v. T II 3 HP A "P H ,1 0 ' ir ' - ; 4. . - : .r . - j' , ..; .. PUBLISHED .WEEKLY. BY. TltQAUS IWWSRSoM Si'fjfJPRlNTE& TO THE STATE) FAYEXTEVILLE STREET, OPPOSITE THE STONE FOUNTAIN t . V RALEIGIIY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1812. - ' VcL IV. No. 45. Three Dolls, per annum. .V ,..! . ' 4 4 is?..-1 Thirty Dollars Reward - v ' v, .--"rivt-' ' " LOST on the. 5'.h Instant at the Court-House in Wayne conniv. an old Red Morocco POCKET-BOOK, ooa tsininK S n csh' among which ni two R 50 notes oo ih Bar.Ys of Nrwbera and Cape-Fear. There wu also Tntxe drawn by B. J. Powell iortbe turn of . 150 ami mi. J other sta-H notes, drawn by myself, which had been Jd P and taken in 1 hereby forwam all persons from tradini for said note, ami also forwam the said Powell fccm vyilC BOte C lrira b7 bmi) w "V tra than myself. ' ' : ' , V ' ' J' 1 .Sow reward hall be psalto any person vbo wilt rdturn theWidCasba KoUS to the subscriber, and rq . - . " ABBAIUM PARISH, .tnoir county. Oct 30,18Uf - 3t44 t ( ATTENTION ! s-r-rrnRE Gentlemen bAlaleiirh and its Vicinity, who JL subscribed to my Military i'chpot, and have not paid, will please call on Mr. JosiaU pitliard andtpake payment, he beiue authoriser'. L settle my business in Wake. ' Those in other parts- of the state who are Indebted to .me will please take the bint, and pay their arrearages. : I wish to give notice that 1 shall attend at Chapel Uul on the 13tb of November. v ' ? . r ' .' ' . the 13Uf ' October 24, 1812. mi f ARCH'D. iMUBPHEX.- 2t4t ; Bank of Capc;Fear, . , :T ' Ocfoicr tfl,1 1812." rjp irE Board of Director takinr into cons'uluration the "JL heavy pecuniary presiuTOuuurwuiVM w v"" tr!..f ips.nt liihor.- ' w ' v.',1''- I j'- . Th'st until the 23d day of January next. all Loans made on accommodation will be renewed in full, uiikss the exigencies of tho Uatikinthe men time shall wilder it meipedient. Puhlislied by orAer cf the Uircctors, V iwaihtojtton, 16th Oct. 1812. ?: V 2iU -' . V.VAS ..COMMITTED;;; TO tfce Jail of Chatham County. N. Caroluia, cn Thurs a .w the 8th instant.-a Neffro man who says his name s ABAHM, and belongs to Doctor Callens, a half In dian, who lives amor:; the Urecks on tue Alabama ;ver VTILUSCUKLOCK. fitUliorough, 12ih Oct 1812. 3tfrt i - 'WILL BE SOLD ; ' . 4 lAa ConrfJIoutgi'athe City a IlaUigh lVak CvuntUi TUB fdlowuiff LOTS lb said City, oe much thereof will be Sufficient t satisfy the City -TaXcs, due . vb-reou t the present year (ltJ12) togethw with Uie.costs, fcc.fio wit.) ."ii-'.i ',!' n a--.' ' V , umi.ewr.'S 9 10 54 55 56 53 12ft' 12 1 .136,137 185 2U Sir i 233 2U 25 260 26i; v .. : ; t; OATip Buni, collector j State of North-Carolina, , EDt.ECO.MCE COUSTT, Court of Plea and. Quarter Seaaieoa, AugMrt Term 1812. Onjinal Attachment , I Return " JJvied m a tract V nf Land mhtimnr JNchard I Dradinf, Ctrdy tunt ami J Utr. IT appearins; to the satisfaction of the Court that Tho mas Price, tlie defendant, is not a resident of Uua. sWe it it luriar Onferni Tat publication of Uiia suit be made in the Raleigh Star, fur six weeks, successively for the. defendant to appear at our next Court to be held a the Court-Ilonse in Tarboroufrh, on the fourth Monday of No vember next and replevy the property levied upon, or judgment will be entered up afrainst him, ' - . et.'" Teat , KU lll H AUC. C. Edmund IX ftlacnair, . .Thomu Price. E4GLE'HOJELV; CHARLES PARISH S Sl.-. INFORMa his Fr'nmds and the PuWc that Lis Tavern la now open for th reception of Tfatellers and Doar dcrsTsvpic new liree Story Brick-House, ninth of the 8tutw-Hous tmd frUntinjr Union Square.- Thehou$e is spacious, cproplctely, tjmslicd, anil wpllXurnished t and the Stables are equa to any,. For 4 well supplied Table, (served fmin a neat aad cleunly Kitchen,) luxuries of the Cellar, "Rooms, Beds, Attendance, &'c, 8wU it is determined th&t this Tavern shall expel any in the Southern States, Jtuleig, Julg lf 1812. Just Published, ' BY THE PRISTER UEttQE ; The Star: Almdnd ck9 ' - -' .if THE Astronomical Calculations (adapted to tlus, Mere yGai an4 Ltiuid)re by Uia celebrated. Mr Sharp of2?c.jr-Jersey s The Miscellaneous selections have been made witlfe are and will generally interest and please i a monar these1 a very valuable one is the Klemenlaof the new SyHeof?lilitaryripUne.rWH7wrti..tth urdr. preawt enms, to every dasa of pur miUtla. . As a very larye joV ' - edithm has been printA. tlte publisher will be.ablcto d,f- To Saddlers, Boot and Shoe.Makrjn. : L. BREWER k FAIRLAMBi, r LEATHER-STORE,' ; : OLP STREET PTtJnBtr. ; WHEUB Saddlers Boot ami Shoe-Makers way fl upiilied on the most reaaonabl terns vith Saulf Skirlinp, Harness and Bridl Leather Grain ami TnJi Calf Skins Uoot-Len, Wax and Grain i Taps ami Tcp Skins, Wax and Grain i Upper Jkegro Leatueri Leiiows Leather i Sough and Linioe; Hides j Ho?andSherpfki Taners Oil i Waejjon and Chaise Collars. - Tht.r st consuts entirely of the nest Nortnero. Leaner. jrenitemen wUl nad it to yicu interest to eau. nsi lock .try J5-6trp. fuse thepa more widely than in former vears. Messrs. lien- ry Branson of Kayettevilje. Alexander Graham of Salisbury. Salmon Hall of Ncwbem and Daniel Redmond Cf Tarboro', wUi soon have large suj)ilies sent them, to whom and at the tar Urtice MerelvanH ant others ill please; to apply.- ' -XT KV VOV & BRAME liav'mir rommlltiKt ta ntv care tlia X. $uperintmditnce of their Workmen, next door above Mtssrs. Ilayvood aiKlCookV Store on Fayettevillp Stiwt, expect to have made by the meeting of the General 4scmr bly, one Jiundred pair of fashionable BOOTS, executetl iq a fuithful manner, which v ill be sold onTcry reasonable terras fur Csu.J'",:-f u ' ' -V ' v ' ' ' fJOHN UOLUWAY. ? ,CLANP;FOR SALE. ; ; : tf .-"'"-' ; f . t . ' '- A VALUABLE Tract of Land, contaln'm,; aboiit Sftm nuudred acres, lyinjr four miles, south- it of r.uU.i,-lv is offered for sale There is a tolerable plantaticn, wifl good orchards and houses the Itd is well watered, hsv utr several excellent springs and, is well adapted r Uie OuUitUiion o corn, wheat, oats &c. deem it. tinriects sary to enter into a lengthy .description as it is prtisumed that no person will purchase withoutan examination of tlic premises 1 wdl tike two or three likely jounjj negroes taps payment-,':; ' II-'' ' v;. l -v Wake County, October 9, 1312.. - - . 41 t 'yafcft;A,Septl81l5i': S8'.f.- ' ii .THOMAS MITCHEL, -; . ptirehased the Houses on PayetteviUc'Strfrt, XA opposilo Mrs. Casso's, lately otcup.ed by Mr. Uob't CahnoHv-iufornt hia. fticnd iiui the ptt'iUo- penci-ally, that he intends keepinir a House Of ENTEUlAlNEN V for travellers and pt he1 rs who $uay tliinS; proper 1.0 call ou hinv Ue wiil be prepared to receive Boarders dit wtr the setting of the nest Central Assembly, and hopes by kee- j tng genteel and orderly House; to meet wnii liberal pa-tronajre-'" 4, "' Vf RalsicBi UctrlberSlli, 1S12. wV.acpine, Iiaati,tution LfOtiqry t ' SECOND CLASS. 1 rdiet of v 3 20 " 2J v ', 4'W1 2JJ'J 4- ' .J ' " S 20,000 5.X3 100 are 0' 10 g 80,000 ' a5,0OO ' 40.W0 . 2,000 . 1,000 8,000 T 20,000 (Tj 1TB.!ah Tcav-ifoesx and Bathing Booms wUi be constructed, byilifc'nex Sfasoi.. V i '' " I'"-' V-'i"". ' .' '" ".-" ." a State Bank of, North-CarolinaT ' ' . f ;r:.,!if fw ii " ' ' A CREEABLY to the seeonTl section of the Act incor. AJt poi-ating the State Bank ol North Carolina, an Kl e tios of nineteen, Directors of tlie Principal 1) ank shall uke place aritmi.lly an the tirst Monday In rxcemV , 'The Stockholders of the sa.tjl Banlt are therefore called upon to hokl Said Election and to attend to such other -business In rtlation to the eheral intcresta of the insti. tutton as mav be luiltrettnecfstary. on Mondav the 7th ot hwr.t h u m i,k hnajunea olt witn ntm auout December next, si S c'clpvA: in the tnorntntf, at the Acade- dred duUan wiiicht"lJad received farwork--; Should be my Twenty . i Dollars Reward. - 4 RA SAW AY fi-om tli u!:serilcr a few day'patanejro ieliow by -vthenameof DICK, about forty years f age, tate and well maiir, ana c ry black i he is a Well-Digger and li teller by trade and ha followed no thutf else fur ten year back he has a Puss from me to ttnueitatte worx um ,reetiv tler nionty, has lately at 'oi in tauu.io 0 iiortuaTOuaa, wmeu aiaw Ht " 'v'- ',,4 ' t October 23, 1813 3t44, ofth City Taxes. 1 10,457 Triies? Co" 2fot tw blanks ta s) ' ' g 200,000 1 10.543 HlaiiksJ r . . fnifj. : ' . f 30,000 Tickets ; VT w g 200,000 -Tlus; Grand Lottery Is now Drawings j.j i ; X : . I Jtnivi& iH ail proiabiiity befiiuthed Ug befvr ny tiher LbU . '- ... -.. ' r- v i terytn JSaltimore. f ,. : , '' CC7 ;T,he manarefis having lon ince, sold wit'iftl ihe.t Jlicivd, have cash yundauf "naHD to pay1" oft" all the't v-W Prizes. Fortunate atlventurera hare therefore nollnnr . to fcarl tucy will not be kept out f their moaey one hour : ' elv been y any excuse whatever. If wanted the cash may be ob " ,..L tttined as'looa as drawn, " But l-tpwit -t .r"j wcS- TAKE NOTICE. ' vuuuma jtvt nuiutreif rick?t pave already been . ' State Bank of North-Catolina,rve . . '-v'- v;. -M-RALSKVTth October 18!3. tiRRAIliE , to aReiution of Ihia Board of thtii Tth ; : XV instant, the Kegulation of Uie 18th ot August rtquir. . Int the pav rnimt of one sixth of Notes on renewal, is now i N rescinded and Notes will be rent-wed at the r'vincipal Buok , t and its Bnnches as formerly, wdess tie exigencies of the . . ..... . .. .I'll.. . .nas . m.imalil. uri 1 1 . i " aawi surU requti'e a aiireiiieviuaj fj"w xenewed in Jlewbern,, vPe"J' ear r sniuuai vwiw";, l 4 ,r By order of the Botird, -.v-;!'. '2t4t, s r Wm H-11 AYWW w, a.asie. muiamff m ute wuy ot UajcigU. ',.4S y- . r I be apprcheudo;!, I wa Uie money taKea trout aim, ana no t m" '"r , 7 - ..v. v. . wiiua, ornrj-.j .Such Stockholders as do not attcml the Election tf per to employ him Jurther under Uie pass he has; "7 ""uw yn.fwnain in me wbcvr ..5. Directors personally, will attthome ProMes In the form -' . JiKXJJiMLYlJiirJS, . . wucmuiw Mw ww pt, r UrctoforcfuescibedvV:.- ., - .r . C firuntoW; Viriln'ii ScptW, 181?. I2w42 Jyl ,R1VJ' :3 3J'- Xatish October 22,812: ' ' ' Y-43 0 "J ' SHERlFf VSALESi ervl- ;TWftPliI?fti)P ; ' : : c .s ,.;;v"H S'.OOO-- t,v- i0O0O-5si--',-- rrLLWu it the eoUbous . wasicS, u , B&xot&tertamnmt adjoin the State AiiMtgttar, y .ady m(mey, uiefoilowirt Tracts or pvcciea of Land, 'v l', -te"f &&ui&e, X ; i KSPEfjI'FULLYinfortns his 1'ricnds; and Tvarticulan- idv hionev. or so" much thereof u shall beF auilictent. value to pay J Until the nex or 14th. day's, dr awing. Ticketslay 'ti I j-.iy tne meinpera ot uie ensuing uenei-ai nawinuiy,uiai I the tax due tliercoi for tlus years tOiU ttiiaxo .l.wiu coaioi o "JH'-j" -.jr. m nut t-w oU1j. v v. V l be has tniute Msvsj4mbt;s4diamfl ta Us .DaUdins;, ut4 1 adyenisinp;, ix, .' V' ' ..Amdatiara " ' . '' "'xiJSv luMdi Limsett w reatuncs to lunusu gcnicei acco.mmoaa- ; 39,400 acres of land adjoining Martin county, tormeriy ; . '., uo ivtii unnucacius uie iuieenia ojiv , i ; ,,-r tion to 20 or 2$ Members, besides others who may Call.i the proltarty ef Wm. ShounaUsem, owners tmKuown.' I V' Jtemg entitled H -. i .-.''f . .;.';43-4t' kt.,V-V ttaleigh,0;tober 20, 1S12. , 4(J0 acres the property of Sit-phca Powlcri situation ' TWENTY TtfoCSAND DOLLABS : : - i 'i ' .' ft tuik.towiv. r . -iv " - i oro lV r-i'.f-r. ! t .. e";- - ' - ; -A-'L-r . ' ,. . .: ,i ; .. " l " . ,r. .L : !. tml. tA fT' '-. '. ui.'iv itfr-ai trtWl ''f-h ' . I V" -, VCtJ-j uiuiiunuiu. sr.; Ullw,wn ,. ;. . , : : -.. . .- ; ,.v trinctbuLaMnt fur the tacrine Lottery, ; : re sous. V feSr .s.:' ?- ..... I t64U dn.ion the East tide of SoutU divulinir creeks, ad- ..T. ...... P . I 1 . . ... I ... ' . t. . . .. .f.M na..nMw4. Inh. V.I-WtUT 1.'H , im anaiyAr irom tiie."uoscneer 1 joiiuiij; ivui. jcai.ja, jnujwiij ..., . ... n.v XV About tlie IWi C;t last month, his neiTS are Saia to DC llaviu warier, uwiry viaw, foiui .... . . - V ., .l :. 1 . . 1 t . - 1 ..... n f --ti. f. r-ic. l I . , 4 - " ..brient mulatto man py tue name ot 1 uoajre, jeremtaa arrow auo. - ' . :Pamuel i urH1r T 4 v v r 5 CHAULESj he is 23 years old, about 39,7(J0 acres lying en and adjoim Alaruii county hoi V Tnme "tout 'kPieetrktSuildlttt: V'&i r f-'S 8W Wh higli,. thick and fbrnverly; the' pcipevty of William SUaiinoii, Jeacit WW,y,rattf't u. i ik f rjjmi'.-V Strong tnaUe and ok bold Said Unknown anJ-.glnnS "t'i ' j fon, owners unlaiowit.: hStjm lfM"" IJ A fow 'JVkas my be liad of the Editors of Ui star, it appiica her next, at ei: t- Scpt 24. lied for previous to the first day pf Novem; ; ' eight dollars each. i-., i. '',; 'S':;1 ,M'. V P.TL'itM their creattul XV friends and the public, for Uie liberal encouragement Acknowlcdgraeii'ta to Uieir v Uie liberal encouragement 11 evhave beenfavom-ed with since commencing baairtes lis place, and nuorm jnem mat uiey r now in"' from Norfolk, a krge supply of GttOCERlES, ' .-.v .!. t-.ll K ...1.1 nlir.nl li PlrstMir4 in ui . cemn? v,.LvtS with naili which will be luld about the Petersburg riih the addition of camair And in a tew days - will have opened an elegant assortment of DUYCOOpi, - rn tni.l in. all of trhicl will be offered at vei-y fair prices for cash j and having determined to become permanently " -....u.t i.. r.MoIl hiive mada such awaoeementa as uill , al ways enable them to supply those ho ftvow'tfJun.witU- their custom on the lowest terras. 1 i. : , ' ' . A -44.r5-fc4-V Toleigh; October 23tb )M2.tf -STRAYED r "TTMtOM the &h of tJcuSbisri a U.iy MAKE, 6 years old .next npf.r,,i4bout 4 'feet 5 i 'or 6 inches hieh : has a sadillo stiot t.A.. ...tl.uf. 1.Mirr lull. 9 IV Vf . . . . 1. . . ... 1 - ....--I.. i d main, ausd Btefls very (itliclu 4 AveiO.imevlolUrliltegiveiiioriicrw.-u-.i.-r, w ti":..fl.TVT lllUfK i'-' Tbleigh, October 25th, 181X . ,. ' 44-3t t mulaltn liasi a reniaikable . mark .on the rtuze ul uis nose mat loots lite . 1 . , 1 . .. .. , &.ii45.TMir a small scar uiat naa curcu anu - . t'i i ;.: nr. . ...t r :. .,:.-; ; leu somctning unit m ' wouii(ie tfie in'ark' is small byt niay be cosily discovered on close ex amination. He will no aouL'j, alter ms name anu enueavour to pass as a freCTOah, as heiserefharfcablo bright tuulat. to, and hat very black hair and pretty straight, Jle will probatfyaimfor the sea, hoard, ad.csidearour 0 get on Th above reward of .g 23 will be given to any person jvho will apprenena nun put mm in jan, ana give me m formljii by Seller direcud to Smithfiold, Johnston coun ,y ....... ,1 , - ...... nvr r ,- rjohn&lyn' cotrntv; 10 tniles pnrtU of I f & r'&'H optttbetr is, isi-u? - ". State,:oF:l North ;Carolina. . Court bT lleas"'ahd Ou'artcr SessionsrAutrust term 1812T n'l. ll..i.l,..L I.. ...... . ...1 . . ' . ' ' it ucuuu nis wne, tjeo. uarantr EaU-bt-th'.)fi! weV'Plly' CtV boon an infant, by her guardian, (- v rcuuon 3 for One ilo, do. H 48, in Im old pAtt.of Washington, ;tlc property of thePrea Wssons.s.sV'i'i' j; 3-4 v rto. dD.TKu, ja, m Uie new part 01 waauuigton, owners tnkAOVBr. .'--Mih -,-T,-. r. - '' "'-'i ' 1-2 do. do. No 22, in the new part of WasJungton, ow neis unknown. - J: r Ar. .- VT ' Bonuerstown a- x do do , '. ' do' .' ;.-' do : do , ' f a.?n -V :-V i-do do ' l-j'-'i ' ' do - -... ' :. do ' do I , do do do, 'AjCohoon and Gray Colioon, d6 put in their answer by th": 1 1 a, do 5J da'6t do do do - do f 64 do- d;, 61 do do:, 65 doi d f6 'd ,do '67 ' do 'dd " 70 1 rtrt An. yC! f Partlttori.1 5 -do :'. ..TAKE NOTICE. . '. Ts Ti i P Tt TF fi IJIlOM my recrtiltinfjpotit j'n IhfsCiiyi in the month of ? Julvlast: WILLIAM JiitOam, a Eoldier enlisted in the service of the United States, about 18 or 19 years of I aire. 5 teet 0 and an half inches hiiry, lair complexion, grey eyes, light hair, and by profession a labourer he is a na tivc of Orange county, where it i expected he is still lurk-j. bisf.--" i ' r. UAnAijys, -uiptain . UalcigS, ZJO- vet- lia. , V V Aruustry, do; do. -''.'uo'; BQ- :ft:r?"iiida.j'do; ., do 'do v -1 f ..dor do-. ;84 ri'r '" :MV 1 1 ft :s.4l- .io :-dO cis. r jv-n-i w 00 .tio William Cohoon St Grav Cohooh. ' - "r - - ? . IX appearing to uie saubaacupn or uie; court, mat tn? tie ' ; . t fendants; William Cohopft and Gray Colioon, are? not ' ,; mhabiunts f this. State. ' On inot'tou of the nctitfonrr, " by tlieir counsel 1 "Jt, Qrdt ri That the' said? Wilfintn '-' -"v Cohoon and Gray Colioon, do put in their answer by th, ' J j next term of this court,'to be held for said county, st the ." Ss Icourl bouse in Tarboroughi On the fourth Monday of No. 1 veniDcr.ncxviMiLiiqrwie iuu.saju iwuiion win do vtKen '1 .J prt fonfcfj, a4 beard eXpart(Sr A sir Jitriher Ordered, AT L persons indebted io tl.f subscufcer, by Bond or Account, (i reviotw w June Inst) must pay immediate- ly.'" alary bondi'and account ate hi the hands of the :', -nt Constables for collection, kndtbe reBuuwWfwiU.be very 1 , ; soon . iftk-yare, paid imwedtateiy, aauiuoiw expeuve. ... . . .T""J., , ... ..... , ..... , . a . - V Jl U. ';' 1W 1; Lots in Raleigh for. Sale. tU!eigli,0ct.23 !h,1812 n4 T OTS Nos. 265, and 243, in tne t;uy 01 Kaieign tun- 1 improved) are oiforcd lo 5le Those who ar dispos- .,it.mircliasearevefoiTedto JKmv Boylan, Esq. in . B . i . ' .1 tt.t'.r.v . ''v 1 m ?" SAMUEL1 P. ASHE. - October 23d. 1512. V r .- .. J-awa--pa iir 1; 1.: 1 1 do ' . dol f ui" &vf do .V4 70 713 Femile' cadepiy,S.'S State ': A' PCBUC fcxaminauon of the Pupil uiisScmwarjf & jicnJerJ0 U , t State of JNorthvCarplina, J Quarter Sessions, August term, 1813- k A PUBLIC fcxaminauonof t PipW UiisHcnMnaiy 1,-& Jerson 1 Original Attachment AwiU contmenneon We JiieBd,.y t..e,3Sth of November, WW,""" , . , . k , ,,1,4 . s i ; t " i Parents and Guardian 8ave res;. -ovfully solicited to attpna aadjuxijfetor ttiemselves 01 tue jmprweauew a!fumr rheir children and wards. aV. -' ' ;vi''', ' -i :: ';,;, ;-Vt. --i-W.: JACOB MOUDECA1 October, 28th, 1812, .'. V. .'.C:;, MRS. CASSO, : : established Stand near the Ztatelhust d do do do do; do : do do , do " do ....', da ' do 'I do , do ; ' do ;!-3 .-''' do do ; : do - do " Mb- a. nvii 'nn nm ni .yitW (..'- ;',". ? Oct. I,lbl2. . -5 41- :yr::LOST,;i;; T ET WEEN Louisbunr and Ualoigh, or between Ba- 13 leighnnd Hinton Curtis s a Bed Morocco POCKET- BOOK cotttainiiur the following Notes : Two against Jo seph Armstrong for J&5r su ct.eacn, payamo to wors-; worthy and Jelks and dated the 13th April last and one due 13th January and the other the 13th April ,cstt nil a receipt from Uuediah ureen lor a juagment irg atnst do - do' 62 "do - do V63 do-'do' 64 M do - do 66 do ; do v 67-; do 63 . do- 65.'; do 69 do do', do do do .do ida. 'do : do -do -do : do do . 5;- do ..' ; -. do. ' do " do :- dtf do " v ..';.v v7J 'i'i do do do da. -K" That six week hotted bereot' be published in tlm-Ka , . m. foigh.star.:r:i::v:::.41 .'?.... , :f ir.v; ':.VuUaffisboroughr'Acadcmy. ' ' .'.-1.1 !-'. r- . . ,.. j . 1 - . -A .:.TEACllETl,WUl be Wiling in thiS Acadewy tUe . rx V ensuintr year.- ite Trustees (inconsecusPceUiere.i J ; ,. of) have appointed the undersigned or say two. of them . aoommttte to contract .with any person sufficiently qua' . lifirtd, who will unlcruke.to, act in tliat capacity.. .AppU T , cations will now at any time be Received 6y this fotamiu " L- tee ine quail ticMions necessa.y tn tpese wno may tiimis -proper to apjny are a poifoct knowledge of Rcadtpg1iKUJ uig, Arithmetic, Wavhematicsy-Cjeography and the Latin and Gi-cekUnguagdi.Abndom sa)aryiriU probably ' ;' " i oe given, . . . - .--..)::: ' --;.'.. '-v..-.z''-v.: . . STEPHEN SXEEDV.i. .".'., ; WiBamthorwigh, Sept. Jl, 1312.. vi 1 1 t a m wnitF ttre t 1. I ntum .V tvieil on Land." 8tC. . '-''.. r 'r.s.'-..rf a iu phratm Perry ana tnoains a.anier roc j jo, ana quanuiy TTPPring to the eatufaction of ' At Court ttat A Pf 0Mlwt .ctcd Ten w iifteen doUars in L Jones Green, the denaani. a -u i-k tash he jriyon for silvery 0f the Pocket- MllUtluirr&re uraerea, L Hook. totrcthtr with Uie papers to tlie Subscriber or to 8a-l :;.mi. .f..l.a I AllenMcsCwbyiuirm . ... .... , rTfcS: r?vf,':-,,,f JARRAT M. JELKS, . landtbeywtU-beluml StatQ: cesaivcly H the Star, printed in Baleigh, that unless beatf- . , ,1. nvt t.m nf this Court to be held on the third - ... ... . I nr Monday U November next, replevy auapieao, juugioem 1 . n. Scv.t Notet tiffalnat Norvrrrth v ul Iclks lire .1.. . !-t rla..W. ...U!U t Uta pintrl an1 tnlrnii tin kfirf ana : c "r : JOSIAH'DILLIARD INFORMS the Members of the next General Asrtmblri I and all who may be pleased to call on him, iftat be still 1 . keeps a House of ENTERTAIN MENT at ytt: sign of tlie) Cross Keys, aboutninety yards west of V State House ' where hehopes he will have the pleasupe of accommodatuig . "," about twenty-fi-.-e Members at Eight Shillings pr day where anu une wuuar per day wnere one-jus , ; ; s. His rooms ace r.cinmient and nil-. ; ftu-nlshed with the best beds, I'll renter "",' ' ' " to aay in Uie uty 1 invite au ti-aveier wno may mine pro per to call; and I shall efxlaavor to accommodate tbe-jf.'A, YA WU -o" and thtir none as osttsj. .-. ' ? , . 4w42 , , tl . - Kalpigh, Octotwr 16, 1844 H . j t ' 1 . . '' t-rtrvd) rn-iry-kf . t . I .. ... ' Johntton, Srftefiber 18, "t . ;: ."! - ' I . ..j . 1 not CTT iicro. 3'J'f.