. . .1 I- ' , : - rUEUSlIED WEEKLY M TBQMJS UIh.yDRRSQ)ftJcw, (FRINTER'TO THE STATE,) FATETTEVILLE STREET, OPPOSITE THE STONE FOUNT AI ' ' . ' V. k - . - ' ri" Voir .V4fot SSj' iS' ; rRALEIOH, nWdAYIUNE 2k8tS h -:rr -.t'vV- -J. t - " ,;.Fort3r. Dollar Reward.'.;--. RUNAWAY from the wibicT. bf in Jut. 1813, ft Vegro mB suned RANDOLPH, about twenty yei of age, f common txtKt and oant complexion,- ana hit hair ft littte Uctiaad to be redish. haatnlerabl larft h1 teeth, and rathbf scattering He HM born In Vintima and, hat - - vera) times attempted to ret back ollubeCfl take Up, and t tbins it quite probab'.e he baa rone aomc othejr way, probably toward Cap Fear.; I viil fir tb above regard to kay peraoa that will deliver tilt 4dr&CQtnj or tenure bim In any jail o that I , Wiyne County, JUne f , 1 814. 1 VlCf I0t50WT SH WGTON, 34-U. -J ;r;:-;f:-NpTICE.- . '" 'A Ttbe last Court held for the ounty of Korthampton, be flubachbee qualified M Executor of the laat will '. ' sad teatament f Bicbiitd Freef,deci AH pertona har V ' kf demand araJast the esUte. are requested to present i"" ! tteir elaieie witbin' the time prescribed by law or this '. . :J Botke will be pleaded in bar. Thrtie iifScbted will wake V Immed iate payment The subacriber will rerularlyat Irvlthe eounty Court of Northampton, f the purpeae of V , aJjUatinr all chums fororajrabfet the estate, and in hi ,' . absence garnet Q. Harrieon, fjq. it fuPy authorised to re ;":reinXhinv'v -v'i'iiLV - ' ' : ' ".r : ' : Alex, r alconer, rr. -1 . ftiMx& June 8th 1814 .'1 ' .: 3K w f fete- :; J)R1S AL&$pi iVvAHOllSE nd Lot pn Fayette ville:itrect. J. JL 'small distance below Mr J- Gale'. Far terms i apply totbeaulisviber, - ';V'"v.-' A House F6V a Female Academy, A T Louisbunr. . 30 ty zw icet, two stories j t ana ji ieei XV r.t?h i tA Mnmt.hnr.. IS hv 20 and 19 bv 80 feet J tiWVtl,e f Ai six-uannelled doors i four 18 and four t llrht "Win- j the. aituatuu- S w ' do s below, and six 15 and four. 3 Urht winduw above - Plce of read tobebuiltof goodliard: Umbr--wUh twe chimney of ..'' brick hewn Stone and undef pined witnih aame to be ceiled throughnrithirti and painted without i entire.- P Will beletby theTindersigned omni jsoners, on 'Satur i-!vaaythe 2nd, dyf Juy ifiext,t blUibtari VVoikmen . in solicited to uke their proposals in wntinr, at or be n . tnr ti. air Mt which time the oontraet will be deotare!. ' tr y Valuable Property for Sale. firiLL be told by the subscriber, n very reasonable t V F tmns,tlia Lou and House of Public Kniertainmatrt, In the town of Oxford,, reserved bv him when tlic town wa established on. hi land. The property posseaes superior advantages which will always w-cure to the pro. prietor a prvlerenc of enstmu, each lot beinr contiruous to the eourt.yard, and handnomely at tutted i upon one if which are two eomiaodiotis homtes, two stories hirh, eon. Uininr thirteen room for the accommodation of gentle men of the bar and others who wish retirement t with eve ry ncceary out housei and a garden ami yard occupy nn; nearly four acres. ' Upon the other lot there is a Tavern hose.'which ts'about to be repaired and ehlarred, aea paci'ius framed stable besides other hnniiM; and a horse lot adjoining, which will be extended to any aixe the pur. chase may denlre, to which wilt be added as much lund, convenient to Hie town, as my be required for fire-wood andjastuf2r At any general detcriptvm of tbe premiwa, will necessarily prove UTmiufcctory to strangers who may be desirous te purchase such property, they are lavit ti to view it ' ,The subscriber will aluo sell kjts of ground, to suit the purchaser, adjoining the town, and eenvenr r,l to the Oxford Academy, which affurds to Us paUoua'the) prospect f becoming flourishing institution. ' i : THU B. UTTUU01JV.' . " Oxford, G ran ville county, 3lat Vltxh, 1814. ..,l6tf r THE MINEUAU SPRlNGSi ATXENOX CASTLE, Vv ' In Rockingham County, North-Cdrolina. ' : . 'Lj ,v . ' ' ' THE subscriber has established himself st Lenox Cas thr, where tie has opened a House of Entertainment, and is mAinir extensive preparations furthe accommoda tion of invalids and others, w) shall resort to this pUcei uunng uie aammer ninuinv eivucr Kir oeaim or amuse Mb The Mineral Waters are of various Itiiids, and e qual in their Virtues to any in the Union.. ' Bath are e reoted nd the Springs will be kept in good order Le. pox-Castle is one of Uie most hcaUhy and agreeitblc Situ-, aiions in. tlie southern sulea, is on the main rod leading from the ratters to the western pirtrcf North-Carolina. A Post X)irice is kept at this place, at which the wail ar rives twice in each week, ' and paper and literary jour nal from different cities in the Linked Sutes, are receiv ed for the use of gentlemen who- retort to Ihc springs Anassortment of gyd Uquoi-tyill be kept on hand, and every endeavour made '6 provide the best accommoda tion that the country wilWH'ui d. The cheapness of li- exceKence or the water and the uealthitwss or ail CQnUibu'.o' to render Uiia an agreeable rtv . .:.: ; JOHN L. LESUERv May 20, 1814. r, - 2l-2mo-. . . , Br A Tract of Land for Sale," p lndbondiand eeeurity required lor the completion tf the ,;. h. work by the 25th of December next. - t v ( , , , Q. mi liirouumr' V I. r vv'f r" w.Mii a, ww-e UVmn I'ljabone-oluy I8i' i - 24 3t 1 V :otice.w 5 fr HE Subacriher witf live the highest cash price for I' ? A old Copper an jFewetk delivred at bis shop io Bv !fcdeigb;-3Tnne 15,1814.; DANIEL PECK. r . . 24-4t. tOST OR MISLAID, NOTIS pf hand Ni JohiiA. C- Rhodes (living-near Tu-borouirh.) for fortv-me dolfars.' due some time ur: r - . . ........ . ,, i in January Iast-AU persoh aie eautioneu ag&msi trnu J ing for said note,: and the said John A. C. Khode from lyte it t any person but myself or order .. ' - i -i DUNCAN a BR1GGS. WakeCountv:iuwtrli?f4:, - 4v3p. .'- p ONTA1NIN0 about : eleven hundred and fifty acre, I Vitv t!ie County ofjitokes, N 0- wi Rt-e.'y Creek, 4 miles tKO m tin-, sum s lord tin Dan Jitter. 1 he laud is liv idtd into ila; f.)llowiig tracts, tiit fi.-st cqntainjug 436 .actes,' JOot wiucl) is ele.fvd has a good mill seat, and plenty of pine, pp!ar and wa'nut timtwr h well watered, ajtd of th uncleared baru a considerable boMv of bottom land. The 2d. tract obtains 233 a' res, 2u of which is cleared has a rood bouse, kitcnen. &o- with an excellent snntur and convenient to the house. The 3d tractcontuns S00 acre, a tolerably good bouse,, good barn and out houses. The 4th tract con 80Q acres, has a coodabin." or chard of excellei't jbuit, well watered, and good meadow land has 30 teres cleared. A more particular descrip tion i thought uiuurcessary, as those desirous of purcbas! ing can examine foe themselves.. Any person who will purchase tue white may lnyelt for two dollars er cc.- or it wilt b i sols in small quantities to suit purchasers. gdodr waggon ana tea.n wm oe taKen in part pay menu -i 5 THQMAS POWERS, ....... - - - INFORMS ttipubfic'that he fca commenced business 1 ;-"i jl in hi professional line in tire nouse laieiy eccnpiea oy f ,4ohnS. KabotefturHe invite custom ud'hoe ; to give y.faustasuon. - 1. jr- L-r, Weigh; Jupe I?14 ,State 3anlc,v6f Ndrth-CaroUna, ' 4; t'i ' rA T:aneetingV the President mm Olrectorsf of t'.ie "I XA, State, Hank of North Carolina-, a dividend of four per y eeituim on -e aeh and everv share of the Capital. Stock of May J, 1814. J04N WIUGHT. 48-tf. - : MINERAL WATEKS. - ' vi - - : THE subscriber has esVabli shed in this City, on be cor . ner of lyetteiiUa .an;l Martin itieeu, opposite . '' the Sug'eOIHce, Manufactory of the ,. . "v. various ; , Mineral Waters, Now o universally used for health and pleasure n most parts of the United Stateav ; PA feet imitation; re made of the Soda, Seltsernd Ballslown Waters, se justly celehr&ted lnr.the cure of manv eonfhlaitits of the Sto- mach, aUIious and Calculous affections; feVr and . va. riety of diseases incident to warm climate.; .r- . . ' npAvifrrrtf " IMeeh, 5hMay, 1814. beckwith; 18 NOTICE v V THE subscriber- has a Negro man by the . name of SO LO.VIDN'. often called .SOIAJMON: JOUD.VN, tliat He j '.v U known lor uts skill in -V' holder ,r their V representative,, ir or after ' , the first .p'L Mondayof junei'-:-.v '7 ,"' - ; v4 '"yZ f: ArM..II. JIAYWOOD, Cashier. Orange. I wiU t give" Wilice l all )ms who may employ the siiiil Jordan, that they must stand responsi ble to me for his charges i and if they are thought unrea sonablc, application must be. made tome, and they shall be ti-gulated agreealdy to my jndgment; The said Jor dan ny be found 25 miles north of Kaleigh, 20 miles south fit Caal tfl liuianoiougii). anu uiiica -TOranville, '20th April, l14- (y;i; ' , .10 -j-:.f-orsea.4- P "I . I Wrt.N. Ill II IMll mm: SHOCCO:SPRINGS. M; HTllE Subscrtbff h made preparallor.s for aecpmmo- of oxf ji d, 31) j. dating such as ay visit the above Springs during me , weit 0f Louisboi ff;' present season. r . . ,. , - ; Addition and 'Improvement have,, been made to liis tudditKS, ao asto jender them more commodious and comfortable than heretofore. Mis Ice-House is Well stor- t Chjldren and .Servtnt half priP, 25 cents per. day for .EDWARD J. JONES. ?-,vWarrncoonty,May27. i. . 2J i- to the Springs, whkhW redy every Inconvenience ; montuJulHStl,. and JJ. t.WrlrcomDamedof. --V . ' ' i oOt ol,the,aid call -The claims for military aeryice will c ; " NORTH CAROLINA. rj. .... -4 Auditors for that purpose eppnintodby the tst A Gi-neitV Assembly, will proceed forthwith to settle andrepoittheclaims ofUie AHicersand Soldier called MicMfv.ce bv lh Cuvernov of tbu , fltte in ike I ' . i a --. ! Ten Dollar? Reward. be teifedjjy thftonAeyrolla,an4ettled accordingly.--Iveryiiher claim Wtbat kind or nature oever, must be formally proved before one tie more Justice of the reaec. S t if " W r; a.xr-Baleigh, My25th48l4 TAILORING ; BUSINESS. i'. E AN AW AY from the jufescfiber v f;r on tne xtn oi-iwarBa, a ongnjyei ' i ! low Man, abo4 28 year old lix .', feethirh. well proportioned and i active, speak slow, has lost mc of , lit toretmn. ano a piecs os ue lower part of li left ear". cutofl- ''tar'i.:. LlllnA .1..1.1 ,M,'.1t ainmnt -TaB Subscriber, HianKtut jor me.svry imcru;u. I 1 1 ..riw.ii.ni ; iipiofnre reeeivedi InfarA bis I mend that he continues V f T on nppve wihw, a nart of Mr Boss' buUding near the Ikct, -hor 11 iuWaithfullV attended t kndecuted in the V wiB give the bovn cwrd to any person, syhd will bring hand, h i nxicju to engug two nrAhree rood JoUrnfV -L: Stolen or Strayed,-- '-4 FROM tbe ubscriber, on the 5th day of May, it nirht. a Urbt sorrel HOUSE, between 10 and 12 year old, at least five ieet high, and has a blase i hit fice. and a. bite spot on the neck near the weathers, - occuiotKa - rr im cottar, na u l a a at a snoa aiirouna. uneru esnspenaa tkm will be mad to any perso who wiM deliver saidf oorse to me in Baieirn, or gio inc uvorraaiton so law i get him again. . - - . . ' . MBBttlTT DILLIABD. May 13, 1814. . . 20 f . To Saddlers, Boot and Shot Maker Z. BREWER fc F. FA1RLAMBV LEATHER.STdRE, . OLD STRysii-PirBtSMUMc. ' WHERE Saddlers, Beat and Snoe-Mskersmaybe np nliewl on tbe most reasonable terms with iSoal, ikin ing.Haniesa, and Dndie Leatnert urain ana tfat t;au jfcins t, UooULegs, Wax sod Grain ; Taps and Top -Vkint; wax ana urain i upper negro ueatner t neitows ixaiuer Roueh and IJn'mir Hides i llor and Slice P altina t Tan- net's Oil t Waggon and Chaise Collars. Their stock con sistritiretyo the best Nortliem Leather, Country yen tlemen will find it te their interest 6aJL . t Order punctually attended to. . 6-tf j, . - January 22d, 1813. , ; LAND FOR SALE. THE subscriber oflcr lor sala, three hundred arret of LAN I), within about four miles ol Kaleigh. The 1 Land is well watered and stock d wit timber, near a sax mill. -H The Uud u of good quality, and will be told low fur cash, or rood trade- s For further inlbrmation, aipl tij the subscriber, living noria west of Ealeigh, about 4 nule . ' ' .. . -c -. .. . ' s...; . :OZX9 VINCENT 'June 6th, 1814. , . . ' 23-5wpd ' To Journeymen' Bcct tnd Shoe Lfikcrs; JtlVRMKTM EM Boot and Shoe Maker; who en fonxl ' wtQ reeomWaded fir industry and sobriety, will sneet " with conaunt employment and the most liberal w, S, '. either by the snentb, year or Job, by apprjing tCthe ausi k ' fenoer tn vvsyncsuorongn. April 19. 1814V IT FtORT.Y DOLLARS REWARD. mmM o .1: K1NAWAJ from th tubieribers, Vtil r 1 nr kVMit th l.fth r.t Map twpTem-S ' : -Men, onevof dark complexion "tr th V name of DA1D,' anout, 6 feet; high, . . r .n..n hil m,Vr tilri an'tll tin R.at a blepiish in one eve occartoned there hvfi . -about 2f year old, eonsidersble beard ( the otlter is dark complected, about J feet 7 inches hign, Jia a remarkablei; . , -? .. breA'V r.oi, wum sear on one de os. his bead Tr the ear. about 25 vesrsof ae, stout tnade :: named CHARLES both pf .the abvve rgroew werei .' brought from the Northward, ani it is probable they will s '. attempt to ret back, or go on board" of some vessel, a f ." , David has lollowed the set tnd perhaps Charles A re. ward of forty dollar will be rrn ibrhe taking up and ; confining tbe above Negroes m any JsiJ In' NoriL-Csroli ... -naor Virginia and giving notice to the subscriber, liv r ing i( ' 8outh-Crolina, Newberry District, o that thtf. 1 ret tliem, or twenty dollar for eiUier; , lt it probsblts . v they may change their sanies and the-' name of thai owner. 7,f June 9 A. 1814. C.EORCB LEVETt, i, ' maithbw &una.t V - r -MS 5t pd j TAN A WAY from tle ubsoriber about thn 24th cf A May. BLACRT HORSE, about 9 feet high, parti s cular rnarks not reeoltected-l When .ht went awav ha -' 3 Fhad on a belt, and tf, where he wm i ; " S. C. Brarae&Co. ABE thankful for the very liberal encouraresr.ent they have been favored wi;h sine tommenoing business in this place, and inform their friends and the public that they have just received a fresh supply of - ( , FASHIONABLE GOODS suited to season, which will besould at a very moderate profit for 'cash They Will sell a great bargain in ihetr whole stock of Goods ta oie pufcl. user, if application be shortly made. , They also have n well improved LOT, In an eligible situation, convenient to excellent spring wa ter, nd in a very desirable part of the town for a private famHy, which Viey will tetl on good terms. '.' 23 4t ' ' ; . " llaleigli, June 4, 1814. TEN DOLLARS REWARD. DESBilTcblfrom my recraing post In Franklin .Jounty, on Vie- 20th of May, 1814, Prazurs Squires, a Midler or tliA U. S. srmv. He Was born inbainpson Cooiity, age nineteen years, five teet ten inclves liiirli, fair eoiPpicXion, gray eyts; dark "nair",' and by 'profession iarmer. - Any pertbn who may apjuebeud ibe said soldier ind deliver ban over to me, or any olhcer ol'the U. S. sr my, or confine him in Jail ar d givu notice thereof, 1 will give the above reward and pay all reaonable expebcet. i ABTHUB FOX, Lieut. , , 10th U t. Iiil'antry. - Bccruiting Rendezvous, White Plains, June 5 23.' To the young and. Patriotic Citizens, Of the Counties o Burke, Eunctmbe, Rutherford and l'ayv,ooi. . CONTSCTOUS of the rectitdde of our cuuso in the prose cution of trt?? presei.t wr against. B -itain, the'GO: vcniment pf the United Suites lias liunjsonicly Cumpyri ' sated those who wish to enlist under the banners of tree dOm A bounty of one hnnditd end twenty-four dollars, and one' hund.rt I and sixty acitj ol' Land fifty dollars to be paid down, fifty dollars when wustercd and iweniy-tour dollars whetv the tepn of service expires, 8nch ftien Whose pslrtotisin" Is promptd by noble emultt inn to en list in the service bf hii ; ti"Hltryv are now eitiply icompc-n. sated for the tail and V of war,' wiih the addition of eight dollar fur twery man soldier.shaU enlist. Where is the patrfotis of Seventy-six t .Arouse ye sons l frc dom, let it not be said that yoif, who, are the progeny of the Ivfii jF teventyvx, are so fur degenerated into pusit. lunimity that you are not Willing to roambin and support the constituted; authorities of thir free and enlightened republic Free yoursclvet frpm that dull lethargic, state in which yon ire plunged Summon up your 'courage, and resentment agaiitiit the internal and external enemies of your-tountry Come forward arid enlist hi 'the seece f your country whei'e true merit and just honor are the lam. ing esteem and monuments of a soldier's name. Your names will be recordod-in tfie annuls of buftoryj-prtnepy. rifts will he written on your heroic characters, and vour names will be immortalised Tandrczutercd amongst the heroes of seventy-tiXt . ' i;" ,. - ,-' ' ''. ''A. Tt. BRANDON, -' " w s i Captain 3d Biflc Be Morganton, May 2? 1,1814. 23 3t TEN DOLLARS. REWARD. Tt ANA WAY' from the subscriber, living in Smith county, HVcot-Teiin on the 20th March last a tJecrro fuU ,low namel FRANK MUTTON, a bout 5feet 7xr8 inches hieL JlO r f VW 4J y iiars bf jjige, ttout s and ' heavy ; M inade,hts n scar over pjMe of his eyesj and Mother wj lrgt nne on one of hit hands, occasioned by the , stroke of a sword, 'his umx.-r 'fint: teeth much decayed, had on when he went away a cjUttft' round-about, very much patched and dark mixed overgilt He was taken up ht Uhedt river, and aid las name. Wat Jim, and from New-Orl6ans. : He it very polite and civil when spoken to, nd I expebt will endeavor to get to Eden ton, North-Carolina, where he . originally came from. ' Whoever will take np said Negro and secure him io any Jail sothat'I eati obtain 'him, and ve me information hU receive the above reward tbgeiber with all .reason, able exptfnees. ; ;,iX ' '"" Vv --'"" uiU rV ? DANlV.M'AULAY. 4 '8mi!th coan:ty,Ten.,fay,10, t8i4. v"8? 3m.;:, TEN DOLLARS REWARD; -V! tflfny person who oi t I will probably'make for Warren 'oun-,'-v'; ?' raised. The above reward will be paii -f 4 ', 0 will deliver hint to me, (if token out ; j ll.. r-mtti nnA fit, tS Ittacf-tl in that Afllinlv' 'vAAtjr tflW.- ''" formation respecting him wilt be thankfully receivedj Letters mtf be directed to Mason Hall, Orange county', - N. C June 5- -l-" M III II I a U i . 1 W A U 1 P ?i ' TA E-ft'llTEU from nvr4eTrtis in Hillsborouch. m v." JLihe 29th ult. ELIJAH TBSLr, a private of the lOthr ' ttegiment U. S. IntaJitry H t 21 year tof age, a teet 19 r" inches bighrof dark conplekitin,hd dark hair. He JiaS f . since been frequiEntly en lurking about his fathers, whoi ; r..." live 8 or lOmtlefnorheattfrom Hitl.bcrough.: 1 will . give tine above rewaraio any person who will Ceuver taid , j Teasly to me, or any other nfflcer the u confine him ui any jai gHI I Teasiy, all persoua t-x y other officer of Uie' Ui S; rmy, ot " ' ail in this State so that 1 ret him mi.-'-"' I nlso forwiirn all ptrton frbra; harboring 'aid' 5 1 -'3 , a I am rewlved to putthe law in forco. giaft .' j tout who can be convicted of the same :.. . '. ", June 4th. 1814. waANNlLL WWK' ' 4, ; STRAYED t IJ R0M the( iubtcriber, - ori,j I'i-X. time .ince, a bright bay Horse, 4 feet 8 inches high, eight year ' i H H old last apring, blind In the left y I v n en eel)ut little out of . the right, had a belt on. shod all ' . Qiottnd, and Wa in tolerable gooct l ; was een otne - Jay iga, p?arj Mr. D-fril Roger's. Any inlbrmation re specting said horse, will he tbarikfully re ceivea ana noeru coninensauoa mode. t TVDIIDtt UlOtlTO i V B4lgh,7une KJ,1824.2:i- 25-3s. nrHB uUcf iber hanrf tr Tt Tenn 184, Q ialified a Executors of the last wilt and ' ' testament ot MclLAlacleod, $sq. late of said county jp - ' cea.ed, . "'--:..? irv-.-.;.u - vl"",',-i - -V , ,;, . -:oiyKoTiCE:;y;a HPC all those f-avuiff claims against 'aid estate to tare -the oi properly authenticated and presented, within thw time limited by lav or their claimt will he. barred of rek covery. - Ana all those indebted to the aid,etUte are re-;- i quesied to make immediate payment, Xt .,no Inilulrenc'! cau b given by f'-' jf ' VH-jyv.-ry '-.?,ii ' 'irl ; ;ALEX;''MACti0D .'v :.'rj,; '.v . AlutiDOCK'MAp ' v- - '--if. f. i, i V " l AAlf CI, Mqore county.June 1st 1814.1- ' 25. jit jxlv "r . v V ; .Thirty floilars Rr;Ward DESEBTED from Salisbury in tie tnonthof Novttnbefr ISV2, fc soldier of the loth Beg. U B, Infanyy, Uyi the name 6f Klisha Jackson i -he was formerlv edvertisell - as Wm. Jackson He 1 probably lurking in-tbn coimtien, of Anson or Moore. ? Also toldJer in ,the hbove titf? e ' meat by th name of. Weitenhunt, formerlv of Bandolnh. ?'-. who deserted from' Washington City, in company. witltTV' Wm: Smith and one Matthews -aid Weisenhtmt, is noi S ..I IU. I.MMrtl.H .nnAnw..! I ... f : 4. ' .3s' Also a soldier by the name of Michael Parnell, pf BowuVi ' 4 county, who deserted from Washiagton Citv In enmnarrw '' '. K ' With Benjamin Stone,-of Rowan. ' Ten -dollar reward .;, will be tiven for the apprehension of eitlMff iiitlW-nhoW i ?X named deserters, on their being put In Jsikor deUtere.dASf to' any U S. officer. ; 'Vu,- ';;f'--:.-'h iAMESLBORTy,t!o-VV H C.I0h Reg. U. 8. nlanjry Twenty Dollars Reward.)-'- - ... TJ ANA WAY trom1 Uie tubscribef tfm , AV 8th inr illkf U V. s..4..j . i i utTm.. so Mini . ahMii ... -V" - J f incbet high; hat a pletsin; ount nanetj, trmdl eye, hi nojenota fiat ft V' J . common "Negroes, ba been raised fc " i x 'Walter, ui imart ana ictive, had on wtufc v ' no iwi me nomespun oiotnet, hi lack , ,v et white, made of cotton And wool, had, ( - r. , xawui -omi..i ciotn muca worn' and dark coloured with h velvet cape. It it probable hw -is now lulrkipg in Johnston county, .Tlie above reward Bci( w muf twavn wuw win oeilTer aiiq to SM -e