WJ er otveef r. :A . ; t-Tu 1 eOer 1 , some Uinu EftM.in4.kich bad arrived Marin- Yr!ted to lrk wtane, ! they i ct t puU.v4i oV I . Some but wr1 'lbtn rb-tn: :educt'oo of the terra t - vow , vtlin na n- manga. ah m ot.-,eis 'jccjv: " Tlrpperor r retired b botrer V3tar.lJt Ltgi'Uvt body, tod boell. t pA-?9 lftTclf li placrd in the imtne ( j' cVi3erhood ef" France, urrnurdeJ uuh all (j-eten rttwntd tba. the contemplation of his VyriflhM roight never hive keen attLt Iroro -unrtir Corrtspondcnt. oil unite intcrJy tn w'j jb liciof the bte events having been pro wi htaaT' rtner then a deep ml artful arrMRc- LgbttiCi( aonapfTXt and bis C u-:. r Yjjea there fort,(he adds in cimclusiony the M tt.a lu publican mem.'thinv m iK mhi,t tlietUl didaobexkuaeofiU! .UfJktJmtl. service toonevru'i komet We hive if rmmJ ..tWr. ,.a , torvbrtlerml ilie nLa..r iK t.. r.r, s.u L ....'u in me cou.'ic of debate on th!u 1 n i -u.r .v t r- . Z . Ol fS. ,. , , " , , " " -7 un: ii war, II BpOUKCa U Cl VsOOSUl ill nu oi in oniioMr.p dtbattr cmHeA -. r'...,...; t n.u : r r.. , . . .... i - uviuwiiuuuiit km i uuiim. miifMff lop inn funutnuii. a r aid what atraseemeot hat been adopted with respect la colonel llatnilion, the former worthy .iriwi ird venercb'.e iorumbent, but he will, no dcubt. be oiine onostr.e debaters called a Conscnpuon, BrKani nd h-r.ee the trusuiKlertanhng Ufore aliuUcxI to. no hei V.e V?no: lWj p-pus r-yited the vue rescl this bJi given as iAr v.c u.'joi the Ciicr.fi;Ln rd tr OTU. 'me&t ( ..;mief Russb, of the peace are fnal!y settled when Prussia and Aulib arc I WcTT'ff and disbanded when Briuin has Vjhel flsets, reduced her armies, or foV . jfcrBiectfrr them acrosi the Atlantic wl.cn kflfrrw prlsoneis, naval and mi'itury, ere t Cjo or 00110,1 l,icn sha'.l I be in expects ,oa laic's Pr&pcr meacs be takn to prcvtnt the Cjjajnjpfie) of being suddenly aroused by tlie r.ews tflj'l hofOi proclairoinB"Kt'eat an( ex'tracrdinaiy Lsfrom France,' announcing the Imperial rcsto jgOjiiid appalling us with the prospect ot its wi- POLITICAL. FOIt THE STAU. THE CONSCRIPTION BILL! So lubject bas been more ffrossly misundsr- WxLtban the proceeding of the last session cf jcongress on the military bills which have received ihhdanontnation. Owing in part to misrenrcsen- Ijiuofi, bdc paitly to the circumstance of the only Wlevervottd on not having been generally pub- ished, (lor I have only noticed it m the obscure ' i : i . i i -ii rorDerpI a single inipcrjj wniia airomer om rt- bommendtd by the late Seci ctuiy at v ar has been titibhshed nd much commented un, .though really teVer voted on in Congress. Tints has occasioned itCOnlusion of the one measure for the other ,-tho kery different in ail respects. Those who prefer a fcorrcit view ol subjects so interesting, to the empty Cecluuutiuns of party scribblers' will at least peruse she following short sketch of the proceedings; twhkh the journals and docume&ts will prove cor rect. i bath in the last session, Mr. Monroe then Se fcretary at War, presented li Congress his plan for encrt using tiie army by classing tlie population of the United States, and di alling to'.diers to setve i tie regular army allowing to the classes befgre toe aratt surhctcnt time to procure by contract the persons who should serve as soldiers apportioning the charge equitably among the classes in propor tion to the rekiftive y&lu- the estates of the per iods in ectk c.-a allowing them also, the vid of the United StattS' bounty for enlistment. J Tbi3 mililary committee of the House reported jitftU it) pursuance of tliis plan of the secretary, M"j;t h was referred to a committee of the whole as usuaJi wticve it has remained, never haviog been voted on nor acted on in either house. Nor has any other bill oil similar principles been voted on in Congress, thougn it has been much talked of, and dencu.tced as an oppressive Consciiption, and com posed of the system of Bonaparte. Inceed this measure is the only one claiming ai y sort of analo gy to a conscription, and even'this no man of intel ligence will say has any very striking resemblance afHhe French Conscription. But recollect ti-is measure never was voted on directly nor indirectly Q Congress About this time a bill had passed the Senate tie pigned to call forth a lcspectable force either of re gulars or militia at the option of the people liable lo railkja duty, in such a manner as to avoid the compulsory principle. This was ertitled "a bill to wthonse tue Prisutent of the United States to call upon the several states and tcrritpries thereof tfor heir respective quotas of 80,43$ militia ior the de ence ofthe frontiers of the U.S. against invasion." This plat, oiffered from the usual bills for calling Dutiajilitia it! two particulars. Mrt, the term of service was enlarged as proposed by the Senate to years, but as amended by tiie House to one year toly. Second'y, twe militia were to be divided into Jassesforhe purpose of drafting; each class be fig allowed siiffiacpt time-before the draft to fur ush by Contract cifaiir,tWo hiiiitia men, or one re r.stldi(r. 1 he. petlormanc'e of either altcrna iyf discharged tLej, class so pel forming from draft 'other requisition. ; Ou failure, tlie draft pi"oceed- bift thaiorce was in that case to be merely mi -. botn in chatter and in effect they were 1o ' toiuninjgj j, their own wiiiitia ofticer,. and' eir cmce was to be confined to the same state or 'neacijui-Huj ' ' . , '' n this pi .n two objects appear to have been prin i'NljinB ; Jirsi, by aU.iwir.gra smaller propor i;itpf regadj bssubs.iiuted for militia, there-, 'y toaftji:,, .wHtetisioJ the regul r arrriy ; ani v -K:J iivefi that, Species of force pre rftu' rlii.ui.H, aii J particularly to opposejhe dia f' vcu, ,, : Vhuti -'threatened every expowd ,rjj. ;. y.,,: cccotifli'j, to reader the ituli- Wjpt .;;,. ... Atari Minnd.i-. snd mnrt? to ''Sfci vivi, bv cxtcitdinc ti.e term of service. ' C differ- a.v huVwrrn the. rtro branches itf re- .tiife.ia Wuuicular occasioned the entire loss p ,iU; T feSenac insisttfig on two years, the r'nuw ? Representative s ipsisJifVg ':n (he term be reycaronly, TheSente i purred the loss twe tail by ai iefinitq pDsjpf nenj'ctnttn a riducV. r?' the terirr to one year ciniy,' .Previous to this rFer toannictee cf coiifcreree was appointed Weh tie twd hofists to ; e,orsidef on ;.tfee .disa vnrla .... J . J r i LI. - mr,. . II . . . -"'k 'j i'ieu lur uj mi povernmcrc i ncre is hi I K ,Te? ?ruS Ucw of lh" subjet. '" "Jrair-ble tndi in the B.iusb nremmenl,Vith wnKBM.y inn w., nod on ccrr.p-ris jo with H e all us ska, and which we lament to say is smorg J-rr-. to te coirect ; it is net my design to com- the least cf the excellencies of ours, namely,; gfati-iiu-.it on the pioprutyc: impropriety of the mea- tudc to those who have served their country vfith sure avtu.y vut. don. Let it only be tn.ly under- fidelity and t.Mcr.ts. The Brirlsb government, , ,.rT co-isioereo in relation to tl.e critic; mucn .i we tiislHce if. nr s4 knoxi, tr. nt n(T - -.w ... iux,, w.,cn ii was iwttu--Uur r.iu:.- an aged veteran Irom its employ, with no other re-, ii) threatened o:i every siic wiUi immense firm cs conifKnce for past services, or provisions for futurel without a disgraceful surrender of large pnriiors ol common' place expressions of regret. our lermoiT, and ot other rurMs without which we Mmmtih P,.-,W,-.A r.c,;.t the production of ll.o. W. degra led people. If then the thcoccation of oeace at the vIIIsm of Ewrlme.the 0Trt PW c.ui.su'tuii'.n fcf tho irne l. r - . . . . r r ..PUl'C rtcitUioi.a given o - ------ - - - - -w uk i rr iui mi : f m ik f ) i nii"n:rr. wviwr n . ysw MivAasv.i . - case, will riisar,t.rov.; cf .hr uUri, 1 " 7 .K7 ". v"v. " ' Hmse-IK-mp OjMtman.Wm. Haywood and Tho. W. ir , r.K - . " ic.u)ci,Tiasacarceiy neen equaiiea. it consisted Scou, were Uh: moit a:atinuiibed. jori.y of their rep.csot t-fv-s nave supported, be it of 1801bs A t! e finest Bour, 90lbs of plumbs, 481bs,l .4-..c-The ywg Ud.e. who have been engaprd in so. i hetr jtlugmci.t wih bc.more satisfactory, th.rn of currants, 45lbi, of suirar, 360 eggs, 30 nutmegs, :thJ ciiremei of Muatc, for Uie Ut siawen. maj, n 'tuc.c ii it iounucj on tr.e nJsrraDie scraps wtilcn 5 Cz. of cloves, and 120 nuarts ol new mi!k. t'ouut- uieir varituia ac and periods ut api. tction. w.m!J indeed be canu.U pu n:; i'.er txv. IcsaMll LkUk : . , .tfm.mf Lowiaa Bill, JuiU LmT SsIIy iservl Ltmt. Wfci,. Uix Cm aUry HiMit. VrrJUWA tvU t mtfJ-lMu. Ma;d. Btwva TV mtxi ttJ pp U f Um LairU aclioci wfm cxanifted, iaMM0t w boa tk 81k ad H(bc ctaM m exam'med tm rtin( ppcr, Ariihowitc, Ea.h Cnaaw aad Gorfly. ta rWi, Maitbew VnXt ud Joh Orako xrt ctatf Tb tmitee caawo pa ow Ik Laacxmr acWl iihout eipreaaiBf ibekr parcalar spprotmioa arb nanrr in which it hi bea e dweted dunaf ih tor period it has beta m operauoa. ItMMb thia acbool baa had aa rxiatewet of a hw ssenthj nljr, the truatca tad that children, who tx-fbre litej cik lered it, did sot kaow a letter ia iha boi k, can read, write, have aoma kaowtod of figure, and can repeat bv heart a aumber of moral vcrara- Some, indeed, have obtained a considerable knowledg of Engliah Gramaaar k Geo The inn tr 1 ar aorrr, ihat. f want of tirce, they bare not had it in Uicirrmwcr 10 make a more particular and saUaFactory report of the prugreaa ot the aludents of 1 his inauiuuoiii but thy trun tliit anooph has been aaid to ahew, that ihey hive an hiU opinion of this new node of teaching ih: fiitt Kujmient of learning, which, they doubt nut. vrill berooir aa popular in thia state, when it roeriu are betirr known, aa k ia in every other part of the union wnere 11 iui cecn introduced. Ctmpmiur Amount the pieces from iht ft-maie de- ( partmcm, mi of i Caroline M. Galrs.aioud (bremoat, anj in the o.lier d '.'artmem the honor waa awarded to Scott. ement waa manifeated in the , pu juc rucitatioiii given on two evemnra at tlie State- JSc mjTprwwsingjitti tflake UvftJshteen , -.s . . TIiCpUrVOI H9 UHHSflSM "J W3- rTf fey the House,: which ir.sisied on reducing. J Jwial the. blouse 'ef Bepresentatives,. pae; aubaeret;; .'.i .4i:f- ;. 1 , v ; 1 - - ' ' . we every day see in the opposition prnts-wi.thout , weighed, exclusive of milk eggs and spices, 457lbs. ' T' P?' didedauo three claaaea. ho,n each of anyn..s,tllng-without expiation of the points , It w, made round, and boilffin a strong doth for I m tfj condemn d-wnhout generally understanding them three days and tnrce nights, in a furnace fixed for SSiT B 5?wood ' tSdi. . 11 If Villi ' lt ItJ lir.if r.- . n-, a rs Hh.. n K. tl. . ' .1 .a. . . . Ct ....... r.t nnu Kuiutiua vuanii iiuuiw.c inn DUIDOSfi 111 a rlr.tif. nvrr wl.trh 1 trinnnru M.imr whirl; they have stumped up to nr.;cr it cdi- shed was erected Un. Pafi. v-u. in-sc ci.-mi'ior s oi ci.ivuiry ngnt success- j ;:oO:u;a fully th fancied nioi.htir w'.i'ich tlicy have c!r.ssid I n at Kir'ir Arinrtv up by liuir t,wn mli.uh Ui imaginations, and th y AUtlUll oAUL.M Y. ats-i i.a.CL-d i:i rccruitinic sok'.Lrs to go forth with ! , Sc'':'-a;"lu':f immnfio. The Trus-.res re imprress ih-m ...!. .,. .1 .1-. r.i ca wu!i a belief, tai un abstact ot tlie itiwit, publiclv them M mal.e w.y on the thing, none cf them U.u the examination concluded last week, will not ki.ows wl.at, hultt is enough, it has a monstrous oniy prave inttrest.nK; 10 the well-wulitri of all establish u.;Jy name a Conscription, a I rknch Con- j menu for. the instruction nf youth, but extn-mely acccpt scuipiun!! Thus the hue and crv is raiiid and ' hle an J btiifjc!rv to those who have entrusted to this kept up. A CLMiScriptiori ! I have indeed heard a mong tl.e nv;se ignorant orr'er diticrent intitations ofthe name some calling tlie measure a "iro tcrifliiori," others a (ramcrittion, and in one instance an "inquisition." Most generally it was taken as same m'jnstious oppressive military measure, but of what particular character Was known to very few, if any. It was in- some hist .nceS taken as the estah lishment ef same strange 4und ol relif tous creed. And in truth even among the best informed of those who condemn the vote of the majority in Congress on the only question they ever did vote on of that denomination, ni;.e cut often have not bcn correctly informed as to the tnii st.-ts of tl.e l'.tt, as regards the proceeding - t;ie -uhject. I. f Sf e Tournal of House of Utf p-.. Journal. i Se c Jouvnid Ilousa of Rep pAtf1: ; iniiitution, the education of their children, reUtivca or wards. Guided, in their views, only by an ardent desire to see the semiuaiy useful and flourishing, the trustees cannot conceal the. high (jratificatioti they have felt at the ry l ayior and Caroline Hales. Wu. h waa expected i ot Uiese; nor were the expeetniious oftiie comuuuee dia I appointed. The two moat difiijult pieces had Mien fo I Miss Gilmour and Misa Tai lor, and were executed in a I style honorable to their clasa and themselves. The aongi Dcionea 10 miss Haywood and Miaa Gales, and were i vtn with great efl'eci, jud(Cmcnt and expression- The music, of the sang, mi chorus, by Mr. Goneke, Waa great ly ndmired. Tue second class, which waa alsodeaervinfr of hifh com mendation, consisted of Arm Lonj, Barah 0 LitUeioho, Ann Hawkins, and Martha Dickins. Nothing could be more Satisfactory than t": evident application and talent which had enabled th'-se. younjr ladies, in ao ahort a time. to acquit theinselve so well. The vocal powera and taate RALEIGH. niuuy, .i 1 s. t'. to. jl Mttil Robber dctertfd. The Deputy Post M lif ter at Randolph G. H. cf the name of cijwha has for some rime been concerned in freaking open lcttere and bbing the mail, wa"s a few daysao de tected in his nefarious practices by Mr. Ctcrge Tunstall of t! is ofiide, and commlttecl for trial. Tc plan ol direction so stic.cesofttlly executed originA tedwiih Ifm. Peck, Esq. tht ir.diiLtiv-abls Postmas ter in this city. ' , viiosf or,? The gre-.'.t number cf Swindhus cf every rank and clime w!;o infest the country and who impose themselves upon tltc easy bc.'fcf ol our citizens as unfoituiiatc uublemon, ccvnpanionablt: gantry, or ingenious plebeian;! have- become an evii of such maenHude that we think Affe' owe it to tlc nmi-rtsa of the undent dinino-tlia lata .ex.on in. of Miaa Ann Long, may be safely pronounced of the very a - ... n- am V , ... ........ I 1. . . e mm ... - 1 . c. 1 tiuat. u vav i . nui ntn i.iiunc ui mira rannj Dug's: ana Mis Sally Sneed, heard without ereat delight. Indeed, even the evident embarajisment which a public oocasion and a large audience naturally excite could not prevent the happy talents of all' these young performers from cal ling forth the applauae of their hearers. The in cresting class, which fallows, consisting of Sally Hunter, M .-. thi Murfrec, Louisa Hill, Maria Cotnan, Su satkGaston aiiii Mary Polk, and which stands third in or der, if it did not aim at any thing but what w as eaHy and simple, yet no less deserted approbation than those of longer standing It was impossible to behold 11if.se charm ing little ones acquitting themselves so handsomely with out feeling an emotion almost allied to parental exulta tion and pride; and without believing that the buds which are thus putting forth, will doubtless one day expand into glorious ilowers ! U is aue to the professional merit of Mr. Goneke, to say that the whole exhibition bore witness to the care, at tention and earnest solicitude he. bad bestowed ' upon and felt for the success of his pupils. Not 00 anxious to learn ihem to play, as to play well nor .SO careful to, make thorn rpld performers now as excellent ones hrre tfter ho has proven himself to be eminently qualified o instruct others in the difficult science of which be i him self a master. Nor could the Academy be more form ate-ad of relaxing, as is often the case afier hiiccessful ef forts tlie exertions of their able and excellent principal have appeared to gather fresh vigor at every mcceedir.p cull. And although for the last half year Unavoidable cireunittances prevented him from having all the assist ance, which ia now at. hand, the progress ol his pupils has never i,ccn, so rapid or so great i Mr. M'l'heeiers , has succeeded in inspiring Ills yotin,i charge with an emula U'n and pride uf clurrcicr, wliich hae produced and promise the happiest reftilt;). til tins ihe late rXamina lion nli'orded abuuduiit. pro'f, and if is confidently believ ed that ihis Academy i now placed upon-a fooling of re spectability i4ual to, hat of any Minilar establishment in l ne union. Net the.Ica'it inr.eres'.ing incident yitnesaed tthe late 1 c;c .11, was Itu- pre'jen' alion ot golden medals and ho norary cciniicklcs to three ol l!ie tcr.ale students, viz. Mis fcliza B. Haywood, Misa' Sarah U- Liltltjohn, and Miss fclcanor White. These young ladies had all com plctwl tlieiv course tf edtic.iii' n here ; and became, by a Sliding regulation, etijitltd to tinge distuictionb K-irSi nftherr, pi-, nted an address, on receiving il:e re ivard ihair pericverar.te and nicnt, fraught With what ever cnhtitened, amiable end virtuous minus could aug geit , thus producing the most galist'actoi'y evidence uf finiirovenieat thev had made. Chief Justice TvW a'lurwai-ds ih; iv. red v the students, on excellent and nately situated, in this point of view, than in having the i.-nputaive atlfiiess and there ai e h')pes thai he will com - co-operating aid of his industy and talents ply n iih an earliest request made for its publication. Uy order, WM. HILL, Sec'y. Tli'o trusiees will now proctcd to give tui ahsiract of N' B- 1,1 addition to their studiea and tssks at 'he Aca their report, li st reinnrking, that although only t hw '-emy, it is but justice to the students and scholars tOtuy, (laj-t hd elapsed since the arrival ol Misa Kye, ww ii lht numbers of them have applied themselves under a -charge m t'jmale department, tiny had great uuu wt"er, uuu in acquiremem. 01 a Knowledge in sa reiou.i to 1 ... 1. .... ...1 ... red music thus addinir to the means of o-paiifirina tliir . , ... 11 . j- 1 . . . - . u lia-.i:':;;.)bl:unv:d the to.sutawe .f this &vroti piished !adv. parent ana better discliarging the important dutiea of 'fii; following iui-.'.cats were distn-gQAvheu in the sevc- dt",;j'";' r:d clasps thut tvr, M.iuii'l Many oilier distinctions. " were awarded, rouii ot tnie ami teoisie Siu.h nts, in in-; j f'srior classv!;, Lntol" iheceit. is not thought p;oper to eii itcy into a pani' ular detail. ; " 1 . E iU 'i'aoles The si udents distinguished in this cias, ' .it 1 . : .if t. . .1 ... 1 . i- , . .1 . ,i,; ,, ,J '...,.1. 1 w ere ityueri uooowui, ciei iniu- uca.vii ami ..lejcuntier u . Vv j.t, ... . j j - - 1 J , come unoer our own personal oostrvatio.- v rr.: cn 1 Marquis's, Poli?h Barons, 'Spanish Patriots, i-1 1 tS i P0STCRIPT. ereat men ot oui own country whose visits are .ooniar,. growing' rather out of memtfry from fie 1-pse of months, w.H not now be troubled with pauuular atknowlcdiiincnli for the honor, of ,iheir cu. de- . Ian. aelrcta Vitera William Maruen. . -frojauw James GLolsdn, Ueiijaniin Hcjwood, M. sceixiiwi? r.ctices: we .ihail devote t;uf atter.1101 present to chat alters cf tiiis order now on foot, ri 1 liCaftc'r to ethers as tiny inr.y chance to toiue witn the sphere ot ourousci vatttm. (jumci HaU, a native of Ireland, lately a resident in Fatrfax county, Virginia, is now roaming over the country, selling for whatever he can obtain nis art of cultivating corn &.c. to all who believe in his improbable representatiens cr who confide in the ceit'akate of thoss who certify ;.w:i Ms rejtretenia rionsonly. His'udacityiiicieasiug witb the suc cess of his impositions, lie 1ms t iugth vehiurcd 16 announce himself in the public pipctsy None of his certificates are to his peculiar mode of cultivat ing by those wha have witnessed it. He h?s cerlii ficates from VVanen ad Granville in NW.th Caro lina, Norfolk iS Virginia, h other place? where he 8c his works are unknown; but none from Fairfax. I he John Randolph who1 certifies in such sweeping terms is not the J.rfm Usu fhiipii" whtim ihe world knows, but is Mipv-'W-i to be a cnickraioe'd Hian of tiia paniVw.; lives some where in, Virginia ; or the paper 13 a forgery. In either case' an im positioiitis practiced if nothing wcrsB. ; - ' ( A dirty looking FrJncimun whose name' not recollected and whose dialect would hardly convict him nf hiscotntrvi bas Subsisted ft, dozen years by obtaining subscriptionsjfov an engravlftpof the Sur render of Cornwall" at xcrK i own, e is ar, ims moment some where practising his Impositions and ht.E never heen exDOsed, because those who have been dnped by' him have generally been , ashamed to avow it. Let other printers aia us ana sucn wi- i a theae will be compelled to seeK a jiveunwa by bonesi industry, eveai if the dispensers bf the law Should tail W puoisn inciji j ig.oui.ajf : f- nr-u t m.Z'-aUtnrn of tlomsiana have Daisied a vote e t,or,t to all the Generals cfcnderhed in the de- fence of NaiW-Urieans, omjiuug uw uiw v so. . j- a - 5-' . A Bo$tqfl btait 30. . ii:il Tr 'fitli t&6 -jft renort fesGectlDC the VVasp Sloop o.WsrhayingeeneftbW r,Jr-.i..,viW tn last, we learn, is not entitled to branch credit as has been, wj;ta-i 1 uit v cnuot 11 s Cusar dust Wm. Hi.rdtn, James Gholson. Ovid cluaa Wm. b.v, w. !"trjilc!ns James Galloway ; but the rest 1 f the. cists, vii .lesi-pli Sinitli, A. Aikiiibon, W. htm, Win. Htnuir, aiSJLighiy apiirove.l. A'td Uis iame ciass with tlie ex- cep'.ioi! itti-iii Galloway, ani lha addmunot Joshua i'uuLiiiii awl 'k'lio'iias t,recn, were cxaiahitd on l'rosody, 111 whudi ihey w:iv Very ai.curuie. v , 2nd i'irgu cluis Tlioma- Green, and Joshua Tou'.min. Viid ditto fviere aim examined on Greek Tf lament. J. We.itoii (Jaies, Vi'ittiain H.j'WOO' liempsey Guodnian. The tolost named were also examined on. Prosody and at quitted themselves remarkably well. Geography clan Sterbug Wheatou, Alexander Eoylan and Hobcrt Gom.win. ilrij ditto Itiiliii Hay Wood, Lutius Polk, Wm. Shsw. 3rd ditto Ii. Goodman, J-Gholson, J. Smith, A. Atkin Woii. - ) 4tfi dittaMm Scotl, and Thomas Scoif .vt ditto T. Gretn, W. Harden, S Wel.b, J. Cylioway, loisliua Toulmn , VV. Ilaywood, W. Gides. iVAeorC John MurshaU' .iptllin cluityMnnhA Falconer, M-Corhan, M-Bond, E. VotierjiiHaywaod. Mary r'liun, Mary f'ah-ouer, 11. Long, Mary Davis.li. itoheitbon, Gaitlta Wite, Mildi-ed UaVtst 'tlie SdSdatid ith jtefi;cfaw-on.,UiiMg cf SUycung ladies, gained Piucli approoutien. ' PnU-li lieailtT Mary Falcontr. . ' ' . Murray' Sequel Zelpha Simoinon, L.i.a Kol)crt60n, Martha lavis. " . t'nvper, Tusk Susan Hare, Mary Raboteau, a!crtLa Falcoiier, Mat)' Flinn, Mary Bir.d. ' JleiidMgMiltoi..Tndpiiring'3My. Sneed, Ju'ia Lang'y, Err.rha h'ue, Louisa rl ill, Claudia Giiniour, KHza sof -t!?ry I: igsdalc, all excellent readers- If there he -ny distinction, tlie three fins' named are entitletl to it. i parsing there" was no perceptible difTia,f'nce. . . Arithmetic Qr the Hide of 'Jree J--Msrtfia Falconer; Julia Langtey.ISnnna While, Sally Sneed, Martlia'U ivis, Mry Uaboteau, &Ury Knox, Eliza Casso. , 3rd Crn?wrtr;ea?---MaitbaFalconer. 9th iii'r-l'arthen1a wnriamaon, itVn ITttre, are 1 est. ; Zilpha Simonlon, Jane Toulmin, , Martha Dam, Caroline Norman, Martha fjickhs,in ihe order nanied. ; . ,Ut Geograp'q cafwConsisttng,f twentr students, Zilpha Simonfon, fc'ttsan Hare,,Eliia Casso, Martha Fal eonerj Mary Davis, Eliza tVrtter 1 ' - '2nd dk'tfa-f-SallV Littleiohn. Eleanir White, Mary Racrt- dale, Fartaenia WitliamaoO. Martha Davli, Sally Suecd.l Julia lngly, Emma White . ':, . - Fifty eight students of both sexes have) been examined in Geocfraphv.a number arrester than upon anyTornier oc casiou, and the-progresa of all were highly atiafactoiy', . , Xatvral Pfdlonpfot Cfrnv'tra and, frir--Gii:oline Gales, v -. v.- , :: "'V '-v';... m LA11&TFKO.V1 L'RANCE. NtWTork, June 9. Yesterday morning arrived at this port the fine fast sailing iriir James Monroe, capt. Skinner, in 30 cLyslrom Bordeaux, capt. S. sailed from Bor deaux on the 2d of May, and the river tlie 6th. By this arrival we learn vcbally from capt. S. 8s the passengers, that hostilities had not commenced between France and the Allied Powers that the En:p-:mr Napalcon had an army of 400,06 men, ready to art whenever circumstances rendered it necessary-that France was perfectly tranquil, and that the Emperor never wassa popular wit b the French people ' Intoe Bordeaux Indicateur of the 2d May, is an extract from a Speech 6f Bernadotte, Crown Prince of Sweden, to the. Dietof Sweden, in which he says, he " thanks them for the indignation they have ex pressed at the attempt which, was made to declare him : illesitimate ; that he was about putting himself at the head ofthe armaments going n 10 Sweden and that he hoped, with divine assistance,to be ena bled to baffle all the efforts "of his enemies.' The papers contain the New Constitution which has'been iubmittt d bylhe Emperor Napoleon to tbe French people. 1 l ,, ' , , ' Capt S, has, brought Dispatcnes for GovcrV mcut from qur Miiiister at, Paris. prom the Voaton PaUodikm of tine 6. Jly the ship Uverpopl Pjcfiet,' captain Nifkefs, which arrived yestcrtiajf from Liverpooi' . w'tVc) favored wii,h pape rs o that place of the 28th of A pill and, Ddon" paper of the 26th. HostilitieaT had not.commwccd. ". - v,v Najxileon's press is endeavoring tc ristwe Ber nadotle'd. lis cUse"; and the jealousy of theallies tin y css;3t hirn ,'.-" ,, y:Vj;l;-'i. The French Fund weredoWn to 57 1 4tn thV 2ou Apni.. , ) Resolutions for 0 revival of the "Property Tax' bwards piovioing a war revenue, were passed by tbe British, llouss of Commons, April 19. :'Jrr It appears that Lord Casilerciigli.wrQte a letter to tdi I'fusaian .Miitisior, rft Vienna, in which h aaid fhat Prtit sia muit to ngSftAizd to1 form a barrier against ? th alaTmlng and dangerfius 1 preteOSions of- Russia.''" How thisf letter ot inopivtt is tonkoownl-Tlie London Courier censures Lofd, Castlereagb aeyereryi .-L it . . . - Gen, Miranda w Said ta have been Convicted and exe-' euted inSpaiftv. i . ;, , ; v i,th j -; ' MARUIED-Itt Warreri on the Sth Instant, fi thoieaH 01 uenry u, wunama, ierHr damuei ferry ot rracit- tlH.- .t:'.f. m-'Um ,.- ' m.rmm.m. f -- .J- V . 7 ' . ' fill, IV iw ai i ff WHHt;i W Ul IWUII VOUIIIT.' V, , - -ri. . 1.' s ' ,.-;. '' ':;.. ..-:' ir.r Of:--. . ;'t-:.' " t f.. .-.. Y".,-j;Yx

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