S i :i WLEI12HtfOEMl&:A6i :1 809i tii HDioit, jL'i. Von ieli cp.i rut ssoV coB.wi.-rMcm thhik Doliiii Ttn 1 :j i ADVER TISEMEYTSr, i : FKANKLINrACADEMy. , MtomctM,' ui CMi4.vt dva. n the eVninj p ' Uwb wcoiHi i!y ny uta t rc viu twexlbited tor Uir ': ieittfit of tke AcMkmy: :tt" 4 - ;' " - . i i - i iii- FMAL E DlICATIONf ' 'X' W Exmintlon -df Ole Ymiivic Ltdlet tt tlili Semlna -Xx -rjr, in Uiur riou ttudier Will1 pmnit net on tla J Mondsv in nooettibeiv - Parent unit t;uaniiuiu ix rnes solicited to attend nd juuife fur tlK-iH lTei J i . -.L ' I'U 1 1- -H: r.r?' iACOBi MbUBECAI.G " ':WlSES.TJ0rEMPtOY iu AVOURXEYMAti' TAYLOR,' 1 V A "'y jwd woffanaii will meet Vitti constant m j JOHX St RABdTP.AO, X jf t. i- RAX-AWAY; J v. ; of hit f r teetir kre BiUn'iK' Re fill bcfic, ta ilitiUry klu t -: ; r , - . - j .. i. . IS the fVif.ty Caurt of Wcmi tnd Qrlrr feecskml of Johniton, UM Ast Term, the 8uf irl-'f juUfcrd Ailmtntstr&tnr (wttb Um will wu-xi) to the lwt of the Ku CiA. fjMAuet Sdkiik Ji-c v Thercfurr kit dctmjm in dcbtrjl to, Mti lUute rn requru4 W mk payment unnwJiatcly s altd Ihgee liVrinaf cLumi against Ute same equeste4 W bnnjf Uoi lorsrurd property iUtrMi Iram sljcmtr thiiir nartl. I'd when he U me cotum" cW.es, ex- erjr " , r SMTTlt iV V 1 ii i 'i ii in i ii- i ii mbnrk, of s brovn eotow, made in the tresitt The ;0at Vd si potket on. the inside of the left 1 ppe.U : le ji abnu Ave feet ettrttt or ten inches UiKWUitcMwlt. t.rspect he sriil tlerr to pass ft s free m&n, ul, per. Skps, kini tor ttchmumtt in irgnraa, Ftvere be was fused. te ten Jus rormcr master, wnoe name was jeerjr,,u ,a n Soum tjirouna.) aim nasseator siree man sown nuecu months in tke counties of lXtplm. Bladen, and taws, w hVrt ke Wm at leJitaketi up and coramiued to Wilmington Jail, where )us master rot him. k Ar.y person wno wui con fine Said ??rro in any jual ia Uiis sute so ret biin arin, 'V - ; ' J 6ti wondiy die 20th of Jf o. njef next, st the Ute djwelL 1 ' 4i ' ' Ine luMist of CoL 6imuc1 Sinidi dec- :. ' 1 ' . 1 1 T lli coinmeoce the sale of the perishable part of the V. -Xtale cf-Jwd dec. - consisting of a STUCK of I torses, Catf Wi Hops andtttierp-4Jorn and Fodder, House. iuiLl nd KfcrKrK PiHiutnre. Plant ill inn tllf-nnil te, fcea i&H receive a reward ot tei uiars, ana u oeuTtrc toi xh sals will continue from day to dify "till U is soli ureait wiu gireiwne jwrtoiipra uuui uic nm any ot November laiu, oa their giving buna nu spproved seen- . 'I.'j-,.. ? E.:SMlTtt,mVV , OcfoA)4fA, 1809." j . i-V-: . ' " i'r-' ne in Wsdenborough, 2S dollars, 49 im. . Stakes. ' Uader thi bktufe oT' Kng rChiflet i V. l 4i9'wr9U (iKser vency wu,vu a-nau um, Videsbprough, 8ejJt tS, 1809. -v For 1810,; r r C 1 Aw! tcit sale at 8? 40. per thousand, ft Yvrt erosi. 4 ier naif gfoss, 7S centsper dojeafcor IdeVnU.tingle) by. J t tatcd in Turner? OMcatontJurxi history 'qf Gtun'l . irDray1srttan ve ine-wlmt t . - . : "s -i f wMsiw .' " i : i nree crowns uwuninujuro am u urocruu, jc - t net u:iisc.inarryjn,v-xn;nvoni rtuusun uiur,iuuinu i , a new-tDQ-mm was set up near vjiSninain, i , Etrtlis.crdwn. thukat my feet; lean disdain. V f -.; iimei Bettniond, Tarboro-1 ho. Watson, printer, W w-M jW,, WaV U GilfluctbVi w hit h is now de itto- ( .Whicn 'hekvy is; and, at ton besLoat vauv ' 'S s V W . .. . . J ' . . . , i.. . . I IieKii.l Kisi' OftlmtM? tiomn lv. r uiAtjw n,ilU mark tKefioun nxl naif hOuri thtdt by liii',-; haJctwhkh by degrees, from some year cbi v r.', serv&uons Jre had tnada very exact, ind ,nTiyi,'.v v Sodv Irijvr what oMock it wa by Isaac's dial, ai t,hty ordinarily called it f thut in hit youn eaf yeari did that.immchse c;einus dister t ; S rhlime lmanation,'that siftce ;Tu$ lileaj c , S rather tonipreltCaded tK .wor!cV-j i 't ' . , S' v The lad was noi nly e'ekjicrV-,with;W . mechanical tOoU,'but he'vras equally so'vv hiis peni For he busiod himself very rrtuch.ta' "rit drawing, -wluch- I Suppose heleamt from f rn irH;lioatirfB. ihd obseryaooq" of natureV' .--'1 .v Uy)nquinvi was miormea tnat oncoia on '' ey 1 43 ac was tiuicui wsa uia wfiviTj iiidvri who uvea wucre npwis trie Miiestoneai;nqusj. c iq Caltle'ltfeel f -batt&eont' remunGef 'S'f v that lie -fJBailey had any ktiack in drawiriRi "J'" . Howeve-tby this means ir Isaac farnsKt-a hi wholo'room with, pictures rof his' own TOakinrt which prpbably he topied from prints jvell ai V " - frorrt HfeV v, Thy mention several bf the kir. i ? ' heads. Dr' D mael 'andlikewiio- Hsmaste . 1','n . .,!'';-r ; '"iv. thvm,Y.lf tbt bettuiflt iimbu p'rofcble ut)?- '-f , . ; ..$llli$AAC NEWTON" -v designed the pHiittoo,Jwhtchw corfiinoo - li- v lUfdloring aneed9te &iStr 'Aewfi.f I u lnlit w::: 'vi ; : V ii...,.,. , j - ,-. . . wi oy.. vnrjou. w..n urn-ta. sx-w. t:&hd ' thii' countn; usinir this flv witrr VnilU ' ' BUt W.rown of thorns FlT -.V-' t ' 0? An nctire'boy of JJ or.U-ytara of Mouklt b.. This Ahoanutk eohtnsbes.dcs Ihe-Astronom.cl Csi- USU UlW. ,. .ttfW Cin Hy ytltV mMt. 8h a.wbt.iKio-UaiM m-eV.-f r' v ', ten as anprerit.ee'." t ' , - -n'-; , ,nlatjms.ii gretf tanety of useful, and efttertaining mat Our 14 t imitating bptrtt ..was .oot extlterj, 'The crown- of glury ihat I yonder see 7 V " ' x-' " ' , . r". r Urrrr W-n . , ... ' , .,-Tf- , ? they ermakuig it, .he be come master e- .t.Thcae pictures he made frames to hW aintgomery County, vj ' - - tTJ IVKRSITY . r AoUSo io niate vy PFtiTibdeT thereof, andrcolou -.:-r.-i-i t..n:.l:- LWAr. W allien, DwM. de?d. .j mjc w so uuilui tmciu if ii siiai " . - " -We. William LftfVitnJ tor "Wr" a ' . Vmiahwi wife, JoliftKirbv audi !f?v?! X-fi is v IMU liisr wife,' ; -r - -J ! ?T. ktive' 1 tirEarehftpmrtn ; V Teacher fiv the Academy atChapi i'huuu:d for the ensninir vear. Itlias been 'jroeure a man uu, iy ins laicjis iuhi exirience, kliouu :n our olyect to j lodgedi and Clothing -it , W llh aart Woth; tht 4? it, j but. -what was i, this esse It apiieann to the Cduit tf at tlw Defend. V J. antS'Wlliiim lx)ft.in and wif Lnvinia, Jolirt Rh-by "shd ; Wiff Dolly, 'are. not' residents of this Stlite ; ii (wkr, 7 sfifeW, -thHt urrless Ahev: apijeik at. the next fViiirt trt 1 , held fli Siiid eomitjr and shew cause wh) thfc Vi-ayrr ri? I fssitca'nsitlicm. -. , -' ., j.s, -s - , .i i furfur W(Tr,.T1uf aeopyrof tfiis order. W put -1 . 4Lshed in pne 6f ,the NeWs-Papers printed in Kak iph, for 1 sureq wceu successively. . - i ; - . v . ' fTVSTRirS hi acknowlcdirnlehls trlljoiie 'Members o' V the late Assemblies and to U'ito rriends irenerallv wlu liVe favoured him with their eomp uiv. Ire iufitrms tlit . aiemBcrs ot me ewiutiuir tieralthat lit ha i!T .'' wsfeiS hotistif -iron . -Vi iccofhnoclatr thirty or tlMrtvpve meinbers iwl slil- , kfeluin plenty of- rsrrtri to acefcnniadate lr&t(4ler and '.' athers.-' e Ua tiodjsbtoier. niitnty of fm-aa. ami will make every eiei-txm to Ti-odtrsll satisfied and rflni- 5 t)tUble who my llimltf proper to favodr kirn With theii a. MmpanyYnu command . - . '. 52 4w " Ralei'ifh, October 24, 1809. , rFayeueyilJer Acadeiiiyi y- wiiii ineir rymp uiy. ire unarm tlit Biuiij A8emWy ul the public in te i!r.i.rd ins building and has also ns Mrt. Wuitj, whtcK'Witr enable to wintf w'nuVd readilv illrn . ie nuaiifiea toi tne I uaion ot routn j whose, tuste nu I - : i'w'Ji. aj' i.- OAbds t-RouM dispose b.m to douPit lus profession. . t Mrau.tii.iary.. -uuu was. . - v vi - I iiailltr, and that the mouse made. tne mill turn in this st-arefhWe have been successful. EnE-ajrementi 1 j 1 t. . i vl j .k' a ft... ''.u ' 'jsve been msde with tr. ChORo Jojwsxonb, whose I . . - , ,, . ti' -i ,kiitikiiniriustki toowellkno'ntonwdrecotniniindil. ( too upon the millcjrs .eating ine torn yoiv; came this ftis L'oiuitry'.from JEdmburgh when .put in.; Some say that he tkd avBtrn ie nnisnep-.nis- cnucauon, , au eniermfr immecuateiy inu. .-ouse's tail, which was DUt Into a wl ne biuinessof tenchinif, lie has ,contTiUed in it nunntl . r ' - i ' Li' n i UiMinie years n has uecn among pnitumion n. view, tit nig' diligent 4jjJi4 i-8 .'it is out .Tevoioniible Is itul. bra yHis wdiicetioii enim t ie EnUsh, ly.iim and (ireek piiiin Liantcuuires., He will i.ic in.Ufcetiibert and assume uv o r Uic nrst or Jamur . A' . 15 . I 1 . rci. . ... - i . ,1 ! I . IT . . nm as onportuniiv to convince Use public ofh detes- lof a DO he bepgea tit Mr. Clarke s ; his- land mmed fidelity to the business be undertakes lord) wife s mother, s A described to fliey 11 m nis purn ose ra um s Piuoenw mio.: classes rt.8(.mMe(l muchur common clnrlrit.nrl An ettiract from H scoitotof Itfcep.tTrVl mEnjc1aht r , ir..ir k:u.k ... .,n,tA .v.- ni'-& 1' v 'iTiVii f whirh the cfcltbratedDrEtiwJi Mj I v " v .,.i...- ;..r (i,rv;i,i TLiit,.. '...vi vii ...... I rccftouror many,yea1i',Hrfe tie died in tha "H -?' v rt ' year 1 765, at a wy .advanced age, ,His. tatfVgi that was 1 , - -L.-.f - :..;n.lK-A i;k- .it;. .'. a;a -r S J lh4 loot entdr the ihurch till heSas Cfty :year us.- HathiK o oU. I"'"-" -i" 6V- f.M.. , .8 the . JLaf he expected. Considerable pro.' XV; a known to.posMf made themousfc.go forward by way tf rean a?.annn,.ViW:,Kr.C v ; suppose 'thst he is well tancet this turned the mill.4 Other up. f Vf.- K es bins to tcn not only L. I.. inm. ' mm JLk t. . wJ cease hjpresent majesH vfathertmf Uj..;4- : , , but also the Trench and rv ' " ""r w? vear M7i.l. all his Hobes of refernienl txoirt' vZ-ff i " move his family to this lueel i thu the mouse eodeavounne to:tto,I . . , .ut.l;jA iLxk.. s l SiluWitSt ft Ss la! wKW hesidousIv.applieA i was uiui-ii im.iu u. wi uc inaucuuii ... . 'fur i- . i ' fhis Wight-Tfotighisi whicli poeita !alohe wiu-; ;onfcr upon hiiny the' palm of imnioirtalitjr'j i pT-y:, , This piece" wa$ published ift ievralpam 'itiwiitth ttu KrtCiii!r'fvrtf Is fAhik Mnnlotmn nlirltv a v " -. i ' - - --r i -I . r ... 1m. ! . j - i " . . m . . i . ' r j- ites. and for tho .Kmger time' wlilch(such plah will a!. w cases, out tesaior , was no aoove ne;?rt books' -of father wefrebfA ' ow hmvtx. spare wttii each, it is easily seen how necea- feet in h 4ftht, and of proportionable breadth.- r,'ii ,v .,;inrw , ry it li th4. every Scholar shoald be present on the firs Vhere wa? . AH nlate' at Tot) with fi imres of L .CJ?mlWV ieconHftiy efthe session, that the standing may be ' ?, P C top WlUi Bgu;es .ol JSaeph 30??OgJw 4"re$petuble:ittat :St5tI wMolieU, whichit vUl be pcopfer f0r hitn to tie. the hours. . , 1 he index was turned by- piect arned disvntmg miniateV, a' kind 6f ! Hoard will be-had 'jm' the village for seventy or eightj f wood, which either fell .Or, rose bf. water nitft-'rf,;mlln blank verBei which inclddei1 lotUrt a year, Wry:l,inff found , and tuition for autre, ,lron This Stood in the room where he Pl u-'l- " 58C O-1 "u t , .irear dollars' each, to be paid semi-annuaHy in ad- ' 81000 '"in. room wcrc ,n tuihe exceptionable passages f J'. 45. v-.--.' v - .... . lay, and he tookcare every morninKTo supph k -sTrf Tr ritr! 1 1 1 1. . ... u.d.i o..w..a . .M . W V. . - i ..v. v., . .. . . Chapel-Hill; October 24, 1809. PRtKCtfAL 'OF. AN ACADEMY AND - ' PASTOR .WANTED. " ' - V : HP HE TinTstees of the r'jiVettev'ille AcsilemV'witli'nlea. ' ' J'ltfe inr(M'mtlt'e rurenand tiuaulians of Children, J nrlfC. Oev. WlLtMM; 'TUmEK, Princifial of the ; ,. fiaVhs Ilev. William U,Tnwr la engaged as'Princi-J 1 Ralejeh Academy, and Pastor of" the City, havinr f .t.i..r . 1U9 ........uj, .... wineiiu:!- ukiii mi iiu, i siR,nnea nis intention or resigning niSiSituauon at tbt ., wn" pnbintment-.aboat. the middle-of. Novemlicr I ctos of the niesenl Session, the Trustees of the Acade . , SWtl . .1 . -S? l - m - - . - '.- . . S . I . B , ? w aegree onieptnauon mis gt-nueraun iius ae- I rty and the In it with ;ts proper1, quantity of-water 4 and the familr, upon, occasion swould go to set what hour it was by it.-, it Was ' left in th. house, long alter he went away'to the iiwyer- sity mv nossea a literary curiosity it nas tms stngmaroui, tio'n 6f M . w . T.oung Iheneitmf pdfyyheT ;Dr$pr; ever paid attention to; the piece 1 cau-t ;jvv 5 . J -'not learn, but pertain it isYthat the subequeni v aeif Served and enjoyed; as FnncipaTortiie Academy in fta. ; ,.Iei eh,, fenders uimecessarV'the'iiddaion of unvthinir oii i head.' . U forratt' Site! pledie to those who" pili-pos' InhubiUults of the City are desirous of uurimr a 'suitable .Character, to supply his. places Clergyman of finished education and unexceptionable mo- replacing their Chlldrew ia Uiis ScIkh J, that the ntmrfst ati J rofttvf the Academy (after paying the Assistant Teach S fcation will oe paid. to;thei axlvanceirieniiV Literature-, 1 eTs) 'with'a ha ft me subscription fi om the inhabitants ana the tmprovement ot their tnorats, The'Trastees as. I bf. Ute Cur and rieiKhl)ouvhood,i'hi8 Clerical services. sure tiie puinrx,tiuit novning Sball wanting on their I .Tins Academy has: at present one hundred and fifty 8tu part to promote the future osefirtness .of the Students that I dents, tibouf sixtv of which are Females, principallv in teltilv Jliaftliaiw rtr thn riiilw 'nr lt,.li. 1 l... u u- .f : I AllkOw IOUWIVI OUIIltl lllLa til ml I US3LU Oil HIUU f IV r Lrll-V- 1 1 V W IllliX '. IIIC VUIUIUC IS LUIH JlClfUa - ' --... : of Kis thought?, that he was apt to --'neglect hia (cr? ?f f iar; rc ,cheet;fal ciu-tVdn4 J?p! pro. brooii; and 4till boyi wen? itoir and then put o lfceo the hntfolcnccf the , 4&f:i to iiis;:; We;, his pains to overtake them,- and such rtsir. cpmplatnf, "ana : the entimentaarr- fJC his capacity that he toultl sobndot' andout- sunableCto i vjhibauPa' jpandtheraelCrt J?-l strip them' when he-pleased j and itwasken' iri;itif iwd;ifi3oXTiiTt!.J 4-JT:ViliX;i notice of by the 'master. Still notKing omd Frorn the petusj reduce him to Uybyhis mechalhicaPexperi- has been imagirjed :that i&'IkwthoutaSi.oT'a. '.n !U ' iTraiS'SlP Lt 4 aK; r Female TePhe'. t perintemiance menta, buValtholw Vdays, apd what t? me the melancholy "disposition.- Btt earjv re e 'euuuKKbi ajtaeber tAMiisick. v- ,:.;'v . city, granted to the Trustees by the Legislature) and the knocking and liamerin in his lodging room, mentions, thae;.he StablsherJt - ' The eonvOTnce rftbe ftniliMrMtts number of stmlents heretofore has annuaily increased i pursUmg that strong bent of his inclination not room' in hU oaf ishV'and Waf remarkably fult-fk lastngngeiJ theparticay onofthtTruateea..; A , BaleiKh beingtlie Seat f Ooyemment of Nbrth-CarolP otilv in thinirs serious, but ludicrous' too and of vivacitv m conversation:." The dM Kit iiil- &6 womjat oajbr kirfre. numbcrf each aem-tbe prn. na, very healthy and pleasai situation, irttheJiiUycou.h Tr m -'f11"" , ' "w-V U ? r? ' ' ? Vivacity. Cftnvm4tldO;r v A1 .i,i aipal families of thewnjm,ay, be liadttherateof8ixor- try, containing amoral and respectable society, where w"at would please his sgtybol felloes, as well relatives in SO quick aaucCestpnJbandewYX.;'-3'-;- ' ,eJln dultftf w"iUu :?;-''''.:. every neces'ssry of life can be hadin pleiitj'ontea'sonable as himself ;.y.et It was in order to bring them tirje interment.' f'-KU'l blbred 'dglilep'fjnv f-&Sj 'SSff off frnvtrrd UacKma we France, h&d - health einc by mi"l?!dw1vt lYpX may allv.to play pUospph,callyK and U, prefermeeplAu ajimwed sbdmes oftbe Teato' remter hyvJPayette- my in tha Southern States, c CW. ' v - .- which he might Willingly bear , ft part and fir but we have n proof toa,ielaric.Iyv-: thiIfv . 'Jf't VWf.??'. AUdy. of .. talents ahd acquirements equal to tlieyn- waa particularly Jngemdus at inventing1 dtveH permanentite of.hla. miW,-?)ida r M' ,U - H.VroiOKi'. teJ, alons for theni, ioveUcttririi0d.;-7A his M rttSr fought LaM - . . . : I wiivjitui bik nvsvjcirv ouu is. Btitiiiu rciiucuuui t . , . , v . . ' . . . ..i y -L. . - t . . --t a - -f -l.. s' c ? k r J . I. 3 V ' C i - . . -1 a. . . . 1 - S" . 1 . . T - - S - t . ...kXV.lU.il A r . - ' - FyetteyillerOct y5t'-lj9;i ;7;v .a?,. - v . . - v. - . t; T ESfPECtTTjULt informs her Friends and the ' 1iU . v tnm ner i yEujr, hlir the Stat-Moase Square, Is aisdauons arV provided for 30 or. 40 roembers of tlie eii- k'ung General Asiicmblj';-7 r '.- ; X "'Z Besides main -house, Vhfcli Sis spMiofiivthcrre deUclsed buildings Well furnished fop private Vommo- forscre find attended bv'carefiil hnstirL A ntvl BBort- su nt of the best Honors ftr kept.- and tne Uhl will be jT'ivided with 'whatever the country afl'ords,- served up . in Die best mann'eriV;- K':-J ...lij'J'- ,; As afra. p .determined to keep a' goodtloaSe, arnt ie uttaUy quailed, as an AssistM Teacher of tlie Lktin aiMiUrceK Lafigiutges, sc. , i " r - ; .- V , ; A ' Applications for any of these situations, mae to jtnE Triistecs of tlie Ualcigh Academy, , bf tetter,- '.post paid, Will lie duly attended toj and1 hn mediately answered, and f.lrt1.A. r.nllnM ta.,.,. . .ki S...l....l . ' . -'(: -,:'( 1 ' X. JOX153, Pres., . Aug., 30.. .,', -':; .-M- i. .. v - .1 T'' HE Subscriber havinir a wish 'id fpmnw tn tViA'west. I I '' an. .IH.L..i.Jn. ' .............. '.tl iuL;-': ll...,,l i' l j? 1 ' ;.l 'T-.' "iiuivi i.vfi.p.,1.);, ,n.iMimi iuint UIUL-UU.U . eDuuiry- pcuinc cxcccuinKiy. iiiiiifcinjr to bimrnd; Cummins and Burrow, to make'immod.ate f,mpt.LIt ia thraiofot thar hVrstinvs-nf. payjneirt m order.tliat tbey msyneet the demanoYagainst 71 fP'jT, 7 - - fhemn A' faUure in our creditor, to toqbiy'wM- theJa- ed this tpethod , I eanno tell0W .frttf.TheV juvc ivu.,uxi. wjl, iiict imui.. uiviiivv. uji'm in iilw in Tlie irpi ,i r.iri mil. TiiiiDrnE nr . wai 1 n 'nnnprvin. thiu?V4? l?i" occH,oflel the motion of theun,' especially in tn: yjtr for Instance; iovmakin'g paper kite?, which he nothingof the kind Canbejrly esra1i 6raf iotr0dUicedbihjt'- Itef'tbinVtferV 1 ;vDr;;;ohnlon 8ay,v'i'.i1n4ing out' )hir...piporrion'ind Ii- 't)i.i'tHiutaryorK';' fti --.:' i- guresi,and whereabotits: the string j1 .'should be DrYivung hasxktbfted - Ver fastened; to Ithgrealest advantage, and -ofmriginal poetmarie'ate htpaic.?;f :. many'. p1ace;8V.v-'-Iaiew8,e hei ,grst . madje Ifn-; rWns;an4 .striking jftllusio thorni'of paper crirnpltd which he Used tb go thought, in whjth the fertility. to school bv. in winie mornfntrs. with a can. inwen '.oC ttthi:-Mie iod tiff " vdditfirr -.O.!''-1 die; and tird them to he tail' of tKe' kites in The etcelleuce ptti wtk is iu,t xcft9S '-f: dark i' niffh't which! at first affr'tfehted , the Ibut coDlousnessi iifttfc thev I reo-arded-the ndwer At n Hit whole .; Vhd ift, 1 4 the whbfe there ia si mifJhcnce'likthrt oribed let " Chinese pla-dtatiofr, 'he "mSgfl f-w cericlp of Tiut xfeiiiut',TiToV serit f.' j57-' Ai1teVl?iitn!ub4c6.nf mixjbrer of melanch timei nrtdok'mitri hit mtHiuMi