'VoUnVie ill. V --.-vei r-t i'-i - r tn Cn n, f l ie l. tf.Wrcrrvy at our tun nr.iatM. j., 5 nrg, hope ,f ttuio.i ; n 1 TsL.1 .r. rfi fspt.lL wi'hJi .iJJ 3 i LanleA t! bii Hurt, ih.ii "c-- ... Il .ri'jbfl, It of 5s':-c .... etches, trvwif. t-c. J k'" ' . . A ' is .,? tnsencTS, snd I tS Hj-rrwL will fi'V -i bn!s ol t-: si ".fbeef. C-r'- P" lr" rubbed hy tticm f l'j.C-', -mish Milled lsrs,sui not stowed t.n.e to take of hi hn -7 ofhis c'.athM.'tf sy !"' !"' prtH) ktr being i i W. Cap. M ahsra o s treated hi a sifti Ur anicp, avd was " bwd fngates 1J 'lays. IHl I.arvwt -wwilJ a-to bars teen s-i:!i ty thefri .ites, had thrynot wanted to t r'J Ot'G.tj-pr.f)ritr. We are Sorry tofitd 0t S'ieep Stealing U included Bonaparte', continent! system. W tUrou,s-t u,e Bml.tim of Ar ,';.....,, r.J pi. .t M iww :..tj;ml twd mu - -4 ' - fox. row e r-lV-Jr DermU. -..; rrom thfo!lomj rticlui tl Nuoil ltIi;iTcr it wwli appear that Mr. Smith U willtiig to ft to kaana. Bui if vre are to believ the Aurora, the Srcrrtanr U'mi eU N-ei wilX th lnli holt wlach the Prsidrat In r Jum W c pubUti botU tru. Wt fj tlx bvnt&t of o Ut rr.Tjrrt. " - . , "row the Eottan Patriot, TO Me. riCK.EHING.-r, - So Ut vg-i l are nven ut U plsn C.mp2ip-n, you will lalw'r t thrtc ?rrwrl otject TO ho U isullhenef.ifcri pr-ti::jnct we Lavi; received from T mnc. 2. To !m,w tliat t'ir whole o(ficil eooiluct fti rrciJctt JcgV.-i.ns and l colIcajrflrliM lcea 4e tmrtite and -iniquitous, m ttonlr.ff 4ejrc;t .3 To show co istqurrces -(tnjurious, we. prcsttme vou Vih tt my ct'ihe paeif.cmcasurf aJopted br President - !t. in rc!atioi to lfcftc." " Sirtce these intimations. vu bare fheo certain n-ir.arks on ntlr part of the offl iui cow..uct of I'rcflKktit Adams, wUkU yoa.wiU Jlow tie t call at Uist vtt7 pSco'iar, : -i .. ." - ' Oftherjtcjhjcct, rc kave ttlrtAdjr fresumed to fcWe ViieauUot r ucw Jo not nrolVss ta inlicate. V? tkC r sincenlr hope you will noX deiairf Wlrme oatliia po.t. : If ovir (.ncrousfccl'mK .bshitely de mand the discussion,, touch it ''cursorily and saviour Cflhe secoml you lave given threo, principal itens. in i- jutUc'ipatioa.". Tfua census . I. A tpposed iiiiwilllngness rtsjrfoerBmentto ailjustdflerences with iijUHlL. 2. JUe embargo, - S-Thenon-iniercwtrse. ' I ys".' That tl first of these censures is Utterly prouniless, proof wa fivcn. in my last. The reasoning was this ? parties tuuTersally agreed that Erskinc's arrangement , -was founded On I Us Principles of justice. Creajt ilriuin 'fefuseJ to ratify tliUi arrangement Great Brifu'iB there fcre refaseo to do us jnstice . . Thr- argument applies with qxial firce to the vindicstioa of Our orernmont Tliose nncip'.eswere ast; our poTernment ofTered and assidu. ons'y urjed thcuj Otir government thercfore.it fallows ""iivoxiit-overuMv, sre willing ami anxious fir a equttaUe. 5 SA'jstmcnt. llus ivuonm; defies retiiUuon..: : - AtHHherarpiment to the same efiect we will mention, la August, 13J8, Mr-.t'inkney, onr minister ' at Inndon, "piirsuaut to JiitnictionS from the President, attempted an l-svliiutment of difficulties by formally plodffmrr the. sus- i ,' : Jnsina of the embrjo, so far as it related .to tixeat Bri U.n, as a condition cl the repeal of the Onlcrs in Council. , ,Ad how was this attempt at conciliation received I The fcilowtnr is from Mr. Cannjnir's anwer's i : "The British pwnntent has not ' dinjiiscd from itself that the triaKrf such an, exneriment f retaliatory or- 1 dcrsj mifht be arduous and tmiff ;' though it has never 'dot Med if the filial issue. ' Put if that issnr, such the . BStish rjvemraetit confidently anticipated, baa ptmden tially fcrrtveu mucti sooner mm' could Jure been hoped ; if the blockade of tbo continent, as it b as been tri- umpliantly rylcd by the enemy, h raited even before H 'bad been well established t and if that system, of which eztmt and continuity Were th vital . prirscipic, S . Acdfc p ants fragmimti -ptterig harmle: ffibl tntetnfhNe i It is nrTe,ih-teBS important in the highest degree to tje w'pn ) tation of this country a reputation wliich- ctmstitutes W view the tu'ision to kiiama ni tb uinott imnor. Unce lo the commerce of the Imt.d 8utesnd the most &utourablo appointment abroad tht is ia the e.ft of our yorcrnoienL . That it is deemed by Die executive ofhirti importance that we should DineHv be Treresrnted at eourt of Su PetersbiuT, may be inferred Iron tLt mkelxm wAitk Au sVrti miuir o disUngutshed itizm aa lW rfetni excrttarj o.SUtf iinrnm , that, ChM, and ti om M proramuile wuh which a successor to Mr. A dams has been appointed. The above article f.-ora the Xationsl InfeUiprncwbss been poblishtd in one p,tr headed" Pool' Vd", SJOd ia anomer uiwier u.e utie ol 5hin-KUatef."J " frtm the J ursr The report of the embassy to Russia Winjr oiTered to the hM4 AM ATS. ,1, . . . J I . . f . 1, HOPE. ions f tVe'f ST' iua u iir. i ;re cf c: idfvt tVjr f jt-tr cpfc". An f tad S4-. versi. i v ' ,- Sp srJit f-f ermfl im Ms limn hrmtf .Tope. ft..... ...... m . . moat trie wtld ivts J ear and torments OS strdc ThatdarkM and saddea ourpth to the tomb, : Ah ! bat rotild yiduce us to smiprte throujk life If Utj, smiLny Uoye, Vid not b.itlte the gloom. ' The ciiap!et that sorrow had seepM in ber tears J '. '" - Its roses all droopinr. all withcr'd snd Pale. ' Beviv'd r Aft-breath, it more daizUnf appears, - . Xnaa wuea ix was scatrtjng tu balms on IX K-. t -K 4 . - - ' - s' ' .- . O I come, then, enelisntrcss, snd spread o'er my soul ! 'A beam of thy radiuics to lighten Ks woe f. . ' And while thy sry vwins illusively roll, 1 . ''. I'd worship the spell, though Us falsehood I know. ' . . . -. i - t . - -. .; t ; ' -for ton j ilt my bosom, corrosive and stern, r Has wild diiappointmrnt exrrtcd its swsyi ' . v. " , tet stiU to the finder of Hope wiU I turn, . " " f ' t That points ia the distance an unclouded dsy." . And will it return, that clear white dawning mom, - Ctet which no more tempests of angtiish aiuU - t., . Sope whispers it wiU tor, extracted ve tnom, .,, Xhy bosom shall tranquilly rest in the jtave, : f 'Afid cteaf AaU eternity's, momr- j arts P'" ""d bright and mifadiny thy ha ppin 1 arise, .; : I- r inr S How ; Though last upon: earth, 'twill b f. urd in the skies, ; Untarnished by ulseliood, uimiUicd by woe. '' ."RELIGIOUS INTELLIGENCE. Secretary of State, appears td be true i but it would seem as if lie considered it in the same point of view as a Ba. nishment to S.beria, k a sacrifice to the infiuence of the Secretary of the Treasury. VTe shall have a preat a, ny thm-s to say on these subjects, at a mote fit season, , -Ins r,t truo that the Becmary of war lias bean .oG feredrtie rank of a Surceon in the armri conseauentlr uenerl Armstrong cannot bare been nominated as b successor! should the doctor ever evacuate the war of fice, the state of KeW-York will rive a successor, but not Certain republican prints, for whose imllirenee lea tertain a vrry high respect, hare proceeded, indirectly, to coudetrjt the conduct of the President in tie steo which he haeest1y taken of changing the pertm of the Secre tary if Vie Department of otate. This act, on all hands admitted to be a constitutional exercise of power, is ar- raignea on tne ground ot a supposed improper motive-- mie .nits ii mis auDjecx, purporunir to ie an au tiwruti authentic Statement, represent the , measure as a rupture, proceijainar trotn a d fT,trtne r efnmon Aumuuiiff tins to be true, is it candid, is it correct, to denounce the President without demonstrating that his opinion on public affairs is lest accurate than that of Mr. Smith I To aay that Air. Smith diifered from the President is merely to say that the President differed fion Mr. Smith but this proves nothine as to the merits ol the diherence, and the ' only can explain the natun I neral Assembly of the Presbyterian Chtjtch. to be oitnenwtiTe. iruie President opinion be anti I holdcn at Philadelphia -in May next. He wa$ ,au . I ttf De.TMK ZT E . wu 0 thoristd to fcuanmteetothc AssemWy on the behalf remove tlie wronernranimi waa th hmt mv tn wnt,. I . r . .... . ih . .a - -.-h .I ii" i.. I of the Presbytem Uie sum ot one thousand . dollars laudable. Supposing a rupture te have, taken place i I lor tne purpusc 01 luriucruig me ivwa ins w- i .i ' "i " . r . I. n !. .... u:..l. .f- T1! i : i c.w.1 uiu, iihiccu, aimj imply angrr. uut, tn wnpse Dresst was I scnioty m uic csuiuuaiiuiciu ui a ucuwgicut jciih anger cherished t . In that of the President, who only I nary It ia expected that not less than one hundred . COMMUNICATED FOB T HE STAR. The Semi-annual sprinjr meeting of the Presbr tcryof Oranpe, N. C took place at EuSTaloe church in Moore County, on the 3d ol the present rrioi.th. Three candidates for the Uospel Ministry, who had boen fnr some lime under the cars of Presbettry, alter having undergone a particular exaniirmtionon Personal and Lxperraental Keligion on the lead int doctrines of Christianity, and also on the lan (juagcsantl sciences, were solemnly licensed as Pro bationers, to preach the everlasting gospel. '." ; ,! The Rev. William Paisley was appointed conv rnissloner to attend the Annual Meeting of the Ge- heral Assembly of the Presbyterian Cr-tjixh. to sought for change vithaut derredatiem i or, in that of the Minister, who muld see u tliat chancre' nithrnr lnt n in ntltt When we atlopt and acifitpon opinions) liflcrtnt from tnosc stouter men, it is our own determination, that , w withdraw our mental aid from the unsels of those tr whom we are opposed in opinion ; and of what benefit to the nation are personal . communications between men wliOao nnderatandincr r aenuwtl k enfiflirtuiiridnu I He who withdraws himself intttiecttmllu, oueht to with draw himself perwuilh) frotnja cabinet, formed on common .: a t r U.e "cornl!;' r 1 forte's cf Er t-c4 c .s! -nsrr.t from Cel.t to product scI-'" h t a r.:.4-''H i .;n i t i. crr.Cdcr.t! . txpecteJ t i t . e tJ c n '.;' that t v 1 t-e Iile cf Axnlz-j; !' Cz, P.u:..4i t:.J i ranre. hav. J - , beta captured ! y t'.e Lriih and an typcdiiionhas been aci.l agair tt the l&Iand of Java, with an intern v . uoa to eipcl U.e Dutch ana rtu,re. u uuua to . ... the tuihts. v.. - . .." , ,' ; ... , Extract of a tc'.tcr from a KaVal 0cy UU-i.-i r : U". States, to his friend in ttis tily, djted Wash- ingtun City, Apiii S, 1811 An expciUtion willsaU ; - irom this puce tn a lew days tor the tt r.; ry s lion, tmder tlic command of Captain Jufinsion lke ry, to. consist of the brig'.Enterpuze, tomm nuki . , by capt Elake'.y, the Syren by Capt.Samutl IV. : rt v . v and cieveaGua. Boats." " -- -v irkitt?ton diy.- Jmr s Monroe, Est. t' s fe-4 ,:. - cretarjof State reached this city ort I'ri' vtn . ; last, an-j the text dsy entered 6ai " tf.e tiv.-cs uL;' oCice. V ' ' ' - . . . , . . - , ; ,, i - - - t ." Difiannry Nothing fan be fc.bre perplcxtrg t'...a'.I.s wwdttnd inuMiif moini d.ioinacy. cbave IftrptuUl , . by sn Enr:'ish Ambannailor in tle mother tongue that tUia . and UatUiirgAaflAaijer tfc".at such a time. This . . Was a puixic-ap as a promise fc sometimes woiseinper- - i formance. A I rene h Minister has told us that sue b and such' things .'.;" e i't,ne at.surh'a time-- This as trans l.ned ar -pcard to b coinikin sense and wa;"ed nothing ' :; but common bouesiy to nut it so. Cut time, the best. - .' translator et; 'proin'se.s in whatever language they are . ; wntteir or spoleii.Uas not ' ytt developed the trvo mciv. "' I iog of this iirltittm tn f:evn(t, tttrenm.m tn juiwv cf thei. . , ,m . French diplomatist. The sooftrr'- we come to the old', " " fashioned plain yet and I wiU, and tou itmli the bet ..; ' ter. SetUM patriot.. J" ,,,?'":;. ; V'' .;: ' - '- -,- - .: - ; ' -... . v .-u ,'. JtARMED-t t ". "'"; 'VriV v- In Chatham Cmtnty, on the 3d inst. UniLam Prince, Estj 5; ; to .Miss Eliza Stewart, both of Chatham.?; -' " ' ' - , ..r . :. '','.' DIED. --V Vr"' ''""' :'-'-'-''-' On the S8th ult at his residence in Perquimans County, ' -Mr, Caleb Winslow and pld and respectable member of' . advertisement:; ; rreatbart of her power) that this disappointment of the ; aopes otner enemies sa.wto not na-e tetaip.ii-ciiasea oy inci i ,nd not ,ub:ect t0 painful Utk of mti, .Tu..r u..v.k..u..H.v.. .v.,..... outing to him the necessity of the step. : ' tinned her resistance fc&.Thes4 considerations com-t2. ';:v ' '. ptl his Majesty to adheres,' fco,' , (. , , ; .V vv,J -p,' In this answer we have complete' evidence that Eng : .' 'sand has been unwilling to do us justice. She here per v aista in ber imquitotu orders., indirect eeaWuliction- to . ; - everv rxtacjple she bad herself - assumed as the, croon d '( of ber measures. Evidence of this assertion, utiforvunate- Jy for England, is contained m the very fume comrounica ; V t tton.. ' A few paragraphs precedhig, tanning observes .. t "TbeerdeMitt council of Kovetnbef were, founded a 1 mating t ifThe following "article, we presume, isTrorn the pen oi Mr. Adams himself i it certainly ipeaks bis language. ' Besides vie Interest it denvrs from the source wncnc it proceeds, it contains a venr salutary hint -on the surx jecl or executive duues, as defined by tne eonstrtution M - . '. a...-I i r-'i.'-u.u I t - - vj . :; fYmm the Bottom rwif. r .' ' v','-'.' ; If Mr. Adams was a man aubject to such intemperate assinns as Mr. Pickering says he was, how could it hrtn- At.. !- .1 .i , . I .i . .u- 1. ...V!-t- i ' . i .. . .1 i k. I usn wv m uic wwreo years mnu nuts niunun in ui.u sas pcen nrerv rcKc.cu.y wni ,j- ..JWjr , A ., h . . f b.iine. with Mr. P. that he should thousand dollars will, in a short time, be collected within the bounds of the Presbyterian Church in the United States for this itv-portant purpose. H ; Lear's hsvinp; been obtained from the Synod of the Clroiihas, a special Presbytery, consisting of four' Ministers, viz. the Uev'd Messrs, Cowman, Prattler, M'Pheetera and Turner, was appointed to mec; in 0 City of Raleigh on Friday the -24th of May next, for the purpose of Ordaining Mr. J. Caldwell, President of tho, University ot Morth-uaroana, .and a Licentiate under thfe core "of Presbytery. - The Rev. W. L.. 1 umer waswppoined to . preach the OrdtharjoTt Sermon, and the Blv'tf Wm.i MThee ters to preside and Rivdtte't1iarpe. -Rlr. ',Ca1dweH . 51, t 1 ' . -1. i . f . .-1 Will preacn on Jrriuay at tne opening vi sricsuyiery The Ordination will take place on Saturday, and on Ithe day following the Sacrament of the Lord! Sup ner will ba. snlminisered. n- ti passions as Mr. Pickering fays he was, how could ithap-L , i.v'j jt:;fr'.iiji-r fi-''iiU-U 'coMMCNiCATtox $ fVtb.ttnqnb tCafenWdayMlSthinstaCamp 2SuK to Mi" Fs own aSeunwoever fo haveVen ruilty eftuj Meetuig wa, held near tbi.'intersecUn rBneS ot , . .. - 1- inuut mm um uunur iiibukuv. t..,-.-j.. K IKIh LTVnu;iIha,ahlitnd ihi .3 ; lHilKlSsnm liWi urnuivnie. air. ia.aaa. tan vu i . , , ., ,. . ... . i. . , :j ijmui uiuihuik "'v. -iii--yv-.v..-w...ft ... oouy 9 has discovered himself to be. by ' hf. late Dublications. '"clemency ot Uie wcner a conacraoio numoer Mosn jur iao inoouawiency oi, w srrcmHxiu. ihhki . . . v - - - . . ....w' i . I ol nernnna attended: mere were UDWaros ' Ol twen j . . t i . i i smcif iw iiu9V " ' ucii Jjwcfc ua u&uvu lnu ajii ijiic ' ' r ' ' . . . ... cause you sowwi -oiks jtrMuuisnsrwrvrwn, - . . r t T tvir leugeangntw retort tne ew.oi ner enemy, yyuswco; - Surtnose A commander in chief should rive orders to ftssiTtfi nss ttWaia . siMva gajflsft n assi Lnat nert j . . . . . . - , ' r I mia At rrrtt 14s hf nTnfWarlow. tn -lsW wit ss uit nt sr lor tne conduct ot certain omcers .eroinjr upor. expedition i and that general should delay his this delay should, instead ot complying , write to the commander in chief, that he t.: 1 .1. .OS a .1 ... I ... :, fo a pnce from an. injured netrtral, berwouIdJ 0Don:he8)lbject; awl thaiW.fheironinion that stave saidi nave tasen measure to retaliate w .evns Wa. - - th- .mL,. , ,n h a e try. Theie me4t.res liavebeen . , ... . 1. i ,h;.r, k.v .-.wi'i nstent has liernme mtun-ht hanruta nni esntYntft I Ats and stiUshe persists in her injurious orders, lvnen i f , . r5rr-A"T?.",:"."L:3 j ui " "Iduty, and atjtef W P'P n,a.wmcu, vr -w i with his orders, .. . aauEiimKC fl lusiitf tu a unuiiir uw l . iuiuui naumi: 1 . ... ry' preachers presentit is believed tjiat much good was done. An (Unusual degree of eal for tiie ho bf cause was displayed ooth by preachers- and peo pie, and many persons proteased tq nave been con eaused melty my adversary verted trom sib umo ucatn to a me tmto ngntc !i7friiA JVt tir ramraTHi 'missionaries fieJ Cai . 1 . 1 ..)Jt .1 t.'J ' 1 . .I..A1 .1 Thefe meJd.res nave oeen ' . . ..i'v ' j..i..k:.f..L v 'v . I uuieaDY tne CAiuiuuricn missionary cicit u A hifehly injurious to unortendiug neutrals.. . At Iciisth ' tlse .W- -t.t.f ...ikt, fx.. .h a,vj.j;.;. I rass oh the borders of the Caspain Sea, have been ' , k a a . . I IS lieu wsaw vass-a suvuv wsw svoinniatwiv sws SissuvMtsrH l . . . a - oymy wmy. nnvw ceases 411s, oyew i eontemplated. ' ' " ' V ' '. ' ' . ; 1 lor a considerable ume engaged in preparing ly bartdess. It is therefore nowmy duty , . therean7 articleln the eonsUtution Which obliceslhel sion of the 'ew Testament in the Turkish rfi ir irts 4ststfas. Artri rsT'ttvr in ntTTpnriir-iiT i ... i . . . . which Is verpacular among a populUtion -ot nearly . .- . ' ': - 3 -.".'; "V;' . .w V . - r) BE SOLD at Vendue ia the Town of Statesville Jr . - . IredeU County, on Wednesday and Thursday th ... 2ndand 33iddaysof M.y next, it being Court We,the V- folloying valuable rekl E,tate, belonging to the Heirs of ' "l the late Alexander Worke deceased, viz J ' '' - ' " . . XosnissH ACsMn(y baeJr " i - " '; .1105 acres of laud otf the waters oi l)avidsons Creeit near Centre Meetmgd louse- in ths eounty of lyedell, ott ; . . which is n elegant llwelling llousv, with all necessary .. , out Housesj late the residence bf Col.- Workc. ;-' ; V; ', 15f acres, of ditto on Davidson's Creek,'nearhe idorel- ' said tracV-'.)'' :-' . 'V? .'.i.;-:,-Vi.V.t,'v" SCI acres of ditto, adjoininghe land an which Centre Meeting-House stands. ' ' y . : a'U ',' '- ..t " ' 302 acres of ditto, neat the aforaaU tr'aCU, called LeW, ; ' V is Jetton' place i. , . .' ; , .. v-'.'.- ,144 acre of ditto, on the CaUwba nvcr, ;tnown tyuto nameot uiipnants placet ; i -.,!' , 34 acres Of ditto, on tSaVUton's Creek,-tailed 'Vt lAitea ;'. place. -.'" ""'. - . v-J';. j A email tract near tne same, or acres,-, . . . -i. c ; 7l) acres of ditto, known bv the name of Slit phetd J 'V ' Crosi-road, V .. : . ; V ; . -'V j t? ',v:tvi.MiAttii " SI t ' Mrp nt'ldnil nil R.-vriLtlu uhil lJiiVlllsori"i ttlfc'. -. V in Metklenburg couatjv known by the inane of ilili'a . .21d acres of ditto on a branch of M'Alpin'S Creek 4 for- merly the property of Alexander liotlg. ( ' ' :; ' ' - ' .?a(JI. IUIC V LLLV iwiiuutijr uic V. Aiiuiir ti L.i.J : - ': k 1 . . . . . V- - . - .1 . .. ' .... The J Island place at Beaty's ford, otntbe. Catawba, . ;-, : , Mveeaiiibif abeotS56rire i-i, - .t. :: i- 300 acres of land on Beaver Datn .Creek, . called tv. tnck lianulton s place. A ton - rr . f T - ...L A 'A ' .A r 1 aT.a.. - It - .1 ay acres m uo.on iuc wmcn ; ui iiuiijr- mcr, .iii.-j , DUckworuVs place: i-.f k.' -:.v-' -i.','., V, ' One tract of landlyiug -on Thompson's mill .creek, in ,v Rowan county, containing 25i acres, called James Hugh- ' es'a plactV AtdimetKhijr -tract lying on Second bread rW ' ; ' .. yer, in uio county tu ituaicriut.i, vwiiwhiiiik tvu - . .. A liberal credit yriii-be riven! And bonds with spprov- - ; , . ed security required. '-Aayfuither information, necessary will be givenoa tne days ot sate.", s ..;- -v -.";' .,'.- . ., a. . .... -, lor tlie tieira ot Col. AVovKt' . v : "'Aprii:.hl811,'V..!C', J ' ' lfikrt;,r 'rtiaJk yi nT ' , i T' L J. "' - j i .- a . I President te eaii togetiier an tne mends or a secretary to ver dialects, vils caused me has become utter :todiscort Mauriuu. iiw omy lusuqauss (wm-n m7 f ,.! tMm whethoott would bo advisable for Mm to dia. I ..i.. ,- -Zum .-tt.' .ck p.Htuutt-A. atut mvtMMnn-trrii! iiVrniiim. rt-nne. This I . . " ' ' T7i. Z Y. .V ttmnT HUItsmn CAtciiwiiK sivsn auw. ..iauiw tu . tJ, rT, . v i miis a man wno ontrosea measures wnicnne mmseu con-1 ... vji.-: ., a...,.,a taatoartn-liave Men tne laiimiK'of .rest IlntaHi. even bad I -- . . f , . I VYOitra to ine snores oi.tne iuxine. a o cuauio the erijrinaf- pic Ken wholly undistutcdv .That 1t I wet ,lKll. j 5j r!n M. rvlSn-'. 1-,,- lili them to print 5000 copwt of it, the Society has' fur- sf her Unguagels-tull evidence;, that'gte' Britin Ml th-ei. would not have been oroner for him to remove the f nished. at its own cost, a proper set of type and the nr. WUbng tt loU. common justice. fl r--' 1 k.., tVnm Via own kv. before 'tut hrontrbt aeroMt'mns a-1 Hwhuiv miner, which haite reached theAl'acn' f J !ia mentioned this fact anrl its hearing, as collate. . v ri,tha he could not twnvo,- in a eourt of 1 jt'U.lL. n.'. P,-.f : 5. i ." V British Govern "".:VV":r--- - i umi v--,. - - , :r -, -.. iliaeiltey never uiucaix. aici uic bimw hi; forward and sar that Mr; Adams ever used a Attttatn Al AAliii . vnl. himfttfllf in-all th air, the riicutttstaiici s of Erskme'a. arrangementtviil -, rc- tmn0rfint offices he has sustained, in the sam, as lcnjr csthe records of drplomscy remain m staniiw . . , if, y-1 ham known him for more sng witness of tl.econcrtiatory Views of flur"1'!- than nftr vcar. and from that knowled-re. Idare pledge of die Wiwdlingnessiof Oi-eat con roon juvice. : , , . .. , . V' ' " Lm h face of the wan, who, from bis own knowledge, IUCW IUV ISSC lO UUIkH ! ... 1 '.i ... 1. I.a .hAva mirrtntintll. I . 11 , . ' . ; . ' ' Z . - ."" Ami . U . ., . . va.. WTW ."1 , , . . j . XLEAR THE DECKS ! f 'i Va! ethireetof tl' linfi irnrllv vievs of fli stient, and not because the case of Erskipe's artangement J Iaaj i : - hmcocclusivci That case is completely conlcUslvei les, X'C 'f RALEIGfr FRIDaIY. 'APRIL IP; 181L f akltf is- compelled , Vby ? '. aSccause tlify ai-ejust 1 Because Ibey. ars neces-1 im a inoi iir wiiaoi ma-enemva svsiemi jM.Jiwcr. i It is (bit mi tt dcH4 thould remain t diittjnt twiee of his ty t Mr. Bobt Smith, Ort Saturdaf, Intimated to t,l presi j - ..-... . .i .ri.:. i.:u. nnttnuvJ - hi r. I ,Un hi. ttrminiinn and his sentiments on the courtly istance.1. The humiliation and distress of neutrals miist jslyle in which hewas eacrificed to the malignity of the Vf the pap to the cravmg-pride of Englsnd , She exults secreUry of the treasury j be spurned the embassy, as we fath Dspeeftht f distant times'? wilt resd the re- anticlpatedhe would, .and was to suwmier tne ciisTge oi . . . . . ....... . ' . ' i.i i m s.a.a ' 9nm n.fl.., T.im n rrn nm iba -...... I . a . .f.. Ja. If. ..ul ll a Unnil.- . traoi'dinarv as is this fact, we csnnot doubt it since we fli her own pusitive avowal. And in this wo discover a mo. t At tiveftrhi'r:firiil an dauaiiisticfe' - Her intoxicatednrw , " wecunifcdat the least resoniblfinccM a -corcsKnv awi aiw ww.o.vo - """ -"-V,":;" V'. Ll,, . nw orrtiallv e'neWed iiv works bf ,4 AnntUAssiimable motive U from the .ilghest authority, same battle-to the manVho could traduce Mr. Jcfler. terhpatt,-OT are now ectualiy enpgeu ;tt WWW i TKa, vtu- ".a. ... ..a s.- A.m,...! enmsnun ca-1 ion to Mr Erskllie. or WHO couiaoetray-ine-connueni i nttniS Xma WOtua uwi iuhmuihh uiv iwi ttirnfiwi, one of our f-rnwr tninislers at London to Mr. the .cabinet to John Bandolph, We regret because, I ,t hftgt, M been publishcd.in New.YorlU.. U ."-t.-'-K. -j-- - i i i M.a arstina At mm . iti u 1 1 atrirt r- . tiis-w i . - - i s " wadison, dated 4th. AugosV 'oOr'i' v, - greai a. me v' J" v". XZvArii - iiKt f... tk.u , .1. Mimmenee-1 am not . enouiruiu luauin mr. uwniu luv--ti ..... .( ik. u....Ai.i.i kUoiinn h.v i iinii unufxu mtt H4A u iii ivv ... . . . . . .. ... - ..... . -.. . 11 inmrnDimmunn w iuv 'piMtnvjiutwi . v wv.. ... - - .. - an r srat m - a f n.a s mu ,s skistsi - a ilia uai lv b a abb uuutit; waawvw i" v.wn-...w . i -we ita towns nor sirn r nwi mQinniiri iiibti V 1 T T " I . " r - . ..... . t . ' J A T IiiMI V at III lllljat, ui w suvrssw wv '- . .lst rear. It Idsaid ther will be'a 'republiantna. i In the Scnare'e that State as Well 'as the Mouse in consequence' of Brsyl County : having fhspired its reprc- nwfutint. hut a-nut mav ieeurivuiui . r-,-,. . . r. Tr;.v ,,. .t . -.A..i.AinAl:m.Arruu''.itni;.iiiiiC4 i.ii.titnoni by bece..Uy.'V: (Signed) ' JAME$ MSL'' ytyT J?!!sj! hl?nantn' but one for Madron, and I 5oenieuf ef New ort by a Legislative Caucus of Clinto- nvM. MAftsvss' vnsn. a ssff a tmntr ine tjuid hiiiw i wu wv'"v r . . ,,m viii in, niLaiiv VI -. l, I a ' . " . a - it CT . lua - - - saoum tti'ultBt several .i.n at St. James', and his veracity for that Is to release I trponinc k.notiven Mr. Fickermtr will mieltioi ,' They obi alb confidence l Stale BankThe principal Bank iri this city and the Branches of.Tarboroutih, .Kewbern,, Edehton and Salisbury it Is now ascertained will go into cper atiori..Vltit believed, btt not now certainly kndwnr, that there Will be'a sufficient nu'rtiber of shares taketi in f ayetteville and Wilmington to authorise Branch esiti those place4.- :" -yiy. vj ' i The Report oaCanal rtatigoUon In the preceed bVR columns of this paper, U important and wll claim k small piece containing 16 acres of land near Hsmil- :; s place. - -i'.-'--.: A.-r. .i ;,f 5 -Hd"vi ?N OTI C E..s. THE clrswlrig oftlia Second ClaSs of the Cape-Fe Lot i?t terv wis closed this dny: Alt persons holdinr tickets ft aale are requested to rctHm then), without delay, so V .1 . , . : lr.1 1 : enti5i"f. 16 ; that the ptires may be published. , ' ; , -. : H. BRANSOKf, Presi Ji Fayctteydle, 1 0th April, 1811 .mi, rtWiLLIAMSBO-ROUGH e i i aiwryuiuiviw m m, 1, K-jttenttonot au wnoare uesiroua to troprwe tne ter General, would he removed the Aurora proceeds.! 1 ,? -r oup Tte reDOrt S MA'-M inn abridd; formThose who cW ?i. -, I trponing it, not even Mr, I fXf."h beyond tjie resc! 4 a. ivh W;pMt!o, her recoil fHrtr,t.; This motlv,foined takeawsy the;confidnce rf collection cf our fvrmej dcppndq At'-.:?-r' ,:'':-':'-'j:V,.w' VH.'iTi,:! ,-!-i-'-'.-V'-A'ti ltunvnubhcansat Albanvthe Musonian uenubiicsns . , . u L.. .a kAAAAArf l minlTHl HUl I UI VTllivil Kn VRiiuiuRia tin i tost xwna oioct wwc.u, KCDvaw . and in an" address to tbepublie tiave denounced th4 Clin. JRWeasssiesiee, ,e ,rte . ,poA sf .Way, wrt.. . ; sH,v.i-ifc tw -.'. ,'l-:V'i T- FIU3TIATThe proprietors purse or one hundred dollars free for' any nag'onenile hcat,'the Ttst three in . fiveEnrrance 10' dollars. svivVs s.:-..- i - SECOMI1 D.T.--The Jocky Club purse of 150 dollars, 1 free for any nag, (exceptthe winning horse en the preced- , injr day) two mile heats,' the best two in three Eirttance -U dollars,. ! ' .V': ' V" Vi't-. -.-i -'-,-ViV V : Entrance to ' fnade with tStephen "Sneed,- before sun, V setort the evening preceding each days race. "Weights J agreeable to the rules ortue iwi.it no u, , win be collect, edattheMWas-ususi";?.;. t . , vi V ( AprU 10th.. 181 A V -V. J -. rV Balls kel furnishtdBy the proprietor as heretofore; , r i - -i - ri -i i '' -- ' - BUTTERWORTIPs CONCORDANCE , LiCTl6X"ART 0t TSE HOLT SCXIPTVnES. y 4..-.;:p7df e'AXhe STAB' STO'tEv (-kA 1 , - .TJ ANAWAY irom the subscribei'. XV in Person County, on Tuesday - . " AheSthinsUaNegro matv naip A- j vti ' I - tyrant', rather of yellowish .complex- : ' ion, about 33 or 3rJ yr ars .of ' age, ha ' ? ' or ;AA&i n mil n.'ip nf riniUlkVinnk vhrn hA T . . aascunucu -. urn, mm u uf viviunig is very uncertain whaeTie 2 now. ha on v The said Neifro -has lost -two . of his middle toes or parts of ft em so the forefinger on . -v oh hit right hand it stiff, and tbensil on his finger deform-' j ; efl, oCchsMmed by a feton or rising ana nia pecs, very musn scarred fSM-h7Zt 't :'.. .' HTCUARD DtJTT. -:.;::.it.ji(.3w p.- 'A ' - iiV . .. J 'f.ml1 "?'