I ' J-0?.-- .' S-- - r - - .:. ..'.. -.-.: - V V vr.rV.-v&: r . " ' . ' ' ' v . . . : . "": c: I--'--- .... . . . l 1 . . .: ' FAYETTEVItXE STUEET, OPPOSITE THE STONeIoUNTAIN.' T J . per annurrLV.M j NOTICE. WILL be fold 10 the ti;rLct ISdJrp on the SSiH M; ti intt. t the DtaeUiwr How of h late Btnjairm priclwtt uf FranUis county, Muulry vaJtt&Mv: soma the ,tnc-of the stock of horse. eaHte, ho, sheen a: id mats, boilsaihold l kitchen furniture, and a numbw of odier articles 'ten teutons t? enumerate. Kik mnj'ht cre dit ill be 5'nento thepurchaser, and bond wiihTn Broved stcviu requiretLj TENJ0OLLARS JIEWARO.. DESEUTED from th Bu'itJngr CobctAI t Itj. Ui&. KUOBJitCK M'tU, Adr m tbe Army . State SUKi UUUU ID 3U vein of ain. bf liritt caHlclu)rt lrg- eyes, blcl luir, five feet eleven 8l3-4 Incls hifta. -The above reward will be given for bi do. liv-'fv to me in )RaJe,' or to wiy recruhi(f officer in Uie 11. btiei Army. " LEWI3 YXVEY, ' 1 ILieut. lOth U. S. LilWnu-y, XLilcigli, Mny 13, J 813. T KORTir-CAROLINA, i, OltANGB COUNTY. ' - ' ; Court oT Equity, Jkrie Scarhorougb by Annour King; bcr next friend, V ' ' .. '' Bargess Elliott and Seth Scarborough. ) IT appearing to the uat'action of this Court tiiut ilie de fendais reside beyond tbe liiniti of tins State: It i fterefore OrZrrdthatpibUcation e made in the Raleigh Star (br three Weeks successively thu the taid tlurycss E;liott and Sdth Scarorough apm ar heru and lut in ineir tnswcrs'tO the complainant ati bill wrhiu ilie thn-o first y pf theiejl idtii ot'th it cpurt, on the tiird Monday in Stpttrabe; nett, othei-wi.se Wie'jly 11 will be tJtcn pro con IcO against thera and, bear J, expaite. ' test. . r JAME3,VVEBB,C M. 1 l'''flnWmurh; 8th; April.; J8I3.- 20-3U RALEIGH ACADEMY. ' ' s . . , . - l .. . ., ACCOanif'. ' siaiHlinffrejulaa of tbu Wlia--h-' ' ' f vb yar raurej on the fvral Timrfcd-y June. The semi-annual spttafr cXtminsiion Vil onmiflence o the Tburadiy rcaj. TH unu ual uu er ,f (xipiU nu iivtho AtfWmy, makes ii t. eetaar ht tlie examination should be continued, far Six 0r9evTn days, l"rciita,nalini, Lc. am reapxxtfuliy solicited to at'end. , - . .. lite second session of tbe year I!t contsmee Ls a fcw days after the close fih exminttion. - ' Tbe dejiostt or e4i Viucknt for the continpent funI, will lieraf:ere ftf.y 914 per ieasion, tho furmor agm bcmif bund insuffieient to meet tbe necessary essence By order of the $nard. . ;TUoarmng Rendezvous, Raleigh. Army ! "VOUJSG men of anient minds, who are anxious to siff- ES Strav ed or Stolen FROM my; lot in the t,own of Tarboruugli, on (he inight of t tbe itth of April last, a bright sorrel HORSE, upwards : of bve . feet hib; about 1$ yer old. has a star in bis forehead and ome .marks of the saddle on bis back. When uiukr the saddle lie paces, stid trots wlienia'a gig- . purchased said Jiersem 1810 afPeter beuino, deAL sfterwai-ds stild him to Mr. The mas tf. Blount, of Vasiwn;lW? XortlwCarolina, and on tiki 1st of January purchased him atfain.' lam informed he fas raised eac Hillsborough-,. Any ptTson y will leUveraid hoie tome or Woni?.me wiieee, bmf her . "' . r'. ...''.,.' - 1 ,1 11A Vll HA farh'brougli, May 1, 1813. ENTERTAINMENT; - - v .-.'' '- ; v;: TllEsiiWriljtrliaaopeDta jloi'of ENTERTAtX Si.NT t Lesox-JattJ, ttoMtinliam Hinty, (o wh.?h he lames tbe atuum of Trellri-41 is pr. jun ig ektetttve scrommodauuns fwr UiuIk1s and ottkors iay rtort this pbee' durtuj the summer Siotnhs for lite purposes of hWtk and am uarmeut The fit Mi. MrK for whk4 this place is, celebrated.' if ri:l of situation atui mjiity of At, all contribute to ren. der iLvncot the most pleasant places of resort in the Sou tleni t.trt'j'ija Springs wiU bt kept la good orde Mid sji rrco. -., f ; .' TiT'Sitt. t VILUiM. ROANE,. April iz&: u 3 mmm, : ' v. Vi i VriiB eVkmt iEVr i eii i r"' ' ; ', A dpatehrof prior date o the iollowinjfif mtsil Jj BAVIO BAUNE3. 20 7t, LANDS FOR SALE. : , ' -.':'-4 ,r;' ' , . TO besoldat Ven.due, t the house of Alexander -Tee-, ireful Iredell county, on Tbursdayjlhe 22d day of Juljjejttjhe following Valuable re.-d Estate, belonging to the heirs of AlexandePyorS deceased, to wa ; JUtnda in Trvdctt County - ' f UOS acres of lajid, oij thts waters of tJavidaonVcreek neat CttrC?etinK'BjiuseSrin Iredell county, on which is at elegant dwtlhng houe witb all necessiiry out-hou. e'iatewreden'ctt.cf'iCQV.' Worlte. jv'.-k' ; ' S 157 do do-; on Davidson's creek, 'near the aforesaid , 203 do, do. idjomlng tlie land on wliich Centre heet- : 202 do. do. hear the aforesaid tracts, called Lewis Jet ts'v'a d'ce. . : ,'.'.'' 144 do. Ao. on the Catawba river, known by the name fo Oliphant's place. , J" J , -- ' ' 34 do. do. 011 Vividson's creok,cUed .White's place. J ,53 do- do. near the same. . ; , . , - 570 do do.knoa bsihtfname of fihephetd's ,'' Cross ds ' ' '--; v i' ; Land iH pleckkijturg County. ' 5il do', do. on Beaver-dam and Davidson's creeks, in tho tow it y of Mocklepburc. kuown by tho name Of Mill's .- 1 . w ..... . . 1 ; :-21Q do. do: 00 a branch of WAljiin's creek, formerly icjiroperty of Alexander Hodgo. , ', " ;223 do do. formerly the property of Ahdrew Alexander. 256 do. dai. called the Big Island place, at Beatie's lord, CatftVfca t'ftt$$ - V5' . , .-v'' ' 300 do. do. tmijeavcrdam creek, called I'ftUick Bam at0n,plMf rii'ri'ff:iSi( w.f ', ' 'ilfidb;dot.ner Hampton's place. . ' : 49 do, dts. on' ilid patera of Uockym.'cile4.Ihickf worth's place,-';; V.M.V '-'VSi- V '-': ' - ' "' ; 2Sldo do,rWThoropson' Millcretk, m Uowan coun-IC-dled Jainfes Hughes's place,, , .-; ' "! ' v 4O0do.Cdi lying; on" becond.Brpad-rivex, In the cjunty tfBuihcrfbr&i .'. ... , .TAsalewill positively be made of th shares pf all those , ko do no dissent btfort; Uie 2;2d day of July next 1 liberal c!rdit will be pK'Crt.'.and bonds, with approved iarltreoii'red. 1 Anv further infoiuiatkm necessary will fcWennxJwday.f aale.' . .l M. STOKES Attorney i", '. - ' 1:; .. FtifhehSnf CoL Hmrke. ' " " . s - I ' ' '" ' ' '' iimii: luenrei-iTca la.mc service 01 tlKlr countr in the bonoiable capacity of a sohjiertf are invrttd to the RCcruitiiig Knder.vou of th( TOth Ilegiraint of the I). Stakes fuiiitiy at Itafeih, where tliey are assured of K beral pay, handsome cbKbing and good treatment. The emolutftcnts ofl'ercd to privates are - FORT V DOLLARS BOUNTY, and advance pay j one half downK and tbe other half when the recruit joijjs the ltegiment ; eiht dollars er month pay, and one ,undred and Sixty seres of land when the term of service expires. ' . ' v YANCEY, LSeuUlOthU. S I. AprjtSO, UXS., , 18 In Board of Trustees of the University, December 1 6th A 'D. 1 812. BE IT OIlDUiiEU kc. liiat a special meeting cthis Board be Ijad at Chapel-Hill at the antiual examina-tio-.t of the Students of ibis Univcrsttv. comim ncintr on Uie .x , . . . .. .. . - join of May ana ending on tlie 3d ot June next Test liUUEKl WIUUAMS, Secretary. Malcigh, April 24th. 'A U 1813. 18 To Saddlers Boot and Shoe? Makers. . Z. BUEVVER k F. FAlRJuAMB's LEATHER-STORE, OLD- $ Tfi K Tf Petersburg. WHERE Saddlers, Boot and .Shoe -Makers may be sup. plied oii the most reasonable terms with &'ial, .Vlcirt ing,1iam-2Ss, and, Bridla, Jjeathertirain and Pl'ax Caif Skins t Boot.Is', V'aV 'and Grain s Tsps and. Top' Skins, Wax andCirain r lpm r Nejyq Leather Bellows Ixatlitr j Uoug.'i and Linipg Hides j Hog aad .Sheep Skins j Ian nor's Oil : Wsjgon and Chaise Collars. Their stock con. sists entirely 01 the bes,t Northef u leather. Coiuitry gen tlemen will find M to fheir Interest call. - Orders iHmctuall J .attended to , .'', , ; frU v'iiii Jmary 23d, 1815. H'i'ili.'in.. - .,,,,,' .,. Strayed or Stolen IUOM the subscriber living five . miles north of Uulcigh, a bright bay HOKSB, about fit feet lirgh, xs a little while in bis face , long tail, v'd.ali round, his back has been hurt by thu saddle, and the hair of his shoulders rubbed - .- - ; oil hy plnuirliing. Any person shall be handsomely rewarded wlio will deliver me said horse, oi- giro mc uiformntion of biniso that 1 get him ,. v SILaS'HIUH. ; Wake cpnnty, 14th Ap' il. 16 if C Hy aiitlwritjf of ti.e S'tut . of tli-CurUiw J Scheme of the Oxford Academy Lottery. ' Tl i' A s CUWU7ut1 U tht lw f Uu , IK Ubmaleh of prior date th followinjr v 'si ' V - ""mKa Friday, tlie 7th i"SL esatata i earlier trsacUons of tlie iei,W0' v. " v. f I mssi wbo says hit namsi is rcacliedthoUepartmeat.of Wr,-ii will appear fronT. ', 1 J ? iKDO.V, and belong to Col. ThomiiS Mgea of GeiicrslHairis Upft to b about 50 or, 60 years 'old. vTU' , Tl' owixr whoercthp bvi roquested to i, A W j!-?af "td.U. - m. ,j , vit! luiwwvut'ivvo' iiRuci 17, HJ 1 cliarjres and take him awar. WILLIAM SCUKIAJUK Chatham county. May 12, 1813. 213V. . t v-SlRi-HaviHg ascertained lhat th? '.fmi i (Iu4Van as well as. Britiiih) had entirely', w , . Daouonea jnc peignoorjiooa-.ok; tht lipids Cwri . rjwry, .iprWierss, Clay 4fid ucume here last aight. It U with tV -" 1 .i1 'V i'greaiefl atisfactltfcf,H ioforw yob, alrihat "': ,na?c every reusun to peucvenat tbt ?ps of LINCOLN COUNTY..; Elloner Hart, vs. William Hart and A 1 ll.-l , T appearinjf to the saUsfactidn oJT Uv CourU. that lue said William Hart, is an inUaDitant or anouicr T 1 said William Mart, is an inhabtfant of notiver State i 'aide of the river doesOttX:l 'fifiiftV , n .1,-. ' bi care fully. Xam.tRed,aD4. after the taoH di 'Igtnt search 4Jf bodies only of Our toeti wtri r di$tovred:faltnQrig'i(, thtra Vat th' hade r"of the dstaclimtnitJCoL Dudky. .Nd pther kJbS cir ;of;nott m;tctiqrv: I thave kropg rea- aqnr to1eUcvf thata c6rjtdfrbt numbt:? of -the KiitcliiaflaffeciEci;lieir mreat-tai the : rivifjFart Winchester; GetieraPprlctar ,uiu;uv iatui.ii wutva return jot iKe prison - William aonear wi'Jiin the three first days Superior Court of Law, and Court of Equity, be held iif l.luinln ' nt ihe tVtiii't'lluuxe in Lincoln. j ton, on the third Momlay after the urth Wonday of Sep. ! tsmher next, and plead, answer or demur,, tho cemp'ai- nam s ima win o taaen pro cninew n 's" as to the said William, and thnt publication hereof b made for three weeks successively in Star Garotte, of this8tate. -vv ; V.-.-'. UEXRY Y." WEBB, C. M. April 4, 18U " ; ' ,VV l 3t p4 ' Qne Cent Reward. r ' ' .. ... . -v ' 5 m H'swiyu, aiinouffn reDtatdItTirw.-. RANAWAY from tli scriber, living in auny mWd." C Hit" 'rttrrWwak'' j. 'i Tf 1 tZ: , ty, N. C. on the first of the 10U month Ut,.JOlN '' t,OVE, in appremife. Any parson apprehending Said C?ttld .p.jcppwy be, leaving mi4ber of CaMea i " Bov, and deliveringbira to me, shall'rcceiyc the abve re-'ball; si eW elegatL'slihg-.Crriuffe fc'cantfon ward, but no thanks. All teersofls ar'euuned(rom . Wr: wftfiiMrfL-r i'-fTi.r ''; ' hai'bo "'f -y .-sr1 1 prize -1 do 1 do 3 do do do do" !. do 4 do do of 6 20 20 U) 80 100 8iiO BSOO'O is . 10t)0 500 200 100 -CO tickiits each 50 20 15 . 10 "" c. 2000 1000 MO TiUO C00 1000 1000'. sno 1072 prizes, ? 2038 blanks- $ ring SAid boy at thew peril Second month;T0th day, J813. W.NL BIXSHAW.;':) 21 -,. - Latia rrrarnniars. , 'ben debsom EDiTloat: ' RUDpiMAK's RUDIMENTS, .:.y-,trtTH A WOOBt AKtxtO," '' jt ''" :;' j t,MMansr safe yW '5, ' GROCii, POZEN QH SINGLE," ' At iht Star Office, Raleigh, indgij- M'Rac't B6ok Store, Fayetttvitif.: s - ; V ( LOST OR .MlSLAiPV A JUDG EM EN'T obtained by John (MiUer, a DahM Wall:s,or $x Dollars and Cost,1jbtiiiedmSeptem. beror October last v- Also, oneotberJudgmuut. the same against the saine, for Foir Shillings and Six f en&.ftc Cost llotb g.kpteiihy Hichaj'd Smith,. Esq - All persons' are;. forarned om! trlding tor "said Jmlgements,. ana, Ue s'.mo Witti , Raleigh, 'T'ffE scnu-aonuU f Examination of th '8tulmts oj t!i X Franklin JfMiUf, wilt ewnntence On Mond 7 ui oi June, .'uiu win cmunuie two J.iys..- sjicre hii ienanarc twopra thatwereettiDlovcd, '' aesertea i us?; t itit mtrroayouvihyv Vive lodUtrsi of fhlctt ' thete -were Jrbnj 1 60tf to 2000, .left; the, Bfitish the'day befortf tue5r: da -parturc ia ah'tgh state." of dissatisfaction; JYora J tKc great loss whtciji thtyiiad'sustalrirl 5 tii , i severatjBDjjagemctiu iof ththand th failure tpqfi;tft(d fthe great superiorly fjf the enevj, fny which werejdefated yjW ti'oopa irt heiS turn taltp. Marl, rtn tt,'. ri i S.'.i. .'1.1 . . , tish Regulfli s, 150 "ditia; arid 4 ; of $0& jn rlinnsJii That- A pqse sthe pjttsburo; ifenDsylvahiaapd P?t4rs V ia atto,,be wandered at-but 'that a compapy?'' of TOilitia shbuld maintam iti.grnupd A&mv"C f-:---"r,.,; im vuiiisin stores" y ittis from pay ingtheni to ' any except myself. ' ' ' -1'- DAyiu nuTUf cMtbh- :igh,Msy.i8nJSt3V '. r, .';, v'-'-..- 1 2t .( . 'jXAllTip";!f ''.'!'';'. ' ' '.''"' '"'. '.f .'' -'y ' wWtyv Jr?.?T..W ngth fiowcverntirtly; y; K, llne :i9ih' dav tof D!cemher last, between John cads'. andFrku)8' Ferty, 1 " Morehcads's. and HerkiuS Ferry, in, Rockingham mmyi$. C small iJED .MOROCCO POCKET EOOV ntumiii 4 fidlm One Deed of Conveyance .from Jes l)f un-lnsa, of Anson cbunty, o 'Me'ssrsv John ii4.JJebw'i,joui-ioy;? Two Kotes of Hand on Mr. IH id Harry, to Johi inuurnoy.fof Tbfe Hundred fc Tcn- ?l)ollsra each.Jbr Four Thousand pounds of clean Cottons wo ovesWMr. LliarlesStrotlier.Xme tor roriy Dojjars Je ether Tor Pify1Svveh,givttt to Kichard S. Grant', fine Note oniJ i uf i FloOrnoy, given to Samuel J. Antho f7 One STotfi on Charles Pabney, tbr Teii Dollars, 66 cts,. hssides hdmber bf other papers. . I do hereby forwajn y personfrvm tradinjf, for any of lh aforesaid 'JJotCs. 'ls t mat. . 1 will giv A generous feward i.p ajiy per n" Vho- will teturn said lJocket-Book, fvkh tL above g 13,500. g 15,500, Not two blanks 'tQ a prize. , ."U00 tickets at 5 doU:u.echita Thecaih prizes subject lo a deduction of 15 per cent Stationary frrizeb at folloy : First300 dran Blanks etititlcd to (5 dolls, each. FjrstdraWa Ticket - ' , '200 dolls .' Do; oh Uie 4th, 6th 8th, & 10th days it) dolls, each INK pntlie 12thJ14tU, 16tU fi iSihdaytf, 20 dotis. each. -Do, on each day from the 20 Ji to the' 30th v , f J incjiM' fe, excefving Uie tickets $nsti- 1 f p ' tuting PiiWi, ' " i " 20 iickets each. , Tbe said 8tIriies to consist of Jtliie Numbers from Wl t0'500 bicluive (.each W of the said 4v0ttt.be one priie, the first 20, or lowest number or the 20iU Ouy, and so re gularly ascending to tho 59th. t V; " " ''.t "' V Firstdawuon thi?0tliaj.yt f: dolls, 14200 t Do.; ),..' v ,; - 2d:day.v . V. dolls. lucr. ' Do., c ' ' . . ,44th day, dolla;:; 500-f 'Do. - !; " ,48di day, dtHls lOOtf , - Do. !-'"s 5(Kh'dajy,'i;;';'iV joik.. louo s The ManapersnresentUieforeiroine Scheme lothepUh. lic in tbe confidence that not only the jaudabte object of J tne Lottery, but fie grea muuceroeni jiciu out."o u venturers, will ensure a snecdy sale of tlie Tickets.1 The proportion of prizes has seldom been exceeded, and tJuy I aresorrangeuaiat ine.pureii:r ui by hang the piospect;of drawing twenty fibers, msy calculate onliis chaiice of obtaining two or, three of the fij, t,i. V,II',mctm'nr Avedollars i ' ' V 1 ' lEW , , ... " " y- ' " . i Tbe drawing will commence on me.nrsi oy w witot , next, ftiid will be fiiikhd without delay; f v',. H'r' or-,' ... j . - " 'v., j in m x7 v . rwrt ni o jt , , w ": - V," ', c : X', s IVWam oneca. ;j , . v : March 2c, ? ? Ult Oc't jf-i FFEuV-for: Swi . .theirtoek pf cbpttS, m the City nesday tiw 9th, laid on 4fitfFenlnjf'ihf '' 'Wme, wiri lie : . inur'el v'cui W iT ;f ltJ e v perforWo ed play oaUcd thf V :ft'i 'tUf 4 t'Wffr '"PlTO W:8t,.r who" With,. withiYaimroni-ike.Aittrc4ece..,v vW'iM. v.. tn?B Y and' released. tbcrKentufekifln. . ,,'- - 1:;v-".'f ' a V;'l ti..41lLU sec'ry, ..' May 19. close youlisVof i,the lilled yodweunded du. 4- s. M !l-f:6w'-V9.'ri 'iv;i last.'tvrota ftovbu :hn'r Jh i.' a.tii.d. .r;- ' ' " ?j" ' ' 'V ' r." 'Y'v ;.J'- 'V.-, '' I Node end of Wr;. Parish' jlrfelt HoteMiare just te e;ived a rurw aiid eietrant sttunl of DR1T l.OOMH. bluett wiii tft otspoaeoiot At a very woiiurgte- pneu tor v ftM-lm .slMii .t U.. '.I.'. .' . . . nf-Vtv"?V'. ff;wn teu the., , N. Wf.side of the, Miaiij;?;J; ; a V, v:; ... ' i Yrtll will n1anAlt,w !:.... r...t.l.' 'J! ." . ' '.i '.' KNtheren J. tyf snd'Haw Aiver, a UED MOROCCO i'OL'EET- I A COPy ,2Venf Vlay,8 report i to & BOOlt. with Wibc of papers one for. Fiv Barrel , 5c ?l,t'.h9 jnaer Vthii; (iXecutioff my r order v nda iyrceotWIiiskeywiuch ttttick 'onytV? eoeraitV battcritf of Uewbcm to tatt for mck datd Mav l2th: 113. liiii; Kfc'i? 'tr.2.t L V: , ..p?."c.1 ,s 1$ ther u:llpe.s WmyifXltwWte Wl" be area' U to rurtertue ouvir i Guilford.. 1 fbrra all t Deis. Any person findinir i nir -kiiuw ki in sir trE i irni kubii bsvh s'B,,t,-.i. .... i ,- j ward byv -,'. ISAIAH HUILL." '' wtecu tlietiCene. :Indecd t.e vGu4loi county. May s9tbrl815;;vAtp Spiked, fhe earns -re a a "i . iviir-j auM. i -j .. : m barticuiar marka kiV: MdnlteeiMt. 1 V tne , Wr 4 ' maced i this nlnir. n. u. t ' - j, a J ; 1 a .111 filfS-r(h Hi l Iia vt s- e 4 .mate's v . . . " " v v ;.t.;y aK'rkuUir hrvtca: 8 Va b' r thdr C ' r nmi ri)ii win. 1,1m mm. imvi 1 ti'ii i. "uivu,(,nu ih i iiiivc lire ucnr homespun clu. ,, wh'cli lit will piobsbly exclmngiv aooye reward will bt givefi to j,ny perurm vrti Urn 9i Imer secure him in some jail tjtst I . - ... r j - The Mur upon tt. ft6 Derfectlv a:-cnr-.Lw 'iM. i l - . . " ..,....' . . f ' retreat that! the. 10 men who cyme' H" rfef. .-. '.. ' l.i .' ' '..' . . , 1 . ..'"