r.J.l ferity lnJ ULr iU taS:Voc.f ?oUainsljcf the sou4 ' .tnnvtt tfJoJj A&nein tJ C.'V&iioiUr I. nreM decree, ihiU be elkwed u dii; tf Tre fi.-jt. fUmV Stvcnta ndelUU regime wiry TZkTttr&x in Cukucs. i ( faMry, heroin o tribes. I ! e .-rpr, ,rd arT-r-n..- cl U- i.i.M ... ttSiS tie 1 fr't-ur LamhVm. ftha corns of wulerv t and the lrv i-c .s. I4; m. rt. t iN t i j i .v Art JU. vui up - - . - . ftk nr,ur.i dftcrca. . . rvrlment of riflrrncn- dtufi eU.iiMSuKi.tr ! ' "f' fc1 nci ' isiirw4l NAPOU'ON. I 'V d the Prcaiicot of the United Suit bs fur- or'ers for the infrrmaliwi -i. i T Uuittcr Secretary of State, Dust if liw-o. . iHer judd it proper, that pJrtU the several re- ain.y ' tniJ I St Lf Itt DOMESTIC INDIANS. f h mihtarr Mica ca''itfniu, aJiall be detailed and portioned fcr iCou'a, Ar1 1 An armed boat tailed jester it rootling from tn pl bcund for Prairie du Ckicn. We cnnot lor a rnomeot 1elve that peace mneis wia any other tffea thin to jtiwUr the mB" nri insolent, ll i said that government intend forming attain rnJit-ry posts, so at to encircle the IndLns of .iDni arid Michican. If the army it to be reduced to 10,000, we fear tLe chai.i will be of packthread. Very few d-yspass ay runout hering of sorrc outrage committed by the IndUi.s on the frontur. Sereral rcspctusWe ciiararteis heve hj been kil led at or near Mat k..y Saline. Whole droes of worse have bten driven from our settlements this winter to Rock river Our spies inform that there are twelve war parties out fiom head-quarters of the enemy near Rock river ; borderers .and travelltis should be very circumspect h their movements. HoHttto Mjssacsk. St. Loui,Afnil 8 1 hrce men artived here last bieht fn-m the above mentioned place, and state, tht for s-''uc lime t.ey were apprehensive ci m vi tit from the Ii.diar.s, that they built two b!ock houses as a plrce of safety for the women and chil dren in case of attack, that on the 3 i ir,stant, they Vjd sent out thir;e:n men a spies, a few miles from the village, where thty observed Indian sign, they id prcccedcd on their search the next day when the v heard a heavy firing at t.e vil!&ce at.d a thick rnoke in that direction ; anxious for the safety of their ftmilus, they immediately returned and frund near the first house the bodies of old Lacrcix end his son, their heads nearly cut oB All the houses were in flames, the place full of Indians, butchering all tlie inhabitants, whose shrikes could be distinctly heaid amilst the hoind yells ot the savages. The village of Cote sans Dcssien contained about 500 souls. We have had boats, men, and officers to station at proper positions on the Missouri and Mississipp but nothing has yet been done. All is indecission in this quarter I At the .breaking up of tWe ice, the sending up the armed boasts were strenuously Urged, but alas I lm Wilitv frustrated every prudent measure. More on this subiect next week. fTbe Illinois Herald, printed at Kaskaskia, says that accounts had beeo received there, stating that coly five cf the inhabitants Were killed, while seven rek?hf of the Indians were killed, two ky women."! April 15. uovernors viaiK anu f.uwarca, ana Col. Auguste Chouteaui are appointed by the Pre sident, commissioners to treat with the Mississippi Indiar.3 at the expected treaty which is to be held With thera. On Wednesday last, Mr. Forsyth (Indian agent) leturned from fort Ciark, haVing finished the busi ness of his mission in that place. The Potowata miea received the presents that were sent to cover : Misers last November. One of the cbitfs with a few of his young men were to set out on the 10th lost, for Rock river with the news of peace. The' particulars of the above interesting transaction w ill he laid before our readers in our next. Peace Establishment, Adjutant and Lisfiectnr GentraCs OJfict, May 17, 1815. CEXEUAL ORDEKS. In pursuance of the act of Congress, entitled 8 An act fixing the military peace establishment cf the Untted States," approved the 3d of March, 1815, the President of the United Sti'.tcs has judg ed prtper that the tuilitary peace csu.blisi.meM shall consist of the following propoitiohs of artille ry, infantry, and riflemen the cotps of engineers being retained as at present established. 1. Of the corps ol ariillery, there shall be thirty two companies, or eight battalions making 3,200 men. 2. Of the light artillery, there shall be ten com panies, or one regiment, making 660' mem 3. Ot the infantry, there shaU be eighty companies, or eight regiments, making 5,440 men. 4. Of the riflemen, there shall be ten companies, or one regiment making 680 men. Total 9.980. And the President of the United States has fur ther judged proper, that the United States be divid ed into two military divisions ; and that each mili tary division be subdivided into military depart ments, as follows : sThe division of the north to comprise five milita ry flapartments, to wit ; No. 1. New-York, above the highlands, and Vermont. No. 3. New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, stad Connecticut. ' Nj. 3. New York, below the high-lands, and that J art of New Jersey width furnishes the first divis taoftaiJitia. . No. 4. Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland and that part of New Jersey which furnishes the second division of militia. : No. 5. Ohio, and the territories of Michigan and Indiana. The division of the south to comprise four mili tary departments, to wit : No. 6. Virginia, North Carolina, and the District of Columbia. No. 7." Sotith Carolina and Georgia. Ne. 8. Louisiana and the Mississippi territory. Nd. o. , Tennessee, Kentucky, and the territories f Missouri and .Illinois. And the President of the U. States has further judged proper, that the general distribution of the fcgimenta and corps constituting the military Peace establishment, shall be made in the following Unmet;. w To the division of the north , The Becohdi third, fith, and sixth regiments of wantry forming two brigades. Pour battalions of the coiparof artillery; and thje Jftgiipentoi light wtillerjr. -4 i icfvJlowTor utmed stitioo. and that t'e rest cf tSa rrpiments and crp shall be dfcpod vf as the J Mjjor Grntra'a herefur commAodiog divisioos may hereafter direct In the division of the north j For the povts and forucsacs on the coatf of New j EnliOtl. The regiroent of liht artillery, ten companies. Of the corps of artillery, four companies. To tal U- Forthe hrior of New York, and ks dependen cies cf tlie corps of artillery, four compniev 1 oi Tort MiHlin, and lit dependeoues, ot the corps of artillery, 2 companies. For F.jrt M'Henry, and us dependencies, ot the corps of artillery, twj rompaoies. I or Sackcttslluibor, ot the corps ol artulery.one company. For P.attsburg, of the corps ot artillery, one com pany. For Niagara, of the corps of artillery, onti com pany For Fort Washington, on. the Potomac, of the corps of artillery, one company. Fot Detroit jnd its dependencies, ot inurary, ten companies, of riflemen foir companies. Total 1 4. In the division ot the sauttv Uf or.croi i.r ;ecmry l ' -r, D PAH Ki;U, .t.'j. If : GmrrtL Tfxc Military Peace Establithment At OaOAKllKD RT rMK PMI l DCXT Ct HK Vt' to STATES The CEfEnL hT.Vl u ctpee! f Divuim O ,nk lhtmm the Smk Mrjor Generals. Jacob Brown, Andrew Jackson. Brigadier General. Alexander Maccomb, Edmund P. Gaines, Etcazer W Ripley, Wiufiekl Scotu Daniel Parker, aj. and ins. gen. Robert Butler, a lju gen. Arthur P. fbyne, do. Robert Swart w. ut, qr. mas. gen. S Champlaio, dep. qr. mat. gen. Samuel Brown, do. Four bridle inspectort and four brigade quarter masto, s, to be uken from the line. Ordnanee Department. Decious Wadswortb, colonel, George Bomford, Kent. col. John Morton, captain, Abraham B. Wool ley, do. John H. Margart do. James Daliby, do. Tlwruas L. Campbell, do. Edwin Tyler, do. R- D Richardson, da George Talcott, jr. do. j- H. Res, do William Wide, Istlieut. Rufus L. Baker, do. : William C. Lyman, do. George Lamed, do Nehe- For Norfolk harbor, and its dependencies, of the : , t n l v 3 comnanies in"winiwi. a .uics uK.cr, ao. j. Livingston, oo- lieut. LbcLeter M Donald do. Charles F. Morton, do. tfm. f II! 1 a a- r . . cfi. vigai, aa ueut james airoonson, do. .ohn inns, ao. simon vvniaro, do. John Symingferi, do. Medical Deiartnient. Frnci9 Le Baron, apothecary general, Christo pher Backus, assistant apothecary, James Cutbush, do. David C. Kerr, hospital surgeon, Benjamin Waterhouse, do James C. Brnaugb, do Joseph Lovell, do Arnold Elzey, do. .James Stevenson, hospital surgeon's mate, J. B. Whiteridge, do Ed ward Purcell, do William W. Hazard, do William Junes, do Joseph Wallace, do Wm. Williams, do Wm. Stewart, do Wm. Marshall, do Joseph Eaton, dp Robert Archer, do Hugh F. Rose, do James Trimble, xlo Thomas Russell, do Donaldson Yates, do. Foster Swift, garrison surgeon, James H M Culloch, do: John F. Heileman, gairi&on stirg. mate, Cflarles Slocum, do Lemuel B Clark, do. William T Davidson, do Jonathan S Cool, do -lexander Wolcott, do Wm. Turner, do V m. M. Scott, do W C Lane, do. aay Deiarfr.ent. Robert Brent, paymaster of the army, Washing ton Lee, deputy do general, Jonathan Bell, assist, dep. do gen. Ambrose Whitlock, dep pay gen. Purchasing Department. Callender Irvine, com. Ren. of purchases. Judge Advocate. James T Dent, Henry WLeaton. COHIVOF BXGINKEItS: Jt'amtt find Hank: Colonei Jys-ph G. Swipt. Lictiteiuint-Colonel. Wtlker K. Armstead. Major. George Bumfoid, Wm. M'Hee. 6 ciipLiiins, 6 first lieutenants, 6 second lieutenants. , Jtegiment of Light Artillery. f'Wojfp Moses Porter. JJeul Col. 3. II. Fenwick. Jlafrrs Ahram Kustis. 10 capuins. 10 fv-st lieutenants, 10 second lieutensnts. 1 surgeon and 1 surgeon's mute .niontr whi l-ure cDt. Gabriel 11 taanigaull (S C) und lieut. vorp ojjlrtwery. L.eut LclV.,Y.. Mitclieh, Jawe House, Wm. land () W-ax lr.(?.) t-w-R c y.cWaj . JnX4 A TnaibU. r t rcsKc, v 'J Id apsaiiai. 10 fi.MMimasiU, 19 vctr& CraUtMflta 1 ' rtrfv aoJ 2 surron' jafea Aaasatf tiara tr cJ : V. DTw.pnft. ( r)&- tauaaia A. CeU' , wyt, ir Wan ao. Vaf. Cri 1 !; A SaaitU. t ' ? L.c1 t h Stfmilum- ' t ' Mt Ttitx I h km bet a. 10 cUai, 10 L-si UuitciuNta. It) aecotvl CeMamsmi, 1 A UTfeo and t avrfeon't mua Asaonf lima mrm tp tala W. L. Ddfphry, 8. C 4K liemeaaoU Lmita Latai ae J. C&lboua, a c second IteutaaMft W.J. Conioc v e. y-. Corps of JtrtU'.ery, 3X0 Went Lia-ht Ariillerv. 669 Infantrv. Bifiemea, Total, 690 9990 4 - RALEIGH. FRIDAY, JUNE 2. 1813. one Co- corps oi aru...:ry, ov-omp-mc, JjmMV iknn. 9,1 For Forts Jonnson and Hampton, JN. . oi tne D ' r ., , i U. C romeroy, do. For Chaileston harbor, and its dependencies, the c;irps of artillery fjur companies- For Savannah, of the corps of artillery, one com pany. For Mobile, of the corps of artillery, one com pany. For Placquemio, of the corpj ot aruJery, CO in par y. For Forts St. Charles, St. John, and Petite quille, of the corps of artillery, 3 companies For Natchitoches, of the corps of artillery one company, of rillemcn two companies Total 3 companies. For bt. louis, and its dependencies, of infantry ten companies, of riflemen fcuP companies .To tal 1 4 companies. For Chehmrta, of infantry ten companies. For the vicinity of Augusta, Geo. oj infantry, ten companies. And the President of the United States has fur ther judged proper, that the non-commissioned of ficers, musicians and privat -s, ot the several regi ments and corps now in the s rvce of the United States, whose .term of service has not expired, snail be so arranged as to form anc complete out of the same the non-commissioned officers, musicians, and privates, constituting the military peace tsublish ment, in the manner following, viz. To foim the regiment of light artillery, Briga dier General Porter, there shall be musttred for se lection, the light artillery proper, the 1 5th, 26ih, 30ti, 3 1 st, 33il, 34Ui, and 45 ih regimcuts of in fantry. To form the corps of artillery, there shall be mustered for selection, the torps of artillery proper, the regiment of dtagoons, tie 4 i st, 42u, and 43 J rejrimenis ot iniai.try. To form the regiments of infantry in the division of the north, thcre shall be mustered For the 2cl regiment of infantry, colonel Eraty, the 6th, 16th, 2.2.!, 23d and 32d fai try. For the 3d regim!nt of infantry, d'.onel Miller, tt.e 1st, 17th, 19th, 24lh, 28th,' 39th regi ments of infantry. For the 5th regiment of infantry, Brigadier General Miller, the 4th, 13tfi, 21st, 40th, and 46th, regi ments of in lantry. Fur the 6lh regiment of infantry, Colonel Atkinson, thellih, 25ih, 27th, 29ih,aud37th regiments of infantt y. ? To form the regiments of infantry and riflemen, in the division of the south For the 1st regiment of infantry, Brigadier Gener al Bissel, the 2d, 3d, 7th, anu 44tb, regiments of infantry. Fur the 4th regiment of infantry, Colonel King, the 12th, 14th, and 20th regiments of infantry. Foi' toe 7th regiment of mlai. try, Coilooel M'Donald, the 8t lOiu, 66th, and 38ih regiinepts of in : fantry. ( For the 8ih regiment ofinfantry, Colonel Nicholas) the 5th, 18th, ai.d 35th, legimfcnis of iufi-.nil-y. Foi tiierifl' regiment, Brigadier General Smith the 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th, r fle regiments. And the President of the U. States has further judged proper, that in addition to the provision for a general stuff, which is specifically made by the act of Congress, certain officers snail be retained, under the special authority given by tho act, until circumstances will permit of theit discharge, with out material injury to the service ; and that the fol lowing shall be the general staff; Two Major Generals, with two Aids do camp, each. Four BrJtfidki- Generals, with one Aid de Camp, ach. An A(iju'ant and Inspector General, and two Adjutant Generals, to oe provisionally retained. and two Deputy provisionally re- Four Brigade. Inspectors. One Qmrttrniaaor General Quartermasters Gential, to be lamed. Four Brignde Quart- masters. An Apthcaiy General and two . Assistant Apothecaries, to bo provisionally retai ned. Five Hospital oiirgoo.is. Fifteen Hospital Surgeon's Mates. Two Garrison Surgeons, to be provsion ally retained Ten Garrison Surgeon's Mates, to be provision ally retained. A Paymaster of the army.. Two Deputy Paymasters General, and two As sistant Deputy Paymasters, to be provisionally re tained.; ' The acts of Congress establishing the Ordnance' Department, the office of the Commissary Genei al of Purchases, and the Military Academy, remab in force, aj wejl certain acu suthoriwng the ap- ltcriments ot iu- Uay, V.'m. M.icrea, John 'lj-s.--l Armistt nd, Jas B.M&ny, J. tlindman, W. ii. uvt-rioM. 32 captains, 32 first lieutenants, C4 second lieutenants and 32 ii'.ira lifiuenants Among-lUem are explains .Wm. W.lsun, (Va) J. H. Ion, (S C) A. C. W. Fanning-. (Gen) M 1 Ijouhx., C) first lieutenants (WilUam 4. Cowaii, (VC) Jwnn Foniame, (N C) Jl. K. Utiffin, (Nt) J. H. l.-nii, ( V O) J. L. Kdwards,(Va) Edwin Sliapp,(NC) Job i Hutli'i, (Va) -second UeuUnaius ftoberi Goode, (V) Kotaert Jlail, j(Ueo) W. 1. bever, (Ten) Thomas Y'luirle, (Vi; tmra lieutenant uobt-C Brent, (V a) Firtt Infantry. Colonel. Han Biell Lieut Col tJeorge Crofrhsm. Ma'toi ThomaH S .lesup. 10 captains, 10 first lieutenants, 10 Second lieutenants, 1 S'irjfv)n and 2 surjri-on'a mates Anioiir them recap taji,s Isaac L. 15 Acr, ((ieo) William O Builer, (S C) .1 h.i Jon. , (S C) Jumi-s Davis, (S C) Menrv Chotard, A O Mhiam Laval, (SC) Wrn. LhrisUHn, fGeo) John Head, (Geo) fi lieutenants Sam. Farrow.jun, (S C) John Tariaul, ( S (.') Aichimedes Donoho, (s C) se cond tit utents Uo. II. Brigs, (55 C) Robert L Combs, (Geo) U. U. Hyde, (Geo) George W. Boyd (Geo) W. Chi iatie, (Glo) t.hs. Goper, (Geo) T. Crosi, (Geo) Second Infantry. Colone' 'Iiih Brady. Lieut Chi Xiiiiin l';nkney. Major -Menry lavenworth. 10 Captains, 10 first lieutenants, 10 second Turutenanta, 1 aurgton uiJ2 suiyj-ona'a mates. Tiurd Infantry. Co'onel John "tiUer. JJeut. Col. Malhew Arbuckle. Mujor Charles K Gardner. ' 10 captain, 10 first lieutenants, 10 second lieutenants, 1 surgeon and 2 aurj-,con's mates Am. rtr them are cap tain Wm. Taylor, (s C) and surgeon' mate James B. Hill,(NC) Fourth Jnfantrjf-. , Colonel Wm King. -Aeif. -W Duadtfv-L-GUncli - Jiliijor George M Brook. 10 captains, 10 first lieutenants, 10 second lieutenants, 1 surgeon and 2 surgeon'a mates Among them are cap tains James Bankhead, (Va) James Dinkin, (s c) A. Gummings, (Geo) T.. M Nelaon, (V.i) si.jid lieuten ants F. H. Lissenhoff, (s c) John Strothr, (s c) Fifth Infantry. Coone----James Miller. Lieut. Vol ---Jos L Smith. Major-" M'JTeal.jr. ; 10 eaptains, 10 first lieutenants, 10 second lieutenants, 1 surgeon and 2 surgeon's mates- &xA Jnantryi ' - Ca.---H Atkinson. JJeut. Cot J Snclling. Jla;er -tjohn B Wool. 10 captains, 10 first lieutenahtt', 10 second Ueu'enants 1 surgeon and 2 surgeon's mates. Seventh Infantry. Colonel- Jin M'Donald.. Lieut- Col -Vim R BoOte. Major DuA Appling. 10 captains', 10 first lieutenants, 10 second lieutenants, 1 surgeon and 2 surgeon's mates Among them are cap- tains W. Chisholm, (sc) George Vashon, (Va) first . lieutenants Geonre Birch, (Geo) William Bee. jr. fa 6) Wm Irvine, (Va) i. J. Clinch, (n c) second lieuteiuuitt Subscription Books for Stock in the Banks cl , Newbern ao1 Cape-Fear were opened oq the 25th ult. In Wilminrton, Fayetteville and RaJeirb neat four thousand harcs hate beea takes In tne CaptW Fear Bank. In Raleigh and f syetteville about X' thousand have been uken in the NeWoenu At . there are only five thousand to be taken In etch Bank, there will doubtless be a great excess or subscriptions. The State Bank hare declared a dividend UTJ per cent, for the Iasf six months. 'f f O-'." On the 23rd ult the inhabitants of WilminftOB,' pate a Public Dinner to Col Nicholas Lomr, and the ofUcert .. ofthe4lrd regiment, for some time past ttationcd l that town ana in vicmiiy. . apt. - i no. vaucnucr jmwni, aided by Uobt Cochran. t!q --Our Naval hero. ,CoAA Johntttn Blakely, Vas Uated , whom they claim as a towns man. 1'r opt) sals have been itttted in Charleston, for publiso Ul UiV UiatVtJT Ul kliV WUIVCU OUSa,Wf wa mw.mj a M. l. Tho work waa completed S short time beforer ' the Doctor's drath. It will be comprised In 2 octavo volumes, price g J 50 per nolJ "the profits of UurpubtlA cation to be evcluii vely appliod t the education and sup port of the numerous' family of the author. The Commissionets for supet intending the re paration of the Public Buildings at Washington City, have contracted with Captain Hoban and. -Mr. Latrobe, architects of the first ceUbritjri Tho...-' two public offices ate to be completed by the 1st of January next. 'i Forty-three Gun-Boats hste been sold at New V York at an averaee price of 30J dollars. Their cost V the Government upon an average g 2a,00 a piece. The State of Rhode-Island is exempt from pay ing the tax on House-hold furniture, by vhtue of rt .t Af k.t. i .M.hinr fmnunff men DnncnT from taxation. The fcnited StaMia Frigate Constitution, apt. Stewart sailed from New York on the 23rd -ult for Boston, where she is to be repaired, and Will then join the squadron deft' v. tined for the Mediterranean, fitting out at that place. NAVAL The Boston Centincl contains tho -following articles . The Independence, 74, dropped down to Presi dent Roads on Thursday, where she will receive' , the remainder of her armament. The Frigate, United Suites u dismantled at the Navy yard in Charleston, for repairs- . The Congress frigate, Capt Morris, it is expect ton. She has about 250 men on. board- The United States sloop of war AlC&T, Capt: , Cooper, which arrived at the Navy Yard, Washing ton, on the 26th ult. has taken on board the heavjr . guns for the ships of the'line at Boston, and Ports mouth, and will sail as soon as she obtains men, nouh to navigate her. " Te Uiutcd States schooner HoRHxt arrivedat the Navy yard, Washington, a few days ago from. Portsmouth- A ccaffir. J Brussels papers mention, thut Mr. Otbert, of Bremen has discovered a new Cmet, waich advances slowly toj wards the north east, approaching the Constellation of ' lers?ua. It is very small , ;;ftOtt:ff;t ' - , tOMGRESSIQMAL, CownunicHted -Proscription is the bane of1 Society, and he who denies to another the privileges he asiuraes W'. himself, is a despot. - Ve are authorised to state, that Alexander Sneedj of Uockin;ham county, will serre in the next Congress, if elected: And. for the information of those who are, not personally acquainted with hirn in thA dirtriet-we are further authorised tostatez that hiahottticlu ateof tb . pla'cul kind, and truly American To cultivate peace and. harmony with all nations upon impartial and reciprocal terms ; and more especially, at the present, to improve and make the most of the treaty of peace lately concludd between thit country and Great Britain. Being , those whv sincerely think and believe-, that nothing lets i than a thorough and radical change in the leading tne sures and policy of the general; government (wbkh anj r. not be effected , without a change of men) can. poasibly under existing clrr umstances, restore ha to that nigh) nd prosperous state of commercial greatnesa from which We. have fallen, and without which, we. are doomed to pav enormous taxes for years to come,' while the'fesources'of the nation Will continue to be dried up- Also, as relates to; ourdomestic affairs to adnt. and DCrseverinrly pursue. a system of measures, rigidly-bone$t and economical, for the upeedy and more faithful discharge of the pubttcl ... .JF a .... i. - t.! fvui ill Vi Lie iw ICUUtC VI1U wi aa jjiwv-- --r extmcyian ) tne present neavy internal taxes. i uik is a Drtei c himself to pursue, Is it not time f outline of the policy, whitfh he pledge; re, if elected. . & . for the, people to lookout vith arecur rencr. io nrst principles r j - - fQr U will be recollected, that this district is cofflbosed of the counties of Guilford, Stokes, Rockingham and Cm well.' " f ' $'1tU N. B. We are happy to add, that although Ut. Sneed has for some time pant been in a low state qf health, he at !resentis in a state of convalescence, and no doubt, if e ectfd, will be able to attend to his duties trt Congress. MayS, ms. !' Married, on the 25th May in Caswell county, by the Rev. Banilu Graves, Capt. Wai. Craves, eon of John . Graves, Eq. to lias Nancy Graves, daughter f General Azai-iali Graves ' In Lncoln, on the 4th ult. Dr. J'. Witherspoon, of ; Lexington," Kentucky, to ' Miss SopfuV ;v Graham, daughter of General Joseph Graham. Died, in Wasbirigton, N C. Mrs. Elisabeth toungi r In Norfolk, the Ret. John Buxton, a Minister cf the Ale. thodistChurcL. ' v " , , ' ..t- .