TV ".' " . t I - - . , , ' . , t - " V ' i . ' -. " 4 - ! ....'-' .' . ...-,.... . . ';' ! M-7.-. - . ....... v. . V r , ,ruiiysito faXCttevillb stueetTopposxte the stone fountain. .- - VHALEIGH, FRlDAy,' SEPTEMBER V 1814. Dolls, per iixnunl ' r, t 1 ttJcrtif tntnt- DESERTER?. 4 ; , JeieHert vta ill deliver thmielvc up to ny officer of t the Unitca uie$ Arm viuua tor monuta from tot ) ' AiUtaercof. . T'"r ; " V---"'' . v-v- Btttrtcdfren Captain IorCt Company of JrtiU ., ":r'y- x -fcry.' jgrv w. .,''. .. T' Job CIiWn t VUuti&Avon, ttt of MutMhuaetu 1 . -jt $ ten tQ IncUtk lUgh, bUtk. cyca nd tir. fair 1 - completion. -: PwrUd ft-wa CuUo fiockaqr about Um v lithJuW. 1811 ' " 1 '' f ' '"" v ; 1 ' Job M tddJeton, Vara In North Carolina, 27 yeafi i - 4 feet T inches blrb, dark complexioo, light eyaa nd .v. kUel hair, two of ni front Uth oat. and by proCuwioii vafrmer meJ froav Marion diattict S. too the 3d . CrMAmber. 1811. - f ---a . ,)' , y A V. tf-r, i Leri Mornn. born in Fairfield DUtrict. 5- Carolina. 44 ; yirofg, Ofcn tug, OMK completion, (Jam bair and !suk eye i bv profisatioa a farmer. Deserted the IZA ' VAuEUit.l81V -' '.V,vyVW-fJv i; - v ; weattr Morran. bom to Fairfield Katriot. 8 Carolina. V , ' iirt'd 28 vtaML 1 fcet 11 tocaea hifhi dark complexKm. - dark eyea and (Urkkur, by profeaitoo farmer.' Deaerf. ed the 13th Anppt, Hll" r ' ' " ' , wdark hair and eyeo, fair eon)leti90. JJeaerUd from Fort WiMononthoh October, lllJt. , ; , -j( Goorra Bead, afcout 25 yeani old. 5 feet 6 inchei b:(rh. . ' brown Lair and fair tomplexion. Daaerted li-p Iron ohnamjonthoaOthOetoberriSlX 4. v ' John ioraL about 81 mrt old. I feet inches bid). - fair complexion, light eyea and hair. : Ocserttd from Fort . 'ioLncon on the 5th October, 181J. Arrested and brought upon a Habeao Gorpaa and I tSeliero dischargod at ' 1 Samuel Boney," born fa Fairfield district, 24 yean old ftl eompleiion, rreyayea and dark hair, by profession a f jmet.- Deserted on too 10th February, 1814 -nu'. John Denict, bora in Fairfield district, 21 years old, $ : 'ri fitX i inches higlk, fabcomplexim, dark hair, dark eyes, ,t by profession firmer. Deserted Era in Castla Fiiicknty, '' jjBw.,,- ;. " ' ,. -t'l.y v ' , , v ' alicajaa Oglesby porn ia Kewberry ditrict, about 85 ycava old. black hair, dark eyes, 8 feet 9 inches high, by . V ' profession farmer. , Deserted fom Caatlo Vinckney on ' thn 28ik alar. 1814.' ;'- V.-X "i"- .4 : ' , Cbristcyettlicksv born in 8 Carolina, about 3 yews of sre.lfcetoiKneobign, Hgntnair, urm eyes, i air com. . -(.,Uew(j Deserted ftom- Ca Findfl-eyth June, I '! ' WilUaip Htcka horn Ok S. Carolina, about 16 years of f - fge, light osir ana eyes, aoout 9 jeet s incnes mgn, luir I complexion. I Deert4 from Castte finckney 24tL Juno, ,1814- v : : v'W--U ' ' 1 ' ''' v . .tesWyeaJbout 45 years old, fair complexion, blue , 1 kyes,' Kehi hair, by profeauona blacksmith. Deserted (,, tVm Cattle Piockney on the 1st July, 1814i ' I 1 hVeserted trim Captain 'Domhfa Gompqny' of I f s y pSuBucl Austin, oorn in urange county n. virquna, ageu V' 44 years, i feet 9 inches high, dark complexion, blue eyea. suae nav, ana oy proiuwian carpcuicr, verei) frotaMorgantonla August t8t2-. !V 1 ;i ' ' James Hunter, bar n in iincolfl, If Carolina, oged 21 1 vc'ars. f feet 10 inches high, light eomrvlexton. blue eyea, darkhair ad by profewiiou n ftmes. . . Dtaerted Una ; Rutherford V September - ? ef-' ' ' John Surke, born in Sitartanbdrgh, t Carolina, aged ' St years, feet 1 1 inches logo, light complexion, tlue eyes V dark hair, and by fte&tston a tobacconist. '? Deserted 1 from Kutherford September 1812j . - ; -j lS v ) John Ollis, bom in Orango county V Carolina.' aged S3 years, f feet T inches high, dark complexion, dark eves, dark hair and by profession 4 laborer. -.Deserted trom Salisbury in3ptcmberl8'3. ' ' , John Q Canton, corn in nauuim, norm Carolina, agea '38 years, 5 feet J. inches high, dark complexion, black ' S ayea, black tair and by proiessfen a laborer Deserted .from Morganton fa August 18l'2V i ' , , - . JameaMChambliss, born fa Sussex Ya. aged 85 years ' I feet 8 inches high, fair complexion, hazle-eyed, rd hair, and by proression a uylor. Deserted Iron Morganton in 'Auguit'Wl Y TV"-jJ i- Edwin paldwin, born faeaswell Korth Carolina, aged - 1 22 year. S feet it inches high, dark complexion, fcrcy ; eyes, dark bail, and by profession a farmer ; Desu4td 11 front Salisbury 'in Jariuary 18IS. , Wilah Sellari, bom fa J Carolina, aged 24 years 6 Ifeet 1 inch lugn, arx eomjncioi eyc, uiaua. air D inches W 5B. fair complexion, blue eyea ami ida.k haiT- ueeerua Uom uauo nnciuiry on the 7t l eonury ' Leonard Pace, bora In Tirrf nia, aired .S8 fart. 8 feet 8 Hches kirh, dark cOianUaton. blue c vra. dark bah. And by profeaaioaj a cooper. Deserted front Fort Moulirie Wth Merc t8l4 -.- 'V ' 1 Deserted frtn laitapt.Jt. MClltt Cofnpany U Adam Goad, born in the state ut Virrlnia,mgrd 21 year, Ti feet 10 1-2 inches high., dark complexion, haste eyv biacx batr, an4. by protenuona suoemaxer. Deserted from rort alonltrle fa January 181X ; David M lU-ain, bora t LanCOStef Diatrlct, 8. CaroU. na, aged 18 years, $ feet 8 inches high, dark complexion, haste etes biack hair, and by profession a fanner, De aerted from Caatlj I'inkney. , William Brown. 4orn fa Berkely county, Virginia, aged 1 Years, 5 feet . 8 inches ' hich, fair complexion, haslo yes, dark hair; and by profeaaion laborer. . Deserted com xorKuietnct- Vs-, Thomas Ketchum, bora in Stokes county. N. Carolina. aged 27 years , 8 feet 10 14 inches high, dark - complex ion, basic oyea. dark hair, and by profession ft saddler Deserted from Fort Meultrie 27th February 1814 - William John, born in Union District,. C. ageu (8 rrtn. 5 Irrt X XU inches hip-K. fair coADlexion. blue eves. O ' K - ewiA aatr, and by proicMu atarmcr - x , - rterre Uira, dotk m panic, m una, bk ice 5 facheshigh,broweofflpleion and brown eyes end by profession a sailor. Deserted from Charleston fa August James GsrrfchV born fa Chester District S- C aged Si years, $ feet 7 3 inches high, fair complexion, grey eyes, light hair, and by profession farmer." Deserted from Castle Itxkncy. , ' . ' Fifty Dollars w'Ul be rrren for apprehending and deK teriog lOanyafficerof 'the United Sutes Aimy, each and e-ery one ot th above aesertera, wno ' uii 10 ocurer tlwaSelTes up neiore uie irw or septemoer next , S "" v u- UKatT, Major at .Artillery v 'v . -t- , com-a. Artu'y. oui airy, . Dist " nd byprofessioit a farmer. Deserted from camp in Hi Carofiosto March t' ' '" ' Jacoii Surthsmire, born'fa Burke, Korth Carolina, aged 'Si years, J foet 9 inche high dark Complexiort blue eyes fblkckUW,J and by profession h laborer, v Uesei ted from ? tamp mW Choline Match ttttf" ; . , , "eed 40 veara. 6 feet 10 faches hieh, dark complexion, blue 4 -yes, bUck hair, audby professiona laborer. Deaerttd from Fort Moultre ih May HIS. r ' k , ' Wiluru Holifield, ba n fa Chester, 8 Carolina, aged iS years, & feet I inches' high, fair complexion, grey ' -eyes, brown hair, and by profession Ulorer Deseited . omjarisbury fa September 8i2. : v, ; . . . . John Cole, born in W Carolina, 33 y ear, 5 feet 7 niches ligW dark complexion, grey eyea, black hair, and by Ul rufession a abocmsker Deserted from Fort Moultre frstrtcijrm Cdpt. HawkiiCi Company of ; , ; ev?. d-JrtilktyT y-- - - , VUliam BrookV borafa Orange, S. C. aged 18 years, S U&et 9 M hicheauirh,fair complexion, grey eyes, light hair, and by profeaaion a laborer. .Deserted "onv ' kigh,K.c fa August isia.-;-v - -; ,1 Robert perideTRrasa, berfi m Orange N. C. aged 22 ears, 3 feet9 inchea high; dark complexion, black eyes, - black hair, and by profession sr larmfcr.' DjjerUd. from. Tarborbugh, N. C. fa December 181i " a'i 1 -' llebert Fvwell, bom fa Chatham, N. C aged 20 years, . 3 feet 7 1 2 inches liB, fair complexion, blue eyes, , light ' hs'ir.andbywrofession a placksmitb- Deseited . fi-om . Haleigh, K. C. fa December 1818.. ; ; ' . . ' , Joseph WUiama, bom fa ttface George,' Virginia, v gtd 26 years, $ feet T faches higK. fair complexion, blue eyes, black uair.xnd by profession s shoemaker, Desert " , edfrem Cowan, N C' in,December,j824 y . -Charles Prichard, bom fa K.iJ.'age4 i years, S feet -"uO inches hltrhwlitrht complexion, basic evse, light,; hair. '"dby profession s aaddler,'..,; 'iV ' ' .vf Deserted from lata Caph 4mweart Company l':- v.v.;V ,!',; ycf Artillery Fames Clark, born in the stfteof CeorgU;sged 19 years, . 8 feet it) inrh, . Wh.dirk f.omnleximv. 'crev evcs.dark 3 ;htfMd by profession uarileR. Deei'te4 from Ff -.vuuno a. i.on ids ist - januaiy ,, - -;w " David Cojle, bom in Ireland, aged 52 ye- , S feett '1-4 i bxteali u, ikir compUauon, grey eea, Llack hair, "4 by pro! a, Uborer.' 1 Dcssttedfrom ''.Fort Moid- tein AprU V h - ' r," : ' '':' I ' : , r? DESERTERS. ' STEPHEN BOBkRtS born fa Wilkes County, X. C thirty one years old, fire feet, ten faches bu t, dsrk Complexion, grey eyes and brown hair, enlisted by Lieut. tiamittaa lirown, deserted trom the Uty ot V, aauuigyni 15th June, 181 . W1LUAM MAXWELL, borri in Ireland twenty nine years of age, five fact, ten inches bih, fair complexion, light hair, enlisted in Mecklenburg 3. C. y LicuUi A; W. Brandor, deserted fiom the state of Delaware, 17 th June 1814. : . . , . - JACOB MILLER, bora fa Lincoln Couuty N. C. 32 years Old, six feet 1 indi high, sallow complexion, black eyes, enlisted by Lfout Summy, ideserted 18th of June in the state of Delaware, the above deserters belong to the lpth Infantry U. 8 Array, si;-' . . , ''Fifty Dollars Reward wiM be given fbnhe apprehend ing and confining of any of the abote desertets,' or da. Uvered to an U , 8. Officer. ' , r v . Also soldier by the name of WESLEY MATTHEWS, who is some where tn Moore or Anson Counties. Alio a soldier by the name of WILLIAM JACKSON, supposed to be fa Guilford County , deserted from Mecklenburg In 1BX3, also one outer by too name ot kusha JAUUN deserted from Salisbury, who was some time since, con fined in Moore County Jail under a pretence of having sto len a-Hammer fa order to detain him unlawfully.. - Fif ty Dollars Howard will be given for each Deserter as soon ai confined in any Jail or delivered to any Officer fa the U. 3. Army. ' JAMBS WELLBORN, CoU - - lOthL V. 8. Army .wiucesDorougn, Augustvto, aoi. ... aa-jw. Two Hundred Dollara Reward. iTXESERTED from Caran near Wilkesborourh. M. C. xJ on the 7tii fast, the following persons, to wit : James Hast, Richard Copland and Moses Gape. James Hart 28 year of age of dark, complexion, dark eyes, dark hair, six feet one inch high, and by profession a farmer, Tie says he was bora in Grayson County, V. Richard Cop. land 32 years old dye feet uhic iiVcliea high, blue eyes, dark hair and by profession a, firmer born in Chatham County, N- C Moses Gage 2 or 2 J years of aget six feet one inch hign, tair complexion, blue eyes, oarx nuir ana by' profession a farmer, the said Moses Gage deserted from the Militia of M. Carolina, he was enlisted by Lieut. Alexander fa Rutherford County, V C. ; The above Hart and Copland, was enlisted by Lt. Parks, in Ashe County, N. C 1 have reasons to believe that the above rascals are lurking fa Ashe County, N. C Alio deserted from this detachment on- the 14th inst, on my march from W'dkcs. borough, N. iC.-t Waahington City, Daniel Miller iiJ years old, six feet one inch high, gr7 .eyes, light hair, fair complexion and by proftssioiV'a farmer, born uvsbe County; N. C. " 1 will give the above reward to any per. son of persons that will deliver the abqve Soidier to me or any officer in the U. 8. . army or secure Uiein fa any Jail so that they can be brought to justice, or fifty dollars for the appreheniion of either of Uicm. A 7 v ' The Editors in Virginia nud Teimess'e will publish the above at least tour wetKs in tbelr paj-trs. , . UMANUaL J- LEIGH, Capt. : - . - '35 its - ' - - lOtU U. S Infantry ADVERTISEMENT. . , . A T the Court House in the City ef Raleigh on the 150t tk day of Oct next, will be sold to the highest bidder for ready money, the fallowing Lous and pans of Lotu, or s much thereof as will be aulBcient to (liacharge the City Tax due on them besides the coats and charges for, aHvMiiniiiB'. m wit , ,j. ' . ' j " " ' L NO 125 13 28 2? 3 i -2 of 45 4956 60 61 t-2 of 66 74 f514of 83 88 89104 05 107 partoflW 1-4 of 116 117 123 139 140 14 of 144 part of 145 1-6 of 147 150 151' 153 155 ! 168 170 part of IbM' Mason Halt, part, or lUjyi lien. Hunter, 187 198 203 204215 216 217 219230231 237 li3 B44 245 233 200 261 270 271 273 fa Raleigh not given fa fbrtheyear 18141 i V eft- V"i V '8ept;,'t,8!4., 6. W. BABB, O lector v, CoftheCityTaf. wot. v.;. it. NOTICE. JCTRAtED W'in the subscriber' on the 3th day of A- hril fast, two Horses, the largest ao a bay, about 5 yeara oiu last spring, anu aooui 9 icbv ihi;u, mi njuaiv plug fa the undtr bp, his hind feet am both white up to Lisfet locks, had on k large bell, with a buckle to the .n. tn. .1.1 . tu.FivM i vhMk lus left vbiawths Other a emotack, about 4 or 5 years old, and about 4 feet 8 ' or 10 fachesbisn.wtin several saaaie spots on m oaca any persoit who will deliver" said horses to me, or give such Information so that I get them, shall be handwmely reward, two milei north of James! Town, m Guilford ;7V;:'-';;V;35,',.,3tpd.- Sutc f North CairolLoa ' BUNCOMBE COUNTY. County Court of Fleas and Quarter Sessions, July See. . . v , t - . S0aVU14 , ' 8enoni Sasnes, On final Attachment, Irvfad On a tract , vs . Vof land estimated at 18 afrca, supposed Peter 8urder4 J tjs be the property of xlass defendant.' ' , . 1 j . . ... . .. . . . ' . lLivuti k was maoe npfirar ut inm aauaiaonon, as tW i ikatrit. Uul. Ifta, mm W . I L Inhabitant of another st.N, it Irai thereupon ordered by the Cowrt, that publication bo made three weckr succek. sively fa the StxS, that If the defendant would fail to ap pear and make his defence at the next Court to be holden for said County, at the Court House fa Ashevllle, on the first Monday after the fourth Monday fa September next, final judgment would then and there bo entered against him, witneaa John Mdle clerk of said Court at office the first Monday fa July 1814, and 38th year ef the tndepen dance of said state. , " v 1 - JSO. MILLER, Clt " Aognst 18, 1814" ' r SiStp. , 1 - - ' - - , " State of Nortli Jaroliaa. ' ' BONcioMBE COUNTT. 'HEIUFF.'SSALE.'f ALiyTof Lanosto be sold for the Taxes due thereof or ao mack as will pay the taxes and ct ef admtie- ' fag, Ac. tie. . ' , 4 , , ... . : M0 Acres (riven fa by Solomon Sensetr, lying on the) waters of Little river, sKusinr Thomas Bnucr, sq fof 1810. , . . ' ; ; . -. ; a . puh in djjw aciggiiMoa, jun. lying oa mm Waters of Clarke creek, svdjofaing Benjamin Merritt sod othersfov 1810 and 1811. - . - v 60 acres given fa by James G 3 flee, lying on the waters of Clark a -creek, sdjfafag Edmoad Deberry, E3 and Others for 1311. - , 1 .?'',,'- .r ..'.-', 374 acnes givea fa ty 8upr Dowhng, lying at 'the t' snouUk of gtULwater creek on Rocky river, adioiaini? Ex- odusWhitly fir 18C9, 19. 11 tt 12. 1. - . ' .. , 250 acres fciven fa by John FrederTrk,? I , y on Clarks. creek, aUjouung William Morgan, -ii f S. j,r l II k 1J, ,S16 acres given fa by Samuel Jarluoii, lylugon the ws ters of Long creek, adjoining John Leatoa and Tho.- Rio -forllJ09,I0.rtfclir, 7 , - 50 acnes given fa by Hincher Ballard? tying on the-VaC'." ters of Claras creek, adjoining lV.urdock M'Uod for 1809. v . 189 acres riven ill bv W'iamm linker. lvin nn ti. . Cotinty Court bf TleaS and Quarter Sessions, July 8tJ 1 fDhary, river, aljomuig Itenj.-mfa AUen and otherg - .- awns. 1814 , . v . ' tfa lfJOB, 10, 11 and X2. , ' ': N . .a . Jonathan MTeters. "J .v,0 cf,Kl'r in by George Hlnson Fyiag ea - ;. ' .vs. - C Orinnal Attami., U.ij J V1 waters of Long creek, Siljui-un-Jacoi Ephard and . John Rntberfdrd.U S ' one Black hore- " IV ' j . . - ... u,viwan foim Huvtl iviti p Si t itJIKJ ill II mryf if " " - t V ' f w . ' "ii U,U.te h. m- 100 acWrWfa bV jame. SedberrvL IvfawV,. r, ' ' uc wuuri iua puDucauon snouia oe maie tnree weeks rerk utinlninu- jv. ji t. k. v J ,,? . "Z r successivelv fa the 81 as. tlt if th wnta .i.i i .I?., it and Job Bohtoa for lov9. 10, -Ax e rJTT-r : r"l M" JSO acre riven fa b Wvatt Scott WW Lut 7""Z " urv. r". i leadin, fiW Jlirks Ferrv to FavtoviliT. '-.wZ. 'ITT phen Smart for 1809, 10, liana 12. , , ,-. . - 100 acres giVeo fa by Tbo. Simmons, lying on the via tersof CUrka, aJjojcupg both . Williams sod others X -200 acres given fa by Wililam Osors, sen. ly ing on th - . wa.Ka - . . WW M. n.llIIK Vlt the first Sun4v afw lk Couth1 l..m.Amm j - - v.h w ma nKt,8aal judgment Would then there be entered a gafait him, nitneas, John filler, Clerk of said Court at orhce Uie first Mbnday fa July, 18 14, and 38th year of the Independence of Said state. - Aug. 18,1814: v J 35tp. s ; " wate,ra of Little river, adjoining William ttolum and o.' there fr 1809 and to."- r - -:.i " ; ; The above lands will be sold at the fjuri House fa lift town of Uadevsoo,orl th30Uidayof - ' W ' BENJAMIN MiGGlNSON.Sh'O, U.tMn.... ..1. l..l..'.... - : wwntji vk.u uiy, toio. x 3i3t. ; . NOTICE. LOST OR MISLAID, .., f .... .- A Note ofhaivl payable to roe by Howell M'rtmnie, for the sum of 1 W Hundred Dollars, the date nor wit nesses not recollectecl--I do hereby forwarh all persons from trading for said note, as I have received payment for the same. ,.-Vr ,.A'wlULL WVATT. Wake County. August 20. 1814 .,, . , 35. :. 3t ; v North OiroHna, , i Treatury Offices lit eJSeif. H.'t I nc. revenue oincera 04 ui! aiorrsaia was nave yri hj w . wKircnoaco ma agreeable to-tbo above iWitA wiwjwi iv (Ht up uw iiir. ui Mic liuinm jmt ,, . muraij mi triAQayv September next will bear fa nund, that the first day of October fsoow i proceedto sell the following lots or' snmuch thereof near sit hand 1 on or before which time the lawa require. ' will be eufficient to satisfy toe taxes due thereon w tk. I... A.n ..c.l. :J f .1...H 1 . A . .1. :... iStn . . ,w tuY Jrmmm 1 w i hv"I uie coat, sag, .caargct attanuanton tha & A GJIEEAtlLT to an act of Aijembly passed 1810' "fWMe, better hgufa Towt, of Flymouthfa the county of Washington, nvinr ' power and authority to Commissioners of said town ' ' to lay arid collect a ux on all property , within the said T V.k,0.11 "Steible tho abovorecaed. V County- August ?5tu 131. fubuo jjl reaaury. JOHN HAYWOOD, Public Treaa,1 COMMITTED TO Morganton Jail, the 24th July, 1814, a negro man, who calls his him JOH V. alioiil fiv ( in-K hyh, about twenty fbur or five years of sge, uai complexion, nad on a bunt. fag shirt, White cotton paw alnons much Worn, says he belongs to Henry ItaynS. . worth of St atesburgn, South Carolina. I The owner ia di sired to come forward, 1 1 ... I..Li I! , pay iiars anu uu uim iwn, s ' JOHN MG CI RE, Jailor. ' AuugstJl, 1814 - 35.pd. - FIFTY DOLLARS REWARD. RAN AW At fromihe subscribed on the night of the 16th fast, (my wailing mail) a mulatto fellow nsrhed CA TO, he sometimes passes by the name of Aaron, a bout 26 years old, 5 feet 10 inches higli, he has a Scar In his forehead, and stutters Very much. He had op when he vent aWay dark colored overhauls, made of cotton and wool, a whit hat and dark colored round coat, took to other clothes with him. .tie rode awsy a dark chesnut em-i-el mare which had on a hew saddle and bridle, four years old put, about 14 and a half hands liijrli, some re markable prey spots on the left side of her neck, A re ward of fitly dollars will be given to any person, Who shall deliver the said, servant and mare to the subscriber st Pinkiieyville, Union District. Carolina, 'or twenty dollars to any person who will lodge the laid fellow In jail thall get him again. , . r.iaj. -J.'J: oist,; rinkncyville, ugust 17, 1314. , ' ;' ', V N.' B. ne has with him 23 dollars fa gold and silver, 8t it i i'imnoecl hi tvitl make tnWarda AurlatuMa Vii-trL 'ma. where he was raised, ' . 23 Sip . , , J, G. s,ame. ; Lot No. knowrU do do, i a. ; J owner w s r do do v do do do do ' .11 V; do do do IS fa 368 said to belong t Charles Des, da 'do known. . do do do do ' do do do- do .' do , do 1 14 owner tut 19, dd do , , til do do 8f efa 'dd 3 T, Palmer 33 John Guy. theror Jfeabea Carnatt vv do do" j 34 owner on known. - v. w--, ' x -: do do 35 do- do do do : , 38 do .do k do do 42 do do 1 do do ' ? 41' do rint: do, do 48 H.7iarock 54 owner eiu Si do do , oV ;' 64 8sldtobs'!s . longto tho heirs of Witf.V tin llardtaon. i 'i do 1 At , .78 owner t ( hnowit:."' ' ' '- At do 80 l02 sn H'3 belonpng td J. Mai.' do' Nos. 3 153 154 Sv, 135 property of L. BosmaU '-A ' . T ' ' Part NOW- ',. 93 and tC3 said to belong ' to the heirs of John Darcy, , dcoeased.vr Vc, '. v v i do loy 1 85tnepropeb . ty of ohq Feck, given .'Lk -by Joshtta Foster. do -dov 105 owner tut known.:r, .'-v ,t -vs pdo dO4:,i06Jdo'dt ' , ;do 1 do f 1 131 do do k do do 158 and l77th . " property of John Gnyther i'do - 4o-' 113 -a iprv perty of Miss U : Hardisun.' -' ' UO.: do , lI4belnnnRa 10 1 43 Uie ntirs of? titson, dee'd. -- - To the Citizens of Lincoln, Cabarrus & .'I Mecklenburg do ' da known, do do tlo do da da Pcuelop Johm SAiLjrSBDjnr.TtossTiw.M , Plymouth July 19, .1814 . 1 . I ' 31 . kbote mentioned .mciVmVd , en them fa so as th own... . ...ti.- i.-..," . persoiiaherebyreaid ' the atoreaaid dav uJutn. ,k.. 77 j .: and by that means prevent the necessity of thefa (Jnt! ' b1 oroflered for sale for.anyfutitMes? ?j.llnf - FORTY DOLLARS REWARD.' fl 'AN AW AT Fm ski :fw ' v" " " L :. Larolma Surry Countr. itK . . U1 w v ' 4 tne ouwFE IE. Charles is about 20 years of ar " YOU are hereby notified thai, the lax tinder the act i!im;M,. lit Oil .w il A.itvtt.t a. ' n , r '" -J---. ll. pt .a rt fta bio .nil mtA&t a rlinri fair iaitl.iit Ht.l.1 baa lkMmn iI.ia mnA imviKIa. mtA tendance will be given to receive the same at the follow 1 . 1 . .n 1 1 . . . 1 f . . ingsiniea anu piacei, v is 1 ui 111c cimuiy 01 uincoin , u.e nottse 01 the 5th Sept 01)1 desday 0 : . . ' .1 .. :x rrZTrj 'Tirs''' ."rr:.rr rr- w8 tor theJ 'Federal sh;.I r'.'.r"r r- r . "N' wWuh u riven ovttw, .,k..:v. 'v AtJoel Williams, Indian creek, on Monday Hih Sept do. ' or 20 dollars for the delrveiiiri"w IT wnout a ine ownera rnrf . . . ... the;; has lived, several year at rlalifak Court llooaeT. v t aw nib. tt is probable he will aim for FtZrkkaW fc! Tears! S mcuuig nouse on. imrsaay ocjh uo. v-av mi's uri. ons fa Concord on Fciday id Satin-iUy 23 ard 34 brpt do. i In Mcckkubur tkuiily, Nt the house of Josenh Aiaiwcu cjii iviuuoav aruiuu' ju iuc hoiiba ot i.a Gribble,: Wednesday 2o;h8cptdo.; ' ( At- PeU-r Rap, . , i pursnay tHnoepiaov ASoat pn ranma, r rtday dOih fknt dti. , At this Foal fa Charlotte, on UciAJ.u ami Tuesday 3d and 4th of October next : , ,i ".u.n'A L v . ii.VY voiiecuir p me rwyenue lor tne iltu gn. ' 1 v Kwwon uisu-ict 01 worib-caroiitia. - avoguat , aoi .. - - , V 1 " '"Sy All eoncenkd. will do' well to come prepared with small change i all bonds given, for Still ty t aie .1.. Mrtll tt. r.., ir ...., ,!nAM,V.Ull. if mrm h .1 . bove meulicned Utnes and place ' ' . ,35 3w .vJ;Itr.U.v. Strayed or.Stcn-'' -7 " l ''' h wiDer wont t'JO V . 1 1 . ' J"'"'' leeP colored I . - MARK, 4 i t8or9inclieahiiu. ; 4. 7 years. , ' t 1 -t aprfag, both famt -, ; Ket wl ,o, . a a large "fchuu fa r ber , tut. luling to th eud of Jtl.owsf has heen docked u 1- when travchtrg-hoiasherti'i.sfa f . I'asonaWo reward to any person who v I 1 Mare to me, living ucur Orborn LocLL . I Will civ .v r... i , " "41 -a... vi..owm svutjsVlw r ' " ; "-. a-iut-v, or give ir.iurmationaou.k F (sua li.iBi