w m V I. i i- I i t PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY THOMAS HEXDERSOJan. (PRINTER TO THE STATE,) F AYETTEV ILLE STREET, OPPOSITE THE STONE FOUNTAIN. ' 4 ' - ; ii! 1 Vol. VII. No. S. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, JANUARY5 13, 1815. i! Three Dolls, per uuiunu . v , r , - -1. . State of North Carolina, ' CASWELL COUNTY. Court of P!ea and Quarter Sessions, October Term 1814. toward Bsrtiett, ana Betsey Ms wiie, xsatBarueii Q Mull Ail, joscpn vr.Muzzaii, iancy rnn sail, Frances Muzzall, tad Wm A. MazzilL Joel Mori, Reubin Noel, John Noel, fho. Noel, James Noel, Edward Noel, jun. Leroy Howell, and Betsey hit wife, Patser Noel, Netley Noel, tTancev Noel, and Perry Noel. IjOh'i cae it appearing to the Court, that all the de fended, M Vtti Jl Noel, Reubin Noel, John Noel, tktmaf rfoU, ,ie Moel" Edward Nceljnn Leroy fw.l,aitd Betaey hit wife, Pataey Noel, Nallej Noel, W. tloeJ. and IHrgy Noel, are atwenf and do not trttde within the limits of tbit State i It if therefore or 4erefl tuat nouee be riven to them by advertisement at the Court Houss of thia County, and in the -Star printed ia JUletth, tor ' vara successively, that toe petition i 3' Ten Dollars Reward. RANAWAT from lterlingtott Court-Houte, South Carolina, on Saturday 3rd, December 18.4, a man of Colour who eails himself R BEftT BYKI, a M.ck man, or25yearold, who baa with him a p. from William TmiKU, Clerk Pit tayrvania County, V.r guua Said Kegroe atote, and carried away 4 d, anut sorrel MAKE, about 14 1-2 band high, with it large itr in lygr forehead, and imp on her itow, a natural trot ter, rathei low in order I will ie the above reward to any percon who will apprehend, and confine avid follow in any J on I to that he may be bruunht to Jul ioe, or dt M ver him to me, and all reasonaole eipenceato any one who will deliver the laid Mare to me The fellow went ft wardi Wadeaborongh, N. Cai-ohna. JEREMIAH HRO VN. Derem!r6, 1814. 51 S pd In t Teacher wanted the Salisbury 'AvaJvmy. WILUAMSUORO' ACADEMY The ex erctasl of .'Jkia lnttiiuiiun will commewte on the brat day of vatataxy awat, under the hufenntettdance of Aivirt w Kara. M- A. ute present roreMOr wt Uuguagca in the Univcra'y uf Nnh-Crolina. at principal. Thrc will be Uul ft Una Academy, the Latin and Greek Ian gujges, M .ihaaiatka, Uit E( iucdu of EucUd, Practical Livotfuiry, TrtvfiwifH.try, Surveying, NaxiraUon, Men ration of Hcirla and Lhaiai cea, bapcrfictta and Solid, (rturr.piiy, Algebra, Natuial ajid Moral Philosophy, English Grammar, 1 leading, Writing and Arithmetic Particular attention will be paid to Con.poaition. Read, uig and Elocution. The price of tuition, g 20. payable half yearly iii advance. Extra chargt-a lor firewood, at te idimi and'tMuae of a Library, will be moderate aad regu:ated VrUr Truateea. Boaiu may be had in the pr.v.te lasAtkNiof JtepUen Sneed. Jujge UcBderson and William DWiirua in owm, ami Dr. bare and others in the neigjbciiood a g 60, payab.e hall yearly in advance. Tnc truU4k om it vunecesaary to aay any thing uf the u4vMHvf yj jflir lai acquircioenu as a scholar, hi etMuucier aa a fau)cmi, ana hu lotur kaoarnr.. and higr atodinf as a teacher, are universally kuowa COMMITTED rV TO tha jail of this exunty (jeaterday.) a black ftffo" man about Ire feet 9 or H) inehta higk and about thirty five or forty fcarsofge, a little injured in hit tight tup, he says his name is fvEll ard that be belongs to James Gates of Sampson county, N C The cwner hw ever It be is n-quested to come forward, pay charge and take him away. - ' WILLIAM SCUULOOL PllUhoro,, Chatham County, titc 5, 1814 I St. ' J . S 'HE main building of the Wa'.isbury Academy will i rM.i .k.. ill. .,1 1. r .i I School bv the lit ol Januarv. in ihp m:nim ih KirfT n nii. . v,. i.M . . i. .: ...J . -. appear at thtnext Term of this Court, to be held on the u,Hler wUoK &rct"i U.e Institution is, are denirous-uf i exciu and keep up tpirit of emnlatioa in the School I y 10 ,jf vtliK m iioVd Mooday of January nest, and plead or anawer e.neTKr? Person properly quahfied to take charge of and to py parucular aiteniion to Ute correct conduct ai! I ' ' P'ded they lodge n' C UNIVERSITY. MR-TMOM b Mi it.iKLL, whose rPoinirKtt a Steward ofihe University of North-t arolink, waj) -i announced by ill ..mmi'tcv uf .ppointment, l.ide-' clinsxlaanfingnitUateao.cryi and the t oa.mkUe ha nffF:e Mr. William Barbie, as Sttwa'd tor the pre-' sent year. On the following terms. Tiie pr.ee of hoard will be seventy five doltars tor tlv y ar to ta ppw" tinned lu the two eaijni acc-iiau'g to tb each nMpecirve'.y 'I1ius ol"tW 4 V ssioi.W 'dl be f4 jh1 fot;tr-. arn l ik-k; ,U, ta r :id c " aevfhetw af ibeYehooaat ", . , W .'a. ..I t . . .1 l n . : m i . , Ljif Atiurmf t uniuAitin am a Krirn.p nr in, if.urt.i ti i . r . i ..... i . . . 1 n . Sliu "tuuuii, uurti wiit uumcia m .10 cHtcrcci a" 1 j ' . - , utiwiucm ui uc aiuucnu 1 ana inej natter lueni rantt lem, and Partition made agreeable to the prayar t"d to lui adjacent congregation. aelvea that .he commanding talent of Mr. lint a. the tfthit-iooc. T'c iindorsigned individuals. wil) punctually attend heaiUnneas of the p.ate and the chtapnesa of board in SO 6t Test, A. MURPHEY, C, C. , to any propositions that may be offered upon the subject ; i the must re.pectable trivate famUie., togeiht r with the . , - ahd tlieydeem it f oper hiTeto add that the anxiety (,f iiuvamvges of a good socie'v will renuer this one of the STUDENTS BOARDED. lbe ,Ti?lry tl.,?b,J"?- P7MLn f l'en,,,; ne ' m,nent7 ! gM aem.nant. oi learning ,i, the atate, and en- quaunca lor the duties ul tfce station, will insure to audi ure it a liheral share of U.e oau Mrrf e.. 1. 1- j i i?At a -a a nrafin fl vrv 1 1 rw r I aalarv . . i . ' k Studimttof U14 Acjidcmy durbtflr the ensuinsr ve&r. I JtfHN FULTON, : fit lives within two hundred yards of the Academy JAMES M. YANCEY Raleigh, December 14, 1 SI 4. .0 5t Dec. 10. 1814 W.M. t;. LOVK, CH AKLES FISUEH. 516t. Valuable Lands for Sale. FOR SALE, THt Subscribe wishing Iq leave the Stat-, offers for "D ETWEEN 900 and 1000 acre of L.r.J, lung within sale about 2500 acres of Land in Wayae County, 9 miles southeast of Raleigh. The land is of good an the North side of Neuse River, all joining including quaii'y, has pretty good improvements, and a sufficient lus s I erry, on which there is five different plantations ; quantity opened to work 15 or 20 hands to advantage. - A sM o itrrea on the (out h tide of Acute, opposite the part payment would betaken in young Negroes. JOSI AH ATKINS. N. B There is an excellent Orchard on the land. Novem ber US, '.814. 48 tf 50 Dollars Reward. Vnk and ferry, including a seine place and ferry land af. Wiil sell the Mruoie together, or devide so as not to ' lyup- the sale of what i left. Also about 400 acres on 1 tksjou'h side of Neuse. aitd lower side of Falling Creek, I joining the River k(idth,e Creek, including a seine place j and a btmton Rock, which ha been proved iitnlTvng.DTVr . . t,. ,i . , . , ' I ADSERTE1) Irnm my reiuh zvous at Kmstot. lenr.ir ko. excellent h" pUntation Also jj c on J , NoV..U,t, WILLIAM j5crctort Ut wnth aule of Neu, a little below CARTER, born in Edgecombe county, N C -He is five & 5,Jn nf V'Mi nerinUUo.t - feet aixiache. high. darkeoroplceUun, dark cyea & black TVre is aplenty ot .cleared lands on the abovt planta- . . . w!,rfcssloBn . ,ahor. ..X-.nK w.r.. tions They may he had at a fair price, and a reasonable time anil he cwen thfe inrwhai- fnr mvmrnt-Prir lur- . . . . ,i ;r. J. ,.' , , . r .. to me, or any umcer in the United states . URIAH DASS Whoever will apprehend the saidCaiter, and deliver him service, shall I rect ive the abuve reward. November 25. 1814- 50 tf 100 Dollars Reward. DWEHTEI) from Camp near diaries City court house on the. 28 h November last,. Michal .-Jendei son, a jawraVMatd,;, vclonginiC to Cabt. Iigh'l company, and vim oancs, a private, befOngiRgloopt. (rKb-.r. om Sjny.both of the 10th regiment United Stafs infantry. eaderson it about 45 vears of aee. five feet'eio4it , o Inches high, blue eyes, grey hair, and by occupation a tboe-maker. It is supposed he will make fjr th upper Mrt of N. Carolina Banes is about 4-jymrsof age.a boot five feet eleven inches high, grey eyes, grej hair, rk complexion and by occupation a shoe and boot ma ter. . , The above reward will be given for the apprehension Of both, or fifty dollars for either of them, if delivered to e at this post, or to any officer in the United States tervice, commanding any recruiting rendezvous, garri op, post, or station. Those Deserters are old offenders. Ills hoped that every good citizen, will feel it to be his duty ttttfcia tjmej t0 pvent su.h vicious practices. JOHN M'CLELLAND, Major 10th regl. I"t. comdg. Detachments. December 7, 1814. 50 2m. TANNING BUSINESS. J WISH to employ a good workhian to the above busi ness and will give good wagqs and constant employ mm- JAMES M KNIGHT. StKcsville, Iredell county, N. C. 1-3L J . B A man with a small family would meet with pre- iermcntas there are all necessary buildings to uccom- module such. j. m'k. SAMUEL KlIJ BY, Lieut U. S. Army. Kintton, Dec 1, 1814. 49 7-s pd Preparatory School at the University. SINCE it has become customery for thot wjib super iniend 'irammar Schoo s nd Academies, to recom mend them to public patronage, by an enumeration ei lacr ot hmi aatrliigia f . tfeir icaciiers i n is iniwfrni proper at me nreaent stae to the public; some circumstances relative to lti School. puolic. y Female teacher yantc-d. A Lady qualified to ttke V. charge of young leii.ales, and cpaole of teaching Reading, Wn ing. Arithmetic, Engl.sl. Grammar, Pai sing and Needle Work, may be placed m a comfortable ami permanent situntkm, on making immediate applica tion to Judge Ilendenon, president of he board id IVus-t- SAVI. 11ILLMAN, StcVy. Williamsborougli, Nov. 10, 1814. 4j tf NOTICE. W ,L,L be lett0 tIie lowest bidder, the. building of a uri The Students, whether the numl-er be small or great, are divided into four classes ncceiding to the plan in the College. To those teachers who have not adopted this plan, the advantages, resulting from it, are almost incon ceivable. By em.iUning the same time, in attention to a class of ten, twelve or fifteen boys,- which, according to the common method, would be divided between tli-ee or four classes, the tescher is enabled to render hi in structions much more effectual ; and, in general, to excite aming his pupil? such a spirit of emulation as to pre elude the necessity of that harsh and rigorousdiscii.line, which was formerly thoujrht so essential. The Iowt classes are daily exercised in reading,' writing am1 spl ling Murray's excellent course i.. Reading, as also in Grammar, is used. Farrand's Latin course. Mail's In troduction, Csr.sar, Sallust, Virgil and the Gieek Testa ment, are reud as the classes advance Prosody, which is too much neglected ot other schools, here claims par ticular attention That a knowledge of this is not unim portant, it may suffice to remark, that the difference U - twet n tne pronunciation of ofe acquainted with its ru i s, and that of another who pronounces at random, is equal! ly as great, as that perceived between a native and a foreigner's. ' In addition to these Stuldies air the clssses are requir ed to recite, on everv Sabbath, a portion of the Holv Scriptures, together with other religious exercises, best Valuable Land for Sale. rHB uudimigneii as attorney in fact, f,r Mrs. J. S. Bloumt of l'ai borough, N. Carolina, oilers for sale Piva Thousand Foua Hvndbeb ackes, being a moi ety of the late Gen. Sumner's service right, ntuation 22 miles south ol Nashville, in the counties of Williamson and Rutherford, or, the waters of Big I'trpclh It Stout's river, embracing as rich land, good lasting Springs, as many scites for Farms, as any tract of its ,ut in the Western country, dear of all contending clamia what ever, has been divided into four tracts, aud may be sub divided into amaller tracts, has on it 22 plantations aver aging 16 acrea each a Fa,..ily connexion that wishes to move and settle in this State wo-ita find it to their advan tage to purchase the whole tract. The right in tlw land will be held to tcure payments : For vi. w of the land, title, terms of sale, apply to the underfirned W ho ha. ssveral TRACTS of his own fur sale, aiso the tract on which he lives, containing 1130 acres, on which there are ten never Jaibng Springs, a two story framed duell ing house, with other houses abain huildina-.i,. 6J feet in length j upward of 150 acres cleared . y bii Kiiuiiiraiivu vi- - , i . - . , j ... ttBIttentperidlfclolT n300?nP'e beginning to bear. This i. -n,s,,. uw imniOTni7iarm,i;nrifcare holda in her liMita ana fise tmmtmmimieritt whew it i rcmemljeredl have only lived here years, and five years a6o th place was in a state of nature Title good. For term apply to , '1 11. E. SLMXLR. Williamson county, Ttniv Sept 26, U.4. 4 Jm Colletre r but liivlna. , i .hi w.vii . uc du wiro iut nu' a eioB,Tand thry aie in no instance required tp enter for a longer time ,) they must continue at common lor that hall ef sion or forfeit the payment made for H- . To auch of thai Student as shml rnier with the Steward for 'half a ei sion, ard shall at lb'- .ame time have a kupplyrf money ' suflWrnt for the boa-d ol a whole eson, it I rcoota. menr'ed that they deposit the residur f the money witft the Tutor who shall have the collection of thfe tuitloil r moniev to oe subject to tlif ir drafu, for the purpose of paying their board for th'nxt half - session. The Stew ard's table to be plentiful, v an. pdrd and well acrvedl and attended.' The C mmittee f appointment Raleigh, January fi, 1815 1 2t Fifty1 Dollars Reward. I7 ILL be given lor apprehending and aecurtng in ait v v juil and giving mo notice so that 1 may get him, a' Negro Man nam.d n ILL, who ran away from me on the night of the 6th u timo, ami took with him a good Bay Gelding. Will , a likely well made fellow, a hoof's !c,u'u ",c"cs "ign. between 2 and 30 year f age, very t black complected, of good couotenanc and free of ' speech, a good Fidier and active in any kind of bu.ins . His clothing is not p.rticularly i-ectaUected, but he bad.; on when he lefi me, a s W hat and a pair of black cloth. ore.ssimTe pantaloons, and took Wi:h him mlv.,! homespun surtoue coat and a Variety of ttheT clothings, l he said negro w-s raised by Mr. Nicaa, Outlford County, North:ar..lina, and purchased by me ia OCtd: ber last, of George Spruce, of the same county and Matt), and it is probably he may rtw n to that pi aee, ort Bock, inghant N C. where he has acquaintance or may haVa taken anqther rout, and may attempt tn pat himaelf aa -f1'- A rtCHUt a i ll I Atvimw. n Jl . i enaieion, e n. s u. U.X. 8. ,1814 f-5tpd4 10 DOLLARS REWARD, , ' tiriLL fee given for the deliverance of Washhott Wiodeatadfvom Charles CLy, C. ll.Va.on tte-fl,.' ida-e bv tl nmi.H.m.j rn,nm;t.i,.n,r, n ' calculate . to impress upon young minds a nrcper reiraH e3rd Pndavin Januarv nt?. am,.!, uivr t ! to the subject. To those parents .vho are not professed a i i . . - ' - The undertaker will he reouired Rive Bjnd witii approved security for the faithful per- "iance oi ttoe wort NAT11U JOKE?, W. P. HENdY SEAWELL, David hinton, isham kerndon, JOIiN ROBERTSON, CHARLES KING, and V HENUY MOORING WakeCountyj Dec. 30, 1814. II 2t. STRAY HOGS. IV-Uts or Atheists, it surely cannot be a matter of ineiii'. ference, whether their sons enjoy the opportunity oF ucli instruction; or whether they be not onfy de'st'etrte ot it, but exposed to such company and such principle a have a strong and direct tendency to ceii'upt their morals. It may he urged, with apparent plausibility, that the price of boarding is higher here than at some Aeudcmie in this State1. If, however, a just comparison he made between all the attendant circumstances, it will he found that this objection is more peckmstban solid ; and that, in the end, there will not only be no loss, but a saving in money to such parents as may send their ons here to "Hullt Mlc iirsi ruuiuiciiis ui ineir education. Asa CTRAYF.n from the nlantation on Little Rivc-.r. in Wake County, belonging to the Orphans of William proof of this, it has not unfrequently happened, that bovs. Green, dte'd-on or about the 20th of October last, 1H who come here under the expectation of entering the log of the description as fellows 2 large spotted Frehman or Sophomore class in College, hve been found, Sows both with pig, 12 two year old Hogs, and one "Pn examination, unqualified for the highest class in mall shoat ; the whole marked alike, with a hole and tue school. lit in the right ear, and a crop and underkeel in the left As 10 the healthiness of the situation, it need only be Sot having heard any thing of the above hog since they J observed, that but one student has diet! litre in s or trayed, it is expected they havegoi a considerable dis- j seven years past Cast of sickness are very rare and tsnce out of the neighbourhood. I will give Ten Dol- mn.y parents in the lower country, who have sent their rs reward to any person who will detner the said hoc: BUI"' nere laoonng unaer tuseases previously contracted. u wuiiam Freeman, living at tlie above planta' ion, or""f uu ",e ft f8i4 vvt dollars for inlormaUou of them so that thev may be kd ga.in. WM HARRISON, Guardian for tlie orphura of IT . Green Franklin county, Dec. 18, 1814. 51 4t State of North Carolina, CASWELL COUNTY- ,.U ourt of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, October Term Archibald D. Murphey, Esq. William Welch." 3 , IT appearing1 to the satisfaction of thi Court, that "Wil liara Welch, the defendant in thU uit is not an inha ' iitant of thi State It is therefore ordered, that publi tkttoh be nude thereof for six weeks sueceaaively in lhe Raleigh Star, that nless he appear at the next.Term Of " thi Court," to be held on the second Monday of January iext,andreplevy and plead, thaVfina) Jddgtnent will be m fTeft,- Ai MirarutT, .:, satisfaction to meet them after an .Wnc. of six or twelve months, in perfect health 33 3 w Ch ope1) -Hill, Dec, 28, 1 8 1 4 Tarborough Academy. HE exercises of thi institution will commence on the second Monday in January next, under the superin tendance of Mr. Jlobert Hall, a gentleman from the Uni. versity of this ute, who has taught school in the Raleigh Acade my and comes well recommended by the principal of each of those institutions! The rates of tuition will be, for reading, writing, srith met c, English grammar, geography and the use of the globe, sixteen dollars per annum For the Latin and Greek languages, and the different branches of the ma thematics, &c. twenty-two dollar, payable half yearly in advance ; in which charges the price of fire wood is, in cluded:' Genteel boarding can be procured upon reason able term. ' - r ,.! . . BQB'T, JOYNERj Sec . Tarboroufih, 24th Dec, 1814. 52 1m FOR SALE, LIKELY young Negro Woman ..nd two Clnldrcn X XShe ha be.xn raised to h' use-woi k, . possess, a r.,a ny good qualitus. Apply to the Printers. 8 November 24, 1314 ' George Gihbs, J ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT. . , ,v't , , , L 1,1 Beaufort County Court ot Holmes and Underdurk Pleas & Q.rter Sesons, Sept. J Term, 18i j r being made appear to the satisfaction of the Court, -. that Holmes and Uiulerdunk are not residents of tin-. t:!'. it u.. rM I. .m4 iKa. &t. .1. , .w v..v j u.,, Ui.ctr montns noure be g.venin thr R..leifih Star, thut unless th said 'defcndani appear bch.re said Cotirtit. March I, rm. 1815, and repWw an.1 plead to the said suit, tha the plamhffwill bep-rniitted to proceed to fin , judgment, and have his extcui;ona gainstihepniperty levied on. ' 5i m TAO. SMAW, C! k0 C. Tuus andGibbs, ) ORIGINAL ATTACHMENT , vs (in Beaufort County (our- of Holmes k Underdunk. f Pleas and Uaurter St-isivfta, irpt I j Term, 1814. T being made appe ar to the satisfaction of the Conft, tliBt itol-nes and Uiiderdunk are not resident of ' tua State, it was ordered that three months notice b. given in the Raleigh Star, that unless the said dcl'er.dants nopeai before the baid Court, at March term, 1815, and replevy and plead to the said suit, thai the plaintiffs will be per mitted to proceed to final judgment, and have their exe. cution gainst the property le ied on, M 3m TilO SMAW.CPkC.C. 100 Dollars Reward, VIT'lLL be given by the sul scriber to any person who will apprehend and secure in some Jail, JULIUS liORTON, formerly aTesidnt of Halifax CouiHv. North Carolina; he is about forty years of age, upwards ofu feet high, tout and robust, forw-d and issirmeing in his depH;tmeiit,-light hair and much freckled. The said Hortou absconded from said county, sometime in July lust, after having coin mitted a wan1 on, and unpro voked murder on the body of Thomas Hawkins T'ne friends ot justice and humanity will render an assential service to society by arr sting and bringing to condign Eunlshment, the above character whose whole life has een a series of insult and aggression on the rights oi others it is conjectured from every apDearance, that he is removing his family to the State of Tennessee, rr some of the Western, or Sou them States or Territories. The man Who will conduct his family is by the name of Wright Williford This family consists of the following persons, via : his wife Susan, and seveft children, Nancy, Sajly, Elizabeth, Pataey, Samuel, Alexander, Wade, and -v'llliam two Negroe men, Tom and Alston Printers in the Western ana Southern States, and Territhri. L will aid toe cause of justice, by giving the above a few uiBcruuiia in tutir paper . ' " JOSEPH J. HAWKrNS. Halifax County, N. C. Dec 15, 18 i4 1 3t. ler laat- H "aavs he via turn in- WutM. r?. N. U -hiris about lJwar, of ae. J feet? iitcieThigl llLtJTv V farmavr It upposl ha ,. ,rainK mtU county of MaiiUmH;Ci " t tny intorniitiinot hT w.ll be tunkfu?? ree-lvV k I k a M i , L- I r. 'ak t a at .. . ' . , . ... ' . . ,c,ii i iiv "IAS, iiieut. at. U. f.T.' lesC ty, t,. H.' V IVc 2o. J8i.' ' f f;har -Jt Sctrnfutiont. Stat? v N t rt 1 1 Carolina, COt FY. X : Court of Pieas andQua.icr Sessions, October Term 1814. ! '-s iua ires i y ins next iritnd i M I . . L. . ! .'aiuLMiuac i'lres. vs Thomas ?yrei, AdmV of John Mvres Samuel Myres, Elizabeth M'D.-nald, Jason Meader, ahd PeHffyhis wife, Thom a My res, Guardion for J. Myres; .Wilhsm Myres, Marmaduke VIvrea. aiul Th ). Myfes, Heir at Law of J. I ? - -Myres. j . T3 ETUHNED made known on Elizabeth M'Donatct, it '" AV 1 ho, Myres; guardian . the other defendant- nMi&' te lound-being suggested to the Court that Samuel Mies, J.son Meader lives without the Rmit of thlh State, and iti ordered by .aid Court that pu!'ijca'lda be made three w eeks in the Siar, that u-.iea the r at 'fi pear at our next county Cou-t of pleas and garter eV 9.tobehehirorAraonVvuqty.at the Court House" in Wadesboroiurri. on "b,- secd M.mdav of January ' v text, and fi,e their pleas, tliat judgment Shal UI be 6 tei-ed afint them ' , 1 3c. i l pkid . f 9 1 ' ' I ' II ' I NOTICE. " p AKEN tip and committed io the Jail fBertftleonsii' V. on the 5 J September, laat. ' a Nrd man wluj 'Z calls lumsfttr lAfnt ... t i .T'.Ai'S FOR SALE. . . .-V .-'. " . . .,,S ' t A LIKELY Negro Boy, 18 or 19 years' of age, ell tTOwn. smart and. active: He wlft be Sold lowL. Eniuire of the Pwhter. 1 3t,' Janttilrif 18t3 rnond W. Barker-and he bebsant, fa& xjg Ii; a . een retained until Vis return : Barked dikrliamm? ; im.me jvegro now as he belongs to Jatek SpcighLef ' .reene county, and that hb rime t SiUt.PMON.LTha' ' h Greene 4 U7 r. iu MAni. . J k - - V a ' : ' will bt Kleidf enarges una take him awar6dierwie he witu as the law directs. i : Windsor, December 31, 1 SM $ RUNAWAY j?j:OM the aabseribee on tftei9jitdiVWiegro Manlbr thfe name of ,OHN, of dark contplection, about five teet 6or 9iici efhigh, knockknted, ssf OBIUl,' back part of th head which, lie endcivorViaiide by ulattmg h-s :-.r. oveivh jjhej fretendt to have a great knowicdi ol the sciipture.atid talk much ahnnr )t This fellow, wacommittcd to the Jail t)f this county a a runaway on the 2. of June last; itd aA the UstCoun. ty Court was hied -Hit forjthree nwithh.r He had 4 iron' collar on his neck with the le tters f. ; marked thereoQ. Any person that will bring him to 'me br. aectira- him jft sV oy Jail to th-t I can get him ag;-utvball active arewti of ten dollars, and ali reasonable expe'nee paid, WILL. SOJRLOCkt, Pittsborough, Ja uary 5, 1815 2 3 'n BLANKS v V'rit OF ALL KINDS ; : V JFQll SM itT TR SIAA-OWICE. f I!: i! r'.f f: SI r AH m . xv, . ,.. . . - t f ' - s. " i

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