I SONG Crtcn rrVw the Rathe Ot Dr KmiiT lit . "V -r't nought but care on evry kan, J,i t i ty J, cur ttit paisci, O t . V LjU tin.Gci tl. Ufc of mn ' ; ' And 'twere not far lh lasses, O. . . n wxjrlj'y racs may rich chace, . " : , And tidies tod bit fly them, b . "j k Tt . AikI l!u' tt Ust Utry CaUD tfeel fast, ."' TLtir LcaiM can tu'r enjoy them, O ' ,)'' ': r.e me curmry hour si e'en, , v , ' v ?', -i m 1 k ' i ui ray dearr, O j ": '. ' ", . , " Auvi o....!y cut tad worldly men, , ..- , , Slay all go tlpselieerie, 0. : , . ,' - . , . For you to grtre.ye sneer stUYis,' " l'e're noupltf but wnwkH ase, O : if"''" :t " . The wut man the world 'ur ", v ut' He dearly lov'd the Usscs,Oi - , . ,.,".', ''...' l ' 1 t ' . "... ! - - Old Nature swears ths lovely dear T " '' ;. " ; Iler noblest woik she classes, Oj-. ' - , " ' -iter prentice liandsktryMon Hutu, "v V " . , ." And then She made the lasses, J. ' ' m ' A FUNNING 60XG J?y fesrj rsfaX&'jf, 1 am worse than poor debtors eotip'd vp in their cages i , , Poard vit I had, now bare bntii arc my fgtt j . . . to pn ii'.o fcai bread sure 1 had no call, Sir, . . ' ' , Uut bud tread u better than us triad at all, Sir;'. ,Y ' Oh! ) TUcr Yet I . I a wife, Uw Lalf-staiVd like yonr bumble, r e consolation in something to Tnumble , "' n ied Uio" ittrtcl tell you no fibs Sir, ' unt me well, I am nothing but ribi. Sir. M "V Was ever poor servant In snch a disaster ! . I'm monUr'd by naming, and ttarv'd by mf hatter t '-t-"", I'm h a Sad taking, wiU nothing to lot. Sir, 'n''i I'd stake all I'm wtrtk to be wsrtA a betf-ttrafc, Sir. '. ; -. M0NI1VRIAL. Luiics, er, r. , .ia drioift Lis LrT.hcr, ad U . ' . -AnJtohim who dips his feet b l ljod, whoe gpingt forth arc marked wiih t' ? conflajra. tion of towns 'tillage, jtncrxl de. yasuiion, to him who U prt .nainent for mafjuuing, pre-nunent for muluplyiur the number of widow and orphan, for fcUiog the earth With wailing and iamcautioo j him U the plaa of glory assigned ! Vicwinr tneworiata tni light, what benevolent heart but il constrained Cowper : - . My esrUpain'f,' My soul is sick of eTcrdar! rrport '"t' , Of wronj and outrare, nti which earth it fiU'd.". .1 But what shall we say when wa reverse" the picture; mod steadfastly x oar eyes on its ongni iae r v nat snau we say wnen we re rill t . '6 t -' Q V"W w w v UV t led to adopt the language of - wr:r.-, i . .it: cLl a :r.Jc,r.:a u j ut ia riht ' rnJi s.4 fjr lb best, I hop yea r t cote me ti j-oa j ;cac. vua one tain Uimrn I caution you sjatnst, ia parucui- and Out i net to make any mittaic if you possI'Jy t-a !..!? it, and the best war t j do this wiil tc to da all Uie motion rigL; -i first and that willhtlo u to get along so much the faster, and' I Will try ta hare it over a ou' as' possible. Come toys, come to a shoulder.1 . . ,' pohtjowt 1 ... ; ' j- Cock, joik ! Very handsomel dote. , -,Take aiml ' ' ' ' . : ,:..'- ...-'. Rumdovm Cartridgt i Vol No ! Yrr I recollect now, that firri ; 'comes next after uk. ing aim, according to Steuben j but with your permission gentlemen 111 reW the word of ect that this .world is a rrand theatre on Kkv andiron i..r.!l rw ..ifmK which we have passed, and are yet pasting,-: Oh yes ! read it captain, read it (exclaimed most stupendous scenes of divine grace ? twenty V0ice, M onCc) that will save time. - What shall we say, when we. reflect- that we j; rention the whole ; please to observe gen. all are gifted, with means and opportunitie for .r h- zr i purifying our nature and attaining a sublime ; lgf i( of your guns are ' sanV you' rank of moral dignity, that thousand of thou- !miut oot ghoot in vwr;, but only male pre- . ""ft tence like, Ud you genuemea teUow soldiers, have beta and now'- actuary are, training upi(rho. wmedUwith nothing but sticky riding in this world for inconceivable, and endless ,wjtche,; and corn stalks, need'nt go through happiness vthat precious characters without. th firiog4 ,butstand as you.are, and keep your jumber, andfrom all ranks .of Me,:- .! lielve. to yourselves K v , - - !:r!U -forming, which the recording angelwiU exhi-j: Half cock folk t Verrwell donei -bit to theioullectualuniverse.traM everlauing r membrance ?f; Vhat shart we Would have been verhaadsomely done if you say when vrc reflect w id-. assurance: that the 1- aua Mr(4 t..aV r .v world is governed by,Bdom that candoterrs pvi hat t ,uppo8eyou was'ot nocing-Now, by power that cannot be reuted, & that 4n the I t'rinn ond ill. rf,nMrm)nb onH n K.. ' , . AN EXTHACT- m From a charge delivered by Judge Uusn to the frand ju- " . 17 cf Northampton Miunlyy (lV lvMUa,J n his Cir- ;; ,i : . cuitiiithe year 1799,;. -'-j':- j , ; " It cannot be denied,' that the public pro ' pcrity cf our land, depends upon tue virtue of the people, and that the practice, of vice, like a ; cancer in the natural body, will at last extend itself to the vhals of the country and cut off our national existence 7 If this ,be the '.jcase, v.e may safely assert, that no man loves'his Country who lives ia the habitual Viola:"ti of y rule in her rhoral code ; because by . do r ; he 'contributes his aid' to accorhpiUh her struct ion. ylle may call himself a Federalist ' r Anti- Federalism a Republican or Demo-i c i it or vhateA'er else he pleases i it is certain, I.e is but - pretender to the character of a Pa trict. Ii L i.-: possible he can Jove his Country, Avhose life and actions ace hostile to her true . I .erests. yPart' and personal prejudices he i:..'.y possess in abundance, which 'td the world, 1 I fj-an: perhaps, to" ' himself' he may cover with a j r of "eal- for the public good i Hut the 1 'love This Country is a stranger to his heart, j I 2',: :. .-ir.e for a moment, Gentlemen, the 'font c f tlus observation by your owij experience . in private life.. Suppose one- of, your neigh - Lours, to t rofess a regard and affection fof "jpu,. and at t! e sa.a.e time, to make a practice of thwartir j your viers; fthd "dcfeating fhe plan you had laid to promdte'; your: happiness, or your interests f "there Is no doubt,' you would . t! ,'se his professions', 'and cal him A hypo; cr'ue. I. r cnAf be pronounced any thinp better, who tells you he loves his country, and " is, at the snvne time, nabitually infringing tho ;'. laws, on !.:ch her salvation and prosperity es sentially depend. Away With all such Patriot - ' ism! It is hail Master tihhj the lips, and at the .t instailta stab to the- heart.1- I Call that m-tn a cltsoranizer, I t his' political pfin ; '; les be Avhat they may, -svlio is spreading . .through tV" moral wot!!, the seeds of disorder and viccati 1 thert' y s. . ping the! foundation v i . ,,Frm Hut Cmteetitut-CMiraiAriiXt:t- final Saatie nf Vinra -tlu S m... fr :llvt w" ' .um..i w. a lull motion ajrain.' ,; " ' " f ' dence willbe Oit'ravejed; -andean J winspring up out of darkness and confusion 1 fM Wor U dd ,0ldiers se nquestionaM fact, speak for themselves, and the course of cirtW Ptty well,'coniderbg conduct they should lead to, must hej obvious ym dooc it ,rr0ng end foremost a, if you took the cartridge out of your mouth, and bit off '?.': TTT.c; wniJT H ' .,i-l " V -i . V-jv, j ' 'As a house," 'however well built,' gets an iU , fame Ly being inhabited by a'scf.ndalouj fa . . mily, so also )t has happened to the vast edi- f - not made with hands,? ,MrhicH we call ; the rybrld ,lThis great building being of dir ' vine workmanship," clearly, shows forth the di ' ' vine perfections. , So excellent and- magnifi- 1 .'cent was it, so worthy of the potver and wisi -dorn cf Ilim who made it,-that the morning stars tang T.ogeiner,anatne sons 01 uoa snout crl for j y,". whea it firet appeared to, their ad. "v rairin'r v iew. It was planted totf with' 4, no. le vine, with two rational beinesV: created', in the inaje of God, made one fleh by wedlock, . t Jinked together in the bonds of puret love, ' closely allied in heart and aflections to the lather of their spirits, and enjoying that; sud ' bhine in the breast which arises frqm the con ' sciousness of perfect innocence. . , "A li'in thegT)odJisstmanof men sinr bom, . lUi sons, the fairest pf her daughter Eve." ' Such was the world in it primeval state. But no sooner had sin entered into Jthe wojld, . than its beauty was blighted, and its glory de parted. In the words fcfcf. ihe immortal poet Earth ft It the wound ; and Nature from her seat , i ; 8i,Tliinff througU all her work,' gare signs of woe, 'V . That nil was lost."--. . ;.'v.i;i..,if - j The evil see 1 sown by the serpent has pro- ' t duceu . in every n?ts a plentilul harvest o: r ' crimes and miseries. Hence the curse that '' ' dcvb'jreth 'V. 2 earth." Hence sickness, mor r umnes unai MISCELtAtfY.- jthe'twisttriththc cartridge box- ' .''"1. ' unmet I, I hose who have no ram mers to iheif guns need hot draw, .hut only make the motion, it will d just as wU, and iav'e a great deal of time 'xjv '-, - .Return raryner l Very well again. Bui that would have been dor I think with great er expertnes If you had p rformsd the motioi. with a little more deerit,-.;.iv"'e'ii ? y, h.fi. ULrHhouldctfou ! Very handsome. que'floicuios, carpunus atque deluioua." t done indeed . put ypur su on the other - ;.i i..'-f,:' ..'-,.-v .-; jsnnulder-wntfemeiw';, trom the Georgia Mokitor. ; ' Ordet folk I Not onite so well trentlemenl. did not Dxak Fuget-I happened not lonjr since not quite altogether, but perhaps I to be present at the aiuster of a captain's com- speak loud enough for you to hear me all at pauy in a remote" part of cne of,the counties," once. Try once more if you please 1. 1 hope and as no general description could convey an you will be patient gentlemen, we will soon be accurate idea of tKe achieve menu of that day, 'through ''''Y'--iiVt I muitbe petrnittedto go a little into the de-. " : 0raeffolk t Handsomely done gentlemen ! ta;!, z ns well a ''my recollection will serve me. lYery jbandsomely idonc! and altogether too t r.ieii iau ucen nounea 10 meet at nineicccpf uw "urA:1 juu. wcr .wjaoon o'clptk, "alTvied and equipped a the law; di-" and the other half a rffr too late; rects.'. that is to sav. wi.h a run-and tar- In lavinir down your guns, trentlemen taki er and balU7..-fvri;'agamt:for bow can we charge bayonet without aird.;perhaDaOne , and an' inspector's YCabtaitt J I donV know as to that, but 4 present, and ftheir know "l m right, for here 'tis printed in the 50 V gentlemen; do pray charge bayonet ! ; Chartre t rifle ; I say ! :Why don't you charged" Do ybu think l spare it an't aoDo'youi-1!. ',.ik I have lived to this fridge box at least, but as' directed, by; law of care to lay the locks up & the other aid$ down, the United $Utes with, a good l firelock, a 4fTehtion the wh UlGroutidfolki . Very well, sufficient bay6nevahd wit, and a pouch wjth l.harge, bayonets ( some of tne'menjv4.i a box to contain not less than twentv-four suf That'ian t be right, cartain: : pray look iicient catndge of ipowdi I; At twelve about one tl of the men, hid collected return of th number. arm!,' .Would have nearly: stood thus ! cap book ; c,h, a, r, yes charge bayonet, thats right, Uia, I lieutenant, ensiTO. none;: fifcrs. that the word, if I know how to read 1. come nonetpnvatespresent 15, do. absent guns, 14 guniocks, 12 j ramrod, 1Q pouches, 3 ; bayonets, none 1 belts, none flints, Tnone .' catridgeisi i none i t horsewhips, walking' canes, and umbrellaaT l01f A lUtlo before one, the captain' Whom I shalL distin- guwn oy the name ot .t.iodnoie, gave direc tions for for minjg the line ot parade.' . In obe dience to- this order one of .the. surceants whose lunp had lonir sunnlied the Dtace of a u , , cs t r I m f-. drum aid fife, placed himself in the ' front of the house, and berran to bawl with jrreat ve hemence "all cptaiii Clodpole's company to parade hef e 1 Come,. Gentlemen, . parade; here says he "all you that hasnt '; gunf fall into ths lower He mieht have bawled till this time with as little success as the Syrens sung rt Ulysses, had he not Chang, ed his post to a neighbouring-shade. There he was immediately joined Jiy all . who were then at leisure, . the others were 'at that time engaged, as parties or spectators, at agame oi fives, and could not jus t then attend How ever, in leas than half an hour the gamewas finished, and the captaid"etfoabtedto form his company nd proceed in the duties frf the day. x.C5 to the rights emddrest f ." -A .They' wet"e sobo," by the.help of th noni commissioned' officers, placed in a straight line, but as every man was anxious to see how the reststood, those on the. wings pressed for Ward for that purpose till the whole line as sumed nearly the form of a crescent f ; '-' Why fooL at'ein. says the captain why gentlemen, you are all a crooking at both etna o that you will get unto me by and by, come. gentlemen, tress arese l ?, -If; ? r ;- -This was accordinelv done, but impelled 1 v the; same motive as before, they loon resumed their former f cure, ahd'sothey were permit, ted to remain. .' : -- " . ly,::'-. Now, rer.ilcmen says the captain l am going to carry yru through the revolutions of manuei csc;c,.e, and I waat you "gentlemen, if you r lease, to pay barticular attention to time o'day and don't know what charge bayo. net is ? Here,1 come i.ere,: you may . see for yourselves i its p ' 1 as t!ie nose on your fa stop stay no, u 1 1 no ; aiu I'm wrong ! I turned over two L v at once, I beg your pardon,'' we will net stay . tut loV j; and well have, something to drink, as soon ls. we have done. -Come, boys get up :off the stumps and logs, and take up your guns, we'll soon be done excuse me it you please.'v P- ! "'-i, boy onet I . ; r ' .. !; Advance J arm "Very' well 'donei turn" the stocks pf your , guns in front; gentlemen: and loai wui oring me Darrcis oenina j .noia tnm strait up and down. If you please. .'.Let iro with Vour, left .and take hold.with your ririit just below your guard. . Steuben say the gun must be held p, e, r, pertic'lar-jK you must always mind and hold your guns very, pcrticN lar.' " Now boystentidu'the whole 3 , :Pretentx farm L Very handsomely : done J only hold your guo over t'tother knee t'tohet hand up turn vour hands round a ditde and raise them up highei- -draw t'tother foot back now you are nearly ilright--very well done gentlemen, we come to the revolution but men, you have all got into a: sort of snarl a 1 may say j how; did you get all into such a hig. glety-piggletyV If 'f 1 The fact m-as the shade had moved const dcrably to the eastward, and had exposed tV nui, wwg ui iiresc iwiuy veterans 10 agaurog fire of the suni s Beir but 'poorly' provided wiui uuorenas sik una .a wi me line, tney found it convenient t 'low t' ihade. and in huddling to the left for this 'purpose, they L;u. changed the Lgure f their line from th"t cf a crescent to one wh'u i more nearly res. V.. 1 a pair 01 potnooKS, t ! c a: . ail this ta choe. They were r ' would not 1 would go oT' thing to d. :..' , would hi. i nly thtir fine. L to please any bouy , nevervote tor anot.. r ca;;:a.a ha v, be so unreasonably strict. " " " ihe captain behaved with rr ' -' the occasion, and a smart col when at leojnh, becomins-VxiTci! last degree, lie proud I v aisertcd t ..to . ..; )" swrc i. o 5ht ever to think hard of the r t r. i dels C - frentlemen fsavs yc ibt dves out ajjaia 1.1 a ;.tr:: us f-.'t lito the hceli. 1 the carta: line ;)r:r ..d cilitr ' t.ricer'i "and Cnally" he vent as fir z that he did not think any gtctletr ; ground "had igiy juat cause to be t .T r him.' The.dispute was finaliy ad, captains sending for some grog for sent accommodation, and airretii: reading he military manoeuvres, exec; ; or three such easy-and simple ones as t ' performed within the Con pasi cf th. After they had jdrunk; their grog, 'a. spread themselves," they v. ere divide, platoons. V ' : " " ' ' - rention tie whole ! the right t Each man faced to the r ' .t about. :' Whyigenderoen J I ihdnot mean forev man to stand still and ,turn hjmylf naywiri right round but when I told ytu to n hn 1 the right, I intended for you to whet I rem J ; the right as it were. Please to try 'r;tin, r i . ucmcn every ngni nang man raust...iid i and only the other turn round., .'-'... In the previous part oft' exercise it he,', for. the -purpose of sizing, Ui.-g necessary t denominate every second person a u ri ht l ar man." A very natural consequrrce un t! . . on the present occasion thosi i .rigiit hai.J men m'aiatained their position, all the iuttrcnediui ones facing about as before. ! S 1 j Why look at 'era now ! exflaimed the taia,to extreme. Vcuvivtit'tt be d - , 1 you understand . a word Tsiyif Extuc r gendemen,' but it ray lay stems as ii ycu cc. ' nOt come at. it rxactl; . Ift wheeling to i' t ight,' the right hand eendufxhe platoon star. .' fast, and the other rn cortes round Hie Hngletree41lWevpnx teVoutside "mu. march faster-thao those -on the-inside, er those to the inside not ntar so fast as the , on the outside.- Vu certainly inns t t.nder stand me now, gendemen ; and pleabe t once more. V- -:J-l ,C j ,' ,-; '.,"; , In this they were a little more successful. Tention th Whole 71 the;lrfi4'Jiino--' righthatitluUftlinew fight Ij'i wAeriiw'rrJW"' t 7 In this he was strictly obeyed j some wheel ing to the' right; , some to the1 left, and ome the right, leftr;i)0th' ways.:r ?-T;'M't 'V Stop ! halt ! letus try it agan ! I could not just 0en tell 'my right nand from my left ! you must excuse me, it you pleaseuptn- culc mas.es) perjeti, as wic saying is. ; i.oc; aa I have served, I ' find something" new- u learn every day ; but all's opeYor that. ' Now, gentlemen, do that' motion once more.; By the help of a non-commissioned- cfucer in front of each platoon," tliey whetltd t! ' time with con'sidtrableregulai ity. :.' CXMOw, ooys, you roust try. to Wheel Ly Un i sions and there isvbneCthihg lin j nrtict ' which . I 'have to request of yo'ii, ti. 'i-h and it Ti this : : not to make any . !undt r yoUf wheeliitg. ;You 'mu'st mind and keep ; : a wheeling distance, 'and u : talk int1 , r nor get outof fix4 agaija ; f .r I want .'. , this motion well, and not to male auv .ir ' 'Tention ; ttie ; whole f Xy Ji-isien t) . r ighiivhect, march! Yi . In doing this, it seemed as if Tccllan 1 -1 brooke loose tvery man tc).k the conn . u.d. Not so fast 'on the riht! S.ow now ! '.Haul dowO' 'those .unbreltas . Taster on the 1 ft! Keep back' a- little thi-re 1 Don't crowd so ! Hold SUT, your ; gua Sam? Go-fasti-r there J" Faster J-rWho trod on my -' d--n ) our huff ! Keep back ! Stop us-captain, b , US ! Go faster there!- I've lost my bliuc ! G.t up again Ned i : Halt ! jhalt ! Jialt stop, gai tlemen"! stop Fstop t'''-'V '"-.' 'By this time the got Jntdf Utter and: 'inex plicably confusion, and so I Uft them. 1 ' ' V t CSSICAJU POST ROAM. , , The numerous classical jynnes of towns, in the western part of the Sufc cJe V-York, con stitute a frequent " subjetflf pleasant remVk In the newlaw'j.VstuLlislung post toads, then is aclually a road .uJFrom.M;'r7,"by UhacsAo Uvtd. I he tollowmn is a curious of classical and naval sues. ' " l'i Co! lus, by'De Iluvter, ,T ruxton and Homer, to Aurora." There are alao' roads " From Uii- ca, by Manlius and Marccllus, to 'Anlur" " IVom Delhi, by . '.ens, to Avc-i" " i"; Cairo, by nienheim, to . Jerko" 11 ' '. ! -.rih n to Geneva"." I'i-om 1 t: ,' t rmuluWf From '2,1 V , ' y 'A ' ' G Jen Front' Cincinnatus, by 11 , Itluca" "From Utica tolionie," ic. taUty, dcui:.; ia all its varicuts ct raas and tthc word cf comrr.aad, ju:.t exactly as I give it soon as possible