.4 1 . : ; JX. JLdL. ll J ... . v lO L'JL ALi ;vJ o- .-.; 1 ... PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY, TJIOMJS JlA'DSRSOJo.(?MSTitL TO TltE STATE,) lTETTEVXLtC STREET. OPPOSITE ,TltE STONE FOUNTAIN.' V : Vol. IV. No. 29. RALEIGH,rFRlD AY JULY, X7 1812., i - - : " ' Threc Dolls, per annu'ra. V' V One lluisdred Dollars Rcwrd.' .1. .. 1 ;.' Strayed or-StoIen, , .A ', w .,' ; , . "V N the night of Uic 29th of Msy '. :. t i- 1812, from the subscribe, a ; , Vy" " J likely Bay MORSE, about five feet ' . it ) high, has lost jhe sight of one eye, " ' h f- : tlie WlHf which fs not dufirured ' I ' -1 Up txecpt by ft maS white spot in th on hm wctitheiK & mull wluveplac oc.vsiond by the col- br, tndbu brenbad'.j touuWel. which mxy b ditco vercd by Um rigt on W hoofs. When aid.. Iiorite wmt wy lie hd on inU Bell, and tm shod bclbre. Any pfCA Tecarin; th'i.tld hone, and ginp mo Informa tion mi that I get him ajaia ahall be cll rewarded for their trouble. . fc ' .f" -..-w , . . JJIKKIN BKOOM. Chailiam County, Rocky ," 'w' 23-Stpd. - J . , R.ver.Julyl, mi J" ; , r 4 , AHiiltof Creditor I S , -;" s AU VEUTISEMENT. V Ti Y irtu f poorer westnd in tha Ezecuton of berard 4 - 'J o 'JLJ Banks, deceated. by th4 Will providine for the ba- VVilLbeSoia v- ' f T the highest bidder on Saturday the 8th day of August '4 i jneit, at Averasborough, Seven rery iikc!y youngf Negtoea (fix.) Tvpi Biaciuuuinatvt oJier young Fellows, a ' $ Biy and two Gu-la a Fcxir V4xel C&rnag and Harness, ' v. ft pair of large k Ware . Hoil Scales 'sn Weights, nd ' f torn Tools.- Sin tuonths credit will be ffiren, tlte pbr. .. chasers givinjr notes ft-ith approved Stcuiity. ; v Abo at pmateSalc 7tf0 acre fg-ooil WbeatbrConi' ' l ' Land lyingsa Y" ate County , JO miles South of Haleigh, on the Stage vKoadL Any person ryhthtng to purchase , tlus Land may know tlie tenas by applying to Mr, WU , liam Smith, at Mrs. Bahks'g, or to the Evecutor at Ae. v-. . rasbonnigh. The land will lie divided in small lots to auitt)iuxhairif reauired.' ' . a.; . ' t : . .. A "-AToraaboi-ou.H, July 3, 312. JON. 8MITII, Ejcesutor Tca Shillings Reward. 'uS "I , t, . , ' J . , . . i v(v jJ IT) UNAWAVon tl'e ?th Inst- an apprentice hoy named V . XV AMD'S RILY ( he is eighteen years and seven months ,.. )" ! of are, about five feet ten incites high, and Was bound to ?!;'iith hatter trade." I Will five the above reward often j' " lUillinra to any person that will deliver him at itny house ''('(' in Hawaii Count v. near LeKinitofi. N. C .' -, " f JIENUt RATS. une22.1813. 23-tp. -oil B hni ' '. i ' n i One Hundred Dollars Reward. GENERAL dRDERS. 30 if ievfrnl Rifiment nmfatrng th Seventh and Ele- BrigXHl, m tht t'turth Divituh, f the Militia .vrin-Larttma. t . ""Orj are ordered to assemble for the ioae of being 1 Reviewed, bo the days and at the place herein ex. ' ' SEVENTH BRIGADE Iredell Reriment. at SutesvUlo, oo Monday 7th day of aepicntoer next. . . - liowan Third Beriroent, at their Regimental Mutter Ground, Tuesday 8th. September next. Do. fourth Regiment, at their Muster Ground, Thurs day 10th September next - Do. 8ccond Item men t. at their Muster Ground. Friday 1 11th September next, ' - - 4 I. 1. 'itKeeimenU at v Salisbury. Monday lithSeo. The Retftment of Cavalry attached to the 7th Brifrade. I at Salisbury ftlonday 14th Septetr.htt next. , ELEVEN TtUBRlGAUB. . Monlffomerr Reiriment- at llr.nderkon.' 'Wednecduv. ! iou r-tcmoer next . .j;-. -. . ! Cabarrus Regiiflent, at Concord, Friday, 1 8th Septem ber next. - . ' 1 The Resrintent of Cavalry, attached to thcllth Brigade atConcoi d, Friday 18th September next. ' i Mecklenburg. Second Rejdmbnt, atf their fluster Ground, Tuesday 22nd September next. " r . Ho., first Regiment, at Charlotte", Friday 25th Septem ber next- (.; ' 1 ' i I The Dngadier Gene; to attend the 3evie' throurh their redoective commands. t Tlie Cnmmandantaoftteriinent, will cause the Mus- ter Riills of the respective Companies to be. called on the Regiuienta; Parade, precisely a 13 o'cloclt v, K , - GEO. GRAHAM, Maj. Gen. itK dhitioil A. C. Mb tut. Mti July, 1812. A. "I T AN A WAY frm the ubcn&er JLVontlieottjday ot March last, a mulatto man by toe name of JACK, ' well buih, about five feet five or six ' Inches high, 28 years of age, a tolera? fcle shoe tjtftker, and lias been much ; in Ue habit of driving a wapgon r- Hi h vt 3 Kir nn his furehcad. and a part of one of his upper foreteeth is broken off, one of (us wrists broke ahd crooked, knd his r'nrht lee pretty touch shot with r . Small hot-which wdlsiicw very phiiuljf. HeJha hen een on his way making fof the Western Coantry, and passes aa a d ee man by the name of John ReviH( hjrvjng 7 , obtained a pass froni a olack free man of that name, which y was wnueu ana signeu ty jonn inyiur iin i mt County Court of Orange, (State of North-Caroluia JAny v person who will deliver he aforesaid mulatto man to the k Subscriber at Hillaborough lit the aute afore iid, shall . receive, the above raw&i-d, and all reasonable charts puui from the tinw of hit being taken until delivered. 1 k . ' k- - LE1 WHIT1 Ell S. The Subscriber was' somewhat mistaken before ;. in a part of the description given of this fellow, that Ik withv respect to his tieieht. , L. W. " ! O" The Editor bflhe paper at Knoxville, is hereby re-J . .. .. j. J .. : ; 51. .: J n . tucsicu lu give nils auvei usctueni n nintnmn iii iun jjh- per and ,eontinue4lie same about 6 weeks, for which he ' will he good enough to forward his account to the ub- acriber living at Hillsborough, and the iDuney,hall be duly foraajded. t? . ' j V v ' ' , . ' sW 4' L WI1ITTED. NOTICE. ' . n v j.-, rT?HE Minister belonging- to the Orange Presbytery, 1. M fM .!. iiilimH ltuilhn Pj.tnf.l ItU)rAnrlrp V '. !''V y ..ty MJ,W . v". -. eed by them to the 'Churches under their, care, is now . v rprinted and ready for distribution at thear-Omce The s i. ) divideud to ach Minister Will be about Jt copies. ';. ,-1 RAkttOH, July 6, 1812. PKATICE OF PHYSIC. v ..; TT AVIVG; iecome a resident of Raleigh, I now offer 'iXJL iuy I'lofc&wonal services t-ftC Snbabitiints of the '-?" town And it" vicinity.'' Reguliuly bred .to, the Vractice of ."t Physic and Suj'gery ; and iavjmg, for .tbe last, two year, betn engaged i an exteniwe business ia the lower part of lh Stale, Willi aiPhysician of great respectability and rmmeiice, 1 feel loss hcsifaiinn in offering to co-opt rate ' with the medical gentlemen of the place, ia removing and counteracting the effects of Disease. All application to ,. 'me are ttqucsted to be matls -tor the present, at Mr.'J. 3 Marshall's on Fayetteville i. t- ' ' v . v - A. S, II. v v - July 9ih, 1812. NOTICE. THE Director of the State fiank of Worth -Carolina have resolved to reetaBANKl!rGHOU9R,inthe city of Kaieigh, the foundation whereof to be of Rock, the walls of Urick, and the roof probably of Slate or other fire -proof material The dimensions will be S3 feet by S3 feet 3 inchee, two stories high, with a fortieo in front I he undersigned peutg a committee to contract for the materials and for the building rf the said House, do here by give notice that they will receive proposal for furnish ing the several materials and for the workmanship, or for the house complete. The, plan of the building; tore. Uher with bill of the requisite materials will he shown by the committee to any person desirous ot ottering terms. It ls.ooittmolated bvthe Directors to have the bricks made in the course of the present season, s that they may t dc iaiu eariy in iue envume spring.- , , . Wft. POLK, ' H.' POTTER, Wm; SHAW, , Wm. PEACE, i THEO. HUNTER, 26-tf. V Raleigh, Jane .4, 18l2.v " To baddlers, Boot and Shoe-Makers'. , L. BREWER & F. FAIRLAMB's LEATHER-STORE, , OLD STKfET Pbtkenbcro. WHERE Saddlers, Boot and Shoemakers may he supplied on the most reasona ble terms with Soal, ,Skirting,ilamess and Uridle laOier Grain and Wax Ualf Stins j Doot-Lejjs, Wax and Grain j Taps and Top Skins, Wax and Grain j Upper Negro Leather s Bellows Leather ; Roun and lining Hides ; Hoi? and Sheep Skins ; Tanner's Oil ; Waggon anc Chaise Collars. Their stock consist entirely of the best Northern Leather. Couuir genUerncn will hudit to their interest to call. Orders punctually attended to. June 20, 1812. 26-6mp. Fifty Dollars Reward. NOTICE. ' TITE the Subscribers beinir authorised to sell at pri- , V - vat, 84c the Land and Plantation wherepn kd v ward Tila,"furmerly , lived ir Edgecomb conntyi N. C' ;' Jytng on the puhuc' road leading from Raleigh to" ilrboro, ; v Mutainiiur- $9 acri's with a convenient dwelling House, ; ' and other out Houses, and a' handsome young Orchard, ' .'; - WC tlierefore tnki; tliis . juclhod bf making it known, tliat y; jwe will tell the said laud and premises low for Cash vr' :aoungjiiegroes, r a cwwt' for thCs greatest part ortne . 0 purclrase.'by'jgiving bond and approved security. Those, L.u .1. "...k .... . .ji.i.... i.J. .-.ll .ki...i.i.. I ,5 .; -. r Co themselves no injury by nvaRlngTiipplicattun to.' , . ' S ' A - - AARO.V PUOCTOR' r, Cntmtv, Srd July, 1fil 1 .. V?" L ' '. y rr- For Sale aOljs Srxk Sjonz, OV the 7th day of Aprrl lat, my Negro Fellow NED, beintr at work, in (he . Great Dismal wamp with 8ve' ral other Negroes, started to look for timber, and haying travelled faster th art any other of tlie company disappear. ert and has not been heard ot since, and luJect has eiop. ed from met said Negro is about 21 or 5 years old, about 5 feet 3 or 9 inches high ; of a datk complexion, of a nleasmo- and submissive countenance, apt to smile when spoken t ; hi,sclolhes are not recollected, as he has' tor some year been Jftired out in the uounty ot NOrtoiK his father Jives somewhere in Pasquotank or; Perquimona Counties', in N. Cuhilina i Si he has an uncle who has been runaway for some tiifif.-The above reward (arid all res. sonablc expeiices paid) will be given to miy person, either white or biack, who will give such information, deliver him, to me or secure him til an Jail so that get him again. , , HORATIO BUTT. 'Uleof Wight, Vi' May 22d, 1312. 24--3m. State of North-Carolina, - ') lECKt,ENBtJRQ COUNTV " Superior Court of Law, Msy Terra. 1811 ' . , A, d s, ; -2' ... r- r. ....... . . William Davidson, v OHtrmal Macnmeni, levied mow Andrew T Davison,J theprjptrtfof tl defendatti. i ORDERED by 'OW Ui'at Andre wTriiaidsdn," the dufdnclwit in this cause, who now resides without the limis'of this State, 'appear at the next Superior-Court of law, lor the Cmmty aforesaid, to be held on the sixth Mon day af ter the fourt.hr Monday in Seputber next (k replevy r tiulirmeitt wiU he rntcrt-d ud sralnst him.. Ordered. that publication hereof be made three months successively in the Raleigh Star., . " ' . Tit ' i sr a EAGLE iib.TELV charls PARrsity .A:" INFORM his Friends and the Public that h?a Tavern " now open for the, reception of Traveller and Boar der in the new Three Story Brick-House, north of the State-Mouse and fronting Union Square The house is the Stables are equal to any. f Foe a Well supplied Table, Cellar. Ronma. Itpi). Arrui4nM i t. it t m;nil that this Tavern shall excel any to the 8outheru Statea -J. Uj- u. An icr nocsa ana HaTUtaa tooMt wiU heconstructed by the ntason. ; ' v 5 ,K J, .-JSSsn m.aasasssakaM it AW W Y from Iht BuWi. - THE SUBSCRIBER lfCE mow lw?gt leave to flfer to the proprieton f -wmim turn iiry (iivcuvcta, --- a , " ; INKS AI"f D" QUDQEONS. " t ' Relying wholly on their own intrinsic worth, which ha been fairly demonstrated by jexperinieut, itisiuuifccessa ry to fill a column of this paper with ' comnieiidation.. SufBce it to say, that one Set of these Inks and Gudgeons wiri last a long as fen acts of those in common use and by calculation it will ba found, that in seven year a sav ing of tixty dollar will be, produced to the owner" of mill Tis also Worthy of remark, that & Wheel working on these Gudgeons will require less water than those of common roiutruction ( an& when so worn as to be render ed useless, they will then be worth one third of the ori ginal cost He would add that these Inks and Gudgeons, are warrx-vV-d to possess all the qualities ascribed to them Owners of Mills will therefore do well to avail them telverwf the opportunity of so valuable an acquisition, ' He will furaUh Boxes for Saw Mills, or any other kind oC Machinery at the shortest notice. Persons applying, must furnish tjje patterns. The prices ' of Boxes from 10 to 50 weight, Will be 75 cent .per pound. Those' that are under tea pounds, will be propunionably higher ac cording to the nature of the oastirig-, t ' lie would also beg leave to, inform those who may ft tan 1 in need of-. '',- -v" -. -" ' ;-r , ELASTIC TRUSSES, ;; ... That he continues to make them of any tixe or descrip tion that may be reqpired. Tlw utility of these Trusses is too generally Known to neea txpiariautm. - 1 ney are worn without pawnor inconvenience,' and are warranted to give relief to any person- In many instances their use have affected a cure. Persons in want af this article would be best fitted by attending in person 1 but in cases where this is not practicable, it will be necessary to send a measure of t)ie waist, saying whether for the righfT.r left .side, and mentioning the habit of the btidy, 'if fleshy or lean- The prices are as follows :A Sinek Trun, plain & stwrng, for a coloured person, g 6: A Ihnble Trust, g 8i and their board found them sru Wide attending. Those tor, white persons wilt be furnished at any price orderedj , The usual rates are, for single, from g 8 to 10 Double Trusses, at a proportionate advance. Children's, liulf price. In all cases where Orders are sent, 'tis expected the money will accompany them. v . , He likewise continues to carry on the GUN SMITH'S BUSINESS, 4J In all its vawous branches, and having at this time a good supply of necessary materials, lie may venture to assure his friends that orders will be executed with all possible dispatch. His ability as 87 workman, he flatters himself needs no other evidence than the work itself. JAIL LOCKS, Of any dimensions of a superiour jnafrty,wilt be furnish ed on reasonable terhis, and at the .shortest possible no tic. - i .v A liberal price will be given in cash, for Old Copper. Orders for any thing in the above lines of business, will be thankfully received, and faithfully attended to, by ap plicationat his SHOP, in Raleigh, pear the PostOfiice. He would now beg leave totender his sincere acknow ledgemehts to a generous public for past favours; and piodges himself that his time and little talent, i not de voted to uncertain speculation or the acquirements of fame i but sincerely with the hope of rendering himself useful to Society. . v.", ' . -.: ' 'A PANIEL PECK. -KKfAuTtoth, ISIS. "' Vf 25 eot3in; J " fellow naied J VCOB, uliut YElM LOW JACOB. Hei a talllust U mulatto, about six feet ! '.gh,' and about 21 rSZrarsrd, he walk remarkably .t-!"i.,ht ataw- Las unrijiuniouif L.rre fct. which he turn out in walking he 5V-.s . r ; . very quick, and to a person ifW- v . eustomed to hear hint talk, almost unintelligible, he has . 1 rather a mild inaneusive coantcasnce, and a maimer well ' calculated for any species of deeeptkisv To desribe- him I ' ' by hit dress would be impossible, as he carried off ae. vers! articles of vVuiing d different colour. He hai ( been heard tt 4a his way to Murfrcesborougha and Ma. . ry's Neck, In. rtford co-wry, where he Wa ndaecaiHl where heAas several relation, and, nodoubr, rfrjiy wetf. disposed to conceal him. His father named Abratn, ' live as a husband with a frM woman in Northampton enun;'' ' ty, who Lireshia time of Mr. Tigarea; estate" of llerTIjidj: . and he has a brother named Moaea, who Trow be)argt to Mr. Underbill at Horniblvw's Point, a t 'W miles below.K. , dtotoKi Ht hu patiied for Major PakVa Jim, which ham he, probably, for some time, particularly where not kn awn, mav wish to retain. ' fie has baaa heard by th Overseer " to thro out some hint that AtC should be" ie, sad t h at he saw no reason why the. veat ot ni nrow snou a ott ; expeaded in supporting the extravagance and ld!ertas kS any man 1 or som words to that ftect This pi in'ciple, -I am informed, he wished to impiass sprat the mind of , tty UerNegrea ian4ldouHot'Willattenipttodoths) , , apie, wherever h , go- Jt therefore, ben not only ; . , tht duty-but, tha interest of every person, posetd of , f slsK IMirtrisiwW sksrkTtsw.Viasrf4 stiirK lallir ahfl tV.sT'T VkfV ' il srssMa ivsvjs fcw at r r avja vwai - j r W est the progress of such 4angeroi rineiples.N ' "I will g iva Ten Dollars to a: j pison,7wno will ap n prchend uim andTodge! a in the Jail of Jthe ounty where taken, and the above reward of g lOO.tOanyper f on, who will d scovep and give evidence against any per- ? j soii or persons, who may harbour conceal or tmploy sai4 5." Negroe, so that he, she or they, so hurboi . , Sic- be le- , gaily convicted of the same- ' " , - . ; JA1IES-H. EETSCv 1 Warren county, May 24.!i, 1813. '24 4eot - ..., il t MITT WPIflHTQ ' a .11 WUh T AVaA V . . TPHE nndersiKistd intends to'have two Saw-Mdli, a Grist A -x, Milr and a Futl'mg-Mill built. ' OmTSsw-Mill and th ' Grist-Mill are to b at the same dam -The other Saw. -1 . Mill and Fulling Mill at difTerent places' The Millsare . to be erected in Warren ai id Granville counties, and not f -more than seven miles distant from eaclj other.. Any pen. ' - -son who ia well acauainted with building; the above kind roe at Pleasant Hill, Warrea Gounty, where l.abalt be, . ready to make a contract.. ' ' ' . - .If l- -y.m t I pni IIAWKtSS. 7 ' Jane 20.1812.. ff ' - TtC'P 1 I i TO UNDERTAKERS. XXril 'bedet to the lowest bidder in the Town of v T Greensborough:, Guilford county, on Friday 21st of August next, (being Court Week.) The Building a Jail for the county It will be an undertaking of considerable magniuide, Well worth the attention of Workmen,. The terms of pay will be made known on the day. Bond witft approved security for the faithful performance of the con tract wlU be required by ' . ' . DANIEL GILLASPlli, JAME3-MILL19, ) . JAMES PARSONS, " . A. GEREN, , " NATHAN A RMFTETDtJ 'Greensborough, Guilford, June 10th, ,813 Ill Ten Dollars Reward.- -' ' v I RUNAWAY on the 60 6f AprirUsi.V -y named Aa ron, who is in the habit of-eallin? 1. . rami. Frede rick i he Is se vent cert years ;of sge, aboat .Ave feet hih, has large xye with a bad look,' arid rsalwr incmeii to be bow4eged, he will probably change hi name and en- deavoujf to pass ror a free boy. I will g're the above reward of g Id to any person that will secure hint in any Jail so that I get him again, and if delivered at my .house ia Warren will pay aflj reasonable expencest - j . v MICAJAH T-BAWKIN'S, V, Warren County, N.C. June 6th 18 12. . Uf. - "i iii... 1. .' . it': i- iuw, nil. 11 hi i..Y...' ft NOTICE;; S 'THE Subscriber having qualified Executor of Na-" jt 1 thaniol Whitehead, dee late a resident of tlie Coun- ' jl ty of ab at November Term of Nash, County Court of;' ' ' f Pleas and Quarter Session. Notice is therefore given, " p to tlioie indebted trhe said deceased, that unless they '- make immediate payment, necessity will compel the Lx.; ' -ecutor, to have recourse to measures, at unpleasant 14 ', rumwlf si they will be disagreeable to others,, .. , t : Those having claims against the said deceased, will., present them properly authenticated Within tlie lime.1- ; limited by Law, otheise this notice wilj be plead a,' . ; - I bar of tlieir recovery. : . . . v . J'.'w' ' V ARTHUR WHITfUEAD V, , - , May 28th, 1812. 4 - i.- 23. ' ; - ! -i. i.n. mm- COW'S. -' 4Brckeom the Goal ' "ft i OP Tyrrell county, pn vhe 28th of May, ADKlNS MASSEY, wh was indicted for An" assault and an attempt to .murder (lis wife. He is about 4earB,pld, black hatr. bliiA vn. nii a down'lnnlr. 'tVhnva-:iirill t ike up, said Massey, and deliver him to fee at the Co'tirt hoase in Tyrrell county, shall be rewarded but i isim- possible tor uie to say what the reward will .be atJijis tinruwt .' v, 1 ,.'tj .' - J1 JESSE ALEXANDER.' Sheriff' i June' 2nd. 1312; oTntvpn FROM the Subscriber; near Ru therfbrd Court HoUke, a black , - HUKsE lour" yearsold, fourteen r . , hands high,' a small, snip and atar ' iUn his face.' . I will givera reasonable -") - itewara to any person giving imS lirr informaliun so that 1 get kim again. ') - v kiiu uy an cxpences, ,. , .,. . , ' " tt. J. STEELE? I Richmond Coqnty Juiie 25, 1812. -'t " 27-t -- r ' II I n , Vl I! I 11 I " ,1V, ' ,! notice.;.-; fN Saturday the 14th inst myself and family bring all '! V from home, some person broke open niy door & stole ' ''Ai a r-ocaei book; containimr tour-notes txvouted to sne, ' ' two by Ithamar Hunt, one for one hnndred Uom4, dated '' 18ih u.u ism .J...,:. : ,i.. i , ' f . i 1 IT-'y uiwmj5 tuicj-vei turec uaya alter Matt and tht 'other' datedkst Mareh for g 44, 45 centi, beai : j nig interest one day sfterdste. Two uotu on Jesse Evens," ' f , both given to me pn the IGth Sepu 1811, one- to be -due . i twelve months after date.aiid the other due; two years after - dale, each noto ealling, for twenty dollai-s, , hereby for-, ;' wai-n au persons trora tradinfr for the above notes, ' ,1 RICHA.RD STANLEY vutyvra M)ury, June 15, J812, s. rtv' L.AND FOR;SALE. , 0 1 --"'vwu5r,iiSciivji- nr.oei aane, oners lor saio , : tha following Tracts of land lyijig in Wiike" county i ' One Jriat of 320 acres adjoining the lands of TheopMtua. ' . : . Hunter and oUiersi One other Trsctef 500 acres, adjoin ing the landsofsirs. Sweeter and others JnebtherTfact ,' oT32a acres adioining the lands itf Edward Pride and '- olherti. j ;. ''-t ( ' 't. AU of tlie above lands are Woodlands! the first Tract about 3 miles, the 9d about -5 miles,: and the 3d about 8 "i '" miles fcom the tcity of Raleigh:. ,'.-.'' ' ; ."- Tor Term apply to the subscriber pearRaJeigV.' ' ". y-'i , -V ' -.' '. ALLEN W. tSJJX-HBISt.-l- . if. ,'-t r ,

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