-.. 1 - . . - 1 ' - . - . - ' - ' . ' . . . . " i . - . - . ' . . . . ,,"'''".' , , - - - - - ; . ' . -'..--.-. ' ' - ' " . , r ,' .'..--, - , - ---: t .: . . - . . ,v- - - , . . - . - . . . -- . - '-.. . . - YqLi.-ii.j RALEIGH,: A UGUSJ' 1810, . 4 f;io. 31 v 7 J .1 v., Ki himueewhi, jv, t oa weli k coyiw the ,ECOD tTOET O THE EEW BOOS WEXT EELQW TflE OOVEROE'l fc DIEECTLY Of POSITE TUB fOST XjrJICE. PEtCE TttEtE-'DOlLAES ffc 4KT1, ,111111 UUf 1EAEX.Y IE AOTEME OtE rirKETt CEKTl. PWCElTIOECEltED t ILL TEE fOT-lASTKE. -y , ; V V'.' ADVER T1SEMENTS. t' uerctjfcriid ancredit being given td my servants A r to VI xir person on tny . account without writ. . v nrrffrlrom me orfroin Mr. Henderson.' ' . Fifty Dollars. Itcward.;;, TJ ANWAt from the SuWrihrr ATJK ADVERTISEMENTS. V;:.:. Female Education, ' W- ft. M h. un the 11. U oTSimUp lklM .Uulaito fLilmr niued J1VL' lie U Itrn hkI lii-ty, .aLxut ve feet U J : - . -.. f tferea inchw IurU. nd aged tiirty. k FORMATION U rpecfli!1y rirea that tlt number Uiuait Vox, unlwwitwdi fl . TV . . rj un MomiECAt-: July U, 1810. f" 31 Sw;.'- ; '".. 1 hittHMe (therielit wde I bcliTc) . j i it. - July 24,1810." CALVIN JONES. .: Statrf-ot North CaroDna, ; : : ... MOSltitJJJJlHY COUNT. . Court of rie wd Quarto iony Ttix, 1810. lknry Udhetut mndS , . . dt ! . ' m : ' ' I PetilUfi fir letter Jdminit r. i,.ft; ' I MiUMtl rrantc4fjYutC Lid- "1? lUere is cr nocuioned by the kick I bone. When he raiwtway from me ba CArried wuh him Bay Mire JimtMitaainownwiBoin Dect he will diss himself for S free mJW 1 upect he hs(CoiielVilm'mirtm, having connections there. Am person who vill defiw.ihis boy U.lo my possess shJ twsMV ny DoUrs, snd Tenty.iveif be is secured snyisiL ..'' :'. -'. . Anson County, Msrch li, mo I Wife Uollv. Wm- Harby widiiis Wife lmiu IT appearing ta the Court that WUlisra Loftin and his wife IUy. and WJUam Kffby sik! bis Wife Lavinia are t mbabiianU of Jus State Itu inereiore oroereu ui .'Tcri dollars Reward. ' J ' : Ja-VsubseHher ia ft ;-:V, j i; BtMiur Utco, ea tl , - .1810.SKEUKUMA 4 4 stolen, from the Person County! N i the Wth of Jolv. 181Q,aXEOKO MAN named HALU about 21 years old. five Icet editor pine incld bich, wore away a kit Hat, bound with worstrd ferritin, a unit vu gtiiia couon coat oi a -pate ; , wuh null) mm wbm.vw tow and coitxm.k pair of duckbill shot, $. hirrptU biMiv .... Jail Building. -' 5 TfTE Comm'i'onrs by Act of aosembly pointi-d fi,t the purpoM of Building a Jail in tlx; County of Anion, t. ,,.1 -m.A a ti ' tliA S tr 1 h tnt il 1 1 : 1 1 c r . T 1 Will M V - ' - - W tin ttte24ift' U of St p'eniScr nrst at tin Court touse in tne t own t leloroun hwiikti uiiic a cuii. .r plir, nf said Jail, tb msteriuls," and tne ninnrr in wliicb, ihe wliole of UiewoA shall le executed, wiil he Vxhib- led and erery condiUoa reln'.'e to lue Vuule X-niwaa made kixiwu, . ' ' . "' IsAac Jackson, - . , '. V- V JAalEi MAItallAlX. r,;vm. ' - '.' J A W E.S HULtill, I "JIlt,-' ; ' . . .. u n ii i at I a " July ieth, lsia J.I.M1U COt.EMAN. SI 35 MPEFEAR0Tri:il S2000 a iota- t J.eS KWtWVV 422Jr.' ; D V5S3U-JVV 1024 - -. -j IH S 200-tV V 37 J, 5lf, 10f?8l tJD. sXIiX-vNm 4558, 6450, abi. M y".2 . t m nio iol irV ri tf VL MS. .OJt' I llUi Wij. au?w public QCDtOf U1B umica siaon, jjwiiu"" " . of February, 1807, it has been determined by the Commis sioners of the 8iiking Fund, that the residue of the Prin cipal of said block should be reimbursed on the first day of January next i r u s lic aoti ukh.i j-w nntinbabiiants of diis State Itu tnerelore oroereo inai or January nexti run.it v- St riven in Ue Star for three Weeks successively of theJVopnetors of the Certificates of Xxcnaijoail 8i tlc'P?. " I. ':a TZiLa- t .nn,.r at the next P.. i:aT. STOca.crcatcd by the art alotcaaid, that tha notice c .. . r... .u'.4 t..onliinta in annear at the next Ull KMU1 w.... r I . , Court, to be held for the County of Montgomery, at Hen derson, on the first Monday of October nest, to shew cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the petition should not be ranted, otherwise it will be taken irs euitfuM against th.ni. " V , A true cop from the mimites. - 30 j - - V J. SMITH. C CC. Ten Dollars Reward. ' RANAWAV from the Subscriber, on the 2d or 3d of June last, a tteurofcUo named DANIEL; stout and well maue, aoout a leei i mj - ;J HfeUol a yellow complexion, full ' " faced, and kus large whigkersave- '. ' r5-F' " '" u a prwbaibty xlat he mil maketoj. Pan tiasT. Stovx, created by the art albtcsaid, that Um principal of the whole amount of said stock pot heretofore reimbursed, will, on surrender of the certificates, be paid on the first da of January, 1811, to the respective stock l . u t .. l v MMAaufivM iv ttfonwi niilv constituted, cither at the Treasury or at the Loan office wnere the stock thus to be reimbursed, may then stand credited to tne proprietors thereof ' It is further made known for the information of the par. ties concerned, that no transfer of certificates of Exchang ed Six Per Cent. Stock from the boohs of the Treasury, or of any Commissioner of Loans, will be allowed after the first day of December next i and that the interest on the whole amount or said sioce wiu.. cease unnwiaumif the day preceding the day "hereby fixed for the reimburser ment uiercoi. - m ; ALBERT I.AU.A I IW, - ; ; Secrttarg of ik VrioMiTf,! May 33. 250. . : t. 1 w ' ' i ' it .-.n Ka avi h to anv nerson who Will ine aoove rewarntiw"1 . . bring him back and tl et pences paid, or five Dollars to T.br2 him in anv Jail and fcrve UiC information. puce him m any Jail anu s , JOHN WELBOURSB.j' , o'anTOCounteJ21lJ..l y, . JiW2L.-JL aKjhUUMA'.aMiawaai Julv25,18ia - .1 -K'ZV. r. ''..'A ; n V3t 7w. ,,: ' m .6. ; Cautlonarybtice . inr ; ,t'C 1 .07 U17h ill. 1 liJ. VJK-. iin .O. VlMVl , " - ' i,i8 9. 67j, iu, it r j '2"r' . : : . " "" 7279, 52;; xw?, rf o oo, y, ij,uj, 'fin-i 'Jiirii SOTfi.JllJi 48L.1. !G54L.t(6l4.43c5.'777 fi'rna 07 rlS. 77txJ. yjo. 1!0JU. 5u29. 181. .V430. '' w .j .ii ,-t: oii 941 v. ftr.li: 6225 46-12. ' .T" :?J3"mr. r RVZr'rxT' Z?'ZZm-x2 2823. ana. 40&. 5585. 4ii. Ssss cuasea ui tanus in ue miikiSMupi i cnw jinuuu if ; v 7 ...7 -.,Vi ,L. ;, m, Vi-,c. . t ..I.a l.iu-.ia I U tlttl. ui.t MttfUMi . &liXtierary AdvaricemefiU J( i skvei Thousand DOLLARsf ; .j-WH,lllfn 5J79 lri( -F" - - -' - : . .-.v.-. - f-" , l"r' . n T : 41786.1:1751. 1712, J7, Oo, iuw, 1", o-jjo, ivmj, . , ; ;. annexed, U.U be, has eitavoured todiW the mt er- w crfi,. 7583, 9081, UlS, .W,47T vv ' - roiieous impressions, relative to, die UU of those mdm-? jim sm 977. VO 433 73u0, fed, 2181. V;; 4 duals, wi.o claim tands iil the Mis.isiPpi termofy uiidtr ' fit737n 7624, S57, 9814, 7344, 7?48 V ' v-' ttem-pa titles tlmveyrd far t H bow, iiotW &J7.7285. 8J38.10O21. 1555 - ever, uuau n eapeuienyw .u v. ...v v- j 16r2.-'U41. 4442, SS33. 44J, 5015. UMWt 47iSoll-. J"; ..; ' (Metaiy of Urn Treasury mlorm .th seiticrs 'bo uiy 10, M 3mlli)25 2462, 8783, 324. 4. 47lS' ; ' ;. - zrtzr' r: ".cr 85w. mi, 3930, ..mmw, thet).ittc5 Hutea that gnrnment wui refimlieiaie .fce, SteTW, 8rtl0,'567"i 2951; 2638, 0C9, 9483, 5321 purenss moneys lORruiei wvusuvercsn ww..., 799,-lit 5333, 96. 849, 7J78 573, M! saGoi; for mipnfvm.jr.thelan, r. , , - , 51Jr 94996014, 6-86,359?;527, 5275,. s.l. TiCmuilUU vflti IU1 a.. kVv t W'" aa- . VluUM runa IUP ; .Xr His, wm itttnnmnumiuii, i , 1 Strayed I'M ' ' ul . a. rs F ROM the Subscriber, omn o 1 weeks ago, a BiacJ-- Mare in com pany with a Bay Fillythe Mare Won a bell, has a long mam and flltwSlie is branded oixiher tore ' parts, (and is, 1 believe, behind) I ' ' , v 1 .1,. l.Hn The ; donox rememucr - ' 1 wi aen on Beaver Dam :n the4th :0f jidy: Wer .ja-ssrs me infoimation so that I get ncr ana u 1 '.HSSrte was raised eve, Cape-Fear. and She may bVgone that direcUon now. . f The public's humble enrnVr.ia i ti wil IA. 4 ! : 7a ii2tst. 181ft: ABCHIBALD WILLS. 1 . . fvait-n,.., v - - ; ,( 1 ' .iff T. " ' " -jTr 1 in. I1C) KLAUS 1 f yr:," 77--. . mWTO'AiBmirWTTEnY, bUtltMH.- feM'i'wilwiltf xjvtrwP'1"1 fcouf ti -i".atTj5- - . 1 I .4 -L tLa ..a..a. fttaW Cl'tl I at TV-? .r kotice: ' ; l'rI'i.r.K- mnrVliobteraiif the Dee ticnerai meemiB - ,, . A ... rwnmiv. will be held on Uve f , JanHth 1810. 1 Prixe of 10 5 20 20 50 100 24o0 g 5000 is 2004 1000 400 ... 200 ., 100 .. saw 20 V c. 10'- s': , frSOTickeU at 4 dollars eaeh 5000 2000 V 5000 -1000 2000 ' lOuO r ' 10UO 100U 12000 31000 2608 i Prir.es Vot twn Miulv. t0 prae. niaiika . in Uie following case i in wWch tbe menu oi the Ceoi gia 1 . .... .-..ii. M..; nrl 1 the liile to the DUiclma- Krnnu u.tv mv iu"j - , ers under the act ci ivaujuugvu 1i)kv. int act of the state wf 17S6 decided null and FLETCHER vs. PECK. . ... .. n fA Supreme Court, htpl at JTathingtoh February Term, . a- y It al.' jT .,-.. a7a Mai tla ' lUli E&.u JaiiU .vr. wsaa;i. i.nirr arsaaisau: ikisi - " axruM sW Cer,-i. AA tl follo ws u un txtract j ,i. : .h.. . muii'iinmia nniiiion of tlie Court that, in this case; Uie estate having, pasaea into ih. hands ot a ptu'Cliaser tor a-vaiuaoie conaiuci-muMii, .i i ibe state of Georgia was restraint d, either by geiuaai principles which aie comnwxx to our free instilutious, or I . . ' " ....Illnll.il ft! . 1U by the particular' provision uie imiu... United States, from passing b.w whereby the estate of the plainutt in the premises so pin t based could b con- . . .. ,1 .it . : 1 ...1 .i..t.nH nil!! anrt stituuonaily anu icgauy nniuw"""' " s void."? 5142 Blanks v r n,;. (Iptfrminable asiollOWS. , . r-v:r.rr.uS z rT r- 4 4ta 5ttt 6lh 7th i o.u j..... until isi trt jh oo eat a The first drawn do. on Uie 9th 10th 11th t 12U do 100 do 1 lie nrsi urawn w. " . .Yin j ,i . ,i .... th t.h do. - ..500 do l irc ii i ii. ii " . . 1 "n - 7 .x.so : ? .(,. - y tv ."?- .. ..... yv- j . t'- I- , - .... .. v, i: w r fPHE SuWibers wish to imormtneir vw. II ..""V" j.f, Kut tK.tr have tlllS veaT HOUSE OF KEPRESEXTA,TTVE3. . v i unf ttf iht UhVtd State. y-yTf i l . -gft (Omtinutd from rfr'W$&?& ; -I; r. Af)25a.,li8ivii? :-.:; 4 Mn 13 aha copgratulnted tfie ioujse Aatf tlv tinly point of -cohtroversy now , with gen- ; 5 - '.:,t. Karl t rirrtoiore tomplatned 0 . SI J. i" r. . L-tl.J- an tVi ?n mminP UD tO ' .v- ilia Kational IiiteUitteneer of the 2dt of March iast, yo- WUUiy . y , , ':. nnr dolt lume 10, and nitu.iber lVf. bv which all the points in controversy have been ot the iieorgia grams ; it can acvij .,.,, with ttitiaA 0npniiemt:ii wiiu widii whethcr.it will not I prudent to wiUibo.c until they shall more tuny unac.-sianv The opinion of the. court has been published at large uT AhdUielast drawn Ucket whether ja-, v . th -overt,nteirt ot UietCnitea states w give s t L' - .1a,1 HiA it last day. . . . .u.j Ll .uJL .ri.wi. tK.i nMt wider the iudsrment ot Uie wKich wh-n , it rcEflvcrt ,al . lt.payaDouoay,m court are utterly unable to grant, ,i ., mg,by Uie inanagera '""? - rr ' , --..V !-f,.-;; ..JOHN l'ECI HB SUOSCrincrs wi w ----- . iiu i.i:i..-.-.r : rhuMhev have Uus vear A trs.anuuiepuuiuiMiBv...,-. -- . Il 'cl ' .rr.i.. rivHuun Uoanoak. at Uie , ie management oi uiv r . .,,,;,,i. i ac iUknownby thenameofUASKiii8& Mitchxll s erry, tm"'v. sufficiently large to car- - , . , . l4P!ulnf tobacco, both teams at once, P&iea4 r .i r. :...,liuMuttAna(re. kftlimuaiUri Ki "!t DAVID MlTUiflLL, Mecklenburg. ... 'i ' -l e 1R1(V ' ' " 14 6 m. April 5, Willi m :61M1. hi. friends that he njt. tot the omnioa . v b ace he .ntciuu keeping a p. &e, ...i. . ,f Smntuousuquo rS. jo. rA'1N-MBvT ! lie Bluointcnas Keeping i l " hppehe has 1 In die main road, one mile from the Ferry, where he nas , pn Uie mam ruau, r -faction tood atatiies, etc. . m' e r " ... . Mr ? .i...i,.r,.n ifi nt. r.Mit All prizes not demanded within 12 months after draw T. . . 1.....1 i:..;oK,tl tnr ili hr.lieht of ihl ing,will, oe consiucniu remmu.i. msuiuUons. .. .. . -.y ...i i i oiitKnn7il bv an act 01 tne 1W 1WC J .. ,. lature of North Carolina, for Uie purpose ot enabling - ..r.L. .. . i..nvMv twur the towi I rustees oi tin: k w "v - . u i : Asheyille, tocompleat Uie ivecessary buildings be ongmg to Uie same Ana aiso to cauumau . Uie town oi Asnevuie. : : Which two objects the Trustees and Managers flatter themselves will be a su of the flatteringprospcci . .11 VPulllllH tV pfimB liberal purchasers' of uckets And they which -wht-ii , it rrfvedV;-;d4 it o . incrdjr - .'-j l -s-u-niV.MiK1w He 'coiicratulateq Mte.' ! nation that It wit no longer : aa ygurntnC :g : I ' n N nnnrAiMif owners efbind in the Missis. .ioni tetory Um U anu of the tate tt Georgia, ,&iost a metoUfe that; tt naa uu WW-, .;. : H ' ,1rrirdedln tlie office of the Secretary of State-ot tne.U, called tedefalists i lie rnoictu V Leris- States, and whose title has been adjudged valid in the xale , . ftf tv waj .touted from AhC ilMlSC .v Y r::A -Si:.HvVt, TXSKX.S... 30tb July, ism n ctsslolly vitiaea oir m mts, -. ;t v ; . . . , . Botw-e from a; n..1J rnrFr dlsMMStd. na, that gCOU4 t t 1 ...:.i.....i h..mv, Mihtilied in one of Uie papers ; .-. . ; iKmF rror. rvtoula COflie . IcoiuiKfmiviiac ., j.- ... (Oca. couviuuvi , . . . atth,ptce,c mcieutinuucciudt, --.j certaun u-act oi iana, uwuu v. - r- rr . , . ., .. ;,. .nhderl tor those - held outinthe above SCUEME, "'n Madison; connty. li..isippi territoryt It Wa. fur thtllarntum - wa. expe tnosj, , . -iends to useful lnadtutioiis to be Kf,.n8m ;nir.n. bis notice would have but Mite or no; K;,.V-t ' kw-i the ' federal administration, they , ,: ; , deeP Influence in preventing any person from purchasing j since . J f .jUkitime number .11 fitting tnen -' i , ? i-..i .n..tiMiatiiiiTliie nrlvan-I ,. , . i . 1.1.1 .i..,i c..m.li.vr irrit ulurmeO. tna vuuiu vumi . , . i i1-? t T unnecessary to expauawe largely -r- wmcu i navo neen iu.. -r . - . , , , ta,ar he thouffht theV. WOUlU , - : tages these insUtutions may have (d weU supiwrted With toW fearfui rfW, tide. ' I. have endeavoured ip- land. d 'War, I . - - ? Eds) over most, Sther. 8 t-minaries--For it is now ev n convince u people, that Hamwn's ,faU w xrremelv good bargain, M hen com- Au (. yery generally known that jAsbeviUe is one of the most h , fraudulent one, and norU,y "J:; 4 wuH' the "state of thing which! noyr C...i healthy situations on this continent-and j mg nl the think, that he has subjected bmaelf to the tipwrf . vri a'eSMion he aa'ld ht! had been . hehbourlmod of the Warm Birings, and on the main road Ue law,:an4 g,10ld be proceeded Against acco, d uiglv 1 ?ted, ;, .UntlMPia e8? pXnenditure fmTence, (aa w.U as from the Western to the SouUicru 1 b, justifiHble in tiling the purchasers, that if the; unappri2ed of the CDQl mitiea pf expenditure . s. SuteOis more generally resorted to by tlie best characters 'purchase should betaken fixmt them by abet, . y 4epaTtmcttl for BO little effect i that ; M .drmmer ter dgovernnU J Ld been much ofa. Great" Bargain 1. wUlsell.On a cwVit one. two and three years, all m -r . ;n faTrtPK 01 goods; A M0iV6weft If la. TheSC WWI WOT iutv,..-- LwYork'and Petersbtu-g,They consist of every Arttc e fcltn,d assorted cnimtrySton w enairinlr in the Mercantile line' .1 y ; T 6(iw ' 'person county, July 4,, I8I0 ..:).f'.':;v'.'.v,.y.: " i '- ailiw.,(4 to the ytfon. Ai.staT UAL1.A4 " :T&- Carpenters , , LTgo ; Undertaking for Carpenters It Will TC iii'i-e onewnooas v..... - , Ush the buildings. ; Psyments wi I b niptly For furtli lt both sexeS aurmir aunnncr wm v 1 ier Claim, uw K'J"'t"v ". r fit of healUOthan almost any other place in the Southern m(mey togeth Wlth ilfreit arid also comrMSuiatioii for thefr" secuon of the Union And being also a puce wuere ovaxu. imping 0e lw . ... , 1 . - "; 1.. .11. 1 1. M.i.n and Tuition are nau on very ' . -- Youths of Uie sister sUtes wiU lay the foundaUon of sound constitutions together with their EducaUons, and receive w . . , P. . ...Vfi-,, tli Warm Snrmirs the visiuoi ineir uienua T'ZllZ "fi-f All these advantages uniteo near c"ik..i the eietioiiity 01 rt5Mci - , . , t'luoVn-Artd therefore on these self-evident grmjndw y .. GEO. SWA1NE,. B -i.,i.,.:. ,..-JOrUf.PATTON, 1 :i . 1 . m 1111 vw i.i. it u, . frt- Tickets V sale at the Star office, and at most Of ..-H. -. xik fcftmith Carolina, 'ivi' . - Uie os vfuiLa m. "v. . derstooa tnat urcmcu, ii.5tu-T -;v- who coiapoVe the main body.pf the army, and . . . navv. those on wnomtiie u' r; falU, those who stand fin the front danger U: i.i.l-.K.r,.iiA;0.n be well paid, weU.leo, .na weu.,Pi4u, ,.r?;; , wcek. 1 in; such -rf manner .that one ot uu, , j,,, bills shall bo paid? their order by ; f 1 EOT.; J t Cn parade appeari og like the ragged , recruits oi Qir jtmu " ---- --- - , fl the aoldierlaCed In this unfortunate . situatien, ; , ana tne sauauu uiui iuiv . v.vr. r-. t, as ; obiects ofpity.Tind when thU aituation Was the result oi a want uj .s-.y;" t ' t j - . ririL Anmista- The AUeiuU Herald. IL, Huv.Tirii.il I I It- ftlUKUIUi " .- s. .Tennessee, auvui, uic c..v. . A . New OileansJ N, O. The lulsiana OazettA j Natches, KaUiiir,The Weekly Chronicle. .. ETamf-nrMrvr i y viTtriniT. x lie umcLtvt .v i- i' ; jav-ilMwv v a-", ' o..k f,i-.n. rt.imhia: The State Caiette DlrUUi vwniH"nM" ' - . . - ne Duuuinga. . ' i , . f . irUierparticulara tnqtureof the Prmters. ;;,r; A VARIETY OF iS"J . ' - ' ?CleTue qaUnameU.ll.eiiT Ud tWe Caof'them, ne Coma..;.acrce,y fiirivr-' ?Xr"'T-! ' T tDa-..do. !:The Times-:y f ;V' utterance to hiaindignation. ' ,u.;.y:.i;-,:iS;-. H-Kt-'Xf,:X -4 0r',A:r';-: y : ! North Carolina. Raleigh, The Star..; -.. -M ; aid j did notfeel disposed to dw .For Sale t M " ' ' " 4 ; ! VnF

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