i;m" 'AY f " ti t 1 A! .i l ! A fr-e i.k.. r t ' , I" ? - ' t r' , . ,tef . tt , J ' n i, -.. .t f-r -. ;i t i ' . t fc ,, it Ur,t uutl t.', '., i.1 .rtl .- U - ;e, i f '..i It cvu ' : ro ( rnc, J 'it of ; : . ) .'.f tn i lx:', .1 l.rtle . tn i's. .1 C J Tf t f :'". At.-Tt . t ' . .Hrmut'l t j p uNric-r t'.e , : KiiWtrt ...' be wur f.Tat .v .r,;. ,tJ ..'arcd fi.uoel, amie.lg. t - w .-- i piir of thei made sbp- i.t iff ii ... were HH'ft;;. - r ton it abcot 5 ..l t.a or i V.u inches li.h, also Of a V -'rr;ilf x.rm, kt'jux 51 or 2- rr . f r ! a-fl-a-l f Mi. te nance, ftonicahitt lv i I. Liti in bit : ; he Inst hi clothe or the- tr' r I of them V : r ii miles trm home, therrl.trt jhey tuat be !. Hewu bought about nine moral g from ,1 jmFu2clM:rf tie city- f Richmond. (V.) and $ i -.l in or near that city. They were both heard of 1 two ! ' I titer their di parture a little 16 the tAutlt in-, N' C. an,, were tb4 without hit and theif , -with akrvr Win. t It it supposed th-y wilt en. . rrsi h the c y of Richmond M their ftrtl reuge i th.a nil I 1 a-them I" 'gedin any Jail . where i -cure, I rct the above reward fur I'.an f'irei.l'.er, and kll reaniible ewrnccs , ! JOHN LOWRr. ' u r !;OUTII-CAUOLlNA,i: f r t ' 0!, el i t: l ea t Ccifur bo' .1, or iu.l. V- ' Wit". Vi J t ': 1.. v. I i i p I.-aVii-i .-, V, iii. lK-iT'1 and t.s;o. 1) , t a4-if . i "fipniU EUi, ' ... v-5 :- "V lrt?-nhyt nhtC-o" t,t'.tGt" -l' - - oi-';;'n.I D-.l n J..;it in tlu cc is c ' ' 1 ' ' tireJ, Tl..it ti.e a'jove v..-.m :Z , t iwns,!.. . 1. i' "-, r.nl heir at jtw, be tru.le part. to t.i J s , ; I ii tj f car in f, that ii'tty V J.i:!a,jt the wi Ju- S ;;. ': -astd, Jiird UeatUrare, Abuer Dea.Iirj(, As!..'v .' ' ' u n4 L'ssular his w.l- Vrrt. K ln ndNry lis v.. , John reatri-ipr, Miilip Deathrajra, ;C'o!eman at!.;-. , Win Bcntttrue, Ackali8 Dcatftme, ? lGeo.leud:r. ,! ,' !e without Uie limits of this state, ' u it therefore Vn .- .iThat publication lie niade 1'or t'ntee weeks nucceiiiivt: iii the Eiar.-priirted at llalcigh, thitunleta they appear i y riert October Term and make fiemselve paniea,-tbe L..1 Win be taken pb cotd'esso ajaintt tliem, and heard ' e parte t that term. v. i.r " -'il,.ye ;. '' Cepv from the Minuter, . ... r TestV - - ' " EM U SIIOdER, C M. Ti. TILL belctie buiUln of a Court H-se In the r town tf Louiabtrrp , of the foilowiny - diihWionfc, to Vit Fifty feetlOn, twenty-four faet w ide, and aixteen feet jatcUa room sixtetn feet cut ofT hy partition, nd tliat again divided into two rooms, i2 Ly. 16 Two fold. In? and four ait .'-'anel doora x. t?enty-four light Win tlo. , and nreeigrtitef-n light win ;! -low-hkh Will be add-a, wingfuwtcf ut-y twentr bmv feet, ten feet pitch, -divided into two foom, 12 by I i, with, two eighteen light WuidowspnHate Justices ?rC'inrbi)er.and hi-- Celled t!,--ougV within Jird pa;.ntrtatre.TwouUid6 kiigle chHrntey, to fce bui t oi br i k or atone. 'Tltewbofe to be budtoi'g'oad-nwterial und.-r tha directionof . thi Commissioners and finiihed com, irtt in plain neat wot-k ; jnanhke manner, propo4aU in writing will be received fcy Uie CoimniMionert unt.l t 3dalunlay' of August Cext, at W,ic time those who mny hatemade proposals . ull attend for the purpose of entennf into bond witlt scj , uriy for th3f;uthfu! performance oftUe contract. - A plan the building may be recti by ajlyuig to either of the Comrousioners. , -1 ' ' "' ' '" , , V'ltT.lKM CREEV. ' , - . reURMlAH VFMHX. , . . . i. jtU.V FA1X-ONKK. ' . .",;,'Vi v - . WlU UU'MOOIIS. .i ..-r' . GliEtN HILL, i - i July UrlSlZw V , NEW CASH "STOnET. i , HENU Y. MOREXOi ' - 1 tt j v ' A T TUfi House Utely ooctipied biMr,Yamei Tbom son,-hn on hand a parcel pt.VeVi elecea DliT tJOODS and a few -GKOCE1UE3, which, Jre will dirpbie fa5 reduced prices for Cash or pounti-y produce, . n? j ; -B TI0SC "'cline4 W purchase Vi!l find it greatly Jo thetr interest tp apply; as soon as possible as ha will leave .:J9U tk tourM trflO or. 13 day. ' THE GRAD 'LODGE OF ; : V v.:.- f i Kooin In thia e.'nv nn fc w'i f ' l'horsdsy tfie 21at itt day bf XbWihbtr' iieit At w cers, Member and Beprescnta ' tjves are reqnired to attend. - ;; ' ' B r?i' oi the tp'ost wo. -r..,.. rTr-""'$& Cic'cHencT-.'BenjttniJn . ' ,mH, (tovefuocjtffthe' State of " - 'ic;id la -;, V 1 ' t ,F Ti s cmi; i (Ciwludcd from f .1. 1 . . . .. .s.y Lie mi Aufj'nn. I expressed to Mr. teuton that U Lrrtpcrorcflr.mce rt na.ff fa'-d t'-t'jtlst txpecta. tf 1' L'wtcd Sutea ; that t ..rco-nnierce iix t jr-xciiu hit Donto'vcWa.'vuii e...!jarr i imcni an i that fo t!TIl ; 1 tii.i f .: . ,. " t ." Ct. .-'essli lwisoo' trr r?re K i - V M-t i tl.e accred.t! s jais f lus i. 1 i . t t'..t l.axir t b, ix., rveinru -: -i tm. 'r. iV rl tl.e I.ieif. the esion, wcie tnuJ eajUrrj.l, ta the cw.re mo proper to b Ukca ijrci'n rtd..iuiis, fuececwV-J monicat: ; rourcrthe Trench. -To wppVlMi Ucfect 4i the tj relict to our that Uidr cmbirrasrtnen hJ rc'alstul ioi. s ! u-.Js, at a V.'.l fM., V t; 1 riacipuHy from the defect la the eorrv to the in t ' . v'.e wi cf the Etrp;- Vrrrrh .Ta u"n!v ':,H defect Wul the ercjt dcujcratuia, JUim cruical jriii f Jcir perplextiic t.'xa, -vrTivaJ at. Norfulu tl i w r - r - .-- - - Acrce n,l rrf wou'.J nroW-S or bv frtfN kJ. txtraoniuiary lrom I rnc .nnouncca.' i m rrdiloU La-a l ranca.,, II. e..'eftaned Aiflcnti-'r thercjftU lUeir proceeding, touchir- our loreijjii rc;jnons were suscnuta. i rot Im a aL iii iiMi ait ,i errs w iruiii tfjriiM n.ir r sr xiri is- it itit 1 - i t djy of NoTcmber,' 1 8 1 0, oiul that front that day our nn wcre to pcd accortUnj to the 3.t ; .-..i. v i j i . linlormation. that tnnrnt be received Trurn nir rutior, especially he necesurily must have left r i r. -i .. r -i . .. . a . . 1 1 . .1 . i . . cus'.ica. a was Krcativ cnecaeu dt xrm evioem ik . ' -.. v..v .v.iuu .w, om- ' . ,.t ' " !a ik.t I ..i... ri.- ' r .i i..v.. ttMan ot Wif, fiit' I wuum.uiio (tic i.jcuj e.i auui eiiiij ,to commerrlil relation wiih France would beencuin bcrcd wiih no rtitrictiont or crnbarra&sment whkt- evcr.--l, nevertbeless told him tl at rnT'lrt rrev aibbwereticha that i would hav- a cohyers.tjon ith Gen. Turreau upon the abject t 'pi j it.ter vlcwwitU Um id rcU..jnto cert.Scav-a af. Hn. la the course of the correspondencs .w hicb tlienc ensucai l w greatly checked caliuni of utter imlilTnjwjt m dison, Jnite4of tncouraglng,-'! 'ft)V.jytciy rJis- wui njg ui luiiui J VI kiit uiiiiauTu aiuns upon Gen. Jurrcau't Ifer cf December IJISIO. ' But irresistibly impelled, I ai,Dy principle ixj by fueling eltogtther Amencaoi I prepared in. re ply toy letter of December 18,. 1810, andlaid it before Mr. - Madison. Pj-rcisivlnff inttaiwsrlintt thaf he Could not but acquiesce in tke ienJlng of it,' he merely suggested lh expediency of ad ling to It what mij;ht lure the effect of preveidin j.ho Jri. tish iiavernmemt from presuming loo j)uc5 upon the ground taken in the letter".,.. , i r ' t.v ;TjU Jetter bf the 1 8tb December brin promi nent hi5 the catalogue ot the offences that4 had brought uton me the disnleasure of Mr.' f.larK son. our Xenow.-: citizen will diBpassiotiately fconbiier whether it uht to be looked at ft". jan beyond forWtes., fr- ' ft f jt.4 ,, u MTiej followinj t lb9 letter, arhftpfcUhhed forthrf hyenieiicef a jaore easy Tefeitnie'. K) ' Th Secretary o&-I U Gen. TJrrtoa.' JJurWn., Si'ailhaTe bad the honour of receivinj ysnrtcttejr of. um jji jrmaniji. rej)iy to my mquiries in relation to jscrf tificateanfnrttrin. an vrll at tn ihr atn,1. or the product of the agriculture of tlte rj, 8UteaT i- r . -v v.vvi iv i'jv.i iiiai uie . iuiwriaupn into Franco, of cothin and tobacco, Uie brodute of tha t'nited State, h, n? this time, specially and afssphrtdyvirohitnted. ,.1'r, i ' decree ofthe 15ih of July.it worebret. ap. psrtrs, ; . i' t re can He iKt importation into France, but r.porit. '. . V'.lnmf ttOe'riy inadmitsiUei a,wl thit hm.Ve,l'.- -! : nn miportatvoitat ill of tbs t,Wov., aniks, t'. ; t of th United States, namtlyt fisli oil.dyewo ) !, , Fgh, hides and jieUrt. v A these emfnerac, . . onstitute the irreat 'ai of the exports IVom t' it is natural ty awaKencut a ofthe cpmiTjercial reh, .. and to the considers ', , notice, has resulted to C. tion of the Herlih atd JL'. expectedltf. baa been, v.' system pf Trance, so r.u I ne act ot confrrts t ! merely tho rocotrnition pic, but the enjoymcr.t tme tnere preter.tx .. , . corhmercul, advant firXlhtn abrory ! i ' woujd leave the py: - i f J tion of the ')riiluc aft: ; I tnousiy to the pt Ciny Tl.cif tnea- I ' T " . - " ...... . - . . hd W.' ' ' .... . . , . . jti-i i ft - I . i la b t.tt ,K-ytIv inA ut v rrf.trt r.w the first i "--) 2 ..v..-w- - - France hmir aftrrthft all imrvnrtant firat r)jv nf h'n. reTnber---Ui)ori his arriv-lat Washington and im mediately after be had been acxrcdiied, knowing, as'I did. the JmrutifiieM f fVnr rut nf mi countrymen. 1 low no time in baring with Mm a conference.; -Thia cotifcrence I tbncladed by st4t-' . y . j . - bin noteTiropocrnlir.g the evcrJ.q'aeaivns Uiat I bad ju&Vhad the hoituur of potting to Urn It enn Veriation. and thit llitis bv his tmwrr 1 ahoiil.l tUt enabled tolibeforVthe PrchlJcnt witl. Uie utmost orecision Lis cn'mmiiiiIrtions tn tn . I trrnrrlin. ly, immediately prepared the following draught of ft letter and considering the Prchldeht . sanction a matter ot course, t nwj ntn oue otiiciiil lorra co pied brlhe aDbroorhite clerk. Dut wJtinir nn the President witk it, ptnd after having reported to him yeruauy tne result ut tne conicrertce, i wm, to tny astonhbmpnt, toid by liim that it would not be ex pedient to tend toMe, Sertjrief any such note.' lits itcrnment throuchtnit this interview evinced a high degree Of disquietude, which, occasionally be trayed him vLrto' rretfurexprcsMons, 2iaviutj in view poiwng du tne oigniry . o: tne government, and the prosperity d my country, and overlooking bis beeviahness. IxntreateJ him.- htft-lri mmr tile , most defccaie; rtot ta withhold fnrrd CoriKrcss any.inturmauon iaaL4naigi.t oe Juseioi ta tnem at so toorhentuous a juncture, r :;,.v.;;v : .W,:., ineioiwwuig is t copy pt the tetter I had pre JK-purmmu tj owe, trtrwtiy 'jj, tun. . U JSir Desirous ot Ltvnif hrlurti r;.tiii' tvith ih. tttlHOfrt oreeision the aiitjatancc of.au irl'Mi. nftl.i "day, jand knowing that-verbal isomrounicatioiis' r ot PM iii yon in a written form, the questions which 1 fcavt had the benoui .ct. tubauttint; to yoii m conversaUoii, namejy . t "T, ? ,,.,.,'',''' ' Were the Berlin and Milan ; decreet reWkeH in w-n-f ot in art on tbo.fUst day of November f Or have they at any. time posteiiocjto that day been .so revoked! Or, have you wricMrn from your government to give to taw government jtiy asscrance or c-xplanation in reUUon 7 . t . 1 ..l.K.' ..t t . . v . . . . ...... , .:" i t.l been p r I ri :ti;her:.,i-..r -n- .... . ..vr ;v P-t-'i" cf:. , v., t f!e' t f.. !, rr r- - . ..'.).. t v. ,, !.,.crtunj I..,' !L!"V.lr. I'.i-, rt'.-llhi; aum cf n a ty X j clrcif: rehu.n u it w within the rccWlccuo ,"; , th- (' Ttjtny prcJrre5or irt t'". - j r, W.. i,a !.inJjfl-wcver, I tui.'; , ei n.' Iv r.crcnhckju, auted t ...n, t!.s t .,i cf.Mr, ErtkVr,' M it ,,.4 ,' bo s of the ucaMty wa "tiueriy v.k !;. ' ' .rc'--eLcyg8n oi.icerwtrV jrj c 9 a . . V :i,iie cuu.a not'wun propiicty rt 1st co to France, Qui nind t tne actual cptwoon en tti tro countri-ai totlte revocation or .nn.lifir.r.rtv. .1 ,1 . rticuliroodL worth oil? m t, .t Z .l T -"r"":.' . ' 1 linni ill, miini-l u .. w ... .. , . ... ... v;n . if i fVrwiin or.wiuioux jicensta American vessels j combmef, ss itB4j,den Wit tlie oroiluee Of the II. fit. n,l ,,Ar romtnereutt rearuUtions and r0nrlitini..r: . -T V." ,- ,' - . jev., w licence American vesaeja laden with articles not tle r : brnlci-J ,ti. nr,i. e, '. 1 . . 1 ' r'i'uilJoibeyi!mit.AinsHtiu trf''ii I .-v- w . ........ janv, j,, ,imea sikiet, una - f.i I P what terms and conditions j 5 - ; r . . - rua: ? th lihportaUbn into f ranfce ofsny artlclesj. U- -j ot urn unnea Mates, ansolutc'.y piuhibitcd 3 so, what arc ther si lkies so prol.ibitt.dj and etie- iM iAJk.vuata 9 tb0 United States, absolutely prohibited! 1 ' (la I r.tdjl AM. mn.i mMm. 9 111 M... J.:!;....A..: . . Kill I.. i: ' -'-Thfc restrictions of the r ; !'.;. an.l ? : ure etiect ot restraining tl.e .Ymer.csn ti in-!..mts irHim sendinf tt eir vesfels to Franca The i:iti'uictiori in t j tvtttem that lis bfrn Milttna,l K '.......: j '..-...uw ...fe.... ... V of American products, ' Will , hate tl.e. t licet f u,-..; ,',r - mem cij.irt. rcsirauiu ai, incfr, Kir trie T ivcKt-ii decrees. municinul laws, nrodnrinirilj-..,:.. rr..n.Kr.;.:i efteetihfjve be.en wtlistitnted, the mode'. OOlf, and not tlie measure, has undergone - an, slif ration. i '"And 'boa ever . . ' . T .t.. . 1 A. .... . . eiiiiK3 i uwiui m "lorin, It IS. I . . ! ,. 5' iicTcnireirsj as true, max nit es-jcwtiauwonlrieni!:", n;l j. F imawi uiiw ctimrary ' to rt)y that it dost not af all tomport with thobleas i)i.;ri fcy weal bf ipropristy iusikted i inrtibft the "follow. tklk Hve vbti ikttr&ciioAk gvetotl.l ptvTrnmenljuiyasura.nce or expianataon in i-elatioh to the Aniieiican vctatla and cargoes seired un ee the ftambouilH decree i ; . . ., ; ,J Lave the honour lo,bei&.c fee. ,-. j-r.n "i'--. ".! . it. smith. 'tyi ,Axwitr, lie. Crt., , , f ' - i ' . 4th.-. Jo: ( letter to Mr.- rsk'a of April 17th, rtharoliiaiGwhf'Mwter. . , ' RalcigkJuty Jh,A, M5.tl,,JLaXlSiU -29-3L . TOCEItt3oi'tU"wl - uiwr ii;uvo3iuimanut, wno tne last year tfuieg to tnake such as the law requires, and whbse1 delinquencies it becomes my duty to prosecute, areFrl;y nBliiledtbat 'l unless such explanations in the form of 'legal evidence ' are lmmediattly made as the Attorney General or" "such law officer as inhls absfencfe will conduct the" suits, shall ' deem valid and solTicient to Exonerate from tie tmprisiuon lf fine i or unUts the fines and forfeiture's, which they are , liable to incur anall be 're united apd paidil shaU wit hout delay and without respect io perton's brinfsuHs agaim. wkmi tu uw oujn.-riur vouit 0( vv aKe.,r..i'K . f T'i " ' : CALVIN JOVESr, a Mjufank CtneralM ft 1 J ! Weigh July U 1811;' "JI2WI your letter of the 57th ult. in Which you werf pleased to rltKA.4.at sl...f .ll-a.; .1 ' . . at . 1 - . . . ' uvvwr, uis'incny pronouncaa inuiruoii .c Lis id. perial majesty Of favouring the', commercial rt li.tion be teen France iind tbe United State, in All the objcti 0r traffic, which shall tvi4itry. proeeod fromtbe!r agrictrt--spre.or inaaufaelres,M' iflvtXAf- ,h w '. It' France- "hv' hef nwii Vft ha .Wt-.J itJ A.'t:'." aga.nst the. nitrodnction. of he proddou bf the- Cnltd . JT ' v" ",,,lv" w icovcromont,in a -wueusion with a third power, to, insist on the. privilegetif gbin ro France -.h Whence tha Inducement to urge the stmiulmeni of a blockade cf rrance, whem.df annuUedmo" American cargoes could obtain a market i any o her pir(-? ln uch a atateof UiingS, a blockade of the coast of' Fraxie wotdd be to the United Sutes as uhiirnjtan. ta wn.,u 6e a blockade pt the coast of the CaSoiari Sek. m a he British edicts may be viewed as havmkadbbble relation nrst,to the wrondona to.th iim.H Kumio teCrmd to the wrunir dofie to l'rapa -AA it U;- .l... i. . tef relation only, Uut I'rance has a rigltt to 4patfc A Bui . 'H v v au, wn'jinmcpstertrom,aJrl. tuih order which to operate. wirti. hf ntWM.rt,Ui:u.r) i, itewevet sensible the., United States may be natte vP 1 t AM nl aa.ti t-..ta,l ' if. l..t " -. . ...... v. ;.r ..nnriM , rigum. unuer inose dtcavet. IP ranee herselt lt:is bv hir own art. tJ.ii . .t.lLir ... i . w . t7. .-"t,.v.....w .v iinr:if- 1 calmstMd cf a ptacucd y.ioliaiooU ksvfor thivverh.i rnent t(, cieciufl on thi fl fr-a.t i -,l.:.u aj-:e...f si sort may be. required, by considerations which' pecTffiarlv arid exclusively relate to.the United StfJi -sj'iT A in D'afairrraphi via. :..But haVU in cJtpreia'chorpe from the pre s$. dent, ta SUtcVthat, whili be forbeur o insast on a f4rUicr purmcntptheonciiding. Ke is twt thtS lessHeiisible of. the- justice fcnd HiijStjt' of silt:. An examole. ,nor 'thf l- h.n..,i,..r t. . i - J ' -v.....,.. ali would btst comport wih ht is duo (roOTlji Bri tannic majesty tfi hia own honour,? "v ) ? -, , A Toj 4iit fitir'airat-Jk If . Ami fe aMrtttnm '" stl Itis not recoiicileablo to that" dignified de 4 CtaTlIfli .tvbuh ilia rnn.!.,, r L 1 ...w .vu...u.j .ji TjTcriiiiiciHs in jtneir mtercodrsej with each OLher no-hfr'A nbs ' t ' . I; As tn a case of imliyijiuais, wun a -casei tqf hsttnnt. afharai a........! ' . 1 , . a "?tv9 "f""itiiioft pi,pe rcDcerea tir art I'P-ravjl Ail inonli- . it.JW ... : i..j -7 -oo----- ,.....,, , t.ls pji.y tusuiieu -cannot consistently accept a reparation in atifaitioni - and Hnh same letter insist that sdeh reparation is not a"sausfactoty as in honour itA otight . to be Such ui aceDtance '. would n'ecesnffl-:, Imply,, rr-at the puuTanimit of the pajay Msul lwdfrom' tt dread of a conflict. ilinnn-H ,M m a i ... . -.il. ... 7T r -rtvr - tw jioiu ii Vi lla. hu togio at the same ume toki Wm wasTjbt an adcr olarirm anH U..khU Mm.:a r- ' 7"rP bath-fog territbriea. :To taU -JITiT".'-. mplc- lem?mJt;o4. that ti.. . i7v.ri. ." " V . j t wr . " T .1 .7 - I1 .u mnho imtnedlaf cerjincatescoraginto Amtficari vessels, as well to those destined to neutral: ports, a. to those whose soVerons are mallitnco-jwiUt Vraneti "and Uiat thi practic.oW. Uoned by the Frencbr government, did nof cease i psrt of the United ttel fctf.re the 13th 6f rX monTh, and then OhJv in eontemumraa Ji-t-i. rCiZ: .V? . V" ihisat;s.--ction arises frOra th hop,' tliat similar iof raHOrt may hsve been riveun 4l- n.:.v and fronra sense of the bppyinfl,,eT,ce which s.KhasW mun.ciit.oii will i,ve bad on the American property, thai hadV n st aed and detained by the! jirlstra of Won. msrk, upon tne supposition tbai the!-, trtiftcatts bf ton. gm were spurious and not Whom ( i b the French o. vernmeiu- . -.It is nevertlielesa, to he regrerjedv thavl. fuua,omu if France in IJMniil. had no made knon to the Dahlia authnritiea. iln.'ma .1,. outrages oh the American trade, die error of denouncinr. -j,--",.-, autM.iwv wuvuiuen thiit the. indiiccrrierttslo .adt sacrjfices are: Waketted 'if iar r raie can weiaen Uiem by having 'converted thi rlc lit to WK rjiainiaiiipil. Un no t.,l Ana .. .V. ' I .1 . . - .- . . . uces to bemade would he lubatantial and extensivt.v4 1 .AJh?pe ojjed;LUat'ur tS froin vour government Will soon enable you Jtd give,' soma irfti sfartory explanations of the measures to which refer sue won piauc tmu mai ineir opcrauon in virju cf modiftcaVHWhlch have iot yet transpired, will ncVb hk been herein represented.; ,;.:,.K,'rM - rbe.presiaet.t.lias re- ed with tjfeat tisCictipnth 7 "K , Which had. besn 5 .jwihide Hhe whblef tmrttiry rofceofSWar-'ff" : .s ,,,mse considered ' rTi T 2"c "nisu government, . , , V uuucr ,nf maSK Of Official rewra htvJi.it m TC which "h -W ! the n6nth' 0C. December? S have bad on the American property, Via X accession to the denarrit X. 5X; ft,er I and detained by the! Briatra ef.lfcn,, erid that ?JZa? of stat I discoV presented (or, WSh5?i?fW Tn my surpVise, I 'found J-a f 1 ; 2 ;V " my control, bnv mAn.L cl . V 1 W .wn wnhtii justcklm. i LaZI: 7 of these- an tx'.ra tmolumetit and, esperk'.'y, LrY e ser ices f jr. which the ebtS 'nMiei to:n---s. was allowed. .3d. Because the" money, n--..!. him, ws not the property of the' Uiii:LL&i, ., ' wi merely in tlie hands of tis poVcF) trust, for certain citizens of the V. 't,u:. clins unc'er the Uiiih tre-ty hadbcm t'. ? . tion'ed.. ilr. A.iadisou barely reu.oikL. t', ', had no knowledge recollection of i,f If f .'. camstances cf ti-is T-Ir, tocrk occafl. v. t' ;ca)l jmy jittanticaB to at0e other- itfcjett -' inKt s )LdiJ ityt be wssjnot disposed tj ( amytostructions in reUUon to tbi a.TJr. J; him that I. would lose 110 tiuxe in a", p' : tj Ervuig for the requisite explanation. lc ! lowing letter was accordingly wntu;. ... ted io iiimV' " s t -.i " . "" 1 fiepmlment tf Stale, Ihcem'e- I'i, jr. . . f 8ta Finding that the sums of money, 1. out of your bands, by authority of. this depnm,-- ,' country, with a view to- Uie psyment of such cl...i,i. . der awards of Uie board of tornmitsloiiers acting ,:' . the 7U article pf the British treaty, as yoil lud 1 t viouilv paiilta Londorvn insufliient : for .tlmt tu and that ujxrn inquiry at the .treasury, tl;ae i, yonr bands the sum of 5u38 f-ounds 7 shilling- 'etc: have to request that yon will remit the same m , .. , and coyenient -node to.diis department j and, . . v claims, which have Lot-n fxysetiteil here, man v, au arrival of tl,is money fur psyrect, 1 have further to r. you to hasten this iw4apce as much as possible. ? Having learned at the treasury ah pM La-. ; tamed -this sum as commission of. 2 1 a per u ( , the monies Which have passed through .your hn'i.,, tli'jnk it proper to imprise you, that no tompeiwat.--' that hind can be allowed, v - - - . , U lluve die itonout u 6e, ci,!. I A? : :, ' i.'iVvi:a-.''-.'.-r.-:,. : ji.xn : Qeirgt m Ervnft Fry. (ft!,':," -. '..Upoo the receipt blthe kltef, Mr Ervjnr irk Cadiz, in Ms reply, in .c-d me, that, t.j retum to the United St - ouM ' ' neceisary tnformati" L l:',fn; 5rgton, he accottli ,l , S a It.v : Mr; Madison him- , fully . ;. 1 c xpdicitly at.-J,. inf Unt to'retnin't" j sum of tnney in qunslif.-.. Vhenc; t' -;, li Mill be"ked. 'lld if bnr,-r. :' ,. - f -r l i I oi'Uus ler.cr r.vie was no record .nr. tr-cp. w' rer in t'.,e clr j jhmtnt of Btat! I It is because k v, . . not tn tfflrial but .rfmiMkttert and of which f titt.:i'ii aul titfttieate were Imth In- Mr: M. 't ' oaii 1 tJ inking. , The following is lha Cvyt. uJsitucrt v .,. ' 1 S ' - (DOPLtCAtB.).; ' i!7"' 15 ' - sH,'A'eti 3, K ' k ftnim mitni 1 -, ..mt . to the ar.ti,.ear-K fcehav.beit jt fecijve t r .v.. prrvuu truer ttj fieptemOer 1. As the 1 tect of this last may render an early answer intere r 13 rou, I hasten to tonabienes of some remuneration for your ttrice h.ie t tt taJkail , '..-. aval t. . . ' . t. . ' . . ' result of hi .re,fletioni for the present is, that I siio . sus-gtst that jou retain out of.the next im.ud&ei.t in, i.3 passare throt!?lt vonr I. on, It l,a . . " ".awwQ actuatiy received and to be re--daived bvTVini. anrl ,h ...,.. . ;.. , count WiUith public Villi Will bring the rquity bf your elaim regtil vy before tlie jgotrernment, ai j eave "i" iur me vnmce i moacs na tunas as may ana:.? appear . most proper.. ' f. . vUi great esteeot and rental m. &e. ""-.-v f vi -'fesswt-JSVsw' fisIlMdstl. t,n ft ' :sv , , . Expressing to Air. Madisoft my surprise and re gret that ;money trantectitTn tb so large ah amou-t had becntnade the suhiri-vinf a Wr,o iiit-.. I r,". arlftla4thatsad Sduld' now have, to.decida woetherMfil'jrvmgouldbe alfowed 0 jreviin this sum of money, and thar shrmlrT h .iir.i. V.-n . sn appMovion piust nersssarilybe hiade to congress , : 1 1 1 - utg outii vj eiwuis uio . stole department 10 diachnrMi thi.1 .. - .". i-tjiMiiv.,v.. th rlaimint- ytaii .1,.a.i....i. - ika. i..ts :. . v rr"'' t.w iuo itrno aiea ro nr; Aladtson that th.e hgen-, cy of Mr. Ersbtr had Len to Scptetnhetvl 80S, an& that the pt-vkte letter cf . IP btct. allowiniT him a MmiutmUn rv a . . . . ,. O . ..Mruoauwi. VI W79 -H.'- ' WW ! i iA-H noWeter, it appeared ta the nresident tl -nnBl.H.r.ti;, i.,-:.. .k ic- i j v .Mr. Ervinarncould iist lrv ranrhr.' , !r a.n..Ti k tailed fapon-to return bo tnw government 'this tng ncy, I was pfcourse instructed by him to'give lis v.s.a... w ,v M-a Mutuv i ii.c siaie cicpynrrien;, ana mQi,eo?cfIJtO consider tnd nut nn Bf 6nhfi lt. ter, tn.itf letter of November 3. 1 80 i. Ani T '''. . a V -VSVlt AtJ.l t.ail 1 1 1 ' V .." on the prdefor;turtr,KAviu-;, v.r.,iAn . ' i -i - . .1 t.t" iuauat La AW.. r -wtnn'ntViectt I Irarllrlfa iu'.KJLi ' . " orhlr miucaK,i'.A , ",I'J case , w.u vow i mo senate wa W :Vrerpijn-,' Jn cbunexjon, with his un- precedentea, pbaervatton,' I ( perceived nequivol indication pWittisfacuoi. with respecf to mvself. And well astjnred a 1' am;!aml believin.- a! ! 'ahw ctrely do, that thla affiir had contribjuictiin i great V l.W'P' tWVKas.ta'ken' place' between ..... ...auis7u auu myseifcdi jcannoi.but consider tt ' proper item in.tbe ct.tlo;re.tabe exhibited oft this OCGubion. tO.the Vinw af Wgteuttoipeix.-iniiwl tlie-fonovrogMibhii . V As prr-siddtit Jefferson iij the year 1 801, willt a view to save, the pubiie inoiiey, did, with the ap- proojiuon oi, r. fcrvingi appoint, lunt mjentof the wiiiLcu Amitt in .i .f.w!. ... i.Hi,.i;,i..i Mimn ' . -,'!'-P'nii"JlinililtUi;i liUftlT.l'HIVV dollars a tear, to nerfnrm all th. ihtrio. 'tth'Ie'h hid oeen previous ir vw i :.,rmM hi Mr. Wi lumi. Mr. . Gabbot,- knd ; Mr,- I-enox, why '' I "Mr. Madimwi ia ' 1 80S. ? fri n"i-ii A ...'. . .i s j ..i.m'n'fl . policy, by allowing to ,Mr, Efvin- a surar of money, ' iwout the. same ia mo--:;i,as-'tbe ieiaovcdblT.csri