una rJ atj a l; CJ ul U truX't 2 ctc Jcj U, f jf tS rtwi cf tea a-'hrt. Ni tits tvcaxUJe, Wfn ute r r.i- ftu: rf to b tetn9l V4 i,! 'J r-u-J k. cMnnrifi vkHfibrn mr htnot will L.J..J " J.. . .wiilVft were - -t .-u N Lti. CrfH Ww. 1 Nl.-ti:(.M,1l.r r,f lyWtM.trMDf t'af.klkkUT Vi.. II,, u, ' K ic iU U ir nil COR(trM Itlk - ::V: v I Jen tv rnrUti'- evening tnitvd its bV-v-a r Cmw U cAV.t ruiSi hktiiioa frori this '.--ire, ot LKljfafAmU ub b.r t ) t xjr" tlttrr-f 1M.VI h- Uc rtw.:v4 fik- -Jt Areeii--; r-tr;yrn in 41 froV-V Ui rrcs ah i s-eas tit 'J Us JUti.Jw t cwtina- (Ct L Ull" iHiauMijraf wt.wi.Miw'i vi turn. cuftu.r&.'s eii.tr-ef the .... -.. V-.it crime ( vMcb bo wa$ u'mikstJ ia general end rt t 1 u un.njm jum rjii rtrrn ihkm n ui mi i Hum r c iu.jcinriiTiinivr - S': comn.,nco! ; nitjr. f H U cuU J been M ,r,6 1 ;Uul,, r , iJ uivr ' ' r ' f with c xpr.nd , - 1 u -.1 v JUuut'c.,. vf . ' ,'Uioa of unh .cWTu?.ih nut nur) U9 r.trcf CHf, fleIV T-w? J tl yoi nil! n,t (of cour4) tAe t.r u . . t . u . xw - m . r . r l . . - - nckii.ii Am suli ail un inn 1 - lAivrrx1"" - .-..--v... . , ... ........ w . o - w'sci:,lantS.,: i .it H.unmt'k anvht annnrs ,to l.e to f..rtifv f' v, ne f u,c oa'uiiss were caiculitcu tj vjtfuuuu n ui u;uitn. ynncipici ro r Jcflfn, a V. usiotlfttitl the ciiy. jnol likcljr, Iiwjr 4;JJ ne, t t!ica matcrbUf ihc Aj lUlhum, i.s ..t;rd n'nh a "qu .vq to taSfc . cr,l,1 of puMic j.ice ? I tsk. when you have in the Ipafcftruiuc-ttjjdlluidrflcuptf. tirst iniiui.ee tin;d the ulimrtum of puyw!i Twcpi w coi.Uu .I!) e.tiburki'.i'Ukd bii;pg for ,ncnt tbetrtJh) trime, il th 4 i Art fee pro-1 tlo saia,JS Si?ncu b: oil tSn oif, who wct rrtwnt The officers of the army, ranrc cot.li. I bave th? har, o Ik. ir Sec. W. S. IIA mILION, Lt. Co! It. J. CoV. RALEIGH. uc v,, i " l"3 J- ' -"-''Vector U;:eCil,otr::c; which hanei- smi-L if the rrituuiid becom e por- J ..... I U - . ..il :... Trr .. juuiicuuu v k. no1., uii'itr uic xj-rcu'.uii oi luiincr impuiiy, t'-Atui hiii lfence ? Ifyt u tk iw t think s lua4 niut oo. Jtti ycul uve .. m-ucccu.lurubls confidante u the rcgeutruiii. tffuof excinpdji. fiorti punishment, th;ri I Iwvt. Wliea once the laabttr fct um depiuvUy is acqtt'redY5 lt receives , oy oxei'Cis.; tonunucu uccssions or b'.iuvU; ui.0 in vctr'aty. .I.i the ii ogress of hia cuicer U.e culprit iiLd ta cr.4Citi sot.ic icsvtroU a'tcuipt. l utn one bob ,k!!y sdvuhcea t u aecoi.d, tiil at last Lq tt:- c.:s,r,tiiy biowca the vicuta ci th.it prcpt'&ierou' i iiort.uiui:b.'tpcUcd' impunity bldti'Uj;lt 1dm to 1 despiw. ' f . , I'KCjNCHl ,T C. If thc'ibiitts bf trifiiiiiial juj'bpi'UtlcTK czV be icVircd Vuhout dupriiiiic CclIow4:eiu otfeii in- uaw,ltl up t:ic i u'Ah ri.-tnd in iUc cwAidjiSjbu POLITICAL r...tr. ,. . Alifl&yDBRseif In'oc ori'iepptas, printed youv ioWHv,! uttWeKiU.y SuW.c eji, ; turt larfeUtudtoi' , f hit eEiiCto Las li capital purrfshmeor upp.t .an LfftDdef, 6aWep'Vliit'iwy.be tlhjcnoicf-'wTiith i'mfd ,fThty tie Umnlv ttierfe Uiat he 1.1... ;(.... T i,. )IUiUuvlufl'BiiiilW) luiuu ui'tiii- V7via in iv IfJUUlU w- ivu.'l mil ilui w iMiirhfiii iv i" v- Se(t tif tw ,iiitiopt iip4 time when it h-icie.ss jco;W cotiid havt protracted Kis cxiste(le 1 miht, i$trafc'fa)ic'(i ?btt4i eonvciae of ineo have Jsnide'swine KtSnernent ta )U fcUo-cteuluri;, fr tlUUi jrepanuion td iiidivic!u:U tor rTfh tii4r.ifiofi,cC tait pool' belief is pecuitly-uii-Lftupate, yhdUtiiii forced t3 ie'rhiittatc liis carter bcfbl-itbelrilval of those tiavs which ffe-ha4is- l'S'aca to llir stutef' ex& ncc, wuViisHW" itfMintowoiner.Sae ot ot'icrot icl.jir4.hev'.by t'wabTj pery'tiii: iii4nTiitMk9tn W cieiatiou. It jMStheisuufeuislatvc: characteristic .f tiie toftjuiispi'U lteajtiiit f tiSi.flictedbjt ery til capital Vu-vltiheadSU iti'uih r-tf us-; the Vase ..for !yn ScttI'itocK ics, r jyc uiu oy .ir, yuiiir, .,. Lj feyefy casic ht-foru juiRmflnl, ''t Mr e Uomrfns trfjQwd at) accord ciutu to witiii-uw inlf,froAfc,4'9squ5Bttcr.:pf''a ,ntivtcti:v'into Ifotiiotery "exiled "Tartiiia Jusiituilon the Jarmei -!'Cttc' 'of tbjQrato: in England bow itrilting oiicrnblapce. 'tThi was perniiUetT, aysotd Coke, hehKe' criiTftinal caoai -iat-iif." ficrdere (uitrtatn wini iVjJrw-,Oa the.iime .rritKipl tibRjty wa eiiOreeco' tQ person ac?t;sd to disappear fltt jia'ljtt defence ai retire intd-vofuntitry ban,: mroiJLin th !atiati of.ngiish lavto abjure ( SijSacpsi "one bf Uie ancient leslutovsTpf F.jpt ('il'$till tart her. He,- abolishpd capital puniil don1 E'eotprinlJawj ,'i'lc iium oi its-'sfipoiir -in the LrtuUiretreieat tti stu; u;ni;ivcB. !'. paptr I.ine witb ul t w Court iiouj,"b'ul tWuM not ct it io oi'iu noine vin m.;. iinuh, uii-.iy (4 l.iy ncihbm s wibh tci see t.tc n n.ei, und they, cl; not takisfcw: AfinervOpltull'tv i.i-r ci.it Gyt aiidu iew of the -Jit-guttr'. t T(.retoro 1 wish you wottid also print that M$ci, aVd let itiyitigtoturA satisfy tivemsves . hav.: been iuiribiiirg a ; great deal to see the electoral iSicn. v'u"C irwajd 0 boqn uiid. Yn.pVribiai'If' because the thfaite oi a Pixbidei'tlyj oear at hand; and td thouyb it is bciivei?cui?'JRe4)i,sei)iativ,es would rot dai c. to pby thir.ugly tncKs over again, it seems 'as v nil ooi to put it Li rliciv pthver. 7 Vfturato seivc, , PHILIP BLOUNT. s: July 2ljsi5- . ' ' ' . ' ' iVA1' I Opcu,this to s iy that my neighbor Carey, who lakt s tiiia, ha jMondstd to ta.i ii T.c jjnts to town utxjmre Siaiiuona and et t'.ie paper 1 told you of, witu.fhe niiuus, and you can just bticl' t''cni l 1, Uthur With Oi' VkitKitlt t.ub SCTaVi ' I . ii. EI-ECTOiiAL LJVW. . ' i,. tif relctritiij to tl ior 181 If H wi iijtothc jjumii of the L?Rrsbture ill ba ibend fhi thefili ' takjiVg from e'.iilit of eobsii) electo ri " to ot for PisidV'nt asTci Vlco-lVvsu-'Ient, waA n -'.toruccct .by-. Mi , fu.te, c Oige-' The t-i.tty i jj Mr. Mehane preu-'ito, a bil jo teje.ti mi ?r.t p.iisoJ m tjiey .:ar'l8'.if etiti?d'' An u'i ' J--vivl. li:--- Ur. t.K intf fiStots liVihe.lii'l'xise o ' i,;i:Jj' Kvpisn.i frt to.eiMi:'1 )tjM'l.,s-n f the y .r i'id ja.:V.' .hiinff 't A "ftMlhu ot ap tiuiip tittviim t.i .e"rrvsi'Uefi t ; f'ic.i rrvv$L ui'ilic U aaith wKtelt Cfw.lK:itv!'C., d"5 tfttus uud to Uif-JM).M.CH--Jr''' . TUoe.wTiWotevf,.(Ii'3 MU, in ths wnat . . ilcri. r 4. .. i: i..;.:.... oa ils fir. al Ihickt'll, (nt'cn. iSance; ii'iinfeham.'-.l).'oeri v, l)o:ioii, Unviii. Eiln uv.ds Il't.'iwitj.i tj'iyiet-, Gi-srfef. t'.u.v. Hawkins, itoiits. M FarlunJ. 'cbaw, l.rius..v, .vti v. I oow. t,iiU(ieK, i.m.. .ilfetd UTArt ,.F A-Uh .kAM K om.lr;wkl .i'nUhistlih'S. .S4ftil.1'aUrr. 't'BViur. It. Wuliums; 'I . Wlu ht. V ii lnMiiw.i. . , . t': . .it i . J..:..if4ian-a'ii. Wvnns. VVftm. I ll CS I " . - '- Mic ?worlu. :' 'Eertut he thousrht woUht derive fjdafroro. -thifc ttiodc of puowhrnent, Wift j hripusd for It fe, appealed Equally cai tjtiialvaiid tp repress crimes.- v ; ; ft g rfds society punishiuofils ouht unques ly'tbt:m6iderrtif anl uiild. I. know the opi dVapnced nome writers, that the number as f ellia the jrequetiny f crimes is diminished sby ?! iVPfflfp 0XKuhmnu and it b upon the fjfls that .We seem to have bW"t our. system of r'wna? iarispruJertce, Nor is tins a' very ivicom- i"; amnion wUh Hie natu I'he vote was taken on the 23d .December, and the same tiay passed $le Jibiw'fe of toniuwtis, the luHowiftper$W6 btjhg'its srpor.tef0.-' ' "jHeasrs. AvervfV': Ailc J-'Anii, ijto.UH PeH, fcr, 3aSkfr, CtarkthkmHrs, ..C4vW-,lli(i"?, e'; 1)(5tigf)s.- lurre,Kfcoi:n, ttfiro,jfiilihlol, (iiiltpi , 'IV GriXtt. GoHtltieBuy. 'i'J"i Hr;T$;H l!H1i'..,U3 "rilc''' Hoyle; HhrriB.' MO'i', V ni;?, V;. Jt',t pi,.lw.M., Jojiter, KHjUrUkiVvi'ndori, U-atHeVmin," Ia, MebaieMirctft W 'Jpwi.fih; l. 'KHler, tofldy? Mo ifei, Motire, Maiei'u.l9dj Ko'-fyorihy; .N-lMrf, rii'hpf, Kainey) V!1 Pi-V'"'"-it' tv' l"i- t-.i ''Cfr, M. K. Satf'yer, 11. '.iui-i -iVrnji,' J.. 'I'v)$u. Vsi-bck", .!Srglj.0i;xH.i;c( Ai hwrjiy7:bdi --';. The till ' VJv. -li-lbr a rtturn t the.,t;ood old tnode'of t)0iK twclbif ws'orierfi oaits final pasiingVnpt'coiititt ti in the coraiebns,' 6yihe follow irig inudii;i ' .y Mesafs-'BtU.Kai-lnWfiii Gopelfsdpiibnry, VW. finhie ty J. 3 Vhtntei, :'"toWty, .f Uarden; KUJwiita?, lostcr, Knetmnn, t'Uiry. Barrett, Uudfiios, tlriW. .ehnsor, tliu ijimer. L:mlort. C.Mootje, O'Kci'y, ilaia'ey, SUit"-, nations of Europe if we iust ;vti ttch the utiwieWly UV ai .d . ensanguined laminaVedes. On accurate and un i .X4r4iia(toii ttjwlH .ower. appear, to be '(wWlihfbttnded as well as pernkious, incon- intthe prinCiple8f,;C,Urn?tvTe, anil by j cts3ry tenscquerice, ' vhh those I viae and -V: ":, - a - ;.' -'4? I .w- wrtetiment of Kaoe wus sympathy, is ?,6'f JTfferciless 'od'ir' ta re main- a mong, t he 'jWoefefcce'of -ciitaefrf - by- the'bar ij.' :ujf" VI -cnminaia, . ,i nese RaroaroifS exmoi-.i OTMofc l;tean VUteat and gradual, but- i.i,K!LA 4h uttem'nte'd id introduce an atnend Jf gfiVCUi BOIHniil,inir, iwiiuuiii- . In the'Se'nate't Q the;i7th Dscember alter a- :e'.;oif secure; Wffi.tliite lh? Irs of nl6s ho . wishi4 to i,he7comns,oJf course iring.to tb Xejpre. tbe oVr "trtninak iriform f ?- v" -,l A.Ca't IVkM'M " 0 ..- I . I.. -.I. .1. -IV--. F.l. mmrir7r -: CT1" - .vV keen tk power n jineir oifn naim Jl0 of so.4r fi.-tt-'-...flfv--.v-.''-.-w:1 Sthobar ... w: t. . . wu,ta n;uy i,pper:, when suth a man f HcUm w too r.ea oi the stafl, and figure to the pre-j-i licerr;,- cfrUtr of lhep,4lfron w.i'Ch us deserted Iftho.tof of tho papers are Jul noticed, tberc ii u- pa necisswy iJr imtUr rem'atk. w. s. ha:ilto:j, v Lieut. Col. Ii. It. e'em CaiUi.o Uii racks, Ja! 9, 18 i 5. . . txrmcT, L'arliiue D4rrkf, June 2i, 1815- . a cipy oi charges product d a 1 gainst Lieut.f. E. Hedges, now of the 7U.Ut4 of Lie 5n, lnlaotiy. I,itad ot saebtintj binl, vctf porunRlinribrjJis.iiii.al, inUc wafcf imluletncc nc was pehiutted to hand.ijrh'ts resitsnatioc: nTl.e wains jo bcfaii- unplessaht in-ldifciriums'nccs, be w .s uaij-ea 'o seiert some plac6 in the cuUtHtj not far di3tantwhere fie might remain till the war de parnhant should notify iu decbion in the tase. , He selected the toani of Carlilf ordi;tCd toriay, and waj pasitively refused leave of r " 6PiiKion. l.fii i tlUbai was given Ila l no authoii'y to grat.t a lurluugh, and bacnuiefif fnatauthoiitv Kid- shcu d not hive been permuted to dt pan, believing ibc'' Iii desp.ie of my veiusal, and cfftiy or .dcMf,. be hca lift CariisJe for U'jisUnctoo A ' .-rintiojiby tjive tiic deptrtmcnt 1.0 trouble in tne Wrj of irbl, I sugg-.st taat fi'e may be stricken irwn t.i foils f the et my, and that be be notal'ow--4 resign. Oa ths ciut gesb't would have been casfuetcd beyoad a iult;Tur the f cts can be .ifoVjiiiby iiiuuy M,iuites,-i.i,d the law kis piovid-. ed in ttie caie an txpliri: omaby. Ills departure a'gx-avtfcs,bothcf oiLuots, an.', pun. him Uyor.d the sphere of indulq-ence. I shall advet tice hi:u as deserter, efferiug the tpttsciibcd f e ward fa- the purpose 04 uukmg hh djjrace pub'-ie t' end 'JmW he beifprcfed to trial, be ought tbTsufler death..' " He wiis once stticketrfim the roll by General Armstrong.! Ha. he got restated jsU iknbwn.tQ me. Jle' tsbject, & x4aeiiori',".crucl. to tie msn, and aisiWe"W. bis e3th. If h be asked. rbow it happened that 1 allowed inm to hand iit 'la lyWijnaunii ; I ftuiswcrf tswt it wuA eonHldcttd-thti siioriest way of 'gttttng'Hui'bhnV "hl that be Was riot wm-tny tho troublj? of iiv'u.ual triul, or the iyr. tice of tiie War cilice " : I have tLc honour ttihbe, sif, '" ' Vely tspeaflilly yt. or nb't sr, - ' . 1 7. b IlAMtLlbN, ' ' ' Lieut.-t'ofi it. Ii Com. En?. Gen. D. Farte r, A.!j W ' 7t. Ueu. -, . KXriiAOf. -. - 3 "M&fWjt. & iu. Vi-nt. OJifc,Jttr 14, 1815. : .SJtl.-f vised the publish vV ol ihe Naion- etlescncei, liot 10 rep . at the CKlvertistOKnt'i and y;i Wiii p,.i.ise to scud a note sig -ed byCyour Adiuutripand to he publislicd in the sa:V.o pAuer ; einbrai.irig'ttie loiiowing iikas. - j ' ,f , v 1'i evioui Coadvii tiaiii)' Iieuv 1'. E. llttVj&c. be had bcu .Hliowtu Co- withdraw ituoi iho set vl;c, m the War Depatiuieot, a.id ihe Of lct'tof Ju.e 14th, as pSbiisjied fn.t he Nationul latelii eict r, m hi s tasa, 'hereby aupeiseded. , s - 1 bis is to he signed ly . the - Adjutant: voTdon and lb -o the ottfer of the commandant aj Car lisle, c. j .. k i bjivyou to siccept thtiew fcssUrahccslof'to. great TcTpet and VrgiM, . - 1-'H-.; .;. O. PARKER, AdjU fis Ids. Ceo leut. CoU, Hamilton , ff ' rV l' blRAsycu rtaye been. allowed to retire fto'm the army , the ordeciatcly issued by the tomniand- tiiif oiitovr ul Vviunnjci in tuo iuiu ut ii norcitiBv mont, in your ?se cannot ibw,; iiTect j-6u.iiie I . . .. J.. V.i'.,. ,,'., Vtv.rrf ,.,,, VI .,IT.,V I ... ' liu liuo uiViirviK juunia utwwi ... -v , v. - J . .. r i YeUP ntost obediout ervatt' ' i' ' AiV . . "'jfi, ' ll&lgei, titUtuittidntZ . ''' ''!,k " iAi(i.5i.-';-; Colonel, please to have your ordr .tuoiaiinantl inK the advertisement o(M Hedges rittulacod as'.bii' as the advertjsemeiit.haa been pabtUu,d, V4-;iX'fMa f - '.'.Carlisle fypych, 22d JuneK 1 8 1 5,. .."?; . t . iKX0i9t-tKnig.; tiiQ casa w Mr, Hedges re' received;' -4 ' ' ; 'V; : Tlibman- wii deerfer in.lhe strictest- eei.e,i and wai'pUDiiBbetl at te rdin'Rij'A ..o- b. dividual hetuerue(i-the IroVc-fcicnt has no cause f cornpbirt.' , The .bene fit Jof adver. tfsiftp jiim i was treat as .r'estJecttf lhe'.cbveinjnert 'ofirby torivfaand, and of totlrte; the mhiic iofei t , 1 091 :jiC unccwano yyy icuera --'o you v1 hi'!. coifaerihakdy, that. I-roust assert Hed jre is. narfeseTVerl .'ordo?-Veu--'-ifleajnV-lrtt8l3.:tote Ihat 'he need net be apprehended 1 v r wje; ui st, u is oU of the Question that I rflW Yfff n trtthftra- Cwtrtttmrai'-mi. We ara requested to eta-. a thut Rocr TiMmar,' Evj. of Ten n,t a c.idid te lor Cuircs 1 : .! Uirit II 3 is a Republican. U e are aba requested totats tat Richard i t ford, Esq of Orange Who hc presented tn? 12'$' trjet about IT years, Is again tandio-.ite far Co.i fjrav-.lle ii a Republican IMPOSTORS Mr. JM Fn:t.cii Rrnnu't ins en m mirh iiudj on'lli ciTo. U'i . irvin 11. lb1" Vl A lt jiecnt tt uuM-ryim tlfT-;inl; by his tfi'roriUiy i.f ids uiKjommon ihare of whicU )u vmdiciition a nr; pro.if TheTcllow tnuheMIO'- jfoinfr about for, m.'-j,'. 4tfiding ihtf coipmuiiHy mil r tht v . . . u.x. J i i 13i)J he was whh'his piece i tA?y'iVd n : vc-tttit. !y 1:1 ii mu -, ih'ii in Carohn I nrvT iiv. IU- h u .'-- I'.very wlu-re be tells what bo iiauncai plaiua.tibjt uui in liji-vrr mian us cui 4nrr 11 19 C(P nxjT! iqc am. v iunf of pur brethren. In 18J5 he stated hebv benn - Uuve yeira Ubourinpon bis pie c, iiiid Uiat U w ho hwa.ediu4v engraved and puhnsWl ! yel in sll tjjny: ' lye would perausde uaitv bpi rtu(iitiis wat to h fmnjl , tcr having tlse, warkdoil VTItcirl Was in tkia pUie, hi 1 8 12 or 13 he persuaded the people tlui thediawib waajust tlicn fresh iiim. the'pcicil ?--'Vow he scys (that to have it engraved in this country, " rrqui rc n w( o A"t njX. au exjiert bngraVer ia th" three kinds pitying! anj Utat no artist baa yet appgnot 1 in this C(uiitrywhi cnuli undi-.rtsW the engraving vf tUuure ofC$ctni. quciicfi" And theartiry aoe pitee, that:''b.tit(aap. s: plifd'h only td "I'hiebou't ' and Murray f Vnilaor4lMia" -but ttt Iviny of New TTork to, do the work ?! t ; -The" aUtft - , ibciniK-Uti expene.es, &e. sven d it were Ifu.', has nothing to diiWiUr his system of fiaii-k II only pi-uyes be hr.s sifitiiiderei lha whole tnnnvy his,'stthicri .r rs hi.d lutend ed a assistance in procuring the cn river's nervicoa t and . wat wey nceu never expect cuntr to sev : 'fc.lienaima ;. ; piefce again or their money.' l:t s. word, thU nnh'uiiir'g' .' laipostor wnuia persuade ns tiwit m period or mm i uau ten years (how much more We kvirtxv rot ) and having -re- " ' ccivfithree thbus.utd five hundred d'!ars in advanf'Ajfv' siilisci option, he hus not been u'.ileS.ou.' u,v the engA - iuji oi an v. a. nary vitongr. mut iny piece, , win j! at i .a siuiie time-many exoellent prints have ye alybiiGil tt-p - pluju-scs for our ftrtists and g?aiK-4 the jiubla taste. There we seVtrel gentle me,i ii Uii tity who inv- sen Mr.., lienr.uk. jpvdvllerttit prfs of t Uui.t 8Uitei, haVu heiu-d'anptrkdig'-ory glories, siid wboyeraw v . 1 hp urenot qurst'rh. h. K'slituj'brMn ntiiwiitrut. ;.ioeij:iiMs, una in aoing piae;- Mrtgtttrvngdant., Hutrii7 vmorcc iniui Baiiwy uvuiaicrfc ma raiuuiS .jfenomtpation',-,. .K$J,J-; A .'rnoAV.-Lojhrh, wnVerlywof jfhit.,qty . luebtatf6r.uBlifhin& a ftrpier nltoltirnbia, "AsOcaily'es can 4ef. astettdhe feet.vreep sBoScd 703 bouses we-e burnt in .cterkbur on , the'l dli: and bfapctty destroyed tdlhe m"ouiit of UlUon"t ...,.1 v,ir, r rwi... "ik..t.. 1 .. 1.1 'i- r.i nfrhAt Klit vi!l lciti.4 nhniit R 9.fir.V1 . A cii-t-.'J. - --- ..... ..www... v ww,v.v. ' Qv- -SA senptton lor the reiki of those who lost their -al!, was opened ijtfiis city a few days ago, to which the cittesns generally kubscrlbed.'-Mr. GlenCui- " K 8 Jv'c S "Av ts. ' ' , ;tv : I 'rum the Qrtaho itd Lake Superior the sava- ! ' ges We B iid tobe- hostile to tbe P.rfltd State. tienl. llrowii; has, ordered troops to the ointi" tlirea!encdt'andwill wojhe, bring them- logins. &ci(xiti!t,s cf Cow;cSeyenty: eix' tbpusshdH" 5ve bundixd and eighty Cwo Bales of Obtton osvnsb'ipped 'from the. Port of Savanna lUiebcfeb, ;,' irom trie 20tn jviarcn to the 30th or-June 1815 . 6 r 1 ' 1 11 t-t ii! I j ii till 1 1 t 1 lit Miff 1 w m mi hi St I CO 49,079 of which went to Europe, hnd NuV,vn porta of the U. SWtes. A Naval Court Martiiillia uteri held at If alifasi ' Vn the officers and crews of tlic Levant and Cyane ' for the .capture of their hips by the TJ, S.v fixate 1 Consututioh. Tliey were hoiturfibly air'niittud, their capture beinjjj, ascribed the very supt: ipr force and s-ailing of constitution": cpd the CmcAsnd rncn were tompuwnied lor their sknl and Intrepidity m elcnurng:iUCirh.pwiv.-hile flicit w4s,the least , ptvspect'ouccis8.; V1, r-v-t seb hava : beecaedjinifd' :!'Halifilt,-id'etect(Bd-In fishing on the WlRem lsh6rc of, that pro'v.- K 3?hey weVe" howevei" rclcasfeljimrueaiajtely;; with tntiu. papers eudorscd, proh fbmng their so fbhlng btfututo. Twd Cu'nbries hadilcd for Abe-tiro- ; jcciiog uf their fishing git'urid, WitVbrdfiri t bring ; 1 oi.-.-fvery Arueticfla fcund. witl.10 3 mllci.tf the ; j.j. f r. .vi. wvnuvuiiiiiuiy. ivvi iiik 'jfv the Turkl 'eregoiiij; id assUth Algeiuei witjv a - J & -piwcrluftquadroo; tMviljitiiwiX'' ttl' vi,, ite M. mm mm I! l.iLtaincoijtTiiy aiaie4()i &(neotme Morthsrtl ; 'i-t,"i 1 patohcVBanksuttbe'est Mfl euUviri,ua; 'W' ! &f?J M Wt: $bi;iirten .Ohiur iiiaf;'.1-- IJH L titimbro 3,ai 9 -Gsuesi Mead i J J'U -' vi'i c ! vt 3 M riiewa, etatet titbe 6rilidlSnrro pre'piiFineeforcei'i'v l'f 1 Ij tietlared-Wistawof UockatUno,be Bitod-I ' mP -M I knwityttt Mm i ll

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