Volume TV r V. lkowenr, itwA wtli known no lu-.r. m waaeur Vm-4 mi Stuiwy.frvra to roany-cn. u..r...es axtiig C3 llut day, i.C mould wove t.t he 11 ti e hcux. fcjjou.i.cu, n thcuid adjooru to met t on Monday best. , .dr. MXeoj-pusca and Mr. Wiiht upjrteo the owaon,rkti was carried by Ycs wd fctys, K bmue lien- moved far an adjournment A. tame J j'l v6. PUUUCIL. v v . HCNUY.'i .MILIUM..; ; ' Tbe'repo'rt of me committee of foreign RclauV ' -ther with uc tesirouny of tlie L'tuum.wnn we have stated heretofore to have been exa mined be f re x.ua committer U appear inat wr rienry s v clurcter, to which oojcvlKaii hate becu cflefcu by turn bv the -commute e. who conceived the docw -t menu to bear on their Lee such marks of atlUieuti-' iVity as could not be resisted v ,' i j . ii will ue Keen aisu. ii subiiguuuruiiiuuii uc prehension of AEcndinir. t!oie wm thus to cwv 1 i.lir tl crnwlvet impacted I If he bd cm ....... ... i . ctiira it, jie rod become aa accomplice tit me crime; by diwWmjr ileitis no (suit of t'e Pr.- dent, however it nuy be a tause of regret, iit the feelings of soma capecUU- individuals of k-i sensViiriee appear to have - been . uniiiteTiuooally wounded.- '..;.' ' , ..... - u..- . . ;v AWoaof JiUeMgencer'. j i . V i - - . ' In an "artful pleat in the "National Intelligencer, upon the subject of Henry's mission, it is aiVcd i why is stKh confttstotippttMccd by the event i the federal ra tks f What interest, we ask, can they have as party, if interposing their political boJy as a rarnpirt between Vo Crit'uS tvernntenf nd the indignation of an Incensed DeoDle )" In the Grst place, it is- univcrsilly lindwn to oe untrue, thdt the le si ronfuMon hat been produced among federalists. On ft oontnry, they have been inspired , with fresh spirit, rrey-and confl dence, by a mns ction redouni!in to tlfcir honor, whue it sheds uiseraee upon administration.' ,IU' ste.d of feeling confusion bare not, the jugglers, wi J i : r l e (v H'iMAkCtXM Cirr Tie Ji aMCesto:p to not f ,r.- 1 1'-:, T f l&c Un.i Ma.tia.cr tix u bW. Of Ui tucker,! ?mt vf-rr ifw n m :rw ejcui much cunc7, imlnd ouht tve ay auxi-i d jmmoKweaL n nrcrju-g i iiAnil u n eiyihe co.'tetUi r uttfcJ'W it u mcvtrcvr-lJire pn.'n .w ..' iie4en avert; oar ttrvt..t tH British lure n witMdrwn U prdcrs.Ofrs s uJi ftu-atlest a ceic ritiintior to as the Frcncb Do.reei are rcpicI. d uisia ty ;ll,,V shU neer rvsoit.t i re Mill Urce . The evidence of. this Uct aiiux JJ4 ta fJjw that ndnen stl TevitLJ tbc burnh? th ,fWd,beside many oUicrs,' ail rdiujfTjl TIIE'STCJE FOU.N' TAIX." . i uff.f-if h k Who nretendcdto have honorable men in their now ivouiit vruUoi) s testimony ih support 01 .tne suibi jsm -u "u nwresw4iv v- "uwir' mCIiL U liCUiTI w w auuvi aw bis v w - oiwm ' hii?ti i.i Eueland in Uiis country, nod w9 equally v diat'muished in London as ui Boston, in both ol which . frwquented ilie best society .( A '"' 1 " VT liavA kAi.n st- ititimulMit! it raai't-llfi hrinrl. tKftl . 1; Henry a uisclosurcs are uiamporuui, .oacau& no Tiamsaare gtveot Uiose witn whom tee beta, cor respondence during his niiisibn in tins couuuy ; hd we shoulu not be surprised to and tuis report adduc ed to prove that there uas beeii no su'ih intercourse ' Tha committee it. will be obacrved, tuve. imH tukea any steps 19 implicate any persons; in this country tU ma 9 ne suniicwM tn hv Dden mnremtil in this ptt hut as they b.tre not impiicattd,- neither ' have they exonerated any---at)d perhaps it ,wa not , t within.the strict una of thetr duty to liave dne ; . 'ther'the one or tlte other vjn relation to this "poiti, we .may oe pernuttea to reraarKi tnat we we uec-i disposed to .atUch importanceto this disclosure, not at all becau? tt may incidentally -inn plic 't,e- some ot . our own citizens, but a exposing jLtte tveacheroas conduct ot a nauon covertly seeking the destruction ; , of the only, free rovornmeni on earth, t as clucidat- ing ve. rvw cause and motives ot the policy otmerv- iu yj if.-luwitrus luiung low view ,ner couitin.jo- Vttllii'OtlVi niWUmiitlAn. Hurlncv the- tfmhnro uTmu- t ry o ' ting luio her ports Aincnciri vessels wit iyut clear ancs, Sco.x -Uannjiigs'.-oraciul sneers m his Inters , f ILOlirM with OIlP irvli4Klrr in I .iinilnn t".Rrcb?niF eurohre of the sincerity of his muster s incuuion to IJVor trie interests rf this cniintrv and muimain with us unceasuig aruitV't the appeal . from our ro- Vpmmfnl. nAAttovaai.A n'.1y..l'.lu im nbntiln m iasiem ser-uoa 01 me u nioii, Dy tne puoncauon of Canning's letters in Boston $ and other, circuin- atsih.efcs which the recollection of our renders will , fcopply rriore readily than our pen. - When we rc- ; likiuuuiiKuv 111 ucvriMlun , wiiui) ire unction . . l - j... .f nJi. ;. ... - 1 . .. ; caiumet 01 peace, wnust the otiier heitf (tie poison etlchuUce to our up we emphaucally feel that: nation: a man. . .. ' .. ! Mavsmi a and smite and hn a villi.in 'V - ' sThi disclosures made by Mr. Henry have been t-IJ ... 'J- . I , - . . '. ... ilVIU uu u. A.UnU.B'. MB UIIIIIIIMII l.lf'l. .flU vWIIU 'mil , ISprktHaiigh to cpucea! the sorrow its little heart is ,' . tod stubborn t,o avow, we have se n aonie who have nwni oe tnectcu, u ischiiatsu una unwortiry ot men ot sense and thatacteif , if not it is whrso. In the ?. . - . ....... ..i o.iid siiuiiii) jinu ii mno iHiuieowncnnome was m natttes, thoughtless 'incn roiiy smile at the ap ptfekch of the hydraof Ibwiffninuucnre wJuchtlirt a taenia's to participate in the'fr arouse ment. THs ls.nott'ienrstume ridicule has besh resorted to , wliere the retojl of weightier weaj)pns js bfen dreaded. v Gut in this case, the; arrow is's"Ii; ht tc ill sptsdthat U glancct front the object at which h is ', aimed, rebounding on fluse whi use itfe wh.it can be more ridiculous than to manifest hatred for th g tht in this;plot in the same b'reatK that the princifial is'tlefcndvJ, or what more alkunl tlwn the . I Iepryimael Unworthy qcretlit, at the m time that hiSjSf'oofe Uido-et ii ransacked, and' thin nun's , ' (irivate tetters expiBed.tirie, from firuuipmion m nis view tnose vinom m out im ten iredua concerned f ' , ' '. . . ';fA futile aucifipi is made to BtiSe the force of luxury evKiencc, iq screen irom the puoiic eye u-v uiaiiir sdcis rr exnoMu 10 view, dt maorniv- i. ,. , ., r . . ,- hisdtscjksure.v';' Supposing aTf that is said tn.be uyc, now,ciu ina' possioiyietract jrpm.tne- etco' . city of the act ciscluscd, and which' i tacitly coiifes. s even Dy th; IJrltish minister ? ' )VKen a m is convicted of house-breaking o? trturder, is his v.nivii:iifiti Hit mniinunT 11 cnriprn rsAt ci..aji ft rn - . 1 j . u.rvti W.AUW I V- jvVrd was paid for detection or aDfrrehc!9ion ' 1110 a;nne pnn-.-.ipie tt is that services such' as : xiciii v naa rr.iuiorp..- ia !ir. pni mioii ho m,u.M . - J ' " u. .71.1 in ,1 l.J JlW.ll Uent cleatl ofntirht iins foaiid Ui house in fhmJs. y ius propipyt meii&cta vyjUj instant rieaiructiori. una Ofilv Sdved lv tUe ijUei'nouioii oi Providt nrp. hnt .'V'. . . - O j ";y. the discovery ot t'ie ntccfmary i We know not 1 'il'lftrt. Mcurv has recelVird i'jr iv ve ilinp' tnrnif trn 7 -i ' . I ; :' ,C n ' " TCr.itticnt the inceiuliarv iiei ncv for scnurhiiiiir this " . . ... . v. 1 . . . 1 i .. . umon, ouithu wc unovsuai ).nohc wno nouo this ltfice.'tdo dear. Oi'oneTact -yr) venture coiilicJcnt-, ; . ly iawssiird our ,reivdi,rs ; tlrut 'wliatever.cpmpensa t ' tigiv AivH; m.iv,J) aye demanded from otlr gqvern-. '.might ihiiii another ju irtcr have , ccrn.i.kiided five lJm;s'a"a tnnch fr their suppression ', . Although ruraiiy m y say, witli the hdnorqbie Mr. X ' Quiar.y, tiat the Presitltm l.iis done worthily in jjj relaying the afTuif'hef 're' Conftt-pss, iiiftii: view hi V. ,wi7 l" HI WVVI, WlWH J , ...'" .. pori the tbeir proofs ? ' They have been uunte!f rlliculed and luig'ied at, and they hnve beeh obliged, on lh orof Congress, to tongrafutate the nation on the proofs of federal virtue tontained in the very force ries eaerl bMight Hp to blast our fame, fn slmri, the nut minute circinrist ince connected, wit the aff ir of Henry, exslts the character of. the frderal party, while the discoveries daily made, sink, his complitters at Washington into the lowest depths of tuvpitude.-&tfcrai Refxubhcan. The feds continue to anuse the sresident for oh- tainuigjlleiiry's docu'nbnts to pipve tnat England is at heart Mir most inveterate, enemy and they are all in arms because U . appears Henry touthed a f3 dollars as a bonds for his discovery. We 'by' o me;ms jdstify the practice of Teworiing the confes sions .or p'iichusirtg he informrtion of tmissiries and spies. V e object to it for more refisons tran one There are txi many Henries who profess fedoralisnv each of whom h his twice. To p y them all, would be an endless i b, iesides endanger- ing ine.nna-vpesoi cnnnatioi. , uut in purchasing the secret from Henry, although it was wrpng in moral R'int of view, yet phcy dictated it- The government of England t is acknwledge'ia mass of corruption, and its coiotiies are "organized rd4 qpcratel u'ljoii' by the same prinriplr That ol r ranee is no better ny-ali I'.urope, in sRll:. tcnre is tompelled to retali.te on Knland hfr infamctts practu es. How then can we vvid tnleiivoann to cqunteract i'.ngrana by using her own weapons in the iiisi lious warfare which sle has curt ied m ? She employs hef gold and het irferiwl ajrents to destroy the union of tlie-ws states, and it is our 'uty, tt we esteem that union as the sheet nchor ol eur political existence, to frustvv.e Titr vi,i ws by. t'-ost means which are placed atjCir disposal. 1 the prootof En&lfcti villainv c4iiH not be obtaini-d Otherwise,' ict tia reward tNowi to expoact er, wiiom she has commissioned to de;roy us Thrrt is ni iaid far ffWJ and although the cm! does not jusuiy tne mean-?, yet in the present mstanfe, af - tnttung the federal statement to be "true, which we bdidye in part, we see nocriiiwiinlity iitahi?dto a py Mizurcs, is scarcely doubted by any one. It 11 also believed that the French intend to Ucstroy all oar vessels bound tp' Porttigalr any bpanisa port notbithtir pdisession.--Thcrr k-rumour bf an Embargo, ad h Is said a Declarator) of War will be brou jtm forward in a few diys-r-l give na opi nion, TIh! Vice President is very UL . Tbe nomi. ritionof.Do WinCljpton at AiUany. (N. Y. tut r resident is daily expected to appear. The Iational Intelligencer sayslhata secret e,au cus w held t Albany o.i the IGtu uit. to asceruun the Corto which could oe rallied in that state in op- posiiion to Ihe reKilectiort of the virtuous & witrintic MlMioii . Aftrmuch ebnversauon, and several pi-ojotiiuM for a npmlnation U Vu Jinalty defer nked (ft imioirrr, Until other st-tes, supposed (o !.!. i! r . . . ue laiercsieu in a coaiuion 01 noriuern anq western Interests, should be sounded 00 tlie subject. . It Is it teheved the dispatches brought by the Bciush Packet to Mr. Fostei are important 1- ' Th& life wspnpers of one description are filled with accounts 0! vessels capturtxl hy the Lniflhh 1 nnd ofaiiother, with those captured by the French ; and as facts ate to- abund nt- to be now nceH.uy td prove that both the Britisli Orders in Council and t e French decrees pf Berlin ard Milan, arc still in prjcticd opei-ation, we abstain from the publication of either. , ; There is no intimation yet given of what 'period jt will be expedien? for Congress to adjourn. The ordinary publick htisiiif. of thesession is nearly disp.tclHl, and tht termination or cOhtinu;nce bti the session will be wscerwatd by tho pews which -(.WW.... .1 " i 1 mm 1 h. ine-nomet 111.7 oring. er&rnral Is daily eSpcctca. isl J . , Threc Dolls, per arr.urri. t 1 j. .' '.-1. XT-. ji ' -: , . ts W .lfci- r fJifrUmx aJL of a or ere a wm 1 '!rte 10 1 ' 1 by vir; Vr.l,t ', UKLT wench . nr.1.1 .... to ytcblor, to securt 1 .. j .1. 1 . hiifsii Alt will bet .1.1 on i,.t an JW "wir-wtiicc nnw.' cui,, eou ual Wa p4lb''sn4,'Kirrvidy m. . uin . .The jPriatirrfj.Jstablisiir.;; .:, : .Arpee ani-iCblr iiti'4 ' Urea!iu bea:t.ii . . en p of the afor I Jaedaf tw, executed to us iJr 1 miriara aamrd nurpoaa ' v . . . . . . - h, t; -iv ' l H mat. c whit . CH&fxenrty;Vardit7,X3la..-.. i, . jj-;. att v - -f .nTvnu .unci aitv cialV:31.0" naadtfirea kylr 04ri np.ier Roberts, . ; ; of Wake county, to (ipt;Wa: Ihiiy, and wrtne...- hv. ,The Kite was jifwi in Ftbrry t8l;nd VU OI , hwmd W- fim f iHr preteiu wcmih ; said note was en--redbyCapU' .Was. Duly to- U uiweriber, AU per ns are brreW eautioned arainat trading for.,,! id.UtinU)pocr. Knberuoa u fonrki nfta not to nuv ir. . anypejaoa but the1 aitiieeribcr.,'..; .. - t , , ; county Mx?i f 4 ft. -v -.v s; Lands and Negrpcs or SdcZ-Jw i V IticfBE subscriber Intending to reihove out of this state-' eye pf paupe;of Wayne county, named Surah Ben. on T f 7?A'i w "naau,' sell Ue following son, wno had been some yeai-s blind, and who hasilX-. '"Zl Aj"": v? - " f -- vw, .ivviivnvi mc 1a- in jreive nouuia creait, anu one tbird at two years cttdits Dr. Josephus Santord, of rrint Ed Vafd, Virgi-! ni, on Stindfy last extracted Cuuracf 'from the' Mr.? Wiiliam JPhUlips, of BoStorVccnvributad one Hak. near 2tAW afreT im . Third Crcel ioinm the tow icyaua v. uuicihk, v,wiiivi vicrs la . DV watuaoie. im j A .11 .u- .r.rr.w-.... ' pvemeBi inj rooa repair aiarva proportion ot wliieht " U...UMV...UI .wins- ljfrounda weU calciilakd forcom and a aufficiency Uan knowledire in India. - - . .... .. .... . U.. T . 1 ,4 j r . . """"-"i .... t o . ; - -1 1 n iiKMi-wiia A 'Quebec paper (of Feb. 15) stat3 that the tite,. I'-aU house and new grhtt, null almost ready ' J falls otsiiow Have naniiy buried many houses in thv m W t"..! tolerable 'ipooa quality' 729 ' Iv(wer-Town, "so that people were obliged 'to KellH 7,1 ieiUbowrhooa States - C . . . r , -;T . " h lejWita a lai-n -improvement; aproporuonof whicuia cut at their uitper Windows ' In Xham ibm-street. , Jw .- 'vXu .T : ' . . 1 . " 'i v.,wuivu uu uiu in gTjuu (ecair lor. tlie roid is nearly oh a level with'the fcois' i he snow is gone. i ' ! The Spotted Fever is again prevalent in Con necticut .J- . . ' ' ' - ' ' The Boston patriot sap that when Mr. Henry w.is i Boston be visited tov. Geiiyv . .- . Zerah Colburn-Jjhe father of ttua mathematical on 'er hds uepartsd, from i3(ston with his sou for luirope jue Prince Regent . procl umetl a general 'fast P.vw vUjkAttr. nf f?it.i.i ntxr t..M.. Af 1.;. I. .. . ,.1. ... ,)':y'c1e.leWIl f ".' worh 7e.aL-rKlyterfs,f1g, that Uigwernt fiat would Tr."(r"' . """' I be raore aereeabie i wirtii Wm-, 'Jfintrtcttit.' !tT.v UiW "Mr. Mad'tson, wltJioiit taking the advice of th. Senate, h ..s irf art'ed a sum of money ("out of the con tingent fund placed at his disposure) to ftenry the Untish spy ; we really think for this siutfe ofirnce egatfct morality he ought to forfeit the confidence ol'the p ople. The eid does not always justify the means. --Jaiumore If fog. . " We had supposed th;.t Henry had put our go vernroent in possession of ruore information bv a great deal, th an it now , appears he did." 1 pur executive gave 50,000 doll irs for this su perfluous proof, it wuswe think, lavishing too mucn of the peoplc'3 money on spy for whistle. Tb. ' ' . , " ' An extract of a letter from a Member of Con gress' from one of the Northern States, to' his friend in North-Carolina : ' 1 prcdictet in many of my li'tt'jrs that some juggle would be brought up be fore the, spring Elections Ah the north ; A '"annual attempt of this sort has beeh' observed for years past,. On Monduythe Vth.it camje out in.s foiTcal tacss;ige from the President. A John Henry, who was it seems a British spy in this country lut 3 months, so long ago as Ihe year 1809, has coijn;u nkated his correspondence wjith Ciaig then Govcr nor of Canada, I belie,ve he fis beet) well .paid, therms I bdlieve it will be made appear ttiiit lie has got fifty Thousand Pol'.ars from our g-ivtirimbnt J as a reward for his double treason. I think such co'n lu 't very unworthy of a President of the Uniud ate. ' U,muy efTH.t our northern elections iaw amuSf or silence the people for a short time at thj hhU the body of iheir. eVHiitiy fkO'l a hdvyt .xs and threatened war.t mav excite fiartvl act. and' recommend to'tlieirfeltow citiiew sjnru, out it must soon recou ujxn us contnvei The trans ictiovis acconny nie'd wkh m..ny rlrcuni" stances which, odght to disgrace tl ose concerned and wt.ich will surpria you, but 1 have not time to rtcia) thtrh at prfiMsut.'', , il .State of North-Carolina; Superiour Courtof wUarc'k Trn , rllli Gaiid Juiort ftriit si.Uaiidci'Hit'y aforesaid Preaem, as ,a publirf 'pitvpi'a ccaauin aciofiK aeral Asja.nibr' p"aed at tirciiaat Sesaiiai, vnuiWd ' An act to repeal aa acipssst'd in ihe-yaar iftjS, uitcd a. i act t rdi.i .Uijriic tute iiito dy-sirif i for'lUe pu. puse ofeK-c'tirtr R. pT.sohiKt. e ihti.ni!e' " ahU an act muis. e ) in t lie year lii)3;;rtutleil ' An ;.cl dim-ctit.g tfe niani- ner or appoiutjng ,iecu;- to vtwiur; ivesitlent ana Vee 'i-cMdsut ot.tjie Wi'iCil Su'.cs. " . Uy tlux uU Um rihi .M'liirwcijjatinjf iw,i:tltild) in the eltfciiou.ot' the ti;lu t oilivra oftlie nuiHil;a jjoverinnenl, U'iifcli iiUsiiervtohtre ix.en exerctttvd by this Vre men -of-the statt-i has iiii'n wrt-sied from thv.'. aui truntftiTcd wiihoui their know- k'djre ot consent, to ti.s uiembci'4 ot'tlio tii.iK.ral Aiseni- The ph-a'of neei-fitf mf(ed by the usurpers iif he peo ple's riitit t wvat.asi. u wicked. v It.ra ilio ennimtMi d tVr r.B of all tllbse ho eoimn. nr c uivasioils oil the ltlx. iv t esi of the people, und ouglit to be rtsiited ii; the betii t If. ' " " , H.e CJrand Jurors vill not here enter in?? a detail til !! the well fonnxUd-oiiJecumK to the aid act, .arif.injj ou of Ore ConstUuiionatityhrfXpedienry of ilieinieastirc Tney are corisrientiouslv hausticd Tliat it.:s unconstitu tional, in-xpi:c;iui)t 'and in palp.tl.iejvioljt'um f tl.o rights and priviWjjes of .lie people. V. htn vlte sitvhius if the people so far fotit the life h, s of, and the respect du to, thoe by "wlifise voire ihoy ar elected, and at w1iob pleu sijre they hold their otticta, us td-trample on thc!r well known privileges, it U oimitoa ihe toundn duty of the peOi'Ac to Protest ngiunst'tlieir; conduct Tho Urandllu- y tor trie county h!ore;"ia i, lert-core, tor Ueinelvel r.Mtnst the anl recommenitio uieu' ieiifw' citizen tut; lU'crsmn otinloptini' such measure as wilt ensure lhevpeal of the J hiiiil act. and the restoration of the inviolahlo rielu of a.iwrage m th eleRtwn ot c)ectM's to vottsbr Freaident and 'Vice 'President of tha CIaUel;St'es, ..;. , W..W. BRYAN. Foreman. John Parutfi) fPpin& acres -on thegottth River with a small- ' irovemetH in rood repair, about 14 miles from States, V e. -Three, families of. likely Neicroeg. consisting f, ' flows, wenches, boys. Irirla. and 'children., The ind E be sold In uch quantities as will suit the purchasers ":, ,the Neaws.uiiUe).'?';-;,, h- t ..'. November 18)1. tae 'IlCpdS-ents, jaardiaifr and fciendtof theinnfriadSea'' ' Aliat the Kmali-poK, Which in last January had tt, into thta placelby a traveller from u,e north ward,'1 eatirelrdisaDneafed. and thathnw'n.a ).-1... ' Uto bo apprehended from them. i One oeraon nnl li.it 1 glit the infection,' whe ia now juite. well. V Aineral' .Ith fjrevaili at tbia place.. The Toiinc" ladlea.i.fihn, ' . ivA, a well aa other have been vaccinated wifh and H is with satiatVction we can assure the. nuhiirlr . " jjgeneralnot Only, that "not the least sign or danerof tha "-.''talipot now .exiauif but also,' that; oh this oi c:iioi) we 4.TC P11 fcernjh) kipaiox, whtn die di.ei.se.' ' rTul the replilar form. 1. imM'nmwt.i;i,...:..i .1,. , ? a J ' A ABRAHAM STEINER, V A' ' . Inspector of Uiefcalu boHrdinif aooot ' i MaTciaia f :rMMX Salem N:C- " r ' - - ; -N-- ' - ' .1 j State of .North' Caroiiiu; 1 ' iy rhK hauf-Vx1 cxius rY. - .v' . Btirt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions,' Feb. Term, 1$2i" Baliy Duffy, it. Samuel Dnfiy. " . V, IUI4 , 5 . . ,'Origtuil'jltttohmentt levied, U(i Busy. t u'u' 2 1 - ILL BE SOLD.- forXh'fn the, Town of T-arborougti 1 VGUBE VBUY to the tondit iong of Deed pf Trusrl ' IK hyfr Clirles pray; late of EUgeombe county, to tlio , nulwcnbSrion the second day of May ftextive llund-edlVr ; ' and Si.'Ve'itv.Five Acres of InnA U in.r W ! . A -, . 1 state vt (itorffja. ''As Uu i taiul is uuid in he feel an inclination to 'vi t, f ' ' ... - V V s will probably acll low,' tl.w who piuchas will do Wed to attend.: ApHlt,I812.f ; - 1 iSWW SHEItWOOD HAYvVOOD. wi; ntv ft. , TliasonJypt;i'fni,l an act of obvhu ft ivy, impose i ?h"e.' lawful -solchmhy of hiaoatliHo suppbi t v ' tiih c6nsvitutioii of, the United States. ) If th S v Preside:!)! khew nfli. irmtf nr.e of evidVhrft. of it' I lto 1 sever .hS tTipon, to desffoy theconstitqtiori i4 he tiivd .'sworn: ; to' suHrts-.was he hot toting to'ob; i j a-; Ktp Wf . vvjienobtdnedttotild he have lailhluliy cis. lr A,charetd the.Uut nnfidi to liimifhe haof refriin- . RALEIGH, FH1DAT, APItO. 3, 1812. The account under our domestic head of the rc- volutioti iri Est Florida is confirmed by a letter 6f a late date received here jby Mr. j)hnf Marshall, from Mr. Iewis b. Muse ot this city, who i now at St. Maty sV. - ... ... ., - - We j have .much- peasure in announcing that WILLIAM P(K, of this city, is appointed a Bti g idier General in the new army. The known. Jar lehtsof General Polk,,and the high character he sustained during the Revolutionary Warfor ardent zeal and intrepid courage givo an assurance ot en creased honours tt himself and to his country, sboud circumstances agairt .require htm to revisit the tM- ed field The other appomtmei.ts.wnIch have befn miA. rn. iu..mii. 'rkn..' u:..i.n.. i,r.s.,!..: iiipuv ivi wvpmii. .is. . AjuuiaB .j, iiip.iij ut. yuuui- Carolina, Major General : WillianvNorth ol.Ncw x ork, Adjutant uenera( ; antj Jpncph Bloomneld oi New-j'evser and James Winchester of Tennessee, J'iiiii Pmtree, Hardy Tulton, ; : John Wivdx Joseph ILntor.y T.imai,itkraon U'i(iium J?wr ,'",.'' . Isaac Staitirtg8i , U urrev. O'Aio, Jo fin iimltti, jup,. ' Enmaby Iqgrutnf ,, IVUlie JLhrnoti) Henry Uttvenhy,- ll'tUlam, Mutton. . r ' .... I ntestit-jiaaviG) State Bdnk of Norttf. Carolina". x - .' Jtaltifh, February 't 1812. il-"s At a meeting of the Dj-ectors of die, Principal Hank of ? rv', the SiaU Uauk "of.Nonh-Carolina, on the dv aforesaid.' 2 '.V rSS0LyDi That iuaseriptions for five hundred and f fiiVhtiKlit'sharv-a of Capital Stock be received at " vi" tlie. ilrai)4i. Bank, of Nebcin;, lor seven hundred and if. iCty ithe; BrancU.Banlt at Wilmington; for- , 5 -.. -,;Tns Grand Jurors request that the foKointr Present ment be entered on the j out-nut a of the Court, and' a eppy ue transmitted totne star lor puuiietiftn.i ? . . 1 , W. W.. BKVAN, Foreman. The request of the ursnd Jurors being refused by the Court,1" as it would he reprel.emiiUefQnmke an order, in a judicial capacity, on a subjcrtiof a pahtical nulure;" It is therefiMffietedby the fiutd 6raod Juror that vir Foreman wimsmit copies of this' Protest to'the several Editors of the Star', $lincrva and Register, for publication three weeks iastlceessida. . i.? , .' , ,';',; , .;V. v I.rrrtifv the almve to he atnie ennv. .) J.y'-! : 14-3tif 7 , W. W. BUYAN, Fbremati. .:,rWc Snarrt the' follinaine reasons oftlie Court fere flismg to order the fort going Presentment to be entered nsue fcconi, at tne reqtiem oi ins nonour juoe low nejy-otar tutors. j j. .fi-- '.pt Gckilemen of the Qtfni Jurpji Had it not beea' for the renuest In NrritlnBr aeeomha fylniryohr PreseiKmentv 1 should not have trouMcd vou ,i, -' t '. a-iyuig- xi Drtirc ingress r . iipi,,ougp rew-jersey ana jarnes y uicnester 91 ;, enijessce, m?n)?v0i,r psei'menty l should not have troubled, w .kUf-wliMe JttfriidinSO doing lohsUb. up- .BiigaUiec.Gcaci'als.'if i . t tfJJMJ?U& the-foUoif remark i-Your rrtsenunmi ate rhroe ntlred' ajHl'eitfiliart: Vt Jlie Dr.hcli Bank at EstHUr.fj tor.jhrec Iittndt;ed afta eife-luy-fiHu shares at ti Vie Ui.uvcit Jl,ink at rayetteviue j aial fof tpe tiinidi-ed.' ajlfl fif;v'iv! ahafe at" the Branch Bank at (Salisbury, , unuer tneauneruenoance anu uirecuon oi the I'restdeuw - ' - and tjuslneis ot Uietsaid. li'ancii Hanks respectively : . f " . . iluit tl book te:-tpetied on the ' ldth day vf April; and . kept opa for sixty d s unl,ess the shares shall be sooner t'akepQiut third of the amouiitf each share to b pa'nl :"; for at the time of ubs.rilung---)ne. third ortor before the v . 111,1. A. I..'. il..t ,ki .1 . 1 r ... ... V i uin uiiyy. .n iiiq .villaining umu on woeioruio 18lh.ay MAiqrasX.hext.l4,ayment ihidl bo made in bdof-',';v:.;'-V : qic oyin pKpcr monejvsit a discount of five per cent and t in case ef failure of any subscriber -to pay the said inatal"' v ' . luents withia twenty days after the same become piiytiblei i - ' ewhand eyeiy suck fthare ilmtl be forfeited, andvestisi 7'&& I the President . and Director of the llnk, and such share 7 V i or shares shall be by them -or their order, sold at public . 1 I auction for gold or silver, ndtrar.isl rrcd td the purcha V r ). I cr or purcnasers r. ereot i; The proceeds or such sale ' js ' shaltfivst be ahplied.lo ihe navment or Davmenta which.A'i.;..rr shall appear to be due to the Bank upon such shun ottK httres,.toget,rr St'lth tlie interest thereon; and the costs ' 1 anucnareesoi siiie, and the surplus,-il any.be paid v wwi aiuba-iiwuicr vr uis represeiuanvrs V sujr t or.uie accommptuuioij oi uiose uvipg more "i ;,-. , cmiyentcrit' le Uie principal Bank, ;die Casli'n r of ht ) Bank will receive-hionty with' instructions, and caune, ;'j,; v hareS to be Sttbsorilied ,i anj of the Crunches' i wliirh'i V the books are t,ob opcuetj. ; . ,'!M-iti 18S V'.,-- if. ; '

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