.""Volume. VI. ;P:tfe 10. V - 1 I r r 1 MOai: FULMKO BUSINESS. I V. . - - , y , fT H E su W ri -er nl Vv ataer. proii tSa RaWgb , - lVg tv 'u '..if w..U klMititcVT inb I to e.lf, ! - pcrMa' il-tlrcc wtn pwU w.th all puib'. If 1 aai t lct my mtn t! botuwe S M wtte M iW ! t ta ara.-l iv( Fa!liir M i i and behold I diaoovarad f ! , that ha will da irmirrUUn'r U 1 aU.IUntaper yard, wbea I - :" the to. bar f U U 35 twata per yard i - - T."h that are lha taut irjre I itr talL but Wt it I , be ratoatx-rtd Art fr U tnn Uit rratJ. t 4 ' ' tot-: tW pnbtie print that he would fail traand . - ' Lalf lowtr tba wr o'Jtrr MrMt U the aunty. 1 ." ,watrthetmbUiUrf4,acmoridttcf y prior for faiUntj ami dying , AU dirt cotoerS nl atxarcd 3t i'-.t . pet yrd 1 not liMred (6Unr) 3cf pat yard (all wel) i i I - " ail li-hJt eutour wtll ihtared SUcf, oca laiad 1M, COM "' fnif 18A rfnun ami wool dark colour lid, light do ' , V ' " ftiankaU (UIU and cartW, aa.p fottod. dona gts'1 . AU 4 v'."" A arl.n m..iMii in fVrau, nai',hthaareatMC ( i I ' ."'i f depend Bprtarirjf ibeir wark wMl ltne, m4 d&-' it . ; CCyciolli will b rr-cclml Mm. ttd"o. i t' . r,mck,eornT'ir, inordwta b fulUJ, and ra(irted t i " v thcra hn finnf.rdtni tba Ust LiUmlxf m ererjr McMb. I - ' Tboa who tv0 cloth there, wU k Wall to iwtfk il ' ." y particular, and tetvt m orders i wU Bwf ' ' Sv nh Itdjed indxlrrwwxl-' "i v v ;' :'', v V'-i" The iuSacrkftcn nocied 453t rrd eloth to fall. :v . fUlAfce Rrrt W7lr w to tLt flj-t of Deoatr bar. , -.X a;'--f'X u. ? JAt BOTL4B, rnlVe. 13 buIm mrth-wwt frrna ff intborougfa :-NOTICE. ' - 7 A LL-renn tt oerchy catitioMd i J at tnuUnr wth y' . x or "pK njr tt of my Strm. wii hwt mt pmi- v iTli law wiU b ftntoreed fmrt tlxwe wh dwra ..rwdthUtautkH' v v V'-H. VtX)KB.r I . V v,SAMUEL HOGG.4 . NOTToceopiet th Tavern at Cbapel.HUl lattrjketit by John Tajrlaiy to. : Me U pwidtd (4 nicrt;n ihnM whn arill laTDUF Aim vim xdcv Muiom. ami Aan ar ' x 'ommodato tixteeftorclghtcm boardt, aAiKLttr aim i be will a-iv cornmcM iuJciion.' . t . ; and f,ecH T i.&OitttM tto U wlird ACW of th ti pnrt b " . . !. . Lm a -Manvrrv ak ilk C. d vu 00 co Umxt fcir Iti unU teutons to M-niC.- ' ' VV-'t Itiwwr rhat MoreUoS, .twhnbg Jrd r. bund kllf u'BcknUf wrong to Wh Mrtrit eorp to Icteric pt Ihe caromuMc- tiofl bwei Vr crui oa Mtw prtr, at tba depwturu of th tof !mV .,..1 Li ruLm men. " ...V" - J ' mil 11 i w w a - ai w , j n - Wm. k.a iui iMt-nea uua ryvt on th Pacifia ocean, r Atpuk WkOintOtftPIMMOtUJIBwrwww:'-; From tb fioston A Jw(1?r of Jatjuarjf 1 pu 4 Trirv vVaaut. of BoLxh If dT from DeIfxyU(hot 60 mile from Amsterdam) irith ft roll aonod DutcU cargo, ftfrifsd t Tcrtlaixl on - aiw P Jl. Ther U 1 retwrt In tovn thierota that DotrtJMnft hat gr bck t dooAow U tomcv twr H'originrted, I cannot a a" t k awl. aaJ taa' Iaum sot mucn tennc 11 to uiw.w.n mar bare been circulaicxl for jpoculatir purpoict, u 1 thoOtuid othri art wrth 0 trt tho IU pur I Tbo bov repat of thfre-taWng-'ftf DrtSiJcn nk . 1- .4:,..ti..1- (,tiiMMr,niM an X iwMnr.. ! fLrnrthat nt hafwwni.' bettlcft tmrtt xi f.H'"M, and other towna taken "bit tht bank ofiht Doe. ? AH the trraief of the aliied power "Wro on th left bilk e!th Ell Ooniparte rat a ftttfur one r two hundred nil from that liter I ' Drea- feo ia m the rjhtlnk of the biDe ana yet, mo firtt annary 10, .1814- 4-,T NTOttMS the IhKftWvuiU of CumbtrrtaiMl eowttv. v Ae - " raabomajrh and ia tifcimtr, Uit be la eosniuanccd -i-..the practice of Medictne, BurRtry and Midwifery. . He U "aiioa at Mr. Srrtrghtm'a, w AraraapoaottTu Deo? QflL !. 1 WOOL; CASH and the bitfbeat price ffre Sir nreol al tLc wo hear; Ktw Dresden is token i r a xci. Tli lite arriral fronV Enebnd ; hid the effort to in tVm rami nf Sneculition Miny . erticlcs were -t" - - 1 , - anld nrt Tuaadat loom S3 V eu per cnv, Kwcr week bolbr.v Manr tk,h Mmirei-a ald WO llODB the tmTf will UCjl aa O . r . -. " litem (iiuuuiaiiviM rwVtreo tne' wi J fe idu., tftdef the maw u U . f"n itbnaiuoo rnn.. CO iO W ' J .1 ) . J lit inf If l I rnirk t at! IK . "!l.i.. .t.a ntsonen of n.r.. Te hou. orders. arm a.--"- - . a IntHei fl.tn an ?Ontbeajn; rnorrirre etacirr.ef t cf r r 'ro-jjr liennet, v.m.jre4 at Ltai, I i-Mt,wj aUMki-d 1 7 a rarw,f nt-f rtlseawero lmraeiately cmomHted t- f 1 and aI7Ut 3 o'clock this afLcrnoon, aW ; o i!.fmurMi. At Oe a.ni time two,! l.rV,V.aMla. lrtnK"ix)' BlaciRock, were act od iU tn.jit 0S hia li Cc atj ly ttB.lUin a t fir?todconurncd. It i tho atowed objecttofthe rate tharRe, effecud their r, t,t afu:r btL ; n!iu as rccelTed by Kod eWOorUy, ti proceed 'rounded by Vetera) hundred, with the loss vt e -. " I K..aM.a nf Ljtmlnei . ikA miKi laaa aaa Waft ll'.l a abort time to une, wr inwpui,-c. 1....m,wwW.w. WV1", welsbtt part stxX astn inducetneiit toaofeapLJotiea, Inuantirt itrixr!? mhrtri t . tho wsaels b t!t part sou, assn iuucenicunww vrwagu vic niuw nricrjrtiw. me 11... ia Trutiaaa ta aid and assist tnern in m ncunw 01 out;ipiow, ri't.cjicr, aou trie , j- fujj JiSertT IS pteo tnem, to piuuocr, iur , man a unirf r'.!, 1 --cg 10 aanrs, . ; owo4neflt, whercterihey tny ro-.. As the com,-'th InofTecaitft Inhabiunt wlvo could twt ec Ma nlace t5 the easrwardls enAwere, wUhoutreiranftoareof aetiinbHTnanlTbtiLS- tirerf Inurrvptod by tho said Indians, &C and a. it ered bjr tatacs beaded by DHub cflvs paLrtci. U Important for you to batft tho earliest intbrmaUon t A British officer who t;.Vc jy- tt stows t'.., ariheXite wo recorocQOtvi to you rery exertion,: many tniallehiJirtn were, murdered 1? their India: s. abfttn readiiiss,lacicol ao anewpt wuuroa;.oiajor tauary, w.o vti.suTonea t DcMoss afnraaaid I sndfequest of you, aonae osustanco in, with hout, 40 Catiediin tojunuefs, "advanced t men, arms and ammuniuon. - aa we m w ; iwiiao , r icip ii, bj, compcuca ioe actauccc arma.and no ammftxntion Tbe fimeUhlarmutg i;ryard of tb e;eniy to fall back to the loot f tt er 01 tpocy ; - mountain., a tie niitjvr is raeruonous cuicer r- UnVWMvn im v.m. f, ' - t" . ".- -" - - ""v" - a ;; , - Oa the wtrt tmm nnio. icw.", iiougnttne enemy two 1jts, rxl' ejienuea evt - .- tiK'n 01 rrouiui 10 tr.e 1 auuwanty erect, xn Uu . ctions. Iku Lbwe, 33d rr gt U". S. army, and 8 . ISAAC BARNES, Mai. Com ituua eear iHtnaiov ' m v. .il ah i ... Mrifn. mil inn tu- v . . u. miwiBiiMi . . I ,, . loft taxation faiunteers, were iu,iea. '.- naarnv. ell S 6y prev'urti to te attack on Nuga4 r. ptace, BUck Rock, and the other- iilses' on ti.-j fron'tier. rrl cane here Without troopv' oiul hare caVed out the militia : cf Gcnncsaee, .Nisjra r. ,i ChaUuguS counties en imtutel f M This place ws .then tnou-t to be la mtt i- my Rate rtancei cp lo uie. r vuf destroy ctct; thing as tbey-PesV vS' ' : ; V'y Vi rreai tWVfat-rm Press: f - ArmsY- 0 I; v ' THB Subscriber offera hia aerViora a arwit for oer. J.'t ' W1 vn8" - deaUnua with the Stat Bank at Salia " " U nnr HtfwlU transact buaifteai upon the Allowing terras Vu'!L, t 'Forpreaenunlranotefof dUcctV W,-.y ind paying it 9mgtm;&sWc';r :. v I letter addreMed to him at Raliabury, (poaipiUd) aball .v v.,.''. eaauiy attenaeo t0.-uaiers wunuie Banic woo eoinut : (heir busmen tn him will regvlart forward money tad rotes for renewal. ' j t - .2? THOMAS X. COWAK. v Deft. 1, !813 l rtha miitt ia hraded - T.s enemy, wWom courso is marked by etery-species of tJeprtdatiorH fjilculstetj tsdlstressour fellow cifizens, is prog re s- mnnli hnc i4Ttnt waste etery vimK uui comes fc their, way. .'Already : h Buff;iio Ibrt Schlosser, Nlanchester, Lewistown and fort Niagara, been swept from the earth by epnflaRration, the cries of Infants, wpmen, tho sged nd iiinrtri, uli; teudjy for protection nd. redress, end otery wan-hMing stagiodropof Amsncan blood Bawing in iiis train, will not refuse to repair to tftti protection of Erie, and'eWppteg st'that place, J i" 't s i : bhIGade orders;-: ..& "x i .f -y. M'ABVtttx, Jani II14.V SIR--In Pursuance of .General Orders of the most alaiming namre, you ore hereby- commanded to march your regiment with all possible expedition to the towq ol line, tnero to pertorm a winy oays tou ordttty,unless ooiier, discharged 1 tho men tQ i, bo armed witn a umclent rma or row&ei, k sacsvand Blanket, if io their power to furoisb thrfttne. A court ol appeal win, do r.eia at me house of Nathan Pattarsin, of tho town of Mercer', en Thursday the Tth of April oeTUf As at present advised, it ts ootiamr power to furaisk tho rations that the law coAUsnpfatea 1 I shall, on its nurcWto Kvtrustf lett from Cananddptifiluted Su, tbo place of rendeoua and as far as in my powef J. v ddintniogiJaiutarw S, t814.rr J wilt furaish- at" Meftdylllo n4 aVatfocd lou wui. incrciore, una uua iniprniauuii wraiumwwiw to your regiment, in order that each man may, if possible, tartusb tumaeit to fcet,? 1 ? Vf,;' VUett CU.:Themas lloseck 4;. Ol r.'iX 'd -? -t ,.'v. jiihai rjtc- r. i'ji: J . Tl . . .1 I I 1 . r mioent oangcr, a wcmi 1 e mjjnnp, oui-j J .jvs no doubt ii-noW perfectly stcurev. -Voluntetrs n coming In In great nomhers i they arei however, 1 sptcfcs of tronps that cannot be expected tot: . unue in .mice for a long time i In a fewd n lwvu oeucnea miuua, sueiy araitea, wuipeoo - 'i'I bate the honor to be, 'v' '?'. : 1J . l ne lavte aeseeni 01 me enemy no or ironti jid the korrid outrages' committed oft ear io- feneeltfss tnbahitanls, by Ibe lintuh allies, be, ins laid to mymiseonduct As -commaadin iZ- eer 01 ine Amerieu lercca pi in ironuer, tea altLougb my conduct has been spprpvtd by li t sceretnry at wkr, Ike eommandr and elicf u' this state, and by major general Ilarriionbef - Bis oepanure, etui s oeeu 11 ujiij wnico 1 or to my own reputation, in order to pat step t the eU report!, whUIi oro pMpagatcd atuiuV me, wiwoqVjKnowr'g wy raenr Mui meai which I had ia my power to execute them, t glre brief sUtemept of my most promir t aets eiaeo 1 have had the hone of ao)mgoru a eommand.-On toy arrival At Fort 0o, lil previous to, the departuro ,01 Ueu Wilkins a with hie fcrmj from that post, I eugeste J ti the general the necessity of marching out t jrmi. the enemy At Cross' Roads and Four Mile Cm ' ) that his army'wjta the addition of my nr'':X were sufficient to take or destroy all the L foreeeto that neighborhood, jrhteh would lean MOthiRg more foj he toilitia to do than to pr teet and keep in order the inhabitaats of iL .1 part ef the prov-inee, as .otherwise ear frontlet would be liable to he invaded.; This proposition : howover, waa not agreed to, as the general!, u- : struetions were of a different natureWhe. ftnc rallefl with moCol.Beott and 800 regulars U . were to rAmSin until 1 eonsidered my fore? iu!V ! eient to how tno ton wiuiou theau woen tuj ; .A.. a -! B.AV-arft'a'. riot. t T About the iath of Oetobe the British ATtnt commenced, their retreat towards the Jiead if the lake, ! issued orders for my "militia to par sue, which was promptlv obeyed. Wo advanced its far as thf Twelve ilile Creak, and within l short distance of the enemy's rear geard, whom Col. Seott sent Air express requiring me ts rf tarn," and said that ho wbnid abandon the ft next day, aaid march With his troop for 3ack- , ett's Harbor, and kt the same time detained my j provision And ararannitloti waggons which Mm- . pelled me to Abandon the farther piirsait of 01 1 enemy, ana . tn Jueea tnem to make ;suna o v the haights of Barlington." ! was then left with about one v thousand ' effective ' militia In fort George,: and two hundred and fifty Indlani, : foree not more than saffieient in number to gsf i rion the post,', Oil the Arrival of penHr"" i loa'e army, I was elated with the prospect f j uniting our forces of. drivinlhe enemy fl'o : Balingtoatakiog possession of that post; aal' giving peace to the upper prpvinee and ear froi tier, .,y were tftepared to mureh in 3 houri, . i V4t . -' LOST OR MISLAID, .r TK Ttcmbcr last k judgment (a favorDeiinla Cndj .v-.vX against Samuel Guthrie end John Marshall aa cccum- , tf, lor tne sumet any umiara, due-tue lain of April Iut . .rkl1 persona arc hereby forvaiped 'againet trading for jiaU judgment, and the eaid Gtthrie and Mankail are .. oouheu to pay it to none ma toe proper evnr. , '. : . . ' ..' v-".. )-.;-'. Ar.tA..TiHQ. rTSURElX. "Wake, Jan. iel8ly t - 8-3tp. , . Amidst the central cofcfusion, such facts at 1 ean ratolltcL are aa follows tJ fM'X'&'&PH j;Tbe British ere in possession of Buffalo, which is not burnt, theyTtavotwt advanced far on that road. General Hall's head-quartera are tit Batavia but we have troops at Eleven Mile Creek. Our voluiv tters flod aooo after the attack, and ere coming homo tn arevee. l novo tun icernea wai mr. has written, that on the ndee road they bad advanc ed seventeen miles tins sicto ot , ftnsi.'ara t Colonel "T, JAMES PITT, Tiilor; i T-Tsw removed bis ahop to Mr. Boas's buildings, next , XX door shore Mr- Fuller's Store, and near the Mu-ket-t Ja'ousn He eontiauea tO proaoCutc hia buaineaa with Cdelk- ty and diapatca, and nopes for encourage mem, ' : . . k "v . wgn, Jan; w, m. tfftura, but . lUll, who however, has behaved "Very wll, and eocins to be uniting the public confidence a lull r. :ir,. . ; i.,-- k:- h Tbia will bo A Tory distressed country before spring We shall certainly have continual alarms,' and arjdl know oxpunmentauy the success of burn ing and plu or."-a :;3V(;, , FOR SALfi, ww1-' " w V e" raWO aWltlUUa T TIN (i 1 about 38 mibw treat NaahriUe, tn the state of JL4 Tennessee,, en Dig MarpeUi, which, will be sola w ' 'eaaenable terms, or exebaneed for Lanrfa in. thia stmt The Land is svd to be of a good quality; for which an nndouoteo uoe can oe maae oy mt tuDMriber. . rot in Ibrmauon, appiy to Samuel Uoodwm, Tq. of this city s r: . .r, h v 0S1A POXIAUD. taleigh'Jan'. W, ' 3-i5w-.-,-;,' : .ii - i i , . i i1 ii i if i COMMITTED a : M TO the Jail ef Burke couatv. on the Ifch 'i J of October last, a .Kerro Man. hetweea v 21 and SO vears old. of a yellowish com. . . :rkd, walks with hia toes out, and bd On aoegrtxotton coat i the other clothe. ragged ana patched and of. ttiilerei Jkinds. Savsbe kelonn to 4 man hv the Daiae of bvsora, In Bannister eounty, auppoaed to4e in the stateof Virginia, and that his name to Buck.' The .earner is requeued to come forward, prove property and - Xy cbargea, or ue wui oe oeait wun accor mg to law. i Jan. 20 , - JOUN WOUlJaB; Jailor, ' ' fist or Mislaid. VJ"-'- A ?0TB of rlAND,' gives; by Merritt IKliiard to Al XX tied Jones, for fifteen pound, eeventeen sDUifitga , en demand and payable the 10th Trbruarr Uat wiiji i credit of: three doliara endorse, on the back. All per oona are hereby eauuoned not to trade tor Ute said Mote .. .... . . . . a' II ' M f .1 . . . j.. ' . . . mauie aaia nemit ;auun. irvui ayuia; iiac aauu aa ta endoraed to the SuhaCriber. ' - . MEXlCCvrr; -the-wAr. 4 , Extnti if &teturptk Editor, dttd Crnnndapia, .. .. i. .,iia.i-- ..I 1 "iniorniuoi n iu rcawicu.ivwu ui uvivm denco general com plaints-1 no One at the head of A tetter froi the hltt nvu'tet at Warren, to John m, ttq. float matter, rttttourg, jaatea n arrtn, January I, soya, ' -J', . 1 am informed by the post master at Lower Saadu&ky, a party of lorry "tuen-commanrtel by L.ts. LarwtlU Fisk 'and Divis, who were went by Okn. Case to reconnoitre on tne titer Da Trench, were attacked by the British, three killed, two made their escape, and the rest uken prisoners S v; ) - -- , ' Axx asseia, Jan. 10, A friend has' favored us with .the perusal of a letter, daied Sacketi's Harbor, Dec 38, from which we learn tast the fleet at that place, has been strip ped and laid up for tho Winter. The weMher was remarkably moderate, and the Harnor entirely clear of ice. 1 he meet on board the Hoot were much more healthy than they had been for some) time pro viouaj and were abundantly supplied with-every necessary. Tho enemy hr certainly building two veascls at aUncstoa' one ot 1 50 feet keel. The wil tcraupixnes that some vessels will be commenced at the Harbor in a short time. . We have been b, formed lrora Another source on whichrwe can rely, tnat the at aces front Albany were loaded for scveial days with ship cirpaucrs ror tckeu s aruor utraia, ; Fran the Border a tJ F.rie. istown. on the Ridse road, mafchins; towards thisolace, with: a force wf above 3000, including Indians. Our forcoislsts ohly, of about four bafive hundred effectlTO tnen-We are almost des- tittr.e of ammunition and guna, Our force is at or nekr B.tUvia. 'v. Wo ara very much alarrnsd here brtbOafvityofthhjUlMge - V f? 5 Faoii Eaia. By prlvato letters which have been received lrora Erie., dated on the 4th inst, ire learn that the fears of Immediate approach ef the eoemy hsd in a trest measure subsided, jot the last in formation received at that place, from pereone sent out to reoonnoitre, U appears tbo enemy do not do "im A to.- attempt toi epproacn that o auirbor bif ire the ice on the lke becomea hard enough to bear them., jt is ' the opinion of every person there, that the fleet ia perfectly safe and in addi tion . to the obstacles ' to their procoedinK ' to Presqu1sle, .the enemy, If they attempt to destroy the tovn, according to their lata btoendiary mode of warfare, will fied it defended by a largo body, of nuuuat who have repaired thither tn a apimed manner for its defence. Many voluteora were on the point of proceeding from Ohio, but wore turii ed back, their services being deemed unnecossary, it is oar opiruon that Doth the town and fleet are safe. ' -' '" " tpv of a fetUrJrom General WClute, of Via Jreto'York state troops, to the Secretary of : Head quartm, BaffiioiDeciti? I8it., ; ita--t regret to be under ihe neeessily?of an nouncing to you the ; mertifying ; intelligenee of the-loss of fort Niagara.' On the morn in of tne lBtn tast. about o7eloek, the eaesay eroHt Cot PitUbttrg.Jan. s AVith feelings" of. agoiTy wel tne rive.r Fivmilo Moadowain grrat whea the Arriva ef eompsouore Chaiineey w , orders for that exoullenf oflioer, general Harri ! son, to re u air trauiediatelv' with his Armv t nrcseut our tuAders with tho lo'Jowiue aiarmit.e intelligence, received by a gentlemen whb arrived boro yesterday from Erie, which place he left on Friday Usfit is unhappily entitled to the fullest credit,,; y. ' , If there is any hope left lo the present case, it Is, that, lie understand tbo fleet is so moored In the harbor of Erie, as to present a bittenr of from fifteen to twenty guns, Irom whatever point it mn beat- tucked hm the Ice Is not sufficient jto bear, should tne enoroy attempt to ooara, ana tnat it is complete- Iv Cot away ronnd the Shinnintr. We also learn that genet al Mead lias issued circulars ti all tho colonels fids brigade, by express, ordenne them of troops,; but torfoM itrrlect in ih immediately to:march their respettiye regiments ling officer of the fort, CPwiiConar4. in not ore. force, consisting of regulars and Indians, who made their way andiaeovered to.the garri.on; wuico irem toe most oorreet iniorioAtien 1 can eolleet," was completely sorprUed. - Oor men were nearly all asleep ia their tents the tnzmf rushed in and'made a otosf horridV ilaaihter. 6aeh as escaped the fury of the first onset,- retU red te the eld etess-bouse where ' they , kept np a'aestraeiive ore on the encmyvunjUl a aut of am monition compelled them, to surrender," Al though our force was'vprya'inferiry and coina raUvely small Indised,' I.atnjudiioed to, tlifnh, that the disaster ia not Attributable to auy tconf :4 their rjatriotia fnfta 1 n&r!nf: KaA valu. .i i..t,:-. k.... . ..;ir i -' j , i". t, ---7 V . - . r I r7'"0 w.-j, vt, ,uv tuyajuK uui ior UI aK. , . ' AewOHeant, Mwmter Mp& tccttty l ana. the enemy be checked in hn peeled atfaefc-feHs.; f a veoselfrom Vera tVhll.lirriet4 bwj .. ttwt.iv ! nfuosday, "WWTSrAaT. '.t:. nave,'.ien5tvoied with the pe Sofo'oAof them, dAuUf. ASSa -4VtaJ iL A Sackett'a Harbor.' I rsmonat rated ucraiiitt bJ . ; going off, as will J seen id a eorrespobdicibs tweetf tne gcuerar and myself ut iu yaiq. , , of i which movement all my expectat ion were blajt ed, ind I foresaw the consequences, unless A rft . inforeement was immediately' sent ou to supply the place of the draftod militia, whoje term ' serviee would shortly expire. I eoniidered my, roree, which bttd bteome jingovernftble, as wnicn i issue t on my wtrn. V'- u ?,'" 1' For six we.eli hefofe the militia were dischapi gnd, I wrote aml.ciinniieiV writingj'to th 1 eittary itttvnr,thDi neeessitjr of sending on M9' ; larninent pt nnmia orrcgoiar troops t mi foupd it jrapOMiuld to retain tli militia ta i vice one day bejond their'ternij I alsestatcl ; from the hfst infurniation,' the enemy's fvrce. I offered at bounty ofvtwo dollars per month, f one or two, month, but Without effeet; '.fo016 fcw'of Col, Blobm'e 'iVhi'ent took the toonty and iiQmcdiatelr disApnearedJarid I'wai W; ljelld(Jlflkgrant A disehargftfto- tho militia ; voianteers, which ltl e with about sixty i tlve. regular of the ith United Stktos 'wI'mW I under captain Rfldrers-to ffarriion fort Qeorfr l 1 summoned a ennneil ef Piiur' km! put "f fort Fayettea:ed their oervices, and the troops at have escaped out of theFort-ome hadlv womidtd . n-tAr.Ctafe Lieut Peck; 34th rekiUed, atid ; aahTi J V''-"W others.';i.V 4A4i44 Ia llMjirraa Wk!ueK . ,..v.m; xouwu perceive, air. bvther.nrWA n-tU X. i - i . i i 1 ' w