n t v J "'t 1 x4 '. A',trjr;trm:.TTEP, STATE,) FAfTEVinX STRLET, OrPOSlfE.TlIE TC ri . ..Minx wtssly r tjiom.is iizxdsiiso rouirr:.;: .-I H ALEIGH, FRIDAY, .MARCH'" 1 '1814 ;,V.:.!. VI.. .' 1. i 4 t . - .-. w i . 4. LOST, , t. AMszareanllues :k Cn-Ve'.!, with the initials of the inpr'i nutne on r e ban-he of the stalF.1 Any l-rao. Gndir- tilt sumo, n ;t leaving it at thii OlLoe, Will, if re n iire;'., recti L: did regard. ' . ykijl., U'ruAry,18I4. r ( r'a TAKEN ;UP r , committed to tb jd of this county, (tcaufort) in tan place r.ni i f color, who on elimination tays .t vi one of those who deserted about eight mon'J)! sinct from the Uavatinith Spanish re giment i Militia at St. Au. gusiine. and cair himself a free inr.r, Vy the name 'of Ucurtu Franco : ' r- ,1; ,ng no proof off ii being a fixo - muhe was dommitted to priwo, uu- , dcra bt-Iitf of bis beiri arunawsy ilivei he a!- states,' that he foil in with John l!,,r,i near St MJiola on the American sule- of 1' e Et. Mary's river, who brought him'' to Pitt County, N- C - He is of a I, put complexion, cosw i Jcribly marked With the small pock, slender mde nl , ...'near six'feet in heirht, and apeaka tolerably well UiaEn. jrl'ub laniia.e. 4 Any peraon owning t!) laid Negro, U fci reby req ;euied to come forward, prorc prooetty pajr kisexpence, andtaiehiinoutof tr cusWy. . - -t' . r.-V ! V ( ' ' ALI K G1UST. Jailer. ' .Washington, N. CTebruary 1, lit U fM"T-4t.t. -f ,. .' j "i 1 m ,,i ,. , ,. ., mt-y 1 y : v uTw.cnty Dollars Reward. it ' ( 't) AN AW AY from the suWrller nn the 2d 'instant a likely Negro mao, -namtd K F.N BIT of J irk enmplt? ... ! ion, thirty-two or Uee year of .age, about five feet ete venintheshi; h.tias aaulky Stubborn look, talk horsmd I V1 inx-rt diilidtnt when rtoken to ; had on when h went , awy in 3jro cotton mat, pantalooni and rest homeapiKy . - no WUtr ciouan recollected- I pi'ttumc tie i lurking a ' boutiii the county of Nasb. either at Mr. Kkbiiel Collits Or amongst the Negroes belonging to theur.HiUiardaof , laid County. ; he above .reward jjT twenty uouarm 1 be given bt ni nc deliverinp'd nefrm Henry t nut i Lvm'jr within three nuleto'f I-ouisburff, franklin county, ') orten-doUurs to any pers i! apprehending laid AegTO nd iodKinjr ulm In zv.y gaol vv.hin t':e Utew that I get him strain. . ' . " " "t "J , - 5 . 'i.:'. NAT; HUNT. - 'January?, 13l4.,lr l.y - W-.11''-, ' , ; J'OR-SALE,t:y.;,'V-K., ''lcven hundred and ihirtyaereh iff Laitd, lying ? rArtf mile tut cfO'sordi GranvUlt tountuf C. , l fTpHB lAndta Well watered and' calculated to produce t 1 . Tobacco, Corp, fheat,Sic. on nhicli Uiero it open i i iaad en jugh to wok twenty ot twenty five band.; On the ' . premises i a large and commodiou 4wtllinp Home. With j other heccssary out houses. . jUso a lare and valuable i Apple Orclxard., 1 ov terms apply to ' 5 S X 'lo i f W.H'j Pennirgton os liule Kelor. 3J d i4'Jo. Kt U-r, jr. atert of old Kcldereek. ii uq of John Uker, on the d.i'i-liprf ridr bc tUanic. n-t Berer.. ' ': -f".. , 200 do f John Jonaon'io Slide p. of Obeda creek. S .' y) ;lo of Jo Oaker, 00 Cmmberry, near Turkey Knob. - 200 du nf trilUata 8tuMy ot BrtnU erck. :.'-' U 7 ". SiO d of XUchael Ciider'ieu Uuflaloe cnxk. - v. 1(W do cf d on do. v -1 .' -,-. H.--" '0doof!oao. : " V-" - J " H ,100doeDaj.ielKetlcreBUeVeTerk. "V .. - ,' lUdoofliefaAaj-d FoutfMthe W. of nyr creek. - J00 do of John Couti jr. pehe W. of J4. R of N- ' 50 do of John Couch, Jr. on Ileltor, T , O , ; .. '( 100 do Of William M'Kiel on a Fork of N. B. I 1 V 100 d of JoiepU Foute on tlie W. of Itfver creek. ' )93Uf JolinJoUeno Cseheadef Hoakini fork--V'V to do of AedreW Beard'a oa the W ef S. fork lC'-f T COO do of tlte heir et Johu Slirppir.l S. fork N. K j ; 4J0 du of Alexander StnlieVlaiid, water K. fork K. B. v 130 do of Keube Debord W. of C N. K. t , , uv ui rfvnn nguKrn on un Haters uii.i,( ., 300 do of Jtichard Uwuoa tEe Blue ridge. VV v 200 do or wau Steplwn on Meat Camp ertlc ' i-ri 300 do ol the heir ol Lw ujimor uv AVvUuJj Joe w 900 do of lm ui Jo. -..V.' t ... '. ' . ISO do of William iCounn in Ashe count v. ' 'Y 190 do of Benjamin laAit' 1" ti4 county,-' t 1 34 do f Carur WhutimfUm Core Creeks. . .200 of Anthony ITarmon lie ad pine ewamp. n'-i' i0 torfJMepli Black. 3 -.-vc '- ''- i 200 do of Jacob Keller in Art County. L ; " 3 v.. ".v1.' ,.rr.8A;tti cox,'nU .4' rcfc.,d,'t8l4i.'.':.ui--,,C-.,V1H- B-3U 'Vvtr.f v. S'lost, September t2( J8i3. SOMRTlftt in the tn-mta ..f I. tembet lati, a Note of Hod rtccuoed by Henry f. Chamber tfl lliram Co-nba,frtJteaeta of one hundred f' oUan, Jyhle twe 53i!l f lUn 18 12, with Acon.Uia at ilic htttniii, tatin,-, that If the. laid Note should not be discharged by fhnstro:, I8U, thavtU sid Uenry P. Chamber, should pay fi'ty duUars over and above the tint sum of ne him. dn-4 dujlar I hereby for am all person from trading for the said Ndte, and the said Chamber from pa;ng the same to mirr Aeraoa ba wivself, or eroy. r r . n 1 w-v;V'"JOUN JOHNSTON, Jo. : v t H K, '-' Assignee of WjUiam Combs. xV P e'rson tmwry, Feb. '17 . ) ,'. '. . ' 8 ; 4 . . i . , , i in i m ii J f , 'v-.Thc Subscriber,; 7 :?,v EK.NfclLi request ail those indcUea to lum to make payment without delay." . ' CEO. HALL. Twent j Dollars Rerdf-v STRAYED or Stolen from the subscriber about the 1st' of December, a dun coloured Barm, abojt 4 feet 8 or 9 Inches high, with a thick black mute and tail, the lat ter cuftliort,Well made, trot and paces, with .hv spot an USs near rump alout the alee of a dollar. 1 will rive uie aoove rewara tor tnc cell re ry or the saut horse. , -y-:.: t DREW. YOUNGS BitlaiVNecViFefc..lo, 'J, tf,?t pd f :",V; i y 'ToSadJlcrs, fidotpr. I ShoelAfaJcers J ". ;,Z.' BREWER FAIRLAMU'n- V t TlfHEnr; Addlers', Boot and 5hoe-tata?may be,mip I V V plied on the most rcasonahta term with SouL Akin ihg, Harness; and" Bndle leather Gram Jtndjrax Calf Hkitit i Dfot-Le'', Wirt and G rain j Tana lend Top Altin; 1 Was and Grain Upptf Negro Leather i Bellows Leather. ? , Bougti una Lining Mute ; nog ana. oeep jaunsfvi f ' Mr' Oil i Wapxtm and Chuise Collar. Their tock ,tn ; j' aists entirely oi the best Northern lather.,;. Country gen . tleme.1 will f.nd itta their tuterestxtlC:'' i'l 'Vi ' V-' t ' vruers puuciuiuiy Miuiiugu g'-x v up.- t. -K-e- ,. if i i . i i ,. ., ' A T the Court House in Germ anion, en the 1 Ith dav of . Aom. tu loilowmtr tract or iarccto tanu, u so much thereof' will aiisfy Uic taxva due tJierevn for .l .. aA .t i. t . t.?... 5 3T l.U atni of land, held as the orooertv of td ward Harrii in company with John G Biount, between Matt. Auikeet Lulu: and famptico tiound,' and betwteu he Lake nd Juniper. Bay, hwaiKjnarter aiM jum may ana back of the aetUtinent on Funro Uiver on Uio N. aide pi the Lake, end beiwteii tike Lake And. Long fclioal rt patent by John Hail end John. Cray Blount ? vt . V, I'Kl.liuwM aii m ILa 'bii.IU1.iI U'icA An ;liirfl kia ' V - stands on whick Vemelsou Uvt. t' i ' ' 640 r rc which -w rr anted t to UUcklc Ji, Jones, Spencer ajulJNeal back of the patent on the Lake stif.. posed to belons; to Spec hingWtcn, of Newbti a. . I W acre belonging to ditto, Mi Matumiisket, joining thj hisd of Uie ipciicer aud Samuel Gibb, nuir k'x cwek. ii v" . , t " , : 80 scree of land, propvvty of Jarnet Arther heir', on the south side of atade creek, joiuioar the land vf Juhn Bel) and the heir of Wilham ana .. .u i. Fortcscue. .i' v ,12? acre of land,projriyof Wilham Ehodcs' heirs on neeDltuit. iotnine tlM land of Zadock HallowclL ' ' 1 640 acre of haud, property of Samuel Willis's Koir one mile from wjkcn bridge, tatvtrda the blulfou Matta- InUSkeet.' W l-8 ? -' -S. Ajr.lS'lv 5 :'V.1i I , dDO acre ofjajiid, property offmni JJower'a he, ill the Laurel bwanip.joimiijtha landot ttaUiiasJoidau. - ,uo acre otlsuu; property ot Henry iUison heir, on .i . .. .. -a " a t..v . ..tL . r uiu w Swane, i' f .... i v ',ti v 1 i .A?of Jar.tHryJast. two-dark bay ' ftf' . ?lila,-pf.tolerh;tjUe,-1.av 7 f I J "v.i. theii". forWops trimmed lit rt 4ind ' . y . Jiave (lie tnurk of Hai nes, tiaying c r ff a considerable time run In the l I Siaw. flesh mark not recollect- iVi" , 1 , "v f'1-' . reatoimbla reward will be , . jpven for the delivery of s:ud" iorse and txpencea pwd, er if found at a difetanc information by letter, directod to W iuisburc, N. C. will i thankfully received. 1 ..';; i x .', .. .:. .. r.antr roY - Franklin County, FebV' 2 iSli.''' 84l v,v COMMITTED i .1 Jio cL'id vf L'untiOvJijimng the.litid ui' JohnMV iwanei'.iv.' v. y '."i :"'. '- tif -r .'; (-.Oil anre of J." f.irnierW Ahe, DToncrty of Thomla luith, dec u; lying on 5i.ytii:na na erecK,ii -.f. 2Uv acre ot una.' PWipertv M joim UMV -peiwecn m Umuskest wid lov Imm1 river an the Otter citeU, ; . 100 acre joi'lami riven ia byArthttf U.'M'Uae, uh Uiu f 00 aJcre of land, propertyof Alexander Evans, on Mat Umuskcet, jtMUuig. Uie iiu Oi uugu oc, uw uie. i.iu CiiaLV,t'.,- ."'4--..,3i:-."- nfiV.:-5' ''" 150 acre of land.' hronerty of Charic iaskliijri joining the laud of John Uu.tojJ, en tiiehuad of i'utntot.d; 10000 ,ai;re .the propqrtj hf iJo4..U'Cau"n AHcn, betweulong amiluroaierek, Paniigv ana wad of Pungover.tfcv' t--,viii;'v-;- : landbfOdou Wilkinwil at.tiie.ls4irurfgoriver?4. - ,,i.il.'.-. KATHIA& MAIM IN. shft 1. ' 'Hyde county, Frb.Ti 1314 A T te laJ term of Wake County courtv tite auDaci'ioer, qualified Adnunrtstrator of the estate of AtideiSdii. V. Llagty, deceased j U perJun Indebted to siiid esintc are'it guested td t(i com forward,.1 and make "imw.'diate uavmeiit i andihoMhsvinerelaims are mitipi-dto ptesaiit tbera in tit wmtiher attl.ime prescdhid hy'law. Other. Tii thi will' e plead WLarkif aiviKhery , 'V f v'-V S ' 'j,-? ;4:nJ:K- 'r fl.juXtN MARIN 'XathVeV- I i. Ii.i.i I 1 i,i 'i''i'inw: I ill """.J XT' vheHaiTAcksear. halury; a few-day igd, Ked aWowo 'sawrlh. ewtaiiunfir SZ. 35 cent cub. and the.fullowing note o(.wit '.". f'tWI 4 One, not driven to me 4y feler.Wallcr, fl)r $7ti ated. tlieyth JanuaiyriVl. "T payable O luontos ter ante K Twentr Silver Dollars Rcvrard,,! I lYTLfi give the aborc reward for w Negro mn i ho -WaTied by old John AventW Chatham count v. and well known by the name of'Avent, NKD. He i at Uiis ime lurking in Chatham; Cumberland mid Moore cum.' in. a. Having been rained at the jnouth of Deep Uiver, near the junction of-thoe .counties. 5 Said Negro nm away fnw me Mvertd tnonth ttganX'V ; f.-v AinpfmcHiu( March 4 It 14 ;r;l0tpd.t ' s. 1 ' l : . , V J oi .- w-maaruM- pcaswos, repruary Ttm, tm. -' id O.-lsnal w-taclimenttiexled-ent. Aaron PlOClOr. ' .l tract f land eatlitiateit aflSS aferea. t ', .. " ' J djiniur the laud iifUeniawin tjray, Edvrarci Tdale I HC117 .Gnuin and pdterilioed i" a., y" .V104" l-'P 6 l dtfdaot. v IT appearing to he satisfaevhin of th Court ti'at Ed Ward Tisdale. the defendant: i not an Inhabitant llf lliia 8ute 1 It is th-efore ordered, tlwt Dubtication be madi in.tkVl-.Riilcigh htaf, for three months; that unless lie api near at the next.Couutv Court of Plea nA OnartM Sa. ion, to, m tiewi ton- the, County of Kdgecombc, t th twin 1 ioe iu, 1 aruorougn, 1 on lb, tourth Monday Iti May dext, ami rephjvjr JiuT jlead, Judgmeut will be enter ed erairt UM'.A ?'- f-.u'-jt' iS.xS" ',' e."s ,for sal::, . 6 10 acres 6fVc;um Lir. ' , ' LTIXG. about 23 mi'e Tr :n NaBhy'd'.e, i i Tenrtesie, on ii.g Harprtii, W hich i.l be : I 1 re as ma Je term,' or exchanged Lrl-'sln t! . tta The Land i said to be of good qual . iv, t r! 'ih nn 1 doabted title cat be.made lytfte s Iscr - r. l or il. wiation. amriv to bartiuel uoodwut, tq t t... civ. .lUleigh, Jan. 0. h'JOSIAU DILLIAUD. 10. . . .' T If,? ""vV " 4 , . . : : r l. " t. - X THE AVAIL' Coy ijf uUtttcr frtm 'Ccmnit)dore Hod-m (0 ' ' 1 r. . :-V olii.'. i .1.' - . 0 . ...'. 'V''", -.'!! -i1'." i ''',. United Suites Frigate Prtsiuent, ' v ,V.VJU.. garidy Hook. Bay, Ft I. U, 1814. - "... SIK-i-I Itttrew.acqaamtyouth .t I arrive 1 at my rcxcDl anchorage last evcViino; at jTo' dock, alter a cruise cl 75 days'tncJ uowliav J" the honor to detail to you the parti -ilar. U rl a pursuance ol yoti? directicns, I 8 ;cc If. ' r '-.J .1. .t. V . irom ..rroviueuce. tue aia oriJcccn.ULr : vl . . aitnougn a expectea to cavt run the gauntlet through the enem squadron, t!ut. a3 re-' ported ; t6 t.'cruizig; between Eltck Island' and Gayhead for the purpose -'pfcinteiccptir tot: arreocnv, 1, nau tne iuck to avoid then The day after leaving Prk.vidnce, I recc-tur- edVthe Vmertc4B schooner, Qcet, tpi. aul . - bound to, New York; With a of rit)o4 v front : SivaUbih; vhich had ,betu capfcibY v "A iiwiwiuum u a.unt, iu lUCir ppSSeS"! ton bout45 hours." Ii a few hours alter re-' carkttripg jhe Cduiet,' sail was discovered 10 ' 11 th castara 'Whicn, llt inclined to avoid, . V f the circumstance 5of the wriathir beiii" ' ' haay anii itno wing ; that I was StV the neil5 V .J bohood of ari enemy' ; $ tiuadron 1 from kdvanugebf wjijdj the was tuaUedi howeve fo' gald.out lee beam at a distance of '3 or i T rsa 1 oa w A i Vi t .V T i.&,l,f... 1 . t ten sail, viiti the tateatxoa of cTerin her lu - lie In ths morninv5hou!d no ihinj tJ . a be ia " " 5 , 1andh,n6t'bw Ajship ot .theliat. -."e t weaker becommg mora, obscure at 2oc1gc1c. , -- ; 1 ' 1 r ' 1 'i 1 1 t ' 1 iig"V'i r I w wm. uinmyuivuie ill Q ClGCa, f flStett her.Hjntil daylit; whto I' ' ''?''4'DDNC6MBc6u'f estepd.frcto:theN.,E;Ai;hou-h:Ue naUd.'4r"VU;V :-w;thtjiWiUttta.the. ' 2Jth, wedid not ste - C "Mtt,r) -4 lnttflfttettx;;' fiW IWileXceptte . Recovery (a brig be- ; v .pMvtowPO.,C Ioninng:iindib6uado.1t Penobscot, from 5r. . ' i r VLTUtX&a nt Ae" sesiion &tm&tl, V vti triage p. . ' ' " f pcarto xhi atisfacl'ii(t of the Court, hat tW dteni dant llanicl WJ4.nH, i al inhabitanC f anothe State 1 It w'aa Uiarcu!u,;dran(ea, by tlje niuVuui-t, that puUUJ caaun siiouiu pv maac wircc .wecu ucccsyiy i 1. llfq. Sur, that if the pcKmaarit would fail l tjijH-af aiid make, hU defetaop'at Sic Court to he held f'm-'aaid 'e'HiMi'v. U tlid Court iloUae (.Aalw vilhS Mi the firsiMonduV in April tiesutiiialjugraeirt Would Uien Stal thiir f h- tered against hir.4.Vitncs Jo!m,lillcv elerta Ci'siid Cimit, iit ofi'ce,tlic hit Avonda-ia January, 184i r eVtl - ' ' - . 'naaaM. j ! .bill'Dbirarintc driovrlivifighi Cliathaitf'c.tiuty N Carolinai' tiu-1 mah, ham:d JlMj'hbooi Six foci hYtti: . atniit niadc'1 t raoie goou snoe piaxot ami cooper. W vr sy tiiil 'fto&ffc,Vhetr' and. iat'ond 1 tun int il eal kwaV.i a pair of Witcr I V l O' ' fT'O the fjul'of Huncambe County t - V ' .'VH'1 A the 5th' tilt, a Negro man ho say V" ' f VvVKliis name is SAM. and tliat he tanaway 1 3c .-. f Kim Ins master Jamea Keene iof -Khht . L1111I f:i i rt rtmirtluJ Viflriill.1. 'inSV'liV i.V.v sam apueai's to b25 or 7 years f 2.5c.;nis, ttcathel3ih4y,M January, IS 14, and paynUlc I ol ai,5 pci 7 or 8 inche high, has i, '. 13 month alter date. ' t i ' 1 1 f.1 yUC UCV liU. J VKJI UHlt aiaUMf Wt s.n ijaa,i s.-. timeinl813. 1 - ft!'' "b (4 'One do: do. by John rttmani m S W,4ate4UM8-6lk , of 0quocr,18li,and pavl)le,7,POth afterdU5.i !o ti 4 All 1 'i sons ere cautioldnql tk trail'. foC!the faid Notti, und Peter Waller, Johflf )V. Mover,' CoL. Jacoft lusher and Joh4 llarttnati trom nayihg ithtul to aliy .oUicc fcm:ill scar over hi right eye, ami lam . . ' i in his right ankle lie js a sensible tW . low .und pan teadand write.. The own- -tf is requested to piove htff prdperty, pay charges, and do hep.iucsabouttil mjr him away. ) ' 1 k , LI ' ) bWAlV, Jun. Dep. Sh fT. A-heville, Tth 10, 131 1. ' ' u ' ' .. . -SHEUIFr's SALES. v V " .T.7WILL BE SOLD, , J AT Asbc CViuit House on T i-Tay ai d Siturrfay the , A2aih und30lh days of Api il next, to hmi ! the taxes due I )P the year, 1812, and the t cm e and oost I alT vcruaingthesa-me." j 200 acres Of land of llir.hanl Lewis on theJJlciv ridge. v JOO do of Benjainifi H"lcr at huirar l-oaf. . ' 200 do of William Stephen on Meet Camp Creek. , -200 do of JeMov4attlieflattopMnuntam. .. 100 do of Mary Baker on the waters of S. V. N- rt- ' ' " 2J0 do of Petef Rigcn near the i'A t p numiitain. , , . c 200 dooftlichardJacksatthcft.it top m-.-miai.t. . -'. 400lo Of H'jnry M'lVi's 11trtud1.1T t ',;(' cald. . , 60 do f f J Ln Louai n, I - I itCu. 'A A 50 do Of Archibald Gibson, on ( i ' Ii'ny err, . , 1 a) doof Robert Hanncr'son Ltav - (.; ' . ,Ne;rliU.SityWn4f;:'7;'-;;t Fcb.l5,l5l4. -5 f)". j 7 I 1 ( 1 j 1 fir ' r ' ' '- i'"''.'- - - latin ha a tear under bianiritt ivA Siuall niece off of i.'w left ear. Said 1ellueUs )t4'2r'eiroP;1ic'ih;: r iiwitly s.vlth a piriithd;ow PuntaliMHi and & Short h'ifct .eVut. fTbe kbovt reward will be paid to any person avho' will delive him trt tr., or tecurc hiu In, anw uil. w that 1 tetliim airaih: alt re nanirVMa iirw........ will be paid jby-J Hi Icl r.W',v.!fs1-'p'' v March tnqt18lA.. : jf9 it.. sJIhcrea F .'execuieql to Jklr. San'rtietFulier," iiwi ntAei of hau J, one for Twenty UoliaVs, which Wasnavaote the first "day Vf September 1813,Ahu other lor Thirty Uol. 1 (ars, which w.due lhe25ih Ptimr 1313. ftUe avid J nivca wt-r g'tir, iu cunr"V'iou;t aiuioi iiijui jpurquaa sea ot uitn iiu to joersniiuei's s itnii; am tlie )tme ri the contract, Itohk hiibond for thed 1 I have vnre C?vertd that' Hie litlcJil the saia Lot olnd w pAt nt. pe pos4essxuoi me said rimer, nor never ivas, aiiiital It' is imiwiisibit for , hup V oWsntli 1 fhi title was at-the t.j Hie conii aov was madc in Mr- Joel franilei'; aud i sa reniaitt m him tVandiheirjitl Pmler isnurely uistil venUMKf Uat I uave no timed y it my bond agi.inst Inui foraiitU;. 'J ivC ?tt U V" . Lltheiefott C arn all perspiitftom Ukuig assigntnents' on the Said K'ote, as Vuder existing CM CUiutawt;: laht -p HOSt', pei-sori in Raleigh who have ny of hly JJooks A in nosh, ssion - are rtaucate W return uicmw ,wu KNOTT-,'. rf id) 1 i' '".-, '.'r" ''"... 4A.) n-.)if a.: 'M. in posht'ssion - are ri utateuio rvvuia wem John IL Clke, an 1 oblige ; I'M 1 ,.e' tlAVnA.K , I eh. 20,1014 f ' 1 To J'irnueymen mtten. GOOO wr s will be given to a Journeyman Hatter1, by appbinj? to the subscriuer, hvingtwelve' mile i'HSfr ot Nash Louit lioane j - 1 . , R. R. READING. , February 17, 1814. .. ;V:' ' - .. , ' 8 ' BLANKJ? liiirtholomew itik ballast j until alter tearhir Kttg, ?4udlt; 15, beuig'carricd tharlar teaunaird Mjf stvere SW, gale, accompauu J by .Such heavy sea; as to render licaviug to taapracticai.le -withotit ia0itc risk, whea tvo MMK j 'MHsvweTB. oiscoverca , standic ItOrthjwjardr ad to which I gave chicc, g.'wtttlriiatithe sitwatioh in whic tO Uiw' Lthcv kh they r 1 if it-,- . - 4 . wrjifaasr0jaajvered.a3. iht manifest'' disposi. a "v . tioaUcyRewards Shewed toavoid astia- ' Wo vhatoneAvasafrigae andihtcth.raa : f VI inutsunan unucrncrcpavov 1 in. t s: 1 "'' BeajM apprpachl cou a dis. . " "v Wr.mlrrouwas friiiate 'arjth-. f. 'tni V- M blfoga'yikad the .pihcrVuVthiiVf? e-' w ' 4ttal.ti4itiid?ri9S forced on disc- Atii. ij; . to beaenty?n hl endeavored tlltii.t; I the 0 - 'Wtt .,,tis,.eFr?ie tneni.ty-seui v 1 i, diftcrrhcohrsfa and occasionally; the. j.,;" X 1 J'ti itJuW';" W u'ceced',. Ion the- i C bea4oevtimevaaso rtcar;.thai."nlie tr v 'v edi fhotpvurtt whilst her consott .wrfj;bui J"" r.' a r nunarett yarcis astern ol her. i i 1 now Ji. i , . I fefU'Wf course to b.e aUexed, made' sad.-'and i r"i wuyuus .ii;iiiiiiucrvi vxie riviit ta shewj j.t them a light occasion JlyA but tq, ...tlTcct, ajv' C atiiay bgtit they wt-rtr dUrovcred to-"be r in a tjitutott, tAn unite their Torcc. After. -this I hlMd a ;cour9eto reach, a poJaoii.a6.Yvhd- .k wani W liarbadoes, on a parallel oflor.tviiU " V ,a,.mn, aott u.a iut nnet aaothcr rcsicl .'n.l'. the 30ih, When Jailing . m wtbi a Poricructo. r- , j n 7i . V "'nuvu' irjlt (hue li.l CI j t biJeii bj.trded 36 nonrs herorc hv htoi(;,ihitis bound to the Vcst Indus with GOO erofpihlawnotlHrtoftltecduitofefiiiitvr ' . , w if d uUhe 'hoTot overtakinr'therh r in ihi' 1 !Wis -'.'.KrT'-'r reo.01, wi . , s H 4 f of four dav. ban (H inrrriro,,",, V.;. " ' . .J. -w-. UU U.l I l (,l II , 1.1 1' .lit . , mm ui, hi mi 1, 4 -t1-' 1 Sute of Korth-Carbli'.u, 1 i.RtNVlLLtt COUNT 1pij 1 7 "Tj"!:?, lt will "and testament Cfi.roell L"iw(stp JL w3 pi-nvtn J.t the Court oi Vh as and Q iuVtel'i'tS moms, hold for.the county flui-Kuid.oii tUe liiW'Motiilay ol I' ( hi'usry n letter tcsmnu ntary grufited to the uh int'dcr by. ssjd CourJiia,exe9Utor.tliei eo4. All persons liavmg claims ordtjtfskiJUs aj;ainHt the suid Huwt II Lwi ten'r.' M laforesaid, arc hereby, ntihlicd'to rnake them known yithnt the time limned by the acts of Assembly concerning the provmof Wills and granting dctter of adnt4tmsursti6at or they wui t barrea orrecortv, . -I y An AVatUS L'UWX9;.x,r.t . . t li., I 1 1 ., a.awc . f . 1. . . iwuuuv.,wi . ui wuvfi nu. in in tit suua tjoo nth. 5th of January, f apturet'rW H Uhh merchant ahip Wanderer 7 gutRr4 lftlj f rao, irpra Aaonaon bounds Jamaicso pknlyf?-" I loaded with plantation etores; And Zttir xMo i s i from- her such li6ht! imlifleic:! ertf'f moU , ' ' vatue sunK nCr. .ih the sKe pbsltioff pri the ,v v ( 7th,'I fettU:witf;MfirllfnCTa& I Prince Gebrpt.4 1h the chArict? r 'df rtiriel t j 1 with pnsone'rswhich.wjth four Pthex friusU r1 ween capturea, oyA two tfeqcn