It s . : us:ir.D vT.r.txv m- mohuz uLXDZR$oh ,e cr?aNTEit to. i ae state.) r' ttlvii.'.c LTr.rcT, c;rc:;T2 ... . , . . , ...... . ..... .... -.'' v , - raleigii,' fiud a v,f m ARciil i 8, mi. -r . - V . J. i i . j if . ' n .me ' ; J'l.rr revs h ; a ! 31', t rt . '.!. with tie It. i'Uti f the 1 1 t! tV. Ary x-rvm at t!n (. :!ije, wJl, if re- 't, I r'isry, 1814. Twenty DoLirs - . IJAN .WTlrm tiic S'.bsrr.bcr on v l instant ft . Ax r; j man, rvmeviliENUT. JifSi comolei. a or ;!.ree year rf stre, about feet ele- ion, Cl.'v t vninilf .h, stubborn lu.k, talks short and j ; pes d....Uent rl.ea spoken sot Jba .1 whrn he went ' awy a nrrro cotton cost, pantaloons an I test homespun, 113 ether cl.i!.';r.j rvollecicvl. 1 pres. .'re he is lurking a- 'J..': lout in th county of jTash, t'.Uu-r at Mr, Kichaoi (iutlir.j j v r amorist the f U.hngtn to the Mr. Hi! W Js of t ' aitid County. . TM ' "ve rward if twenty doil.ivt t ill j ,A b g.VCtl to ariT O v.- ; Saul ri'TO Henry a me i" living within three i ..its of Louishar,,', franklin, .vmnty, I V ; orten dollars to ftr.y person apprehending said "eg1"0. "d : Joe' ftimln ary l the state so that 1 fevbim ' " ira.IL . . f il ' ' ' ' ' V . .' " - ' OOMErtVi: din ! eaocutei tr 'Unry ' .-'. F - Ml m the tron'H ef Rcnt nVr aK ;fc of CoiaLi, fur tils sum ol cn lu.nlrJ itotlift, fj U tue 2icli of lie a;bert ISli uiCk a rim btioa at tUebotton, utjulhat if lh.ssul bi.v. I mtbe dtxtisfvfby Vhruns, hat t!ie -J lit irv K.;h4u.-. vj.aoou! 1 M tf'.jrdolUrgtrMletOve tk.e'8.-t SUf- if vihJ. hmi; iliel dutlarsvol hereby fonrara all perv'-.' f,H. nr .'.i'i fjr titecsiU iVe. a--i Uift'said UuimK r m.a f.'e saQ ta aiiv pcrvja but myself, w nnl r. , .. v Assigntc of WiUi-.ii ; ' . Person. cox.iy, itb, 17' - j - i-. i " - .; TwcntSilvcr Dollars JttCurd; , IWILLRivi the ahi A reward for, At-pro ir n ? was raised by old Jolm A vent, ot Cliathum .T,nuary9, 1314.-. JOR SALJi. NAT; IIUNT,: . 1 1 . .lnen hundred -ani thirty-act t of Zand, lying : ; Arc mir Oxford, GraftviUt (vunry, C. TUE Land is s:ll watered aod tabulated W produee . Tobacco, The&t, lie. on, which there is open , fand enough to work twenty or twenty fivo hands. . On the premises is ft large and commodious Jelltng (louse, with .other necessary out houses. Also ft large, and valuable i 'Apple OrchftN. Xor lermsapuljto -vv -i ( : . - -To Sadfyn, J?oct lnrf Shoc-Makcrt. r: Z. BREWEItv It TV FAIRLAMD " i ' OLtiSTREETP$.rinsvtG 1 .1 AlEllt jSaddlen.Bootand Shoe-Makers msy be tup f phed on tbe most reasonable terms with Aotl, Skin iTj, Harness, and Bridle Leather) Grain ami Wax Call ' im j Poot-Lega, Wax and Grain Taj and Top Slmtt , Wax and Grain UpperNegr Leathers Bellow a Leather i 1 Kfttighand Lining' Hides ( Hog and fiheep Skina j Tao i' Aar'a Oili Wa?rou and Chaise Collars.' Their stock eon. j Sists entirely of the hcstrVorUiern' Leather; Country cea ".,-tti$meawiU find tt. to UtinimnU.,4;.'?!r,' (., J IlmlpF nnnrfnaK sttrmlil so. . , r-1 f r t"jj-' It ! s ' , .. 1 lib ? f ray stable about the rStb. ISf January last, two dark bay j1 Hore, of ft tolerable sic hate' : ? -.their foretons trimmed short, and have the mark of llameas, hating lor considerable time rpn in uik . Staged fleBlnrka not recollect ed. "A reasoaable reVjrd will be" giiren for the delivery of sitid., horses, dnd cxpencts paid. ' or u nnuki at a owunr mtprmatioi py letter, uireotev . , - Louikburf N. Cwill be thankfully received. f ' ; ." ' ' -';v,Kvj'.vd.'y'- MMC''rojt;-'. ; ' gfnMirt County. feW 2 6l'-4x-i) , r;WILU BE SOLD,.- ; 1 j-i . ' A T the Court House in Germanton, oit.tbe 11th day of '. Atiril, tlie following; tracts or parcels of landy i o ... much Uitreof aii will satisfy' the taxes due thercQufor y the vear, 1812, and cost of advertising, ; 'y 4 y i 5o287 Iri jwres of land, held as the property ofEdward i . t IIrrU in company ith ohn C Blount, betweetj Matu , J muskeet Lake, and Pamptico Sound, and between the i aaae ana jumper 15 ay, awanqnarter ana Uose. ay ana i , dick oi tn settiemenu on ywgn lUvtv, on Uie N.side ol : Lake, and between the Lake and Long oLoal,' part " ' patent by John Hall and John Gray Blount. ' . J . 683' Acres on the Lake and Mill Itaee o which; his Stands on which Vernebou lives. - 640 acres which twa granted W JirackJedge, Jotiei, ; Spencer and Keal, back of the patents utt the., lake up , posed to belong to Speer Singleton, of Newbern t:,M? 'ICO acres belonging to ditto, on Uattantusket. joining ,s the lands of Caleb Spencer end Sajouel Oibbnear creek. yU yrl'.Ji. - ' . -J- fx ,'80 acres ofland, propet of James Artlitr's heir, on 'the south side of 81ades.crek; joining Ute land of Johu Be" .ivid the heirs of Wultatn and Sam't Forteicue; k . :r 13' acres ofland, property of Villi'ani(Rhodeahe'irspn -,t Deep It.m, jnimng tho land of Zadock HttlJowell.1 .640 acres of land, property of Samuel Willis's beirsone , niiW fiom wysekeu.biidge, towards Uie Wuil'on Matta- . uskeet '?'; .' 'V-.".' --x vi :; , "V f "f .' .' arm .i-rt..-- ' . . i . . -4 '. . .t.l -t- oww trc oi mno, -property pi I enani uowera oeirs, in 4 . ,the Laurel Swa'jtp, joining the land of Kathias Jordan' ; ; .; the est "6 Hit V weu ftnown py tfte name or, Arenfj NED. He is at this time lurking inChatltam, (Mmbrrland end Mooro coua. tics, having W raised at the snoulhof Oeop Miwf, near the juncum of those countica. V Said Negro run away front me set ecal months ago. - i ,' 1 , , '"''" r .-, .':: i'.'-.JAMES 0TE3Jrt ,8ampsoneottnty,March4, 181. . : t ia.3tp.J., , - " . i' V State of North Carolina, t -fv Ccrt of fleas It Quirtcr SfeiiVebryar.Term,18tL tract of land estimated at 123 acre. adjoinir g Uie lauds of Benjamin Grsv,' nenry wiiun ana otaera upica v reun property Ct Us aefcociant, Awn Proctw. rr. TS. , Edward Tis4i. IT Appearing t tJie satisfacSjo of Uie ijurt t 'ot E.T ward Tisdale:jhe defendant, is not an Inhabitant of this cve ii is wererore orderuO. thai vuiA-.tnt.. h .w.i. ,1 ;1 mTEnnSTING" SALE, AJ .! tl t r lUt.lf Ol hklV ' in the Raleigh Bur, fr three mouths, that r uwlesa he a. peat at the next Count)- Court of Pleas and .murr fees- oe neia Ior; Uie Count v-of iUli-enimh-. -i , Court House in Tsrborauh. on the lAurtti m -mA. the Mjy neat, and replevy and nltaL hiA.r:si i...,,,.. ed ag-auist biin., ; :S...,-,7. llWtp. Test, - , ; F4)VAUn JIALL. Ci e. - . .. StateorjNojth.Cdrolixu,.,5 U . llLXOUBt coywiiv. Court of riesa & Quarter Sessions, Januaiy Sesiiu 1U' i riknnet Bradford, i! 1 , ,1 . Origin, AttachnicpL j rirHEftEA3attheseonafureiaid it waft made tip. jarto the awfactk of the Court, that the defw. dant Daniel KL Brqim, is an hihahiwnt of noUer State It waa thereupwt ordered, by die said Court, that pjiblJL cation should be made three weeks successively iirTfhe Sur, that if the defendant woui . fail td app;,'. mid make hit defence l the neat Court to be held tor t Hnty at the Court House in Asbcville. on the Crt Monday in Aprd nest fi'ul judgmeot would then and there be' en teretlagainsltiin. . Wivncsa John Miller, Clerk of Said Court, t office thfc fii-st Monday in, January, 1814.' .':iV'0-8J..1.; JOUX ArtLLfcll,i;ji. WMtt Dollars RcwartlSS; act ilr,1iyn.c In CJuUiu ooiKy ttt tarOlinai a tnu. hU waij, imd JIM, about six feet high, stout made, has sew- under hisrigl ye, small piece off of M kit eatv i ftaid Fellow is atiou Syeavsof ai Iwls tole. rfcble good shoe maker Hticw.r, is ty hady whh . ny Iad of toort WhvMtvcr atis fond Vf spirits. ' fiad on , wten he w wy tltft pair e.r.JeaUer, pantahionl a nd short homespun coat.v, l ue above rewd wilt toe paid to anyyenon who whKdeiivcr iny jail, tpvjiat I get hiut again, n rewonable wnsnces ' .willtops.dKytne ;r - . y -.v.-.'- iiarchm4:;-r; v:fm HStatc of 1 hXaroUria . i...i...ftf--vL.i -'..:' ; --" . .. . u ii,wim m vstatucnt oi uoweii vrs, srti. . A.-Vrss prowirat tlie Court of Plea's and .arter St. suxii; cldv(ftr.?ne county, afaresani; on the fu st Monday of Fetaaiy, and .letters tcstsmetuiry granted to the i,b ScriUcrby ajd court as tsecutor thereof. J AW ot-tmm iiaviiigVMiiiiwvrucuiuwaa (rainst Jlie atu Moweil Iewis, smfr, aforesaid ure hereby itotified to maUethtm known within the ut limited bv the tf Aiscmhiy. caneermntf tue .proving of wilts aud grwrnjiij; tet,.ers.ot' ftdmini!tistratio orlhey will be barred of it'owerV; ; -i-z WILLIS, LEJVIS,' lix-r. Tbruary 0M4. Sn.-Ab ?4' jf.filO acres of cVVcstcrnXande i A. nit'y .f Uui i-', ; ed C.rth pu'p s . '. ece!, ' Ml.f tull.4 Un.1 i- -ir...i 4iuus dtiwr,, t &ui au 1 ,ttirjes4'TrvH Uasct, It t .et mjr. du,n of til-- c'Usef Msgisaats'of '' 1, t j rpatle tlem to r .e a find iqtu'.e lt tr , -1 . - n'e "'hA-.iflto at !u :' -., Uie lot s. t v . .. .. kt r f oc citriied !v t!.t Go-.ertiOV'j ' ua tans!.! r J n of Uie public tr.nds -adju. ;..e tltr.--r vir.uc c. .j act of AnbW, and arc i. r so'i?-' '. 'nor, Ce ui r-sipTiedconnmSSii-ners .Wid Compter 'e l. e snl f sai J Ijt and lands,' on the ' -ti-trcr ihi.ty 4'My re, on 4Le m'.s.-r. " ' '. ' '- . Th-;trrms5,Fa:..s (--".t!tentwi' ttie fntis' icfi' c ait) will hcpeeird ; the time of a4e . ' - 4 . 1 hr lot occupied by the Governor is thought hi; ire beX situation for storf of anyin the ci'y, nd h i,. ptU hie of divisi so as tu f.rm evtrjil advantageous stands faftnaresttn-.c or ottierbusutt-ist arid thedvdinr Louse and out-houses' ai so arrrt-' i Ss not to iu'.c: lre with sites for store houses, but are wil talculatcd to accommo date th fan,! y of .'.wiiheU caJjy n business. w tins lot wia ti sota s'a t"?euie-or ty parcrti. i,uo mane Kncwn .certai.. r. . itana a.e C:via into lots of vaiivys aires, of from alcufhalf n acre to ten or twelve" ted ts.. Many efrt.e-lo'.s -ura Veil watrrd fcv bran;'' 2t;r.4prriir somscfthem comprsliend execu lent iacafio-gs aiid -k. 1t--i prt portion of Uie land is in wooa, ot oi a pcsuuiui so.4 i uere are many ttapdme SUUiiiona jor eletrant seats am; some well suit ed totte convenience and f .cu.iy of carrying cn several pflho trades and employments which require the nee td water. Indeed the variety of situation is such a, to suit ehhsr the fancy or oycupaiion of almost every person di -H- -a ' 'At' . 4 il . .'3 :i i . - i i . I' f . . . posed to settle in of about the city, ..'-' f ' jljuvxxrd. " ... . v -rr'-4 d, - " - ' A VtSUft, 'V r -Jlaleigh. starclt 9, 114 - . . - N ' T. Hunter, ir. Peace. . Corumissioocrs. ' 10: Sin; '-.-A 'f v' s 4 . ' ' : 'VV FOR" 5ALEJ The cargo o" the Sweedish Ship faiJZETy, from Cot .$5itons'5wcedish Iron, assorted size; ' f 21 hexes ami tubls of Steel ' a .4 . $? d.hsnt J?litet Iron, 24 by 30 incuca 1- " l S tons ibar 'teel, and. -x' i ?",', 9 Icicle Allum, .. . . I: ,V . t Whulrl wiil be sold low, arid on accommodatiny terms, if ais-offeria madtt for the labole. ,' vv , t .tApplyjua vv' JBRIDOB tt MEAtt. . s. A, rIIE pWic ore? cautioned egaioatfltdin fbri Jj NtMe'of Hand 0? my ion Needfiara Powell, t Uoberts, Outton k Cot sometirao la March 13 l3,puyAbla 25th Dec following, for SO dolLiraj The note bting given for Clock vhich iVas, warraabBd to keep'; Rood tirhft.twelva momiks froio the date of avid optei Which it has failed to Cd, my son beinj under thetftS u SI years, I km dewnpintd i(,hall hot u.paI4.4S4' :i'A- h iski i .ENOS PO WELli v- w1 ;Tl Subscriber,. r ; EKN$S'rL jrequesL all those JndcbtetV to Urn t m.:kepa)mert without del;ly. y . . GEO, .HALL, y ttawign. Marcus ii4. Vff- 'f-y. t i: y ''f;i?titcrdm . W .. .... ' A' ' . ' saa?. -v .il , f & hereby given tlat on , 1on3ay the, fourth day f,A. I pril tiext, will betxposed to ijiublie sale on a credit of twelve iroiuisat tnestoite ituoseot ine late James Hoy J, decdt i ii ranvdle bounty, very Genet A Assoronvtii tf tioodi, wen laut ur, including handsome assorttr.ent of Iron arid.Siceh and fttlautiiy of tU. fce.-Th sake' will conli'nue from, dav to tfay-uuiif all is sold. Mtrv-Jisnts 'nr invited, to attend tli sale, with whom 4he exectitoia lire attthonardto make i-hberat contract, lor the whole ftranv iart oltho goods., . AfiFV?; : ''VttlCHAhU BULLOCK Jorr. VM arch 3, 1814. s. , S lL,2-.f , -rrAStatt? of North Carolina A -' ' sidti of lentigo, joining f the laud of John Al. :i j - .... ''- ' .. c'ju ar.iva of lat.3, formerly- tlie propcriwof Thomas mth, dee'd. tying oivSnuthsiinrVaroadtre!,; wrt , 2U0 HcreSof laniL ni-orx?rtv Of John livav.betirn Mat. 1 (amuskeebftml hnrgaliokt rivr oiitlie Otter creeks. A ' 1 acres of laud given in by Arthur G, M'iUc, on the . Otter creeks., A:,Av ' i 1 :::,M-.i':i-Jr't 'I i 500 acres ofland. ftrooertv of AltXai.dcr fcvan'g. onMat- ' muskeet, joining the lat.d of Hugh Jones, on the tld I j Canal. ,. .,iy?, , y ; -fv:- ir ;S-! .... , . ; -', acres of land; property of Charlfea snks'i heirs ,i uio lanuoijoiin uistiop, on-toe peaaoi rumonu . .much. ; 4 ij- .;. , 1 Y'-YtNCr aborit milew'frvm.Nashyiit'e' hviii 7" SI . j ' i " - Tnnrisl. in.llir Ir-tu h ssbt:Js .1(1 1, reasflBiabli! ,teiHB. or xchiid. for Lands lit this stite l ?lhha Awlrcs, Bonj. Lock, and Wife1, John tlawes. The Land is enid to be of a gntNlquality, lor w hich ii nil-1 f t ssiWfllaw his wife, Jami Andres, Guar, doubted title can be made bv the anlMH5ri'hef Fof inlurv V. d'tant pf .tijtabeih Anne Jane Andua and Alfred drcs, jun Aleo'd. James Andres", adm'rvof John 4 Ah(!fv, seiiT. dee'dx Win. w Jones," Ex'r of mauon, appiy to barauel Uomiwm, Esfl. of this city. !"... n k . .j. it:.- twi a tt'.Ntv Ink f ifaieign, Jan. so. r ' ,t!alfi 9"ir Fehruary Tentki J814.: ... 5 10. 'Jo'-. -'" ."... - . a, .. awwv acres uie property of ouins, uicxinson, Aiicn J i i61"5" long acre, broad creekj Pantigo and the head, of .; .Pungorivcr.";,.'' v-,.:-t; -.' n.1.- t: V hndofOdcis WiUOnsonftt the head Of Pungo riven ; 4 ! . '.'Iby-S, r..y? ItATHfAS MAUTtrf, Sh'jj.. , j t Hde county, yeb.t 1814. Zffr: f-K V -U .". t ',' ' i . ,'i.' ' . , ' ' .. '.'.-,' .,....':-, ';,; , AT the last term of Wake County CVrt, the aulscribef qualified as Administrator of the estate of Alykrson . W!. liagly, deceased I all persons indebted to said estate . a,re requested to to. come forward and make immt.diute . payment i and thoB'i havlnrr claims are notified to present r thera lit the manner and time rrescribed by law, other. . wise tins win be plead in bar ol a recovery. '. v . . JOHX hUltilX, Adm'r. .TwcntDollarfRe STUAYEU or Stolen front tte ubsotibftr about tLe' fat of December, a'dun coloured Horn. bodt 4 feet 8 of Sinclits pigu, with atluck black mane and tail," the lat'- ter cut snort, weu made, trote and pace, with a bay ftpot on lit near rump about the sire of a dollar. I wilt give the above, reward fqr the delivtry of the aaid horse. ! ; f' :r V .A t.OBEV.VOUNG.'V ? SctMlattd KeclE,reb!y lty ' vtfft pd, - t' A? :To Journeymen Hattersv ' l f TA ' ' ,..-AV. - i . i" GOOD wagei will be given to ft Journeyman Jfaittet' fry annlvinp- tntlie Suhar.rihir. livintr m'l. Of NaSh COUit-ilOUse. f 1 k - - .v' - .t;' a r.' n. reading. ; a"eontary 17, ibi. ,ti j, S'.','" "TURNWVQOIJS'; i-- :': ;: a v m . a-; . a -HU51. pwoni in uaieign wno aavcsny 01 my J.aQjts -a. m possession arc requeued to return toem to CapU John U. Clarke, and oblige v - ;, (, . . . y IUY10 A. KNOTTY rf. a . ' f. ' . " ' id :tcf t! -.Lj, Li 1 I y ' - ' I 1 M' Si juiicli tAsa tactt ta tl;e co:' i. hop that iomecf the c-TiA-?erf e to itj tiortijn, 're A.I the grounds upon v.! ' 0.c:rc( fjcndcd. " He 8!..A I ur?; . t- J rtmiiVi sx-ffH id7- V '.,' ' produce convicthti on l.'s rrA Jj v ..' ! endeavored ' cccrd.rj to his cpp .r -r -' ability, to give t'.en a fJt:'-!e rtA. A! thif hopje.kad bctaO!-.; , oj:,t;J, zzd It t:A p'pea? ftuperOac.'s n z.11 tsr? . AA 'ton gumcnt which ret-uincj yet v..-.sastrtrcJ, I a" must be? excused f-r t: t-7 -rvA-j ca t!.e r edce'of the corarr.ittee fr a few r..inute3. Tlie proposition ricritcd a dd'Aera:? cxami. . niiion It related to one cf the meat iropcr-'-tant features of the. constitution . Ilia beit judgment had convinced him," that it c'"'. to' 9e adopted. A a member cf the Le'sL.ture oi North . Carolina, he had cordially united ia reeqromending it to the notice of Cor:res&.-i.i lie coutd not. reconcile it to his feci:"$ or to his lenaf of duty, if he did not conu mutc'to ta'fupport,'an aid more, cIT.caciouJ than tht mere expressi oa of h'13 vote. . " ; The proposed arnendmcnt owed its oirV to ma qccurrence paim fiatf excited an extra ordinary Interest m the itate which he had the Bonflr in parr to represent. ' , Electors r f Pre sident and Vice-President had teen unifor mly chosen m North'-Carolina, by the people vo-" ting io convenient and eqicl districts, r. Bat atthejeve of the lasi presidential election. !'.' 1 . j 4 " ' .... . . .T legislature 01 tnat state abolished the anc:cnjt and weU approved modei and directed the a'-u poinlment to be made by the succeedinf lecis .pVr 7 vr V' a-arouna, ," 10 clf defence, to adopt some mode , whir-h 1 wtiuld; enable;; her to brinpA ouV.her , strength in .the appointment of a President al? R0 liwa nioraUv certain,, thrjt the effect tbfihechange would be to promote in a very, decided manaer, the election of the can. ddate,wno,was toe favorite with the4 majority V it . - . "-'"u ymii mroaci upon tlie elr t- : ' ? ttve franchise treated almost universal dissa- - , v " tisfaction VWthout stopping to vindicate the . propriety of 4"this discontent, fsiad Mr. CM ; ' . - . t a..' - !.. . . . : caanoi out retard U t itti cotrtDlacencv 1 1 U j t an'; indication Ahat ihcre" exists amonV -mw 1 cuuntrymen.a fjaickness pf perception, and an .'i'l1 iiucuaiiy v icciuig m relation to. a subject up- -. " on WhicH4iilnes or indifFerentie might be" talA.; J am rejoiced at thiaUenshire fthrinking; l W A pp)?ch of 3, whatever savour of usur, ' V; V patbp. : , : It augurs wellIt is a proof that e- '. - A ven SUtc pride, .and th apiiit of party, may t . be addrcwed it vain, when thefare Voted to -V the aacrific of a fundamental right.; A ' y ; 4 r 1 SuclVwaj the efTcct of the exehedVJmperjo '."C' "T ifvi".t' Mais . uca.1 iccisiature- re-en- acted1 th accustomed modeX)f,appoirdiog . " l u lectora,V and". divided the atate'ahew into disj As-tricta-A But, at, the same time, refleciing up -k'. t on ?:the many evils which restilterl Uhn - 1 1 v,?;idge Andres, depM. John Andres, Davidu, v area, rimotny Antirea and samucl Andrea. . 1 IT'appeafinif tothe sali!f:ictionofthc'Coftrt that Samuel Andireai ouo-of he dendautain the above Suit is nut an rohabiunt of Uua &ute i It is ordered that puhlica- UOu ce raaue in tnc T A pupiisnea in Kftteiglt, lor tbrefl wccniumnif;i uiiwi k wit oamuci AiKtrea,. appear at oiir next Court of Pleaa and Quarter Sessions to be held for the County of Btaden. at the Court House lU Elizabfth Town, oa .the first Monday in -May next, and plead, answer or tsemur to tue complainant's petition, that the aame be taken pro confesso aa to him. - . .. , l :..'- t'. JAMES 8. HJJiniE,Cl'Ji.'- -! Feb. Sr 1814 ' , yt , IWt.,' ',-. , f, ; , ', j -. .: ... . V ,VVf ...,,- .;'-';.' many evils which renmlterl f want pf ah Uniform mode of abrrMiitment A 1 the union, they, the -unanimous deter- tntnuitoK oi proposinff .tne : amendment to the constituion which isnow under conaldetati-r1' on. A Its grtatpj-iociple is, that each'state shall ( ' . oe' divided b) legislature into equal districts,' ' ' ; ia each of whih the people entitled io vote ' for themost numerous branch of the tat lrJ ' .V gislature shall bptioint ao elector. As the de- v'. a . . I ft. A .i av t ' L . . ft ' ss - I A . LOST, OR MISLAID.VV 1 f A NOT" of hand 'on Samucl Peelor for" etxty dollars,'' J I given toChristianreelor,diiel5th December 1813. anu receive ny me tn payment ot a ueou,'. 1 Hereby, fori warn all persons from coliecungtbc moneyduo thereon, and said Peelor from paying ih4sameto any other per. son than myself ur orders- '.'.-' .-,' :'.."-'- A AA- aANCY,UENCHER Wake Coiwly.'ifarehi, lM.V 11.;.. tails have nt beerijobjected to, I shall confino ' ' . ray remarks to ?he Supporof this principle:. 7,'r-V' -A Sir, there breathes not a man Who viewtht av.i :u vuairauter pt ;ieQcftl union, wymoro l T -x - revet than.rayc.!f No one can more'iinf' ' cerely or '.ardently, deprecate ' py', innovation ' on U'WnrV j'the nroposiuoti tinder '' discuistoni s embractd ,j6uch atvi innovation'-V Jf ' . however kdviaable jvtnigh ieemhowevet. .1 'C Cleir cf alt objections that I could antici Dte- ' "J I should tremble af i ',V, BLANKS tr v the attembt to IntroducrT' ' iu . But, "When welcome bxamine the, coq ) t titution, and coinp'are wttbTIt .the proposed a 1 cA ' mendment, we'shall End: that the object U Dor? Vi introduce ;ifw,'buti( Invigorate i13 prloci-' v '"rwgive. a practical OFcration'jtp ib.e Jtfl?

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