I, . '7 r . r,z ; 71" i uurrrn or july- - t r - . ' ttVn Je r; ! . i ' r r ' t'rt Vi '. ;..'. f.iMI f.C. ,...' f t a ! li'V " t - ;ce l!v.y r- -n I fc;:r c :. ' " t.PSt ' i ' ..',1! how((,iHkt lure? i:iT.s,vi, . - t A '.'ancettie ptV;u"e ltd, .... ' r rto tyriiitt L.i.t Ce kne, "'!. "J ! . r motto !eth or l.brrty i ', , Wt 'e'!-", v v N '!!, itth. dW, " V- -r ( ; I .- 1 l' y Cwieruig ttr, J ' i by c;u rrmm of the, .v ' ciPt iur lobe Ii ee . r v .1 em l.J tlie Oy, ' , t.4r i.iv.i .jWi t'l i"j ;re d their i p ; i'?t i -- cold'y tiood ' '. ;J t t frrte- . ':fnour,bloed . ' 1- t ', t..e jt'm . '' -tta-ns! . , .1 J' has' ly leaf, ; . " , , ! . j 1 yrai.U bear " "; -v, t..c v .d.Vingcry,' '''' ' ' w e ihU be fite, or die , " t .-v r'-c sway, , ' -p tread . '. -jjCi. ; m'sriity dead I . s'.iaU La - - . " -!ry';' k " , !t''.y." '5 A I : n to a a L . . f 'Tit lime r no..? a nv"r . ha i v 'i'wa t f ir J . ' " .".",th:,tl; hi ! ::) hi r . ,1 t'.ert ', re a not n uV 1. U-niol his, Wuui'. ..it' . . .- ( r t ' J irt't- 1 '.':.; 1 c t.'t t! t; : ; n Kit l. .uv. '.t.,s ia th - c ' ' ly ; t , e . ;i ' t:,t re- t i'. Ct or. - L ' " or b yiuhU J i l tliC i' I t , f Ji tVtnm't hrd t .. r ' V.'lio f '-ch dcl;;;ht -J ii h'n coir.panr, I (Tor Jack tople.ne the l i j.ei had the ik. ' ) - '''' Ucpan to thtr.k fcira 3 " ' ' , o ent l.cr g. rvunt, Timrnas, to as'ntre I.V.i " j That if hy. .7 Wseut l o a gssail'd, An.t would but fredy toil l;er what he ail'd,' '.eU fet Mine d.u.jht tht very goon ilioulJcUreLl. The rnessse Le&riny, t!,,is replied youn Dash " Fiiend Tom, then vil your inUtrcsi I will thank her, . -As i:iytlii-utr's oti'y want of cash, v , '", To let Uie drafts Le lier kuabaniT t banX-tf. ' ' rr " A'.'iur.icA-M v,x:;K3 PRorossa ' : i .t Centre! IlUlory tfl.'.e ZV;.'.' ti Jn&r!ca,h I y KaviJ EcneiTct, ot i iwldencci Rlwdc-Ialand. Cc ..vrranicatk.. $ fp tj.;. 'wttfk .'kre teqaested by avJicriffccnt post p-.U-J 5't' " . Life of the lute Charles It. Brown," author tf LJy f c ilA-" Oi mond,M ' Wieland," Ju;.3T!bot,M Arthur .r..vfvyn,! t-.J lat editor cf American Uc-step. . " - -s - . v-i i V7c ramrr's JUi ; by John Nicholson,1 late member cf Centres i from Ne? York. " -f Grammar of the EnglUh Lanvuagt ', by Jess? Y.'-tcrman, cf "cvr Yoik, , . . , , , LOOK INTELLIGENCE. RSOlvr AM : " IftAM PUELTCaTIOXI " , .77if JfWerj'or.fiie G'.i Lilian C'.urch in het pri meval ttate, given under the similitude 6J a Ooman." Haleigh, Star Oicc. pp S6. . - , The' following periodical works o stifl ikmtinao ed Tlie " Boston 1 fimhologij Select Review and Writ of the ' JTJiinn i The PanUiti Ameri tan' Later Journal i American Review i Port Folia i .' Jlfedhal Rcfionitory f . Medical Journal i Medical and . Fu'lotofiMcat "Journal i Medical Recorder j Eleetic Jieficrtoryt Archievt c UtrJ 'id ! Knowledge j C&rit tian iI(WKVor.-Subscriptions for the four Erst named publications will ba received t the Star Of fice Erery Literary Society, Debating Club, on.'. Library Company ought td be subscribers to the two rst Both works can be.liad from the com ' Tnenctment.l . ! . . f .- V, Lrnay fit Murilime tawt trantdated from the rrench of. M. Jialthazard;' W John E. Hall, Esq. ttlitor of the- American Lkw Journal. ' r : Picture of Philadelphia and i; Envirotu. - i , lllytftcld't celebrated 10 Sermon corrected." ' ' - SieecheB at the Bar and in, the Howie of nr. g?ivf Virginia by, Alexander. "tWchmond, v - u Serr-,, bDr. Koilock.1-'- Savannah, Seymour aim as. i v . OCIUVO, 50. fr tlt r.f cnce tf m t'-'T i - 'an i.t Lis frame. . ' ... - -J'. , But it i ; t in t'.e If- .' - t n C xi 1 zr stiu.;cJ v! c j tc t , $ cf i - i. li e 5.u'.c tenor cf !.! j . ,1 il. .-'y il v ojr k'l.t,r.d, that nothing r.;';' t Le wanuu to the deaiatis cf com m::., the A'..:,;.ty l.ss y.mtef set bt'wre the etat. :''-. -The Lord tf vcsh'.s !.. descended' from tuO fcu jllm'.ty cf l-lury, wU cL;hed himself wkb earth for tnoiel to mar.ktnd. . llcsr. on thij occarior., the expressive lan-ruafrecf LriteTolcnce tt Ecn r' I Iie4 yon, - lose ye c j sncihc'r." . ' ls l .creawo ', QG01), -r?h:cti thou hart borne for our bfirn,' .'ts, but braw's s r.Uh tr- titude. Croarall.-!.!-ht inttemion tj t' tu !'Vuni of 'antf Sl.all the Kin" of lleiven t' srt.ha himsdf of m-jes'.y t.ri glory, 'bccau'-V he Las vt'.in'jn'y assuHvQPjci iy ana stuine, entiuwn y.a ututcst human miseries, tor the redcnipticn .fcf lis erea lures t fcnd shall man, wirm as he m, to lagMy fa voured by Si btin, when no frailty of his own coulJ stimulate to sympathy, refine compasiion to the exigencies cf his fellow, of which h cannot be in sensible, while he contemplates himself.' Shame less, unrt fleeting bcin-and thy name is man I . u The Yoice o( indignation has iri evocatly " de creed, that whoever tometh awty t.is face fro;n his pKrt- brother, the face of the Lord shall be turn ed away from -him." Who is so abandoned by erace who Is so hardened in wickeilneib who is to inebriated by rt)rkl!y proaperi'y a$ not to tremble at a denunciation of soderrlLle iifl import? lolear tiou Is the beginning of wisdom. With reverence, then, my brethren, let us examine that duty, which is at once, so stt-enuouUr 'and So awfully enjoined !s.' Ve will thiisthe' more ae- curately snform lo 111 pleasure whose ' an p-er is hell, and its duration eternity. Let the words of adoration and prjyer "be the guiiiuceV-f research. They are clear as they are tomprelienbive. -1 1 - OlV CS tttll DAT.OT7 VKllY llXk.9. What is it, mftn of opulence, thou prayed far 1 ' Thai who art filled with Ahe abundance of. this' liTS 1 ' Plenty greets thee witn as'mtTe in every corner of thy habi tation f nor is thy eye shocked by indigehcej unless t! . 1 1 it in the streets. Tlie choicest viands cf i . anneap uoon thv board. And thelncla- ' i is bade defiance br thv cloth ' Jies thy pillow wkh its down, ' bed with the vicrour of the '.is felicity, scjii of fortune. fjod, too, the object of . ; li canuut be the bread taorn. l.i t . . dost thou era . this rarnestnesi T i oteart;i, J r wiiii t u ; is the food of lit , Then by t'4ne c . i : needy fellow crc',.: It is not Ly br ' by every Nirerd t'- .t Goil. Of what av l!iO fruilties of t' have not. like vw -- . morsI which ia gratitude be not t . nil bounty.1 ' WT : n t ' the 'asperities cf l ! .., if smoothing the road to i ..... How earnestly -are ivc; t we- commanded t how tlrcaJ. ed; to minister to want? atid' 1.. fancy we perform the -requiiiami,' wl out our cnuruy to the su-.ieuunce cl ''ttcal Journal, Ao. w iMttory of Georgia, -wi:h. a Tofioerafhicat dot- cnptim. aavannah, beymour Sc Wilhau.i. 1 vol octavo,- S3, 25 in boards -V- "''; . .; -, ,' . .... ;: . ' IIIMonltcnal.' . ; V ELOQUENCE !AND HUMANITY. ' In the rcltrn'of tiultXi.-t ' . Li ' away the flocks and herd in aeveraUf the province of ", Prmice, Ampng others, tho jxjssantry of- the diocess - of LescaP were nearly, tulmd. . "Jlie Vthcini nd amitv ' ble bishop of tlie Roman Catholic lioce of Legcar tii. tributed amonj them 30.000 liyres, besides "emplovinp ' ".' Peif tale,nu.ind. Uucnce in.reeommcnding tiicir , siiiler.nprs to the nolict of the opulent. As a pci ; men , of hU eloquence. and huminity,. we have extracted ' e ,,Vw,nff pMsat'e from one of his pastoral IcUcrs : Shall Ave, who enjoy fie dewof heaven, and . the uches of the iorth, refuse to that all-beneficent bein$, ja the person of hit tf .ildivn, a pftrt of those blessings of which hnftliMibt share? - . Will you Withhold 111611' froiif! the -poor and needy, wlnle ypupi, t;0 the Deity, saying. M 0vk ' TS THK'JJAT OUR PAJI.T tJS.V.KbV'- . -'-, ? y, wch wis thymine lesson already4 Satiated. ' It , that thou seekestt 3 anes'imatecf thy . -. "j :.i . t . 1oth live, but ' e tnoutn of ' resnects 1 1 tlie tout '..S3" is'the . the eve of or of )v:n - r.t in i"t::.-s c:!y ii'y i v.c 01; rti : I -a t '.cm. jr s'.r C V c t M V., are t j u wrci 1 (f , . - r mIoiic "'iirc. ir tly- y we Kits, blessed -Jesus, the object cf tl Was it for this the hand of r.ruchv t thorns on thy head ? Was" h for tlis t: ac4ny nreduCcd thv bloody sweat ? Y. . thou wert with Ignominy' nailed' t'p'o:r v as it lop una Uie cailous ruuia Hrivc into thy side Lamb of God! Imaioru.; cotild be an object of sufferings so ext at once, ana excrucutjng as thine Mr.. Yes, my beloved, immortality is the Itr in? Saviour has beaueathed us f bit - h cannot inherit by pother means thanwhat obt.liicd it. Charily, christians. - nrActirml hofl r.n;r. i Charity, my brethren, must presertelt'too. , " Let us attend the ep4 of otlr bent ficitor, and we shall see charity impressed irt 'thenY through whatever ways he traversed : In his descent to earth t in, his clothing himself with, flesh in his meekness ndr injuries in his Reaching in his fasting ii the wUderness t in lis watching, b his praying; in his temptation by 'the 'Devil j in hs anguish in the garden' ; in his sufferings on the cioss. Take but a feature of Ma fiicrttrc,nn& what a subject for admiration 1 iTake theS&Mey and we are lost in love and oratitade. trxb&Lmi 9u-.jl,. . . ic But is g -.odiicss of attch purity jkltpecte& from iMH.iiiu . j.xo, uo, my oretnrcn.-,' -tup divine Ru ler doth net so severely exact from, the inequality of his subjects. No more dAh he require from us, than we hate capacity- to perfohit. Nsyi w. Ttrenf,acie the judges of the tiJ&iiarii . vuiuu.auucu to ueai. oy otiers. hut as we wi sluhcy,' in : like case, should ; natter to us nenvcnwjii not brf rhocktMi.' nnA !' - r.i t. renecuon Ls engraven your oqL, V Invain are all your pt-Bvers, in vain are nil vmii. fn,,,., all your attention to tlie externals of religion, if we vni uuici-n wiiii ccuenccnce,: when we nine for it om sclves. ' ,. . '"k ' ' 'i vmc hither, calculation, witb thy pnVTantl I will show thee," though usuiy be'ti.y'fradc. and Mi Mil, a inn t r-U ....:... ' ! - .' . " ' ' . ' 7 , V ; ' . V"U1U gives: uq interest ..that would beggarprodigalily.f and tire avarice itself in the 'happiness of hoarding. Chectf :!' .Jsnd.thy mite, cautious niggard,; to . the po(,rf nnd give a loose to eppetitc in return for .thy, ban y Will at) hundred fold appease thee ? thou tent. ; Take; thousands then, an) thousands V thou pnusest, avaiTc! Cut when yen consider well, yw vMiiwecoine uie most jioerai dlnor;, . , , The God of the world, in W nhitMnl nA omhij56tent regeiry? fcaY proyidel: '.for t 'wants jpd; exigencies cf hurriaa crcs'icty. couyarucat- - -. p'.r.a i f ct .! f et . ! v..;.aa, sw.;e-- to the .:. -r r t L:i jo i -K 1 A L . "i ... Ltt i : i Til r ' ;t ) t , ire si fe ... J i.s rnnrt ; f r in t e lumi:. .f,l C;V(,,') . t,t : y . s ; , ,r fetf. s tf a . v, .; I -J Uoi:r nciTour, a:.J jcvos. f -0' -.tir.yur Vi' l- J the '1 ""'1 , -I US CL LiNl " Omnea un '. rjue fhjtculot, carpanuii atqua dcl.heTnus." "'-"'. 'MEDIC ALTrOLITXCI AN. ' ; Vhen the ferment occasioned bv an elec tion was at its greatest height, a carpenter in Petty France, who had been greatly emaciated by a nervous feVer,was attended by a physi cian weflltnowo for' his atrenuo.ua exertL.-.s en the side ot the roiDistcnl party,, Duncg the doctor's visits, the Mtients wife. r.M'lnnwi: t the attachments cf that -'gentlema::, often ex pressed her regret that her nusbjnd could not get up tf vote for ?Ir; Fox Toward i!.c lat ter end of the'pollwhen every method -was employed on both sidct tQ procure sucttirrcs, the doctor calling one morn in ton his natient. U U r to his great astonishment found Lim up, and almost dressed with the assistance of the nurse. ' Hey-day I what is the cause of this?'? ex claimed the doctor. Why would Vou get out of bed without my leave ?" " Dear Sir, : rt plied the carpenter in broken accents, ! cm going to pqII,"-:4 To poUl" rejoiued the Joc- . .r - .. ' v i - f tor wuu great warnun, supposing mm ot tne same opinion as his spouse, . 'going to the de vil, you mean do you know that the cold air would infallibly destroy you f Get jto bed, man, get to hed? as fast a ycu can or imme diate death may ensue. If that is the case, Sirv? jrum-id the patient, 44 to.be sure' I must do a$you advise me f but I ihougbrjjvlule my wife was out, to take the opportunity to go to the hustings and vote for my friend Sir Cecil Wray.' .How ! what ! for Sir ,Ctcil i" Ves, Sir, I have some reasons to wish him ivelLn--rV Have you ?w cried the medical poJ't cian, j ."Hold, nurse, don'i pu'4 off his fttpek ingsytU' Xet me feel his pulse. Veiy l ! a good firm stroke. Egad this will do. Vou took t.be pills I ordered you last night ?" " Yes, Sir, but they made, toe very sick." t Aye, so much the betten IIow !J your master sleep, nurse ?" " 6ti tharmir-'v, Sir." "Did he ? Well, if his mind be cnen sy aboul;. the election he must he , indulged. The body, whed diseased is prodigiously efcct fd by unaini.a of thm 'rnind Com fine day throw a great, coat about. -lumftjBd he sooner he goes the better. Here, l'!t1.'r!i iipa ride will do him good, and sa!.c go to the hustings in my chariot." 1 he doc tor was obeyed ; the carpenter voted for Sir Cecil, and.; inSially . gave, up the rhost two hours alter his medzcaJ L and lJ Lft him his own house , ' . at tenders to wit in most of the other Eutcshave long been in the habit of st:lectinCor inventing what a raodeymupl What, a ..d properly a p-1 discipline! What jealousie!!: something-ridiculous that wou piy oniy to an individual and civingit to the puuhc as characteristic of the State of North paid to thtf commanding efficer of,the-Unite J Carolina. .We are fir frnn innnt!!n t. Qf.i-ilV..'l.u j --j i . ' Carolina. ,We are far from intending tr n. tort with the same iUiberaUty when ve publish iuc luuowmjauarcss ot a Congressional Can didate in Ilaryland and the advertiaeraent of a member cf congress from New-Jersey. We only de sire those w ho are fn the habit of sneer ing at our supposed ignorance for once to look at Lam inrl l-rK ' 'i ' The following was taken from' the walli of a j'uwif. i aiavre Ae vrace on tne ous . Harford Coimty Maryland June 8 181 i v ' Gentlemen and Citizens,' The snbscriber taiCe thlS method to inform th nuM; f TTiZ1 ford Kent and Cadi Counties in Slaryland that eiauu for a canuiaate lor congress this octo ber COminir and' I will ndeavrtnr . n Itir iV.. best plans to support and Defend civil Givern jn mm our uvea ana property and my study is fox the benefit of Mankind and I4 will Cn deavbur to encoura?e 'oiir rnanifartnr v every Society of' people ought' tb - have thtf be as Food Hi an nirh in : ;..k.-.ri; ' and. vWW?W..Py nis owA clergy and any society might be put In a Post of office if he believes there Is' a'tod and hia n. saved and the first societV of rienrdV ha, yiuei 10 suo-government let all the y-'-rr- v-. . . TaKe their arms Irom them and I think such a ht wrought to he made m all the .United States.of AifieWifr 'SJ; l, Thomas 1arjvi30, Mo!t?D; T he- loljowing is an exact copy iti word, letta arid is now a Rer, : Whtf tress of thVM Su J. hat he .vanduc of the" shlc of tK Amtwr when , ul1 ? 8oUUi phins" efturt of tha iAX,?,? " tlie . ia .d 1 - ' " r ' - tftn 3 to I j , .- r 'il' a i- - s.d v it. - St J t . TmJfjM if J idtn 54 he ct pins t i been ! f r - and s:rud f. bestowc-l upon iU r-ece? tf tUi. t:- ".S tpstr.st (' - ; -'y cf s- t , i.l r..i" :y -I M-hctr-icry j.ref ! y a ir.ii.'-ry c,r.kt : ; :'i croinciitcde. ;. 1 i e vxr in the atfjL r.f . r . Vj the ihi" L.vbS ' , j . - cJui iti tLc same I'.rt.... . :ui j ia care fir nothing but the t MtiouV tf.ey were rushing ui ; 1. iii.ess. 4'A naVl Keutenar.t sc ..eouitiy rusuta loraarj in t,ui t s .c , i u.. I v er; . . prry, ar. i bwle J cut ttarUard tnu bo; '." , ujruuun wiuca was uisuiuiy aucnuea to v aye, trye tir, by the whole purty Lun. .cp. y ...... ,-'.' , Am original Letter fora a Cutler to a YV. 1 'Friend jfihn l have ccce mere rs erroneous watch, which warjtsihv f.i - and correction,: The last time It v: , 4. school, he Was no ;:-y tcmf.-.ttJ 1 r t airiiCtioo.'I f nd ty the index cf l':s f ,c j Is liar, arid that his motions Ere f . . unsettled,' which m.kis tie Ulicve 1 : right in the inward man; I rr.ee i t' .. spring. I would have ihcc prove 't with thy a.'jratir3 tool cftrutli,; ; " thou mayest drive him from tlu rrf 1." ways f imagining his Lbdy to be 1. E. 1 whole mass corrupted f purge I kn x cleansing stick from ali poiuticin,lo i' . vibrate and circulate 'according to ir . . will board him with thee a few djvs, thee forhis board w hen ' thou rt-'quirtsi thy bill thodhargesajs with tr.c I pound, Wliich I will assuredly pay t' - e thy work dcsrve iu. ... Friend, When ,c u rectestl.im, do t without passion, h-kt I verity thou drive him to destruction. 1 v, . have thee la him visit the tvi motion, t and equation : and when the 1 i.ndest h'na 1 formed to that, send him home with a ju t of moderation, and it shall be laid, ally ii.. tel to thee fcthy true , - - '.'.ton:- Colonel Duane While Paring one cf hu tices for some real or ; rv offenr -r r-- bow long will, y - D answered - whir . believe my Ir.t! .s v.:.i uuj c t tLcu years , A:: i i t! ' i '' lliliiia.X writer in the 1 !.-' --w..ocraiic Picas assails the izi. '1 ". w ing manner : " . r.ot in favour of the' present mi'. ' ... I . .... r 1 1 mere are aoout one lui Lon ot r.. t; licd out every month, to exhibit ihtii a ward roanauvrcs ana to lulhl the deserr by Dryden ' s ; ," - . " ' Miiullis ,wiUiout,hand Tnainuiinel with great tv " In peace a charge, in war a week defence . - Stmit Once 1 moiiih the inarch a bhiaterbitr baiid, And aver, but in times of need, at hand,, " Of seeming arms they jiJc a short essay, ' "Then hastaa to get druiilt, the business of tte dav." Calculate the loss cf tweUVdays lahcvr a milion of men everv vear. and it amnn twelve million of dollars .Suppose a portion of them collected T o several States upon any audden, emttgenf;- ditfirenci; x. wnuld he . dis played, -.'and what" littferotedienc9 would t , nair-1 ts trta fr.rtawAMJ!-u - tW ' Phins efturt of .hmK?' "V1 xn t - uavm iiowi nnu l , . " Conta-mnfr 10 acret Whw tin Joel j v MJU J-l.')Vlunr M, .... urea ami a 1 r Sta tea when hf attempted to introduce a t; lorra, ay stem , . ,... .,. IBS .. , '- From the Augtuta IgralJ. , -MtSSRIES Of HUMAN l.lFEh .... y AVheri taking your last mouthful at supper sud denly discovering that a fly, had gone o roost, cn the. very piece with Which you were concluc'irg your meal, and whose. innocent life you have t!e stroyedr without wishing hltw any injuiy. ; , i Redting to rest after a fatiguing days business, and just a you are 'eomposiog yourself to sleep, discovering that i a squadron" of musquctoes have appointed a treneral muster ahnn, at t sto drawing radons, from your hose and chin. ; ; cfAfter attending at the Post Of -in. expectation' of somegrecabIe inteluftewr, you at length re ceive a letter Informing of the failure fif the pent to whom your )ast shipment of cotton .was made, and that a bill is drawn on you fa the amount it was ta'jpay atthe same moment recollecting th ? hi . " wnenng your lae be tore sh4vii,' rr-r- f which, in the surpnj JnvtluitaUly4clowtirf ,tlc vcTTtne nrusnacAlearcU of it's contents.," . v Dropping hi upon1 af friend it the dinner h n' oniM stiengthet general request, end discover- lJ0U better',litei1 aAarftrwflrinvitauon. v nen wismng to oe alqner wf With y6ur fami' only on a "-SMtn'dajr 'veningsyou are uoexpectf' ' rdTOiired with avvisit front atf Wconstdertite acquai. tance, wJiom efforts to b ehtcftayng puts your t J Uence in mmisHlorK and w!w bnlv rciiidci-a 11m '"" agreeable by rising to uike leave, - , 1 While engaged in' siielal -ConversaUoft feceivjV a Sudden fillll by tho lhhW. frhm ikn 'im W nt 5 - dividual who tantnr.tln sliAuV in." arr) wlrr,- ' OOiect Vou llltuitiVf'lv knn-v. ia ia dun vim. far a s:ii:t jof money you tiaitiot command.' . ,vu tW&'XPDw.t Viviut)9,,MVAircs.r''-: u , Live wliiie you live,' the Epicure would any, ,' , : " i And seize the t usurcs of the preset day,,.'- . : 1 . ... ... . . , , utr, wniieyci live, tne pious j-nCiireneai - And lir.ifr.im..,A m t !' f i-i. ' W W MM VM.I. M '- Loan inmv vir ! i. ', 1. lit t-s it Cits, 1 t?d l9 . ii 1 sty e in flewe, ! c "5 lli to ? I.'. ' . ,..'".V. .- ' ' '- t to tUue,

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