmbtra, kiid' Rrprt acoUuves are required to attend.' . - '" Br order of the roost Vrbr ' aliiplul Ms jar-General. - v , ,,v StCWJAMISl kMITRf , Grand Master. TnOMAS L.TflLI IAMS, ' Glaud SeciCtary. L. 5809) . ' , - ,4 ( . . '. , ; i r . Raleigh, July 13th, A. , A. D. IWJ. , v Strayed - T7 KQM the Rubseriber, Tiving hear A. the Old Nation Ford, otrthe Ca tawba. about the first of AlJf last, a ": SORIIEL lKSEftcen hinds higli, H and five Tear old, wdn hi, fight '- - tnrl ft white, and 3. lrc hlau in ' us face. . When MkK me be lutd a small beU tied on with crupper of A saddle. His brands are not ai present, rrwuwc!. Anv nenion who will etve me mformaUon Vner I. may find him shall be generously rewarded. . . - - , ' SAMUEL HENRY. July 1st, 1800. . , ;; . .,-.;! . A m " He comes The uoisy herald of a busy world.v 50 Dollars Reward! RAN-AWAY from Uia Subscriber an the 2.4'u dj of July, 180a, t Negro Man, named IHV Y 28 or 29 years of age,' about five feet nine or ten inches high, of black complexion, slow, spoken atjd rather" it down look -took with hint some good home spun clothes. lie can write, and perhaps has procured av free pans, I am aoDrchcusive be has attempted to ifet3 '.':" State of Ohio, where he has once been. Any eraoa fit will deliver" me the abt s-e described Negro or secme luui in Jad si) that I get li .m sbou.bave U.e above reward.".'.- Vf7 . . . : WILLIAM. BRANTLY. Deep River, Chatham count N.U. 18th July, 1809. t ! ed of the 4th of Euclid. , ' v ' v , ' Mi, HI January 1 Bimp son's Alptbra, SH. Prahlems. ' Remainder of Geometry, or the 5th & 6th of Euclid. rianelrisfoiioinetry. l' logarithm - ( E mjj's Syiiopsii on LeighU, distancesand surfaces. ' .,iV.AV VJIUulyl. , ' . ; ' SENIOR CLASS. t . Helshftth,t the motion of projects: Bhurt Khctoricl abridged. Remainder of Heidhath. i- k . ' . - VoUft Uorml Philosophy, omitting pontics'. Dunean't LogieCfe 'hi . '".wS. : ' - ,t. f crptoon's AsiTonomy, 153 page. (fcj Posit well to commence drawing , On Monday the 9 th of October next. lVterJvjl WPliOrkMEWt. TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS May be gained for the small sum of two and an half dol lar : : jvv the TffritD Class or THE River Lehigh Lotterji The capialt piiteS are, viz. 2 of $10,000 3 of gJOOO . 2 5,y00 - 6 . . ; 500 2 2,500 15 iJO, &c. Less than two and an half blanks to a iniie, the lowest of wVich isldollars: ' . ' To draw 500 numbers each day, si the ttedioue m Philadelphia, where tlie prize will be paid by Thomas Allibone, E9q. the. Treasurer, 30 day afu the conclusion of the drawing! mbject to a deduction of 15 per cent. Thi i one of the ritihest Lotteries publ-f ae J here for many year, and the moderate price of the ticket place the grand prizes within the reach of every -individual who chuses(to become an adventurer, which he may de for so small a sum ft tixty-tv'und en .half tent. The object, moreover, is such as must interest evtry well-wisher to the uiicmai miprovcmciii ui mc uti:. letters postpaid, and iuclosing the cash, will be1 dnly at ended to, and prize of lotteries of this city and of New. York, as well as banknotes of the different states,' receiV' ed iu payment. The price of the tickets will advance with he approach of the drawing. . ., ' Whole ticket,- R2 50 Half do. , 1 25 ' Qdarter do. 6JT-2 cents. GE0. TAYLOR, junior. v No. 85, South Second-street, t'hiladetphii ' N. B. The earliest information will be given to distant purchasers, of tlie state of their ticket., Those of the 8r cond Baptist Church, .Universalist Church, Pehnepack Academy, and Vineyard Lotteries, also for sale as above. . OThe pricf of ilekets will be 'raised, to three dollar on uie Lsia oi juiy ueiu .-. May 1, 1800, - 303m. ' ' FOREIGN. : -: ' Thirteenth French Bulletin ' tBEESDORr, May 28, 1809r On the uiffht of tbc 26th our bridses were carried away by the furce of waters, nod mills which had been set afloat. We had not time to drive the piles and to fix the great iron chain. One bridge is repaired; another will be to-mor row. On the 27th we heardot the arrival ol the army of Italy ai Bruckv Gen.X.'auriston ttas formed amaetion with tm array, not nav injr heard from thetu for 12 days. The vice roy this campaign has manifested a iQiigfrpi and a foresight whtchv evince the great com- manderi ' Jellachich, who by bts insolent pro clamation to the Tvrolese so inflamed their passions, had hi whole corps destroyed. "Hi archduke John, who wrote with stvh excessive presumption to the duke ol ltagusa, evacuated uratz yesterday, scarcely carrying wun nim 20 or 25,000 ken of the iBpe army that entcri- ed Italy-T-hia arrogance Has terminated in shame and inlamy. 1 be people ot Italy ac- ompanied our soldiers with tears and beue- dictions; and gave them very assistance. their contempt and hatred or the archduke ohn were only equalled by their" joy at our triumphant approach. Certain papers shewed that they bore a great love to the emperor and would not accept offices under the Austrian rrnvrrnmrnfi " - . The regiments of Italy, who distinguished themselves in Poland, covered themselves with glory. " This charming country Is rapidly pro gressmg to the mbst happy destinies; AlJ the accounts from the Austrian army state -their oss, oh the twenty-first and tii enty-sccond, to Kave been enormou's j the flower of the army- perished; The wits of Vienna, say that M Gen. Danube saved the Austrian army." Tyrol and.Voltaberir are subiugated. Carniola, Sr- ria, Cariothia, Saltzburg,' Upper and LovTer Austria, are tranquilised and disarmed ! ' W ben - 1 rteste was taken possession of, all English colonial produce was confiscated. Sav ing the Russian squadron was a circumstance peculiarly agreeable to tthe' emperor.. The junction of the army-of Dalrhatia approaches. . ine pngana ocniy, wn tiuiy gives nimseji the .title of general in the Service of England, who prostitutes the name of the king of Prus sia as the satellites of England do that of Fer- dicand, has been driven, to an island in the Elbe. The king of Westphalia, besides fifteen thousand native troops, has one Dutch and one French division : add to this two divisions of a corps of observation under Ilibaud1 and Des- peaux, and JUeaumont 3000 cavalry, now UiS' poseable by the paciffcatlon of Svvabia. , : I he destruction ot forty mills which sunpli ed the city of Vienna with bread, n evidence of the. hatred of the princes or the house of Lorraine to that city !y . , " wi.tVASHINGTON's FJRElFgLL ADDRESS - ( tOVcrlhe bnditc. ar.J render a varictv at a After th defeat f the corns; ftf Gen.4 Tel!al . c.hlPj MJMathicu an officer attached, io t' s : array ot Italy, was sent wuh a digoon ckpreis) L oo the road to Salizburg; baring met in uc .v . cession'with coiutnn o 650 trooris'af the linei f " and a' coluniti of S juO kandwehrs, wo were A mounded and "strapp4in. summoned liiem tJ surrender, and they laid down their arms'. ; ' ' Lauriston, general ofdi vision, Vtived at OU ; ' denburg, the Irs( cpuhty !of Hungary, with . a stronff advanced crianL, Ir anrra-ht fhfr- fc is some commotion in If unwary, that the fhindi l of the peoplij are very tfliich jlivided; and-that' 4' iitcuiajoncy is notn favour bi Austria .. , v. : LascJv general of vision, has' his head - , quarters opposite Freburg,Jhntrhai advancti , 'rhrce divisions of tlit army of, Italy fear "r ' arrived at Neustadti - .The jccrcThasbecA ' .'- fpr two tTs 'at the fiea'd ttarteri pt the Em --J? pcf oury-J , . ,-r; u ,; ''rV.. 'r ; ; ' General iMacdonald, conjmandcr of corps V-l ' ' ' ' of the army, of Italy; ha4 entered GrattVThey ' " lound in this capital Of, Styria . immense roaga -. zine of provision, and cldthihg; and. cquipi"1 ments of everrWt.4 ;: v 4 " V '. CAj'- ? ; I he Uuko of Ofntzic w at Lintz. y The '. . Prince of Ponte Cbrvo fBehVier) i Uiarchiuir for Vienna- witH the VVirteinberehers U'at Sli U'f Polten, Mautentiod Krema; , J . -J ffS'-tlt ; Tranquility prevails-in the TyroK Cut off ," , by the movemebU of the Dnkeof Dahtkic andT the army of Italy; all the Qsuians who had im ' ' 1 0 v pnldentlv engaged, at thlsolnt have been tle X'-,' strovetf. ' bartlv : bv' the Dule of tiatiiziearicf ; -v. ! rh" Jre$f, such ai the c)ri of JcllacKich. bv ,th ; ' ' army oi xtaiy. trHi noscwno were in ouanja nao no oilier resource, hut to attempt jn parties ; toj traverBeGrnianyoa their way Xoi thtt tipper i palatinate, ihey. torraed-a-smalt columtaot ; ofaiitry and cayTtfry who e'senpedfrom LindauJ ; and was met by Coli Reiseit, of Gen.fleaumoTitV J ; I corps of observation.1 1 Tie column was (cut off at Neumartk, and the whole bodrj bfllcef sj antf soldiers, laid down their arths. .." :.' v Vienna is quiet ; bread and win5 jrer abun jlant, but meat, which this capitaf getsfrom th interior oi ut?garyv oegtna to grow,scaTfc-' L-oittrary. to all reasons or policy and humanity j-: -Z. the enemy do every tbinfe tQ starre their coun -i irymen, and.' this cirj whkh contain . their' ' wives and' children, f This conduct is very-dif- r ferent from thit of our Henry IV, who himself . , supplied; ai enemy cjty he was rsiegingii; v ' The Duke of IVlontellqjtLasries) died Vei ' tcaddyjat 5 o'clock; in thej morning; .1 1 . . . , , imiithBi s EjjfcRSDOarr, June 2. ' " ' . y The sirmy of D;dmati hai gained the greatl est' success. It has defeated every thin tha 4 "" opposed it at Mont' Kitta tiradchiz, JUicca; . 4' and Ottach'atz;: Tfciej cowmaftder ifi thief; SldiseVich, was taken; rTfie Duke of Ragus " 4 arrived on, the XM"ay Jat Fiumand form--; 1iJ. army gf Dalrriatia was'tiie right eitreme; ',. We will make known xhsi Ttiation of the puke of Ragusa on these events;', , , ( . Oft the . twenty-eighth an.EnglisK suadroti,-. f four ships of the line, two. frigates ami nrfg appealed before 1 riee, Ittt the t Inten tion of.. tak'n the ;Rttssatf ;6qWdron. K Thef Gen- Couhe CkfTefatli had? iust arlfited tKereT A w Au ':-.. L.J -'--. ..C: ?..'.! t i-'K ..H o tiic vtiy uiu iiu caiuiun ihh ivusaidui tanucii' i tweniy-four xthirty-kixc; and sixteen twenty . ' , foura,- attd'fixtl hejf.nttUty.ikn''( immedi- ately clapped spriftKs bh tbeit cables; Eyery" . iiiiug a jrtpareu, to rcceiyc tiie enemy ;imu v , haying missed a'nn retired I A thousanfl. i Austrians who had passod from Krems 1$ the; t right bank of the DanuWe, were' defeated by the , Wirtembutg corpsj who made 60 prisoners ' s : .... T .' ak' .:f'Vt yr-- ti-j.'.. .' . A - ft? :! v ..', j.,',... oixieemn, jjuuetm.;. ; j Fourtecntll.Balct5Il. . w iBlRSDORrT,'JunetT,T809 The tridcre on the Danuhe' fe intirelv rw L..V- Ti i j.j .. x.-. i'S'jf M ounr. . a ucy nave auuea io inciu a uy tng oriage and they are.preparing all the inateriali ncaW sary for throwing over another bridge of rafts.' .The 44th crew of the flotilla of ;lWugue, E"8KiSD0KJrF,' June The i enemv had" t'tirown a diviion f OXXk - , on the; right bank of theDanulMt-ppWiM: Prs-f ' - uui jj, vuii.ii wra cttii cuwtiou utj iito ; wfuan vi( y Engrau. The duke of Auersta.dt Ordered thef, " " -riflemen Tlrailletfrs of Hess ntirm!ta4Uistip3; ported by the tvrelfth'- of 'the . linie, Finfan'try J.' i J- 1 , to ajtaclc it yesterday. . 1 be JvtiiagerTwas sou'v , cafricif.' A Major; 8 officers of the .fegimenc .-J ' of IJeaulieu, among theign" tKe1 gratndson of that ?' fieU marshal! and 400 men "were - taken. ; r The! ret of the regiment' were killed'wiunded. ot.& driven into, the water. ; The tenfaitider of thi$ -"- afvisipn ,e.cureu themselves.-tn-an iswnu jiu, .Tieim'osL valuable effects of thf ourW y 4 S been temoyed frtmi.Dude tot Vtr9$yfl..A ihet the -erie-art tmPUmhPlS y. ,t;inrrui avia.-iHrHT.s9Trasir ot vtv. i f