THE 'ST All. Paze . . .uanv ci to iniuci suw iuiu u h w taiocd the sanction of learned societies in Ku rope and America. The auihours of msay of the invention and improve menu recorded ia i j i.i. U (UlUlBVj - and other rewards for their ingtnuit,betow- cd by gentlemen fully compilent to appreciate tlieir value. " The foreign article are derived rnncinaliT. from the following respectable aource. , The Transaction of the society for the eucourareinVnt of Aru, Manufacture and Commerce j TiEock' Philoophical Magaxinc Ticholpoo,s Philosophical Journal; The aocl ety of Agriculture for the department of Seine j the ReDorteryoI Artax retrospect ot discove ries; Annlede Chimiejthe Bath and West of Engtaid Saciety Journal of the Royal Id titutions ef G. Britain i paper . of the com mercial board of Agriculture i Aikin Athe nian Annale de Art et Manufacture " Johnson' History of animal chemistry j Bib- liotheque 'Physico Economiqae f the traps action of the Economical society W Leipsic ; Hunter's Geographical Essays jnXhe Journal de Physique i Bulletin des science des letters ' t de An t Journal des Mine The annals f Medicine ) the Decadf Philosophique the Translation of the Economical Society of Pe- - tersburgh Sc Translation ef the royal Acade my of Stockholm : . - v Among the invention described in this Work, for which the author received pre mi urns from foreign societies, arc, a machine for r- fn-iodragcolaurs t description of a wheel drag :. implement to enable shoemakers to work in a, standing position t cheap engine for raising water t apparatus for driving copper bolT into ahips, and a method of relieving cattle or sheep when they are hoven or swollen. , i Among others which appear to possess great . utility, are, a process for watering hemp ; pu riScation of fish oil ; on steam as a vehicle for conveying heat : on bleaching powder ; Dutch method of preserving herring j a cement for v preserving vessels from worms ; o raising . . .t- r r i . - - ana dressing nemp ; uk lorai oi suiimai ; .on the analysis of soil i on making glue ; "on pruning orchards ; on promoting the growth fyouog fruit trees on grass land ; on bleach ing cotton i on preparing radical vinegar, &c. ' - In that part of the work which is expressly devoted to American improvements, we have - a sketch of manufactures, manufactories, bridg es, canals, patent inventions, etc.- T he most . Mnminnr nrtirlra r. anjkcrrtnrrt fit I rrntnn ' bridre ; of Schulkill bridge ; artificial mineral -waters t the Lehigh, coal mine) Mr. Evan's J improvements iu steam and mill machinery ; the Pennsylvania Academy oi one arts; toe Philadelphia museum; the pneumatick cock f and hydrostatick blow pipe, by Mr. Robert - The English mode of forming iron rail ways - is' described at length, p. p. 236, 239, 282. From the latter we learn that it has been found . . ,. . - , L .i-nainK Iimf Sp Pained dctiicd oclock, tLe line rfbabl. ; at anchor 'U .'IrZ LfrYeveraTthat Cm fiaaAto- a. 1 J v mm aan. m TVir KtLlWU ku4' i " . . r c W Votunder sigh, and rn P th . - . -w-. tVm in .a nr. HMrimefitOI l. j ..i,i i'jmim im ru taniBMi uw wi r- lloefcace,kept.a.tbeyr?? ' - i itvn tnn La several rir, via iunm " r o .l . !i .(Trrt Ahnutiour mioei niMti hu Riirnca 00 kcwik m u b snerooon, perceiving that the fira of the enemy haJ 1 i,lnrmhie--Veneley ha fPP1 10 i L k. mm nrviuinsr a tn&kt w-lrnmmArvl the Snanikh armv -uomma has been re- lul scene c4 destroction, oein o w""" icauea ou v bu v., r. v mm .... i J!iut 1 1- Gen. bir trre kjxm to I UU4 V" WV"" " end In to iLmoai the dUc i Gen. aionnet re turned 1st anser, that he would reply to the sCm- onons a toon as he had consulted council or war; n lKNir hd been allowed for the purpose,nut a eoo iHnV!i rtm hcrond It haTin- cblcd, Vithont uriT answer being reccited, hostiJiues were ordered to DOMESTIC conceive ia Dcen iL cu.t t r.. heat in the racraicj; Let L iU t ; -the fog ties red cp, a rncit trem t ' , of Mount Etna pVesentcd iiuh u' , -A large blase, which I canc--!xt',-'. nothing but the continuation t.f C. , a ship i issued from the lop cf e e i lower down was a smaller ihz?, -; wr.djscovered aa iramcnue strc?ia ci t- I CCH, The Lectures m WiULrm andMaiy College, will J wris the foot of Etna was only ti', commence on the 3d moocUy in October. ' I us by the ridge of mouetaics Lkh is I , un 3UDMT we Biuwp twcwwrM i ims piace -ana Mount Etna.- V of wwcB tn nev. Mr. ss aw rr 'gh "" e Ware continued. "or sc. ith ill J. - - iuinn vwrieML. nrailllilCB waun. v . ... . . . i . - - "b"rr" . . .1 ....irir of WMnlneton. ana aamaiea resnetwui r , ., , recommence witi tne utmost vigour, ' . ,k. n'firmakn. A brilliant " "va ar?Mrr.j -i i fc ;Lf mvm rthnmii)ner'esi,""- " : . . i nave utrn two rnunn m. i. i, l:Zki r ! I Aenca attended, amonz wbora weretM rresuxm ' , , - - - U. Sure, hii ly. . ., . , . AFV V.KTri-Tr.rKw'. f. h 36th. TS RnhRcn ticket for members of Assembly ' " L w7 mo cl ,: . llrrr. .r.rrt rj.. n., v Lik .h Mk k VermonC eru?uo? " " ria"a :ei20 . riuana )5BiBMwuoiur --. : -71"T.-r muU tnerelore. endeavour to for . nrvlrr Ueui. Col. Pcrk.opsel to tnxaiwpenoniTi jona vuu eiraraumnMuBi w. , r -. , . , " ofnumbersi the, took t-tv prisoners, and killed Ataa election in PhUadelphu ontha Uth tastot -wnwCICji you may rare , w . wa . .i k- - - i . .i i . .1 AMMaanhin m s ub bliss ii r s ji uic sv sivi nw t vrrw vaub " and wounded a ereat many ol tae enemy. , . ; uocw aub oeywn w wom w -- a ....... ,.-ui wa i I must not omit to mention, mat on ic prrccuuigi uongrc uj grcui uwjchjij W5ri.ui. , l - .V" ; wiui jur linUD; Wmn-. an ntrrnrhment. In front of Maior Gcnc-I tkj iTiwinirJvll nt Rurkidnwn. Maine, continuri I describe. '.. '-' . v , ral Graham's pouunn, ws aUo forced, in a manner I guccessfully employed la ndaing ankles from J ' Our English curiosity is o great, that equally undaunted, by tne ism rcgimcm hn w the ordnance bng, wbicn we nnoerauiia, ues in six-i am sure more man nan tne army have aire Col. NichoUa. woo drove the enemy from it and j :.. -hane. li ufticientlT hdrre to contain two persons I with two brother Afi?r . ct.. c j msdalodirnientWitUnmusketanxRofthe wailsc4ltnea It is sunk with weicrhts-' and houtei on I m-arrh ffnr ' av r . the town, takbi one gun and thirty priors. . t ritna., The de and top are Derfecdykijht; but VUI and on the roaJ L ' Gr0Ma."; ! About two in the morning, the enemy demanded it has no bottofii, the sir keeping out the water,- Jaii kaw th-fnnt r i ' . " a Suspension of arms for forty -eight hours, which The peraons who go down are supported on seats, r , . . '' " as U 1 was refused, and only two hours granted, wneo oe uu ,t descends to it oWect, they then proceed to I r ' . " , ' , tIH w sgreed to surrender according to the summons sent worit. The bell is accommodated with windows ; "-l-c " " iruction uie House of a Baron of In. on tn hoaUof the earriaon becoming pnsoners Blui rnntaina r uiffirimt tn msutin a neraon one I ranca Villa ; the bouse was abandoned. -1 ofwar. ' ;'HT I hour and thirty minute. Subaqueous visit are often I Je pictures of Sain a hangot towards tbe fi-t Lan. cnatnam procsas instate waiarucic- were mt&e Dy ciuaens ol the towns on tne banks oi tne I a mean to turn its course. By dav the f discussed and settled. Though the r rench were ! penobcot, for their amusement, t tias the appearance of a hean of rock in a situation to hold Tut no longer, Lord Chatham On the 26th of Sept- aa had the first examinau- j stones, of a colour rather like ia w, . . ntm (hat tha MVm lUVinV hrokcn the ClV)LeS!.M .rk. Hul.iiM hftk. TltMliwii-.l KlVllnar nl I . u . e I . '. . . ' rra..z .'c. -":- -Z3.A . ..A t , zrzr"i ""cr " j.7.:: me urc evey nc oa were taro- th cracks wi..WMRfAlk. ii,i.s,A fionoreiruLu j.u . . iJtv I .8rcai .eai ot ,moke proceetU from it ; - . L i . vi. . , A jui. i close to it, one perceive it is all in mouoc. I . .. , f. , i I piece laiimtr down imd hiiiri. tnn ri; at me rasncL nu . o ..l. ' . 1 a I . . . i . -i.Afi.aM. . a . i yim Aii.mi inrm m mcr.ri Aiuuscuuui iui u iu uviu wiwui-ut r- ' o . nvmv anI rr nii. .1 .U U I 1 i- that the town, of Zeirikee and Bowershaven, been i founded, and is support by thbndon, and-the island of Schoweri and Duiveland onndiv1dua!s-;;oDe gentknun h wUcribed to it fif- Itt hc Crod. , k . L . t Wnn f I. rnn ty thousand dollars. Doctor GnfSth, of New-Jersey, Except just at the crater, die lava cam have alto surrendered. Jt"gWn he perceived to be it, a liquid atate,bec5 , sidered very questionable whether anything wward.the foot of it, it is either all WI more can be eflected either m the Scheldt or o n!ionhio ara ablv filledrf?" , and onlv imn4.Hf -ill k K the coast. . As stores and ordnance are pre paring to be sent offut Woolwich it is conjee tured by some the expedition will proceed to Spain It was believed in London from different accounts received from the continent, that Gen. Armstrong was at Amsterdam, having failed in his attempt at negociation,'and that he was desirous of returning to America, The following U the copy of a letter brought over by tlte Ox Packet, dated Flusbinfr, IBtb Aug. 1W. " This place was not altogether evacuated by the French until this day. A great part of tbe town is destroyed, and thousands of the inhabitants have pe rished. The Stadthouse, a large church, and seve ral other public buildings, have been consumed Most of our chips of war have proceeded, up the Scheldt, and Sir R. Strachan will follow with the remainder to-morrow. There are ten French ships by experiment that "one horse, value 20i. on AttlfAr nf An tin maI 4v miTf ntVi rf n Wh In a v.rd. dret 35 tons, overcoming I of,be wld A& MtJJgv ... . i i boats, fas we now learn) beyond tort Lallo. Jhere . aiiw v s iiiv i w m vw.uvv u In a great many case (says the author of the article referred to t will occur, where, a rail way, either connected with a canal or not, will be the mode of a cheaper conveyance than water would be. It clearly appears in 'the case of the Ashby canal, that their rail way; which is now executing, and a double one will cost two thirds less than a canal would have done in the district of their rail way, where the ground for a canal is unfavourable, and furnish the article of lime, which it is chiefly intended to convey, at two filths less than a canal would have done. A rail way is more certain than a canal, being more easily repaired t neither do frost nor dry seasons af fect the trade thereon. " In most parts of the United States the vi cissitudes of the seasons, which affect canals, are greater than in England, and the reason ing in favour of iron rail way will, of course, apply still stronger in this country than in G. , Britain. . From the foregoing slight sketch of the Register of Arts," the utility of the work is obvious, and will, it is hoped recommend it , to the attention of the publick. He comet . v Th ncicy herald of a busy world." : FOREIGN. ' '. ?" arrived at New-York on thp etli instant hi the short :'l ' . twasatrc of S 6 days from Scotland, by whom the Edi ' vrs of the New-York Gazette have received London and Gtussmw papers to the 27th of August. , ,..; ;,xiM Irndon Gazette of August 20, contains the v following dispatch from Lieut. General the Earl of -V Chutliam to Viscount Castlereagh, dated Middle- 1 - burg, August i6 , - J My -Lord I have the honour of acquainting your - lordship, that, on the 1 3th instant the batteries btJbre 1 V Flashing being completed, (and the frigates, bombs, FVWrvessels, bavin? at the same time taken their .stations) a fire was opened at half past one, P. M. from buy-two pieces of heavy ordnance, which was . ; i vigorously returned by the enemy. -An additional battery of six twenty-four pounders was completed ; . the same night, and the whole continued to play up- ' ; on the town, with little or no interniissiun till late - ' r on the following day. r - . On the jnnunj of tho.Uth instant about ten are also a line of baule ship and two smaller vessels building in Flushing." Letters from Paris, of the Rth inst speak of the probability of a decree, interdicting all communica tion with America. The mysterious veil which has covered the nego tiations between Austria and France, is at length drawn aside, and an appeal to arras has been once more resolved upon by the Emperor Francis. This important intelligence has certainly reached- his ma jesty's ministers. Archduke Chnrles no longer commands tne Austrian armies, ana rnnce John ot Lichtenstein has been declared Generalissimo, with full powers. - An official communication declaring this change, and at the same time announcing the determination of the Austrian government to per? vere in the contest U all risks, rather than yield to the arrogant demands of Napoleon, was on Sunday evening rcceivea uy wr. vuuun. l ms we State a a tact, wmcn cannot oe contratucteu nt Day. nombiu-gh accounts ot August lo are similar to the above. . NarLas, July 27. ' Tbe British have, ven unex pectedly, received orders entirely to evacuate the islands of Illchia and Proseida. The troops and the sick are embarked. The Sicilian Prince, Leopold, who was on board the ueet, and the Uukes of Ar coli and Camera, two Neapolitan emigrants, have by this time returned to Mehzzo. It would appear that considerable duterences had taken place be tween them and General Stuart Two British re giments had proceeded to Malta. , Paris accounts of August 10th state that a treaty of peace had been signed with Austria, and that preparations were making in that city for the hm perour reception. 1 bis seems muchtnore likely to be true than the accounts that hostilities had re commenced. . The SO.'A Bulletin, Dated Vienna. July 30. The house of Austria took the field this campaign with 62 regiments of the line, 12 regiments of caval ry, 12 regiments of grenadiers, four free corps or legions, making in the whole 310,000 men; 250 IV ft 1 L m ' J . Dattauons nuuua lanuwnerj commanaca oy ancient ofJicers, exercised 10 months; 40,ooomen of the Hungarian jnsurrecuon, ana doooo horse artuicry, Be rniuers composing in uie wnoie irom 3 to 000,000 men.- With this tore tne llouse ol Austria, sup- nosed herself to be sure ot victory, bhe enterUun ed a hope of shaking the power of France, if ever f " t . . ner wnoie lorce were uiuieu. om ner armies are not withstanding reduced to one fourth part of her original strength, while the' French army has been encrcased to double the number . it consisted of at Ranabon.--' ' '.-'( ,.- , f-s.l The duke of Dantric has entered Tyrol with pica., lie has occupied looters, and disarm ed all the inhabitants t he must by this time be at Inimruck. uen. Ihlclman has entered Dresden. The duke of Abrantes is in Bayreuth, and has push ed his udtfanccd guard to the fi-oaticr of Bohemia. rr i'4 THE GUILLOTINE. A&HfwfJtlSarirm. ' As the political character an j poetical talent of Mr.1 Uaruw bare lately undergone tome discussion, the fouow- ,ny may be acceptable as stpecusea ot bolh-J God save the Guillotine , ' 'TiU sound's Kin rand Queea. Her power abaU prove j Till each anointed knob -Afl'orda a clipping iob, . - . Let no Tile hilter rib, r . ., Tbe Guillotine. t- - - , Fame let thy trumpet sound. Tell all tbe world around How Capet fell: And when great Ueorge'a pc4 Shall in the Baaket roil, Lt mercy then eontroul TtKt GuilloUne. ; Tvlien an the teeptred ereW Have paid the homage due The Guillotine r Let freedomi nag advance Till all the world, tt france, . O'er Tyrants graves shall dance And peace begin. THE LADY'S MAN. ' Not all the favour coquettea thow. p u heir to. ' And imilea the fbp i ould temp Andfel Could tempt me to become a beau.' feel as beau appear to.' 1 No malice, ho envy inspire , ;f The bard, hit advice to disclose 1 ' The favour a fopling acquire , t Will never disturb my repoae. Tho sad. he must always seem gay i , , Tho' restless, appear at hit ease, ' JHxtx talk when be has nothing to tar, And laugh when there's nothing to please MUEt never look shy, nor afraid : Approve of nonsensical clatter, . And smile at whatever is said, Good, bad, or indifferent t matter. If Nancy say, 'Crocstu was poor 'Tiahis to savwa, and agree j Or Charlotte two tlirees are but four,' Ctrrtxt, Madam, jiut four thty mut be. , Should 8ussn remark, itis hat, Tiis answer must be Hum : If Jlfary observe. it is not,' To her he consent and taya, p. Would any dispense wth his mind. Bow, wheedle, sigh, whimper ami pray. And hoodwinked be led by the blind. To such, I have only to say. Quit Paleyahd study to piease. Read Chesterfield's system of laws, , And then you may bask at your ease. luUw sunshine of coquettes applause. A SONG. , .-Tfy nnt 1 complunent sfl, . 1T1 leer and oirle the om-mv ... mega iuy. Thus agreeable falsehood passing for truth. I shall tickU their vanitysnJglT, To the pale Td on delicate lilies bein. To the florid 111 ... 2 Call squinting aleer.ttad a smile in a irrhv - f And propurtion where chins kiss with noses '1 pouring out of the mouth of the crater, or t, '.2 still remains liquid at the bottom, and that n ine top congealed into immense masses, which naTe uije appearance of rocks. This is it stream of which I before tpoke as taking to warns a-ingua urassa ; thither we proceeded, and having refreshed .ourselves set ouf m mules for the craters which are about six ir.i' ..s r ratlicr more from n ; that is, the lower f ! for .the upper one is about fourteen miles fur ther and near the sum tnit of the mountain. nere are thirteen craters all in aline ibove each other towards the summit j theft M we aaw them from Melalzo. all aDDeartd one, and are quite distinct from the upper place. 1 wiu not trouble you mththe description of 1 irater, for they are fouoj in the same manner ly the ashes which ar discharged, and hrt the same shape as I once before descri! when I wrote to you an account of my visit .0 Jie top ot x.tna llic lowest wis fhe.orJv cot hich was burning with anv dctrree of viokn c when we arrived, the others "occasionally tlirar up perhaps a column of black smoke or sane red stones, and the lava from them was onihe surface cold, roino- on but slowlv. Near toth lowest crater was a rising ground covcrrd vcuh trees, wnose branches were all knocked oil Lj ihe fttonea. which had been thrown from the crater, (which indeed was the case wiih allife trees, in the neighbourhood, for the eruption u in tne woody region but between where at stood and the crater was a stream of lava h had flowed from the lowest, just below the ris ing ground, having taken its course round it. We thought it practicable, and wished v ry much to cross this first stream, and so on the rising ground, ! to get a nearer, view iu. ituvipiu ourning crater j toeguiaes t ibml it was. impossible. andwcuW notr step further ; but we ventured on a little m ... , always stepping from one large rock M anoih.r (they .were very hot and burnt our shoes,) arJ at length got across. It was by far the hot: -birth I ever was in ; every now and then t saw an immense mass of liquid fire under cuf feet, and perhaps had to step across it, to get oa from rock to rock ; and once, just as I had put mv foot on a large lump, which I thought firm, off it went and bjd me on my aide ! i felt it very hot, and you may be sure I lost w time to recover my footing.' UTicn we across we were not content, but thought excursion would not be complete without cral' ing up the side of the crater, to look uito the very mouth of iu ' This we effected with some difficulty, it beinjr very ateen and almost up W our knees in hot ashes every step, but when ve arrived at the summit, we were most fuHf re paid for our pains.'. ! know what to com I am nolte. at a 105J t mare it to! lust um5er, our feet we perceived the lava which canae outoi this crater in a lintiid state and in motion. which was perfecdv perceptible, and increased every now and then as a fresh emission If0"1 the crater took place. . Immense stones thrown, in a liquid aute," high in ! the air, sal we watched them, and saw them consw;v changing their shape as they feu. Nearest w aperture was a constant blaze of liquid matter, pnd accompanied by such a tremendous oe ERUPTION OF MOlINT.rTv 'a I I we ot' bear ourselves speak. l T- " . .I. , A' ) retireufromthisaboutsun-seuandagaiarr'- u Mnndao mv.t r v 11 f V T 1 "" I wt "va in safety. As t got dart mc I0AdaLtn0rninS the 27th of March was of the lava dnwnZa .nriLd red.nd thi buXhifdng ti S PUo Ppc.arcd' to double .dvantage. ; u " . . lwara toward noon u I I 'find th falls very ilTJtrTCi ;impre.Vton whch this rn!,U tcflaagt.foras it8ua caiinucdlsjecucle has left on my miadi MlttS