rrn tT'TT Ti 1 JrlL JUd STAR j; 1 ! PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY, BY THOMAS HENDERSON, JUN. PRINTER TO THE STATE. HI Vol. VII. No. 15. RALEIGH, FRIDAY, APJUL 14, 1815. Three Dolls. oer annum i t. . NOTICE THAT on Saturday the 13th of Way next, at tbe mar kct-houte, in the city of Raleigh, Till be sold at pub It talc, to the highest bidder, the rendu of lh pci ton al estate of Sterling Yancey, deceased, consisting of lour likely young negroc-r-om houhoJd and kitchen fur n ture fcc ate. Six month, credit will be allowed on all urn, over four dollar the purchaser givin g bond, with approved security. M. COOK, Administrator, of Sterling Yancey, deceased. April 6tb, 1&15. 3l. -W -' Partnership Owsolved. THE copartnership far carrying on th Printiag and Merejumk business. hkh lias for soma year ub isted between the subscriber undr the firm of Jntet and Bendcrtm, wu dissolved by mutual consent on th first day ot January instant. Tbe Printing Office and Star establishment from that day become tbe exclusive property of Thomas Henderson, jun. by whom the busi nos will in future be conducted. All Demon in- I l..ki .I- r..i. . .r. . . lore the M ot Marcl. curren-. urnier tne act. 01 A..11k , . u . ; ' ' TrAr.'. " ' , t-..,.w., i'vivo, uviwij, ur many inner way will make payment to Calvin Jones, to whom claims are also to be exhibited for settlement. CALVIN JONES, THOMAS UfcXDfittSON, Jun. Raleigh, January SI, 1815 NOTICE. TrMUMry Orfhirtment. MartK 10, 1815. 1 ifuTice ol pvwera, wbtch have been duly vested ' . . f 1 1 ... Tn . 1 1 rv iifwlr an art f I V f '.in. .i Secretary w - v W otthe United State, entitled " An act to authorise F r ...m rot exceeding eighteen million. tour hun- .i fifivJwo thousand, i-iirlit hundrrd dollar." jren T ' o... i.,,. r.v. n .... ,k.. rt ,.r vi.-k . .li will rnvitril hv th 8eet-trv nf of l rc v , , . . -,..l...i Chlcnbed') Ibra loan to the United States of thfc lum of reive million of Dollar, or any part theieof, on the fol- !iWuH u r n ana in me following manner Th' proxai must si'e uie amount 10 oc loanen ; ine H,,i wbirh th tock viil be .ecrived t the uwUl- Bentiin which tne party will mka payment, no ex jxcreilin, lor the wble, uinrty daya from the date of the ub-.cription, and the bank into which the pay-Dam- will be made Th piyment, will be receiven eitner in money, or in 10prov l nana, uoica, or in ucuiy nt iu.mj OniC"'''' Pisetl rt-spectivtly, the 30ih June, 181., ( .h, -jS of February, i8i3, and the 4th of Mirch, i8i4, ,t their par value, with the interest accrued thereon at the tinvot p yment The kind of payment intended to he mado ii.uat he stated in the proposuls : and where tlietermsiof subription are icj'ul, a preference will ber en lo "Hl 1r j;a'"8 1,1 'l lx':jUl'J' Note", wbich Jj , vr become 'iu' ',u iviuaiu unpiu, wnu niu aic 'f 'he ui'erest upon such notes, as well since, as btt -in t'e became uue (in f i'ure tPiy instalment ae me unic aiipuivi i. !..m.i.iii..i:,x:io,i r. r- "rC':lllll, UtSlALUirill BIIAII UC lUUGIkCU IUI f i!-,itea Sues. , ilr uti- ill I issued hy the Cashiers of the . . '.iVf i lie p:iv mints liall he madi', to the i'l--' (.i 1- imiiis, in n'. irse'li naviiu i.t onne sticces- ""ulw uieueienaani tuieiared r.l lis is not an in 1 1 ti u v i',1 be a"Mgna-1 habitant ot this State ; Ordered, that notice be gsven in rV ; aiid will be funded I the Kaleigh Star, for six week, that he nk is next vui t to ne neta lor the county of Pitt, at the Court I "vin..ui,i, uKimi nunuuy oi may next, i..m I eu. n' th ' fl.nks conv nil1!' ir ive injlnlTiK 'its ble !v end' - m SiUuttv1 svii. n For tin1 " the uVa'.i!" " ! tipr d-r.t ! r 'Uf'l i Uto'-U ;val be i-t" ' r ' V Si ': '"u ' ''' last ; I Dece.nh r-i.-x ; .'.i .t IrcimSiirs n.t-. .i tht pn. . ;p lit is d:-s-t, u far us tl'.v.-1 ..! .imprest v in permit, IV-iUCc :fe : tl U'.t V"' AU l.'-Dt, HIUl, L-'ti.-n'.' 'h '.i tuo'.u' ii. ..ii cr. b 0110 iii'il in. rant ,., ( , ;u y s-1 i' if coiiimenui.il ,o ,!d-t '4 Vreasu-y Ni'tes I'll -n "i.ier to kh. trou'-h. it tra' be pi-oper to "'is'rvr,- that the ' i . . . I . " him ot Mil.- nlc;j;)saJ'i timi:: ntrsoin,- u mnon r r . . r tn l.n in x . I Yt i . I m. I i fwy person coi'sxtmg suDscnpuons u tne purpose of corporating the" in one proposal to the amount of LOOO oollara or upwards, providetl u-h prcposals shall accepted. y. j. ul,Li.-, Secretary of Ike Treaniry. State of Nortii Carolina, FIT r COUNTY. unty Court of Pleas and Qumer Session,, February Term 1815. Sherwood Hine8" Original attachment levied upon o e , ,VS . one founb Pm 0 sn Beach on the Eiheldred LUis f north side of Tar river, adjoining the J iu oi Denjamin AUiinnon Si others. : ins i.aii ne maai , to trie j iiiua oi ociianun AUtinson & others, nkii K the paymentk ; the ' TT having been made appear to the satisfaction of the h paviiki.t oi thesucces-! ourt, that the defendant Eiheldred Ellis i not an in- r n winch the b i t n m..iL I 1 . 1. 1 TOnli.vi' ' . ' nc-.t . .1 . ... , . ' a ut- ii. tiiii, -.viu-n ( 'i"'.'! - K'"",u"it' ww. juiiiiicni win dc entered up ' hi ng interest at 6 ; against turn and execution awarded against the lands so j ti r v any. I he a aforesaid levjedon. .. suit 'of the littd W-6t ALEX ANDRR EVANS, Cl'k. vv i o j ,cars trom uie '. k 'it v u ' : is r haig .!i in. i ribt, and i.hi .r tori.iiig t(' contract. Benevolent Society. THE Members of the Btneieni Snty are request ed to attend a general meeting of said Society, at New-Hope, Frankta County, N C on rriday th 21st of April next. A general attendance of the member i par ticularly requested. XT At the tame lime and place a Camp Meeting i contemplated EU B WH1TAKEK, Sec'ry March, 21, 1815. lt-4t Twenty. five Dollars Reward. RAN AW AY from Uie subscriber about the tirst of Jan last, a negro man by tho name of BILLY ; he is a bout 34 years of age, by tratU a Carpenter, and ha a Urge srar on bis breant, MeaaiAned by a burn reoevrt. sowM yean ago A snore pari mu tar description it deemed unnecessary, as be irac raised in the County of Halifax, where I am well persuaded ke is now larking, and is well known. Said Negro has a wife at Mr. Kemp Plummer's Plantation, near the town of Halifax. 1 will give the above reward for the apprehension and delivery ol laid negro to me in Raleigh. A S H- B URGES. . March 7, 1815 10-tf. Late Star Concern. LL persons indebted to the late concern of Jones Sc Edward Saml. Williams, v lie liken Wilcox. State of North-Carolina. GKKLNK. COUN I'Y Court of Pleas and Quarter Session. Feb Term, iBlf. Original attachment le vied on hook of comnts, e .M.A HA.a . I . . k a. .1 M IIU111, 111 llll ILlim S' epherd Esq. and i.n: rootu d as a Garniahee It appears l the satisfaction of the court, that lu urd W.lcox, the defendant m not an inhabitant ot th s taie, It is therHbre Ordered by the Court, that puMir-i n bfl wade in the Star paper, for three week ueer . m. ly . that unlets the defendant appear at the net' ount) Cottrt of Pleas and Quarter Setaioua, to held f ih Co'juty t.ewe,at the Cunrt Koic u Sbow t ill on the second Mondsy of 'sy next, and replevy and plead, judgment will be entered against turn, &C Test, J. HOOKEK.co State of North-Carolina, NEW-HAKOVEU COUNTY County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions Februarj Term, i8i5. Needham Branch and wile, Petition for partition, The Heirs of Stephen 'W illiamson, j fT appearing to the (Viurt that Nathan Williamson. Henderson, for the News-Papers, Almanacks, Job-! JL sciaor, (;-.rdian,of Nancy and Nathan WiU:amomU. Printing, Blanks, Advertising, GootU, Books, or in any j and one of the defendants in this ,uit, resides without other way, are requested to make payment immediately. the limits of this State ; it is ordered, thst publication be Mr. Htbtrt Stumper is authorized to receive money aud mad for six week, in the State Gazette, that unl"9 grant discharges, and will at all times be at ny Office. ) they appear before tin Worshipful Court, to be held in Money forwarded by mvila heretofore, will be duly ap-; Wilmington on the id Monday in May next, and make piiea ana receipts returned, it more money is at any time enclosed for the Star by any present Subscriber than is sufficient to discharge the account for the same to the firntof January last, the balance will be applied to his credit on the Books of Tho. Henderson, lun. and receipts therefor duly returned. CALVIN JONES. Raleigh. February 6, 1815. Thomaa Salter, vs. . Aheldrtd Ellis. State of North Carolina, PI 1 i COUNTY. County Court of Plea.- .mi Quarter Sessions, Febrrarv at villi lOLJ. Oiiinnal attachment levied fourth part of a Sein Beach on the north ;i:j of Car River ae'ioimmr ik l-.n,!. of iJeniannn Atkinson and othr at the ! f r having been made appear to the satisfaction of the to t..e U un, it .1 tl.e defendant, Eiheldred Ellis is not an in- naui'a uOi iltn 6taU ; Ordered, Ri.it notice be given for six weeks in the Raleigh, -Star, tht hp apnear, reirfcvv AiKt Jltrml, at the tteM COMrt to oe held lor the county of Put, hi the Court House in Grecnesville, on the firrt tionday of May next, otherwise final iudirment will he entered up gainst him. and execution awarded against the land so as aforesaid levied on. ALEXANDER EVANS, Cl'k. Ttycnty Dollars Reward. ANAW VZ from t s. , r- n..ui " nrit ot January last, a NeiA . nvt !j name t l.f . t but 25 jews of age, very t v k. bow lt Rf?t;a, and d es wngh more than 14H-i( -. ticuiarmams ncoueci- -Also, ranaway about tn- toui ircn a negro nanieu IDKEvV,but may perh.,ps assmne thi name ofLi'tie- tashe did on a t finei' occasion, miste'iow was ed in Halifax county, near Kdv :ri!s's Firry on Roan , where 1 expect he has grme. Stutters l-adly, and small eyes about 23 years old, ana oi tne common I Lewis, 1 apprenena is lurain in my ownnc's"" "i- d, and tut noun (1 by some uiipnncipieu worn men 'above reward w.H be given for the delivi rv of bc.h ove named n gr . s, jr ten dollars to: ei .tr, ana kfeonable expmce- paid. ranklin, March 31, J815. SHERIFF'S SALES. i ILL be soid at the Court Homo in Rockford, Surry County, on Friday the 3d day ot June ntxt, the to - htr tracts of land, or as much thereof as Will be bul la to satisfy the taxes due thereon for the year, 1813, costs, Sic 0 acres Iviner on rockv branch, beloni ing to the heir shley Johnson, dee'd. given in by Ashley JohnsO" tori Mo in the Tax Nobs, Capt. Martin's district, given James Ko-ter. u do on Mill creek, Capt Martin's district, given in ohn Weisner. belonging to the heirs ot l nomas fc, deceased. b do near the Rowan county line, in Capt. Wiles's pet, given in by MatthtWjQhuson. JO do on the u iters of North deep creek, given in by r Fitzgerald, for Stephen Fitzgerald. jtt do in Capt. Hanby's district, on the waters of Bull given in by Peter Cook. V do in Capt Hanby's district, given n ny stepqen str. do on the waters of Tom'a creek', given in by Wm. i. P do on do given in by Curtis Wcatherly. j)0 do near to tfce Pilot Mountain, belonging to let or Sumner's heirs not listed. do on Words creek, in the Hollow, belonging to fx Riggs and not iistad. uoonthe waters of Mitchell's river, given in Dy Andrew. do on the water of Fish river. cantCallowav's dis- belonging to Patsey MeriJeth and not listed. uo oti do in Calloway's district, given in oy Lievy for Beziah Jarvis. do in Capt Martin's district on the waters of the P fiven iB by Francis Rose. - JOHN WRIGHT. Sh'ff hh25, 1815. !4-3t NOTICE. f the last Term of Wake County Court of Pleas and Matter Sessions, the ubsepber wu duiy appoint ee said Court Administrator of the estate of Ster ocey, Enquire, dee'd, laW of the city nf Raleigh, fire gives this public notice to all those having gaint tbe said dee'd. to bring them forward 7 authenticated within the time prescribed by the State of North-Carolina, PITT COUNTY. County Court of Pleas and Quarter Sessions, February Tei-m 1815 Godfrey Mancil I, vs. C Original attachment levied on-a SVn iams B Jones, j tractof land. I T having been maue appear to the satisfaction of the Court, tli itthe cli fendant Williams B. lonesj is not an inhaoitant of this State ; Oiilered, tliat notice be given by advertisement for six weeks in the Kal igh Star, that he -ppear, replevy and plead at the next Court to be held for the county of Pitt, at the Court House in (ireenesville, on the first Monday of May next, otherwise final judgment will be entered up against him and execution awarded a gainst the land so as aforesaid levied on. 10-6t ALEXANDER EVANS, Cl'k- defence, the petition will be tsken pro confessd, and tho prayer ot tne petitioners granted. Witness, Thomas F. Davis, Cierk of the County Court of Plea and Quarter Sessions of New-Hanover Coun y, at omccuie oui uay oi aiarcn, A. 13. 1815. i2-6t. TUOS. F. DAVW, lit. n Twenty-five Dollars Reward. RAN A WAY from the subscriber on (lie night of the 19th instant, a negro man named TOM, about 22 ears old, yellow complexion, near six feet hih, straight built, speaks very plain when unembarrassed, but stam mers a little if alarmed, has very thick lips It is likely he will attempt to pass as a free man, as I have reason to believe he has a free pass- I think it likely he witl attempt to go to Norfolk in Virginia. I will give the a bave reword for the said negro if delivered to me in Wayne County, and pay all reasonable expences, or 15 dolla'-s if secured in any jail in this State. IJOPTOW COOR. Wayne County, 221 Feb. 1815 Twenty Dollars Reward. RUNAWAY from the subscriber In Pitt county, about the 7th of February last, a Negro fellow by the name (f.TOtNEY.abouteaty jarsf aj.-e, lnder built, it is ilieved aboift fit teet ten inches higftj when he went off h-: was prepared witha knap sack, provision and a pass to come from Pitt county to the owner's plantation m Wake county. He was raised in Pitt county, but it is suspected he is gone either alone or in company with some white man to someolher state. The above reward will be given to any person who will secure him in any gaol and for ward me information so that I get him. JOSEPH LANE, Jun'r. Raleigh, 20th March, 1815 " 12 3t.p Books and Stationary. BOYLAN and .-LOAN, Have Just received nearly live thousand 'dollar wortfi of Books and Sta tionary, purchased since peaoe, at Philadelj hia and New. York, which they intend to sell at the old reduced prices. They have for sale. White Clover, Tiiuothy, Orchard Grass, Herd's Grass and Garden Seeds. Raleigh, March "U. . 3t-13. A NOTICE. PURSUANT to the requisites of an act of the General Vssembly of 1813, entitled" An act to -provide for tiie oettef accommodation of the Governors of this state," the undersigned commissioners soldiart onlyof the pub lic land adjoining the city of Raleigh. The ereater part, and by far the most valuable, remains yet to be sold: an.i the powers of the commissioners being enlarged by a resolution of the iast Legislature,, they hereby give no lice that on the twelfth day of May next, and thence fol lowing, the land so remaining, will be sold at public auc- ' tio.n, on the premises, at six and twelve months credit;- the purchaser giving bond with sufficient security, paya ble to the Governor and negotiable at the State Bank This land is wdl watered and contains many beautiful 8cites for .buildings It is laid offinto convenient lots of various aize.s many of which are thickly set with large orest growth i several of them are good for meadows. JOHX HATWOpD, SAMUEL GOODWIN, WILLIAM RILL, HENRY POTTER, HENRY SEAWELL, WILLIAM HINTON, NAT. JONES, T.) THEO. HUNTER, ' WILLIAM PEACE. ' 8 NOTICE. 'JHEIong and severe indisposition of one acting pnrt-- nerin business, lias brought on him such debility, as .o make it necessary-for the present, lo curtail our pur suits : We have consequently,, sold our stock of Goods to Messrs. Parish and Wood, and are extremely anxious to close our Mercantile Accounts Those therefore, in debted to us are seriously desired to call at the Compting Room of Messrs- P. and W without deby and make pay ment. S. C. BRAMB & Co. Raleigh, January 10, 1 SI 5. 2 I acta of AaaemUlv taarie and orovided on the t of proving will and granting letters of adminis- tbe estates of intestatesotherwise this notice Plead w bar of a recoveryt-Thoae indebted to the are hereby notified, and required to. make imrne ymenr, u the situation of the estate will not ad-jnd-tlgence; a M. COOKE. Raleigh, February 16, 1815 Walter Janes Domestic & Factory Loom. rrlE patent right to this LOOM, to far at respect the State of North-Carolina, has been pucckwed by a Company of Gentlemen, who intend as soon a powible, to have constructed a number of the Looms .lor le': They will have Looms in operation in different parta of i he. state in Uie course of the ensuing Spring. Thoae per- sons who wish to purchase Looms will make apph cation to Samuel C. Brame, at Raleigh, and thd Looms wiJ' b gent to them at the expence,ot the Company. The Com pany can wku confidence recommend this Loom as ene4r the most useful improvements in the Domestic Art which baa been made j nt ecn or twenty yaro can wiweu NOTICE, WILL be sold to the highest bidder, on Tuesday the second dv of May, 1315, at the late dwelling house of Nathaniel Jones, Esq. (of White Plains,) deceased, in Wake county, all the perishable estate cf sid dee'd. con sisting of valuable Horses, a Urge nunuierof Cattle, Hogs and Sheep; House-hold and Kitchen Furniture, and Plan tation Utensils, among which is a Clock and t wo nilver Watches, a flew Carriage and Harness, one new Waggon and two do. that have been used, one riding Chair and Harness, one horse Cart, and the wood works of a uew Waggon, a set of Blacksmith's Tools, and a large quantity of Bar Iron and Salt ; also, several hundred gallon of Brandy, among which is sixty or seventy gallons about Fifteen years old :-also, a large parcel of Corn, Fodder and Oats, and a quantity of Bacon and Lard ; also, be tween 50 and 100 thousand Bricks ready burnt -tight very valuable Gttns, a fine collection of Books, with va lious other articles too numerous , to mention . A credit of 12 months will be allowed to purchasers, they giving bojwl rt!h approved security unto i k ,, EDWARD PRIDE, F.x'r. & Adm'r. March U.1SI5. 11-tf. N. B. The Sale will be continued from day to day un til finished. , State of North-Carolina, BERTIE COUNTY COURT, February Term, 1815. Anthony Copeland, Original attachment Garnish MILITIA LAWS. FEW copies of the revied edition of the Militia Laws, containing a direst of all the United Stale Acts, and the act of the last session of the General As sembly at full length, may be had at the 'Minerva O&ice' price 35 Cento. A discount allowed to those who pur. cnasea aozen copies or upwards March 24. are ONE fori Money Wanted. ALL those indebted to the firm ot vlu$e' and Nutt, rcqiieiieu 10 come iorwaru and sett le ti ir uccoua-iSx . or wcll b under the necessity of telling ISAAC LEWIS S. VI use.. ROBERT is UTT. Raleigh, March 30. x3 3 " - . LOST OR MISLAID, Note of hand airum. Wii'iam Wriiiht. the sum of nine pounds four ahillinirs aun "b ,ee - pence, (Virginia money,) dated the 5th of August, lb: 3, and on demand one or two days after date 1 torw&rn all persons from trsxling for the note, as tbe said Wright ba paid ine the amount of said note- WILLIAM M'GREGOR. April 2, 1815. 14-llp. STRAYED 'R0M the Subscriber, three or four weeks since, A YOUN13 BLACK MARE, a little upwards of fiw i'ett hi" h She is a like ly naa i and ha been heard of as far i the tall of Neuse on that road. A liberal reward will be given tor the delivery ot said mare to the suhscaber, in llaleigh.or uvy information which may enable him to g.t her agaii. J. T. c. WL IT- April 6. . 14-3L . PRIME MACKElSL" ROSS and Cook tuve just itctived stveial bai.eUof Mackerel, and NovaJcotia Herrings which will b sold low for cash They have on band, a quantity of Hard, and a few cases of prime long cork Clarets. April 5, 1815. 14 3t A GOOD Waggon and fire Horses The Waggon 5s .. i . i . . i .. . j 50R SALE, on and fire Horses' in good repair, and the horses Strorr and in coort orucr. Auo 640 acres of LAND, lying tn the State ot Tennessee, on Uie Cany fork, Smith county. . I will ex change all the ahove properly for Land 'in North Caroli na. The waggon and gear will be sold with or without, the horses. It any person is disposed to trade and will write me. I will endeavor to call and see them and thei? land, as 1 am in the habit of travelling JO SI AH DlLLIARD. Ralegh, April 8, 1815. J3 tf woven in a day, of a thread which is Usually denominated "atwclre hundred," and of a thread 'denominated a six hundred." from thirty to forty yrds caa.be woie ltt the day. A person can leart tae art ot weavig o una Ijoomoi twoor hree days. The whole process of weav ing is carried onby Uie motion o theBatton. The Loom is simple in it eonstJffCtioD, and tauiy kept . ' , ; Jaauarjr W, ltlj. vs. omenta Peter Smith & al. Josenh H. Brv IT appeanng to the satisfaction ot the Court, that Peter Smith an I George Gibbs the defendant in this case Are residents of another State t it is ordered, that notice be given the said defendants by advertisement in the Star newspaper published at Raleigh, for three months sue cessively, that unless they appear at the next Term of this Court to be brld on tbet second Monday in .May next, replevy Xheir property and plead to issue, judgment will be entered against them by default. ll-3m. Titr SOL. CHERRY, Jun Cl'k. Copartnership Dissolved. THE Copartnership for carrying on the mercantile bu siiwss, which -xited under the firm of BRANDON ft TRAVIS, is dissolved by the death of Mr Brandon t 'Tbe surviving partner Wishes to close tbe Books of said . concern as soon as the nature of the case, w'dl admit of. f... .....'.11 iLu. l.nku.JI.I.I.J .A -rn'.A grav to call and close tlteir accounts, at or be (ore the en. suinf .May Court ' All those that full tocom ply with this notice, ! bopcv they will ihh think it amiss,1f tbey nhould r.iA upotr by an officer fur th money. , JO IN TRAVIS, Surviving Partner. talifbatrf J' c- March zz. t-i. A LIST OF LETTERS, Remaining in the PotUOffice in Hillsborough on the 3! of March, 1815. P AOLa ASHE, James Alston, James Aliisoo, Johtt AiUiiNi. Jos?oh Arnistronir. Edward Brock well. Han. of Elislu A llhodes, and j harv Bairy, Wiuow Batbyi Sarah Bryan, John Collins, (S) H. Brvan. filed. KluaUtb, Cabe, &!rban Cole, James Clarke, Danist I Si .'.4 i 5 1; 31 ilCi til Carltow, J) Pnccb Collins. Thos. CrumMon. James Cheek, Wm. Clarkt, Eliaabfctb Christmus, Jno. Cole, v AnthiMj Cazort. Zach, Dickie, (2) ReJ4ick Dickie, piey unnagiin, Wm. Daniell, Fred. Fonyille, Jno Forrist, Sant'l. Freeman, Mary Fsusett Wm. Fatjsett, Jnq Gr. ham, Moses Guinn, (9) Tbos. IIunt linney HopkW . Wra. Hut chins, Jas. Hancock, Deracy Hubbard, Juhn v Hollowerj, Jas. k Hannab Haistinga, Saml, Holmes, Jno. " HaJiks Henry Hunt, Wm Holder, -AVrt-Hawer. Allwt . Husk, Ahoi. Holtowey, Benjamin Johnston, Andr. Ive, . Uobt. Jones, KlishaKirk, William Kirk, Jacob LemmoAt Joshua Ieigh, Wm. Lewis, James Lapsley, Edward MV i Dade, lHos. r Wm'. Morgan, Mary P Mebane Mary Moore, Hutchins B. Mitchell,-M,ttj. wVavJUoore, Jame Mitchell, Wm. P.' Msflguni, Franci Mortana, amuel Maddin, Nancy O'Farrell, Henry O Daniell, James Pe-' Catharine Piekardi Willie Rod v. Eliwbeth Beers. KinVr chert Bobbins; JameiRingstaff, David Ray; Bobert Smith, v jun; AWsey Stew?! 1m, flmijji, Sberiif of Qrangu, 40.. iah Tttrner, 'Jhc4 Ttmer, James Tatefc (Stony Creek, Wm. Trice or Ben. Rhodea. Bctser Tatom. Georra TaV. lor, Alsabeth. Tcadey,- Ana: Vincent (fiVr. Jut Wtbhr -A Cl' waocey wmtloca-, Jno; livood, wm.. wooes, Edward Partner. 1 Wortuam. THOS. CLANCY, PvZd, ' V. f t ' ITdlsbprwi March 31tv 181. : v mty t, I r

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