4 1 Volu neVii ! , fBJ re the nWk ef l. fterewreu-. Gen. Br rTr M?7ctt7 termed i the eweay crttpred all the p.. 1 , .-" ""'wiwm u! nrcr i tg teases OToec, .-M.-w.j.tMw wuMWMung ioe, txit lu border are . ovrtd WitS 3oq tuiM loog BKf which rtixVM U a cult obstacle o overcome Th etny general h4 jJcd hU 4 diruioni Id differ. - w Jit fcc "PPW lh French anny -' U W J5' 7OWi at darbrrak . . U emperor ftcr . banr-jr. .deceived the enemy bv . , dY'!aa?' the astb, marched i- r' the village W Smdzunci and caused likewise ' :LWKCtJb? rown -over the river.notwitb t RiAd t division of tie enemy were opposed .T!.e duke of Reggla prfsed, wiecked the enemy X !H2 1hm "K" two hune. TLe enemy , ttl to the. bead of the biWge of Boibww, Gene. ; rw Urfd n officer of the first merit tu severely . but nHWiguously wounded, the army passed on ; , the Sta and. tfih-'- The duke of BcLur-e cora- nmdipr tl corps had received orders to fol- i- low ItemoVerovnt of the duke of Reggio, to com j : pose the rear guard and to detain the Russian army Dwjm whsvh,followed him. The dhisioti " ' a composed the tear rrd of Uria corps. j5tlhMtl "! of Bel lane arrived with ? wMUV,fwn uwoTidKe.Studziaica. '...The c ongaie jof. ; expected te3 raxtyto tbonev. ' . v ; Capt. Talhot wia aato-coorrow Lr the ivenfc A- fsittlcan stattoa) t Ue. tkpkmi 7 laded yeaterdvy. Sir Tbomaa lUndy h) jt b ihe Kaoiaiea, of T4 to Sr J. B. Varrea's aqokircn oo the UIiLx'Buki. ' " ' f XeeA Awe.-17 The StrrpHse, !arf newfri pre commaitded by Sir Thorn Cocnno. goes doww tb irst Lir breexa report drsunes tiiis isr ate fcr the coast of America, tor which station, from her size she u admirably fitted.- Kverfvev sel sent on tat stauoo is so have a addidocal LU u Unant and 5 men. ' Plymouth, AW. 24 Went into the Sound the Khtn,of she is ordered for America, and b, with all other frigates of her das to have 49 addi tional hand j ; as will the 31 gun frigate hitTC 30 hands b addition t a very wise and Drooer reikti- oti of the Board of Admindty. ' . HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ux lea Bontow . niehi mP y'non,wTcn loraten tne rear years, had alred bees laJ hcW the pubfce, cfi and at, agaih be eatuatcraied ihry.were to Accptf fcU jo have bee lvfttt althoagh &rj eaey he furcieea by the Aaacrke Boepte. ' The U. Suie hainr crtfaetd is the war lor the tote pcJfxMa of viadcauog idei right sad honor thai Move aJoa ahoold amrette thrnr t.h cloee. It beconac a free and tirtuoua people to give aq aiefiA cxMBpl to, tbt worVi. h la the duty of a repreaeoubve goviwaent to render a faithful ae cooei or us cotuoct Xa rt consutaeots. A just sctoibiTity, to greet tod wn provoked wrong and indignities win Justify ao appeal to arms, ao bo norable rrparatb tould restore the bleuing of guided by lacred Icgard to principle. To form a correct estimate of the duties which the United Syrtes hare to perform, R is Becessary ta take a view of the communications rrh-'ch bae passed betweea tbe Executive of the U. States and the Bri&b gevemmeot since tfte declaration of war Such, a view, the committee is ptrsuided will shew eistioctlr .lhe existing ground of contro versy between the two oaGoas, and the indispcD saole obligation on the U. States to main-.aia it. Your committee ha sen with much satisfaction that at the moment of the declaration of war, the attention of the Executive was engaged in an ef. J fott to bring it to a speedy and honorable tetmi Aa early as the 26lh of June bat. the ,r Kuru,ano waicairt. tderel W bdrn the brideeh, ;S Pd 1 1 o viock, indeavoied tr find its ITtst brigade, , ' U xH g"eri4'ot division, who ietUbt two hours I ( before. rhe- fcnch.w fruiUea they then be ! .lT.7Mtht:w9'lulr4bec1b!t hear - f .I.S. LJ. J. . - . ,. "r ." "v,V".w vg4ue acioucat So cJork, - Buinea meir way at e, took tne right instead of the . .?! vent twooethree learuB in that direction: ; , ; at In thd ra,tht und jchlllcd with co!d,it was roused 'Jfiri-4hoeinyAirhleli-. they took fbr tle . iccr.h auny, Uu snrrcrirtded, ,thy jiwst have sur- . .uuiciiiu,, ; ure vruct uusiunc naj lost .US 2000 i , , .J'Utry, jrjii noiae anu,9 piece1 ot artillery, it is ru- '.'.i'.v.toedthHK the jjenerai' of the division' was not witii i ' l't coluron, 'tot had.rnarched on a head. All the r rt ,'.,?7 bavln passed on the jmwntnfi of the 38th, ' ;thduk of Byffune guarded the, head of the bridge ' ( the left btuk, the of, Reggio with air the t 0 army wore on the richt bank ' . ,. ' V ' Cw8 tenf eviwnated, th4 armies of ; i toa vowrynie comirrartv-$ted,thcy ?oriferted ! ttck t, the 38th at ilaysbl-cak the'duke of Reg U ''I :ei3 cauitd the'einnetor.to oe Wnrmri k. ... f - attacked t itri tialf tin hwi afienvards the duke of j 5 Jieiiune knew It on too left bank, the army was un- V .kr,arih fhe 5uke,of Elchiniren ;...i;istanoe:pfine. IdakVol'Heilio- kl the duke of , U:Trvifl followed , hTm,;-. The. fight .Wane briskv ' ' v.vj. wucq ro orea& our nijiit, general t)ou 1 1- Vnsra rommandir:tfe h divis'toof euirassiert, ?ht1ietort'of the Vit43 wa.iMed in th. ftnwTW.inMiirh w is ; . beaten wid put to rtwt t These brave cuirassiers I i -BirWid iaccssiveliix- naWuwmtfriht I ; ? J ,totH hft hemy! alry wf4ch came ' V to rr.ft assisuhnce; of It infcntry t (lfiOO.-pr&ontrsJ m- Fwy owinon tea into tjur 1 TttBjtl'A; BeoWtast'enetny to bp. y V&Wtyp$ iimc i ip SOOO ptisonprv and ri wem u. ol the reach , of thownon of the 1 ottdare QenruriaOT'-jnadeva, handsome charts v.,, Llv7illn We bftttleor ewynaS wrny of (iJSfHW no dangf fbjislyt; by t ban; which he j , received id his aide. ,Th rnowi-; 0fth 39tb we ! femrfned upon the field of battle J We had 3 routs cm thitt of ; U tnsk r.d that of Wy na. 1 i x Jwiw,wjwof ana it wouia nave Ueen iropossi- i j- "'.ja nit . 1 1 it? apmu era oiinifier - a tKa,iiriylo subi9.--The riiad U Wilna on 1 W.WrK'WlKh'ryne country. ,The j v ' """s tvuiryf w out utue amrRurutioru i jeniiueed withr53dti7StrArcl).'Tinging i,auer.K Vie sicx and wounded o7 n'mnn hHi. f,iftfTeetlthe;'1iyr were Wnmsri-th 1st of ; pecembr w Slaikj, and ' we3r4 ajr.l6le4etsi;lipoi whete the atiur njceived U;-tB4 first convoysi front WUnai' Alh tlt . . A &cer arid f oldtera, and every" thing tlmt utftber- a : mrmJ. vi w ,fvfy? and obtain: provision., V J greatest want resc;; i ne provisions and hotse hiVerrived. , uet)tnl Uourcicr has already more than 30,0 '6 I tk jHHcrent aetsvV The. rtilletT has : tejH'Jrcd its. loss, y Th ejierBU.'tiia.offiri.V.'Bn clicrs; bave awffered inuch with iatitraeand .n:J f hi W3 i-i 1'ieir porscssnme toy , the ambuscade drafts, v'wuit'?wli'nihed without r j cers fl;h;qs,id who hure- i; , mjciiwivea, io we; ttetail sof i ;; Tmorbl;Mvenia, Iri:stthi movements , h the Emperor has tnafcherf W tlie vnUil- ,nf ht. I.gii9T3s, tfrt cayalff Gomrrtwled' by marshal uuc of JstruUnd Jt be- trjtr, cordmanded . bf the due of :au , nis iBajtsty is satiajied jftth the good )Vednetdyy January 30. Mr. Mitchell from the select committee, to woorn was referred the letter of the retrv . rJ sute, relative to the tiaKliKrno U Rm ? -Mi nsiion. ian line, reobrted a bill mAni rK ff. t charge des affirea of the U- Slates at London was mcni oi a astronomical ohserratory read twice fc ,0iruca io propose to ine onusn government an 1 not be carried to treat estent. rimmcc, o use immecine enect, orr ccnattton which it is believed the impartial world will con aider safe, honorable and advantageous to Great Britain. They were lew in number and limited to positive wrongs, daily practised. That the or referred to a comrdiuee of the whole house. The bill Irom the senate to carry into effect' the report of James Madison, then secretary of state, Albert Gallatin, secretary of the treasury, and Levi Mnroin, attorney general of the U. States, com miasioners, kc. in the year 1803 (recommending in council should be repealed, and that our - v-iuuauic compromise witn tne I azoo cJaimants u g snouia protect our teamen, were the onjyin. w read a first time. I dispensable conditions insisted on. Other wrones, .... t roup movea to reject tne wu. He should nowever great, were postponed tpr amicable ne not make this motion oo any erdrnary occasion, but gociation. As an inducement to the British gov the bill had gmwo out of tlie corrufxton of the re- ernment to forbear these wrongs, it was proposed presentativesof the people the evidence of this to repeal the non-importation law and to prohibit i-iT conUl,ied in the pcords of the house it the employment of British seamen, in the public could be ahewn from the report of the commission- and private vessels of the United States Particular ers that the legislature 6f Oeoi-gia, were bought, care was taken that these propositions should be were-bribed to pass the law under which the claim- made in a form as conciliatory as they were ami ants purchased, was notorious. The danger m cable in substance. passing this bill was tin the principle Which it would Your committee cannot avoid expressing its ss. esUbhsh-a principle confessedly corrupt and frau. tonishment at the manner in which they were re. . . . . !ceived. It was not sufficient to reject the propos ,k.. J mdcxter conjured gen-flemen to reflect on' ed armistice; terms of peculiar reproach and in bmZ nt su' "jecUon offensive. Utriu. ..,; . 7 ,. ii uaooeiiru mai uohw on me . uj.it.iiiG vuuituriuc wtiucu allies on the same day in irt i i T . i . r. r.., r.u ! . ---. wriicn me unuea ataies, alter navtn? been worn favour of the claimants thev must conusrw wirt, .L ....j ! . . 6 . w . powerful party t the eastward who carried akw . a ?mum wro"' tt r"oned lhc with thenithi influence SZt seSorT of ?J uS ? ? -lT T" Uernat,'e in The claim as awL-ded bv th. bill LrTt f"1 f be,t .r,Khts:. th B'h ""nment fair aacan ever.be rnr J.V..JZ2' n.'!a rcpeaiea, conamonatly, its orders in council. try which he represented Mho demanded th ,V, ' l. .me"ure. W.as .u"e,ed'. DeCaue eT aPf t on nf r.,ml,r.fk. i .s.i.. .. " .7' ,-tcuon tor n nao taiieo, aithouKn repeated to .IHII uuta "tip IHJl CXntl- ,U J I A . , I T MllMlf KWIOf ( wut guished there, over nearlv eietv miUionsof ari. . 7 wonoutonai j irom tnem such partof thsir crewa. as the board. because of. the Yazoo purclv.se, the quantity aware'., j we repea' w? V " Wa a4jmKcd.t0 e "moV ing officer thought fit, often her own subjeot e d l by the billtfour ornve midio..s of acres) oueht cd ref ob,cte to accommodation. p0sin(; by means thereof their vessels W deir. 4 not to stand in tne.way of the great and solid lv. 1 r ?7 rema,ned :rtbe Pract,ce of im lion ? W.mld she suffer such an uanraation to Uea 1 geaoi encouraging sctttemeots, 8cc. He thcuutt i".''"" lv " "n gov me any sanction irom her patient forbearance ?. v&J trsnnese and cneraarf. ' " The carsmer to tobich tka-fnendly advoce stU rjbersl proposidonS siiho lUeoitivc hx hctstr ceivrd by W feitlth govcrsrmcsx ha U rtj measure cttsgvished the, bopc of. amiable 1 towvajkodauoa. It is, however, pesslUle, that til Briuah govemtoent, Jtr4 lottrocUnf Admirjl Wencsr to conmttnkate to th XpiitotM tl State the repta! of the o'dera in eoonctt, r&ay htw decfiatd the arrMitmei projiosed by Mr. Ruh in the expectartM (hav that would ha,- been tstkfftttory to the United States. Be tha at it niy, yoor cosntiur.ee euohidcr it (he Coty of iljis House U explain to its constitoent th tu maininc cause of contr -vers v. the ureciae . of that cause, end the high oblig.rioe which, it imposes.. . , From what has been ststtd. H appesr that ho. er great the sensibilny to other vror.es". the mw pressment of our seamen, was that alone which prevta'ed an - armistice, t nd in mII probability accom mod-it ion. Had thdt eitat iotc rest been ranged In a satiifuctoty ratmrer, the PreW . as willing to t elf on the ii.lnna; jueke f, ther claims, and the amicable spirit in which the m gjciation would have been eiKctcd into, for i jslactkm in their favor G B. tlatnsis right impress her own seamvo and to eterust 1l .to Av . mtricin vessel. In the Drvctice Urrtah ejwl ivpret A meritsn ritirens, and from the Tnats; j ol things, it ie impossible that that abase sbooli aufMltcra i 1 any other officer of the British navy ought not t be the arbiter in such a case. The litrt t. 1 live of Americaocititefls ought not to depend . the will of sucb a party. Y .. The British government has inshted that every American cititen should carry with him thetvU dence of his citizenship, and that all: those -not possessed of it might be impressed. Thla erk;-' terion, if not otherwise objectionable, would be so V as the document might be lost, destroyed or taken, i from the party to whom it wasgran'ed. nor might, r it in all cases be enitled to respect, as it might be counterfeited, transferred, or granted to irnprovf,j per persons. But this rule is liable t6 othar mucl&v stronger objections. ()n what principle does the L 'Bri'ih government claim of the United States aV great add shameful a degradation ? Oueht thai hi free citizens of an independent power to carry wiife mem 00 ine m4in ooean. ana in incur own vessels the evidence of their freedom r And are all to b ti considered British, subjects and .liable to imprens ' mcni wno ao not near wit them that badte M&i it not more consistent with every idea both of ouh.r. lie as well ss private right, that 'the psrly-setrifrjM up. a claim to any interest, , whether it be tvner sons or property, shwld prove his right MVhat w would be the conduct of fi. Britain under sintlaf circumstances ? Would she permit -the publk ship of any other power, diM tgaming the rights ottbeirr'V nag, to enter on Doard ne rnercbanessels,iikei trejecuonolthobiU wotudbea sienal act o in ."'nt to open n amicaDie n.giK:iation to proT , With the Biit'ish claim to im. fl-imh.. justices,-- ' ' ' suostitote to rt, wiweh sbouM be ccnuacrexBen, the V. States have no rieht to interfere x fie questioo for reiectimr the hill mi "u cmvaicni. 1 ne suosniute proposed waa ken nd decided as follows s Ave s. a defined, and of a characur so comprehensive as Tbebili wtsthetvread a stconri tim. anH to have removed, aa was presumed, everr nonsi- motiort of Mr. Dosha,' referred to the committer L We objection to an accociniodatioii; The propo- publi; Ludr,. , v - Uion before made to exrludfeikitish aeamen from u r? " :T w-!srec; eiveatrom the President of u' jw wiupreoena au the vessels in which they saij. Take from,Ame tin iv inwririv. :i providod it be in British . vessels or in any other than those of the United States. That America V citizens should be exempted from it operatiooVtf all -that, they demand. Experience has she wo mat mis cannot oe secured otherwise, than the Unitcd.States, which the speaker declared to be naUye Brilish "ubject. not already i Wuralizcd or AT U m(.Ja.. .1 A. . A B.i a . a vuuuuciru-di nttiuie. jrQ tne nouse Was ar. cordingly cleared of aU slrantrers, and so remainH until 4 o'clock, when it adjourned. ' Thurtday. January 2. The house were occupied this mornine- for ahmi two hours iii secret session TV f - T i,L 1 mi, jouiiuigs irom me select committeeto entitled to naturalization under the law of the U. Ma es, Ihis waa IKie Wise vejec ted, '... :, ' Your commit'ee hve stmght with anxiety some proof of a disposition in the British government to accommodate on any fair condition the important difference between the two nations, relative to im pressment, but they have sought in vain none is whom was referred the Wirion nt r.i uT. ?? owa .eune'r ,n. me communications pt the -Americah chanre des af. cornroitted on them bv th XV VTnrVv ' f?ire" London, or in those of tht tjommendcr of VpLUNTEERS made'a renort aA InlW; . lh.e. .Bru,sb naVi1 foce t"ahfaxmde by orkr - . 1 ,11 niH vApiixnf.BC Mini. ijnwWMAM 1 hu,. k C . . P'.J'i., Ul 41IICMI djtions 1 The committee to whom were referred th tion of sundry ciUzcns of Knox county, in the In diana Territory, on the fth inst. praying remunera tion fbr depredations committed on their property by the mounted Riflemen of Kentuckv. latelv the command of Maj. Gen. Hopkins-Deport, that upon examination of their petition , arid the accom p wiying documents, they find the facts stated in th said petition to be fully supported bv,trft Of the commandilii Uennral whiak I. K..i.L I o . " .Kicnii.t re portetU ' 1 hat the depredations "committed. 'and the damages sustained in consequence thWervf. h been examined by men actine -under thrf VilM nf cm MIL . n,l : -r .. . ' ' . . . . . , uu wu, emu appuimcu ror inat purpose by the quarter master, pursuant to the Orders 0?the exe cutive of the territory aforesaid. Thk AarMk vhiiiiuivui aiuuuuis to i wo uiousfud tnr Ul- orea doimrs. 1 he commiitee arc awire, that da predauons upon private-'praperr. ire pner.f L case similar to the present, where n armed tutor They have seen with ret that although, lord Castlereagh profess'ealingness in his Savern. ment to receive and discus amicably any ptoposi. tion having in view either to check abuse in the ncaciUzens this barrier, which ought to beheld v aaerea, ana mere is nothutg to protect them gainst the rapacious grap of the British navy t tnis inen is the extent of the demand ot-the U'r'M, States, a demand so jpat in itself, sd consistent and" A inseparable from their , rightst as an-indepodentlvr nation, that it ha been a cause cf astonihmennJ' iu l. ouio ever nave oeeo called into question uc iyuunaiKn.oi me nniish claim is, that British '? seamen find employment in the service bf the U"J ', States j this is represented as an evil affecting es. sentiaUy the great interest of the British nation.' v " This complaint would bare more weight -if sans;' ' tioned bj ihe British example. It is Itnown od 'f the coutrary, that it is in direct repugngnte to it.? G. -Britain does not sample to receive iirto her service all who enter m o it vnlnntariJ tr t,J self within that i:-.. .ki : i 1 1 -conduLf that his guard have shewn they haver ld I , yty 6ecn 9T fta'weiTcrrcimfa1ice W I ti'urod--but drtumstances hav always been such, 5 s( tbatus silttnle prtscnte has; sufficed tolnsbire confi- Vr. .lfcljfttej, th -grand. Marshal, j the K' m vflhe pd aJHW aid-de-' ;liiipi)mtf roiiitary fjiceraif tlhonsebbldof the Smteror hayc-afwuys accomnanied'hi ma?ir: '..Ihlr caralfyvWS so .dismounted1.' that wJnfiM .;.j,t- .'... i.k umvi-A-.. : ; 77.-'. , ..j uui. -vim suiters wno uaa noises, to rnxi ronipEpicsi t5U tiwn each. The cwierals Den, t 1 . r- M 7 ft. - scai 'A I - ef iuh ffira,Thi s-irjr,(cpmajided;-by I Gen. Givwcbyrid urtdcrt diitrCifii 1 of tw King I or Naples) iih,Ivv ;jgkt of the Eraperrr ih"allhis I i!'',ThCr.Vatthr4.lii mTjW was nexbci V. f T v. g jr v t.-w 1 a ' . " f ' . T urrtlerthfe-autUdrny oF the governmeut were per inrtted to rnnain stationary, continue .us tn tk pcrty ol individuals, and that force unrestrained by the. orders of their commandef, t is unreasonable iv Bupposc tniti tne otizen could protect every por. tion of Jiis property from the, lawless depiatlons of the soldiery, or discover the offending jndividuai when discharged and dispersed over aa extensive country. " ' ' " , ji Thocbmmiuee'th to the fol- w in $ rcsoiuuon ; practice of impressment o rriS6 ot CUt. Heretofore . V- -ui unMWHHcinnceo. tne ex.,iects of eveh the most despotic powers have been pectauon that anr substitute could -be proposed1 left at liberty to pursue tb o?rhaPp?ne,?bJ' J hichhts government would accent. It merits hrmwrt inH.,.(r k...u. ! l!,." FFr' notice also, though it ceased to be i c.uW of sun .J -SSS' 5 prise, that in the communication of Admiral War' that orUilecre 1 Vv V If' TrL -.r. o. ,i s etepend s kr grreir effect, and for JJA ernment to thai effett, io some mode, ehtided to ciioder.ce, yjur commiuee would not have hesj. ;;tU-d to disapprove it. . ' ,ThP impressment of our seamen being deserved ly considered principal cause of the war, the war ought to be prosecuted until that cause was ranbvtd. To appeal to arms in defence of a right and. to lay them down without securing it, on a "Wisfactory evidence of a good isposiUon in the that purpose to enact laws, with and penalties as will he adennm. wk tkt-" f pledge, it is not pucuvtd what ground the -p , Bnuan government can persist in its claim I It, the British seamen are excluded from the service v oT the United States, as rnaylbe tffcctttalty done, ; the foundation of the, claim must , cease. .When H is known that not one Riitish reasonableand ouMtt tb-ba Wanted! ; This report, on motion was laid on the table, ares 41, noes 39. - , t . ' ' Friday, January to. ' 1 ' H---: r4 e'sj. waiittpis. ' . yy .'. '.'; ffvr (of ''iy':.'Km.! rtilu of foreign Relatioiumnade; the, folio wing : nfPort .v;; 2xi i ne Committee la whom . wax. reerred so much Tthe e8i CJihet;4ihiJar,f :.Tht preseptmp to Q4 hotise at tMf time vieif pf outWavonf waVGrestJJrita itid.een. ednraeeewsrt- to recite lluresaMM vKU ., ?8f' ''':rh wrwvgs which tl'JBiatea ns.i .rfT 1 tMui .' .. ' e . nnnAftitu imhv tA oaiim ; il u j a-, . . ' iro.oThkTtrT attempt to hegociate afterwards, for the security menu a motive- for such jmprtsav the Ji AeaoforTh iKH rf ..I ll -n.wi naye oeen urgea.oeiore Ihe de. . i..i.,- -' j rV .."vjrowwn isreraraiion ot war and been reiected. wonld k... tnore weight, after that experiment hadheei made in vain, would e an act of fpljy, which would nor' .u 10 cxgOT us to tne scorn ana, aension of the, Brirish nation and of the., world. , . ., On a felt, view, therefore, of the conduct of the Executive, in its transactions' with the British gov eAttaept ce the declaration of war the commit tea consider it fMeir duty to express their entire apArobaU -oj itr ;Thty. perceive far it a firthre. sojflllo to suppwltiie rights mnd honor of t!tir country, th B sincere nd iammendable d'kspbl sition to promotopcace, ottBuch'josamd lionora". ble wnditiohs as the United Sutesrinay with safety It, remains thereTore lor the -UmtiA rr RKe-tnejrnoai ttutuds wkjJteat Britainarfd'lo OC SUCh riht. Ul the etner.tarinn that or,. r .1..! , . . ' 7- " I' VT" ,uc L w oeciannK a will httiess to.wi'flWf-th Proposed arrangement, vottr oramitt rmnAr -U i equally the duty of the House -to dejclare, in term the most deasuret that Shouldihe British. ?-' government still decline it, and persevere inih ; vi o V P""16"1 worn American vesYels, -the U. State wilt never acquiesce fomhat prac . r' ttce,. but will resist k'uncaaihgl wfth'sU their " fore. ; Jt is not necessary now to euaaire what th -'' course won1t t.n L.:.w ' A - . ; - rwpevt o impress- 1 inew in case thr.ordera To Cdtificil bid beeh re-' ' I Pwled before the declaration of war orh6w ttiDg; 1 the .practice of impressment Would hatbeen r'q i borne, wihe hopethanhaVtepearwouid have beettt followed by a aaifacidri'artwgtmTnt i 7 PCCt to imDrefsmentr V:'Y WVf-Vi i ., i War Jiavuiff oeen declared, anrl th re nfim. ifressimrtl oeing riecessarilV included "aa one of lha r; .?:lCaiWMtnt'that It tricst