3 STATE,) i AYETTEVILLE STfttET, OPTOSlTE Tilt : TONE ro V 1 N a . - a - "' . j, . - " ' i ey ar. RALEIGH, FRIDAY; M ARCH 27; 18 IZ'r" i4 7 r '' tThrcc Dolls, ft r" :mr- . v. . T1SEMENTS . ;v:iBANK AGENCY. 4 4 ' T70R eeeomaiadatjoa of persona fending it a & ' lance, nxa oaring- ausineaa is VMMCt wiui ma , iiTATi Ujkit, or the iiAUAlca Baaaou aftheNaw ; -'CtitiiitiK; toe subechtKr offer his tertWe inA , ' ' 1 f c nt, o negociat their business And suja rintntd and c on, ' 7 I c -tct their transaction! Ilia reidenot vi imiiwliaui in , j ' vicinitof the twt Bnki,k he iti girt very tunudi - : to the txutineu cammuied to kitcre iliat itt nature a.U't . :J ' t-oq'jjre.' wili prevent baud tor 4ccepti)CC kiwi rr . ' nc nl i remit money drawn 'from tb tUnk,iit v ajr pointadout; p-y arobJ td fcnlor, any ,monk ; cmraiUeU 'd Juo f T tha purpose ( 'jH kep aiccrl . o ci tia tranMcttona. ;vand atany .tiane t-ire uifm aanoi 1 ' iJiy'pcrunof ha'itiauatil Utei.Jlitic- eoncvmsi ; ; . butc of Nbrth-Cirofina,- - . v''-;7mooue counts. ' " V , cSdrt ef flea aa4 Qturtcr ScaaMMia. Feb. Term. 1811 ' Beiyanuh tT haTWtf been mAn appear to Vhe KtLUfaClion of th Court, lu 4M lru die (tctemlaiit in tkik tatiatj it nul 'tui'udiaoiUM of lu iii hu orucrt-i taax puMuca. twM be maaefoi Uiree ututHiMin Uie RaicWtt ur,4li4i Ui Mii deien4Nt appear at the ex: C'oui trf Ptea and 4-utr tr tJtt-o be.facld'tir cbe comity aiix-ctaiu Uuiuc ikird Monday of ,May nejtt,kjid p!-d to iwm or dcaioiy ouierntie boat judg.nem be eitiavd aaiiliin. TUB dation bofldi clietk?, fccvko,a4i giVe'thy UiffiulUOft ibe. poitage r letter, Jwi. ddreseu to the be paid, or the boatneaa will not. be aUetidcd r ,'' y 1 ; 1 Qtttl. .nul noto drawn, , rnoae tuat purchac4..TiuKe't riber'a chief motive 'm 'unclefiaking ttye . w'di aptiy for Ueir tiioney, to iays. ot wiioai they pur a in coiwequcnce of fit exUnnv aciiuaiotrcbaatd. 7 lCif ,-' I, ' ; UW il CLAKK. lenience W the Banks, he baa bee much bio- f '', ".' v. .. it, i'i'- . : ... . j . - . . VINE - HILL .ACADEMY; HB Troitee of Yine-HAl Academy', Wuiii w ewploy cacbuf lur the c.nglish IXoai iBKaL . . A.iy person wutunr auctt enxnlovjneia wilt ntcaae aDDiv to Lhurid Clark ... iaaiicaeioe.poiu;eneiteraure9eatouke toJ r4U adnKai,BewUk; Aeapewy. - i f. AgcnS4nul be paid, or the buincM will Hit be aUeti'dcd i'ho Lotwtrj aathonaedfbe ue Acadcm? above mentr ; 4ik ' JJ' ' , -iy. ,AAJ;'-!ane4..tU.notb drn, '.T&o tbal purchel,Tioke't v . iie auuacnuer i -a nee and convenience , - v Wo e,t in ume of thia-kuuL coiiderubl t tbe.det(it I ' v ;mcnt oiua otuer aTucituons... I't 9 uetermioeu tnere r . v jore n ' . , "lranaai f-,v -ae'-iAt 4' does not name Uienw as hi obiocr i ie to mviw buti J . "".. - Net tlian ta obtuii. compeiMatJon lor tli4 which ui na-' Py l u - v !I -i- -C; k.vodable wiahea onlf to be rmuVrated for h.a time ' btd1t,HUo'ch 'if Prf Shtvu ' andtrwibl 'v ; .- ' 7.1 4i . JEHU. SCOIT." ;B!",kuU tt" irptMt) eyeWty Uoilara .raiuutfu, ..i-;'M'.i.a iI ' v .: , , ... paid tluarterty an1 in adrauee.'.v' -.i-.v':1''.'-- ' ? V" - jiv"ii 'i-iiXC.'.i.T.;;'--- ff TUeexerciiea otU School wU eommence the Jatof ' 1 ' 1 ' '. """ '.. , '. ' " 1 '." , '. ' 1 ! January. and end the 15th f Decemoer. . The aummet ereijier w too ipr compensuon, ana .onaci ma j JC,emalC JlCaaemr T UOuriunF afinovi. ctions in amAre reBular and,lea troublcaomeW- i J TI , , ,r. ; i . rfltw,. to tcrrav be aaaurei U-e public they ihall be d r W J . , 7. V" 7" " ' . T , r" 1 TOWN LOTS. - :V Vlr ."tlTTLL 'be'offerei lur aaTe t Public Auction," bn' the premise. aTueAJay the ftbr of April heTtf. ttie Vacation from the Sd- June to the first mmwluv in July, ; Tiw pleasant ami eaitliy' nit uutioii of the place, and Che proper distance it i from the ; iot JxSblic pan ofWuliaAis. borough, be'mj; neia Iv half a Suite, reudei? it Ueairabk tor the residence' of yomi Ltuiies who wisii t tineir , ' OTS laidoifiu ivtcuvn tSiiovr-liil,iu(irvene county.-- ! health, and sufficicat , retifeUient for the proavtuUwn of .64 x month's credit ViH be giyin tUcpiuchaaeTa giving &uXt yrjxh approveil Jecurities..- y : f v't'' Uy order! the Commissionent, , x1 .-tMirj 16. w i 43t . ! . t-, JAMBS SHEPPABD. jvq Carpenters nPHE Subscriber havlhjfv uttdcrtakeit to f onlplete th j! X" niiin building of the University of iforth4j!jsirolinai ys aniious to employ number of Carpenters, to whom li "fteral wage wiito given. Those wishing tmployrocnt, ViU pkase apply a eaciy aa cViilveaienL '" . J,V , - ;-,-y JOUN 'CLOSE,'';' Chapet-tmi, March U ; If 2wp, .v. .'A- Milts - .1 . . 4;. i. ' . I. a theii atudiea. : Tftc greatest attention will be paid by lra burton te the yonng- Tdic placed uwdeV; Ute care r ' f ' ' . , y-f; i y. ; r November 14 1311. t t fTentjTFive Dojlars Rewarii. ,fiiAiV.ii,s' ', "huV' ?ue: feulaoriijt, lisJiwiS, about is imii.a ingn, J yeara tmi, icitiuie iuuvkuiis ituiib ot' cloud at tlie inner candiui ot Uie rikbt ) t uou -and pMca Weill reuuakaule tor bis lundanient beiHir wluie. l iic above reward wilk 6e given to ary perlo 4tcr'mg aid Uone to Obidiah esanucr, 4 rniie.1 ro" , fro Cuarloie;N. ,nesTr' . .,,-' f.y a th vttfi Jnf ' ffnnf.vliniffii. unit' wkt ' th IfliirMkVlrtr J ,i lJuidaandoegrpe,Jn ery moaorute erm!-Uie purui . ' ehajcr or purcuasera nayuig on third da wii, one thiid at K welye mouUs crdii,"aiid oe iaiird at two year credit : Vi. near 2030. act oayofv TWd Creelt, jtoiiitg' tbi towu J' lands-Of SuteaviUei iiii Wiiich there iA tivt ,tr4itabl im.- . proyenwuta itt. good i t puir f iUiiigepropOrtiouf which l "t!$ lOT ttJLHIUI kWUI ,1VUUI-1" Wl Will MV Ik' BUllVti J nf nin inurUlini dweitiiiir hotrita and other, hecesSai v Wdduiuft: atill bowse ariJi-i new irrittjndl almost ready ti ' ; 'ipnwLr'Eba hi jh, lands jtjf, fjlerd)l: gOii ptiif.v v7d - cffc m Foiirtii -Creek : ra the neigbbcuihdud' ot statta , ,"ydl4 with a iaie impreve mint, JwWruon ofjvv bitfh Tf 3 ineadoyaHiitie f which is ft'eah and ingemt repair" for ; -tai)pjntig; ivlf) axrep.ott $he 5ioutik?ltwerijith' . amall S improvement iii good repair, about ttuiea litna States 'P VvUleii-Tliree Jamiliea of likely NejitKctotwlsting pf '' SJAowti Wencbt, buvsreirtSi and fehudren' t he Laiid Ftor 8-6tpdL ; :.; ,;,NOTlCEl. - ' X' of toon NiAcIoc: i the tw.G.i.!brdeom.ty Court. Arf nftMnHa i.i1,o.rfM-n nifi. iiicain.it tletate. M'tttd tiuinio Nix- dec.' are requested to make them known within the time prescribed by law - - i v." , - ti0EGE NIX, Jfcm. GniMordj febniary ', ' 'yi.'Af, flpoii credit Of Iwejlve rftonths. ON the lWt td-iUiUybiUpr;i iV'., wilt bfeespo ed to nuolic sale About I weiiH Ncltocs, belonging ' ,r;ii kifit Ktmich' oiiArttitte us will suit thc'iHirchiiaek's ' n in .-ft- ni'Oii'.iiinn Xix. duci anion? whom U a bl.l'-k knXthe NejfroesiiHaW . '-i- . i Smrth tad C)per--i. fhee Negroes ate as likely as JnVin ,;4 "4v.V:-.::yi-''5 Vi, ' V's ' JAME3 HAKT. j the tiiiei 1 Thiiy will be sold fff n'a credit of 1 J ., - Statesville. Jrede3 County; -r 7 r w.';: Nbib2e;;i81 VSv 'JXv 4? -tf , SUte Barik of North Carolitia. - - February n,lBlH. ' Princ!TjaTll;rtik .h-tb6Uayirore- : , . ; ." aid-rieiirf,; That aubaenpuons tut ve undre4 and. f. i eighty. efgu.,,irire ,or spi fttocn; oe receiyet i yjimich0.tivkat Kenv forseveAUnlimlredand fiiiicty ft atlwrea at -thetiSiek ilink t AVilihingtonslor thrpe kV-1- .?lfmrtln'5rf th'elKitors'fifAhe ''jnCfitrLeotate IfeiiJc of JCortit Carolitw' mondis, die iiiw-chasers giving bonda with approved nwicuray TK'ftnilllKS. exposed to tde in the Jl'owa ol tireeitaooj .TT , ... .y. v 'i V - . JUS? rVfiLiSUED,, u And will t dispatched to thE several Counties of tbe5tlc yTHE LAWS & JOURNALS : I W qvvcrfi,i Of the 'laai Session, of the Gerieial ttitm UU- liqndtt'Ualid eighCsharisttnaf-ranch iJaiikiitlMeiiton.,- V: , ' -rjCaruUna. ' , ' " -V :.fbrilrt-echiiiKlrel ?fvdk v.ghty.eighVPtiare at'tht! Branc'Vf Hf'A few extVa copies are printed ahd may be had at :'?-t'.flik'iit FayettoriiloVinrtJ p't ohe hwulred and fifty afewrf .he'stur office, ht 50centi for the Laws, knd oncdoltar ; y i . iatek tleUr.incO- Journal. 'iw - vMarch 13. 'J ?ri : iaUifchnipe and du-ectlort ftp l'restutl? ah4 Cwhiwa of f -',;, , ,1 t..,; ' . m, t f L CeaeBtLAsm' CowWTt. aren senAow. - WB the tinoid Jurdrsef Uumberland County, hi ia charging he ten repeeod'iti a toy h pubbek, cannot forbaar noucia act of laat CnntMi iimkl.. .t. ing hi future W'attleqc- rirbt of tlHoinr elector, to-voos Or Pr-jiTle-.it acd Vioe.t'reridcnt of the Uniipd a.e. liiu rifftt hat beretnflire beeri retted in and ex em by fh btwjjle, ht only legitimate source of all power, W! rtem-t lias been Ibuned bfTfienll we consider t!ie ci Ukir.; UuVriglit from the people as unwarranted ty any exiatwy neceityKaa repugnant to the principkt W our repubhaa institutions, ami a dangerouto the U Wtita of the eopte.- ! txpreanion ef Ue pubiick will r.ad-eVer been' iriado '- wliich cmIImI oula thJ. iMaiatinw for uch a chisge, 00 aeosn.ty existed which ean juatif suck 4 daring d daiigtroos asausnptibn of powers We Tie,r. h4B kot ef . t&e iL'6erJ AWiubly Ttt rio-oth4r bght, thaw as. a ,bqid tempt to rs fjom the Jejte a Hglit Wliicli piihs'ilHUnallv belonevd to them: a a aieft. ping Une to btJibjr and more dtBgmni uaiu-palion of poV'aViC 'tWrW-Nrerfjrc to otar measure Wbkh wuievenrraiiy oiini-ntMi)treit iimtOjt!o.M'"'- .-lh Cmnif Jury do tberefore orKsenrtns ia!d met as peirtg uneootin; tonal, uxneeesskiktMl dafgtxowiaod d9 t'urvtiee present tUat pucb ttstirpiaion. ol wer ula tWt;Vo Jiiiitaj' Endured, but(wiatd by all legtUmite meartu, amtf fsr ai?d pUioaV w do bcre,by onltr tnrt eltf ami the boily ofonrrouhty our hearty (liiapprr-b, tionof the said unepuiniraiioftfi!, uniisceArj , dangerous, and anti-republiean aeu- , .yt: '-.?. . -.-t . ,-, - - .ji--: ..v :J JOIIM FortvUtm. ' ftiUtam .Iverdi :'''IfinietJiyt'ihr:-!:' 'Zkpwi'ItK&iXlttrt, y'tVrttf &Aaa wS'V' i ' t " JRuttrt Jfai&day,;f ' diia iudmaftf t, By the Court; Oi dcretT inctjb.e Clef tranmit tpy r oncE. TtflTEKEAS the emm! ceurt of Cirrrrtie, ft! r r Ternl, kav'mg ri-nud Um-ft W '!n.'.r.-tru': a, betau f Divi l V. Mph, doc o tlii u!.rr thercfcrenouiyyrery person ii.dttcl r U.sai:t to cme p.rwsrU and ttle their rewpecv.' 1; docs wit u VUj, and atlpf'ra.xij huv.lng c!li',i ti.'- i'ie saiv.e t.o rrleSted to rwke t.rm known prj j i.'y iutl r.('i u-Ld XithiA the fifTue bretcritsed by law, our wise U.i fiouc) will bepleii m bar oi'rcovtry. .- . n. r-f.y-i. t.EHAtuua y kiujurew, X '. .v. TarboroogS 2 Mi.. . ir ; 1 . 11 :t w . . . . 1. 1.. LAND FOR SALE. 'T'lIB subttyibef, ajent for sir. JsU Lane, offer for aal lh fttowiprj'Tr'a.fif land Ivwgbi Wake CfMin'T One TT.it l ti'fa'J acre djiflif tLc UnAs of llt-.i; .,'.' Huntefind other vOie other Tract of 500 acres, a.1, mm rng Uit lands of krs. Streeter nd others Uiie other 1 1 act 01 ju a Otherr:- 1 All of I about 3 miles, the 3d abmtt 5 mdes, nd the 3d about 8 '.'.1 r.. ik. th. A.ii:,.v . . . . -. JTM Term apply to th? ubcrlber near Raleigh. .. -- "ei' , V . y ALLEJ W. ;iLCdltlST. t Isjidsotwrs. Streeter snd others Uiieotlicr liact ) acre avouung the laud of Edward Fridc and - :'f- ' ' ' ' . IV. . ' , - of the above latid are woodlan ls i the firt Tracf, . lUtESENTlENi STAH5 07 FAr '.Ktr A n. Kit com.W -t,' t 4.t. iais. - .. i ALtHoUGlf it Iniy nbl hi? BtrtUy within" tlie official duties f Craiul SuriesHo present r.y act of tif General Aaaembi v. ver wetk-em it a iuAity iinpoied on tile tod ' cHuen of the atate , (of which we iy a coiutuiuu iu prt) ioserdin8Ur for three weU,., ;, , V iuU?. WC7 "l" I cen.fy thatt)iaTorfcgo.ng uatrUbc from the mUlW'V hutca, copy fr(m tb i. i to-?.'" Jw. f.AJ .1 oiu-iiy agauuit the enoi i Utiici ot intcitrvl!d lower. BOBIN 'MY t liIFnn ? rf r ' i de th'tviev of the tuu' we;t,he Orand Jury to KymiNStlMUi-OKP,UjC..C. C; 5vcmint..Jf Stow feet it'i'iSutf Imposed bv the - State ;of North. Carolina; i'&j' ' r , . 510OHE COUNTY. , ' Crurtbf Plea and QuarterSeasioni, , Fob. Term ViWr i John Ferguson, S 'V ; 1 y ;- n.-'f'' '. .'-V-1 : ? Vrufad''JtttKfomt rerrtr- IT.Ffafing to the Court xU tlie deter.tii:it'etrMn-! l!?rt M ' roe. 1 not an tohaViLaut oTtbi tw tt. ia t-fiU-W j swr and yow etoUah. ui of the C-X r roe, 1 not an wnabiuut tiered that rublication be made in the SFtaK ieigh.for three wetk iuceessiretvthat uuli 0 the jrd.Moodiiy of , rfjy next, repe)" andpfi ami, juugment witi oeentereu jai0sthira. , . v copy irora tue Jtmute, . C DOWD, o. c. or- Una )r Ui ' countj of 'yrakU.wftet H.'AVuty imposed by the ns . - -. - .... ,..'". i 1 a. ' J 1 :.. x . a . a Jleiiuobilgatton-v to wl'ow our ququaiu-o uisaoorooau , onot tlie,Ctol UiJfH Vorers AtiTiDiy,prtcroit.jt tn mode of tlcetittg' the KUctort of the xt 1" li"t-rui 01 tn United Stkteal: ; V"it)oo!e8tcring In.o a k.ii t-f rgua men,to sboW itt WtvoOirJirtuiionaiity,ii onvu.us.y vwtra vone that pgtre elective pnndiple upon which t..:: rt'.uba Mean feature of Uur'ptlitial jiiipact is predlcuu d. Re'oiovetbe eWctive franckiie fiom n legiiimatc ten ol". he. hands ol ii. nnc.p v oi riTts. btiirfMlii n-tti tocray a1u98C"yanimit'wiMijuKMug -uir pa i- um enstlifei(t.'snlt 'Jfl urged by 1 1 stippwrtiiW- iea wn.cb would - ;.o ,,H,.i tevevtfry et.rtfUtntioiud,niouvd .iuidisalWhysfiiuiid ilia ,.a ....r.i J precursor of insiriMms' usui-nation,, .kV'e vitw this !-a . - . NOTICE. 11 5wky TtlE Siibscfiber having iuUfttd m ejecotcr io die Uit wll and testament oi rrd Blnks, dee'd, of wimocrtunu county,; at Uie bounty evurt oi pWaa and quar- ,an invasion of jwe of ojtr Ummi right, and fraught- wim i:?m3:pieiiciifiif uaurivin). fMiutu-puuLmc w civil libelee. We ieelfursvCvea therefore ursd by irio ' tires too troiig W wt, Jd present hi.aaid.io s apub fit grieraii .t4 ?- r-' T',,S ,y , f v - y -.;. FAME'S PERRY, Foreman (sc ESat WtMcr trtd) 1 , John Jiatb, teal) , oAk3 Mrrnattui' (r4fl ' ir5V3, (ro) ? -Darueiltatriu $ut) -'A'taitAwh(Umt(eut) John Portia, (teei) - - V-, jtichard 'flal , r ter, MMiona, held tor fhe',couuty of CumherLutiL Mareh ' Parker Sfurfiheilt tuoft " ' Wn&Wlnatoru (ta( Terra, 18U, request all persons indebted to the estate fci 1 Duniet lVetravieai) V' Firuon' Sander i, (teat) make immediate payment, fcndtliosv having ekiuis g;d aiM cfvs aic rcijuuinea to come lorwariaWithmtbeumo limilc4 byiiW.'or they will be baiTedof rt-coveryv . y' : ; ; ' yy :- JoaA.SKrni.Bx'r. ': . Will 'BE-s0i4rs--y' iJl . ' ' ;-v -J' , . . - 'jj 'ji , . , .. , .,, I credit of nine fiontn; . $ Ayrihonrigb; Tuevtuy 'the 24th iht. the perwhubie pTftperty oi Ce. rard Kudu; dee'd. consiningoftiorses1;e4iU5,lMs,j,hi'ep, Ji stock Of dry goods on hartd, amoiigi-ih are come vvry good wo6kf ia, hmnf-ho.d aii.i 'WfthsiR' frfrr.hurc, a waggn And gear, a fiv Wleei;eiirAf-rtrharnei, r.d. m)9 cuur faimii'ig men.' Vd ty; on, wedn . RffpcW 1 lhVcoqivy, cpnsi'uiyrjearty' the VIu pu.-uenregf the request tFihe Grand Jury, tt is cr a devrd that the foregoing be published in the three paper ptMidteAm Relghi-.i -'r;V -i.4- .- i , ,- sun 10 will Hve he teiiMiwAYdr -WI sinfif tibov iuil'aw and undJ itoanrs, Ai1! will be Knk-d to th.nii:'. hei M.t. 1 i!r- derm-Avyborhion the last day of this alj thre,tiibi uwcwng uoi3ff,iwiie and Ware howtr, a cotton gm aihi gm.houso lor two yfars, ' ) v w , m, -! UNAUI'VN SMI ni Ex'r, vl Jvercubrav$h;AIart'h3t Ul?, . ,J i.' , 1 ! orrvt q Ott I,rt? 18J.U qyv Aliriiyanu Ke(it,ipen v iiy. . fi vi . m. Alii... V j t. r, . ii. l '.)' 1..p...i" , .., i.u::V v iS tlie :UTB8 KliaU HP viu"l RTor 8 gallons, with 4 ptwe worm, for ale at the , Hid (aauntfSBtr4fL4f tfi bi4f'1riftie,rr.eof suh.i' iTrAvx ,vr.',f' I rt vt t'n V A'l : -l-Vt; uUlte.in)inng U'ri olV3l bftlorctWUdth day l Aui ;L.-; WA a ProtMij anAextdy . , y. :--vifefneltf.- .ymentJphaUbe ma in .specie,' or in paper, grttlSftED bTMPilUhlitoON;A 1 H; 'j 4noney, at ' disconiitafi.'r-ntj' " n case of lail'.u ' cAhd believed to "be a coirreet siopy a wa tvurpttb. t f of iavubsWiber to imv the sw.mh. jilincnts within, twenty liMedwiU be kept constantly for t..:at the Scar Store, ;JCycueviiie 5 i me fame are sold hhout tbe ProV r vtiltiable; ; It l,hnpt mcri. ve ait eI1rln-D! our own state .fer owftnntf sforred . Ut Vfhket V-'.'rw'-prefenf ce i' 4 edition too wutch 'has "i Bujieriftrtty V ::tliereot The proceed otsuclj ale ttu nft J)e ppnea overany other. :- . a' .. ; .tbtue pynieht;or Payments which shay aypoar to be due-;i,.ii, m,'. t.-nu . . trtf ic flank upflh'sueJl share or share, togellft r with tbi Cl.lIIU lkJ . .a...,'L.'. I t.fc. .-i.,t. . i--riajri jutr tneMtne poamie fflyK.'.onw m eviyjueir- KdeptMM )i-,ltoujrij)rjt IS t h ire .shall be forfcitedHndver; J he IVfliJi lind IM;' nrices at whioh tbsferarnmarl 7y 'yrctarof tfh 04nkV and ucU hkru" or h"are shall b by ody-aiid that kppendii' ta ' ' .-Ciorn Or tlnte ni-,li"(ilrl at mihtic iiitiitrtm hjf.Cold Of SjU' rtiuif. Tfflscherli &el Wilt rV wf, srpW,4f Smy,bc paidyj sue t:Uolder'r t'. . "m)WAN,CaUSTy -.i.y ' . f; J'ff,yr- " 'A"-; f - r-.y '.-. a. Alexmlf Crhifi ; ..;'y -.',' r . n ; -,f ' ',?. r- V '. fi . -X, ;. " ; ;L-. ',-V-uTi V M'!)W -frt-wrf, We. ' ,!; J. - :;$tatd 'loforth Carohiu, "(y-yy VaUftUnVry . fv! -i.i : yy.Wy AWtr JH? -n!-y v y,.: 1 dantin th-3.iiuit,i n uwunt or thi ttt uu a rt,.rf Mrisnami n.iarter session, reo. icrm. j 1 y Aytirt ofPfb ani wrter Sewoht Pb. Term,lfil2.: , i y H;53ife I AH w'TT Spponhng to-thft MtlfattO!irth'Wt thst.SmU I te'-yli'Xel IMlTy, thekfantV it 'not .Teident of th! Stat 1 J t Is ''i ittu thercforc.rtrdcrfid, that notice be piven the aid f nnflV: fi..it tawr-lca iiKCesSivetv " thit Str. Wlntt ! L l . dl Uilei h. thathhleasliA wdored -that publication be mad? fhrerf Vecks uccessivc. iy mtue sur, ithat Aha" ard' johi ; Uiftner appr at ouf xt Court of Pleas and (laai'tcr Sessions to behejd for the a'ul County of ttowan. al th Churt-House lit Salutbu rj. on ih second Monday of Jilyiand entetUls pleatdtli aid suit, ot jiuigmenf W4l Ofe'taKtit' acoorumg to tne 'HantUTi' dctnwicL:: ; 'jy: -A-'-'-f-V A ' yy' rTV:''-'; '';iOHN.GItlw.;av; anne(u,s t tua nent ti u oj -'fV-.'thW'Chiirr. to hB tVeldJiit the Uum .Monday tn May ncxx, . -y 'repWand ple;. Judgment; will, jbe entered," gai0f!t -Jv'y, -V f- r , v io-k s-y-,- Vslsuv uwa tnwnr.c d j . - or nae bfuw rtwuf u ..'yi-aV'1. -v - - -1 ; : -y .y-' , .., y,- . -, - i.-. ,U:Dt.l&RXEClITto, . '.loU ALtWaOtis ire. hereby forsraned fi-omrdingTor i --.. note riven tiy'-ftlchard Clasfftiw of Uranvillc.ttmntT""' ' to tne siiMcrujr ot tne iiie county, tot Detwta eighty - -CranvSitc t.Sitinty, MarchTO. i8t2.t ". 13-M5t " " 4saaa.issijBjaawsaMssaa)-a v State, of ; Nortlv Carolina, ; r J The Heirwf Johtaftdmslcc; j; v. ; 1 1T.appfanng6tbe ar.sfaction uTife Coort.'that Davld i Ami;ess, James Alodreaa; and Jnmes Scarborough, and ' lary1iisnMfaeTendiiittothipa re notinhaa. hilams pf thii ..(. therefore tiered tliat puLhca-'1 , tu.n be nihdeftir six Wef ks. snccessiyely in i1)e luieigh ' ' v CASH ESTABLISHMENT. -; ' TUE HbrvbrJtii$' Farmed i"$inneedan. lit the ROsr-' cutile husmess under the Pim Of Salnael ti. HVimi 1 n P mutte tgr ix We x,nccessiyely In Hie liulf .Vh and Co. and are how opening in tmaend of.Mr Pai-;shcM ; Btftr: that ute; !a flciendanU appear at the next Court of ' uin,p-..iuiwiiK ii.i -v.it bukviuuk ijan. in .ineir MS , "-"r . - v wn Kir aula COIllll V Oil winiuta wmiiti;oi a prca vnvieyy oi Mo:ui,t;kMiimor ; yi)tnjr "i nn ucal, ami piea answer or da- and Mtftlwaf verydeeripaoni jjogethec with a quantity'! Otherwise the petition shall be Ukcn rs cn-M U ofip,iriestAii4 titthc Eimreuof 4fr S Week witl re t to theroj and heai ei Jtart... . ceiwr, 4n auditipn,. a Upily frorn Philadelphia'antl 4Ntw. f uu-, which wui niHAe iiifcjr.anson.ment complete, air or wniua icv w:e ueuirminea q oe cqntatt senior amo derate profit.'- 'av y V ,'.1 . y AASEHD, Kaieigh, March MtbJiSr. . TW-tf:? '- V. v t, ! ,Mrchl0th, 18tai: '; JOim S.!1TH,C. C. C. i 'liW..Eorth'., Carolina, . ,'V '-, .VmHSKtNCtl.t?.j COUNTY. :it'iy-,.ii.y ' : v orie:, i ---V 1 Nathaniel I'Ulto. ' ) - 'MacifitfE.: a - , "y"?. .jnrrr,t?s'''-y-yi!i fTn patent, gusmTfansdlilchdsbftMungfarltc ; X at the Salent BokiUhsSfthoo'1: Wt xttuWtftrin. ed that the SmkU.pox,4rhicb inlatjantutryhdbeea Intro. 1 uvuct uiu.' uui jiauiy a u-ayciier jTOin uio fwriii'VartU' had ehtulviiPDfeared. awd that(iA iioi she lr jksp ft U be apftfehftndcd ffoin lhcth,r One ivron Ylv W 1 I- nA..t.V ka '.l'.Ki: ' ...t.-J- la i,i-a.. . ' si a - 7 . rhealth lirHViilli "at th!i la'c school, s weit s others have fees," and It is with satisfyctton wvca -nssure the pulick J ui jcirci aiupvum, vuai Kn llieitBSLSlgn Or UftUgef Ot tpa maU po now exist t bjit also,' that wi this occasion Wo have DCoVed,thaUh genuine kino-pox, when the disem Is m tlie reril'ar form, i a sure,wrmative figiijnst the conugion of hesmftH.po-!t -" ' -i . " , : I " 't ' ABRAltAM SiTEINERV. 1 ' , J 1nipc?tor of Ue fcirsle boarding shool, if arch 2.1 Si 2. , uVii VV".q",i"f ,wenr a generaj e.The vaunef' lail!i nT th Been vaccr.iatt,a.ith snca appearinjc-.towe rv.-. Lir-f tf,e rWrtthtTi ' AaTviidum tnoln inhabit :.i,tt hi v- tt1(here tow ritor tfiatiioiire be-yivcn m the MiiASUr tll tfhkss theaUfendant appear at the next trnn ofthU rnrtt ' to be held o.'v the l:.st Monc'ayln flay hxt, -replevy mid, ', plead, Jttdgment will be.entedgaijit himi " ' - i t l e y r.fT .gahjdwaY,c, C i v if ventwoflB, Marcn JB iBli . t ' ; Kf:'': t!U. a mll Bay Msre, (bur war ' jiiyii:- : '- v 'bid, W ahoit tail, knd all her fcet t y wfute wiilv b'"ck. spois on her himV.y feet) and a star in her fare. 1 will ' ' rive tea dollar: re waitl '0 nv rerv . 3 "n whp will deliver said mare tV V nie or.tctye infortnauoii so thatl fef hcraAin i TlErY XHNNF.FT