the star; ' i lux ti m i" r.ave seen mmy Ktter c f itthaauit wf JT Ulwrc rny letter r-r.ts chrt TP". any t J disposed person, cf common tagtnui ')' m'gM carry the ioveution 19 the enemy. -fa . JGRIClLTUliE'' fl Ct of Ana, aourte ot U-awatie hw, rriJe U lU Uad and patrov bf Uic Seaa." . . . MERINO WOOL. ' ' The lFo'.r 'g if an extract qf a lcttrr from ChmeeUor Ut.hi t r.ikmnh Wirt of JMUflcld, mom. on th icbjetl of m important artfek 1 . j . - Lebanon Springs litA Srfit. 1809. M Dea Sia On the subject of cottopt on which we conversed fully when at your house, I will v'ES n "lea, trikiog, to hew how easy it will be for the northern states . to rival the southern In substituting. the value of the cotton by our Merinos. ' One million ' - of Merino sheep will give five million pounds of fioe wool, supposing them to b composed - of ewes and wethers in equal proportions. Five million pounds of fine wool are worth now vetf millions of dollars j and even at the peace price in England, seven and one half millions of dollars.-, ; ', ,' - . , M Fourteen million pounds of cotton (the auantitftxirtcd in one year from South Ca- Xl folina and Georgia) taking the short and long staple together atthe utmost is not worth fiv millions of dollars at the : London market. The states of New York and Massachusetts,' either of them, without any material change tn their agriculture, except a substitution ul , Merinos f ir other sheep, can raise as much wool as shall equal in value to the export of cotton. ' But how easy it would be once at thai point, to double all our Merino flocks thus leave a larger quantity of wool, than we now have from the 'same number of sheep, for domestic purposes, of fine wool instead of coarse .and all the" surplus for exportation, ' or to go uto future home manufactories i ISy the latest accounts from England, Merino K. wool was selling at "26s. sterling per pound. I he cause or this increase ot price is that tht ' intestine war in Spain has so far destroyed the 1 breed fef Spanish sheep as to render the wool very scarce." What few of the sheep remained have been transported to prance, England, ana ' perhaps other parts of Europe, it will be some' time before tbey arebrought to that perfection in any other country to which they iaci arrivcc in Spain previous to the revolution. ' The far- "!itei of America have noyr a; fair object 01 competition with any other country, in endea vounng to exceed in the creed of sticep, ant. - consequently to command a market tor then , wool, when more shall be rareed than is ncces ' sary for the consumption of this country ; which will not soon happen, however, as the home ' manufactures in this article are daily increas- mg.: ITiey have every incentive, both of pa- ' triotism and interest, to induce them particular y to attend to this object. ' . .'" ' : :) '' From the Independent A:nertcan. .oPMACff. The commin sumach ha gla- brUrn of L(nnaeus) is a srub of more important .uses than is eenerallv known. ' While ourfai- ; mm consider it in no other lieht than a cum ? berer of the Krouod, 'it is capable tf being converted to many useful purposes, and ii some ,."? of the domestic arts, furnishes a cheap sabsti- ' tute tof expensive 1 'European articles, burnt of these, it may be well to mention, for the lv nefit of economical farmers and industrious .labourers." ' : V The bark of the sumach, as a dye produces jn silks and woolens,' a good and permanent yellow. -The bark should be taken when fresh, and a strong decoction made, and the cloth, be- lore roiusion ought to be steeped in a solution : of aflum. - If this be omitted, a fawn colour . will be produced. ' Sumach leaves, in making ink, are a perfect tunsiitute for galls,' now both scarce and dear, t in, made conformably to the iollowing recipe frill be. found of good colour and consistence ana will improve with age. 4 . Take of sumach leaves 12 drachms of sul t' phate of iron (coperas of the shops) 4 drachms - '"f gum Arabic two drachms infuse them J' into a pint pf water.' Let it stand 24 hours so scar a fire as to keen it moderately hea.d. . Thefnilk which exudes from a branch of the umach"i the best indelible ink that can be ' 'cd,i Break off one of the stems that sup part the leaves, and write what may be want d with it. In a'short time it becomes a beau tiful jet black, and can never be washed out. ' But a more important use than either those may be made of the-sumach. The indis pcnsiblc necessity for. bark in the process of mmung, is Known o au. nc ucnianu 10 uuw o great, that the oaks iii the forest are rapidl) demolishing and the price of that article great- ly enhanced of late years. The sumach is one of our most astringent vegetables and in the t process of tanning is' equally efficacious with k. It would be a great saving of valuable . timber, could the attention of tanners be turned 1 to its use, and it is probable their culture ipight M foiinS lucrative to the farmer, especially ' those who have exhausted fields. Sumach will grow fa a soil capable of producing almost any Mug else. 'They might cut it dose to the ' und, and It would thus yield a yearly crop. They might bp .reduced by the common bark wheel, to a powder, the stocks as wellas the Wf .u.. ...rj - " t . r- . . 1 i;e suTucn also trd an exrtUctt Llack Jye, L-t I do not know that any convenient provess has ben discovered for is application. . A rUKDToEcO!(MT. In addtuoo to the observations of our cor respondenr, we would sute, that the valuable Qualities of the tiated in the northern states IaNew London (urtun,rte'y though strutting under the eilof po- iu wviiiicauiuu muift ire em tni wKr ipm i : 9 . w cuan.iuriof.ummxh m-n,,fJ, i ,nr XAmMaltUMi,edtotMcomXl7 portation. Edit. . '. ' t As ths uns were h in? rAilwr I re riicvc J tb iuur Mr! G.ike, U let me ue them, and they ra t preentiu m; pc vision. 1 le inSjrjii me tWt he Iwd Verturrs from Rusu k Denmark to carry the tuo3J to Utoao countries ; but MILtTMtr. MEDICAL INTELLIGENCE'. : O the 10th ult. i'jc Washiogtoo Light" In. fantry Company of Boston, commanded by Captain Loring, visited Major General Heath, the venerable hero and patriot who command. ed the American Army (composed wholly pf I A mng Physician of the nam of Ramsay lately muiuaj at ine naro lougnt and ever tncmora-1 t course 01 lectures on Anatomy ble battle of Bunkers HilL He received diem p,,rlogy at an olicure town in Nsw-IIamp-with the attentions that became a soldier, aud fiUne U. JJenu soon drew to his addressed them as follows : tiT ' V!?., Um0!.r U t"r 0mMmbrir.irmkmStmy9t ' Maine, who hare- lately en ipioyed him to deliver fcrmit me, gentlemen, to expicss the plea-1 lectures this winter in that institution. - 1 sure I have enipved in vicwinsr vour soldier. I ' Doctor Coxe. VAhnmi iK PKi!-ii.!.f-t,-.i ike appearance, & the correctness with which Museum, complains of the Llltr of the disclDlin. 1 Ji. . I j . i . . i . ..r. you nanaie yaur arms ue pleased to accept I ' ucuuon to ecauon in the Meuical acr.ooJ mv thanks for vour nolite invhntlnn w of Philadelphia. T-e student wers onc reouired down with you at the Punch Bowl Hotel 1 1? publish and defend Inaugural Thesis, a requiw- articular circumstances forbid me that hr rn fed wii-andwhkh Be pleased also to accent mv thU ?'Z,'.a'uB a j - m u amv r-r- mm w nm niraacatisai vnav iinhnifta anMaK..a for vour presentinff yourselves before mv hou 1-77. ZuCZTTlr ""IT . . . . - - "luwui niuis a.u;iiuwn u intr scnooi u V r - --w pivjrct n i n cr f I t,. W't doconteiMKjt Birrrs Lmaus feucr h ifTt be correctly CUrpUrt J ty Ilndo'pb, U sv.fTirnt w brinir any nun to s puuie, to iatcrJ - drnvbt It wauii appear fro CiA letter, that iiarr ..'ad WiJ. ' kinaoa were assouates La crime I fcjr WuUnsoa nu iy ua Wolaey. 4 - . ' f " Aay.thfn. firry!! . . , rretoucW tiie higtm pcuut of ul n,y rr3tnM,' And front that full nervjua af mr glory. 1 luMcaov to my-artiing . ' . Sirpposing general Wilkinson to be ss guilty ss o ther traitors represent him, we hart- sddiuonal cauas ' for thankfkiWa, that one corrupt man tript op th ill designs of another (no matter from whi motive) ' and saved the rcpuUic from commotion." - " Extract of a letter from New)rleans, to the Edi--" thrs of the Freeman's Journal. Gen Wilkinson makes but a poor figure here he is daily sinking in estimation, and will before, anoiher year robs a round, bs as contemptible as ever was Burr or Ar noUL' ;To um his own axpiesnJon, Ocn. Adair has put him out of the ruks of honour." - All the rffi. . cers of merit are reaigniDg, aitd indeed they tlunk themselves diseraced br beinz mulct hiacommaivrt. You will find BUuiclcnt nodec- of him iu the prints of the day." . ' , . , . r ... and giving me military honours. Thus much or myselt personally. -As a citizen of the United States, my na. tive country, that country whose independ . a - ence ana sovereignty, nonour and prosperity are my primary objects, I thank you fof those exertions you are making to render yourselves. so far as in vou lies, her able assertors and de- fenders. Your youth and vour enertrv Decu. tarty form ypa lor this noble swvice. Hax-seed, do. ' Tobacco, per cwt. Clean Cotton, do. Seed do. dm x Napo- eon,' the great captain of the age, is shaking a j having an alkaline basn, had a few drcps of the vi- will, notwithsUndinff the fame of his talena. soon be echpsed by iu aspiring rival of New-York, which nas now all the vigor and energy of youth, exerting its talents to raise itself to eminence. N. V0rk is at this ume, without douU, superiour to the School of Phi ladelphia as a place of instiHicdon, and will probably Bacon, per lb. . - Dr. Urickell,' of Suvanriah, in a letter to a phvsi ! Lard. do. - . cunin Raleigh, . has detailed a course of experi- p(jrK per bbU menu which fully pioves that the virus of the Rattle rjcef . oiuac u an aua paper coioureu oiue witn matter n . vv -ik .,n u.-- l.j - r jj... Heesvvax, per to, PRICES CURRENT , FAYETTEVlLLE, Wheat, (new) per bush. ;.. g 000 S r lour, per bbu r - ; -Cornf per bush.' - , - : , SO 00 4 00tj 4 arge portion of the world with armies com nosed of young men like you. . Such are like a strong man, whose quiver is filled with cho sen arrows, who never will be afraid to speak with an cnemv in the uate. Oh that mv fellow-countrymen were more convinced of the vast importance, of esi ing a correct system of military tactics ma nrwr amnn it rr. : t D. ..!. SHOW, CiO. Snake, and the colour was discharged. Another ats- per bush. piece of paper upon which the same experiment t Brandy, per gall . I in a solution of fix-; W luskey, d . - had been performed, was dipped I .1 i , . . r n j uia, aiiu uic ciuuur was resiorea nut Jamaica num, uo changed to a pale red Hence the Doctor has in-. West-India do do - - do doi..' '-s per1 bush.r ine lore. 1 . . . discipline, -supported by military schools and njouigexperimenu were made are now in the bands:, ' . ' C academies which would .rend-r our young tne tditorv 4 ' " : men actomplished soUIiefs. J While, this re- n eminent Physician was lately cured at Mid- " " ' mains neglected, your example, Vwiih that of dht?wn (P") consumption, by the use , Glasses, per gad. ... . tore important to arouse ir-"7 - ' r- - - cnangea to a pale red Hence the Doctor has in-. West-India do ' (etnd thl alkalies externally applied and internal- New-England d tablish- iy given the proper remedies forthebito of tWs Liverrjotfl Salt. ;ics and repiile. The pieces of paper upon wbicli the fore- ' AlhinT? In. others like you)is the more ana aaimaie otners ; : out auouiu j uu iau in i expectoration of purulent matter and reeular cx-'t K this, you will not lose your reward ; for should vou ever be called to a field of "batdc, (which duced to the last extremity. Fourteen Krains ol : p, i r:i I f success. The disease was attended with copious should you fail in exoeCtoradon of nwrulmt matt.r. arl ,ii.-J 12 00 3 00 . - 7 v 10 -- .8 IP OOf ft 00 , 25 t . 9 SO 'r 70 , - 60 ism 00 70'' 00 00 00 , 1 30.- t 60 12 50 : CO u 50 V i CO.. v- 4 25 iiiaoo I ;3?5 .i. -6 - ."10 11 CO . 1,1 1 7 ; o "i35" T5 65 1.50 ; 2 IS ;. T 50 v '-55 -. .65 15 00 . -RICHMOND. Heaven forbid in our as. yet happycountr)) Calomel, given in less than half as many days, pro- our skill in the useot arms and Knowledge ot Muced a salivation, and he was lmmeciatclv lett with' tactics will then be of Gnspeakablv advantage ! out any. other disease than debility, of which he ra-"jorn to you, and ensure an ample share of merited distinction. More than once you have volun teered your services to government j be not . f it j : t i.i l weary in weu-uoing ; ior aiviiougu yvxu nuui- ers are but small, viT isciphne and your patriotism will make way for you. As sol diers and as citizens, may Heaven s favours descend upon you. : VVJI. 11.A 1 XI. The company then returned to their parade, .. ' , ... ...: .l where, alter a? elegant a is way oi uieir tacti cal skill, they were dismissed, Flour, superfine, fine, 4 00 to g 6 50 1 OO.V..;v: '.' pidly recovered by the use of porter and a generous Hemp, per ton, -: diet ' Ilron, - - . . Doctor Youn, of NewYork, in a very decant Bacon. . dissemdon on consumpdon, addressed to Dr. Mit- Whiskey. . . . . chell, attributes the increasing prevalence of that Peach Brandy . - nisease among lemaics to tneir cool areues and ex- Apple BraadV r " o"- Doctor L. K-bllock, or Savannah, in a Lte letter to Dr. Burton, of Philadelphia, says M Wre are Lecon in? more and more familiar with Lfc&u in Huemor- 6 5 3 5 75 10 6 50 75 00. 120 00 12 50 76 : 73 65 280 0 1 .A RALEIGH, THVitSDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1809. Military Ikvention. A hitherto ob scure man in Edinburcr, of the name of Gilles jie, has lately constructed the model of an imnreenable battery, which contains 120 guns of different calibres, and c&n be traversed with more facility than one laree cannon can be traversed bv ten men in the ordinary way. It is shewn as an article of curiosity; in Edinburg, for a shilling, and has excited much interest. Lieut. General Debberir, of the Royal In- valid Engineers, says, "I am most firmly of opinion r',1"'""", " On Monday the!3thof November, will commence on many particular spots, and on great variety Examinadon of the 8tudent8 of the Ralei h Ac. tf occasions ; and as such ought to De adopt- -dem Tne evemngs 0f each day will be occupied cd by his majesty s servanu. " bv the delivery of select speeches and Theatrical . . . . . 1 TT- T l a. I I . . . 3. . - . ... Admirals oir Sidney amitn, ivnigm, ana I exlubmons.. It u hoped the Trustees with give due rVollone. savin their certificate of the fort, 4 it I attendance. . aooears admirably calculated to defend a post The Rev. Mr. Brown, of Salisbury in this Sute, iminst anv atta'ik or surprise, and is, in our 1 has lately been appointed professor of Loiric & Rhe- opinion, deserving oi a mai oemg mauc oi ., i ww ui ui wiuYcnuiy ui ouuu voivuiw. m nt thf attention oi aoie luoKca. i . ! " tfw .. .1 r r . . . o . N . i neurana jurors oi tne lawoupenourvourc ee nerously gave their pay as a donation to the Raleigh Academy. We hope this worthy-example will be followed. Mixxava To Readers and Correspondents. uJfuman has been aomi time on ' fil. nA rhages, Dysenteries, 8cc. and with our familiarity iu we re flattered by the coincidence in ' opinion re.' reputation increases. Medical gentlemen owe you specting the eviLs of party spirit, we shall at soma much for tho reputation ' which you have given to convenient Ume give his essay a place. ; ;; tins valuable remedy. v A cuse of Haemorrhage from ! ' A patriotic (Cdtresnondent who has recommerwW the bowels, mf a most formidable sute, under the ) (provided thOYmuirr Collcee buildinir should ever be r Parker, was en-1 completed) to add. to bur. University soma, new - Jrely cured by the exhibition , of five grain doses Professorships, and who has. suggested the means V forty hours. ofsupportingthem,ismbn,ietl that we honour hi 1 in a " Thus much we venture to assert, that had such a work been constructed in Toulon, on the heisrhts of Grasse, &c. in 1793, the Bri tish fleet need not to have made so precipitate a retreat." "- Cantain Cowan, of the Royal Navy, letter to the Secretary of the Admiralty, says, I have this morning seen one of the most destructive engines ever invented by human lnnrfnllltV called an Imprejrnable Fort, or Bat- tery. and which I do not hesitate to assert, that if it is not tmmeaiatciy auuicu uj mu trv. will Drove its destruction. It may DOI nave occurreu w uic uhwi; gentlemen who nave msp thm Krrrv. the facility w be made moveable on wheels to worl on the in i management of my associate Dr. Parker, was en-'completed) to add. to bur. University some new j i.. .i i u u;i.:.:. .re. n t... f.t .' . every three hours, for about thirty-six or motives and exertions, and value his correspondence. If!. a . - ins communication snail nave a place in our next. i ne proiessorsnips proposed are, l st. History, Dm- iuiy, auu iviurai. rnuosopny. aa. Vxnym'. try, Acrn- cidtureand other kindred arts. : 3d. Mathemaucs, Natural PhUnsonhv and AtrannmV. ath . Ormk uul Onmon t .. c.L TL.' C..K.I. V t guage jKnetonc and Ucues JUettres.j fa HisroMictrsron the ordiocrranhv of the nam of Ralcgk shall have an early insertion. , The style and manner of " Jmmbicj vtr j" arc ten Ully at variance with hianrofessioiis. He has head .i. ... . ed his essay with an excellent motto, borrowed front . one 91 our puouc papers, . , ... " Ours are the plans of deli fitful peace, Unwarp'd by party rag to live like brothers,";" and yet be proclaims fieace in such a hottile manner. that we feel ourselves compelled to exclude his . communication. ' ' 1 ''", Tl ' f -r ; A desire to offer something to 0e public on tha -subject of Roads, before or durin g the "meeting of , the General Assembly, induces us to repeat the ro quest for the communication of the paper on that subject originally published in Edinburgh, we be . iieve in the Caledonian Mercury. vVe shall feel an r .1... r 1. 1 i i ti i -,t . We are pleased to observe the interest with which Mr. Cooper's communication on mak ing Wine, published in our last, was received. Many hundreds, perhaps some one or two thousand barrels of Wine are annually made in this state from wild native grapes, but it is generally made without care or skill, & hence is not held in much estimation ; but we believe if as much of either was bestowed upon it as arreato uie m...rr isprCBCr(be(iby Mr. Cooper , and the mello. pected the model of . r effect9 o 8U dded u WwuUJ with which it might n be much an infcri; t0 the Wi, of France and Spain. Carey's Museum, reach, may probably" contain it. . V' '4 to repay by makingthe public better acquainted with Y.A'-ljC I the. many and great bepefiu resulting from Turnpike' :'i-1 a work not within ou 7 J A ; Bargain. r;,v ide, nor the application of it to vessels of easy . , experience of Sir. Cooper entitle ! draught of water, when one ortixem migat his agVicultural fact, and opinions to be re bid defiance to our whole navy, and come up ce.yed wUh x confidence, and as the com the river Thames, and return m denance ol munication was published exactiy in time to both the army and navy. - . . ... - I meet the occasion, we expect it to be produc- - I am induced to trouble their on rive of much benefiu t If any should neglect this occasion, as 1 tninx it wiu appear to nem 1 .in- to hJs rocth6d in the Present vintace. mtnUters should,? without i. .nn -. n1l- fnrtrMt' in .f,. , V Sin?1iv li. 1(ltl nf KntrmuUit ftl!n. tiff1!. ' .' :v "i J market-HwiMi in theCityof B4igli, WdUam l.Tur ; j$ tier will offer for tale his HoUsw and ' bot (as advertised r- -: 7 . Some time since) togetlier with such articles of bouat'holl ,' .' X, f.J ruture, atocie, Etc aa be cannot eontcnicmijr carry -j.,; bun . ! , tKloOctolerM-:.?:i.? tW hia maiestv S loss of time, secure xte talents of the inventor w a at V . to this country, and that. the model snouin oe immediately lodged in some place of safety, for at present it i in one of the upper apart ment of the palace in Kingston, Gardens, apd Caw. WiixiKSpw ThcTecall and dismission of this officer are spokea of Much as we adfaire the talents, and have been grateful for the services of Uea. WiUunsoo, yet U U sppeaf Uiat Eurr a con- "TP R1 Sttbaertber havins) a winh td ftntftv t tj Weft. ; v,:tj,' I to him, and Cummiof and, Harrow, to mak imraelie , navment in order that they may nvpet the deuianda a raint them. A fibire in our creditors to comply with' the ui'SU- bove requeirt wUl iiievitabiy )!rob "f tliem n lsv in tha coursa ot' thirt days, as Uio acc&oitts kar keoa ef bog . - ( '-' RaaWjJa jaunty, October flvn, J v .1 V - X c