tr. -en ert-iUJ ro tl-l.n, lad thrr n-t'!-v ' cf , - . ' . r. . f .J Mr. . k -. : n a.-.- b n V H I c tr, FTC:- l r hm . , fir -rtU. .J J u B t'.e i. r I J i ..v.. ' "" ' " T ov.d '..a a. .1 .....-! t 4atrr4 ofay er-jti-M a.- i why v. a? n cv:l',' M'ti'" f ::;.- S3 T. .. ,- : 1 m mrrty , t,: vteJ t .'..rt Vl r ibe l.v , -e, nn 1 1 . . .. V!t la the o...ce son t: ...o , -, , . jr cld h8 depart ) u. .. h f as to Uke -the UbiT'T of t : - P-.-V.'. tit in. a Ic'.ter rr' ; - r , , !,... the. time, not t i!,a u be a 'rite one-, but that no ir-.c . it ; ; v . .fvr he found In the. Cice f 1 v . ; -,. If, hi November, 1 80 , it had. hrrn , i tht Mr, living was mk!ed to the mccsratf, s well s a urr, why had not the c.-"-, t or ahout. thnt time, been presented to cod .--.j for th requisite appirpriAUW , Why had it -1 su.Kicvl to reunin," to inar.y revs, enveloped crccf end darkness?- s, .-,.. '; ' , Why did Mr. Malison authorise Mr.' Errin": 1 -i' - ... . . i r . . a U c pray y mu uua rei cl J I !vr,r .,- , jiell. fitter j toe f -leu U, ....... i. , iJTir-rrl lff 1. rvreineut m FrlT tc:tcr U cIkmc on jour pn left iruw-e p. ( J I dj lie t )).i-.'njf fli i::.Tirjp mvfCitun-lrr U'.cvcr inl.,-i i:f. : r ... e on tUm, 1 .,;tua Tt,cm B.iuua'.if k . viw Llit.r vl..wrto tw kklha tauOTf of twrra. 'Th !.rm...j( .;.ic& made m Uppjr while v Va.hmjaoiv, m j rf-ir O in i it inco 1 aJlhouU be fj !-!-' el U by iy cucun'sijn.c 10 b iii'pifJ . ' my -f. ' t Un o iuith fr,T: l'nce in the caiiacr at4 " llcriny of k.Hh frtwt, kt l trui itikt Ue mnumJer. UiMlu)r wiJ not be Vernaied - to lei li uiv nmvir rf. rrcu,&ud rrjr eonijki prayer vUl b fjr bleating 1 :t - r t' ill f rii-, jh.. wn..; Si, With grtu t-u fction 1 have just rd ceived your friendly let Ur of dte ijdi tit.' ' Of the ocelir- , ren ce i Wuhiittu 1 4dL m Utile Mupea k vou &d. ' A rwH ,l a m .... a n f W . . i. a. i- J f . ui 1 tL: p nicular sum of raonej-, as it was not ' nd, t tla moment, know w wtux ku rtTcrty of tli p!Ut"4 S'.ates as it was, lit tiCt,koo u attribute it. N- . .. j , v. j : J t s i 's of ''is governments rucrcly in tru'it forT"'!''r,," "''. f your o!4.aiul Uiuna, fri i i c. z c""s of t). Ui.lteJ -Statctl anJ Oocrt'uU143i T"'. ' ' N ,'u,-r. V t:. c friendJl some i.e foulJ pot, but have hhovffi tf.tfte hJnesl Knv-l i'X.V? 'ouluJ ba i.. .. 1 ipriiy tot!iii ti3inC"iii, at tbe tne time, that s c f t iose sUcnn-.j citizens wou. J in time, Le 1 b, not fjr , momtnt allow Liaiif io pre anr kind cu ' ; jiiivnif m ui.i) in muv .:, ivi .ui creoifcu) iu i.a, nuauic a vaie; ti once aiiurea biru. n-i, the some- amount ox fjbnt tiintwto te raicrrea t the- aumerooa cuua offbrv i cauons, iuj mat, au inr kua auu.-rvumng' myMli aucn a c , e 14 i i 1 ty r't i J , l e rr ul 4 trfre ti are mora W rosv : rtw.iaiH uat j!ie preoju-J n o ;,i-j r rr uto o 'T ti'h that of 1 1 e .! ,r nrr cutika kJM a pre- T I mt ' it . ' '.. ti a.4ai.i Cat t, . i j tuc a a 1 1 f i'y atranj , ; ...a. . - w ul tartar " . ri ll. J LliitB . 4 ; 41 over , f . .a u.Aa t- !.'! i . i . ii -' . ( . n rwU-ur .. , - !. r, prciJy a. m , i. ?- waier v 4. Tater w r ,. ' una it a-n ' i uf a grri riL : - . ., af it e . . , i. ! Wfore and i erx e j UU )MdtxhVt!., . Utile ct y ' ' . 6. Yf Jix.'f'; time tym njuil uafi'iui.a l. T.'Air, coi,'.-cu I fim the vaUi by bilintj rncli;tat 4Ua 'Blime irj ving thu ite tan a cauofi'.e acid- lJjt tbe iju'antiijr f ir roSlf'ril from aqutt'vatcrViu very iuaiL fcubllca t j rie iutue tpruv- :"' " ' ' ' ' '' '. " . Su'iiiitnjc ,ai 1, drnp'd L-.tO Ue Waiter; froi'.iiceJa aligtit cfifrTficfiM..-, anJ diaeiipidjonieair, vluctttaa nodo-iljt,tiicciib'M'ic acid. " - , : J! P. Litnar tauslic pioducr l (? Migrimheci UW)t tbe a! -r,hfv coniaint'd no marine Salt. 1!. Siot. Ar ut'ibe vtert b, tu dinrai, yi'licj 23 grain f a wlntifhatdiiTveiit; clinatki'lLid' m- cul ai - iliikiui ' t.-gm every part i4inirir prti ot'tbe nirii aiire ot ,Mia;j-e abundant ) tbtmle of Uie eauni-iitu -ol; .t,ul4n ami !)iinih..- Tfirhr'rln ta.i ajiat to be-: vf Kk-iutei iuiatu.e Uste luOi caW the, presence of etont lt..';i'-"'frr,' ' ' - ' .11. the dried tdfoienl ag-Huted in trr.c.irat'cr, Ui'ra from it a peculiar taste Wild tlmi afford a prujof, tliat U MrdunetHcontaia cillicf caibvnle, or luljiliale ot ibj,i iai idetboae acids, the caibutiic and iuipluiric. havn, a rrnferlalujiiy aV time, tbn lor magnesia, will deaert tae Utt,rr to nmte yri'A the .fonnet, ad Uma-Joiiititute a r ' J t :i t :ch a n": it urn .',? it , r t. 6" 1 come i l.r ' be a . i . J tlc'n fjrtmio dtciieJ o Lii.r,s t t.soo bs irt.'.9 f.o re; 'y ty r. : . ' s i ....ih ar.3 f-iolia'Jf.w'iU r"t Ci-su ? .! i ts.e -.' of lis buklj s'..i,:. "j to oov.o U.c.i Hut there-ii ar.swef hf an uti'r-' 'ons wriu:ri.l the Nu-ion;J 4 ' teliirjenccr !.: .:, . . ,!1 ccr: Z t!e' j-v.-llc-- " tiuo ofia cur r... ... " . i. IT- ... '.::r done at the last session? ; ' 3w aapTckin, eer.Slent, there w not the lipbte . . ,, . J.: ' ' TSTound for the imptiUtuxi, ami, by way of illustration. I j fc,,Fcti lo ,n7 .iow-ciuzenRicw .uieitrinsluUU(lt( him for hi individual tifaeuo(s eopWa eomp.iiKl.eiilr i"olUe ,or 4ilSultIy olublein wateF. nances under, which J . haveesigned. -tbv ; oft letwra I had received troth yott accession ut when it il recciilf-ctcd, that. H rosy -el be doubted, -- Ission of secretary 'f ttate U muy Dot. be the depftitarnt of, atatft , ' ' . '. 4 whether Nature o'etexhlbit tbi contbtuatidii; the carbm , as therewillv somewhat connected,' to give" lmJ entreat-you-jir,tq remain aured't!i:itwith Senti." imte or magnciiat and alo aheit thi experiment Ucom- t a surt sketch ot the circn thi't coniiuisiiott huJ been rec jthc t-iht years cf M ujn, JIr. Madison aiJ I m Stances under P"sw'Jt nau nine oa, inu, 1 1 1""- tub uiwsra,!!! jwi w uiuui vf IIiagliCAuk .XumA--'- -. truat, i ewr .wiu reuui) a juat aeaae pi your ounufleiL I luw, uere mounia., ', j.- ' i . . j Uvea. , 'm i .Ji j- i . ... ...... Hj Ai-A iiU .t." .1 u.:2 ' c- fcili. . .r "iiticrni, iiiii ucjjui wuciu w"mii uu ctctj occasion 1 ! fvi uiyw vvumru kilhuh auuiiiini ui uiuc t, JciiCrson S acl i)r;nr our bIminitralion. and that, titivtwf rlianaai-t I charcoJ. riiHwd to a tror? beat, ia acrueibte. hunimt'i rtiirinc vour Bumimatralion. and liiaL. iniw.vtf ftianaai were colleaeruea i roav bet Arrive an enemy.' I never did abanckm al .e.' 1 liCre was oetween us, wunout inter-' iriena.. ' hare the honour to be,' - K, ' bMI"v , SUH) Uil iilkAlltaLI. j-t 3VflW tu.uiwui aci' I UI Iti v-".- - . -' - --... I'.trr'br va years, he visited tae la ' tny ' orcc f 'V".'" : " ' ,' .' 'i-iussi t every o'ay, tor the purpose ot .interchanging t ; H..-. Ai-i rtrtirtltr '" ; . Jir f his .department- t-beUf.i ' ' ! -A? oj v ii rn some ; .Jirr Ms net i did he' writ u p. pet.cfany ijoi tance, which f .-I ; 1 rr4 t'Krrllt ti TY i BY nnvii f JTW t 1T Vi- (T vA rtA JTA r 11' ....?.-. . . . fc. i! at.' Tathe EthtaroftAt Rnmtlrrr nsiastsnape. itr Koowiette i tne, vt.n. , - -i-.-k. ' " - : . v . j--; W rv a Tf r am m at f ijijuuutr orAJui, fine t ': .-Vr pjniirciit' and' highly su'.phureoii. , The oxygen of the s'ilpuuricatidis tbUs separated, and a union of lime and aulphur U left. - . - - s. Ji.vTtie ihTedaemaienr, kgitateid inrain water, it partly (huolvedt aillltrd;ef a deep Ttn -with htue t owev. 1 14. The ochrenis edimei i aoluble in alcohol,, and hence.! !iewn to be the oiv-uluhte ef iren.- .15. L'Cim 10 rrainsofthe aedinutnt. 4rtih1 VT 1snJ r, an oa. ci aic-omii wa pouretl, anK HTC'feiiUT arrtiitra V 1 ' " ai'uar i"landin 12 Or IS hour1, tile whole vtt carefully Bf-I i 'FmWfo ofjl&A'eitrz::cn end Tost n. - jThe d.)y .which,gTrve Araertca a rank rrri. t?. naiious was 'eelchrited 'at the ITi-ise -f C, '. JJ. Chanjticrs in Pcrsofl 'Co-iri-yl f ' Z' deck Lihural"So'-!v.'-.Mr, .Jc ! u' T;. ' ' er. c'i ue l,t aiatnated 'CtMin, and tl.e , i, .jwm r.:..u.- ; 17 aptr,pr'u;e. toasts were dienL Lmrmie I - urnn-r i orein anyii- -.; -coin u Utcd tr;i"rhief cif t'lpw eJrtAaraa, UxTiafiflointeU .''..,. r ", t care to set at narght lis decjet i WTiIlst we enjoy the bene ;'.ts t! ti .ion let us-do justice to his vi,. otism.'. " More Patriotism) a1 ' ! " , At Edenton a Sermon w us testantsEpiacDplChirch ' and the cotnpenf ' dined, at -. .t Fayette villc aa Orfiu Iv.;V, L. Turner; arid r at different places, f v ,jAt Waynesboroui,1! the'eitikensof Vayr'- , i aion beaded by a b . . , . :. ted an Oration at ' . i. . Af -r v! the company t t ' ! ! v! Col.' John Davi i M'K'tn'nie J ; . . i is i. ' 'y ' 1 1 1 dred, upon hisoecouarljj the" presa Jcnt of the 'T 1 Cures, be offered to me in therstitistauce r n,arSe, f every observation, which tends in afv deweei to WleT. '"h-061 weighed before ,t waa resolti inj to you afewexTerineats and obrration. upoh-oneof V 'x?m i iAiiZLiiLi' 11 aivi"i, nu vu vii icuj uiuuvAia.VT, or wiirr, wi!m Ud been beitmd, Md cooled, were potped and f ; y '. ..t ar.J UmU: Mr. I.!--jnfton ftrui 1'r.u.k ual iiV.r.dtr-. oi'i-;-EfTCc-ally to 4 ' geourview, of the Kryo a'uy, 1" e of secremy of treasury. 'Some hortl:"r".; r,ar.d while I Was employed M thenecesn th Mineral Spring of Uii state. : 1 know that tui -ctoiy invcs'i a iiv relauon to the-form aamuli portion of. thoe. researches to which - . . . . . . . . , . . i i . i : . i r i . .. ; . . . . i. l! - 38UT. r,u' f'kT' ' oa 'lr.r; .r," aMtatei.H-.ArW ai-iidinif 24 bours, a whitish a roe to un-j , T T 7 JTlJ, Jo " c, V , . . iiv .r .(he UK ?lunl " K' qii . u KmwA.m.I lutlak. .'tv.Miillit.. b.iitt'.it J tle CH'CUmV;1i.,-,Kl. wllh wl.M-h nature t ir htS' ad any portion of h Cilobe. Itsvariouanatwaiprodactioh, e"V ofncart rgrinHobrair.ed.:,- ioi SrfT- b"rf& polotlUarbo'aat ge of ait tboae WJi turned the V altr miikt, nay have enriched u J..,.;.,T.". frorri( wi.i. t cf i"a: i. ..e f'c " .ii;;;T. were t .(..retury , r. lIeU.G.. Greti c -tins .i.ottat is exuacte4 ' y fii-wir loose precipitate of nearly thie precifule t!m. obtained, a trc not m iiocver nocersary loruic avcommoaauon or man ; wnat-1 l-j wat drorined with thV a.- it ever sources 0J weattn tttev tiuirlit ooen u tnauatrr l wiiat. I I.T. ... . tar ? time, h : to. uuk;cvl t stances, that had rendered this c' l-tratiori necessary y which,' a Wouki he improper here to recite, . . .TfXnwon nt. y retgnt give io u,e iwaeiwarra, or, I A atttl.,.- the"H!tYve5 However urmecenr it rnav '.near .U Ihof .. ." "" '"'"", ",.'UC,'V nu,f."V. v I lt w formed deliou ho kaow rn 1 deem it Droner on this c riv , :i . , ,(i-..j k. wr ' 1 1 . the p,- Mvvimt.t vaaaaa. v UiMV WW t J,w' I Tt l.i iCiirc. t L lllUiU ltl 111 WMC lUUllg IUC UUICttBUI IlCW'J A rruft nf 4h jwtr i.(v! ,,,.,4 -1.: . f, ...1 . : t fcrauw ;h hk wi.'.r-f. HP" V au,r! roJUiait Ulti UIIJ rClAUUilf W in't7 rV"u ' liliiSVf civav'.u.rn,Kij,waiiu wvm r ; ;V Gin, i thority, t &f '"tor.vt 2d.'Sc;- v lanr.cvoui rve or convey directly t Mr. ladisoii, or hdirecl-'vntr h 'avored it, i . audio wiuit arts-eiatire rnatenals t citiaen. . ButitiS to h laaiented, . ... ' . . - . .... v- . . i.iiijii'.viiiiiiie II u.. isvLuicu x: uuiu lici. unyn . T 11 Lf litis. neroe t(rnvthe aUgbett.iiUtti,h4;wihefJ-not. -, to be either j-ecretary 6f flie'ftfeuuryciecrchtrj get!,! andthe innHmerablte n Wltinal waters, which rise 01 State VT3 4 .. ,.t .,,'-;n tlanudst tiervannmna Of, mat uie Kuoy 01 rlanv.d.4n;hiSa!es.;ai;t haVe.aihceVlilaer-i I'M'cryhas ... few voui-ie ainongu.,, tVe ram o. rurmot- khotfld. justly Appreciate a tains alsdtaH ' I cvftiniunicat t'l'hia pi-r water of l"i etvadoti. f tame Excess i . The sediment a. higi tiij'.hp.! ',Uinn.h rortuin oKii-rt. cn.lO-"veoDIantS. I . . . ..... 5.. ...i i k:..ii1.!. i .. I " "'"rc i11" f f "r. -at-r propomoll 01 Willi ivv r.V Antv'trf Hrvitldtcei blltf to &Xlk ttift iV.-:.. . d,.,!t h a II. mLhi . hnni.. I J? 1 : iu -i il,Ul i0 if TnmA i Vn4 ininnor nrlr. n tKiit the VlCC-OrcSl iaivL who VOiitvi bhn? to liHitiM ticheij Villi which thUl wai.:.'.'' "r... 1..- ' ' , dent,eVaa employed ia ct.hccrting.'plan thenext-preiWeniBlei;cuOT.X-ThU 0,-ronS, had Jdered a tltterly ttttWoHn oesr perharatthiaUmeittitMoU of thenre ahd efueaey Waterid. .JStS rani.U anwhie. ' t'-irM As." that while I was mar also excite others wore akilfuh and fleeter prepared. .,,, .r.' ... .il-.. zTr r." uNii . in inc'-wateT, out wiuiout ' ' r. .. . Secretanr of State. I'neVer bad to.converwtion or 4n? attempt a inore cnipii.c luniLiuwuim vunauiuaui . icveriah kea it t1 s . :.: ' i.k.i.ii.ViMrilLffi'!)a'Uiii . . f ' . I c.i I. .-nno.k t;.r of themthtbuiiH "any person. ,;liMt being at thi timcj a private auiSeoI tney I trustf oe aiiowea to dlclare td my."-couotrymeni as 1 most, sincerely do Aat Jo enstire thtf duration of the.republicah partyf I. '1 . 1.t:-. 1 ... t..W as wen aa to preserve tne ppnour auw ycsi iuwi afthe United States, it bas,. beiv nPensat!r recesssry that out presidehtbe a man f energetic mind, of enlarged and: Jiberal ?iewsf of temperate and dignified eportm:ntpf honourable and jnanly feelinira, and ' aa ffitietit; lr maintaining;, a saga cious m discerning the righw of our rAucb injuix d and Inauitett fcountfy.- Baltimorei Jubt TiW U rR. SillTHi i P. S. Ma, I trnst, ,nr xpecte4 by any person, thst I should enumerate the particular nomination to the senate which I tlisanDroved. Sucb awOtV i .... . ...... k.f.".;'. n.i...R.M ocrmntng wouia, at una ome w. r.oi"j as it would lie fadiou'tl f i? 4A Thwtng eri aftd exfracfa. whfctirtit.ptibv Vith rr.snect id W JI. 'S' T"" . . . . i! . riant at- - - . - . 'to ynttng, any commtMtca 'ThU Pprlhtj if g,hominaied'.Tsylor'. prinar indirecUy, upon any such aubject.,With .either th j,Th ye'Uow ?Sprinj. ... i, rige, .Montgomery County, f,u itc-ui caiucm ui 5iitiiiiuirawv.itvi .i - .r ...i - v. : r... 1..: 1 .us. rhid. Iti strongly dinretiei it TiRht 'opoA the jitpmach. " -;sdti. -We t.nderstaSd from go'oJ a'tiC1.;, t a general courf martial is "briiere'j xi' . 4 at Frederick Town, Maryland, oa the - cr. .next, of . ticfi briaadicr reher&l rt is to be presicTcTst, and Walter Jcnes.' . . L olJi'rj sl- jluJg advocate for -the trial-cf brigadier ge- " ; f sulphuric I ncrJ Wilkinson, on the ch-ige brought against Idra. no eiiervea-i Dy the government ot the countiy. Spirit oTo", . . .ine. VVitht '-k- I .,,., ; :,.' '..,' - a-i,'f-; '' . . ' , ''.,. . at aaa ovxaauteauiat air. i osier, the new Fritish Miiu ister, nau an auaience with the rresidt-nt of the l iuted. ., ' State a lew days alter his nivnl.' I'l-cquent ednfereni. ' ce are aid to have taken p-: ..between bim and Mr. "; MonroeWTh aUew.r.o :.e art: the rti motti. of the dy - lespeetmjr them, we pubUstt t .e two tnhowini? from a-?:.' nton holla dosen thuthave r.nme under o'lr observathar a -' JmfiortaAt.t-A f ert'.cn.r. j rrn.T'i h this city fror, VVhhito5J,wi'aii.,.'t:.t th-!',-fthi 1 ... informed peraohs then ' Lrc t: . ? n jval cf Mr. ? Foster, ras,that there v 'J.he Vyr kh CJreai ''"' Eriuinr-Ahiitl.ic Mr. f .ter's arrival, he ar.d Mrv K Monro nave had eever-l 1 taircbnvcrsations 'tc-e.-'i thert eueijof which lasted i.carly a d.iy-and tV.'t its- ? is1 siotr tonfidetvljy believed that i arritcahle t:.- i". " nauoft of all.disputes will t ' 2 I '.ace yery f neft'y. ? .J!t'iC'. '..;:."''. Z.h'I'Ait f reeman' Journal. -' , -RelaUant xoilA JBnW(jrfCLrcumstancel havi .t reached our knowledge of a nature to produce a setv tied opihion, that the principal negociatioa with Mr. roster. nas norcommerice,cj, but a rupture at sus- fjenslon of further discussion baa taken place won ' j ' " L i? - : ' . . 1 . . ... , ' some preliminary point wmcn win not be resumed vr no Cui'l iiv, chryttaUieed t titwhai bitterish.-' r,;ni'tn, it may be .will contain. 7 ol thfe - sulphate-of The water con - s aait tioesnot . a ubarid taste. '' 1 tt.f-releW'-ct .1 .11 tiUd Qi- j uriil in the .e if e.omblnation. y ; this water atrd- .-r a 576th, though i Uie ' conibinatioft. " in Head ot cauanr UJirawBena, rIetu-esaionof pinu. 1 drank in considerable quantity, (ives hilarity. ' , It is rehtly loreetive Seven or eifeht uimhUfi of i, ......I 00 the eat aide ol the Alean.)' mountain, arid about a quu t il' ; ter 01 a BUM iwm m summiv -. e water .una. one w uie - j.. about h . n-tduci tK:, touury atians 01 Uie noru lotK 01 W not more thatt twa tades Uril lje. i uaUon of the f iu. r- AA ,lf t Spring laavhe; readdy teaeed upon the lata map of Yir- kj M wUt.. m woceur with those !'"'. " ; he between vuosuanDur? x r,urr w,, . MMvKtbrtxL DewiK nearly ux nun worn wv, anu, aopuv uii ce twai, -rt,. i .An,,kM. f 'f mitea fi-om the Utter. The 0fidwliich lead to it fiom ... u .., JL . J . .t- ..... . , - .. , ,1. 1 ukjui wmcu liiaiyinuui uieniKive r out uiuenecc I the east, -are amour, thfthestw the atate i the ehmate, is . i- .i,,,,.- or b exreededhy noothcr in pOntoj salubrity ana tuc c-- dxam ofcXaataraWn i Utf;- -: e6ntnodatiorts;in every .'respect .are eomforlablfc and a TTfTf' atii--& 'hc- ' ' Ureeablevj TL tkeamWUchla wai'Mi , ...UitteatOhtplsfCW floe the most bBcialenect irej' ; -f''.f on theiopof,ate mtm.r .nd, it is woUhyof remark, sT;1 w iofaM uket-s.i Which- havtf lbngr b'aCleasil that as tin sneaes of stone, u seldom, f evtr,1 en upon r-.- i.'..i.uMj..U' -f asjmvjpaa iia yuM aaaiaij siwimivtai tiiavs vciiaucicti the suainutot i.igft moumainMnuropo, coTO,ngro u. . , --v .otbrnnlete. and ObServation W the, Kirwan, in iu n amputation w V1 ,H'--M J!'";,rr? , T ' appeared ta bettfi oMyreaorVaainight Well excite a u .r....n, " 1 , i . . . .. -. , 1 Die on 01 tuc -. lunuur a tuwxti were nox me racu rata. rtain water passmjf through a bank ot this earth, .thrown olaneahyafc'; eyidence themot.omietlmkbie. v iW. up from a cellar, heeomea higlily sulphureous, , .j'V . ttbJeWttpe.the leg.of manyyr com,ttni:dtce,' " he temperature 01 tae apring i wieiostailth of U. have -tea perfectly liealed by a few Farenheitli -Thehoihter.Jt tranaparancy; attnets the 1 . , .-IlAn drinkinir of the' watk -W'-fias the attention everyone. 1 It's taste is aoiaawnat astringent, ater fiuled feleifeot an entire ture: Inanv initanoe.'ie. . a ? a. : . .a v hmam thai 1 n .v1 u ' - - tt m io.i'ii.'Ji a.sek r tx aw nnrnruuTW aw nnenintra of Mr. iuaajo"i y-v. r- - . . , 1irnc)os-yBrlefroA readt- r-r. -.i,w, . ajhifiheon m'.tnkft in seiuuna- n aWttnty 3 .vvM'.; ; yhil1 tii " Da A t S cne ot tb W nercef f '..5. . --ir VV.. 5!!!?iS. amf -.u 11 v. .,t.ftnecied in service anam o- important portion . P7 r Vr d 'rratjt.i andtoUar-Rood aitt;Vhich 'to iffi Oraaar the-ealU adntSfe em the rtmi-arter nor-Wiw"1 " y . . i-.. ' 1 have hodoubtof a.sonUnuance w r!, .io interesing tivthmpelye and g tha JuMJ ''-I (treat as arethf dirTiiufties .n ' IT'S i. ' .': ,-.i ' or fltytienot unlike tre frst.imprefsioa of ir upon the tor4ffto thst teimony which maybe relied um'after tqn;iMtt.t a.weafc'sohition ofthe sulphat ofij-on, ten. citerAandisltentaliiseforl oraOdavsi Humanity thenkihobrgreerf :'VafriA. ,. 1 ha taste ot tu eflcariohs and behigftant quality of the sulphur, orthehepticktat and Shirit arcelv.ifat all. wtrifc04ud b widely known. -, ' ' , , jjrble jw4 pflfw&iHaql vni Jriy ctkaneo diseT. r,artdfian heOlhy LJtei- ofthaeyes,whetterrecent,orpf,kft ujthe FommoaltteatBBe wW .;.r;,'.f, terrWUc4tbappiest effect, v, '-- liiv tot.5.--T t.l, , alomr Wdoden ehanucfa. thewater deposita " otTv..:- 'A..tft- UwfJ' i. i... f hrewniKyeUowaed.imn,vwThe, ame,atbm w ocreous beCTkowiiVctif perfectly a person who labored tmtier tedimehtis athf.bQmmipwrW P" h 'e?)firgebeh tfthh. iplee,aAer-.oU:il saal hsUex-' haiured. ;ts.'powcav -''' 'V Ttf' r" ; 'J-.,,:!:.;r-33t r.w? v vtn. xtHii most arrvjecagre tnpuioui unipnun-.B ; ar.u in allnel Wtfebil'riyj aetas amWerfui reatviatlva.'-.i;t i."i Ui-lv.on the idt,'s 01 tne jessei wj,w,. .;, Aa&aedimenttt' also bhservfeA on .6100 part.,oftf same "Veaaela, whicKls, probaWK'pfuaskte 1 i Iran. , -tp '. ..a ' y .a4iln(Nfkff- JTtT 'rTfn ' . T . ' I nti.ntiii I'han 1 1 1. UincciiHutT nww - . , . -ja i varfrt jattti Amiitv.a 4nft on tna fo-e . its wti, in OaARi 'a.avt y - - - -. r ' b - . 1 Ttt al4a nv uivv.iu,u w v 11 vain-1 a w,',-.i-a 1 - tfpoft stahdmgiaor lanoursinaaopCTT .thaafttutary kulreWftftVia'' water r ay he e3pecjd.-''t.f. ter loses, in atatmeasqreircah rtST- P tbaf, plfcasaTgf taaki to the i- ieutifio l'hyirician It ftit'epiU i'varf nV 9WVtf.of f W,' ceWiulyawavaHie'smci '.to he'v4nk4aiaohg'ti.e dimer.Ifu t thoavvaluahlt waftril, with wliich tha state .eminently in Dopkerf t thJo?lmgf iw conttotied,. abduhdsvb'pVoof Vjfifs salubrious eficts depeda hot whaver, imix?4 wi li'VS& 1. X' apoii-njeejure-cf taSVi, or iriterest.d, reports hut-. Kftes 'l.Vil iV,. apoafaetsv'ihita h'aVeffalleh; UnfciUhe observation tt !r ifcxp6?irmrt? -ty'fffiJzZl with. dirJAgatViiM their veracity as-fotkU those it' 'r.V. .until further4 instrucUpus Honi England.' -r i . v'-'-i v t ?; n ZWt. ied, Refl. ' J' - ' v"fT f BTO.-.ii; nas cca. a question amonj': rhahy whethef the State will be entitled to receive, v " , diviilenda tin th vhnt rJ K ; " r , , -71, v fewa jwtm va ail Vf , f cxpvty tfc ww uznr, 10 pay move man mncty thctr - aaiKi cioiuirs. u e xeet pteAsyte la stating that atr at V comritodalion has taken ;plof e in this way Tho" ;.'; " . Trekstijrer, in'behalf of the State proffered t tiiel'" 5 ' ' stock holilera l.isriJonjidr Ae iolance, bearing, aru u. incevTw oearicrcenttjn:tLich ,wa. readily acv T ceded to.:, '. .t'U .:'-','- -; ..: " ; -, ComQrWprn?parte tiati detlare4 Jhrbugh Id minister Serurier that he wilt make n6 compensa- ; tion for the millions he hai pltindei-ed of American siv property.! Aa it' rt known rtbat, hisJ imperial .wi ? royal maiestr has 'fed tSnect jfor either iiTii'..r . i i."' paths, It a strongly fcxpected hyx many that be. will vvjiiw i8 wora.,ia, jnjs i.tustance aria resrt- plWdenK'lvi.rt.r-1-,. 'iTSj.'O .t' .'J ." Ve qe.des!red.t6 tat. ttiat 3Lorenzo prfeachjn Halifax, ;.C,.,rt Saturday r .', a.'"sr;,i.a' a) " . . - 11 -f 17 in ana vtta, August at I :'-1 -ythe ivthm Wartt "n'T Oi' at EdwIM-TiaVers-Vi . v t:,- u Rt Zion rear Edmund .Mavhtld'a ThhrsdaV wg-Hirrtn r rway 3d till Mdndav SfJth-hd H'llt aW Hend at u Camp:MeeUnE at NmbusfT, in .-Granville : " Dnw'wiit'L;:. t c. 'i.:,v., v., . ... r the . 11. 4 - County, Sunday the 1st day of September ?t G Vjlle Court, Uouse-lat Mr; Stathutk Via 'Quit ratl- Guilfbta" VuntT ,-lhursdy September I2tb in Salisburtr ana w Charlotte-Fndathe sothi;; v! V"V' "-;r,-r"T7.- . i- . -,;. 1 men r uifiungpniifu lor incir reracnyj o Mor ail tnose ighthr tliif TteWS'Tn4& 0fale'SJ,li Trhich toltstitBta tei.pfctibility.trf : le;4whlchturne'J feaddy .aith. the, 4th qt Afaw--- " i ,iM.rin , ; .cViaTOM,v -tavgifla "front that of the .cpmmoar . ' i? 1 i m , , r i T , , VIK. tr tainn. I Wn with -i)6rfect coimw1 . ' ' .- - I v. l .: ,. - r.. watchmg for'Us.-. ;i, ar,,; Smlthe i pray you q prusent- me sl1 ' - .ril!,.a y, rje , tpt mypravers.tbt yon may long conti rtuj J J 'i"ymeHt of he.Uh.- and the pMbhe;esteetr.;m '"f your iMrfid 'arir. nnstanJ to f onie. .. - - .a Jrfter ram .- SJ? S. ' 1.' The 'we atfalrof C1e: waurth btto; rature.v , , v'V-. w-iriH thwstW ' jj. Silver is not ciiangvi ww--j t" imodit't by ae'ont'muanca foraoraeiiraen tbaimel "."ltiK.K' Witr now:There appears to' b .Srad Irydrokenin'the Water, from th' Exp... i ,t TKfu umofte.,orknyv -'v3;:h mit-nlo colour. "Tha'aa. effect.s roduefcd " V- ' Jk , ,.snH ; tn oeit vessel 'tbt 24 hours i S?whe7'' .coloivllthUaap, Sew? that tti f onlin h yd f iron, ,-l?6aer! oWVrfea.0w rtide'rt vitl share with us lo tliis ftrjrttd we felt at ic eing the cbarg Married vesterdav. cvejiii-v: fK;Vu-' ' Mr.lins, J4r..Jin.rll barriftrto Miss Ana. VVlite,.). 'Tm oaueruer i iv m-..svnu..i-Mn8e(AetaTv ot 8iat A .. , f Athxvood.BladrnliDiuitv.l)iBir'itfA.,rhWi1.k'Rr;i.. . i . Ott,the Tth int;hy the tcv. iM. MerohryV Major' Atexaiii1ar4w. '-C.-Miller, to Miss. Mry Biov.-daVghtKr.'W Ocn.';:t witi. ;Ai Ta-.Jtd-'tiOr Mr. Henry P. Sclieolroaiiier to' - Miss Rarah Yiuam:MiM lieaulort Louuty by the Itev. Mr.. Biddle i Mr. flenry XI tabe, ,- Mis ' Margartt Keddit, vV 1 Guillbrd County, Mr.Thoata 8. fakes, aged 70a native n of fenelandV W Miss M ij Wmslowt aged 56 ttha , cenrtf . -i" ii."v-' ii. ure iiui 4c siamaga wsa ceie rated on 'Uitf 20th mst. In Wake county on Jtlonday, last, Mr, IlstrUon Smith, Mia iLucy -tltdcrwoorj. '"V ,"' ... ,-. .. " nntrrr fffir ..'. : ..,.,-!;f-iAf Pied In Craverl County, Mr. John Hatieock, sped 23 ' ; - r Jn Wake.Mr. William Martin, aired U At Waah. ':.-' i .' lington eltj, Col. Kenty Gaitba;ya xcrotutioatt cfllcet. " iU see what 1 lav? y, 'rofit (the julyect . - : . .-; - .'; v. .,; '. . '' '.t.-. , ' ; ' i ' -, "-.VI ,3 if-