tin 1- Page, 51. t ipril ,-, returned a bf.ervU rtirf3 ft quarter of an t vcr'l.tcf GusUy." ' We we h-ppy'to anrwunce ar:fef capture f-.ri ', ,etw:nj. The tafV, 7 guns, cpx" ft H in U 1 fit I!' AC.T1UU- Oirfyn,- ) C-ptorrU, vm . I WO cHO H 1.12m, uaiiu.iy vill""" v j id, by the" crUis w Ujbsiy'p;cive4 t):v, tit forwards to Mvs run iTa'testy continued through the 'hole ' :ek io estate of comparative quet; but wub- :.r,,,.i;.i nf tnrnLil imnroVemcnt. The (he of them U. suppose . -.Hit 1-i H'rr .... rn:n.r.ri'irMinf tnenLd imnrotemcnt. .i.:i r.v M.i1ar ftliTiiciant havo.prescrvea s bo-illy health thrown All the Violent of Uinukdj. tKr U a reasonable nope toy tae : r .k- am nmrMslonal ttonttoQ-io Cr"illHUH.O VI ...w 1 - . ... l.'rt during his cxxasional piroxi-:x that Wl we in .ij be preserved for years.- - ; v va-:.,M,.y crcJUed, are sfloat tbatVa. ,n-K L: - r.f Sweden has so far recovered hh i . i x. .i, ,t V.. h it Munled the exercise of bisroy .' r" rumad.nte.on surreoderine the ad . II .it.nrtnp ftormint f his ltW' tnruit ration. 5 : ar... ip. I : DOMESTIV.: . ' ' Pmik Gtortia Journal. 'f -i".; . iMroKTiut! Mia .Kxrellency tho GoVerntM, " 1 fer-Ued ir.formaUon by Express . from St. Mary', on Thund.f last, that the plan of; It evolution had been lorniM in wn vu ;,;..rhrininv. that Province1 under .the.juns- ' f h iTnhcd Sutes :v and that the Revolu- tidnisis were ta be 'supported by isststce frorrij ..--wm--.The 17thotthwmonthhcemsl ; vas the day fixed on for an attack poo the 'town ; "end Fori of, AoguitSoeV.lqr; W f l.hf .ulted( V States Troops, Volunteer ana jrrovinwui, wwu tionuti.. ; -v --x vV" -'"'JV":;r v. frr' nm n A Last soothern mail brought a num- ' K t.- r sirAkinta r'Matiwa to the- disturbances id1 Fk) 'S'Ctkla. -The falhjwinR letters iV the partkobrs of - Trhat his transpircu ycrc, uh i"r, and.Ve leatn; at front respettable souirest . ; a utf-i. imtk St. Ware's.' dated ibe lst instant states; that The Patriots possession of, Ame v? ,s.r.f.iA -Mthi lTth Inst, atid the ncit flat tfrl H 1 i vtj to jhe States, .tinder certain conditions, tdRe "VkU 5tW the Islands of ..Talbbt Hod Fort George and all the country north f the river St John A ' C - detachraint of the U.Statea troops aVe now at Ferj rjandino,and the Ametican fiag is flyhig there. N4 could hate condittted ihethselvei :v,t7hi W.nr order iind 'decohim thn the Patriots Every tespecf was paid to thofeclinga.and proper- ty of the inhabiunts.: TK Putriois will cross th St, Jqhn'a, on thehr way to Augustihei this evening '"or to-morrowM 'rr;-:4 . "Vi - ; The Insurgents' or Patriots for ttved a camp o , v Hose's Bluf, opposUe St. Marys ; at the same 'tim the Gttn-Boats were ordered to proceed .down Vr:':.h Sound where1 they; were moored, their cuf ? Wded, and eVerv man tohU stauortseveral aigtfiJ have ranted iMtuz.a m oa A recurrence toum tofy. . But the iute. thooen thrown into cohvoJji- ons by the poioriAus Operation of political en plncUaa,ol drug inanufactured bydomritlc Quacks, out of mairnals Droognt irom aoutit uie Poionuc, aoort regained iu piutiite vi'J, k brthe aid of t enlicH.caed atatc&n?enl pCtJk: opinion Was restored itt namral dum-at vd healthful tone, ' The.inq iiaition, which ha i threatened the diaioutioo of it sorclgntT, njd the dereliction o our principles aad at tachm .nt shrunk ioto a cal5t igi?iou9 and contenptibie. Its cxistcrlce u newaly known in the records bf its wickedness and fully r 'in the scanty columns of a consumptive press, and la the noisy ebullitions of impotent rage. , Though the ascendency of native talents', and of domtttic influence in our ute councils, Lat retrieved us from the disgrace of legislatiug b .deputy, and of registering he dtcrec tf 3 fortign executive t though .The cobsolljailoj. of our republicanetrength, has laughed u ncnro tne puny eltorta 01 aa unnatural oppoan ion, acu inaepetcnce casts, its pure iutre overour ao meiic arrangcmcBUrtnere tftill exists a supine-, ness as to the rank. of our atate in thtT uaion, It u a j fctfictiVc eeaa Jc, to oc1kU m y our .ituauoa a man, who, io the atreocli U his ear, an J latelv aurroun Jrd py every blessing ihat CJuM heigir.eo the rationaTentjs meota oJ hie or aitigaw rtsoU r a faithiul nd af ecuonate wile a' inoeteat.aad iiairg off jpriag nioit worthy and respectable friends ni iarple meana of suppott haa tashly sa ciiSced. ihenl all to ao inordiaata .of u! eaiA I s,' Mot tifge4 witH the rewards justly iua to hoaeat iad ust aad u-eful laboar, yoo.form. cd thijun worthy design of making a Urge aud .i.4ft .rMVi.m tn tnar Siock. bv DrlCliiPiff a Jaad upon "tite insurers of your vessel. i'or Cdbk String ia the havea of wdtcrYuo.es, Jo a hte IS'tional lutclligcerrr, C- ;. dyismad; tosar, thatnj'iooil reprrsC". lives arclhe best JuJges oi what km 1 tt .rvf it is oeccssary to .eaipky' -inKead tf h::t kind ofyirrr v- ' , " - Aa eastern paper in-it, a GiJa'h,' 1:ucr tnrffil uxes, ioMead of intrrf.it taxes. ' i . Owing to the transpoiUon of a Irrfter iztf h ChrUUoa Jxrac of one cf the Catdidam far Gov. of Massc'jtJc:ti, Jme ol ?He Dojtta pa pers mide tho.Otnc read CBia instead rf' i CattSjaOKO.' : A Vag- irpoo thia'.nh served tliafhe rrv3red tKe Jjeod old thin' .V Mtxhiticttt, would agimbe Isrf'ejr moored wiJia this purpose ypi cancel her .to be liin ashore aoJ tdnk i. prevailed on your crew to join you m'NUelv aiveanuir to a rrotest, wnicn aiauy No? long s"iacea tJtshti shop keeper be; t . h,r t., have bn lost by stress of weaUtcr & JJt fwro ana ioucto o, , tne. p ay at the More ctualiv tgive credit to this ac: Covent GatdrO TTtre had s, se , ,ee dent, eount, It w is added that two men were dren- coaaeqaencs 6( one of hj artqHl whwkera cd. One witness of the t. ansaction lem.ined,. dropP fn ow of the boxes mto the K. .1 ri;re(,f hi. iiaL Leiua P'f. Jtwa clexwd on Me end of an umbrtl. luted with perjurv; had oO personal mo- ' r"." ' un.Kill ! ovner 1 1 si . tl . ana an insensiomiy ioer .ciairns wnouy . n , ff v..liec. of vc tountabIe.Vhn we flecr htw ; jnumate y 'hu$ . a dao0 ol connected, are many caroinai pomur ci our puu cy, with Uid assertion; and attainment cf bt!r just pretensions, a ..contrary liiposttion . may perhaps spring -up in our rmoas impel us tton. It tne emulation ot the to successful-action. bv a regular cradatioo oi iruqtntv'you were prompted to commit murder. Ofil ihaf thef voane. the inconsiderate',' and ', the wordl minded .ffould he iostructed .jby the'-dreadful eiainpVyou furnish, hW dangerous is the - ancient dominion- to preserve her ascentlen, jot it to rtU(, the fim iinpuile of Ae cy is laudable surely it cannot be otherwise l . , , natur.nv ooe cnhle tt,neatei t.i i bb islt f . . h a ewia w - witn tne state or-ew- ur., prr .t raaather, until the grearr, nm can commit a-. rhini rnnnttrnt with ner own cX aJiattOn. : . . . . . - - v . . .. , ; T - - - against his trotner,cipestne cumaxoi gouim ., uvtijv..,..v,, " L" rr r nftrtiny anddcath I , , . v . - views of sister states i let tfucb seritimOits Iwcll anton -overeUrnties-whjch we have left behind in our iwaich. , But let us ndt be indif ferent to that Regard of right and of reputation, which is due to dignified station and reiirn oower. . . - - ' I he state oi rxew-xorit n essentia raerciaU Attr metropolis, he j-eservoir' r-r- r - j --. a:i.h . . ove to cvr.ccJyour drsliotlest views f'Otn UttW.B P'i" a :.a wld, iter he should have klUoUr emplov-, p b9tliertrTmen4oitt.whja mine Yau flattered yourseJf tha:hla ties, .theAretoral tJs- seat. thoot Ulc: traction Would tffect y tcui yoafrom de-' grWt0? -,B:,l'1Cf armfr; Wrhis is, the WaicSt 'to destroj) ' the eggs of the Caokcrw orms taufCiiterpiliara , The youthful and .fl-fa ed rlctnnof TOUT. (et Mt f'tencd to tte cnjltli malllimhs. 'sSl .... - . 1 M - " "V- fir " i -S t crttcltv -a 6ti ogr in our land, and widely e paraico irom ms MMurai connections, was cass frtl, j.M.i,.j'iB.w,11M ,m,H 'e un1cr your protection hy tha dest llkt fiu Btab . iy com dluAe. wmLp he reni.iiiiea in vaur service, could' w -. , ''--,--, '. d;iieivt foraiskiaocc and sunoort 1' Co foster ' lJJ.'?,'Jl Ji . L-" 7T ' 'r. t- J ' 1 1 distributor o ner wpaitu, is tne greatest em.-, m wik oaieptal cure ardttimvithnarea-:iited'tuW BurUwifu.aKric:tiirl .wktf bv JMK- aoriumof the western continent, ) Her a'gn-it anxiety were.d'3tie,csultiog fiota the 're;TA W-yirrJ, oC CJmawich.cJiiiu'jcTiuaid.Couiiiy,.. nivu to ;-""'6i "v- "'-"" i"H iat;onin wnicn youfiooarontm. . tissatisaea , . i.i:' I ,;,.vli t.i:. establishmentt progressing with rapid pac.; hlifyCver, H Sth Voiu , hehaVi6r towards , him, H7 Jf? if togjrrted, s1h Indiia A Hercules in the cradle, as yet we s.e her yi- or pe.hips to increase the little earn! ;PJV f? gor but in Us infaucyi; , ifow far her maturity ings fcy !ch k assiatuf a Widowed inotber,.1?0 T 84thnd .TJ sbaUbeacleratedor redded, .froJu.ced wo wa i iu-the fatt on the configuration and policy of the nadral Ln.pbyrnent, ana -hauttaily cnSaged to leave "56; kt,ed Suc)t ears.V councils., H.r peculiar sifuatto ber con -yoltPiaJ a V.rf -short' ti -fe ttratas Tl 77 CT of, rutuwuit chiraeM-r. renuire l-nlioKune anoT I 1- isJ.'A l'.i- T . J 787, placttd this seed I anC. Vks PW-, T " . -T - .- x i r, n in wjuiiLi LaiiitiiiJiiii.ditsii it J mil uu ir: rat views,- and demand , an ani rier a v U u a t3w - . , . K' ' . - m j dm)MUtratlAn,Unlvrcl W hi. AA rti whU fmthat etl V tad y eroB incressta fiuch hejcnUtno acaaaiated with her cessities. her JfiVinii,U(Jlttenl fpar .uindWms wuvc been iaully11 wcuatoaied ii J Ur , ' - 11. .u . !. . . -i . . . fr.l'niuiniv tK iim rill . ,r tiv'itn mi' Hi FfT.T ; mi ner resources. rr euiiarni suscrpttQiiiM ls.t nrHM. t fc,,c- di.ilirjtA to -ih " . a r y of improvement. Is demonstrated by.th M-hv.r, J th Al..v,:,f 1,. thlu t&tnt tro! hjv W""ted to1 s.xty busnito; r-inuc,prijcis yer' toiufwt'iaiion, ana tfv isunoucations rcny aiainao:r w m; npiHicaivn-vpi means i tiifjoe o V itninour reaco -ine temuznu'? Ofneiiae ;-ivi.ii tohu 'k'c-J?.KteLisA the flae of the Patriots waaimme . j. -" . .. .' l' i. diatclv displiyeU on tne Tampans wi w y.V-wassooa succceqeo oy tuc nag m tne vwucu qiuic nrc. itmiu,i tsfatp trnona are now in DOP. M$h Island of Aovliathe country of East Florid! H'-U .aonof the? Patriots, and the town of Att euStine and the'Rarrfson in possession of the so. "t? diets 6f FerninHnd the 7th. TLe govemor of tto tuTcn: by;Wwblf -itrrf r,o-ihe' g'jT-r " :r" rrrT racet 4or puy to human ailtyand r .... w : - . . - 1 V "guns were firtd by the Cmmodo i the-lnsiA uvalje fm thr.rre ws.1 now beynn4 4 to rrfki? tlic luiud ;o a sc-sv 4 t'';faHTr.:V" rtL -J ' -genttmo-'emb?ied.rt.tw frort.Mose a Bhfl ;iands, end enrich the remotest miarters aiTj avi'tn the'heart itVarttatld' - i-a - : " ' ' " V Tv- proceeded to Amelia Isld. where they lav3e, lt( thtf yni wherf,tbe dde of the Jludson lmr.aie9, v!u v coloner Lodowick Ashlcj heicad, tnd ihaU conveftoOceao tW' waters W the U u?dei 1 r,W C'r llt$ oUi -A jnanded the surrender of flwjndlie patriot distant Erie arideVen' tVetern" lake vielda l ' ' A U,S .Jut oath, of Jtuic thenpioMgb U iapamaiiurft.-,; &watiremsedbytbec l'f f drt!i,4and .'T.'ttf V the ground., cr yaitTw ' ahs-.iipoD.hf 4 vuestedaparly untUhecodd senda deputation , SSSb f'fif tM,flM pIouh it,tigLt or niUmeMaoie.belorewia:; J- commodoti Campbell, wh was thtn sailing up a wxpettetoata puiose woagn t-cDeucentbo of IMetcyl T mhocen and unsusput- Ltd .v- aucteedin v fine nlouch ;rcWteharno Tqnd paralM, ifuladin ..fS?Marji,g youth was asleep undtt the safeartTof ffiS We IS ? .S&Sf - S rW toaggrandtEeour.pa-rent atatt, I u ' tr ;romn received'. by those, . wWiattachinent. Lht3 0f hospi ality, which are plourf your . ted vuh oietu.h, if you- and whose pride of soreyeignty .both prompts hnr nf thni!, v r.li; At,4 vt. vl &ud,m,ke ,t motn. , nmmtrndi ihi-iSr ia!rivv rvXi hKavrAv i i 1 ' it ', t s ' s vt ?u..j.v.,, !v,"UMV' poai luueo nptintaa ornet tnstjie as lieves, has not well studied the tjature f man. company you 00 som occasion ofbusir.t nJrt rtnltr mint mr ,n .witt VwltX hhJ... I 1 , . . .. ..w. -... ., . -" v. u""- larauseiaciu, anu naving conouctea inm to a sjooo ana corctiy appreciated, b f w priHcipiei, we, passions, had he uttered any, could not have beeu heard Inn Viur ' tTifl tn( fpilintr nf thnm oiling l.. .1 1 t 1 11 J 1 . . , rvr. T...;oy in woi mi ;! nout allowing him a mo- .1 . 1 - - . - . v s W J iL.!i J,..! itoAoidouttotiie last extrcmuy.-o pronounce upon vueir aesuny. vney nceu an ' mtnt to offer up u last tmiver to his Maker. - 5-iuuioii Bwwuw-wifiiwumen wi .pairipuc w ttB tmpityinjr dttiibtration . POLITICAL. " ;5 Jpt, U inferred from ihe following, that pe VVitt Clinton rn . ""wiUbe a csndldate FqrIie next Ifresidency.J i 5 ' ifv'Ilw'tfw it-itei Tf.'''yX: 'yvfi ' C'torrdlettioni 'on ST4TJl JP0tJTIC&' : ft ? ft'iieious faeti that wViie'theata nf! ' r t l'. J L-i .a If ti I causes' the most anomalous, and principles the most: extraneous nnd heterodpi, compel her to '?b at tliefjiil pf.ua'ouucilsi -'Wholvei has ; vVa'ctcRtively.ohserVedthest ' ivhidi :" oilier states v have had to tnermaititain-j ; f jnt-rit of t'neirf 'relative' imp(Vtance,f and the aeal '1 sji-ith which they&iveursue V4! ' eut, c aa not "bu t , piiu se '--m to onSen-i io iEoatern i ':'pHte by what means a jealousy has Jbe cri excit ed among ourselves, and an hostility kept'aB vti not to promoje, but to depress, not te cheriah. ; s tut to destrpyouVi weight; ibur dignity, and '"kiur righisnunhappilvw: we furnish the - onlv instance pPn Question of( claims becpsiti a eeal, and of native predilectiori. I; Hence our rightsbecome duties, which, Wend m perfect hannonyi and call with somehin; like a reli gious forccfVupon.tlieamorjiatriie of every citi zen indfviduallv, and of the state collectively, to advance a column of its strength,' and an ir radiation of its genius, into the naUonal cablriet i to vindicate.its neglected interests, io nourish its augmentbg force', ami to place upon an in perishable b.a8c, fcer power, her .dignity, and her splendor. ".; "vVoutfction of existence t of art attachment to state Q - tional. crime ins, : ina ;entaili(gT'p'oTj 'usdp- lilt viv 1 las1 v"" uuu utui auAixuiif . ' . ' SJ ".- !'. ' - f - ,V'! fctLovthyt .source, tne-. ui visions among us may ' .i'ttho'se, w hbse.-penioqai" bbjecti', 'demanded 'the - tf w.' A. 1- 4 V r mvi' TSk . . MISCELLANY. 1 . SENTENCE .aiy junncc nayioron wwara 1 ink cr, Alan -itietfJor tfie murder. tf a boy edited dtKtntt at Car Tsteret Suhtriour.Cpurt, Seftti llM. Trakt from ,'ti;fiamfilft fiublilhed byJMeHr'i; Bryan and fhll l.and T JVationqf Mxebern. : V - tf is. not my wish to add '.a aincf e'anVi to acrafice of our just jjretensicns, and maintain-j those torments of remorse, which must alrta p ci 1y passions 'inflamed tt highest degree dy afflict you, if yoUr heart is vet afry e to; any iJVf:lnveteaey;'byJielng thwdrted in their ca-J moral or humane sensatibo; But inbst ardent ..' . Ver 01 vindictiveness, tne principle of the dis- f.-urrAiuf, was tor a wnue lorgpaen n us araorv h 'j; ;;'Tf -' faculty of discerning clearly is then most 'vy jj'jilitulfci'.when prejudice usurps the empire of and 6f prejudice the retgai is rnost vd mrerousi wnen n U'tMti to the subversion I dfe 1 i judgment, i( calls for the bpndpnmetit ofl ViT'fckUep. .vliawvutjrtw rotsar l(xemr:iu-ji)ai lydo I desire, to awaken your mind to , a ,fuU cbnviction bf the enormity of' the crlmVvoi navj coronuiiea .in, oraer.tnat you may Cm ploy the remnant of life that is Jeft vou. ill W. ptcrlng .torgivene'ss of Hloi, ' whose-; mer elfbV pensations "will not be .withheldYrbm those,' ptttlornttlje tfiodjjjofls Cn which pitvinir u4iiotratiQi vou nut him tn death! For a crime of such atrstravatedpuilt. toarkedas it ia,' with fraud in its origin--with perjury in it's' progressand Innocent blopV in it's termiuation--.you cannot rc;ieoiablv:hcpe. fbpafdonjtfi thta fcorldj fofce men cy. extend ed to you might wtll be considered as cruelty oine wnoie community, , . w ' 1 Y - ' Y Let me theriYiinhappv man ! earnestlv admo- pwhyou that ail such hopes art worse than vamj tince tliey would divert your mind from me more important concern w niaKiug youi pcacc,vtin nn writnuea t.iou, anu of preparing vour soul lor tne triounat ot Omnipotence, You must now seek lo- succour in Uie promi sed, thy Ivmes and cootiouttons of that religion. i'XjT ( :sar, tf jlve fSrto eUilveit ohlv sa dinguisf, tinder ti hkh.'you migtit grajH vriixinur a lomrinn rri wrref nnea-..nu f n,.7 nature ' Would that its ecnuine influence 1m, reached voor heart and influenced vunr.life for piety to God cannot butprodijce fk niacence to man. I, conjure you then, to banish'nt ;Konce from your mind tlie concerns and aolici- tuoes 01 tnia worKyour.connecflons .with wblch rrtus, soon iie dissolved foi;.-.ver. Yn haw a great work to perforn anil but a short time to perform n in: Kranlcry evVrv. hour ih self n basement and huiniliation in earnest prayer and sincere contrition.' . TheKlad( tidingS of the Comfort to your wounded ijpirit 4f, by unfeign. edrepentarice, yoii. render yourself woftbv i GoVotveness:'wju''''denatetn. no in.the death of a sinner; but in s coaversion-It . .y ...v w uioiiii 5, nip pain fuldoty 'of my cffideV pronouncing fhe sen teripe ol (the law, whl.jhis, that you be taken iicuc w ine gai wnence ,, you -were broucrh who sincerely aoa is protsuscflf 1 y m .fc,s rt f a .To imnicgHate ilie ground with uitrou's saltr. , 0cj;iand5geiierace $r6tx.r nuY.sUrtienf for thY . '".ns or! growth of the, nax, letiUe glm'g W done. 4 the 'exhalation of tne Wn.' Tie of tn plough-;"' iag of the landnpt only pulve?its it, no it to' ' cive .room for the expnsion'ti' ite -roots of' , 1 . - . . ,t . 7. ...'i'Mf .I--.!...' 1 plants, out also prevent thgeneratjou o$ ae ' -Yil'J . v.'- .U - In K-ttfer on' Apriculttirat ftflVirsWrHten Ty GehSnJ , - rruftiwSirrimj-iitnelollowuig para, .' , gpli . - - :--'Y:.v' ' t;"Y";.V ''' lhe more Fam acouaintcd with; egriculturaj , affair, the better J. ta pbfascd '"vitr $lm in- sormTch; t,Kat I can no' wherend aVgrVat saiis , j iac'tioa sis :n those innocent' -MS., ejful.pur!,' ' i Stuha. , In induljrtnc these1 feeliocs, J?a3l -IcdV" to reflect how much in,ore deligjirlul .to un'u- - debauched , mind, is, the task- of 'malting' .lm prove munjs on the'eanh, thanall tluj,.vaio gip rv' which, can be .acquired, from ravaging . t by ha most uaintet ruTJted career of contjuests. The design of this bi&.ei'vat'K-rt, is onlVio shew"; hg mycb,as a nicmber. of hy.mwv ,'soctpty, I , fee? myM-lf tihrigcd by I your labours o"rt.r.defr ' rcs'prctahle; and adypntaotis n emijlby'an' which fs fhore '. 'congkilal t0'tl'i'e natur4 dispo siuonsofraunkiodthan any oiher., Y; , ' IVrhana no wi-iir r lu nv on f the ww!d lias to hV discussed and im-estitl the i ai ioiw branches ef ir., culture, tu Sir Avtlwtr Yottnj-ftJiyK :r.', ; The. subscribers proiK,4e ,fo pulilifcH" for ' ' benefit of Uiymseives tbd thdir. sister. Stana'J; . fifty Agricultural; Essays, tvKich jlppared in their paper during the last year! sigtHl Trta,, in, tine .volume, neatly Abound, in bfui! , cutt and colored. '.Ten essays, upoh draining 8c" other sUbjecti willW" added, to thetftyjwhich.' nave already appeared. .aTte tplaUi oe revised by.the authbri and ;iU.jiAAJtet one vo-' lume;('alt5:doodcip . onoeiivei-y oi tiie Uoofc,ode dollar.nrid 50 cents ( , uir"U1',' Kf per centum, wiu oi- and thertce to tlte 'place cf eerijen,whcre )Ott Vtabeliantredb.vthejieck 'lill voii Kl-V A-A X -2' per cent for' ti 1 ,'Y" ' .'.(tv :. r,; : ' ' : " Y " r-Tv'':. -Y ' YY::-!':Y' Y'-::YY YY.Y; :h';w