STAR HI - - Vol. II. RALEIGH, APRIL 5, 1810. . No. .14. . : ) r V H r 1 9 lt 0 : et . a e' -n , t . If . r.,; ly 5f " t S a;- :e ' id, o .' - or' t '. I . ie er :b. ' ch-' :I ifi i ie i b. ar BCt . te'. re 1 sJ" fCBLlSHBD ETEBT THUBSnAT, BT THO VUS HEKBEESOB, JVM. FOE SELF'. CO. At THE .. vrrr- exd ot t ATsrTai.tB-TeET, eeae - CAlSo's COBIIBB rBlCB THBtr "QUAES fEsl AXIOM, VAT ABLE fJitf YEABtf i vDYAKCE, ', SIVOLE PAFElt 10.CEBTB.,' -V ;V "- ADVERTISEMENTS. : ;:; r-v-'Vr;, UNIVERSITY. ITpHE following Trustees are appointed a committee of X visitation to m end aiihapcl lull on rna-y uie jm t .day of next, 4a wit t - : - Thomas Blount "I " Thomas Drown, jun. Josepft'H. Bryurt ? The Rev. Jos. Caldwell Willie W. Jones :VVinim Little Israel Pickens "William E. Webb i John S. 'West , .' Joseph VV iiuton Robert Willinms (ot IMdgh) . ' Published by order of th Board. ' , v : ROBERT WILLIAMS, .Sec. ' Raleigh, April Jd A D. 1510. Ten Dollars Reward. Edglc TavcVni WINSTON. TitB Subscriber informs those TRAVELLERS who nuv be paing and repassing lb rough ibis place, 11)11 6e h a convenient Mouse, furnished with ri 3-ds and Liquors, not interior to ny Uiat ,th country anurds. - TliO'te fitntkmen who may honour him with their com pany, vm enjoy that quiet repose so access! y to aweary traveller JOSIAII HANCOCK. Kinston, March 9, 1810. , ll?-oiSm BJBEAUfedtaBMhwAM Literary Advancement, SEVEN THOUSAND DOLLAtlSl May be gained forth small Sura of FOUR DOLLARS! NEWTON ACADEMY LOTTERY. SCIItME. 1 Prlaeof ftiiMJi . A 1 . ir ' Vl M I,j,ivjf-;; nijtw Ui7Ui l Uicli, a cask fT ..-rJLXi.u "lias asmiiil fctv. mi J.r iorflivud. a A. J fJt f. ' i'UAVr.p a Ncpro man ly 'V : O the nuiitc of Miiiiuct, fivii'g two limes iiuih o ji.isuaiuugu,on me : ( V ' ' .. . full tin hrr IilVl. or cnjiitiit il Lv a f ' : O 4 ' iitlJ'.c,' aimrtit or tj' lite hiind In her Itfl cyi , has a awab tail, and vaa shod Uttoit: wliun le went away t slie trota er)- short and cMiuhuiitlMitily..' bl.t ln.ti a colt with liisrwlieh ahc ltfvV,M!sl 4)rouph,".w puiuctl n far as lxHiitJiU', nd vl IjOt iii that j)im.s on the 144.Ii.- 1 he mart: w: s the coK on ilictbyUfor in the vlcmitj of Luidig,( It is )rohalle if she is liol Uken npi that Uc win ndcbV(ur to get further dou n the coun try wilt re sh w&s raised:; Aiy person delivftin the fc hyve dtci'ilel mare to the buncnlwr, living in itiUsho ' rqttgh, shall receive the ubove rtwaid and alt reaDonable , exuuictt paid. , ' ' l ' . " ' JAMES S. SMITH. 'March S8, 1810, 1 . , 14-Sw ' WILLIAM SHAW .it rfay tpksn into CuJiariTterthii ; i.' -'.v ROBERT CALLUM, TTIE bus'mcM' wilt in futurt be conducted under-tbe I -name of WILLIAM SHAVVSiCo. W. S. avuiis hini- atlfof this omvittmiiiv publicly to make, a tender t hia sincere actnow'tUmciiW to lus friend for pst ouub, : ami the imaiit hem solicits a cnUnuiuic , ,. Thfcy hiive now on hand A vwy wnsidcrahle amount nihl Wv -chosen ttsaos-uuent of Good.-), 'and liaving very Itfithfol "Atcntt both in KiW.YoVknd VtiiUuWSpUui- will. bv tiine mniu. be keoircJurAriv funiuuied (at stiort in- WifjOs) withsueh irt;lir suppius a the-detnsnd may .''itOM the Sutcrihcron the 15th HUHSK, ily dout) Strayed irom the Subscriber, g"H Sunday th 18'h instant, a J rery dark Iron Ui-ay MACU, lour years old tins Spring, about faur teet seven or eijflit inches ' high. &he has two or three smull 'Lii aiuita c im ! nf her hiiul- 3 dcrs, occasioned by the hull of a c iiUu-. fehe trots. Ax. 1 expect .lie wiU midte towartls Anson, wliere she was rai&eo. Any person who win iaae her up and give me information of it so that 1 ret her again, shall be reasonably rewarded for theh- trouble. ihe keepers of the Stray Books in the different counties are requested to give the Subscriber information tv letter (directed to Scotiand Neck Fost Office, llalifaA County) sumtia a Mare oi uie auove iu-tjii"u'i on Uiir books, for whic !i trouble satisfaction witl be made. IIK.NKY AfriAWPIIb Httlifas Cottntv, March 1810. 133 w. pd. v n Tue hair on the end of her tsU has hrtely been cut, and it appears moi-e white there than on any other partofh-'. . n- I I 10 5 20 33 53 1J0 SUU luoo son 100 50 so 10 41 5000 auoo . lvXXI . 5OU0 luoo 2000 lOutl ' liu0 l2iAM 7750 TickcU At 4 dollars eacB 2100 26)8. Frizes v . , ,, . ' 5U2 Bianksi - Wanks to a pnte. Fart of Uie aoore Drives determinahlR in follows. The ii. av drawn blank on the 1st, 2nd 3rd 4iU iih Uh 7th - - - - UNITED STATES. W77I "' sA . t 6 , Y . COXGRESS r.;r. HOUSft OF EEFKESENTATTVES s DEDUCTION' 0? -THE Alt V1T AND NAVY. '; . Mr.' RaWdoLph 'said he wished to submit i motion to the liotwt-' which whs of a rutur' thAt would retlire perhaps, at' least jastity,5, some general obaervations. During his una voidable absence! front his duty in the Holise' I th present session,3 it had be eh some consola ' tio'o to him to reflect that if he had been tma- aiul H4i Oavs aie t-nutled to ttiiJeach i.t . i.C .u. ...l .t.:-tJ The first draw n do. on the 9ih lOtb lllh h 13th do lgOl do,,, 'j rr.iL . i v l j me nrsturawn ao. on Uie Uih and liuido. 200 u "' w'auu'u 6"wi.ui min.uait uv The fi. t drawn do. on the 15th do. ' . -. 5uol do vised to meet ih& necessity of the statei at least And Ue last drawn ticket wheUerblankorpriZe5uoo d- Kosc Wcasure wet not in anv wise retarded" ?r y PPf of hi,; ; True it lastday. v . , f is said he) that at the distance at which I wal Prizes payable 60 davsaier the eomofetion of die draw- nlarrl frnm thaseat of coverrtm('tit-'?t thrnuirh Uke M.anagers, who hold themselves responsible. ii,'iiitiuii.-hfAuirh' which I viwprl St hiaJ ui ivt tv ukuubt ini ui iu ut r cenL-.'. F--? i AUpriiesnotdeniaiukd wiUiin 12 monthsafter diaw-j.sures u WM8 impoasiuic ior ,mc to ui stern auw , Vl Ing.wiii be eonAiUcitd reUnqtusued ibiUk bciu.&iol' the Ith'inp; like a system puCrsulng or 'about to be" pur-'.''t ' iiisuuiUons. . , s U'uei by ihc government ot this nation.' Boi' ' t iaorthiao 1 OuilMWe of enablinj- '1. - i- .1. . r . . c niuiraviuit iitw ioif Acisisr the town Fifty Dollars Hewardj RAN-A WAY from the Subscnlx r on the.lUh of September, 180, ..u.-.w - - inriiiseivei win uc a . auincieiiL uiauceliient. imli-i: is large And l.Ve.y, ali-ut bye tt;tt , of,he flat-.ennipiopec held out in the above SCHEME eleven inches nUgtAMuay. to inflce friends to useful Institutions to be. tire. His lace is overrun conie liberal puichaers of ticket A.u! thPi ,Wm it xutf uf i . ..... . . . . . " of inauou, not to the' wain' oi" decision or wjsdoui Asheviiie, tocoinpieat tlie netessaiy buil'ting belonging io the g'jverumdnt. .' flutertd myself 'thafe ; - to the saine-And no to establish Femski Acwlemy tn hen I should hdVe reached the seat of govt fna ' , ; , the town of Asheville. , .t . . . . , . , . , , - , - . ? . ,-'. . Winch two "objects the Tru8ic"es and Manrers fl;.tter rau''wleu I bhould tje oaUitf spot that Ishoultl u-iuti-nt nu n ai icuai lc ciiduicu tv uiatciu u ccrcc us - kick -of a ho. se of the Sm bia nose . v . . n . v. .kub.v.w in. iin i l in mc.ii a 1 1 1 . 1 1 there is a scar occasioned by the Hwdt- over most oiht Si mmarka -1 or suiucthing like a regular system of polity' per- vadiiig .he great councils ot the uatmiw but. ,ullPox, khdononesuit vl unnecessary to expatiaurlaigcly uMonu-ahting die advan.-8," iU tile irteuiis accessible to mci durinj (therife'ht !f ' tages these iMtitutions tnr hve'(il tU supported with ?tW. t'lutd'that 1 Have bctn' in Washington t a scar occasioned by the is- , j. u J.T. . : . j ... .. . . P. t . ' ke d When he runaway from n.e he can.. d ' kuown U,at A.heville 9 ,me T of hi n oai l"aVC, U"C" - UV"8 " IIHtl ; ... "... .,.... . .-','; .'; with him a Hay Mare. Jim can read and write ma if Jllttla,v Bituat.ns on ihis continttnd King in the ;8lcT,1 aT Ulu,8 "Ke C ncert any ttHrt like-a ' pecthewia pass himsemor imtm" . .u..w. . t nwglibouihoodol Uie M arm Sprints, aiul on the mam road plan uOiUC to 0e pursued bt this House in1 1- '. ,- i. . .. K-itfVi.ir4utmrl iniia there. AI!V : i .i . . 'i. .i r . i . . . -:. " . . ' . . 1 - h. Tnirin win, will itflhrerthis bov into Dli' poaiH!!t.. l-eceive Kitty Uouars, ana iweiuj-t. tnaityjai il. ROBERT CLARK Anson County. March 15, 1810. 12- 12m. f(fTf''f- svAih a roaclie - --i'V-iSH histl trinyil 3 liud ; Iiw lov ST'1'?! 0und,andrat tfaht B (VniKiie (j and ajfjrjii Bf'P iy&med, his l'ore- sliod all ps, likvin Ucen tt'htthae'inan his tail, und his 1 boh eve he was ;S tvt in his iii!ii kr v tk 'i uy atont tuerm 'auiivs are k ivHit.t ruprea witn gc ' r V . 1. ' ..'i i '. At ruiutti inufiwpittpa will be mad: to any striixnl horse ttf Hie I" AJH. UVi .1.1 p." ....... STEPHEN HARRIS. Bl!.eh,"Marc S6, 1810. - - - '. - ) iV L I I ' '"I' -i'M,-.., i rfijHH,,,..,,..... Raleigh Academy. THE Trustees of the Kalei'h Academy have tlie plea ' sure to inform the public, thkt they have engaged tlie Rev. VVitMAM M.'Fhaetkrs, twnl Viinia, a geu- tlemla eminently, qualified for the undertaking, to become the Principal of iheAcacmy and Vtor of Uie City, thfct he will certainly eiiler uin these uupoitant duties on or about the first oi'M.w next. jf The Tnistees are hillily grfirit at the arrangements now iriado for the futu inafttictlon of the Students of this Aoudemv. asthev AisWinc.ed that scarcely any Se minary ,of learning in the fnioii offers greater advantages to Youth ot bot h sexes.' f ' The I'emale D--jartint is under the care ot Mrs shufi : Irr Tr , a r oupnt per- j- . ' MltlU v Ki:it'.a iih lunelilK- tv-sriri. .1 1.. I.. l... k... i. ... . i o . ,r ... , : ' , i, . V'"-.". ' ! of IWh sex.-, during Summer and AutumnTfibr P' unul lh,s mjnu-nu' But I Under-' , - fit of heal Ji)tbn Imt imy other plac6 in the Southern 8tal)d, sir, 'at length the hUugit hji been OtiA . - I section of the Umon-Ad betncraiso a niactf whn. imawl . tl:i hjfnti rit tii Urnnr1 nrw,ri1 - . I and 1 union are li:id on very modtlate terms Where tht i- : r.ui - , i i " , . . i Youths of the sisttr .uie. win i t c... ? !t5 r ratstrtg supplies by loans rfnd by , additional . - constitulioiis together with their Educations, and receive' 'All Ml the Visits oftheir frietids to and fi om the Warm Springs. mutioh W hicli 1 3 crtun v. Utasl'idije compensaUou Samboi'bke, who ,uistmu tlie Young Lathes in Music, oil-sou who vdl li ("rthe alovede- D.-awini?, Painting, and Ivery kind ot Ornamental and suhicriber.orgehim mformation Plain XL-dle-Work olief branches of Ld.ication, such ! All these advantages united bear trie elegibility ot A.ibt'ViUe tts a scat tutiortsAnd therefore on these self-evident grounds, we respecuuuy tuu;v uiepuuitc patronage. . DAVID VANCE, GEO. SWA1NE. JOHN FATTON, CE NEWTON, ANDREW EttWIN, vlxheville, January 25, 1810. 6 tf ills in relation to ihrit system that the am a'wut to make will standi i T Cash Store. S. BOj ; . CHEAP JEWELRY , GOLD. AND. SILVER . JVARE, &?c, ' - - "i - iffy Thomas Emorfd RET VHS his sincere thanks to the public for the li loerafaiid increased encouragement he has lately re vived in his line of business, and respectfully informs ttifiin ihuf li.. Kim fuin'iulit-il himseif with a irood Woikman in the aWe line tf business, who fnubes all kinds of . ',. Gold and Silver Ware, IIAIU-WORK y ENGRAVING, &c. - v - : ' . : . V,' . . on rcuMonalile terms. Anv norson wi.hine to have Gold or Silver worked over, will bo assured of having it done of the same tiold or Silver sent, and not exchanged or Alloy ed. , I will give" tlie highest price for Old Gold or Silver, ia Work r Cash.' t' N. B. CLOCKS and WATCUE3 made and repaired as usual, and warranted. las Natural' and Moral Philosophf, Astronomy, Geogrsphy, History, English Grammar, Heading, Writing, and Anth- ir.!ic, fu taught them oy Uie rnnctpai anu Teac hers. This is a course lately auopieu in tne caue- my, trom wlncli, it is , oetteveu, great auvaiuagc. uc 1 derived by the Female Students. The ni'st halt Session ot tne Acauemy win ciosc n me 16th instant, and the second commence on the 19th. Wm. W Hi I js, aec y. March 14. Ihxc Bills. BEING anximis to close his Goods ffir CASH liis Store in K:lcigh, u! Books, will in future sell as justopuied, at nssortmentof fit A.l .. II. 1. SPRING WODS, For which he paid Cash, and ll dispose of them for a ee ry small profit. Those whovish to pdrchase Goods in this way, will please to call And judge for themselves.' evident tcstimo of ii hiid'indted supposed,' sir,-that when" the fro- . at for Uterary Insu-S .. - -.- 4 .t' if... j c.I. - -l- ij ' ? . vciuuicui ui n ic uuuifj uiaica biiuuiu j yci in , to operation at this session, the first act' would .' be (if indeed e could 'not build up) to'fpull down that-which every one -seemed to acknow -ledge was 'inefficient ridiculous and, hurt fulnic I allude to ihe celebrated tion-intercburseVw ' and 1 ceftainly should Lave felt it my duty't to -subnirt a motion ori ' that subject as soon 09 -1 toot my btat, if I h td not bten informed" that bill was in transitu between the two I(ouseto 1 effect' that ' object. 'W hy indeed the nation fhuuldhave tolerated this acknowledged, evili I havc: riever been enabled I had:' supposed hat the fiist step would have Hetn to ; do away tje confessed evil, by wav of prtpaTa ? tion for some substantial good, j in this, how ' ever, I have been unlortunately nvistitktn.--i . i'.'i l. .l " . ' 1. e .1. t. 1 'cm-. .-..- tUicthtr the people .of th United States Wero"; rff' , -pvi-r toTVtrievet!;it fl ut ishirnT tonimerce whic-K ."J N. B. All those who are indebted to him are hereby l , j hk,n Rn rU.rn.U'v Rr,n,li-d Mr fi ' a-.W!' if ': 'it ' V1-' requested to come forward and mkc payment by the fi,;t!had bCCn W ?bjW0'yP'Jit Mr. K.64d U f ( of April next, or he will proceed airrecl able to law. without I wa not tor nun to undertake to tletermjfje,- , ' ,t , ... 0 ' .1 i: i - ..! t ? ', respect to persons. Ualeigli, March 6, 1810. 104 w. NOTICE. THE Sbbscrilier hereby requests all persons holding anv ntJE KILLS issued b, him. to present them as .. .. ;tl... ml.'iiTiuir Itnluri I .iiw I siiv. .lames Cl 1 M UlinSIUKt WWlvi ......... ... , . V ' . .... , . - t .. ' . . . ' - 1 .. . .... a .1 , 1 ..11 ..c , AM IinTnv tn infi .rtn t h vtiililif. tlio. IK. Afth. .1 tJlemmons, Bamaoas MimiT.or taviu eni, .n . - nv - -r--.. .-.,.v. . rt'K-tincu i . ft aam ..u ilb rviftiiieriee iiii Mir xuin ur i ford County, by whom they wHl be redeemed. ' ' MATTHEW COFFIN. Guilford, N. C. 4th bf the 3d Month, 1810. Ii-mX "The School T.John Sims', near tilt-Mineral Springs on Nut-Bufili, in Warren county, cmmenced on the hrst ot janu.iry It-deigh, March 20, IR10. 13 tf. .Internal Improvement. One Tli'iusi itid Dollar by one' Ticket, Twelve Hundred uy six do, & upwards ot two tnousanu more frizes, worth a Venture,. may be gained for the small .:- sum .of -Two Dollars per, Ticket, iti tlie L V,ffiE R RI7B. li NiVltlA TIOJVLO TTE R Y. A awl s published in UiefStar laFall. The School is nut. in full. SiloretellltajrfGrts will be taken The priceof Board and TuitioTMrS 62 for English i and for the l.atin, Greek, and ScleJcts g 68 ptr yeir. The Teacher is welt apf oved .ot, ana me acnooi is furnished with an excellent set of eighteen inch Globes, and every other apparatus necessary to the acquirement of useful knowledge. March 26, 1810. 1 w- Commerce was a delicate, a lickUfch thinc--& when it formed for itstlf nc;.w rhanmls . like the mightv water coufse, it was'diffirult ins-' ; t , ; deed to turn it back'into the 'old.- But, if theji : commerce ol the. United otates was ever to De-, - he would emture to sar that it was . -' ' ' lOI . .....l..l....L.I.i'.U..J..- ''f i..: ' ..." Tickets for sale are re- nol w.uc ,,ruS1 "J" "lc ''a 51 . - herwise, so as to duties, a ne embargo rwj nau-iiiiercoucst.'-r April next. All persons hoj attested to midte return biJ reach this place by the tigaEtJve mentioned. The be had almost forgotten to mention the n'-imt Ration .ct-had changed the habits a.d feel- all Uie prizes will be publisded'wben complete! ; I mgs and principles ot the, mercantile f class 1 ': II. BRANSON. Fayetteville, March 12, 1810. 12 3w. 1 STATfi OF NORTH-CAROLINA, Ruckintrham Cauntu. Court of Fleas & Quarter SessionyTVebmarv-Sessions, 1810 organised. A man has novliing to dosaid iur. ,' .William II. Williams, rnJEScheme of which is fixed at Ubs than two Blanks r rrvC Tf'T 4 AT 4 H 'Siff R G E O N j Atoone pri.c, and intended to promote Uie Internal '? X oiylrfJV .- A JJ OUlUi.uv?, 1 , Jtinsigaiian vf this tate,,lw from t(L , . , . , TjESpECTFULLY infornis the Citizens of Raleigh, tba il . Fnrii the sm cdy sale oi tiikels the Drawing of said Lot- l i.K..iiwatrtthianW-.fmmC 1 .. . .. i... . . .a , .....l.,.....t I Oil. I tnent, Default and John Merchcad, Rial Griggs IT is ordered by the Court thaf unless the defendant in this case appear at tlie nex court, held for the raid county at Wentworth on the last Monday in May next, replevy, and plead or demur, final judgment will be" graft ed tery is intended to commence ut Lumbertott on the 18U dav of Mav next. .' (ientlemen sidinjr at a distance who ihcline to become adventureri mnv vet be supplied by letter, postat?e paid, ' Ajilressed either to Lumlierton.lnrt'l Hill or Matfai land's Turnpike. . . D MAC rARLANU. ? n- ' M'lLLIAM ASHLEY. 5 "'f rebrna!-v. 18.3810'. ' " 1 03 Tickets ar sale at the Star Office, andruoiAtt Hi'EBf rAVen. Hiiipurii Jirectors. ., . ..ft , 1 H . ! v" ' ' "A 'IlDerai lriCe " &tates,wluch are treeror tne inspection oieieryp-mou , XfiLL be 'given' for h COLOVKED' BOY, from foul- v lUleWMarch 17th JftlO. ' ', " ' . - - '""'-.'j ' . VV teeri to twenty years bf age, from' tlie present time N- B- Doeroa Wilxi ami has tketi a room ut t ' (hccndbfthcye!trV-i'?:ixAfMrior.t ' i TAVvl'U-Uoime of Mr. rarieh. s t ; ; .1,1 ' t -'-nX i J''1 , ,1 '' J.;irt! -V y , , ' ', V ' v .,-. . -4" eral Cfiuntie8 ui this State, with an intention of making it his permanent residence. .From his own observations, during a former visit Jtind the representations of the can did and well-lnformeJ, he HjkSwA to believe, that the' City of Raleigh will ajiUjlJ!ant residence, and per liaps a decent siipiJOrtnjiiewhcisc ant are few. and whose chief ambition is excel in his profession, y He now offers assistance to altliose, in Town and CounUy, who may require Medicaland Surgical, aid.' He possesses Testimonial! bf his Kifneation and Character, from Gen tlemrmen of the. first respectability tn Uv New-England States, which are tree tor the inspection oi eiery pcrson.-Raleii-liMarch 17th 1810. " (. 7 ' ; ... ' f ' the 12-3W U. GALLOWAY, C. C. lit"! ILTj sell' (on a liberaf ere lit) my HlAIhEs 81 LOTS In t this countrv. As foteseen 'and oredicted. a system of smuggling, of illegal trade tht'most : ruinous to the fair trader, the1 most isijuriou to the agricultural interest and destructive ta ? the revenue that could be conceived, had been orgamsea. n. 111 1111 nun nuiuuig to uusaiu im Randolph) but to go into the market, and civ a premium to iuve his cotton or tobacto 'placed ; in Liverpool or Londnor to have anasgprteu . cargo of prohibitetl ; goods placed s in any street of Baltimore Or Philadelphia. Whether these habits will ever be checked, it belongs not to ; me to nredict -but tht' tertainly will nevef lie checked by hi duties operating as a prciniun 5 , on smuggling. , ,;, -.'.,...: f Butit may be said, that the riatton is trt tb ,' , situation in which it U'oecessary to act. 'tjjf di ' something. I agree., sirj thatjt is-al-.hqugh I , hold it not to be the least ot tpe .quuliQcattuia, Notice. vAmhhMjip; together w'uh ' of a statesman, to be' apprii d v. hen 1 is aec.- t"' a iiiXJjrt' LA.ND.wubin j.8arv nrtt'M act." 'A nronnsltion i - ' fe v hiiiiid yards r f ,1j townil . i -, 1 .. .. , ,t ' -'' '..'.L ' ' TheU.i.ll..,g4areVK,;.aidcon..9tunc----ahd I t -h to btJng i M . ft wm-rsilb-. - lllllieu IU IUI3 ll.HIUll u;.ii I him n in i miin. - , ' r r tc'r 'a system tif a'ddiiioniil, Wxarion hik! i'mns, ;t . or 'whether tht'y'will m.-ke a reduction, !p r ,' " ' "7, yeiueiit.llKiuiih hot elegant. ! Cn mutl'U to Ints nation vm-tnt r iney.w in x m(;n the Land a suihcii.ncy .f (itaiu may be raised to 'supply a amull family. ; '"...'i. v,, - LEtiNARD .HENDERSON. t Granville .county,. February )., 18.;r; wtf.,- iinprpJiubleesubliihiucnt t Utial, ifl W ' 'a,. I. il'.f.'t . ' 'I 4w H'W