V.olumcr,VI. - OTA 'r- nn v .... i RAJ V V fr rt n'acr.bev erf a lit IT to I dam a tree s&n V " wassoia.io ... m jV t the nam cf tUrper I W - 'rWe ile aho rwr4 njfi- txml 1 w J1 tie Svr I te tJ f. Tow W V iefttr ,' In an JiL iht I can get Vita " " " - - ' -V " - - 'THOMAS BtEBS. .. . V BetW ror4,"M-VlcrXtnf eoimtv, JI U " - - . , t, jdy it. os:.x i.vu- J-m.T i V i: S."b Jt.n Fwiwd c.uru e ir cf j;t, I i4 1 .-.k It nt BO ":dI ? v JAM fr KM V h no fieri'. r T V . tr. CirA .aW.'. no the XSiU rfr k d M the ttuit art rtO'tircd lo a.ke fjvmo4 A r mmi. : ,."c.w. civ vVt I ff ORDERS. " Toni.l av., .ik, U eui Iheif repcc6 rtgimtaU W t - MM- wll tU f UrM and M the day tierrm prcW ' .orL (v llic fKirpo- pdfinf; roiirteml ud; fr t'b." j cV'tiial i The.lieirinCTt f ahren at WrriUMi tn i. Vdayt!. ecgfi4dyotSIH'nitr,nltj th 19 Ttrri. i t .-', tof 5Txemitr fb Bspimcrt of rnUiit Louuuurg i 1 ' AVr Jnetdat tt twct' y Cri day of Blrnri lh It- i ieaiiOf .W oiv,ved nil- r.ooccw- discipline fT S Vllowinjr dlht isi thof litlrjj;iBi: 6 both Uef ot iWVe,4ll jaree dajrs immedi4ely vJrtenO cf. "in.eibf r 4bost bUgivf lo tie, Frnk ! . iinjlerwrnt Ac trententl,iiifeeriiUraniVl'eP'Ul , ox septemuer a-na u.ose etiorpng u n lirgi ,rihnt tUa lkre c!v imm d'.ately precHnr h review ij tlt twenty ih, twenty evtiuh"aiMjUwuity,ilu ': 'jf. Bv order of Jolin H- t 'skins, Di igadiey IJcnml of tli 'vt'" V1'1' . ut "Ttr fttttGij i Saddle H itpt?--. - Piy of the iJ.ft J SuUaV lrtxjps. "T'Ht OrflCr.UScommandlnff drtsehmcntt and State of yufih-ytnj'.ina, are iif'irtj.d that I am iray to wcive. lUe't' Muytrr 4i.d ad prpat : : : ;r'Enty, Dollars Reward .Kr y- TpO;V perir ivo wiil appnber.d tuy Tvrg-ro mn Ya. ciotK caat, atniw liat ami ,irre.i wuh liutt a biue c ., onxi wht orrt, be i a lrir.t widatw, aV"u fiv? fi:t nuie iiicbca b frN Hive' 1W7i a"1 UcK'CO. h ha btt fi frw Oj"i.t Va- pirpand provision for a Vurn y The above reward will bagivea t"vamrprmr,; whj,wiU eonfii the aaid tvefTT lii jail o ilit I (rcl likiH atain, and il returned homa- all chrjre p,, ... .,. JOUA JUSHVc. -taylvaniaCoWMy, Va-Anp. 2r&iix ; &6m r 1 " X I: i! S7& 1 1 V 'TIVKDOLLARS ,RKWARD,, LEFT me xhe ftrsf r Jtirie X'Uevnut 8orrel limtej Hfiherti ' and a half band HlK. six yari old. ff ' of the English blood, lia kfiTie f d- n tile urn ki fto brandt that ai a wn 1 jja teeted.i The abort reward i I Jie . privei. for vBelWenug' him to .tria 41 wir, and in proportM'h foe a rreatgrdi l.t.lll,,--.'l ll " fl I H'M .Dllllll llll I) ! .1 . aw'Ar CEUTAlSr.Voiricw jhrrMM$ nafin 'tha State !iL tf Viraiiii.a, arrived from Kinton, Jutkaica. with ' Fit. ife atme of the townt .upou uue" lea board of N ; : Carolina, ale yeare lince,, a': or seven pfrUap. where - .V he died Hit AN ldoif married ahortty after i the- Ceutle ,V- nian'a natae not recollected,-believetl to be cf the pit ''.".'.ifeasion Law. Tl Mid HurrinonUft a child ty hit t.elf any person wui pe so good ana Mimaiit as STOLHI from me ridtv evening, (2(5t tf Atirttftt pan) roa i ilOttStV wii a.all face, about fcet 7 o. 8 iitctra. trut natural, Said Horna was I aupfxye e lniv Dtnmas Brawn, as he has hen eet? fn pMCtio' 'f him kinee. .. Said trwt is about 29, years old. ahout SfdctlOJuches hiehllicbt hair, well-art, and has lost one of Ih tore treth. -1 will tfve half the rle Of the Horse 10 have the said thief secured Ut any Jail so that re can he brought to jvtice; - , : ; "AftWT B'ITII, i ValW v near lUieiun, sept, a . 4 , ,1. taken In Wake ti r- ;r. fotiif Jhc ch,ld bjt livinf, and where, it is to ha fouid, it S 4 -will be an act of charfty aiid hutnany, as il will UiUifO' ' ' .bil-r.iiy prove sdrantatrcM fa a poor child' ' ' rantakccou fa a boor 1 jott.ijii, .ysuuJy 19, 18l4i - THE. WAR. w WA$Hi!OTOl, AUg, i0 Copy of a ItUcr J rotn vg Gen Winder, tthe Secretary of itar, datca Jfautmorc, August SIR, Whcft thf enemy arrived a th mouth ci Potomac, of all the militia which had been- authorised to as etuwe tnerc wctfi 'if.V.lMjM PrAntrir fnrlkaU but about 1700 to the field, irota tfttrteeri u ; ,.i rW tern.s,tUeUiiandHouses'of Pobllc entertainment. Place and b'mt 250 " Bladetshorg i .- fiu the town of Oitord. reserved t him when the town 4 ' pas esjeabliahtd act. his tandfc ? 'at proerty rjot'seases fi'.iinimiir advantaires which 'will alwava secure to the Drr. ' ' pTie'or.a preference of eutem, each lot br'uig contigiKKis y. v tna coun-Tsro, ana aaivisomeiy siiuatea 1 opon one i valuc are twp commodious home?, two storjes hih, eon. v taiiAnir thirteen ooma for the aconihmodatKm Of Sffentlfi. 4 ranefthb and others wlioaishretiivnH-nt 1 with eve. A .i .ry neceary out house. and airarden anil yard oceiinvme 'j ;. ; pearly fbor itrea. ; Upon the other lot there It a Tavern ?? 1 ipott e,; which hs apout w,te repaired and enjareed, aea ; . naciou framed Stable besidct other houses, and a horst .jJ,'Jot adjmnins;,wtueawiu iHvextended to any siithpur V: '. ' " Phaser nut desire, to which wilt be added as ranch lane. 'X : coovenitnt to the town, aa may b required for Kre-woott '' . fndpastUre.fc.Aatoy g-enera! description of the prrantsts " " jWillnecesaarily prove: OMaUsfaetnrjr to strangers who '.Si. " " 'ta v be desirous to purchase audi propetty.tliCY are invit. y :' -t i ti vw Jt4 f. The saibseriber will aUo sell Ms of frroond, 5- tw suit be parchaaeit adjoinin ,va town, and eonveoicrt --. to tt.0tord Aendemy, which affords t its patross the : -.I-', prospeci 01 f coming aauuriutiuir insuuiuon. .: . " - r:v; V '-'.r TUCJ B. UTTIXJOHN. ' urara,uranTuu: K"uniy, srett, is). v 101 i S),tyaiuabli?ropf rty r Sale., a na 3uds noer ouers 1 A ' his ri es'lHte.aitUittf Waters of Great Orcekt jo thevp. perend of Halifax count)', N, c tT t , ( r a f rt HI conUimiic 1iy estimation Fifteen Hundred Awes cf prime Corn. Xtion.'-V, heat t'Toba6o Land, will srtneridlr admitted by thos- Who have seen It, to be U4tirof i Iwne ia -the county J Tliree fburtlta of tho Tract is WUaBd, comprises; at ieXtenStVS OOoy OS sneauuw n iw uixiymi.,- CTVtnu vvitli, rich herbage and heaty forest imtM.r, and constitiR- na it rsntre for Stock inferior to none. Ther is on the . D 1 r.v. 1 i .t avemisea m animii ruriu, iimiviuiij w . hi kwu. s ' i aena'ti-; and sufficieM to work encbt orlen hands W ki eat " adVantaife ry Judicious management) 1 a!soa iriiaU tene ' . :j ..?' . h.:k i:..t -a , : ; : r jaeriiina pieaaBiHi'wi..M'i ,n.m unrc cj.jjvik.-c,. i ' -' might be made 'suffictent for the freeoJhmodalitiM of a fy y y-- rnodctate family aflbrdingwtef the best situations for Store, TS W WP t w'M n nor part VCrc ff the cAuntrf.andln the vicinity of trceJrt tSfist Iferh. -.j"" Mi'U, Cotton Ginsi andt lloiwes cf 'ifitine fc-' ' Yorship of- diHiirent. denommMion To Suctt getiffi Tr.7.. bttttalltqn, and ' ''ilWerand A vboWtUA amosftiert,' ike ;berihey cast I the Navy Yard, ''yi -r'f diirtertjtd!yrentcnAUiiaesuUasan object wwhy j the "pas ol'the bri :.i.t-jf theipaiaioiW4'bos who msywiaH'to parcbaae. 'v-? Jdiii communicate wUb hint, eiUrin pewcf, ot h letter, f-'vrccted tojoneV Stare, UaliCut coUmy, K.'C v ; ' 1 x' ' '&. 'if r-t V-'- sA ",'!(, ya. VYM.i E W'KBO. ' '"'X'-yS Sprineued,.Aun 10,t8l4.;V:4J?33 4t . . L- '. i . - ' ' ''-' . r - vs. r . SM1THF1ELD ACADEMY- H 1 ' X r-idi-mv heft-iA on AtuBtla ihe fllh ins, anil cJimuiI Aii ; Tuesday cteniiip.'. The elates, wpne ewmtntd on , Jtlitir repectite studiel in presenceof the board of Trus. teea arpointed to atteiid the esamlnation, and a Uree -wc';i,. , sr aimer tbiA traiy- merit dislhiotioti l'-. . -1 .. .Aft.fK mn.'h r)l'iilil:tui ' i' ti iiior "School wul conunence on ilia in st . Monday in v'tjjt. '.TstoiiU and c-Jardiansv-'ho wish 10 send their chil . '' -: i' d. en, my swt arprt-lwnd any danger from the sickly tea r .jXi '. :, ., a( the vacau..i is s Ch.scn tUat duiinir lie violence '" -'i of auttnitl fevers, tlie children wdl be With tl.o.rVeS. n.tiw tjmiwe- 'is.vm is cuenp."na wjx t')a. '- me stierti'vn wiUbt rud taUie rAovt's pftlieEtu the Trustees, KiidxJie Tutor Mr.kVil'-ic N. White who wi.lrc-sium ttit cisi-tre 01 me jics temy H;e umu "i'r yesr. ' Fv cnU r nt the B-vrd of Truitd g. (. . . ' ' " ) ju... brL tA, Jim. tee'ry. vutteen hundred uttd;r .Cst. Stacybarf near un der l.teat. Col. Ktamer i the aliivr progress drafts and the lnanej tect oreantskttorr v uh thv tnefTcctivcness of tne laVa to compel them., to turn out, rendend UtitapoasibVto have procu The raititWcf thisatate anrj of the ecktjgu f -a . w . - cus parte or Virginia and a't-onsvlvanu wtr called oi3 wWMtr, but the former militia law of FtruTsMania had xpirnl"thr fim of Tun ; Jtdft tt4 the fme adopted iu iu place ia no t uke t .n-Ka in orEaUimg thr militia btfor Oct'iber.VfNaiaid thctetjre has -been reeeiv from that sttq. AftT ail ;hra force that could be put at my disposal in thai almrt time, Arid nuking such ti!8P')SK nnH us a ucvnuu uesi cairuiaicu to presem the meat respectable furc at whatever ikmiUs the tnemy might strike, i was enabled bythf most active and harrusaing. movements of the troop tainttrpese litfore the enemy at iildcnsuurg.apuut bve hiuaana men, :uclu tltrig three hundred and nity rtgulars and tor. Barnty's comraaodi ,'Much the largest portt I on of this force arri vt-d on the gr o und nhei theenemv were in sight, and were dispostHl of id support mt the oust manner v the position which Gen.' Stjwsbuiy had 'akn.Hv They had bartly- rtachrd the grouod before the acum commenced, which was about 1 ocloclc P. M. of the 24th' insfi and continued about an hour Ihecontebt was not so f-bsticately maintained as could have br en debited, but was by part of the tror-pa sustained with great spirit and with piodigwua eftcct,' anefbad the whole of cur 1 ...Il - .A.i?l-i.i-.' .1 il 1 . j. l ioicc netn (uuiiy unit, au : tnuuecu 10 oe litve that the enemy wjuld have been rej.ul-' sed notwithstanding All the dlsadvuntogcs un-! der which we faght.-' The artillery from Bal- ttmore, support: ty by majer Pink neyx rifle part ol caii Doughty " from were to advance to command dge at Bladen'sburg, and played Bim the enemy, as I have since kafni ei.wun veryuesirucuvo tiicci out, tr.e nne troops weVe obl iged after adme time-to retire and of "cOuVee artillery, Superior Bombers however rushed upbn them-andjmjcte hcir re treat necessary, not however wu.Tpui great loss on the part ot theentmy.. : iMaif r Vink ney received a severe. wound tri h: rjRhti- arm after. he had retired to the lcfu0iu.k of Stans-i treit;w have th-rtfore. to Ummt lnil.6U jrlli-5t ati'l cXCeUcnt ofLCef Ess beett Ukeo pris 3-r 1 Its however .bent parofed, nd I I met hnwbere rrcove;inij rcm the r.lru .j cnicasi Mcd b ia &. ' T he L a of 01s sen w ceaattb'a m 'mert Is aerioat. - - ' Ths StV i'trXre iirgu trttfT lcou iirr- re t beinr:t,l-I:.fl brg gen 3 Aos 'un nn gl!;tiU, hievtfv t id inetf grcmna.v anu esueptfr. a rvcatyt hea part of ihyfA re; e:4.A few steps, remained ,& i m, and txd tttStil firdcrrd V retrra. with a vtew to prevent them from b4ng oiit-ft inked,, ... y .',-- .1 ; Tbo rr-rv Jq 'der brg gen Smtth'of the iV.vnet f C4umbit,wiTih theiniltna of the Ci:va ic G orgetownil wiiVthc rrgulaHi and inmt drtachmcnts .f Maryland Mf it. a,fl mi-' )nd n their yight.lW Cnmra' d rv Birnry and his brave fcUowa and li-u: col Bral, itiH were thi 'fright on the Hill,' maioiaioe the con test for aanae time witb crreat effect u,, 1 It is nt w th me. JO y-riort ;hec)nduct of Com, Bainy' and. his command, nor can speak from obtervatron, reinr too remote the concurrent testimony of sll who observed them, dej thera'th?. highir jusilce for their . . sit a, - MS.. k brttre resistame and tneoestruajre tnect tney produced brrtheetiemy. - Commodore Bar ney, af?r Kavi8gVthishorseVT6k f6st bie'ar one of hia ,guna,i and, there uof Vtunsttly re ceived - severe1 wound la the thigh, and he aP so fell mto the haads, if ih ehemv Captain MiUer of the Martaes waa wnupded . tn the arm fighting bravely,'1" Front the best intelli gence, th'ere remains iii 'litdc- do'ubt that the enemy at at ", least ' f ur hopdrrd killed and 1 wou ded,and of; these a very, onrplal portion kiit 'd.' r-nvv,...-, .?. ,Our loss .'cannot I 'lhink,,be estimated t more? tnan irom tnirty to lurty tijiea, ana nity to sixty wounded. '"r " ' ' : ' rhey tk. aitojgethefj about one Hundred anl twenty prisoners. v " . a You: will readily understand that . it is im- nossttle For me to spr'ak minutely of the me rit or .demerit rf pirticular 'troops so lit'-le known to me from their recent and. nasty 'i sembla?c: 1 Mf subsequent movements .for the pUTPoscjif ccservjriS as much of my force as possible-, gaining reinforcements, and pro tecting tnis place, y u already know. " I am witrr very great respect, jir, ypar obe- ient servant. : y."- . . 'y "y.x:y c wm.h winder ; JBrijr. Gen. lOth Mil. DisU Sonl jihri Armstrong, $ecrtf of Wari fJS. B. AVe hive to lament that Caiit. Stey- rett of the 5th Baltimore recimcnt, has also been wounded? but is doing well. Oshtr ' of ucers, deserve notice but I am as yet unable to particular. Zf Copy-of a letter from the Secretary of War. to LaiUiJutVKifatea2Wh Au?ut. 18 1. ,-" SIR i send Cxpu Marigault with orders t? receive your written or verbal report Of the caiisss under whan -'you lelt the pt commit icu a yuur ciwrge. in tins j oy win state me orders under -which ou acted, and' from whom recetveo,- , . sioa, aad tV.rre c-r'. fvnr handrti wouc J 1 . Many died of fa ti rued, r.uxber wern " j-risoeers uv tne carairy jticricg t,a Li and not a lew have de red. " . u :.r;. ''.''y'r,4 S from the Richmond vrg lirerJi --'"A ge.demaa arrUTd .Lut , Cfm, from Baltimore, and pasted tne American camf he aays that tV.e Banuy is totdtad. but is wouadi.il, jj r. parole, and returned to Baltimore. H - tjsn were, said to be in ruorh Jtts frcc tin beta .represented that in the auit 0 a j denabutg, tl" militia had riticipy u; ' on the first fire of thereDemj's platoon V; the front was cleared. Com. Baney wiih 1 six p Wees -and th? ; B u Voluotws -n ' Hanks fired upon tlm 4ii- a4tllery' ivc fires,' which made conslderabjc h jveje, ,l the tntroy farmed clist co!aum and du baiooet, ia ATuri, upn him 'Hi, r! r wastaAenana lD.. Winder -ksVu, fe but wiere thefanas a sralhskiimiih wi b the f. nemy.illaa encory wiUi tWpriocifaJ p4rt rf their force remained at Bladensburg, while s cdIuVS of l500 edtertd the Cty;v4he TrcC dent cwticuediathe-acuoo uaiD ths xe:ret evomreneed;;V.v' vt-iy , - , .A) e.!"afn,- genttemaa states'-that Get!? Atmstrong' "was seized ' by Wit ' populace I Fredficktuwn, vhb were about to hang h-m but he', was rescued by ihe.cp It jlIuihorit-. We presume he henceforth ceaiei to be S .c'y of War. '-si V' 3 .laxt 'Jv. v'-' f, -The British tteet were fcefore Alexandria-. and would levV cOutrlbu'U'ins of fl'iir aud t - aaeeo. ; vv csucuute tnat th have very Lvr troopa'dti MaroY h v-- The British iroppi that had been to Wa ' ingtoa had arrived rjat ?M.arlborough to'taU Ex tract e; a letter, fry a geiuieman, to hk JHc i I a n, 'eir, your most obedient servant ; rib r J ARMSTRONG. Capt. Dyson, Corps of Arullery. y - .. Campat Maeon' Nand, Auj ?9th, iSf. SIR I had the h -;uor to nceiveyouf tca inu.ucuttnncfthefi9th.mst. She Oiders re ceived friiui Brig. Gen. VVmdet thVoush Mai Hite, vrjrbal!yj on the 2-Mth inst. were, ia case I was oppressed by,' or heard of, anenen.y ia njy rear, to epilce our gu&8 ai d mske my es cape over the rivt-r i'h. en-m v approached by water on the afth, and w.4nad iearnt oa that, day tlvrouirh seveial channels that the cnernr had becti i einf iced at Benedict, iiOOO Wong, ana mt tney were on tnejr mrch to co ope rate w m tne nset, in aaan.m ta ,the lotce. which left the cstr Utuler all these circum . .. . . .1 . rr '''' " stances, ins pincers uaaer my command .were consulted, and agriuid it was .bcst to abandon the fort and effect a retieat, vThe force, under my command was thought not ecjaal to a de fence of the place.' , yryy!:y- - V I have the honor to be, hH great const de ration, your ouedient servant, u i v - j V V , v. S AMLT. P,v DYSON, '-, . j'v.Xapt.,corpa"tf:Artileiy ihe Ilon-John Armstrocg, . o oecrctary of War, Washington. 4 S.Vtrictefat'i :'''v.'anU by ' uMmsSve: buryVe.VSri8Ktd' tio i and at the Sunsbury bi?gade,Cop8j6tacg l( I.t, ColiU exertions ttf their ganfa'andv' ShuirV regtmfnt,tfnt,raiyVk;tVe way very BViOaafterwardfl with the exception of abotti fcrtV rallied bv Cot,Ratraui after ha ving lost his horseand the whole or a part of vaiiit ouvwn buauuauy,! UUUI ui. wuDiq UCUl S tansbury re presents to have- madei' even thus ! 'deserted, ov crrtllant etniifl1iTK fait MiVlirk I.k L,olonel. llagan received from his horse,-to- g',t!.fT wii.h hia great "efforta.td susiain'Tiis p$ &dioa, rendejed Urn uuable to fwllow the re" le-'' VVaSSISGTOK CjTTr StPT. Ji TROM TUE liNEMY. By rifbrmaUn reteived throuch ' the vi dettes and other , -meads of intelligence recent Iv organized.' we learn, that the force of the e neavy which retired from ihh place embarked onlioard his vessels 'at liennedict TuestlaVaod .Ll.'ii-trf.'lj'.; v !'!.:,r.' .. inav I'iin, miu appears ; xu.inieaa going oowu the river ipf . . - s . r.'. "' --. . From the PotorhaC we learn that no ves9t4s of the.' enemy were in atght atx'ive Hooe?s (r Laidler'syferry, except those lying off Alex-; addria, Which compriief two frigates, two - o4 three 8loops"pf war, and sobme smaller vessels.) roops enrtinueto artive tat tiie city, which! is ndv literally peopled with armed freemerij who have with patriotic ardor flown to, our ait- slrtancf t 'V.jMyryy $4 Brig, uen winder and Com. R-Mifrera ar. .therldaa otm enemy in hi clirMon t? the MttropoliSv before he regarded hi s Ahips probuDiy exceeded a thousand men. ' II os H least .' in this cifyydjtfdpvufveHiAtS' 89(4, 1814 Sill il reached, Staffbrd ourt4ioire l:, S ttuday tnornicgi iwheVthts line.tof it.- j ! was intercepted. Bfthefaid ofthe c6ntract ; I gJt a horse to thfs place,; itnd altho' eye '-r exertion. Jiaa bepri mde to ke't on further, k , na proved impotent. go on to day f : vya3hington in the mad stage if jit should cc:r on.-. . vx-'v . i "i.v'i . -. u The capital of a brave, free and popul 'u: : rrat'on was itakeft bV about 3000 British forct s. Jod the Prcstdent'f house ahd rthe' Cari- were uurui uy- auwut ,au men, wnue Aanur il Cockburu fode trlamphantlt' tfcrb the $tre . enjoy inijwiu yranspjorj our natiouru acgr 1 -tion,; B-it thls' ls"not all M FbrtVVarburt that ought to have made, as lam told, if a vs iabt resistance had been made. aencus ic' fence, either siirresdered at discretion, cr v ; intcnticmally" blown Aip .afUr' Ae ,guc nets spiked,' without a singledisch officers and men retreated to Alexaadnat in a Cmplet trite onatftttcatlon.!! the func tirmai 5ea lire r-tJr:'ni'!r;fi UnA f1?ili V! kit Armstrong j held .m tM.utmost abhoifuice., ris said that Cwckburn rlanned itlte sch. ; - aaq tt 'as.eiecu'eu r. , ,rvate pmpeny w c; very kind except Gales pnatiAg imaterii A was ij"iia sacrcu ouviaiaiwi., i ks.' v y " , : ' " The Prsidenti ScV 'f S ire and Navy ' are at Whipgxbn.. Gen.Afia"ohg'is ink. sing; but certainly , "is hot j ampdg be, v'a'.'ia ;t ' fIain.,;Tb "cnemyaVVfa)fehJdowft,to IlAd.V'f borbuglii'' rhvftVQ'jme'acis att- il ' ant oniauccewfuljif tempt ftfhrfjewliitV v wui ever d? i vieweu as aratrpnat calamity .a i kecbunt of the stigma llfixesq th Am r'. can Bamefcv;:St ;"':ss- ' MP. S.A report has juBtreachrdtir ' pUcethaf ameaoldii'rirmogup'Armsfror' inFredencktqwp;Maand.,,'r:;'' -V. J - ; i. "04'4.v . Wis have COrlversea Vi'th Afr: B Uiiv, : mil ' - conitactor,"' Who has bf.ea-atV.-!sMncto! till tvi . dy,v, He states that aU public builJinpr sre ds. ! troyed by the enemy, except th .General Post 0 . nee, wnicn was preserveu r-y rtuyaKPr tne . vinn IiMn tuken down.' ihti thtt rtfTica' rnistaker kt ' a private bUikUng- he Nivy Yi rd ttatdcsUoyea ; by our own troopi'fAdmirai: ; CocVttirn'wid , waAglad of it,- as if saved'hiro the trotiWer Ten sail of large ship endl about welye simller oncv vre rnoored above-A4exaitdria,,i4tobeu' troops. - Ay are informed however, by f freiic' man, whoss. means f iriformution are und'jubt.-, that tUey are pot now supposed tqbo ull of tw psi but that the whblo futCA was kbout 6000 hten J ai l mat Lord HilfW toot araved bt!wisi'W,beta K The troops amounte4 to 6300 men, jtonunaf11'. ' by majv goner tlr Ross, ,.whose ?horse .was snot uw der him, by persoua in. Mr. vallmn a house,') -(, gwetal'xUenceredtbAcietbb soldiers xaught Piundcring reeeiveti 100' b' each. ;n TJt ioWiei-a. waas posted outside ths crj - and wlien .hey stt lire tdthet buildjngsu snraU ties of tliem were .marched in Yo perform the er' Vica. ;Tb sOWkrsareofaU nations, ntd(59 the words of - our informant thtm titt'M toot ing fettow, that ever red (U3n earth.',,: v's .'... t i- ' - 1 i- j tl.L .nrll't. punuc omioings were ucsuvyeo, es-ow d a sutbll grey hois and rWe aiiettt tl city. . lAIWk vC y Masvy B.i - Bee tof Mri.Ualesand md pevrnviHr acsiy his friend Galea Mitiptd oom ttogk toria Urn, tV. Mr. B. ; said hi was,'a' atranger in the ri'i -and llid hot know the Ofilca.S T citiaens oji", ; up,k Coc'kburn enquired of thcf for the 91 ' ri.' S..j...-j t IT. .oS.1 in fM1rAt WAV cr wiUtciiZe you." H It, wa, then tni r ' l nrA,.rA U hA Kni-rvl Twrt l:i,l. I l! I.ri1ti..- .m MM- .- A ' hMTll . hll!'. . ' '' . . -L t L .!. If l J j l stuting inn tneir puiicings wuuw a :t.' '" i, iar.t J (' 00 kiticd in the battle rad: by eiplcr j court9ely replied they peed no) t i ,