'.: . - ' . . -i ? '.' 1 i - f . . . i - ;"'. " -T ' ... . - . . PL'BLISUEU A - r Vol. IV. No, 25.1 WEEKLY" BY- , r RALEIGH. ; FRIDAY. JUNE lo ifti . , , ; -a , - -.... m r'i'irii-r i w ... ADVERTISEMENTS. 77-V : "Strayed or Stolen . .'17UOM the KiihtrriJwr i rrP-Uoan HUK5K.' abniit -, . hiJl be ttwaxdetl Tor tljcirtruuljle, the likely 9otv 5 feet all rmmtUtroti wtil b'nceJttne(Mi nuMilr well Any prrMO lodgin- niiormatuHY in uie j'ot ottice in KlHfh, to t!ii r rrt him rain. 34-if s Stte of NortJv Clrbliiia : (Court of He and QurterSeKiona,''MarTcnn( 1812. .V I Qririnal dtttachmmf. 1rieA IT appearing to the rnirt (hxt'the dufendsnt nsidca in nothcV Xttfennnvnt. k U OrdrredibttI ll nrorerfin-!! inthii caae be luycd for three ijiont hs, and that publica tion b mle in the Kuleigh Str,for one month for the de fendant Jo pev. replevy, plead to tutue or demur fcith n three miiin h, otherwise judgnftnt by default will be . entered against him. -",:,.; . - "'. 1, . - .. 4 r0tv, Tet, JESSE HVKfER, C. C.C. S; " ,On Hundred Dollars Regard. A? trlmt of GOODS, recently bid in by the late M,.My ?-nde7.Mfchnt of Kaleigh, wilt U aoldat HuWit AcUo athirSr4Ju in tl.eeiiy.upoo a cre. 0u of telv montha, fcy the aubaenbrr. Tb wle will conunc. on WedneaJay, the 24th of thia mouUi, and emuu from day to Uy until Uball be ld.Ko ehange o property baU uk unU1 wUh , prvnU aeountv .Juil be y yj, purc,kMn. 1 f trXT rtne and hdeablc, and many of them ffooa of lb firnt ectitwrt) time of payment ti rery duw, and the gradual riaein Ike price fogooda ipro-gwaawe-AU perjon. are.herefore, iuritcd 10 oome aiul be accommodated. t r , . ,. ' ' ' MAUY SANDEK3. .RaWigh,8tk1une,181 ; 24-2u " N: B; her " mon? t18 IT00 bandaome aaaort ment of Carpenter VToola. . - , - ' . . v I - v1- fclloWname , - ;Loiv JAG) ' " - ' ,' , - mulatto, sJ.i jtj V, r 1 a-fjf ... .- haa uncomm IX .1 VTJ ANA W 4y from th 5uhacrl- , , JLV bcr. the liiU int. a.Nceroe fc llow named J ACUB. ulLi YKI, IAJW JAC)B. lleia iall hlty yearsoi lie ttnuaht knd slow uncommonly ltrftet, whlh OrnsuUrt walfuni;. he sceati T : -": ' ,- rea-y quick, and. o a rnon unac. ...customed tt hear him talk, alnibit nnimeiligible, hchs . rather a mild tncrijenstve c.jmtenuiicc, and 4 manner w:ll i .telodlaked ffr anvline'cies of detection :, v'Vo .dearibe him ' by hia dretiai would be impoa"uiMf as be cafligd off se- iwm arnrwa 01, cioinjngor,uinwcnt coioui'O. lie hua rbecn heard of ojri his way te Ittvfiveaborough, and Ma 'fty't Neck, in Hertford countyj; wltera b wiw raised, and - Where hems aevcr&rrlatiiiiitt and, ntwloubr, many well dispoaed ti conceal him,1 father, named Abraham, t, live asafiush.HnrTwith free woman in Northampton coun , ty, who (tii ei tim orMr.f'I'iurea' estate of Hertford ; and be haft a brother named Moses, who now belongs to Mr,Uuderhill at Horn blow'a Point, a fcwmiies below E- denton.1 He ha pasted for Major Paka's Jim, which name : he, probably, foome lime, particularly where not known, may wish to retain. He has been heard by the Overseer a to throw out some hints that all should be free, and that ,Jbe taw ho reason why the sweat of h, brow should be : expended in, supporting the extravagance and idleness of any pun i of some words to that c!Kxt. This principle) I an inforned, he wished impress pot) the minds of 1 my otlier Negroea ; and 1 doubt not will attempt to do the ' tame, wherever he goes', lt, therefore, becomes not only : the duty; but the interest of f very perspnj possessed f such property, to appreliend such follow, and thereby ar- esi ine progress m sucn dangeroiis principle 4 t . ; I will give 9fcn Dollai's to any person, who will ap prenena turn, anrt lodge nim in the jail ot tliccounty Where taken, and the above reward of g 100, to any nt r- i ..k'.-nu' 11 . ... ' . wv'h w uu wiu uiscuyer aim ivc eviuenoe agaion any per sonwr persons, whomay fiai biv.'fconcealor employ said negroe, o tnat ite, sn at mey, so narbonng, "bec be le fally CQmicted ofUjqiameJ,! ,. - - - , , . . . ' James? h. Keys. Warren county, May 24th, I?12.V: 24 4eot. , aV 1 ' - ;' ; - - ? . Fifty Dollars Reward. OVtherth day of April last, my Negro fellow NED. oeiiur at work in tha Oret n;mi -... ly other Negrot a, started to look for timber, and having travelled faster th-n any otlier of the co moiny dis.u;p. ar- univerityT; R viJi.'i"''1 by,th TnlsteWf the Uniwrsity of h " ." T .T -i";0"" met tmg j,rtha Foard of Raleigh t and that advertisement beUreof bade ai Raleigh IVfcemberlSth. A. p. 1811. : 19 X. ::r"V (rutrstua, Tirrinla.1 bnn.- I wcrp etkae. mile Lt. tr. - lj wairtea. 'STRAYED;; FKOM U.e sumHaibr, in R,it- b .. "'J'alarVe i.miv .eilow BAY HOUSE, about ive feet twe or three inches hiifh V bat few White ru.t .:. . ffSftt his hind feet Worn bv Jl,i. lIZSiJM shod before, and imt, .j -- - 6 , ana wonts well m anv gear. f Any person who will deliver th m.A i, . ,f Polk, in lfcJeiKb.or tome, at asantHiU. the, residence oi colonel nul. Hawtins. in Warrrn handsftmely rewarded . - Heasant Hll,Mry30, 18tl 1 J BunrellYiT" "7l'-w" 1 - . . i , ; ,T . years 01a f ; It waimppniBa by tl!e tompany frenerali that tfcerrf " " ' "y Pf tn back country? v , ' 'ALEXANDEB BKTJWK -JSeef: practice of Physic;' warren counrv. will be r HANK HAWKINS. 83-tf M, , 4 State of North-t'arolina. CfRKENE COUNTY. Court of Equity April Term, 1812. ed and haa not been heard of since, and I uspect has elop. d from met said Neirro i about oa. nP o i... ti about 5 feet 8 or 9 inchea Ttigli , of a dark complexion!-1 ot a nleasini and aiihRiivuLO when spoken to , hisclothea are not reccllected, as Khaa i JamM G" P Benjamin C. ti. 8. 8heppard,l tor some lean been hirtsd mit in tliririi,.tu nriu,..rnii. I and Abraham fiheonard. . - ,.i Joseph Scuriock & wife tt others. , . tl Cotun. that James C.laso-nw imii.ni:..'i T. white or hkek !. L.I, " " IU 7. 1 Vk: I '7. ,. . vu""Pla,nanis bill, resides T W1.,,c .uvu iniormauon, aeitver nan, qoiiceis nerecy riven him the said h.m k, me or secure him Fu any Jail so that I get him ! JamerGlasgow that Uhlesa f. shaft &d answer or cW Hurw..,M mree nrst oays or the next Term the complainants bill will be taken pro confesso and heawl agaii t . rr. HORATIO BUTT.. Isle of W.ght, Ja. May 24 -3m. J A BRIDGE TO LET r VXJlLLbe let to the lowest bidder on Saturday the 2Mtt instant, the building a Public Bridge trcM, Vinoi OrecK,on the Stage Uoatl leading fivm RaJcigh to Fayette. vUlcone rude from Jtaleigh. H v , THEO. HUNtER, ") SIMON! TCUNEH, .Commissioners. WILLIAM SCOTT.S , June 10, 1812. v 24-2L " - ) " "'J 'T'ttE Subscriber rctuni hmkrfor the 1 , nV ''t ' the wact.ee of Phyaic, .nd hope. fim hi, u n m SiTS?. " 'e.,:e. d'rtJ- of those ho caiS. tage of.theDisevethat be ha' ..new. u,i .isyJ -. kpedmou,. metWf Cure.wi W tW Xf nu Mercury in any tagf 0f U.e complaint, and in some cs. " e without any. From the nnmber of s rTrcr made, in cmjs that have bW-Zli v1 e e ' aay he beherc. hia method infallible. ill.srUimine all Sni;0U to.ke7.T'. ofcureis nd ;V reasonable. In .any otker complaint the, poor iube - furnished alth Mediciiand tiee.t IrJZii S gir gratia, . ... ; . "C;; : : yadesboogT,.MaS0th.812. 22-yipdT . A CAUTION. April 16, 18l2. R. J. POWELL, C M. TL 17-' ... - :,ien collars Kcwarcls ; , O AN AWAY on tlw! 6ih of April lasf, a boy named Aa. s' V' ron, who is in the habit of calling his name Frede rick i he i is seventeen yearnf age'about fivjj feet high, haa large ey-s with a bad look, and rather inclined tobe bow-leged, he wilj probibly change hi name and en. deavour to pass ibr aTreg boy.I wl give the above reward f JJ lOto any person that wil h secure Iiini in any Jail so that I get him gm, and if delivered at jny house in J Warren will pa uny reasonable eXprncea. r ' ,' a ' Jf MIC JAH T. HAWKINS. '. Warren Coimtyf V, C. ?ue &th 181?.;' 24-tf. A. u 1 DVKUTISF.MF.NT. ' H6 Subscriber haing blamc6 adtpkiistration pen dtnte,lite&c..on ijieeUle, of Charles Vaiborouirh. .1. . A 1 . 1 ..1 i C'.'l ...k .. ft ... D ' . ;ui i,cn;u, Jim anoruer oi ine iouri oi rranKiin i nuntv 'feaell so in'rtnJwif tlie pemliable property of the said es- ., Mie, as ne may aeem proper toseii-it ts hereby made. ' known that bn. the 29th June inst at the dwelling house . 6f the late Charles Yarborouirk, in thf aairl f Vumtv. wH " be exposed to sale to' the bighesf bidder, 400 barrels of k von or upwaruB.a. quantity olt'oaaer, Oats, Wheat, Ba. r" mn f',.... l.,... it....... J 1 . . .. '5. " Bklw run-sea win VrULLiCMaiao (juantt- i tyol Braiid4The purchaser giving lond with approved ecurity, oiia credit ofsix months by ' . f JAMES YJV UBOROUGH Jldnir. June8th,,181L- 24-3T. - - ' ; VI- ; State of North-Carolina, ' ' MECKLENBCRG COUNTY. t, ' Superior Court of LV, May Term, 1812 William Davidson, Origmal Atitutiment, kvi J n ne An tiwar T llavJin. V i. . . . ' - 'Tk j ntjjrvperttf tj tut defenitunt. ' QHDERED by Court, that Andrew J. Davidson, the VJetcndantinthiscaqse, who now resides without the liiniu ol.Uns States appear at tbtixt Superior Court of law, tor the Co.nnty aforesaid, to be held on the sixth Mon. tj u.c lofinn iwoiuiay an September next & replevy or judgmeut will- be entered up against .him OrOerei that publication hereof be made lh. in the Raleigh Star. .vSW,wjr 24-3.n. Test, THO HEXDERSON, C. S. C, h. . , , notice. - - 'Ttiw ...u..i . t .. " ' - I it.ruJ-ii.. . "Sl uqoued as Executor to ton. d'iMl Alt 1. . .T . " , hereby .otined ". LAW prescribes. . ' . . ' U. persons are hereby forwamed from trading for tV- V ' of JOnii ?.V!T, b t0. Wl,,isl, Ron, for tCe surj ?L & dUe bouI " 15tl of APt' Hut, attested b- ' ' Jpph Dickeys Said 1hngbgSSSc.'' taiued, wluch lam determined wvertopay. r" . 1 : ' - - a; mason1.; '' ge, wunty;4tb May, 30 V t NOTICE. Hulifax, April 15, 1812. ' 'Li' .Tii - JOHN H. EATON; Ex'r. 17-lf. , LAND FOR SALE. - --8 iu w iuna mug in Vinfce eountv ; !!atfJKSKarslS!i-,,; known within the time 4 o 320 acre, adjoming the lands of Edward Pride and Theophilus May 41812. ficwrioca DV IdW.' - THOMAS TURNER. ; . ANDERSON BIRK Adm'rs. r 20 -v v .-" Private Entertainment.. 'V- ' State of North-Carolina, ; MQOUE COUNTY. Court of jpjeas and Quarter Sessions, M ay Term 1812 . l V original Attachment - levied on v ..Leroy Parish, v "I ' wnd," fcfe. Aiir k. . . . i i i 07 iii. i :. ir ' . s. . ..r .. :; x. uotc ianas are WOOdlanda. fl, f 1 -w,.:r uavnr removed tn ir'i.l.-"t-i.r.t.','viJi abOMt3 -ma-tIieMiajtt--5M;Wu3dibDuta nA. neJM,Kd Jacob PageradioimWihe i mile from the ei9 mieirh. ' J- 8 of ":"o. Montgomery Cbuntv.) tiXS.; ' ' t 1 -m AlXen W CILThhist wh0Ul,l,k proper to.eiicouraWn. bv e-ivin hi w i i -l I 1 1 ! aaa I Lands for sale in Orange. April 16th, 1812. I.? appearing to the Court that the , tiabitant ot this State : defendant is not Onltred thrMffnio !...-. .1.1: cajion be made for three weeks successively in the Star KX:tl .R&W ,.h"t.uofc lh Wear ll .,vw 1, i ne ueia on tne Jra Monday in Auifnst next, replevy andlaad, judgment will be entered against A capy fmm the mhwet, C. DOWD, C. C. C. RANAWAY NOTICE. TpiIB Subscriber at 1H May Court; of Wake county -,1, 4. haviiig qualified Exrsutrix to the last Will and Tea- Umentof JolmCRenchrrtlec'd, requests all persons in. ;' 0jbted. to said deceased's estate to come forward and .tnake paymeht, and atl those who have demands against y estate are requested te bring tneir claim properly an j'mttaicu. as .1 way iriuite provision to QiacliargeThe 'W-'z1- Tt'. N-' jNAKCVtENCHER, Kxutri.r :i ' llJune 3.1. 18f2. I s - 24-:if , i V . - ". '' 'i ! 1 I'll' mH .", 'I. ' " ' 4;V-. Statefof TctirtesseLincoItf County. TJR0M the Subscriber on the A 21st inst. a Negro man by the name of HARRY, about twenty 8 or thirty years 'old, spare made, and very black. When he ran off he was fery.indiflereiitlv, clothed. Said Negro I purchase'4 of Mr. James Greggory.of Johnstoncoun . ty, he has since that lived at Cha. . ... - ' 'i t.-' P " Kt in Raleigh. Mr. U1SSX' 1 Bm informed, purchased him in Norfolk, Vir. gima of which places X thinl it is most probable he ill endeavour to geUo, I will give a reasonable re wW to any person who VjU bring aaid Negro to me. or secure inmo that 1 get lunr again. - : T$- ' JAMES .PtTTNT.V. . 23-3t.-pd. THE subscriber; intending to reiroyeto the state of Kentucky in the fkU. offeiaferl. hi. 1..,?.! f".te ?l ... -v7 v mere gre in one body betavvn 4 and 5000 acres lymg o both sides of Little River and in the fork of Little Ri ver and Enoe.- " A considerable ptr. i tionof these lands is low m-oimHi rii.,i , .... . Pitrt of theSute, and well adapted to Uie twlture of corn wheav iye, oats, aijd tobacco. The uplartd i. generally' of a free, Uvely qualuy, weU suited to the production of all species of gram common to this climate, and conal,W rable potions of it well calculated for the growth of luu ton and.toacco. On. these lands, tber are several trood plantations, situated on Uttle "iver; and -Enoe wli. h WAiilrl ......til.r ..r -. ' . ,oe Which ...ium lrnm eacn ojber s1- .1 1 , : '.. r " " y vivm miu wieir iors g. '' . JAMES PERRY. A Horseman's , Pistol 4 WAS lent some weekr ago." WhoTer hu it i VJ. esWonrequeste.d,x kaviTheVft" tors Sjar Oftice. as to The seat andincluded in thi ahov. !.... ,J, 7 V14,1 haps surplissed by none in this part of the start fo State of North, Carolina, MOORE COUNTY., , ' V Court of Equity May Term 1812 t John Shepherd,' . ' Malcolm Munrow, PleasantU ickr" .nili,. 1 I I Ueinir mada anrw.f 4t,. t...;.r v. t' - Ath.t Pleasant rfr Cl.t -I:. .. . .. . Yl,"u'e uerenuantr in Lhia IT 'S Lennsn-,- franklin cdftnti. 28th Mw. 1819 ; NOTICE. :.;;. -. , - T.HE SuSecribcr ha vi I'f ' tnauiel "Whitehead, dec. late a resident of the Cpun. ir oi nsi, a ipvemoer t erm ot Nash County Court of rciiuviiiarier aessioiis. jMotice is t if.rrK. ' to those indebted to the said deceased, that unless thev Hlulrimm.in(a .......... . . ' . . ... ' 1 1 , . ' 3 " .-"r. .ymjmmy, ucccDBUy will Compel the KX" iy oi aou, elegance oi situation, and ertt -1 prospect It is not Seemed necessarv tnst.f- r...,i.. vanuge. which these lands possess, as it i, preSl one would wish to purchase. witk-out first viewinir th i new It trtritt.4n mi .1... 1? ., ..... o ' , w. n"1 l' jwiiiBOon me main roHu running thence tu Pel through them for a considerable extent. Tbe substsriber offers for sate -K.o. ."" "lecanoi HUlsboroiiB-h. adim.,i. ii,- iOO aore., i all upland of excellent quality, and has upon it.farge-plant.tion. , fi& paymen wiU P"J to purchases, by gjvjnfrconvenient. arid reasonable crej its, and takTOjart likely young Negroes of good Ami. s, is per-i """ " on ol the defendants, hii-.."- ft.. not an inliab tant of th;. ,- . i. s . .t V" , '''' ... j i, - t ... - -ftT.'vui, VII uie sixin - 1 iuirh. and ' e munn f indav of Srnterf.h "j . trrury. pa, Pl ns" to the Complainant. Rid the san.e w I , . HOHOUGHS.C. M. E. r i i n f . ... Wltren infix, Snow Hill Aril 95th. 1812. T TiTrf i s. Kentucky inda wh .:.. .j .-.n i.. . .. . - r . .wmvi.u. wni ue luipn in State, qf North-Carclina, -:' y ' wakren'county. -"; K Cour of Wcagnd Quarter Session. May Term 1812. V Thomas Oliver.',1 " a.. . 'ThbmasOUverjt, Edward P, Davis. Atttifheif a J,'t wta;. HERE V IsaiaU; Wofley, havintr been lea-ally Com lWtt 1 tB Haol of Lincoln Cmiiuy on a charge of i r.iyia-oa tnenght ot the bth inst. brake liabl rf.- '-.i.icxrru yimscn, iaKinj witn nam two Bianxets. Worley is a man about five feeteightor nine inchj ' . It" 8 1' l ' ietee years CI age, dark coutntect. i v ir ' "n oon wua orown ivair, ini,4toierabiy Heavy 4 de.- Any person annrehendine' said Worlev and ctfnfin- ;i "R- him in any Gaol in this State, so that kecau Le brought K -utice BliaU be liberallv rewarded bv mo. - . , '. . ; ' - EPHRAIM, pAKHAVf, Cooler,. A .yettefille Mav 6A. 1812. u 94-2t. . Ju . '" P "H1 Ea,tol"of tb KnorViUe Caaette, and RaleJgh f . will pWase insert the above twice in-their respective ecutor, to haverecourie to measui-es, as unpleasant to , 3 himwlf as they will be disagreeable to others: ( rmf i Thoae having claim, against the said dceaseiTwill . f CHARLES PARISH Me nanwnf'.1;t " t j IT wpeaiiiigto the Court, th.it dC l-i" '5 ' defendant m this ra,.. U n,,, lno Ida. therefore ordered Ut public, on be S t week. .ceMiwIy in the 8fn iJicacuk mem jjioocriy aumenticateav within the time. umueti oy iaw,. otnerwise Uiis notice will be plead in May B8th, 1812. ARTHUlt WHITEHEAD, Ex -IT- kill i'lVkf i-....f 'S r." " :'i-w-viour next Uo,i, t, toiHjheldatth,... T3 ETURNStirateful scknow- 'and KRr7udt A ledrmema to h i 4.i. i L.:I.. i . ' ' - TP w .replevy, judgment will be entnrod n .he. public, for the liberal ejicour,! - 25-3t TM. . , " j - .it r GOLD. r I ""HE Subscriber on the in.t ;n "r.l..r,:nn. .... . j u:. " v "r? l'rniK mii ins uiaiuaiion. round a mera nt nur. r:,.i.i weighing; thirteen', ounce. . He .ha. since ntadn. aril. seawsjjei. and been successful in finding tolerable large bit of gold,, He has. ho doubt but there is a thine pf con sidefable Wprth where he.has found this irold. X M wi.h : fea to associate with Soma nerscMswhnia akllll-d in th. .. ofdicover)ngthe luddtflrt treasures which the earth con tains, aiid. will make it Worth the attention jf n understands searching, minesif he Will come and assist him in disco verinir the one which he ia well iMiire,i i. An gement they have friveh him bereil oioi-e m hit line ot buii. .n,t ' I'lformt thenythat by the first of uie vii.uiiiirjuiy, ana iarire and cominmhOuk three Rlni- Hi-Iz-V ti,,:i.i:.... at the s.gri of the;EA6LE, north of the Stat Housc.'wiU bj kn complete order to receive, Boarders and Trlvells 1 where he earnestly tolicitt the Continuance- of their n.! ti onage--He pledges hHptelftha,t nothing on his part shall be wanting to render general latisfaction fo lhose ho "lkvour him wkh. their, custom Hona anlaMiv .,3 vanu alone will be engaged, ind hia .tablet will perhaps! us iwcucu njr TOM, u.'; , 1 , . 22-.tf. Xakigh, Jv C. Map 29A, 1812.' ' i Just Received fr6in New-York i -i" "T 'SWe the Star Aw, ufcii' A' ALL assortment jb? Genuine Drugi'tnd Med X A, tinei, few articles of Paint and Hatters niafci ial Twenty.five.DoIlars hewardTT:1 J T) TNAWAY from Ab Subscriber --.on me luuunst anmltitlofelltiw..- amiui or yitvs rt fttre. t,v Um, ILtV' ' I - HUVUfS h'fl'.-tmn.m,id4 with a sc: H ' fJ one..uleof his hcact guanwd yWiJL, "ifUi by trad. Should h,Mton.it I expec he,Will be emleavotii' that I ine. to, pass aiafrte man. wbifh in'all- ;mIeavotiriiMr trt va, .m-hin. mnri i.. Any pet-ion' f h6 will tecore him jikjail 'dtai ' t Hatters materials ii..r- i . ? V rcVHlP swwt rewardfttnd ir r ' brougW me shall have all reWHe x pence, nail: f , . - Franklin founty, 20tt' Maytt?n -'2 25.3t.T' . ' " t ; ;' T .TWO BARRFi.S nu .v-v . . a' jlj . I ? t --r--' , - t i . , l - ti.iLr i':''sc uisrrj ine auove twice in.-their respective I ms pmiitaU'ju. l . ' . ' . ' -.,t i, - f ' k"u ',-- f -i- V ' TARBOJtOCfiM inTi l s-n ' '.V -. ,t ! -.r.TAWfab; .-'