Jw!-, retimsJ to OifOoDc, aa4 Ul since toca d Me4 ' Ueomft4. - .' , . JCDtitch frigate, which hai beta awn that la was expected to jaio Giia. DacWs sqat- rJn spnUr'l were msrcUtag fir the frontier CiO D-J" camanaJ at Gibralur, andirtaUA triao.M rtspeft. . . . , Y,0 American agent on board Com Decatur's irajiron, bad ptocUroatioo rdy piepared lor de luring AlRkuia ute cf cke blockade, acd nrning central not to enter there. The AmcrUm sqjadxoo mJe 4 n-e appearance la taebvy and sevcr.l boats went ,ff u ukc peep The niat niffht ti Ontario arrived at Gibrtlter, Imtjs Aire" Je fnt a boat express to Algier, with the inforraaiion Haratio Spratu', Esq (of this town,) resident l Gibraltar, bad gtvco all the letter be bad received fromCapU Smith, dated at -Altera, and likewise 4mm tat Consut at Tunis, stating thr cooduct of " I j-e i K.V the Bcr of Tripoli, to v.orn Dectur, previous to pnzj, nnneve, oi Bridgeport, irom ."Xt-v.iJr:ca-i, he squadron proccedirjj op to Algiera. in ballast, havia discharged her carja at Pas- The Algtrine squadron, had been out the Straits, burgh. S! ia tie first steam b'vat that ever m.-dt- twit had returned to the Mediteranean, and was ex- the voygo to Jh m mih of Mississippi k '.i n k. b e nccted to have gone into port. rriide the voyage from New-Orlea is to tis ;rt in TThe Ab.el!ini privateer was at .Marseilles she, 3 4 days. 20 days of wnica w;r employe'! in 1 .ad- kj? sold one of her pri tea for 30000 dolls. Let ig aid unloidin freight at d ff rent tow s on the - from I'.ant. Wver had raeen received bv UaDt. .viisumiddi ana u uo, so iat sne was opiv a ;i. vi ILI a a j 4 a i . a - - iecd4r!a, i JbX, ' ' ' . " 03Uib,DUi,fJp) Epemer, Dawnre, (bti Fir Fir, Roucrt, Boxer, Ponei, Chippewa, R. id, Saranac, Litofi FUmucau, Nicblvift, Spaik, Gamhki Srxtflrt, Uil.t, Torch, Ch u-icey, Lyiz, Store r 3i 5 . v 35 (From Hoflaod) ii 18 It 18 16 16 16 16 10 u u M Butf'or, A'lagnrs, July . ... nTt troop at this p.iue are tin kt orl rs fur t ... vrrd. The transport, kc are reav.y r fieir ri.eptixv. The BrowusrilJe Vc'.t graphs a v rried at Uiis port on Moor'.iy ). , t' t "t-.i .-. t Knter. Salci of. American prodace had been dull In Gi braltar, as !) American vessels botrod up the Me diteranean touched there, on account of the Alge-rines. ii active service, lit making ner toyag?, w r.n our readers wJl remmber must he perijnned asjai.ist powerful currents, and is wares of two tLoutand 4wo hundred tmict in length. " Last SHturdsy evening the Steam was first tri ed on the Despatch, another Steam lioat, Ute.y , We Ikave Uen favoured by Mr. Hopkins with built at Bridgeport, and owned as well l .c inter- the Gibtaltar Cronide of the 1 7th, June,& a Hand pn, y.the Monongahca and Uhso Sttam lioat bill of the 18th, extract from which wiUbcfound Co-npanf " We arc happy to learn that ahc is hke- jjejow iy t answsrthe most saiigu:we expecutiur.s "f the COM. DtCATUR'S SQUADRON. the ingenious Mr Freticn, the engineer, on wnose nnth lr.thJunethe U. States sIood of war On- Pn she is constructed. It is exerted that wl en nrin. Ct. F.lfi.4. and schrs. Torch and FlreBv, her w,,r arrived and anchored off Gibraltar Tht v saluted through t,m mhinintr ann iftvn. ivhi.t was returned llV loth. The pext day, the frigates Uuernere, Cora. Ueca- utciac u i rctartwr ftwervuHun. tur,Censtell-uon,Cpt.dordon, Macedonian, C pt Mw York July 2S. Jooes, brig Epervier, Capt. Downes, and two ketch- . A two young lads, the sons of the late M r. Man- es. arrived offtiie town, and proceeded immediately n,ni? "f t's city, merchant, were walkii.g ysierdny ; on their destination. Un the lBtti June, a un isn I i d"v ojjt, in i Yn.inny ui mis c.i iH sUcti ofU, re h wrtH erjoj .la ptnot tS wiy lor, another. ' l!ut fr.tae auwj prejudices which itxlUi b tUt coaatry tgalati u Driuab, and whic porUy (rev ou. of the revcJu&tfury quiTel, bdt were rauca more dtfusi tad tz asperated by irJlimnutoty pubbcatioas la eewspspers, the mca at Waabio goa would never kave bvolvod us In the 1 ue w ar, on th pmancta upoo wukb ibey rc:ad their juuification fjae that roaaaure. Scarcely. any greater misiortuDe can betal a peo ple ihn tbe gcicrat prevalence of strong oatktnal preiulice- It Was against the evils anting bom such a temper of roinJ that General Washlngtor, i.1 hb f -ewi ll eddrtss, espially and rarst earnest ly warnrd "his ccmitrjmtnXo beware, aaaDun-'g his a4ruioisiriUon the opponikm took advantage ot the prejddice of the pp'e against Lifland and strove iurJ t? pIUTge us into war. Washu gtoo n,)psed and defeated them attliat timet but lie f f 6jjw t ut what be bad prevented would again be dCte-a-.erl, wUca he Was out of the wjy And son has ci rr.c to piss. N 11 "oy individual quarrel; every unpleasant occur rence, w.dch takes place between our pe pic and I the Wrluih, is seized Upon and ovde a subject of I I a'.i (Tc.ice. The passions and the prejudices oi t'e pcapto are at once arrayed for the purpae of I revenue To excite prejuJice and ill will, every t'tin is diitoited or misrepresented and often the ! n st bare faced fahh ods aix invented and circulated ?yrthe jh ncw-pjpcit. witli the View of iurt nai igto psoplc'a mirwis and rjodering incut ripe f jr the saeddtngef blood. There are char curs anottg us who can a!wyt fb'l tdue enough I jt wir with lingland- It is a great evu to a rP-tion wnen such pt rstns are sulh CoctJVM CocadQ c. rxortA itTe ttsoTotriJ tl! tbumod dollars for Owl aam purptae v. - a ' It baa been aoted the Neptune ;d ai'e fTi Plymouth vUkMew D-yard, O-UaU- , k-X' -tSe U. States. . Capt. Adam, wko tat if ti- Zephyr cartel asagcut for tb priaor rt, at ; s. bad not sailed oa the 5f 'Sit t; !. t' i-xt whicb the Shiketpcarka rd Z fc;r a-i-) t. f -J - it was not known when she wcjd. V U a, tV( 1 tWat be was himself aJonf at(etl ' H-pta. i r mornlog of her saliinf, and cer.viKl U'l s.Cj ., cer on board j Ihlt Mr. Mrjirt was at that t -i t( ' board, seriously ill of a tbmplaiot'.ia tie' i i i . , which it was the opai lor of tU p)tcj had held a conu itatioo, wui pr?e itu tuU -iclta ' , he wj opened, which he? feed catiedto rave done. None jf the commlsaVnera warw at PTy! mouth, except vir. Diyard, but they were d 4 vrt v petted flora London totvke fw:r ftr rbcN;p' . ; tu is for thw UtatedSuU. JeaiV, Th ee natives of China, Jn ! cOMU'ne oTthcr , country, have been some diys ia thts- 'ity. atre- r pcaTance as tney walk the atrcets ' fc'Tn-k jjrrs' . ' A Murderer hae litaly beta brought to pnuUb,-" f ra'.n: in England, 34 years after twe commbuCB of, the ciirae. " i' ,' t ptrstns are sulh icnt y numerous to have weWjht in the comn.u. 1 j cr influence with the p.op.e But it is douhly dn.ger ou w.ien such are cat ustcd wiih the affarrs of 50 vrnmettt.;' Yet su :'i is the pre s ant sutiaiion cf t-.e United StattSi We are yvcried by men, who instead of crying with tnein the spirit of their sta tion ; tneiUK'iuv, nijuerauo i and truJonce, ncccs- to all d in ear ot their supporters rrn on Fed is constructed. It is exerted that wl en auo pruncc, nee ksare incomplete opewti-in she will pass wry w csutuie naUoaal ru erai are sunset to the -ater at the rate if m mUes an hour. l?e bW Pjudices and vindictive feelings f m- c : the most vuiear of their supporters ircn on J LITERARY. From t lie Aniilet nc Magazine. William Wirt, Esq of Richmond, Va. is pre- n,kf arrived at Gibraltar, which had snoken the ly, wnere the Watrr is very deep, the current strong panni? t .r the press, a life or the im 5..kf.,i.. n FnolUh ennhrio-: shis renorted ahe and tne ahore composed of shelving and slippery trick HEsaY,' tins crreai tator ol Vu tad spoken the U. btates squadron, and wusiniorm ed thev had caotuved an Aleerine fricrate. This wis believed ia Gibraltar. - &strct of a letter from an Officer in tne.U 6. Meuiter- noean Stjuadron, to his friends in New Tort, dausu Bav of Gibraltar. June li. J' I 44 We have heard various news ot tne enemy ; Kinta rocks, the youngest of them, a small Uy, slipped a i ok lot warn to it is publication With much in- into the water, and before he could recover hiiustlf, tertst The a knowictigcd vitntui aud brilliant was carried by the current cut ot his de pth Hi eloquence of tic bioiupnci, naturally raise high brother, a lad of ab.ut filtcen yiars of age, ir ut- tXpei.tat 011s, wuiU the su.ijv' t is not only a noble tempting to save him. wjs alio cuincd out into one itscli, oui is also xaiwinaied to excite great cu deep wjter. While in this condition, a fine pniua- rw'ihy. dog bslonging to the family, tiat had accrmpur-itd, Proo sals for oublis .lni bv sutiscrintijn. "a out have ascertained pretty certainly that he is now lueyouus to tne spot, at tiiis in;.rant plutigcd h.to ; cdKi; u.di. vkv ui U,o ieudine principhs pni it Cape dc fiat, for the remainder 01 me sum ot 11c water, ana oy soras mca 13 u-er,uic tjoCirilKS-0f rh, q..., naural and rtvcalcd, con- 400,000 dollars demanded of the Spanish govern y mnest, who was in a drowning euuo rHe-immc- ' ..j, WMllu u; t a concise exhibition of the merit, which has been partly paid him. It is calm diiely graspeu hold of the do?; woo swam wit:i ' l:V"'Upijt jf lite C.risua:i RciiRion," by the Uev'd. ow,but,if the wind springs up, we slull expect to him to the shore, nd thus rescued -am trm a wa- Samuel Srnttn, D. D. L L. D. le Fresidenl a iiid the etemy to-morrow. His fdrce is 3 frigates ry grave, the U of his unnappy hrcther. Thu.tlC cailegaof Ne.Jers y, are in cirduiatio 1 1 u.B numerous rem.ves are rccicr; n nuacia.Mv, luii c,t . Tois w im, comprised m one volume, from tne flighting of a bud which bid Lu- to prove ioctu3 in . ., b tw c. 500 & l . 603 pjfie3 mn b ol the brightest hue. , jneuy p. imtd, ou;-.d in tail ail delivered to aufj- s rirbt rs ai t u e'1- j 'uTs it is the result of long . INDIAN AFFAIRS. 'Study, and ias u . tcig;iie the careful iivibion ot or. jjomSf June i4.- boine tew days ago, a speuch us tUstWte - - u at, and will U'.dotf leuly be and some small craft. DOMESTIC. CLUMNY REFUTE!). We, , William B Shiibrick, a Lieutenant in the 4 & &.May and Archibald Henderson, Captain of J1? rved by U v. Clark from the Chr erckevsjeste.,jnipdinsitiiifui and vwnbks atquisition to lUiun, Juty 25. -We understand that the fritte T niie lSute.". p,. Sh-1 hip Alert. tUnlU fetewarti and '' bi-ijr t'iiterprue, lieut Kearney will sail ia 8 or.lu uy J the Mediterranean. . - -'- , '' nilatny delttud. The S SOfiCO of pliMic motif f , 1 lately advertised as stolen lr m ..Mr. WhinlAary, a nay-mas cr of rsailitia, has been hipp'i'y licovi.red' tbr.ug:i the exertions cfludge K;yiai 'J ! rl Far' " anks, who were semniy for V'r. WLiuVcsrjT , " Having ascert ined, l.y long watching- bis fK.1isVj t tnat Wi ittles y kiKW where the Id0i.y was, bl bondsmen de oyed him into an obartire plarcc" wheic thy threatened him with stricU Injury, if,' he did rot disclose to them where they ct b-d.fi.u! f,-' t.e money. The delinquei t p rittd in d-tltrir g ' . his iimocence, till ha had received a tery st rius" cimest of their de tenninafion, whehte tot f s 4 t'tat the money was sccieted in liikovru1 bousri"? where it was soon after tiund; ' ' ; r ; U T If any thing canexte.iUate theguHtof WhittTesey'i it is the circumstance related to us, that blUfoja tuaate partner had purloined $ fiOOO from tbeum; . wnicn ne oeueved actually stoleo ; tnat sne inrtl" . represented hi$ ruin inevitable, unlets he secured' to i.imsclf the remainder ard that hb. lister td id'', 1. .: . . l . . 1 . '?-ft ncr suggcsiior.'i, anu irumpeo up tne sury,ci nava. u ing been robbed. The g 8000 .was foilnd witV tb'a,. ' other money sewed upln a pair f drawers-, and. ae: . crtti.il in t ie bed on which "Mrs. W. va lylftgi ; 1 when the search Was rtrnmehced. This W.bip, y '141111, u-iauic iu uiqi ()VIU.'J w f If , m Mj.a . f jliow her detection, immediately, though uodiseori ti ed, fl -.d to the river, and p'uogcd into the currcntC . fiom wi.cnce htr body was soon alter ttttr, tttd- proper means used to recall life, but used in yrmvi'; . Albany -Argui. tj ' v . . - . S'.'M'' ' Imfi'crvement .V aff irds us tlis rriiit eihlli . ti'-K gtaufi --un to witness t'ie cxerU'jfk already ; f made an making, to erect upon t) e rtx'rs bfour' , iw i, a numner of the most durable antitibs6htK.; . - bni' linwis Tlfose pa:illc Spirited mep, whobayV S ''iris early stepped forward to coritmencc the wofk '?' ofevfywell wisr-er of our tovf rept - Marines, both of the United States frigate Consti-1 residing on the Alkausas. They comrlain that hy '; the Crisiidii vvoi-id, liis lumemus rm nils wih4 'ttile jowc liber., ity is only Wantme, net only w tn-j, . 1 : .. . 0 . I-,... -r .t 1 . . , . " - - - y-: ' . , - - L - ; tufiuv do severally testify and declare, that; we a ,ulc av-1 01 ine legislature 01 that territory, a new regard it as a mvmonal ot treir reverend and lean have seen in the Boston Gazette of the 17th Jutjp country has been made, whose boun.is interfere eel profysi-.tr's ln--iest soiintuue for tueir importer t current, an account of a Court Martial hclden at with that tract or country guaranteed to thenvby ' interest .'-Ev lyaoi'oi Naisau tnroughout the U Hnlif ix, on the 28lh' June last for the trial of the the President of the United States, and requested ; rated Sutusino ot tnis city in particular, avill bs e offiers and crews of hi9 Britannic Majesty's late the affair may be laid before the executive of the mukus to avail themselves oi air opportunity ot tcs ships the Cyane and Levant, in which it is stated, United States. They also complain that a number uiyui tneir profound respect for tntir accoinpibh among other things, that the Constitution in her o whites come amungst them every year and lul ed and vensraoie prdttptor, by promoting t,.e action with those sl ips kept at long shot, out of their game, prti. ulai ly huff !oe, of wliich animal liberal - suliscrip ion of a w.aU, t:.o prciiis of which caionade range J and sdbndly, that high encomi- upwards of 4000 were killed by wnitc hunters last wlil ess ..itiaKy contrioute towards the comfort ol tmiJ are made on the crew3 of said ships for their c ason, taking the tallow and leaving the flsh aridiuis oc umwi; years.- V. Y. Herald. 1 j -L . x, I viy..io.. ) .. . r , .. , I he Eoiiots have received the hist dumber or to be received into the Arau lean stivice. Now On Monday last, aurne of the houUe Sacks, ci me-: npi-iiriil work entitled nt Ameriwr. um :... r... 1 1 ,h5 nr,. with i utrnt .u ... ...j.M" peinaicji m orK, entitled J'C vmcucai vu uui Ottilia uutmic) mat inc uitcJic vuusiuu-I - ....... uit iuHurcr w.io liuu : ji ; ... ( , . .. ,.ir .i. . ide of those ships at not a greater nt to Praiic du Chain to invite the Inuiahs to H.i? w ' fz..J-. a ....k.-.-k- m.Z IVlitJVVll M Ut.i 'W 1VI . HU I l'Ue7liDIIV,,V UlWHI Mil . price S 2 50 pci annum, paid in advance eaen nunibtr to aainiivg Don ranged ainrgsuie ot tnose snips at not a greater distance than 250 vartls, which every Derson ac-1 treaty , j ' a - - - l a a qu anted with gunnery must know is within point 1 i pec is uoe bli tri nSS-rt i tV r T UMU- W well known CHi.p'.er, and pu aotwu Tf1""3. VlaUU'S 'byE. & E. Hoiford, A.buny, N. Y. y11!.'51004' lllt3''howfvtr' linum,paid in advance-eaen r,u k carronade range ; and secondly, that no ef- having thtoW.i themseives on cur mercy and are ... . . . . l.i..ii.lit 1.... iIm-Ai.u ik : j: . r. fort, whatever were made, nor any temptation held brought here through the stupidity- of the m, ' r - k is pro to .jo cu ier. u is noDca tnat i:one oi uur m,,.. , n .t. r : ' o -v - aj a - mtm Mill V. Oi (hem. poil'mcAL. Out to the crews of said ships to induce them to de- trt, or quit the service of their King' on the con trary, the verv frequent expessions of a desire on their part to enter our service, wre invariably dis countenanced by the Offi.crs of the Constitution. There ia acother charge made aeainst the Offi-1 f ihe Editor ot" tne star cersofthe Constitution in the proceedings of the, i SIR-In your last paper is a communication &n- Court Martial, that the crews of the Cyane and newnewg Mr Stanford as.bsirtg again a candidate Levant were confined in the hold of our ships in a to represeut this District in Congress ; this nobody rm climate.-yrb this charge we answer, that doubted. At the s-me time he is announced as a they were coofi ied in the hold ia tho night time, Republican j this every bjdy doubts For if the hich is the custom on board all ships of war, and majority in Congress are Repubiicuns, which I have especially when the prisoners are narly as numer- always been induced to believe, Mr. Sur.forti cao- usasthe crew of the conquering ship ; but the not be a republican But if the irinority are Ile- Wews of the Levant and Cyane were permitted to publican then is Mr. Stai.ford Oi e ol the fiist wa- ftmain on the birth deck the whole of the day, and ter ; for never since Mr, Randolph raised his voice iWe third of them at a time on the spar deck, who against the , Administration, has he once voted t Arts, i'lclu'ding also State Papeisanu Public Docu mcnts, witn Intelligence, dvmestic, loitign. ..ncl literal y, Public Laws, anci passi g Events; beinj; an attempt to form a useful Hcposit .ry 1'ur every oc scription of American readci " I he fust . umber contain s much ustiul m. Uci, is iuindsoniely print ed on fino paoer. It is un amenta! by an tnr.ived view of Lake tleorge, said to x .iiiit tne mobt ro-m-'ntic sreticry in tlienertbetn countiy This Work promises to be a valuable, u!.d is ccrui.i.y a very i cheap MMotliany.-Wat. Jntttuifencer. ure the speedy r.-appeaianpe of Petersburg on the ' 'nap of cities, but to elevate her cnaracU'rand ittija.-... portancr. in the estimation of ner sisters, to whicjd; s:se is justly entiti' d from her commercial sfrjiuotu " FttertBurg Republican. In tae KeguiU from Halifax, came pavr5?ngcrS 57 1 Stacks, t ho hav6 land, assign ti.ero -ill ibl?; province for settlement but, until they cnlobii' waemj they will be placed in good families, ai d ttitir , children be put olitas apprentices. ThcdVstrrfcd ? from the Soil. hern American states the Tart summery . St. John's fn9'SruH$is)'ef,:: Several privateers from the United .States havt long been missing; and fears are ehterttlrcd thejr ' ne lost. Two fn m Portsmouth ,f.of thisdescripticrti is if lost, wUjleavc upwards of sixty widows ' Orders have been received at Boston', front V -Washington, for the repair oiQldJronsidrs, andsJhe?iy i has hauled into the Navy Yardforthe pMnmpCol ft t ...(. m I no irons ou them W. B. SHUBRICK ARCH. HENDERSON. Commonweaith Jf Mdsaachuwaetti. , tiujfJk s. Motion, 29 Ih July, 1815. hen the said Wiiiiartt Shub " oaftf Henderson personally appeared, and made oath to the truth of the above detlaration by them sub- fctibed, before. ' ! v : THOMAS WELSH, jr. Justice of the Peace. From the N Y. Gazette, July $1. wun tne majority ;. and on one question when I there was only eleven -numbers' in tha minorn. Mr. Siaidord vus the oulysoutbern, western, or multiie msiubjr who voted" with tnat minority ; so LUat I wou d rather suspect, him to be a full blooded Boxtbn atami Federalist than a Republican. Q.-. ilui8U0ivLALAUgn?'t '015. .. NATIONAL PREJUDICES. Front deep rooted national prejudices have arisen more wars, perhaps, than from ary other iaus. One half the conflicts which have taken Tjlace1 be tween England 8c France have been more owing td the mutual hatred existing in the two nations to- l he next vessel to aail'frerm this satian will be. wards each otner than to atK real or essential i.uurv the Washb'gtoii 74, Com Chauntev, Jiva 44, caD experienced by, either. To the disgrace and rum Jan Perry, the first expected from Portsmouth and of both countries', there is a set of men in cch, who fcUer from U iiimore, IJoxr 6,'Lt: Com't Poiter, are alvvays busy in fosterinc the unchristian feelincs va oararwc l G. IA, Com't Elton, briirs built at v;hat- ot hatred. revenge, and perpetuatuiR those preiudi ,am 'Conn.- "The 'Corvette John Adams capt. ces wlfich have arisen from the confficts in which rei)chdrd, proceeds tbi .'Baltimore, and sails from they have been engaged with each otlier. In this ra ,as ; a: store, ship. rVhe rendezvous in the way ohewar is made to sow the seed of another, 8t Editerranean is-Port Mabon,in the Island of Min-1 from father to son the disposiuon to quarrel is hand rca.j , When the above vpssels teach their desti-1 ed down. The weak, the icnorant and the vicious, Batioti, thevAmerican force i "that sea will ' cbhBist J are the subjects upori which this 'illiberal spirit of ' tne ioiiowing 74 7.4 44 Independence, cpmlBaiiibridgeV Washington, Chauncey, Guerriere, Dectuf, national hatred operates .with the creates; effect. This evil spirit which has produced so much mi sery and distress in (b old world, i greatly county nted anq herwbe tUfrU. States. . ilqhas tl rcaay cosi us one war, aoa tnose wno- arc tncspeci' FiilUAY, AUGUST 4, 1815. r Under tho Fdreia-n head will be found some Tea Ptnnt.- A valuable, intertiurgeJisi ' boen mad-i at the eastern and western X We .- tiities of the globe The Mar aha m cowi0ij"5 ;" cultivated bo. ahundantlv in th? BriizMs, haf:, . i been transplanted in .he East Indira, and the, f exper'unrni hua been attended wfih great, cess, tinder the pntrocage cf the prime minis-e-sr, Aanj a num er oftea plants Wjtn thf5 t nt-s gardeners have been,mpctt4,,ii)tobftj Brazil v fud the plantations lbriUcd.-:,etl4t :'. their manngene.nt.ale,ritltd.tvery prospect vf at'i . ' -rich harvest libinthat imponanwege.ta!kiafis Thc'dcjBoctu-in. prepared from this esour iij accounts from our squadron commanded by Cm motlore UVi;atur. ine rumout ol-the Aiwerr cs- havirur .rtfbufreel tliree or four American vessa i is not coi-fij m: o, asid we hope is unti ue. The. hon. John Qu'mcy Adams as American Mi tAnXttti was nitixrducet! ,ti tht? Prtnce-Hent, -hi-W private clqsOtrat a leve, on tho 8th Junej deliver ed hi r redentialb, and was graciously t ect fv ed. RandolM Uf iiC9.- After alhorouirTi ir-ves iga- tionof the votes given at the late eJtetinn, tppes adrpiis.; that. Mr. Uar.tjolph is elected by a majdrUy of e7i votes. This ir.foi matior we re ceived from a friend and connexion of Air. V. pes. , The Spanish ship variola, Ir.tey arrived at Charits ton, Vas plundered on the 4ih of Ju'yly a pi.i-atc under Carthegenian colours. The pirate v;.s rnai.n- ed almost entirely by Americans ; tho 1st. lAute- nam wasianauve oi riew-iorK, anu me a.virgi man.-; i te crew boasted that alter making up their cruae they would go into Elizabeth City, N. C. and dispose of their plunder. ' ; X .,. ' Tne Store House belonging to the U. S. at CbarlcMon, Mas. was lately consumed by fire,' and in a large quantity pf Naval Stores, consisting of riggings Copper, snot kc. and sou barrels' ot beet. '-a'rieCommQCoAipcU of WkWpitbni'Cft hive, given one'thotissfrief dollar fpr'the relitf of the dis tressed tiidizeht sufferer in ruterbburg. , -Tb said tfi li- tcjmlnq that prodocedffwniv iJvv ccnumodity f its native soil " : mm. ' . v -r.-rr: 'i vw'C&- We understand that 'brevet tank in' the line h ! "4- netti coarermacina j'resiceni oj tne kj .&. w. lo-iiowiiver cm.rs, wno were .anacneQ.iQxmoT i;? i 'v.'. -a. tfmshed services rlurihg tne'sipgef $1cr,i' and .eneifef cdo'd conduct in the said ant l V- ........ m. -.L,fJ--.-: - ' -:. JluU'rt Cutler, brevet lieat AleXtin!or' A. Whitei Hfeiyy.D. Pier, do Wdiiitiit i'iatt. ' do V;.ltcr !l Overtop, do Art! nr I lby:te bfeveHnfji, v.61. Adj Gen. do Henry Ohotrird, . Jolin M ll ivi)?, ,iJiii Herd ' '' Wrh .0 Ihillcr, ls:ict, Hker, -WinXaVfilU , ,4 . l'h:rowi L liuUeri .Samuel Vail, , ,. .'fieri C Allen,' ' Eilijah Montgomcfry, Enoch HumohreVs. Samuel 9pott, brevet eaptain , . A. Atlj v;&V-' ' jv . .'";-. -ir-at i - -. ' -v. ::- oft ; '.-, Yl7?Mn'&'-vi - :vet eaptain :rr::Z -si' c 1 ;. do do & do.. ' d do do rSoseph Leaehj brevet 34 UejBtMantfc,V' i'At', ' tHed. m Richmond rkutnty, on I6e4tbinst jintt.(rr(' I ri'.hr.tanmi itnDKtp n. All? Uleholaftn-A -' A kA. .i